The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 25, 1918, Image 8

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    IBA L. BARE, Editor' and rnbUsher
Ono Year by Mail In Advance..., $L25
Ono Year by Carrier In Adrunco $1.50
Entored at North Platto. Nebraska,
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, JUNE 25th, 1918.
T (10.00(1 31 KN miVVVM
Nino hundred thousand men liavo
boon shipped across Uio Bea, General
March, told nowspapor correspondents
at tho weekly conforonco Saturday.
These tncludo tho troops shipped
from all American 'ports of ombarka
Tho United States Is today flvo
months ahead of Its program for
placing an army (In Franco, Gonoral
March said.
Tho figures oa Amorlcan troop
movements aro significant slnco a on
oral March at his first conferonco
last week fixed tho number at moro
than 800,000. tho addition' of 100.000
during tbo week showing tho rate of
progress that 1s being made.
Mayor's Proclamation.
To the citizens or North Platte:
FrWay, Juno 28, 1918', Is National
"War-Savings Societies Day by official
proclamation of President Wilson and
Governor Kolth Novlllo, and War
Savings Director, Ward M. Burgoss.
Committees will solicit each Individual
to Join a War-Savings Socloty and will
also organtzo societies In business
houses, factories and social institu
tions. Meetings will bo held In all
school houses at 8 p. m. to organize
ono or moro societies in each district.
All loyal ciblzons will accordingly
dopoto as much tlmo us possible to as
sisting in tho work of organizing
War-Savings Sacloties. Voliuntoor for
Picnic "Weil Attended.
Tho old sottlora tplcnic hold at the
Coolldgo grovo north of town Friday
was lurgoly attended and thoso present
had a, very enjoyablo day. Tho ladles
of tho north tixlo spread a table that
was weighted with chicken, sand
wiches, salads, plo, cako, plcklcfi,
coffeo and Ice cream. Following tho
lunch a program of songs and recita
tions was given by tho boys and girls
of tho neighborhood and a splendid
jpatHotlc address by M. E. Crosby.
This was followed by a drill by the
Homo Guards cavalry troop in which
about forty participated. D. "W.j
Jlncombor presided as chalnnun of
tho afternoon and was asslBtod by a
commutes of men and women who loft
nothing undone that would add to the
comfort and pleasure of tho attend
ants, Tho Coolldgo ranch Is ono of tho
noatcst and mast attractive on the
north stdo and is an ideal placo for
holding a Iplonlc.
This was tho Bixtli annual gathering
of tho old settlors, somo of whom have
spent over forty years In that section.
.p. .
Proclamation by Council of DcfeiiHO.
Tho Nobraska Stato Council of Do
fonso today mado public tho following
Tho Nebraska Stato Council of De
fense horoby Invites tho cc-oporatlon
of nil tho people or Nebraska In tho ef
fort to nuvko English (tho language
of tho country) tho solo medium of In
struction In schools, prlvnto and pub
lic, the- languago to bo genorally used
in speochos and conversation In pub
lic places. To this end nothing but
tho langungo of tho country should bo
used on railroad trains, streot cars,
on the telephone nnd othor methods of
mlblic communication, All sermons
and public spoechos whould bo ox-
cludvolv In tho English languago but
where thoro aro old pooplo who cannot
unuDTHuinu uio wngiiBn mnguago nnu
It Is (loomed necessary to glvo rollglous
Instruction In foreign tongue, all pub
licity should bo avoided In such In
struction. For the gonoral wolfaro of tho
country and tho harmonious coudl
lions of tho stato tho slogan in ovory
Nobruslca, community should bo "If
you arofan American clUzcn snoak the
hmguago of tho country." In. tho ful-
uumcmt or this plan groat patience
nnu euro should ho oxorclBod and re
sort to harsh measures should be dis
couraged by every good citizen. Tho
educational -process will ko a lone way
toward convincing info gonorally that
10 nsit mat an public communications
bo limited to tho languago of tho coun
try 1b a porfectly roasonablo roqueat,
at least during tho period of this war,
and a request which, if gonorally nd
horcd to, will accomplish good results
tor ovcryono concerned,
Soldiers Oct "Cut Prices."
Prices quoted fof Juno on morclmn
dlso in tho hugo gonoral Btoros opor
atod by tho Quartermaster Corlps In
Franco Bhow that members of Uio Ex
peditionary Forces may socuro goods
at prices lowor than retail prices In
offect In this country.
Juno quotations aro: Half-pound
package- chocolato, llcenta; can of
cherries 24 cants; can of cocoa, 14
conts; pockot combs, 0 cents; can of
corn, 10 cents; Bhavlng brushes, 12
conts; can Btrlngloss boanB, 10 cents i
bottlo ginger alo, 9 conts; can plum
frUddlng, 02 cents; standard ?5 safoty
razors, $1.75; pair shoo lacoa, 3
cents; can talcum powdor, G cents;
cutlaaf. sugar, 10 conta; spool cotton
thread, 4 conts; 2-ounoo ackago ot
BmoklnB tobacco, 7 cents; hand soap,
1 cont; can lobsters, 25 conta; shaving
soap, 4 conts; bottlo Worcestershire
sauco, 20 conta; llnon handkorchlofs,
16 conte; pint bottlo olives, 23 cents;
can groon eaq, 10 conta; bIioq polish
H Mvnf (i
Although tho mon nro Issued ample
rauon& uio quartermaster stores aro
opened to tho enlisted mon for the
purpose of normlttlnjr thorn to add to
their menu or to satisfy Individual
uesirce for dainties or delicacies. Tho
highest grado of merchandise only is
carried in stock so that tho mon may
ih Btiro of having tho best, wuothor In
rations or extra supplies. '
The Durbta Auto,, Co. yostorflay sold
a lx-cyllftw Studebakor car to R.
H. FowleB.
.--. . ........ .......
ApnroMlmateliy 3.000 lottora wore
sent out by tho County Director of
war-Savings Societies rolayhag tho
wishes of tWo national government to
tho ppoplo of the county In tho matter
of organizing. War-Savings Soclotlcs,
whoso membership Is a 'pledge to
"avoid competing with Uio govorn-
moni in mo uso oi material, laoor ana
transportation, by tho jmictlco of per
sonal, thrift and economy."
Every school, church, Sunday
school, club business and profession
is asked to form a nucleus of a War
Savifes Socloty on or boforo tho 28th
of Julio.
M. E. Crosby, North Platto clty
chairman, has chargo of tho city, while
Burt Harbor as county director Is
responsible for the organization of tho
rest Of tho coiintV.'''?Thjr"e .wlllrbe a
uouso to house cnnvaB on Juno 28th
by commlttoos to sequro pledges ot
ovory mon, woman and child not al
ready onllstod, and to . report tho
societies formod,
Each solicitor will carry a list of
tho Important social and professional
groups in which societies should 'bo
formod, and each Individual upon
signing tho pledge may, If not already
a mombor of a War-Savlnga Socloty,
Indicate to tho solllcltor which group
ho or sho profors to cast tholr lot as
a mombor.
The work outside North Platto will
bo handled thru BChool districts, and
oach school director Is asked to form
'at least ono society In each school
To got Uio Idoa of this movemont
cloarly boforo tho pooplo somo forty, 000 and 3,000,000 !airs of shoes a
odd meetings havo boon scheduled In month.
tho njral communtlos on tho 28th and Applicants for commissions as first
Mr. janios Kooto, chairman or tho Houtonants in tbo Englneor Corps, ac-Four-Mlnute-Men,
has arrangjMl to ocrdlng to a statomont by tho war de
provldo each community wlUi a 1)artmont. should bo between 32 and
BD?.JLri. c r i , ISO years or ago and for commissions
rn nri n MrSiV "l 118 Caln OtWOOn 3G Ond .42. ThO
rotary of Nebraska W. S. S., Is in the Engineer Corps Is conducting u cam
Ii!da; t0, COnf0f ?vlth , VT len for 2,000 moro .commissioned
KiJaw,iaV0 vountoorod tUolr offlcors, tho examining foard making
""tlmtthoyinay thomoroclwir-'ft tour of tho principal cities of the
1 ?C0!i?CCt w1m1 ta, country to make oxamlnlnatlon readily
rrtT Vt i v
tlinrvtlnrra ILTi nln rt- 111 n 1 .1 i
tho gonoral public at tho Court House
lawn at 8 o'clock If tho wcuthor Is
favorablo otherwlso tho ineotlng will
uu uuiu in. uiu I'Tiinitiin aMuuorium
Mr. finlayson Is hn ablo talkor and
SSrklL InSr ,f ordo tlia
work in lntlmato. touch wlUi Ward M..tho armv sunrnons buimi nt mn
Burgess, Btato dlroctor. Is not onlv
Iheruughly familiar with tho wonder
ful orgaulzaUon work which haB help
ed Nebraska patriots to go ovor Uio
top, but has tho actlvo management of
much of th campaign,
Tho mooting will bo preceded by a
oencort by tho band.
::o:: .
Tho resignations of throo nrofuRsnm
of Uio University of Nobraska Wfro
ut. uu umvorBiiy or woorasna wero
A, Lnitokoy. 0. D. PorBtmmr nA.l
Eriwn Hont Profiwaor w at t?h
England woro also aaked to roslgn for
"BDroadliiir fnr.i.
gardlpg sovonil prfossors
Sour belching and a burning sonsa
tlon in tho throat is a symptom of in
digestion, and Indigestion leads to
dlsoasos that aro sorlous. Tako Prick
ly Ash Blttevs, it corrects Uio dlgosUvo
trouble, purifies tho Btomach and
.SJiT f0l ltlC
$L25 por bottlo. Qummoro-Dont Drug
Co, Special Agonts.
POR quick sifting select
clean gasoline. It .gives
your engine speed, strength,
power and control.
We recommend Red Crown Gas
oline. It is frequently described by
its users as "The Quality Gasoline."
Many who use it maintain that it
gives more miles per gallon and
more comfort per mile than any
Polarilie Oil is commended as;
giving motor efficiency.
'Look for the Red Crown sign.
JPolft t $r 3 THIS SIGN
Ewixti? at1
NUMM . f
m - m
1. E. 0. Elect Officers,
Tho annual stato convention of the
P. E. O. Sisterhood, closed Thursday
afternoon, tho delegates from the east
part, of tho stato leaving for homo that
ovoning. Tho final work of tho con-'
vontlon was tho election of officers!
which resulted as follows:
President M;rs. Minnie M. Stuff,!
of Lincoln.
First vico-prestdont Mrs. Nora C.
Kllllan, of Kearnoy.
Second vlco-proaldont Mrs, Hattle
Rlnckor, of North Platto.
Recording secretary Mrs. Ona
Balrd, of Plattsmouth.
i Coritosp'oniUng; secretary i Mrs.
Clara E. Watorhouso, of Fremont.
Treasurer' Mrs. Elizabeth Robert
son, of Beatrice.
Organizer Mrs. Eleanor O. Kemp,
of Fullorton,
Jfotes About tho War.
Thoro aro about 5,000 Germans In
terned In tho United States.
1,1 nrv Armv r n t,V thnrn nPA KK lnfr
tnllnn hnanlinll innmu linafiTna 41ia
nuiiuniuuriura, sum, origauo anu uivi
slon teaffis.
Morn tlmn 700 fUM. nnu nf rnrnn
foodstuff woro shinned to tho alltos'
from North America during May, ac-j
cording to Uio Food Administration,
April BhlpmentB woro moro than 800,
000 tons.
Two omt o ovory 1,000 men In tho
army bavo their shoos made to ordor.
In Bovoral camps entire- regiments
havo had Uiolr feet measured, and
hundreds of drawings woro mado of
odd ahaDos and sizes. At tho nrnsont
tlmo Uio armv uses between 2.00(1.-
nvauai)l0 10r applicants
. . .
Aa a result of Uio studies tit tho
front methods havo been dovoloped
whorcby moro Uian 80 por cont of tho
wounded, who originally remained at
.aw miinwi n,i JL,,wnA,i
cantonmonta, and othor military hoa
pltala in this country may Uiorau'ghly
undorstand tho latost troatmont of
war wounds, tho Army Medical De
partment has had established special
classes of instruction to which are
sont Bolectod offlcors who, upon com
ploUon of tholr courses, rotum to
tholr own hospitals and Instruct other
surgoona in these moUiods.
Tho total cant for Nnfinnni a,,.
V.r: "u."""0 l.ut. .m?nu.-
;tt4"'uu '"' wruo or material ooth
Xkih S VSS5iS r .TVy'
"c'l.i.m.8 1)0011 oxocutod or ia umder
w vu, w,wnv nnn ir mrAanAt nn fv Tnnn 1 ,..m
odst alout H.lTO.'fiiO.OOO. This total Is
oxcIubIvo of throo operations costing
1100,000,000, undor Uio dlroct control
of tho ordnanco dopartmont. Up to
Juno 1 Uio construcUon division had
completed 53 Jobs, at a total coat of
tu,tfou,uuu.. it naa 244 oporaUons
under way, which -..hun flnlbhud will
coat rnUout $270 S8B 0M 11
S JSiti'iSrt work of U?
now oporatlona which aro 5sctod to
jCost S700.000.000. lotoa to
V. .i
Birthday Tarty.
Ono of Uio most delightful functions
of Uio week was tho blrUiday party
and musical given last Friday by Mrs.
C J. Porklns living on west TenUi
street It was Juno's twelfth blrUi
day and forty of her friends helpad
hor colobrato. Tho program was given
by somo of tho young people and
proved a treat to all assembled, The
opening iJleces, America and tho Star
Spangled Banner wore snang by all.
Vlolot Steele beautifully rondorod
several vocal 8"o1ob, assisted by Mrs.
Hattlo Thompson at tho piano;
Marlon Richards gavo her four minute
speech; Glady3 Cornwell gavo "The
Slacker"; Vlolot Davis also gavo
sovoral piano solos. Juno Perkins
gavo her War Savings Stamp sipeech.
Refreshments woro Borved at eleven
p. m. Tho birthday cako waa decora
tod with twelvo small flags, napkins
were rod, white and blue. At tho close
tho young pooplo choso their partners
and danced Uio Virginia reel. Juno
rocclved many remembrances and all
wished her many ha'ppy birthdays.
If you go to Yollowstono National
park this season, you will not bo
ablo to put up at a hotol.. Railroads
havo received notice that tho hotels
will' not bo opened. Thoro will bo
accommodations, however, as tho
camps will take caro of tho ipublic,
furnishing .meal's and sleeping quar
ters. -::o::-
If you cannot eat heartily without
an attack of Indigestion, yciuir stomach
la woak. You need Prickly Ash Bit
tors. It is -a flno digestlvo tonic. Be
sides, It rids tho stomach and bowels
of tho impurities which mako you feol
bad. Price $1.25 por bottlo. Gumraoro
Dont Drug Co. Special Agents.
Hospital Phono Black C33.
House Phono Black 63?
W. T. PRlTCHAltl),
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block, southwest of tbo
Court Houao.
No. 97352 '
Willi make tho season ot 1918 as fol
lows: Tuesdays, Thusdnys and Satur
days at Uio Xogonscn Food and Salo
Bam, North Platto, Nob., beginning
April 9th.
Balance of tho week, except Snnday,
at my farm six miles west of North
i'latto and Uiroo.fourthB of a mile
Boathcast of BIrdwood switch.
NABOB waa foalod May 24, 1913,
and Imported wlfth (hist mother by
North. & Robinson, of Grand Island,
in July, 1913. Was bred by M. Dos
prez, Department ot Orno, in France.
This hoso woighs 1780, is cloan and
sound, in every parUculor, and is as
good as yqty wll find anywhoro.
Wo Invito you to como and boo this
TERMS- 15.00 to insuro colt to
Btand and suck. If mares ore dis
posed pf or lovo tho country service
foo becomes due and payablo at onco.
Care will be taken to prevent accl
dontg, )ut should any ocoar stallion
ownsf wjll not be rsponsl-blo.
i i iiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii mi in in i i i ii i in in n
..H..JP9k..9iw...ii.... JiR&..M..JI.II...JMn
Mlss Ethol Wills, of Stapleton, who
was a member of tho graduating
class of tho North Platte high B''' .ol
this year, will teach in tho Paxton
schools noxt year.
. Notlco of Petition.
.Estate o. 1BC8 of John A. Nat
ttngcr, deceased In tho county court
fo Lincoln county, Nobraska.
Tho state of Nobraska, to all porsons
interested in said Estato tako motlco
that a petition has been filed for the
appointment of of H. W. Flint, aa ad
ministrator of said Estate, which has
boon sot for hearing on July 19th,
1918, at nlno oclock a. m.
Dated June 19th, 1918.
J25-3-wks. County Judgo.
Notlco of Petition.
Estato No. 15C9 of Jeremiah. Snyder,
doceasod in Uio county court of Lin
coln cottlnty, Nobraska.
The stato of Nobraska, to all porsons
interested in aald Estato tako notice
that a petition has beon filed by
Charles Sullivan for tho 'probata of
the last will and testament of tho said
JerenilaK Snyder, docoased and prays
that a" day may bo fixed for tho hear
ing and proof of the execution of said
Instrument and the appointment of C.
H. Kuhns as Executor of said last
Will and Testament, whlch has been
set for hearing on July 19th, 1918, at
nlno o'clock a. m.
Dated Juno 20th, 1918.
J25-3-wka. County Judgo.
, NoUco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1BG4 of Thomas Slmants,
doceased In the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of 3ald estato will tako noUco that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate is
October 2Gth, 1918, and for settlement
of said Estato is June 21, 1919; that
I will Bit at the county court room in
said county, on July 26, 1918, at nine1
o clock, a. m., and on October 26, 1918,
at nine o'clock a. m., to receive, ex
amine, hoar, allow or adjust all claims
ond objections duly filed.
J25-4-wks. County Judgo.
Notlco of Hearing'.
In the county cornirt of Lincoln
County, Nebraska,
In the matter, of the Estate of John
Bratt, deceased.
To all persons Interested In said
Notice is horoby given that Elizabeth
Bratt, Elizabeth M. Baldwin, Jessie M.
Hondy, Grace S. Goodman and Nellie
E. Buckley, (nee Bratt) on June 21,
1918 filed la this court Instruments
purporting to bo tho last Will and
Testament of John Bratt, deceased,
and a Codicil thereto, and which Will
and Codicil relate to both real and
personal estate, and also a petlUon
praying that -Uio said Instruments be
admitted to probate and that letters
tcstamontary bo iBsued to'them, upon
tho estato of tho said John Bratt,
deceased and that said petlUom will
be heard before the county court in
Uio court house in the city of North
Platto, county of Lincoln and stato of
Nebraska on the 15th day or July,
luis, at nine o clock a. m at which
time anyone may appear and contest
the probate or said Will and Codicil
and show cause, if any there bo, why
letters testamentary should not be
issued to Bald petitlonera.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
June 21, 1918.
J25-J12. - County Judge.
Notlco of Finnl Report
Estato No. 1628 or William M. Hay,
doceased In tho county court or Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho state or Nebraska, to all persons
interested in sold Estato tako notice
that the administratrix has filed a
final account and report or her admin
istration and a petition ror final settle
men and dlscharo as such admin
istration and ror final decree or dis
tributing which havo been Bet for hear
ing booro said court on July 5th, 1918
at io o clock a, m. when you may ap
pear and contest Uio same.
Dated Juno 8th, 1918.
Jll-3wks. County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order ot sale issued
from Uio District Court of Lincoln
county, Nobraska, upon a decree ot
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein James A. Fike, is plaintiff,
and Will Outtrim is defendant, and to
mo dlrocted, I will on tho 13th day of
July, 191$, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the
east front door of tho Court Houso in
North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, soil at public auction to cho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
Bald decree, interest and costs, the
following described property to-wit:
Northwest ono-fourth (NW) or
section twenty-nine (29) in township
sixteen (16) north or range thirty-two
(32) wost or tho sixth P". M. Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
Dated NorUi Platte, Neb., Juno 10th,
Notlco of Fnnl Report
Estato No. 1525 of Henry P. Doebko,
docoasod in tho ocunty court ot Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested in said Estato tako notice
that tho administratrix has filed a final
account and roport of her auuilnlstra
tion and a petition for final settlement
and discharge as such administratrix,
which havo been sot for hearing bo
foro said court on July 6th, 1918 at 9
o'clock a. m., when you may appear and
contosLtho same.
Dated Juno 10th, 1918.
Jll-3wks. County Judge.
NoUco of Elnal Report
Estato No. 1478 of Joseph M. Wil
son, doceased in tho county court of
Lincoln county, iseorasica.
Tho Stato -of Nobraska, to all per
sons interested in said ostato take
notlco that Uio Executrix has filed a
final account and roport of hor admin
istration and a poUtlon for final
BOttlomont and dlschargo aa such,
which havo beon sot for hoarlng bo
foro said court on July 12th, 1918, at
9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear
and contest Uio same.
Dated Juno 15, 1918.
J18-3wks Coifnty Judgo,
111C AIU1H.IA1 Ate WLUU,
Cold Storage Co.
Announces that it Is prepared to for.
nisli nil consumers with DEEP WELL
Artiflcal Ice.
PHONE 40 and your orders
will be Promptly Filled.
600 LOCUST. i
Wanted Rags
2 Cents a Pound. '
Must by dry and packed in
We pay big price for Scrap
, Iron and all kinds of
..General .Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modem institution for the'
ciontific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
1 Staff:
Geo. B.Dent VL D. V. -Lucas, M. D.
J.B. ReificId,M.D. JS. SIMMS, M.D.
Fhsyician nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstrotrics.
Of Hce: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Belton Building
Office hours 9 a. m; to 6 p. m.
1 p. m. to 8 p. m.
- Phones
Office Black 333 Res. Black 1030
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Rcdfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 67
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Therapy
728 City Natlosal Bank Building.
OHaha, Nebraska.
Phone 30B
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska,
All Kinds of Hemstitching Bone.
Now Machines sold on payments. Also
second hand machines.
Singer Sowing Machlno Co,
Jfi Block north of Post Office.
. North Platte, Nebraska.
Licensed Embamern
Undor takeru and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phono Black 538.
Granite and Barbie headstones. The
only shop fn tao city. Equipped with
BBeaaatXe machlaery. Lettering seat,
ly dene. All work guaranteed.
Comer 7th and Locust, North Patte,