The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 25, 1918, Image 5

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    ALL MEN OVEIt 10
ua Begins July 6th and Lasts Six Days7
In ovory county In the United States
all mon over sixteen years of ago
must fregldtor today tho numbor regis
tering will run into uinnyinUllIoiis.
In Lincoln county tho registration
in tho precincts will take placo at tho
school, liousos, while In North Platto
you can'i-cgistor at tho pbstotflce, ,or
the regular polling places In tho
Second, Third and Fourth wards ior
World-Famous Cathedral -GAoir to he Heard
b -1
One of Ralph Dunbar's Big Successes .
on" )i
-t. v. r
u eriecmon jiytokiglasses)
Rev.- Shoemaker, wife and baby of
Hershey are visiting in town enrouto
nome xrom St Louis.
Mrs H. B. Tuffenback, o Tulsa,
Okla., who nad, bean visiting at the
Schell homo left yesterday. - ,
Mrs. J. I. Smith and daUhters
Helen and Hazel left last nlgltt for
JUlclilgan to visit Harry Smith.
Benjamin Johnson, of Horshey, the
Junior County Leader, was In town
yesterday Inspecting war gardens.
The Relief Corps social will bo hold
at the home of Mrs. Edmund Dickey,
821 E. 3rd street, Friday afternoon.
Miss Mabel McVlcker, of Lexington,
spent the week end here on' business
connected with her millinery shop.
Mrs. Mary Eldor who has been visit
. ing relatives in Wyoming for several
weeks is expected homo in a few days.
The teachers' ' examination will be
hold Friday and Saturday, Juno 28th
and 29th, at North Platte and Wallace.
J. B. Hayes left yesterday morning
for Omaha after visiting bis wifo and
children who are spending the summer
here. ' ' . '
Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladles .and gentle
men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf
Mr. and Mrs. Nlckerson, of Omaha,
are visiting the Salisbury home -while
Mr. SNlckerson is attending federal
Chas. H. Smith, a teacher In tho
schools at Noxon, Mont?, is visiting
his parents -who reside a few miles
of town
Lillian and,1 GertrutV Llpshltz of
Fremont, arrived yesterday to spend
a two weeks vacation at the home pf
L. Llpshltz.
Miss Marion. Lawson, of the Tramp
grocery department, left a- few days
ago for Iowa to visit relatives for a
fortnight i
Mrs. Jennie McKay and sons Robert
and Donald left yesterday for Suther
land to enend tho summer on tlio '
Hunter farm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox returned
Sunday from Aurora, Nebr., where
they attended tho funeral of Mrs.
Wilcox's mother.
The P. E. 0. will meet with Mrs. E,
S. Davis tomorrow afternoon.
wanieu a iauy to cook Tor a
family. No bouse work. Inquire at
Aictibe Hotel.
Mrs. Percy Thornburg has accepted
a position in tho Union Pacific yard
office wost of town, and,will assume
uer amies tins woeKj,jf, ,
Mlfcr- Gertrude Williams ' has "ro-
turnud td her homo in New Mexico
after spending several weeks with her
cousin miss wiua liauclio.
Mrs. Kate Daly and daughter Mrs.
WKlbor- Meyers, of Ogdcn, formerly
of this citv are exnentwl lmr thin
week to visit relatives while enrouto
Home from Omaha.
Mrs. Georgo McKay who has been
employed at the Leader for a year past
resigned Saturday ovonlmr. Shn will
bo succeeded by-Mrs. Roso Garrison,
rormoriy with tho Dickey cfonfec
County Commissioner Springer, of
T" .1 1 . . . - -
urauy, wno nau neon visiting Ills
mother in Philadelphia for a "month,
returned home Friday. He came to
town VCsterdaV tY at.tonil tlln una a Inn a
of the board of equalization.
Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Fowles arrived
from southern California the latter
part of last week and will remain here
during tho summer. Whilo hero Mr.
Fowles will devote tho time to look
ing after his varied businss Interests.
Among those In town attending the
term of federal court are U. S.
Marshal Flynn and District Attorney
Allen, of Omaha, Attorneys F. A.
Wright and T. M. Morrow, of Scotts
iiiuff, Attorney W. H. Miles of Sidney
and A. Holzmark, of Gothenburg.
Mrs. Byron Oborst and daughters
Annabello and Virginia have returned
from a visit in Omaha. While there
Mrs. Oberst was visited by her hus
band Lieut Oberst whilo enrouto to
Camp Perry, Ohio, where he Is at
tending a special, off Icors' rifle school.
Five additional drums;'and one ad
ditional bugle woro ordered for the
Home Guards 'drum corps tho latter
part or last week. This completes tho
equipment for twenty drummers and
twelvo buglers. Tho corps Is prnc
ticing several times each week and
getting In fine shape. North Platto
can won take pride In its drum and
bugle corps.
at tho store room in tho Masonic
building. It is not necessary that you
register In tho ward whoro you ilvo,
you can do so at tho most convenient
place. However, do not neglcctfto
reglsteV, and register as early In the
day as possible ' .
Wnlkcr-relcrson Wedding.
Miss Lorotta Walkor was united In
marrlago Sunday to James Peterson
at tho home of her V&ronts jjr anj
Mrs. Conrad Walkor. The wedding was
solemnized at high noon In tho pres
ence of tho rolatlVes of the contracting
Tho brido woro a very becoming
gowh. of whlto silk and carried a
bouquet of roses. Thoy wore attended
by Gertrude Sheffield, sister of tho
bride and Georgo Peterson. Aftor tho
ceremony a dinner was served to tho
twonty-fivo guests.
Tho brldfl won hnrn nml rnlan1 Jn
this city and attended tho North Platto
sohools. Tho crom Is tho son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Peterson .of Inavale,
Nob. Ho owns a largo cattlo ranch in
Arthur county and has boon very suc
cession .
Many useful and valuable presents
woro received, among them ono thous
and dollars an dtwo hundred and fifty
and dollars and two hundred and (fifty
Mr. and Mrs. PotfirRnm lim nn nn
evening train for the oast and will bo
at uorau' to tnoir irionds at Glenroso,
after August 1st. They have the best
wishes of their many friends.
Now Arlcrnft Picture
"Tlio Llo to be Shown Here.
The sacrifice by' a young woman of
her haniDincss to hilva Mm h
family threatened by the act of her
erring .sister, rorms the basis of "Tho
um," tno new Artcraft picture starring
Elslo Ferguson, which Is to bo dis
played at tho Crystal thoatro next
Thursday and Friday. The superior
excellence of this photoplay, coupled
with the prominence of Miss Ferguson
In' Iier' chosen field, rimmnnaa -win in.
suro enormous business at Manngor
uarmans nouae, during this display.
Alien Women Should Register.
German alio
years of ago must register before to
morrow night or they will bo liable to
bo interned. Tho orrfnr tnr tMa
tratlon comes direct from the federal
government and must not bo disregard
ed. Wives and daughters of alien
mon who registered several weelcs
ago are subject to tho prose'nt regis
tration. Tho nlnoo f rwW
at the bostoffico Where or from ivlifnn
you receive your mall.
Invadors JtoUro In Disorder.
On the Italian frnnt tlm Aniatrlnn
army lias been, forced to rotlro in dis-
uruer. xne nrst pnase or tlio Austrian
drlvo has liftpn nndnil wltli ifhn " " V vs.w UUIIIJ
at a positive disadvantage An estim
ate places the Altatro-Hnnirn rlnn )
lossesW 180,000. ,
Tho Germans-are nnw niBhlnir mon'
to ItalV In the bono of TnnlHru ihn
second phase of the battle less dis
astrous than was the first
Chautauqua Patrons to Hear Bell-Ringers
Ralph Dunbar's Quartette and Bell Ringers to Open Program
: :o:
Will Lay Corner Stone.
The cornr stone of tho now Lutheran
church will be laid next Sunday at
three o'clock. Rev. S. H- Yerlan, of
Omaha, president of tho Synod of Ne
braska will give the address and local
uiojTtjymon nave oeen inviteu to taKei
part in the service. A large attend
ance or Lutheran church people and
others are expected.
Ford One-Ton Truck
Every farmer at this time of the year has under
consideration the way he can most cheaply bring
his grain, hogs, etc., to market return with coal
for the winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran.
The Ford Worm Driye Truck is the one that is
solving the problem, cost of up-keep unusually low
and the greatest service the Truck world knows
Priced at North Platte $659.32
Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery
Phone 34
Corner 4th ancLDewey
Albln Scott, of Kearnnv. v!hH1
friends In town yesterday. He has re
ceived his appointment to the military
academy at West Point and will leave
for there tho latter part of this week.
'Over the Top," a picturlzation of
Guy Empey's book, with a well do
fined plot Interlaced, was shown at
the Sammy Girls' theatre Friday and
Saturday evenings. Owing to a de
lay in receiving tho fllma, but ono
show coujd be given Friday evening
and this lnterferred with the- attend
ance, though a good Blzed audience
was present Saturday evening
attendance was largo. Tlio film cost
$100 por night, but the net rocelpts
considerably augmented tho caBh In
tho Sammy Girls' strong box.
Scones surrounding beautiful Lake
Goorce are shown In "Ontwittwi" 41,0
forthcoming Metro wondorplay starring-wonderful
Emily Stevens, to bo
soon at the Sammy Girls theatre on
Thursday. There tho lnvn
twoeir Nan (Miss Stevens) and Billy
uonu luario 'oxo) wero taken, and
this picturesque locality makes Just
tho rlcht sort Of hanlnrrnnrwl fnr-
budding romance in "Outwitted." In
one of tho magnificent rooms in tho
house of Larson fnlavivl uvnTiir
Currlor) a celobrated painting, "Por
trait of a Lady," by "William Chase, is
seen, set into tho wall above tho great
fireplace. Tho (use of a dictaphone Is
cleverly brought into the Btorv of
"Outwitted." The audionco sees tho
consnlratora nlnnn ii ina....nn
. . M w.-ts ..lout
WllOrft thn vlrMm'a nwn nm..1n ..m .
" ' . TVlStUO Will. lV-
tray him. By means of clover slgnall-
iuk aim teiopiione communication his
secret thoughts aro told by Nan (Emily
Stevens) posing as tho "vollcd-pro-photess."
Tho History of German Intrigue,
Diplomacy and Douhlo Dealing.
J 1 '
' The story of "My Four Years In
Germany" written by Ambassador
James W. Gerard, which will be
shown at tho Sammy Girls theatre
next Friday and Saturday with two
performances doily, 7:30 and 9:00 ip.
m. is tho filmed version of tho actual
experiences of our Ambassador at tho
court of tlio Kaiser during his four
years ln Berlin; and It is said that
this production Is exceptionally well
made and founded upon fact, NOT
FICTON. Throughout tho making of
tho film Mr. Gerard was In closo touch
with William Nigh, who directed tho
produbtion, and tlio scenes and details
wero staged -with painstaking care
in every detail. Nothing will so clarl-,
fy ln tho minds of tho people the'
reason why America is at war with
tho autocratic dictator of Europo as a'
clear and lucid .tale of hidden forces!
working for tho downfall of America j
and tho forces of democracy. Tho re- J
suit of the Gorman inability to really ;
understand America is clearly shown
by tho Incidents which took placo In
Germany before the war and In which
our Ambassador, James W. Gerard,
was involved. Tho wholo history of
uorman intrigue, diplomacy and
double dealing is said to bo disclosed
ln an, interesting picturlzation of Mr.
Gerard's book. "Wlion on October
25th, 1915, tho Kaiser shook his fist
in tho face of Ambassador James "W.
Gerard and told him that after tho war
he would stand no nonsense from the
United States ho did not realize that
tho patience of Americans would soon
reach the breaking point Tlio -wholo
series of dncidonts tho plot and intri
gue, th broken promises, tlio deliber
ate disregard of all tho rights of a
friendly nation in tfio tosano desire
to rulo tho world Is shown in the
motion- picturo reproduction! of "My
Four Years in Germany." Tho whole
page of history from tho Zabern in
cident to tho gathering of tho Ameri
can army over thoro Is shown.
Dr. "W. A, Walkor, government hog
Inspector, who has occupied an offlco
In tho Fedoral building for several
wooks, received a mossago Saturday
Btntlng that ho had received a com
mission as second lieutenant and will
leavo 'today for Chicago to take train
ing in meat Inspection.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson, who
camp, to ftttend the wedding of thoir
Bon,'James;reurncd to their homo at
Inayalo, 'tfeb.. yesterday.
Miss Mary Lacy, who -was In charge
of tho Hub millinery, loft a few days
ago for" Wymoro to visit tho homo
folks for Bovoral weeks.
Public Llbernry Notes.
Thoro aro now 4,227 borrowers.
Tho circulation of non-fiction Is
doublo that of last year.
Owing to tho great demand mag
azines are now loaned for ono weok
Government recipes may bo obtain
ed froo from, tlio library. Theso recipes
are being used with, great success by
tho domestic science- classes.
Tho copy of Gunnor Dophow denot
ed by J. Wilson Is woll road by pat
rons. Tho set of books donated by
Ilobt. Armstrong aro a holpful addl
tlon to tho mechanical department
A shipment . of books to Camp li
braries jvas mado last week. Thoro 1b a
big demand for books by mon on tlia
Moxlcan border. Lot your idle books
jiol'p the eoldiors.
Material of tho " Nelson Heading,
courso in,, Business Economics is now
o;i, hand.
Tho Children's Hour ln tho library
Is considered! a profitable recreation
by many paronta.
Now books aro oxpectod thls.IHwcck.
Mollno two-row mnchlno' for aalo.
Inojuiiro at 020 east 4th stroojUi NortJi
Platto. v M5-6
Some People say "A Lie makes o Thief," but this
one makes a mighty fine Photoplay. Broadway
brought home to you.
Crystal ffiAEYDAJ June 27-28
Safety Deposit Boxes
One1 Dollar Per Year.
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. &-Ray.
For'your comfort ttnd Accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is'no system of treatment is equal.
" Office phone 183. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
We sell Coal, Elour, Graham, Whole Wheat Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed ana Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypojdt & Pennington,
With us that until you aro satisfied
we don't consider a transaction end
ed. Bo you1 will bo doing .us .a favpr
if you will tell uh of. anything you
don't llko about our .FEED . and. our.
sprvlco. Don't hoaltato bacauso tho
matter may seem a trillhig- ono. Wo
want to correct tho fault bo It little
or big. Perfect shorvlco la tho aim
of thlB establishment