n"ifl -TV "Weak Eyes;v. , , ,r -TV A? This Is a common name for a condition brought on by eye strains-Heading or cioso work makes tho eywi?gr"oy 6ry V. tired and watery. Properly fitted glosson nearly always are tho only thing necessary. An examination of the oyes by Clinton will dotoririlno what la needed. It glasses'Wo enough, you -will bo pro vlded with exactly, tho lonses you should. havo. If youroyes hoed medical treatment, we will advlso you to sco an oculist. C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. rev 'f. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PEES ON AL Mrs. 'A", li. Murdock loft Saturday for atvlsltRPurnoll, Mo. V ! y t, W. V. Hoagland returned Saturday front a trip to Omaha and Lincoln. Mrs. F. H. Thompson , and Mrs. Axtoll loft'Saturday for a visit In Lincoln. Frank. Hoxlo camo down from Lost-rA Doft'a inako hat on Dewey Street road to state farm. 'Finder please return, to 212 So. Walnut or not lfy Stito Istrm and rocolvo roward. H. Thompson, who lives south of Paxton and was In town yesterday, reports a bad windstorm Sunday night Which blew down all his outbuildings. Tho Methodist aid socloty will meot tn tho church parlors Thursday after noon. Thoro will bo Rod Cross work and all members aro requested to bo present-1- Reports from Blgnoll say that thoro was a "rough houso',' at a danco held thcro Saturday vonlng In which young men from this city and Max well "mixed." J. .C-iPon and "Will Bell returned Friday 'jffrpm Rat Lake whoro thoy spent soveral days flslilng for bass i'TanK. noxio camo uown iroin , L,..,v j i - lu((j, Ogalalla Sunday to spend Sunday wlth.ana ucy ,m(Wor' lUCK- Mrs. Hoxlo. Mrs. Motcalfo Paxton, wloro eu'eflts at tho Hbkle homo. Sunday, Harry Dlxonvwent io Omaha Sat urday night, to1 visit tho nowly arrived grand daughter.' Honry Blckley. who for a numbor of ' ... . .'years has livedo 'ijear staploton, nas and children, ot nil-i,Kwi tun "nimttirir turm of inn purchased tho BusWirk farm of 100 acres n Nichols precinct, for a con sideration of $10,000. Goorgo iftlnlngton camo down from his ranch twcn'ty.vmllcB north of Pax ton Sunday- jto visit friends. Ho says Mrs, Louise- PotorBon loft Sumlayjit has 'beon mighty dry in that.sectlon for Rosavillo, 111., to vlijlt her mother for a-couplo of weeks, Mrs. R. A. Carman returned Satur day, from a week's visit with her mother at Malvern, Iown. Mrs.' M, C. Hayqs and daughter aro visiting friomls In Victor, la., having left for that placo Friday night Mlsa Fay Parsons roturned Sunday ovonlng from a ton days visit with friends and relatives in Kearnoy. That tho British troops aro In, dally conflict la ovldencod by tho casualties, which for last week totaled 30,020. Mrs. E. B. Dawson, loft for Lar amie,' Wyo., Saturday morning after a visit at tho Judgo Hoagland homo. Mrs. Edgar Schiller and chlldron, who had been, guests of her mother and sister "or a week Toturmod to Central City, Sunday, The- Christian aid society will moot in tho chiulrch basement Thursday afternoon. Every lady of tho church Is urged to bo presont. Miss Bertha Thoolecko has been visiting hor brother O. H. Thoolecko while onrouto from Omaha to her farm In Arthur county. O. J. Pass, who has beon afflicted with inoso and throat trouble, loft for tho east Sunday to consult physicians. Ho may -visit specialists at Rochostor, Minn., before returning.1 CITY AND jROITNTY, NES.' it, -rrfr (,;A.,? J. JS. INeiSOn leu ounuay uu u uusi- ness trip to Omaha. Mrs. Duoborry'. and t daughter, aire rfxmdlng this weokVin OmahoJH... J Mm. Patrick, of Lo Moyno, Is visit ing at the homo ot F. O. Hoxlo. " Ixiulo Llpahltz, returned yostorday morning' from n business trip to Omaha. Mrs, Ireno Crane is assisting as tolophono operator In tho Westom Union office. , t, , For Sale My rosldonco at 800 west Third;., Phono Black 089. , The Episcopal guild will lipid a so-1 clal in uie cnurcn oascmont inurs d&y afternoon. , Mrs. Carl Brodbcck, cashier at tho Union Pacific cafo, is taking a two weeks' vacation. ,.; ' Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burgner left a few days agl for Omaha to'Bporid 'a couple of weeks. v - A. B. Thoal returned to Suthorland yostorday after transacting ; business and visiting friends. - .' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grleser.left itti.6 latter part of last week" for Salt' LakO City to spenu a lortnignu Mrs. Bradley and children of, east Front street yvlll leave Saturday morning for Grand Island to visit friends. John F. Monroe left Saturday ovon lng for New York City to visit his son, Who wjU bo called to a training camp uus wecK. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. tf Mr- Gorgfr Christ andi daughter, Miss Efflo will roburn homo this week aftor a two months visit-wlth relatives ln'Ulinois. and' Michigan. . ... . F. J. McGovern will ' bo associated with William Hawloy In a nowmdy Ing plcturo theatre which will ot'on soon In tho room now occupied byMtho Hondy-Oglor garage. Tills ih tho spawning season for bass J For Servlc0 F,lrst and Guarantee nnil tJihv luitl moor, luck. . Iv.. . n. m.n. t,..i.i .i J mam and cropsi of all kinds aro SiUJJIerlnB. O. H Spicor.sold his axl transfer business Saturday to F. P. Krlng, who had bocn omployod . at tho freight house. Olaronco was ono of the boys who loft for Camp Funston last night ' Additional passenger equipment for tho transportation of troops from western .to castorn camps went through Saturday. During the next ton days tho Union Pacific will handle 10,000 soldier boys. Judgo Grimes went to Sidney on court business and' from thoro will go Kto Klmbttll. Tills will nbout clean up count mattors In tho Judgo's district until tho terms Jmgln next fall. W. H. Miles camo'dqwn from Sid ney Sunday night to attend tho session of fodorai court, roprosenting as a lawyoi a Choyonno county man who will havo a hearing on tho charge ot sedition. Judgo Woodrough arrlvod from Omaha Sunday! and opened federal court yostorday. Tho Judgo spent tho greater part of tho tlmo Sunday walk ing out In the country, this being his most acceptable mode of exercise. Chas. Strauss,, who was married In Donvor last Avook, returned to town Sunday night and loft last night with tho Lincoln county contingent for Ft. Rlloy. Mrs. Strauss will remain for another week with relatives In Donvor. Fourth Day of the Chautauqua. Thursday, July 11th. T Pamahasik's TeerTess Ferfolnming Ms The Greatest Troupe of Educated Animals and Birds that the World Has Ever Witnessed Work, call North Platte Plumbing and Heating Co., Phono 400, 10G East Sixth street. ; . j. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barraclough and baby, who resided In Grand Is land for several months,, havo return ed to this city. Tho former will ac cept employment In tho Union Pacific ' SHOPS. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars ' For hard Service. Completo stock.of Dodgo parts, for yqutr after sorvlco. J. V. ROMIOH, Dealer. 4G-2 Louis Tobln returend Sunday from n months' visit In the east, haying spent part pt tho tlmo at Clnclnat'tl visiting his father, prior to tho latter leaving for overseas duty. Ho also visited In New York and Philadelphia. An officer arrived from Brooklyn, N. Y., Friday and tho following day took back Harry Cook, who Is wanted In that city on tho charge of defraud ing a widow ot $3,G00 by means ot a bogus mortgage. Cook at ono tlmo was a well-to-do lawyer at Brooklyn. Tho war work councils of the Young Women's Christian association Young Mon's Christian association and decided Friday to inaugurate a nation wide co-operative campaign for $116, 000.000, to bo used in tho prosecution of tholr respective war activities. For Sale Borno rango and wash lng machine. Inquire at 809 west Third. Phono Black 089. tf. Those who oxpect to go to Brady tonight to attend Uio organization of a Homo Guards company aro request ed to meot at tho federal building at 7:15. Moro cars aro needed and car ownors who will -take a load are re quested to bo thoro at that time, For Sale Two houses and two lots. Also two used automobiles on A1 condition at a bargain, Sco Julius Hahlor. , 4Gtf Weathor Observer Shilling reports sixty-eight ono hundredths of an Inch of rain Sunday night, Tho rain extend ed as far coat as Brady, and covered a wide scopo of tho county, south north and west. Barring hot winds talis last rain should! glvo enoubh moisturo to make tho wheat crop. For Farm Loans see Gono Crook, Room west of Vienna Cafo, Captain Harry Conklln visited frlonds in town Friday while onroute to Mitchell to spond a day with his brothor. Ho Is stationed at a camp at uatue (jreok, Mich., and has niado ono trip over seas as a staff officer, Captain Conklln formerly was cm ployed aa clerk In tho Schiller drug store. For quick action and satisfactory talo list your land with Thoclockc. tf Diamonds aro considered a good in vostment thoso days. Thoy aro con Btantly raising In price. A good diamond today will bo worth 25 por cent moro in ono year. Wo liave a vory largo stock wliich wo aro offer lng nt tho old price. It will pay you to soo our lino. HARRY DIXON, Tho Jowolor. Of supremo satisfaction aro Wlrth mor Waists at $1.00, unequalod at tho prlco: on sale at THE LEADER MERO. CO. Hot weather and war does not soem to lntorforo with Cupid and marriages aro frequent. Thursday Judgo Wood hurst Joined In wedlock Arthur Wide- strand and Floronco Shorman, both of whom llvo In Uus county, nnd Saturday ho officiated at tho wedding ot James C. Petorson of Arthur and ixirotta walker of this city, Moro for your hides and all kinds of junk at tho North Platto Hido, Iron and Motnl Co. Ill W. 6th St, Opposite uio postomco. Phono Rod 200, In talking with farmors from sever al sections of tho county Saturday wo loarnod that Uio dry weather did not (lamago wheat to any extont that number ot farmors cried boforo thoy woro hurt Hero and thoro In Holds win oo round a spot Uiat was fired but as a wholo tho wheat is lu good conuiuon, ana uio ram last week holp Kill Friction and Save the Car FRICTION is the deadly enemy of your motor, Kill it with Polarine. WithPolar me in your crankcase, summer and winter, you are assured perfect lubrication. Polarine flows freely at zero ; it doesn't run thin or break up at the highest Jieat generated by your engine. Polarine conserves power ; is acid-free will not pit the cylinders or eat away the piston rings. Burns up clean, minimizing carbon. Insist on n H olapme always. Get it where you see the sign. Red Crown Gasoline takes you farther on a gallon makes hill climbing easy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA llltlll V'"" 1 i jJjj THE SPLENDID SINNER' RECALLS CAVELL CASE. Edltli Cavell's brutal execution hv the Grmans at the beclnnlnc of tlm war shocked and angered the whole world. Tho stcry of the heroic Eng lish nurse and her perfunctory trial lias beon printed In 'every language, ven Fiimeets or uio Central Powers deploring tho injustice of Von Bias ings order which Bent Miss Ca.ell to her death. Monuments have been erected to her In England and on tho continent and In the llttlo villace of ueausoion, just above Monte Carlo on worn Argei, a street Dears nor name Tho blue sign bears the quaint legend, ituo miss caveu," Mary Garden, who knows her war history as few of us do, was responsi ble lor this honor being paid tho memory of tho nurso. A frequent visitor to Monaco, she knows the sur rounding country, well and had no' mulcuifey in persuading tho mayor ot Eeaiuisolell to put tho matter before tho local council Now Miss Garden has further op portunity to Immortalize tho memory of Edith Cavell, and In motion pic tures. It happens In "Tho Splendid Sinner." announced as the attraction at tho Koltli theatre, beginning "Wed nesday, in this Goldwyn production Miss Garden, as a Red Cross nurse finds heriiolf lenme,itieJ In German intrigue and espionage aftor the man ner mado famous In the Cavell case. Sho attempts to aid a wounded soldier and Js detected by German officers, brought boforo the council and given a trial equally as unfair as Miss Cavoll's. Tho conclusion of tho drama is poignant In tho extreme and Miss Garden's really notable histrionic ability Is given adoquato expression. : :o::-. Flower Mission Program, Tho Juno Flower Mission meeting was hold at tho homo of Mrs. J. P. Murphy, 403 south Willow. Twenty-five ladles woro presont Mrs. Bello Morris tho president called them to order and then turned tho meeting over to tho Flower Mission superintendent, Mrs. Murphy who liad prepared a splendid program. All sung "America" scrlpturo reading by Mrs. w. Gregg; prayer by Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Norrl8, song by Miss Gotty, "Keep tho homo flros burning." Rev. F. A. Lln- denmoyor, talk on! temperance duot by Dorothy Elder ahd Lnicllo Boyorlo; papor on Union Signal by Mrs. Monks, Mrs. Lindenmeyor gave, a short talk. Roll call by socrotary Mrs. Rose Loudon, all answorlng with roferonce on Flower Mission work, closed to mot at tho homo of Mrs. Roads at tho Experimental farm July 2nd. Friends Invited. Mlnhio Perkins, W. C; T. U. Reporter. ::o:: Food Allowance In Ylcnna. Tho weekly food allowances In Vienna which started tho riots, Is as follows: Twenty-two ounces of broad, ono pound ot potatoes, of which half can not bo eaten, ono ounce or blacK hran mash, ono ounco of another mill pro- duot, an ounco and a lialf of fat, six and a half ounces of sugar, ono egg, seven ounces of moat, llttlo Jam, cof- fco substitute. Tho Vienna newspaper says that tho meat allowanco Is obtained "If the applicant waltB all night for It' ; :o: : - Hard work acts unfavorably on tho body that 4s bilious or constipated: producing low spirits, wcaknosa and loss or enorgy. pricitiy ash uitters is a system cjoansor and mvlgorator It creates energy, good appoUto and cheerfulness. Prlco $1.25 per bottle, Gummere-Dent Drug Co. Special Miss AHco Otton left yesterday for Omaha. Ed'Elsasser Is expected to return from Omaha today. Chas. Mann of Sidney lg- hero at tondlng federal court. Miss Minerva McWilllams spent yesterday visiting In Ogallala. Elmer Coats returned yesterday from a business trip to Grand Island. Mrs. Emma Pulvor Is visiting her grand children In Council Bluffs this week. Ed Kollher and A. Hordllnger, of Omhaa, arrived yesterday to transact business t Miss Mario Stack, of tho Block's out fitting store, is taking her summer vacation. Miss Florence McKay left tills morn ing for Denver to spend tho summer and study music. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. ( Miss Florence Stamp left Saturday evening for Omaha to visit friends for a week or longer. A Bath In 20 minutes It is not necessary to Heat up the House to have Hot water in The Summer Time. ' A Gas .tank Heater solves The problem. Economical, 7 Clean and Convenient. a..- North Platte Light & Power Co. OAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car be sure to see me" as I have a number of cars almost as good as new, which I will sell at a bargain. These cars are not old broken down junk, but. cars which will stand close inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to have you call and see these cars. A. M. BLTT1VIE FIJtST CLASS CAR PAINTING. 818 North Locust St. AUTO LIVERY Slnco I have sold the garage aa doing auto livery from tho North Side Bars.. Bay or Night Telephone 20. TYo raake a specialty of ithe to sales all over the county at the rate of Are cents por mile per person. J.HUBB nun ms to saiea uirougnwi uie eoantry please let mo know. Also a few cars for sale. Night Call Bod 632. Julius Mogensen. cu u aiong amazingly. Agents.