The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 25, 1918, Image 1

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No. 47
Tho Juno term of tho federal court
convened yesterday, Judgo Woodrough
presiding nnd -with Clork Hoyt and
Marshall Flynn In attendance. Thoro
aro also In attendance parties to suits,
witnesses and attorneys from a hura
bor of tho wostorn counties.
The jury was empanelled yesterday.
Cases heard yesterday and vordlcta
rendered wore:
W. H. Wisocarvfir, pleaded guilty to
Importation of liquor and sentenced
to eixty days In Lincoln county Jail.
Nick Kokors pleaded guilty to samo
charge and given sixty dayB in Lincoln
county Jail.
Thomas Marsh, samo charge, sixty
days In local jail.
J. C. Mayhow, samo charge, thirty
days in local jail.
Urban Zedlkor, Bamo charge, fined
In tho case of John HarslUleld tho
first count, that of threatening tho
president, was dismissed. There aro
other counts against Harshflold which
will bo heard today.
Miss Hattlo Johnson left last night
for Cheyenne. : ,---. .
Mrs. Robert Beatty is visiting in
Brady tills week.
Robert Sailor is homo from Hastings
to visit his mother. N
Mr. Peterson, of Lincoln Is In town
visiting MIbs Clara Sorenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Parker, of
Rawlins aro spending this weok with
relatives In town.
Washington, Juno 24 Confidence at
Romo that tho war may bo brought to
a victorious closo thlB year it the allies
givo tho Italians a full measure of sup
port In tho offonslvo .which has boon
launched against tho Austrians, 1b ro
floctctl In official wireless dispatches
rocolvea today from tho Italian capital.
Theso messages say tho Austrian re
treat across tho Plave, in which tho
Italians already have taken 45,000
prisoners, has become a verltablo rout
but that information from secret
Bourcoa shows that many divisions
of Gorman troops havo been detached
from tho front In Franco and aro
bolng rushod to tho aid of tho Aus-
I trlan array,
. Tho Germans aro said to bo
' 11. .. 1. . 1. l I. I. 1 1 1 i
uiuruu&iuy uwivnu ii uie iiruuuuiuiy
of a completo collapso of tho Austro
HUngarlan government, already strug
gling with a half starved and riotous
peoploj In tho ovont of a completo
Austrian rout at tho hands of tho
Realization of this fact, Romo be
lloves, has caused tho Gorman general
staff practically to suspend. If not to
abandon, its .great offonslvo In Franco,
as has been evidenced by tho com
parative quiet there for the last week.
: :o: :
Elovon hundrod pcoplo congregated
nt tho Sammy Girls thoatro last ovbn
lng to unite in tho farewell given to
tho sevenlyono Lincoln county boys
who left at 12:15 last night for Ft.
Rlloy and Camp Funston. Not only
was ovcry scat in tho big hall filled,
but tho aisles and entrances woro
packed by those unable to find seats.
Prior to tho opening of tho pro
gram a "parade was given by tho band,
dnum corps and tho Homo Guards,
quite a number of tho soldier boys
joining in the procession.
At tho thoatro tho program render
ed included singing "Amorlca," by tho
audience, aliolo by Mrs. Joseph Don
ogan, Jr., a reading by Mrs. Tiloy,
and a selection by tho Lelnlngor quar
totto, each of tho threo latter, respond
lng to encores. Tho address of the
ovonlng was woll dellvorod by Attor
ney C. L. Basklns, and tho speaker
was applauded by his appreciative au
dience, Judgo Hoagland gavo a short
address to tho boys and tho latter
woro tnon presented with sweaters,
J. F. Choen left today for Kansas
Arthur Baldniln left tqday for
Tho "Durbln Auto Co. reports tho
aale of an Oldsmobllo 8cylinder car
to Mr. Trod of Moored eld.
JULY 3, 4 and 5, 1918
-Under the Auspices-ofcme Keith County 1
Community Club,
Three big days o Pioneer Sports equaling
the best and excelled by no entertainment
in its class. All events open to the world.
And a square deal to all.
C. NYE, Secretary
assador Gerard's
ii m i i mill i mi1 1 1 hi 1 i ii i i
From a Kansas City paper It Is
learned thatJ.C Norton, who suc
ceeded P. II. Lonorgan In tho Pat
thoatro in UiIb city, and which tshow
later burned from unknown causes,"
recently chokod his wlfo to doatli and
pushed hor body througlj a sleeping
car window near Shclblna, Mo.
Norton, who wont under"tho nnmo ot
Norton, as woll as Jackson, has con
fessed to tho death, of his wife, but
say ho don't know why ho committed
tho crlmo. "It was not angor that
caused It; it was not Jealousy; I think
it was because I loved hor so much; I
moro than loved hor I worshipped
hor;" said Norton. Ho denies that tho
killing was premeditated, but slnco
tho death ho has maintained an In
dlfforent attitude
Norton, while In North Platto, was
a nervous, eonlowhat erratic Individu
al; and claimed to como from a
wealthy family living In Illinois,
Former North rintters Wod.
Tho Omaha TJeo of SsvMinlnv nnh-
n rit4 lrlir. r. wl Mnm.nflr.nH 1... li r 1 1 Y . i t 1 1 - . .
.umiui-u jviwi u"u. uiuwuuua uj ". usuuu a aiouco 01, mo marriage in uiai
Sammy Girls. (city of Mrs. Maudo Stockham fonnor-
The number of boys leaving lastly ailss Maudo McOoo, of thtB city,
night was almost doublo that of any and Jesse C. Norton, also formerly of
previous call, but Mrs. Med raw, North Platto, but of late yearn living
"mother" of the Sammy Girls stated nt Douglas. Ariz. Tho ceremony was
mai uio uiris nuu not oniy onougii porformed by KOV. T. J. Mackoy, at
sweators for those boys, but, sufficient
for nn equal number that mny bo call
ed noxt month. Also that thoro woro
a sufficient number of kits made for
the next quota.
Fully 2,000 people assembled at tho
All Saints' church lost Thursday ovon
lng, Twenty or moro years ago tho
two were school friends In this city.
Since leaving hero Mrs. StooKham
has boon llvilng Omaha. She last hor
nusband several years ago, and Mr
dopot to Wish the boys good luck and 'Morton's wife passed away a nurhbor
a safe return. A special trojn wuaJbf years slnco.
run out of hero, on which wore the;. Mr. and Mrs. Norton will mafco
boys from Choycnno, Deuel and Koith thoir homo in Douglas,
counties, who enmo in on Nd 4, abouta j:o:: .
forty boys who came in on the branch? rnl Advance In Price
tTnin, six or eight-boys from McPher-tt 1 Anccs 111 1 . ,
son and Arthur counties, and theactf Effective today tho 'price of all coal
with tho Lincoln county contingent-f,,, auvnnco seventy-five cents per
filed four cars. Tho train 'pulled out. tn- This, however, will not apply to
at 12:15 amid cheers and waving of V$0I1 "old in Block prior to today
hals and handkerchlofs. ( but unluckily for the consuinor tho
ij.0.. tocks hold by local dcalors havo beon
. In "A Little Patriot," in which Baby i"ext to nothing. This lncrcaao Is duo
Mario Osborno npepars at tho Crystal J1,0f dvanco of twenty-five per cent
theatre tonight this llttlo star comes n freight rates and a somowhat eroat
Into hor own. It is one of tho beatf-ln margin of profit allowed tho doaler.
Which She has vor appeared, being 'Voiraiuoruoio cimi uas poon Hiuruu lur
winter mtee bv residents, but this sur
plus Is not nearly as largo as It would
bo had coal desired boon obtalnablo.
Questloiinlres Mulled Out.
Quostionalres to tho 143 boys who
reglstord recently woro mailed out to
day. Thov havo seven days In which
fa report for examination .and to AH
out tho qucstlonairo cards.
characterized by tho delightful comedy
touches that mado the Baby famous
and It also has a strong and timely
vein of drama; In addition to tho well
known actors and actresses named
abovo tho cast includes Ernest, tho
wonderful llttlo colored boy who has
bjen; aeon' In recent Baby pictures. Tho
points' 6f ' particular interest In "A
Llttlo Patriot" aro tho personality and
talent of tho llttlo star, tho child ap
poal, tho wholesome humor, which is Supt. Tout,' of tho city schools loft
largely contributed by tho military this morning for Lincoln whoro he
drilllnc by a bunch of children and will consult with State Supt. Reed in
especially the llttlo negro boy. I regard to teachers. Tho scarcity of
::o:: teachers 1b shown by an Incident lato-
Harry Wlsner of Socttsbluff, editor ly occurring. Miss Lucretia Davis,
of tho Star-Herald of that city, will bo commorclal teacher In tho local school
in town a few days on the federal had .been receiving $90 per month.
Jury. I The board offered her $110 If sho
,.r ., . raJwould stay, but sho declined. After
JfiSC? had &t following tho closo of
Pi 0pniL ?. Ill nl .o'- "ho was offered $125, but she
?uc.?.?; that Bho has a "contract for
"The MarrlnKO Snoculatlon." The ner monUl m Mcr nlCKet-
Groator Vltagra'ph Bluo Ribbon Feat- Marston Doollttlo, at .ono Umo 'a
ure, which will bo tho attraction in North Platto resident, Is now In train
Cleo Shumnn, of Washington, D.
C, Is tho guest of his brothor V. E.
Nell Turplq Is transacting business
In Omaha today, having loft for that
city last night.
Mrs. Benson, who had been a guest
at tho Conrad Walker homo, loft yos
torday for hor homo at Red Cloud.
Mr. Peterson and son loft this morn
ing -for Lomoyno, nftor attending the
Walkcr-Potorson wedding. .
Matlnco at tho Sammy Glrla thoatro
Saturday, Juno 29th, at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Char 1 os Thornburg, of Chad-
ron, arrived a low days ago to visit hor
sister Miss Maudo Miller.
Chas. Rlnckor wont to Omaha last
night whoro ho hopos to bo able to
onllst In somo branch of the sorvlco.
Leigh Corrall returned yostorday
from Kansas City whoro. ho attended
tho Bosslons of tho National Millers'
association. i
Miss Alma Waltomath and brothor
Harry will roturn today from Omaha
whoro tho latter had an oportalon nor-
fortned on his throat. ,
For salo Yearling bull, good grade
Hereford. R. E. Marshall, Phono
Tho young men of tho Dickons
section who loft for Camp Funston
laBt night were accompanied to town
yoatorday by tho Dickons band.
Guaranteed $10.00 Human Hair
switches for $5.50. Coatea Beauty
Parlor. McDonald Bank Bldg.
Tho ladles aid sbclty of tho Pres
byterian church will bo ontortainod at
tho Exprimental Farm Thursday
afternoon of this weok by Madamos
Snyder, Rhoadcs and Sharrlh. Those
desiring to attend moot at tho church
at 2:30 when cars -will bo In readlnoss
for tho trip out and return.
At Sammy Girls thoatro Monday,
July 1st, will bo Bhown the. plcturo
"nil.. TJnvn nt PnTti r CnAir '
Somo follow, namo unknown, dis
played his nerve oarly yostorday
morning whon ho stopped his Ford car
In front of tho Hondy-Ogior garage,
hopped out, took a now tiro from a
parked car, throw tho tiro into his
car and drovo off. Tho night man at
tho garago failed to boo tho follow, but
tho man at tho Davis craraKd'sow him
working on tho car, but supposed ho
owned it.
tho Sammy Girls theatre on Wodnos-
ttayvThls is the unusual lovo story
of tho girl who gives up her country
sweotheart and pledges herself in re
turn for nn education nnd entree into
society to marry a rich man who will
take caro of her benefactor. Mr. Mc
Donald is the sweetheart who is waked
up by the departure of tho girl, and
makes good, so when the tlmo comes
he steps forward and pays tho obliga
tions of tho girl who has never ceased
to love him. Tho role of tho benefact
or Is taken by Charles Kent, and Miss
Manning Is most charming as the
lng for an officers' commission In tho
319th engineers In a camp on tho
Paclfio coast. Marston Is also a eharp
shootor, recently scoring nlno bulls
oyos hits In ton shots with an avorago
or rorty-nino points out or a possa
AncoL Peterson, foreman of tho P
and H. ranch, left by auto today for
Grand Island whoro ho will transact
business for a fow days.
Harry Plzor, who has mado ono or
two attempts to enlist but railed, will
go to Omaha today to seek enlistment
in the quartermasters department
Easier "
Connect You
Than to Report
'The Line is Busy"
Everyone must see this and learn
the truth why we are at War
Sammy Girls Theatre
June lo-lj
Shews 7:30-9:00
Corporals Langford and Hazen
kampr, who had boon visiting rolatlvos
in town, loft Saturday morning far
Camp Cody,
Roy Loudon who is stationed at
Fort Omaha as a membor of tho signal
corps, haa boon visiting tho home folks
for a fow days paL
Frod Walkor, who for two wcoka
past liaB boon ntatloncd at Greeley,
Col., as marlno recruiting officer,
camo homo Friday on a fow days
Major M. C.
qu art onnaa torn
ovorseas, having-
York, Juno 11th
Harrington, ot tho
department is new
snilcd from Now
Prior to sailing ho
had been, stationod nt Cinclnattl.
Paul Sohwnlger, who Is stationed at
Jacksonville. Fla., in tho aoro gaa
onglno sorvlco writes that ho has boon
supplied with overseas equipment,
which would indlcato that he will
soon loavo fpr Franco.
A card received at tide offlco yos
torday announced the safe nrrlval
ovorseas of Pat McHugh of Co, B, 31st
Engllnoorlng Corps. With Pat swore
Frod Dick, R. E. Blgga, Will Elliott
and other North Platto boys.
Shorwood Woodhust la now sta
tioned at Camp Harry J. Jones, Doug
ins, Ariz., as a membor of tho medical
corps, and ho writes that ho Is woll
pleased with his work. Frlonds wish
ing to write him Bhould addrcsB him:
308 Cavalry Infirmary, Camp Harry
J, Jones, Douglas, Ariz.
Tonight will bo tho lost chance to
bco Fairbanks In "A Modern Musko
toor," a story or tho chtvalry of olden
days brought down to date. A modorn
D'Artagnn-dashlng, ahtlotio and fear
less. Tho Hashing sword Is roplnced
by tho poworful loft Jab and "tho migh
ty right hook, Bait tho spirit is thero.
Don't forget Kolth tonight.
Ciml of Thanks.
Wo express to our frlonds and
nolghbors our slncoro ,thanks for their
kindly assistance during tho lllnoss
and following tho death ot tho Into
MrB. Cynthia A. Wilcox and for tho
beautiful floral offorlngB.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q, Wilcox,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Np. Wilcox,
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cottoroll.
; ::o;:i
Loslr-Saturday ovonlng wrist watch
with" Rubyo McMlchaol 1018 ongraved
on back. Phono Itod 429 for roward.
Baby Marie Osborn in
See Baby Marie organize a Company of kids and capture a spy.
Also the two part Comedy THE "SAVE"
"The Splendid Sinner"
Garden in
The story of the woman who paid her great
debt in Silence. -
Keith Tbtday June 26-27
The busier people aro, tho busier are their telephones.
In these extraordinary tunes it is only natural that tele
phone lines should frequently be reported busy.
The telephone (operator knows that a dumber reported
busy will be asked for again. Thus, it is easier and
quicker for her to completo a call at once than to tell you
sho cannot do so. because the lino is busy.
Tho telephone operator has an unusual responsibility
theso war-time days and appreciates consideration shown
her earnest effort.
Save Food
II ur War SuvluuH Stauipm
and Liberty llonda
We Do Repairing ! !
Our Shop is now Open
and Prepared to take
Care of all kinds of Shoe,
repairing. Work neatly
done and Guaranteed.
"aveR you
North Platte,
oney on Shoes
Prices 25c and 50c