The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1918, Image 8

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    IRA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher
Ono Year br Mall In Advance. .. .$1.2
One Ycor by Cnrrlcr In Adrnnco $J J0
Bntored at North Platte. Nebraska,
Postofflco afl Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, JUNK 21, 1918.
Writings of tlio Into 31 r. limit.
Not many of our people know that
tho lato John Bratt had literary
tastes, unit such -was truo, and during
his lator years ho not only wroto his
autobiography, but was tho author of
many poems. Both tho autobiography
and tho pooms will bo later published
by tho family for dlstlbutloa among
Two of Mr. Bratt'K poems wore
read at his funoral, and they are of so
much merit that wo ro-produco them!
(By John Bratt.)
A little moro tired at tho closo of day,
A llttlo loss anxious to have my way,
A llttlo less ready to scold and
A llttlo more caro for a brothor's
And so I am ncaring my Journoy's and
Whoro TImo and Etornlty meet and
A llttlo less care for bonds and gold,
A llttlo moro zest In tho days of old,
A broader vlow and a sanor mind,
Ana a llttlo moro love for all man
kind; 1
A llttlo moro caroful of what I say,
And thus ' I am traveling down tho
A little moro lovo for tho friends of
A llttlo less zeal for established truth,
A llttlo moro charity In my views,
A llttlo loss thirst for tho daily
news; , .
And so I am folding- my tout away
And passing In sllonco at closo of day.
A llttlo moro tlmo to Bit and droam,
A llttlo moro real aro tho things
A llttlo bit noaror to thoso ahoad,
With visions of thoso long loved
and (load;
And ho I am going whoro all milst go
To a placo tho living may novor know.
A llttlo moro laughter, a fow'moro
And I will havo told my Increasing
years, .
Tho book will bo closed and tho
prayers bo said,
And I will bo ono or tho countloss
, dead;
Thrlco happy, then, If some soul can
I lived bocauso ho has passod this
(By John Bratt.)
When tho toll of tho week dayB aro
And rest comoa to niusclo and brain,
Thoro'e a fooling of poaco and thanks
giving For rosplto from wearlsomo strain.
Then tho tasks and tlio cares aro for
gotton, Tho hearts that woro heavy grow
For tho weary aro thon realizing
Tho blessings or Saturday night.
Timo of rest, by tho millions awaited,
How gladly its coming thoy groot,
For it takes thom from tlio din of tho
Tho Btrifo of tho mart and tho street
Llko tho vessels long tosBed by tho
That gladly some friendly port sook,
Thoy rojoico as thoy enter tho havon
That's found at tho end of tho weok.
Thon tho brain that lo wcarlod'or
Tho hand thut is stiffened by toll,
Find a soason or sweet relaxation
That's frco from all caro and turmoil.
Then tho smiles come agaln to tho
And laughter floats out on tho air,
Tho complaints and tho sorrows aro
And all In tho gayoty sharo.
There's a wholo day or rost still bo-
foro thom,
But swiftly its moments will fly,
So tho tonics and tlio enrca aro for-
gottan, T
And tho hoartn that woro heavy grow
WJi earth's' wttary Millions Uius
wot com o
Tho coming of Saturday night.
"A Modern Muskotoer.w
Tho next tlmo you goto tho Grand
Canyon In' Arizona, take along tho
family olothos lino and when you got
thoro tlo It from ono 'proclplco to an
other dvexlty and hack to a high os
carpmont again,, and thon procood to
climb it up and down, ir possible,
BOClirO tllft snrvifiOB nt n nrnllv nlv.
toon-year-old girl with blond curls
and a hanlmznril mnlln mill anvn ey
from tho IIopI Indiana by carrying
ur tin your duck us you go ovor
hand Bovoral hundred foot on your
ropo, wiiii tno canyon yawna beneath
In case you don't caro for this form
of winter oxorclso, tho noxt boat
thing you can do Is to Bequester
onougn junoya to tnko you to the
KoltU Thtoatro whoro "A Modern
Mllakoioor" will linw MnrwUlv nn.1
Tuesday. Tlmt'a tho name of Doug
Fairbanks' nwoat Artcraft film ploco.
Doug is ordained through pro-natal
Inlluonco whatovor that Is to bo bo
chrlvalrous and horoio that ho Bavos
fair maidens right and loft, to tho dls
tross of moBt or thom and tho high
umusomont of thoso who uro privileg
ed to boo him do It on tho sereon. In
tho doing Mr. Fairbanks gets away
with ten or a dozen hairbreadth
Btunts Buclwna tho mind or normal
man novor concolvcd. And doos ho
win tho slxtoon-year.old "blond pippin
In ond? Weil, it you wero "tho
girl, what would you say?
Tho North Platto Electric Mills
nef?da a few loads of ryo for milling
JWIICHELIN users have
A7 sometimes wondered
hoW it can be possible to
sell Mjchelins at such low
prices in view of the unsur
passed quality which is
.built into these tires.
The answer lies in the
Michelin Watchword:
Economical Efficiency.
Ever; since Michelin in
vented the pneumatic auto
mobile tire 23 years ago,
Michelin engineers and
efficiency experts -t have
Tho Trlbuho.Svha loft with slxtoon
others last Snttirrinv for flirt tmlnlni.
scnooi at tuo Btato univorslty writes:
vou -wo got noro aiior a slow trip
on a dirty train and thon thoy marched
ub about a mllo down tho etroot in a
hot sun and when wo arrived at tho
university wo woro auro tlrod, Tho
last four dava wo hfiVft linnn lnnrnlnf!
how to drill. Our measures havo boon'
taKon and I prcsumo wo will soon,
navo our unironns. If yam don't'
Wankoil. tlio Hnliltnr llfA lon'f ln,li tin- i
nearly so irkBomo . as I thought It!
would bo boforo getting Into it. Tho'
oincors aro suro good follows, we got
pioiuy 10 eai at overy meal ana tho
food la good enough for anybody."
Do U11V of our rnnrinrit lmnw Vfirnf.'
i ;u; ;
jomunsir u bo pieaso mrorm him
that his It. O. T. C. coat awaits him
n t tilt a nfftfm hnvtnrp hnnn
on tho road west of town.
Hard work acts unfavorably on. tlio
body that ds bllloua or cohBtlpatcd :
producing low spirits, weakness and
losa of energy. Prickly Ash Blttors
Is a Bystom cleanser anil Invlunrafnr
It creates energy, good appotito and
choerfulnoss, Prico $1.25 Ipor bottlo.
uupnniore-uont urug uo. Special
iiiimm rmiM ill .
The Operators Know the Signals
o? the Smiling Voices
Any telephone oporatcr can point to certain switch
board sinml8 that aunounco tho calls of persona for whom
it la a genulno pleasure to establish connections whose
consideration of her is as gracious as though they spoke
to her faco to faoe.
If you woro ono of the young women at tho telephone
switchboard, wouldn't courtesy and kindness on the port
of thoso you servo holp you do your best?
.... ... j VM Vg fircpuymg
studied means of produc
ing and selling tires more
Every expenditure that will
result in better tires or ser
vice has been cheerfully
made; but every expense
that would not stand
this test is scrupulously
Economical Efficiency has
enabled Michelin to supply
tho- motoring world with
"better tires, for less
Tho Ognllaln Hound Up.
Tho Third annual Round Up . at
Ogallala,.Nob., July 3, 4 and 5 is- one
of tho big attractions of tho stato
which attracts people from all over
tho union.
Ogallala was tho ond of tho old
Texas Trail 'and tho Hound Up is given
to porpebmto tho memory of tho old
Big purses aro given, for twelve
ovonta (Including Cow boya bucking
horao contest, SOder' bull dogging.
Stoer roping and Cow glrla bucking
horao riding.
Tho Round ITp ia given under the
auapfcos of tho Koith County Com
munity Club which has mado an on
vlablo roputatlon hy giyiiiff a big
show at modorato prices.
' Notice to Uuthers.
Notico Is heroby given that any party
caught or known to bo swimming, with
out regulation bathing suits, in tho
rlvor near tho south rlvor brldgo or
in tho irrigation ditch near tho west
cemotory, will ho arrested and fined to
tho full oxtont of tho law. Remember
this notico and act accordingly.
45-2 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff
Christian Sclenco sorvlco Sundav at
11 a. m.. Sunday school 12 noon. Wed
nesday ovonlilg meetings 8 p. m., Bulld
K andJLoan building. Room 25
Sure I'oml
lluy Wur SavlntiH yiuiupN
uil I,Urr(y nomU
coannssioNEits' proceedings.
Juno 17, 1918.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
iprespnt Horalughausen, Koch ana
County Clerk.
Claims woro allowed as follows:
Claif or A, H. Stack, for bridge
plank or District 10, $10.35.
A. H. Stack, labor 'putting plank In
bridge, $7.00.
O. L. Johnson, dragging roads,
Com. Dlst 2, $10.50.
John Miulrhoad, dragging roads,
Dlst 1, $7.50.
Vesper McCormlck, hauling gravel,
Dlst 1 $87.00; disallowed for $3.00.
Sundry persons, hauling- gravel, Dist
1, $150.00
Joo Snios. haullnc cravol. DlsfL l.
S. B. Marr. houso rout conntv nnnr.
$9.00. v
John FrazHor. brldme iinsrwwtrr.
month of May, $125.00. N ?
North Platto Gonl. Hodnit&I.'feorvtaaR
county poor, $46.70.
Chas. Kloln, hauling and construct
ing brldgo in Districts 42 and 21
Aujourneu until Juno 34, litis.
A. S. ALLEN", County Clerk.
Moro for vonr lildns unit nil lfl nil a nf
Junk at tho North Platto Illdo, Iron
anu Aiotai uo. ill w. ctn St Opposlto
tho Postofflco.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
W. T. PltlTCHARl).
Orndunto Veterinarian
Eight ycar a Govornmont Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
ono-half block Bouthwest of tho
Court Houso.
No. 97352
Willi make tho season or 1918 -as fol
lows: ' Tuesdays, Thnsdnys and Satur
days at tho Mogcnscn Feed and Sale
Bnrn, North Platto, Nob., beginning
April 0th.
llnlnnco of tho wcok, except Sunday,
nt my farm six miles west of North
Platto and three-fourths of a nillo
southeast of BIrdwood Bwltch.
NABOB -Was foalod May 24, 1913,
and Imported with Ids. mothor by
North & Robinson, of Grand Island,
in July, 1913. Was bred by M. Des-
pros, popartmont or Orno, in Franco,
This horao weighs 1780, is clean and
sound In overy particular, and is as
good aa you will find nnywhoro.
Wo invito you to como and seo this
TERMS- $lti.00 to insure colt to
stand and siiok'i If mares aro dis
posed or or Jeavo tho country aorvlco
fee bocomoo duo and payablo at onco.
Caro will bo taken to (prevent accl
dents, hue should any oicx stallion
lit A
owner win not do rsponBiDio.
War News.
VSoorotary Baker has withdrawn hla
opposition of tho draft ago limit from
18,. to 45. Early roports on tho re
classification of men by local boards
Indicate that 250,000 men taken from
Other classes will bo placed In class
A plan is under way for training
troops of tho South American republic
in ino un noil Miruna nnn t tMncr tnnm
for sorvico in Franco.
War botweon tho United States and
Turkey now looms as a result of tho
Sacklnir of tlio Anirtrlnnn linanltnl nt
Tabriz, Porala, by Invading Turkish
troops anu tno Beizuro or tho Amori
cani and British ctturiai)ilntn.
Florco attacks aro being made by
uie Austrians to ovorcomo the Italian
rosistancn Jllnnir thn Plnvn lnt flin An.
fonsivo lino still holds. Apparently
tno enemy sees nis only nopo of suc
cess In enlarging his gains across tlio
PlaVO. havlntr linn irlvon i illnnotrnna
chock in tho mountains from west of
ABlngo to tho Plavo.
standing firmly before tho war
strickon city of Rhelms, tho French
havo feheckod a nnw finrmnn ,i,Hirn
launched Wednesday night five days
nitor tno otronsivo on tho Montdldler
Noyon lino came to a halt. In the
fltrhtlne tho actlvo lmltlf frnni hno
boon extended to a point five miles
southeast of tho Cathedral city. Tho
iront over winch tlio now attack was
launched la annrnximntnlv 14 -mlloa
in length.
The entire ostato In thin
Mrs. Lily Busch, widow of Adolphus
Louis, Mo., has been taken over by the
government under tho alien property
law, and Allen Property CuBtodian
Palmor is planning to offer it for aalo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T Stuart announce
the marriage of itheir daughter
Ireno to -Hniirv V.. .Tnrnlm nt nnnva
which took placo "Wednesday. The
young couple will reside 4n Denver.
::o:: ,
Sour belching and a burning Bensa
tlon in tho throat is a Bymptom of In-1
digestion, and Indigestion leads to
diseases that aro serious. Take Prick
ly Asll Blttors. It corrects tlin rtlfMMvn
trouble, purifies the stomach and
bowols and makes you fool good. Price
$1.25 per bottlo. Gummere-Dent Drug
Co, Special Agents.
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 1528 of William M. Hay,
deceased In tho county court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested in said Estate tako notice
that tho administratrix has filed a
final account and rep6rt of her admin
istration and a petition for final settlo
mon and discharo as such admin
istration and for final decreo or dis
tributing which havo oeen sot for hear
ing beforo said court on July Gth, 1918
at 10 o'clock a. m. ,whon you may ap
pear and contest tho samo.
Dated June 8th, 1918.
Jll-3wks. County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order or sale issued
from the - District Court or Lincoln
connty, Nebraska, upon a decree or
foreclosuro rendered jn said Court
wherein James A. Flke, Is plaintiff,
and Will Outtrlm is defendant, and to
rao directed. I will on Mm mth h
July, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the
uiiut iront uoor or tno uourt Houso In
North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, Bell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
sahl decreo, Interest and costs, the
j . . . ..
imiuwiug uuaurjuixi property to-wit:
Northwest ono-fourth (NW) of
section twenty-nino (29) in township
sixteen (16) north of range thirty-two
f32) West Of tllO HlYtll T TVT T.lnnnln
County, Nobraska. "
uated North Platto, Neb., Juno 10th,
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
ITotlco of Fnnl Report.
Estate No. 15215 nf TTnnrv V DrmTVIrn
deceased In thoocunty court of Lincoln
uoumy, iNcurosKa.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all persons
intorested in said TCntntn tni
that tho administratrix has filed a final
aCCOUnt and ronnrt of hnr ndinlnlsilrn.
Hon and" a petition for final settlement
ana cuscnargo as sucn administratrix,
which havo heen set for hearing ho
roro said court on tfnlv nth. mis nt o
o'clock a. m., when you may appear and
contest tue same.
Dated Juno 10th, 1918.
lll-3wks. County Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estate No. 1665 of Carollno Tcltlz,
decoased In tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho Btato or Nebraska, To all per
sons Interested in said Estate take
notico that a petition has boon filed
for tho nrohato of tho lnnt. will nnii
testament of Caroline Tolitz and tho
appointment of Oscar J. Sandall as Ex.
ecutor of said will of Carollno Tolitz
Which hOB been Sfit for hpnrlrnr linrntn
on Juno 28, 1918, nt 9 o'clock, a. m.. in
uio wounty uourt uoom m saw county.
Dated May 29. 1918.
Wm. a WOODHURST, County Judge.
Notice to Creditor.
EBtato No. 1559 of Marie L. Cohn,
deceased in tho county court of Lincoln
.county, Nebraska,
Tho Stato of Nobraska, sa: Creditors
of said estate will talco notice that the
tlmo limited for presentation and nllng
of claims against said Estate Is Sept.
.28 tli, 1018, and for settlement of said
Estate Is May 24th, ldl9; that I will sit
at tho county court room Jn said county
on June 28, 1918 at 9 o'clock a. m.
and on Sopt. 28, 1918, at 9 o'clock a.
in., to receive, examine, hear, or adjust
all claims and objections duly nid.
Wm. II. C. WOODHURST. Co. Judge.
NoUco of Final Report.
Estato No, 1478 of Josoph M. Wil
son, deceased in tlio county court of
Linroln county, Nebraska.
Tho Btato, of Nohraska, to all per
sons intorested in said ostato take
notico that tho Executrix bus filed a
final account and report of her admin
istration and a potltlon for final
Bottlomont and dlscuarga as such,
which havo been sot for hoaring bo
fore said court on July 12th, 1918, at
to o ' lock a. :n , vuon you may appear
and contest tho eamo.
Dated Juno 15, 1918.
JlR-",k Count Judgo.
Ttfe Artificial Ice and
Cold Storage Co.
Announces Hint It Is prepared to fur
nlsh nil consumers with DEEP TVELL
Artlflcnl Ice
PHONE 40 and your orders
will be Promptly Filled.
Wanted Rags
2 Gents a Pound.
Must by dry and packed in
We pay big price for Scrap
Iron and all kinds of
.General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Postofticc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completoly equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Staff: s
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. , V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. ReJSeld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
riisylclnn and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to 8nrcry
and Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 116
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black 10Z0
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 07a
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Practice Limited to
Surpory and ltadluin Therapy
7S8 City Natlonnl Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
All Kinds of nomslUchlnp; Done
Now Machines sold on paymonts. Also
second hand iiinchlncs.
Singer Sowing Mnclilno Co.
1& Block north of Post Office.
North I'lnttc, Nebraska,
Licensed Embamors
Undertakers and Funoral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 538.
Granite and mnrblo headstones. The
only shop tn the city. Equipped with
pnuimatlo machinery. Lettorlng neat
ly done. All work irunranteed.
Corner 7fli and Locust, North Potto.