The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1918, Image 5

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    Ice Tea andLemonade
-:- GLASSES -:-
Ice Tea and Iyemonade can be improved .
upon 100 per cent by being served in some
of our new up-to-date summer tumblers. We
have just received a fine new line of Etched
and cut glass.
This is Ice Tea Weather
I ,
Miss Hazel Young of Hastings, lt
visiting at tlio Carl Simon homo.
Wilson Tout 1s in Omaha, attending
to matters connected -with Red CrosB
judge John Grant returned yester
day from Columbus where he was
called tho early part of the week by
the death of his sistor.
The Welworth Blouse offers tho ut
most in Blouse value at Just $2.00; on
Mrs. H. N. Smith left yesterday
for Melroso, accompanying Master
Pushman who will spend tho summer
with his parents on the farm.
Tho most ntify Milan and, Panama
hats on sale at THE LEADER MERC.
Tho stork visited the home of Mr.
and Mrri. Carl Simon tho early part
of this week and deposited a girl. The
interested parties aro getting alonfc
nicely. ,
For Sale Borne range and wash
ing machine. Inquire at 809 west
Third. Phono Black Coa. ti
An adjourned term of fedoral court
will bo held in this city beginning
next Monday. It will bo a, Jury term,
"nnil ntnonir tho cases to be heard are
those of John Harshfleld and four
othors on tho charge of sedition, and
W. A. Hodgson charged with tho im-
"portation of intoxicating yqupr.
For Sale My residenco at 809 west
Third. Phone Black C89.
figured in the courts of Lincoln
county, has filed a petition at Lincoln
for a divorce from hor husband, Thos.
Haro, to whom she was marrjed in this
city seven years ago. Tho husband was
convicted for a violation of the white
slave act last fall, and this so Humi
liated Goldio and so impaired her
health that she asks for a separation.
Another, now lot of dresses just
arrived this morning, among them
French Ginghams, Organdies, Voiles,
Linens and Nets, many to ' choose
from, regular sizes, ready to wear de
On account of tho lack of applica
tions for the post office service ex
amination to be given Juno 11th the
examination has been postponed to
July 13th. This examination, for males
only. In view of tho scarcity of ap
plicants, applications will be accepted
from any male persons who will bw
como 18 -years of age within' thirty
, days of tho examination date. For in
formation and application blanks ap
ply to Mrs. Gleason at tho postofflco.
Weathor Observer Shilllnir ronorts
fifty-six ono hundredths of an inch of
rain last night
For Rent 5 room furnished house.
Juqitfro at Singer Sowing Machine
.office. tf.
Ed Barraclough returned to Grand
Island today after visiting in town
for several days.
M. J. Forbes has been In Iowa for
a week past visiting relatives and
For Sale A Borne range in good
condition Call at 214 So. Maplo. 45tf
A Washington dispatch appearing
in a Denver paper says that between
now and August first calls will bo is-
auied for nearly ono million men for
tho training camps. This will take
In tho neighborhood of 260 young men
from Lincoln county.
Our First and Final reduction sale
of all black and medium colored
trimmed hats begins at 9:00 o'clock
June 22nd and continues until the
ontiro stock is disposed of. VILLA
WHITTAKER at Blocks, Second floor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MoDonald and
daughter Janet aro now Btopplng in
eastom citios while enroute homo from
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., whore Mr. and
Mrs. MoDonald had gone to bo tores
ent at) the graduation of their daugh
ter from Vassar College, which oc
red Juno 11th.
Red Snapper Plant Soap kills fungus
mildow, Kcalo and lico on planlH.
Twenty-fivo cents -at STONES J)ltUG
1 Tho dining room of tho Hotel Mc-
Cabo Was closed Wednesday when the
.waiters "walked out." It was tho
intention of Mr. Welngand to quit
! sorving meals on July 1st, and the
action of the employees only hastened
' his contemplated action . All over
tho country hotels aro closing their
dining rooms, many of the best hotels
in tho larger cities having taken this
Can nccopt orders for limited supply
of Hniina Lump Coal. First como first
served. W. w. BIltGE CO.
At a congregational mooting of tho
Lutheran church Monday evening the
box from tho corner stone of thd old
church was opened by Joseph FIllloo,
who made tho box and sealed it when
deposited in tho stono thirty-two
years ago. In the box wero copies pt
the three North Platto papers then
published, a history of the church and
tho membership at that tlmo and
other relics. Rev. Adam Stump was
then pastor of tho church.
For Sale 2-row. lister Go-dovll,
nearly now. Also nearly now wagon
Phono Black 835. 4G-2
Ford One-Ton Truck
Every farmer at this time of the year has under
consideration the way he can most cheaply bring
his gram, hogs, etc., to market-return with coal
for the winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran.
The Ford Worm Driye Truck is the one that is
solving the problem, cost of up-keep unusually low
and the greatest service the Truck world knows
Priced at North Platte $659.32
Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery
Phone 34. Corner 4th and Dewey
Tho .registration board has Issued,
a call to seventy-throe young mon to
report to Shoriff Salisbury at four
o'clock next Monday afternoon, and
sevonty-ono will bo sent to Camp
Funston and Ft. RUoy on train No. 4
at 11:40 o'clpck that night.
Sovcnty-threo havo been called so
that In cafio ihroo should not appear
thero will yot bo sufficient to fill tho
cnlL Tho mon will bo taken in tho
Order In which they appear below.
Several of thoso summoned who since
registering have moved to other sec
tions of tho country will not return
hero biut wll go from tho placo at
which they aro at presont located.
Tho boys from Cheyenne, Douel and
Kolth counties will also bo on No. 4,
and thero will como down on tho
branch train thirty-six from Garden
county, thlrty-flvo from Morrill coun
ty and twelve from Scotts Bluff
Following aro tho names of thoso
who havo beon ordored to report to
Sheriff Salisbury next Monday after
noon at" four o'clock:
James C. Wood fin, will go from
Dallas, Texas.
David M. Brooks, North Platto
Elmer M. Howard, North Platto
Geo. A. Rolber, North Platto
Harry G. James, North Platto
Alex Antlon, Holyoko
Charles Adamson, North Platto
Paul Neu, will go from Lincoln
Hawloy Camblln, Brady
Charles Pavoy, Sutherland
Rudolpha Anderson, will go from
Emporia, Kas.
Claronco Cumpston, Casper, Wyo.
Earl Lucas, North Platto
Frank Bubak, Sutherland
Androw Rlffo, may go from Prln-
ston, W. Va.
W. A. Raatz, may go from Rupert,
C. H Splcer, North Platte
Raymond Jacobson, Denmark
Carp Angolo, may go from Sioux
Pearl Greeley, North Platto
C. C. Clement, Humboldt
Walter Lee, North Platto
Vincent Soderman, North Platto
Homer Hand, North Platto
Wlillardl Cameron, Dickens
Orval Jeff ore, Horshey
Yochlo Gato, North Platte
Everett Rouso, Cozad
Stampher iSchmalzried, Mullen
Sonjah Counsolman, Vibard, Mo.
Martin Hansen, Maxwell
Henry Shiltz, Sidney
Adolph Floth, Lincoln
John Logis, will go from Baltlmoro
Otis Hutchinson, will probably go
from San Francisco.
Nick Chlros, North Platto
John Poulos, North Platto
Chas. F. Strauss, North Platto
Pierre Tridoll, Nebraska Ctly
Bartel , McGovern, Brady '
Albert Baker, North Platto
Belvln Darrah, North Platto
Ross Hutchinson, may go from
Pocatollo, Idaho
Howard Fleming, Sutherland
Lester Newman, North Platto
Homer Eborle, Belolt, Kan.
Walter J. Backman, North Platte
Howard Wells, may go from Salt
Walker Kelly. Wallace
Percy Thornburg, North Platte
Chas. Wilson, North Platte
Joo D. McCrncker, North Platte
Adelbort Bonner, North Platto
John Makls, North Platto
Virgil Root, Brady
Grover Venner, will go from Lincoln
orval MORten. North Platto
Ohrfstos Makls, North Platto
Gurdon CrI'ppen, North Platto
Jens Jonsen, Pender
Alex Huntington, North Platto
John Monde. Lusk, Wyo.
George Fried, may go from Omaha
Walter Cronin, North Platto
Rry E. Wnlkor, North Plntte
Harry Bnchman, North Palatto
Fred W. Kilroy. Sterling III.
Artljup Howe, Bnrnes, Kans.
Fred Stanton, may go from PInkey
villo v
Clifford A. Morris, North Platto
Lyle E. Ludwlg, North Platfe
Frank R. Schwarz, Maxwell
Geo. A. Swanson, Omaha
: :o: :
Would Tmprovo Highway.
C. M. Trotter, John Davis ahd 12
N. Oglor, who wont to Kearnoy Tues
day to attend the meeting called for
the purpose of d.'scusslilg tho Lincoln
Highway, report a largo attendance
of men from points along tho High
.way. Duo to probably hotter kept
roaus, tlio o. L. D. route which runs
through tho south part of tho state
from Lincoln to Denver, has been
touted very strongly at Omaha and as
a result tho Lincoln Highway has
been losing out on much auto tourist
travel that Bhould como this way. Tho
Kearney meeting was for tho Durnose
or devising means for a bottorment
of road conditions in each of the
counties thromlgh which tho Highway
passos. It developed that tho worst
Boctdon of tho Highway is oast 04
Grand Island and efforts will bo mndo
to havo tho roads in that section Im
proved. A committee was appointed to
(lovlao ways and means of employing
a competent road inspector who will
look tho Highway over clear acrost
tho stato.
Tho opinion of the delogatcs was
that If tho Lincoln Highway hopes to
maintain its supremacy as the great
overland routo through Nebraska.
greater attention must bo paid to the
condition of tho roads.
With tho exception of about flvo
miles between Brady and tho east
county lino, tho Highway in Llncolu
county is In vory fair shapo at tho
present time.
A Patriotic lloy.
Last Tuesday while driving over
from Dickons, Charlie LIston ovortook
walking in tho road a younjr mail
about nineteen. Charloy stopped,
asKou uio uoy wnoro ho was bounn
for, and replying North Platto, ho was
invited to riuo. It developed that his
name was Dunton, that ho was walk
ing tho forty miles from Somorsot to
North Platto that lib alight enlist in
tho marines. "I bought a liberty
bond and subscribed to tho Red Cross,
but I feol that is not doing enough for
Undo Sam, so I want to Jodn the
marlnos," said young Dunton. lo
was provldod with transportation to
tho uranil Island recruiting station,
Mil mWm,
Begins July 8th, Ends July 13th.
Noted Humorous on Open-,
ing Day of the Chautauqua
Booth Lowray, Famous Lecturer,
Subject: "Simon Says Wig-Wag."
I mm
Former Korean Ambassodor
to Be Heard at Chautauqua
Questions of the Far East Will be
Dlsous3od by Homer I.Hulbert
Stay Away from Chautauqua
Day Tom Gorwlne Appears
Unless You Want tt Laugh and En
jey the Funniest Program Youi
Ever Heard.
Friends of Sergeant Paul Thomson,
formerly of the Experimental station
havo received word that ho has arriv
ed safely in Franco.
Will A. Robinson, who enlisted in
tlio navy about a year ago and was
assigned to tho battleship Oklahoma-,
left for Iowa last night after visiting
his brothers in this city for sevoral
days .
Lester U. Wood, now at Camp Fun
ston as a member of tho hospital
corps, arrived homo on a short fur
lough Wednesday night Ho is tho
only North Platto man left at Camp
Funston. Ho says 35,000 mon aro ox
pected to arrive at that camp next
!Wnrrrn Donllttlft. who WftH sent to
Camp Funston and from there to
Baltimore, has beon transrerrcu to
Nlaprara Falls, N. Y., as an experi
menting chemist In manufacture of
shells, bombs and gases. Ho was ono
of six selected from a class of 200
for this work.
Word was received in town yester
day that Bon Johnson and Wm. Sol
imiiH imvn snffilv arrived overseas
They wero sont from tills city to Camp
Funston and becamo part of tlio 355th
inrantry. a snort umo ago uwy wuru
assigned to an eastern training camp
and aro now about ready to go on the
firing line.
In a letter to 'his father, Leo Bird,
a student at tho school of aoronautica
at' Urbana, 111., writes that he passed
his examinations Saturday and was
given better than eighty per cent on
all grades. Sixty per cent was noces
sary to pass. Leo has now completed
tlio ground work and is ready for tho
flyers' school. Ho oxpocts to bo Bent
to some aviation Hold in a few days.
q ;
Mrs. Wilcox Passes Aaway.
Mrs. Cynthia "Wilcox, mother of J.
Q. Wilcox, died at tho homo of her
grandson Roy F. Cottoroll yesterday
morning at tho ago of sovonty-nlno.
Last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Cotterell had beon out watering tho
garden and upon entering tho house
found Mrs. Wilcox In tho bath room
In a Boml-flinconsclouB condition, ap
parently having suffered a partial ap
oplectic fitroko. Sho was placed In
bed and a -physician summoned.
Though sho regained consciousness,
sho continued to fall, and tho end
camo at flvo o'clock ystorday morn
ing. For a number of years Mrs. Wllcor
had mado hec homo with hor children
and with, Mr. and MrB. Cottoroll.
Surviving children aro: J. Q. Wil
cox of this city, D. P. Wilcox of
Cozad, Mrs. Flora Kltzmlllor of Oak
land, Cal., and Mrs. F. J. Cottoroll
of Lead City, S. D. "
Funeral services -will bo hold at the
Cotterell residenco, 015 South Pino,
at threo o'clock this afternoon.
Tho body will bo taken to Aurora
for Interment.
Savo monoy on what you nood in
underwear at boforo tho war prices,
on salo at THE LEADER MERC.
Tonight Crystal
The Family Skeleton'
In the Two part Comedy
"Sheriff Nell's Tussel"
A Blighty good entertain-
niont for just a little money,
A Sale of Consequence....
50 or $100
, What you save when you buy at our Sale
Tho high cost of selling
The increased cost of Material
The increased Freight rates
For information write or call on
Safety Deposit Boxes
One Dollar Per Year.
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray.
For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is'no system of treatment its equal.
Office phone 183. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
f" We sell Coal, Flour, Graham," Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
"With ua that until you aro satlBflod
wo don't conaldor a transaction end
ed. So you will 1)0 doing us a favor
1 you will tell uh of anything you
don't llko about o,ur FEED and our
sorvico. Don't hoaltato because tho
matter may seem a trifling ono. Wo
want to corroct tho fault bo It little
or big. Perfect ehorvlco la tho aim
of this establishment.
rnoNE 09.