The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 14, 1918, Image 8

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    RA L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher
One Year by Mnll In Advance... $1.25
Ono l'car by Cnrrlcr In Advance $1J0
Entorad at North Platto. Nebraska,
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
FltlDAY, JUNE Ulb, J018.
To moot tho needs of tbo American
and allied onnios and the civilian
populations of Franco, Groat Britain
and Italy, tho American people wore
asked by tho food admtnistrtalon
Wednesday to placo thomselvos on a
limited bcof allowance from now until
Soptombor 15th.
Housoholdora woro requested "not
undor any circumstances", to buy
moro than onoand ono-quartor pounds
of clear beef weokly. or ono and one
half pounds, Including tho bono, for
each person In tho houfeohold.
Hotels and roetuarants woro askod
not to served boiled boot moro than
two moals weekly, beof steak moro
than ono meal weokly and roast beof
moro than. one moal wookly.
"Tho doraniid for boot for our army
tho armies of tho nllios and their
civilian ipopulallons for this summer,"
said tho food administrations an
nouncomont, "aro boyond our presont
Bupplioa. On tho other hand, wo havo
enough Incroascu supply of pork this
summer to pormlt economical expan
sion of its uao. It. thoreforo, will bo
a diroct .senico to our armlcm Itnd
tho nlllos If our pcoplo will in somo
degree substltuto frosh pork, bacon
ham and sausage for beof products."
This Is Fto'ir Hay.
Today Is Flag Day, and iu nu ordor
issued, J. S, Hoaglnnd, Dept. Comman
der of tho O. A. II. says:
"Old Glory la tho oldest National
Flag in tho World; Juno 14, 1777 it
was born as au cmblom of all that Is
brightest and host In human achieve
ment In 1777 It floated, tho prldo and
glory of about three million people.
For 140 years it has beon loved and
vonoratod as tho typo of all that is
highest and holiost In human aspira
tions; with novor a stain upon a
strlpo of Its crimson and whlto it now
floats over ono hundred and ton mil
lion liberty loving pcoplo nnd is now
being borno by our bravo boys in
Franco through storms of shot and
sholl as a torch to light tho way or tho
world'a pcoplo to Liberty and Free
dom. Every homo on Flag Day should bo
decorated with tho sturs and stripes.
And I trust that no veteran of tho Civil
War will neglect to lling Old Glory to
tho breozo on that day."
; : o : : -Allen
womoa Must HeglKter,
Postmaster McEvoy has boon noti
fied that all alien women living In
Lincoln county must register on somo
day between Juno 17th and Juno 2Gth
Inclusive. Tho place of registration, will
bo at tho postolfico in tho county
whoro tho woman required to rogls
tor rocolves hor mall. Those coming
under the following provisions must
Tho VIfo of a citizen or subjoct of
Oormany who has not ncqmlirod nctur
allzation In tho United Stntea and tholr
foreign born fomalo chlldrou of tho
ago or 14 yoara and upward now with
in tho United States aro German alien'
fomalos.and are required to roglstor
ouopt those of such forolgn born chil
dren as havo separately acquired
naturalization ln tho Unltort States
prior to April G, 1917. havo married
American cltlzons. '
And further ir sho Iiub married a
citizen: or subject of aonnnny who has
not acquired naturalization In tho
United BtatOB and-lhomaritial rolaUon
ban not bon terminated, by death or
alM-oluato dlvorco and has not resumed
hor American citizenship.
Cards will bo issued for registra
tion and, all postmasters are Instructed
to answer all questions and assist tho
aplicant in ovory way possible, 'this
call should not ibo ovoiiookod and if
you aro not just auro of your naturali
zation call at your nearest postofflco
for instruction.
Further oyldencc thnt Germany, iu
its offorts to ond the war this, sunimor,
Is planning to. support Its land offen
slvo by Bonding Its high sons foraoa
agaliiHt tho cdmblnod Iirltlsh and
American grand Hoot, is given in an
official dlapatch from Swltzorland.
"A tologram of an official naturo,"
says tho dispatch, "is being proad
broadcast ln Germany, which says that
tho CJorman admiralty is considering
a hlg naval otfonslvo. Orders nrn
supposed to havo boon glvon to keop
tho whohs floot in roadlncwe and a
cortaln number of naval officers of
high rank havo been hurriedly rocall
cl from Switzerland and othor neutral
countrkw -whoro they havo boon spond
Ing tholr leave.
"Tho Klolor Zeltung, tweaks of ex
traordinary activity in tho porta and
tho Hamburg Post publishes an inlor
vlw with von Tirpltz, who was asked
if Gonnany was in a position to
measure horsolf with tho English
ueet. Tno admiral naturally ropllod
In tho affirmative, saying that aftor
tholr land forces havo pushed tho
i-'rencn nna isngllsh back on tho othor
Bldo of Paris, It would bo tho trun of
the kaiser's boats to Urlvo tho EngllBh
off tho high.soaB."
Limit Uso of Sugnr.
Sstoir coTisumptlou will bo Hmltod
to two pcpnds por person a month,
starting Juno 17, according to nn
oruor rocolvod rrom Washington by
Food Administrator Wattles.
This now ruling applies only to
parsons ljvlng ln tho cltlos. In rural
communities, flvo pounds por person
per month will bo permitted as horo-
It is anticipated another out will bo
raado about July let.
Ono third off on spring coats and
suite an tnia;-yeok only, ,I)LOOKS
Mr. nnd Mrs! Harry Ilvbeo left Wod
nosday for a visit with friends In
TUa atA
This series ef
twelve tests is de
signed to take the
uncertainly out of
The world-wide reputation of the house of Michelin the oldest, most experienced of
nil tire-makers is proof that only the best of materials are used in Michelins.
1 hat a greater quantity of these superior materials is used in Michelin Tires is proved
AJ X a- w?'Bh' "nd. remarkable thickness, which mean greater durability.
And tho superiority of Michelin design is shown by the above illustration.
Better materials, more materials and superior construction
inese account
11)18 Draft Men May Enlist. j
Tho latter part of last week It wasi
announced from Washington thnt tho'
draft jnon of 1918 could not enlist until j
tho rogostratntB woro assigned order
numbors nnd Borlal numbers. This,!
howovor, has beon changed by an ordor
Jssuod Tuesday by Provost Marshal
Oro'jdor, who says tho assignment
of mnnbors has been waived and tho
1018 registrants may enlist In tho
navy and marine corps.
::o:: . 1
Nearly a Million Overseas,
Washington Moro than "700,000 Am
erican soldiers havo gone oversoasa
to carry back to Franco tho encourago-'
meat and assistance which LnFayetto
and Rochamboau brought to Amorlca,
Secretary Dalccr told tho Frdnch Al
plno chnspoura In bidding thom fare
well here at tho baso of tho Washing
ton monumont.
Tho war secretary's last announce
ment some weeks ago concerning tho
sizo of tho Aomlrcan forces abroad
was that 500,000 mon had sailed for
tho baltlo front.
The Omaha assembling plant of tho
Ford Motor company at Slxtoonth and
Cunllnir street mav bo abnndonod bv
he automobllo concern July 1 nnd tho
plnqo may be used as a Btoro houso for
tno umana quartermaster s depot. Tho
force of omployoB has boon gradual
ly reduced until thoro aro now onlvi
2G men at tho plant.
Tho Gorman war offlco claims tho!
capture- of 10,000 additional prisoners,
which with tho numbor of oaptives re
ported Monday would bring the total
to 18.000 ln tho present fighting. Slnco
tho- now offonslvo bogan along tho
Solgson-IlhelniH sector Maj' 27, it Is
asserted by the Gorman official com
munication that tho army group of tho
Gorman crown prlnco has taken about
7G.O0O allied troops .captlvo.
Tho "purchase of llborty bonds by de
positors nnd by banks is said to bo tho
prlnclpnl causo of n decroaso ln tho
doposlts cf state banks in N'abraska.
A report issued by tho stato banking
ooaru snowing tho condition of banks
nt tho closo of buslnoss May 10. shows
tho total deposits to bo $22C,OS7,C50.02,
a reduction of $24,413,174.72. The ro
port shows that stato banks now havo
$H.4C0,70C Invested ln llborty bonds.
Cooking School.
A cooking school handled by tho city
bcUooIb and with tho co-oporatton of
tho food administration will bo con
ducted for throo wooks, boglulng Mon
day, Juno 17th. Tho classos will bo
hold ovory othor day and will start at
two o'clock ln tho aftornoon. A too
of ono dollar will bo charged for tho
course. Tho teacher Is MIsb Iva Laytcn,
who has handlod tho work In tho local
schools during tho past year. Sho ox-
pocta to covor tho ground ln canning
am trosorvlng, tho making of war
breads and tho iuiso of substitutes in
gonornl. Miss Layton ia now attondlng
a spoclal supervisors' courso in Lin
coln and Is getting tho vory latest Ideas
of tho Stato Food Administration.
Only slxtoou ladles can bo accomod
ated each day and an early registration
will Insuro you a placo. Roglstor with
Mr. Tout at his office In tho Junior
high school building, by phono or at
his homo.
This will not bo a lecture courso but
tho work will actually bo done. All
equipment will be provided.
Twelve live Vests
Thii illuitrotion ii nn enlarged view made
from actual cro-eection of two 34 x 4
tires ono o Michelin Universal, the other
a tire or another standard make.
mil I if. .. ... . . .
This construction gives Michelin Tires
superior durability combined with re
markable easv-ridint? niinl;;n.
?ti.ei M,?helln, cross-section the layers of fabric are
imbedded in a liberal cushion of rubber which binds
pTltt ?!F .'eaBt?nXHhTla?Cerrf odf
tor ths snnmp rhirahili'Hr
Vounjjster Was Trying to Escape Bog
Ho Thought Wao Mad, So There
Was Abundant Fleason.
Commander C. H. Fry, who has tem
porarily relinquished athleticism lnor.
dor to train ' boys for the nnvy, de
scribed to mo tho other day how he
tlrst catno to discover his ability as
a Jumper.
"When qulto n youngster," he said,.
"I wns out' day strolling along closo to
our house, whon there came bounding
along tho road In my direction nn ex
ceedingly wicked-looking terrier I had
recently become possossod-of . ..
"The nnlmnl wns fonmlng at tho
mouth and showed other unmistakable
signs of excitement nnd distress. Hy
drophobia wns rlfo ln tho district nt
tho time. A horrid fear grlppod me.
Turning swiftly aside, I took the ditch
and hodgo bordorlng tho road ln ono
wild leap, landed nafoly In an or
chard on tho other side, nnd wns up a
plum tree a fow seconds Inter.
"Tho dog, however, followed through
a gap In tho hodgo and sat at the bot
tom of the tree, but ho brought n toad
In his mouth, and I pqrcolved he was
not mud beyond the dognto of trying to
eat tho toad. So I came down, and
went to lmvo a look at the budge I
had Jumped ovor.
"It wns much higher than my lu nd,
not to mention tho dltrji. It was many
years bforo I Jumped us high again."
Pearson's Weokly.
How Women of France Are "Doing
Their Bit" to Keep tlWheels
of Industry Moving.
An Interesting narration of opera
tion under unique tunl Uiltlcult condi
tions of nn Iron foundry In tho war
nrmi Is glvon by the correspondent of
a British paper writing from tho tiring
lino In France. He relates : One does
not seo much foundry work out hero.
but a fow weeks ngo I was billeted In
a town near by, and nctunlly saw n
cupola In full blast. I at onco got per
mission to havo n look "around, and
wns greatly surprised at what I saw.
Tho foundry was u vory primitive af
fair Just a llttlo Jobbing shop and
was mostly run by French women and
girls, superintended by a fow men.
Those women woro making work tip to
throo or four hundred pounds ln
weight, nnd ln a llttlo sjdc shop sonic
"half doai'ii women woro making com
ponent parts of machinery by tho
simple method of beddlng-ln. I after
word saw somo of tho llnlshed work,
and It would put to shame tho work
douo by many of our so-called moldors
at homo. Tho womon work In ordi
nary droHS, and work very clonn and
exact in both Iron ami brass, and also
under shall tiro and air raids". In tho
shop was a groat hole whoro u Ger
man hart ilrpppod a bomb tho night be
fore", but tho' women still worked oh.
Scientific American.
(mm) (amrm(itt)
Michelin Section
on Right
Other Section
on Left.
f MtVki; T;,,
Farm Land Wnntcd.
Parties wanting to sell their land
should send mo legal description; full
information, prices and "terms.
Nothing but bargains wanted.
41-4 Newman Grove, Neb.
Tlnn'f pvnnp.f tn trot tlrrounh a hot
summer of hard work without a sick
spell, If you start with your system
full of impurities. To avoiu a DreaK-
Hnwn tn tlin hlisv Ronsnn becill now
taking Prickly Ash Bitters. It will
purify tho blood, liver and ooweis ana
put tho system ln healthy condition.
Price $1.25 per bottle. Gummere-Dent
Spoclal Agents. .
Hospital Phone Black 033
House Phone Black C33
Graduate Votorimirinn
Eight years a Govornmont Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of tho
Court House.'
Notice of Fnal Kcport.
Estate No. 1525 of Henry F. Doebko,
deceased ln tho ocunty court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said Estate tako notice
that the administratrix has filed a final
account and ropo: t of her administra
tion nnd a potltlon lor final settlement
and dlschargo as such administratrix,
which havo beon sot for hearing be
fore said court on July 5th, -1918 at 9
o'clock a. m., when you may appear and
contest tho same.
Dated June 10th, 1018.
Jll-3wks. County Judge.
No. 97352
Willi mako tho season of aa fol
lows: Tuesdays, Thusdnys nnd Satur
days nt tho 3Iogcnscu Feed nnd Sale
Barn, North l'lattc, Neb., begluulng
April 0th.
Bhlnuco of tho week, except Sunday,
nt my farm six miles ivost of North
l'latto and three-fourths of n mile
southeast of Blrdvrood switch.
NABOB was foaled May 24, 1913,
ana imported with hla mother by
North & Robinson, of Grand Island,
in July, 1013. Was bred by M.- Dos
nroz. Department of Orno, ln Franco.
ThB horso wolghs 1780, Is clean and
sauna in ovory particular, ana is us
good as you will find anywhoro.
"Vo Invito you to como nnd see this
TERMS- $15.00 to insuro colt to
stand nnd suck. If mares aro dls
posed of or Jpayo the country sorvlco
fop? becomes duo and payable at onco.
Caro -will bo taken to provont accl
dents, but should any occur stallion
owner will not be rsponslblo. ,
The Artificial Ice and
Cold Storage Co.
Announces that it Is propnrod to far
nlslt nil consumers with BEEF WELL
Artlflcnl Ice.
PHONE 40 and your orders
will be Promptly Filled.
Wanted Rags
2 Cents a Pound.
Must by dry and packed in
We pay big price for Scrap
Iron and all kinds of
Sheep and Cattle
'Farmers this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
..General HospifaL
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medicaid
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. p. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield,M.b. J.S. SIMMS, M.D.
riisylclan nnd Surgeon.
Spoclal Attention Given to Surgery
mid Obstrctrlcs.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Offlco 130, Residence 115
Bolton Building
Office houra 9 a, m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black 10zo
Successor to
Drs. Redflold & Rcdflold
Offlco Phono 642 Rea. Phone 676
Office phone 241. Rea. phono 217
L . C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plntto, - - Nebraska.
'Knights of Columbus Building.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Rndium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto. Nebraska.
AU Kinds of Hemstitching Done.
Now Mnclilnes sold on payments. Also
second hand mnclilnes.
Singer Sowing Mnchlno Co.
? Block north of Post Office.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Licensed Embamers
Undor takora and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 538.
Granite nnd mnrblo headstones. Tho
only shop In tho city. Equipped with
piiounintlo innchlnory. Lettering neat
ly done. All work guaranteed.
Comer 7th and Locust, North Pntte.
DeHorning Pencil
For nnle nt the ofllcc of
Cvery pencil will dehorn 60 cnlvrs
from 10 ilaj-d to 10 month old for
1.0O. A profit of 9B.00 for nny cnlf If
ftilln to dehorn.
Cnll nt the office nnd tret one.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 15G5 of Caroline Teltiz,
deceased In the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
The Btato of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested In said Estato tako
notice that a petition has been" filed
for tho nrohatn nf thn Inst will nnrl
testament of Caroline Telitz and the
appointment of Oscar J. Sandall as Ex.
ecutor of said will of Caroline Telitz
which has boon set for hearing horeiu
on Juno 28, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.. ln
tno uounty uourt Koom in said county.
Dated Mav 29. 191S. "
Wm. C. WOODHUItST,' County Judge.
Notice of Petition.
Estato No. 15G4 of Thomas Slmnnta.
deceased ln the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons
interested in said Estato tako notice
that a petition has been filed for the
probate of the will of Thomas Simants
deceased and for the nnnolntmpnt nf
Mary A. Simants as executrix of said
estate, wnicn nas oeen set lor hearing
herein on June 21, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. m.
Dated Mav 27. 1918.
Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, Co. Judge
North Platto, Nebr., May 29, 1918.
Notice la hnrfibv rrivpn timf tha co
partnership heretofore- existing by and
hflfwooti A M Himliln n .7 nr a f"
en under the firm nnmn iiTiri ntvin nf
A. N. Durbln Auto Company has this
day has been dissolved by mutual con
sent, me sam w. A. Kocken having
sold all of his rights and interests in
and to said business to one Thomas F.
Healeyf and the said A. N. Durbln and
Thomas F. Healey assumes all indebt
edness duo from tlio snlrl A XT nut-lilt.
Auto Company, and aro entitled to all
of the monies clue said firm.'
Notice of FJnnl Bcport.
Estato No. 1R28
deceased in the conntv
county, Nebraska.
iho s.tate of Nebraska, to all persons
interested in said Estate take notice
that tho administratrix . lma fiiori a
final account and report of hor admin
istration and a petition for final settle
men and dlscharo as such admin
istration nnd for final decree of dls-
inuuung winch have been set for hear
ing before snld
- "11 J W,
at 10 o clock a. m. when you may ap-
yem- uuu contest tno same.
Dated Juno 8th, 1918.
WM. H. c. wnnnmmRT
ll-3wks. Countv '.Tnrfo-P
ShcrllTs Sale.
By virtue of nn ordor of sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein James A. Flke, Is plaintiff,
and Will Outtrlm is defendant, and to
me directed, I will on the 13th day of
July, 1918, nt 2 o'clock p. m., ot tho
east front door of thA rnm-t u. in
North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne-
oiuHKa, boh at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decreo, interest and costs, the
following doscrlbod property to-wlt:
Northwest one-fourth (NW) of
section twenty-nino (29) in township
sixteen (10) north of range thirty-two
(.32) wost of tho sixth P. M. Lincoln
County; Nebrnska. '
in?0atQ(l North Plntt.. Nob., Juno 10th,
. J- SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Notice is horeby glvon that tinder
and bv vlrtuo of mv Aftian,to
w - - - b.utw. J 1. 11 11
my Hon for storage, I will on tho 15th
uuy oi juno, mis, at 2 P. M. at my
garage at G05 North Dewoy street, sell
for tho purpose of satisfying tha
amount duo thoroon, ono Chal
mors Six Automobllo known as
tho "Old Bechan Car on which
has beon placed another body,
tho prosont owner of which Is ono
...... Flotchor; tho amount duo for
storago on said car Is $55'00 and tho
amount duo for work, labor and mat
erial iplacod upon said car is $91.50
making a total of $140.50 now duo as a
Hon upon said car and necessary to
satlBfy tho loin thoroon; said storage
and labor being duo against said car
in?u, Pr,0(1 boglnnlng about July 1,
1917 and ending May 23, 1018.
Notice to Oredltorn.
Estato No. 1C59 of Marie L. Conn,
deceased In tho county court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, hs: Creditors
of said estate will tako notlco that the
ttrno limited for presentation and tiling
of olRtnis ntralnst said Estate Is Sept.
28 Hi, 1918, and for sottjement of said
Estate Is May 24th, 1919; that I will sit
at tho county court room In said county
on June 23. 1918 at 9 o'olock a. m.
and on Sept. 28, 1918, at 9 o'clock a.
m., to receive, oxamlne, hear, or adjust
all claims and objections duly filed.
wm. ii. c wooDnrnsT, co. Judge.