FOUR EYESIGHT 3 Mirny people, who lake alarm at the first syrrip- CONSERVE ). ft I tOmSfcofothdr physical ailments, and hurry off to the doctor or dentist, fail to give second thought to the warniog,of distress occasioned hy defective eyesight. . .This seems inexcusable in view of the easy access to the services of an eye specialist.' ri'. You.niay have the mistaken idea that your eyes are as strong arid clear-sighted as they used tb-bej but you will perhaps be surprised as to the extent to which properly fitted glasses will improve your vision and help your appearance. WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES. HARRY DIXON 8c SON. OPTOMETRISTS NORTH PLATTE, NEB. CIT AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. M. Share and two sonB have re turned to Columbus after a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Block. Dr. Morrill, DentiBt ilrs. Anna Klein, -who had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs1 Harry Block, has returned to .her home in Arizona. Brink and-Co.'s Soda Fountain will well next Sunday .at .Her Bhey. ' Slbux LOokoirt Chapter D. A. R. will meetSaturday afternoon at three o'clock with Mrs. Grimes. A good at tendance is desired. . . .. More for your Hides and all kinds of Junk at the North Platte Hide and Metal Co; Try us before you sell. 117 west Fifth street. Phono Red 260. Lost Coming four year old, brown mare, weight 850, white spot on nose. Anyone having information write Mrs. John Wing, North Platte, Neb., Box 240 lor Sale Seven room house, modern including heat, located at GOO east Third. Inquire at the' house for particulars. ISAAC ijuats. Found on the north road leading -west from the city a soldier's coat, R." O. T. C. initials on coat collar band. Owner can have same by calling at this office In addition to the "Song of Songs" with Elsie !Ferguson"at theCrystal to night will be shown the two part comedy "It Pays to Exercise" with Chester Conklin. Protestant Episcopal Services, June 9th, 1918. Sunday School 9:45 a. m Morning Prayer 11:00 a. m., Morning Prayer will be read by Mr. J. S. Hoag land. There will bo no evening ser vice. REV. ARTHUR DITTES JONES, Rector, A. S. Orr, who came hero last week from Cleveland, Ohio, where he had been stationed as traveling freight agent for the Union Pacific, was check ed in Wednesday. as ticket agent at the depot Nels Rasmussen will, for the present at least sell tickets at night. F. R. Elliott met on the streets yes terday an old friend in the person of Mark Doty, of Hastings, -who was en route west on an auto. trip. The two men were acquaintances in Trumbull, Neb., twenty years ago. nnd had not met in that period of time. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Peterson, of Raton, N. M are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson. Mr. Peterson has been an engineer on the Santa Fe road for many years and was recently pension ed. He and his -wife, the latter a sister of Mrs. Anderson, are now enroute to Los Angeles to make their home. NEBRASKA HAS A TOTAL OF 27,277 3IE.V IN THE SERVICE. A total of 27,277 Nebraska men and boys have enlisted or been inducted in to the national army since June 5, 1917 according to the official figures given out at the office of Governor Neville. Of this number 26.36G men have enlist ed or been Inducted by the local draft boards and 911 represent voluntary inductions. The tabulations at the governor's office show that there are 118,108 men registered in Nebraska, divided as follows: White, 110.59G; ne groec, 1,421; aliens, 5,216, and enemy aliens, 934. When the order "was issued to register-nil men In 'the United States on June G, 1917, between the ages,of.twen-v ty-one and thirty-one years for mili tary service, local boards were estab lished in each town in the state. In the first call Nebraska was asked to furnish 13,870 men. Credit was given for 5,691 voluntary enlistments, leav ing a net quota of 8,185 men who were furnished thru the local boards. Hamilton county was not required to send any men on the first call her quota having been exceeded by the number of voluntary enlistments. On the second oall for men the state's quota was set at 12,490. Credit for voluntary enlistments or induc tions amounted to 10,682, making a net quota of 1,628 to be furnished. In this call twenty-three boards were not re quired to send any men, having a large enough number of . voluntary enlist ments and Inductions. Under the questionnaire system 23.3 per cent of the registrants of the state have been placed in classl. Frontier county ranks lowest with 11 per cent and Dawes highest with 45 per cent. Counties having less men in class 1 than the average of the state must bring the average up by reclassifica tion or an inspector will be appointed to review the work of the board. -::o:: Thanks the Snininy Girls. Archie O, Hunter, of the 280th Aero 'Squadron, stationed at Richfield, Waco, Texas, writes the Sammy Girls as fol lows: Comfort kit received, and hardly know how to thank you for it, but will say I am very proud of it. I am cer tainly proud of tho fact that I hall from a state and comity that has tho material to form such an organization as the Sammy Girls. I will promise you this: That if the opportunity comes our way ive boys wlll.convinco the Germans that they made a mistake when they said they could whip the world, America included; especially when tho boys are backed by such organizations as yours. q ; Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladles and gentlo .tnen. Phone 897. Brodbeck bids. 85tf THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Fordt Sedan, with its exceedingly comfortable and refined furnishings, its neat appearance and every-jiay-in-the-year utility, is an .especially at tractiY'eimotor car 'for women, meeting so fully all the demands of social and family life a delight to women who driye because of the easy, safe control. Summer and winter it is always ready never a doubt about that nor never any fears for trouble on the way. Then the cost of operation and upkeep is very small. Sedan, $695 f. o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. z tfOIlTirFLATTEVILT, HATE SOLlHEIt'S CANTEEN SYSTEM. Authority has been given to estab lish" & soldiers' canteen at North Platte and at a meeting of the Red Cross Chapter Tuesday evening Mrs. Chas. Bogue was appointed chairman of this work. For this canteen service tho chapter appropriated $500 which is only the nucleus of tho fund that will be needed. . This canteen service is to furnish Bandwitchcs, coffee and other eatables free to troops passing through North Platte, and permission has been asked the company to use one of tho vacated frame buildings at tho depot for the, canteen. In this building will bo a kitchen equipped so as to supply the Boldler boys with the lunches propos ed. While It Is true that the government furnishes tho boys with what Is con sidered traveling' expenses, the allot ment is not sufficient In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. For instance the North Platte boys who were sent from Omaha to tho Mare Island navy yard near San Francisco were allow ed ?5.90 each, a sum insufficient to meet the requirements of tho averago: ju"6 mini u,i OUUI u U1JJ. Willi U canteen service in North Platte what ever Is furnished the boy in eatables helps him out to that extent. There is another phase to the canteen service, and that Is the encouragement It gives the boysj the evidence that tho people of North Platte are standing behind them. This may be regarded somewhat as a matter of sentiment, but let uo tell you that If you remove sentiment from tho poeple of this country you destroy to a large extent the enthusi asm in patriotic work nnd in patri otism itself. Band Concert Program. Tho following is the program of the initial concert of the season of the North Platte Municipal Bandt, Earl Stamp, Director, to be given at the Court House Park at eight o'clock this evening. March, "Rotary" Hahn overture, "Zampa" Herold Serenade, "When Shadows Fall" TCpIMiIav Hungarian Dance No. 7 ...... Brahms Waltz, "Alpine Sunset" King Medley, Remlck's Hits 18 A. . . . Lampe March, "Preparedness" Deiro star apangled Banner, ::o:: Will Hide Case Mnle. One of the Roberts boys, living on tho farm south of town nnd whn fnr si number of years was a AVyoming cow puncher, will ride, or attempt to ride, ine jee wase muie Sunday afternoon, Juno 16th at the Frank Fnnlta fnrm southwest of town. In connection with this riding exhibition tho south side Home Guards cavalry troop will have a drill under the directing nf Capt. W. S. Baldwin. Hncrd'Indlclej; ? 'J John Hnrshfiold, who for many years I ,hns Jived on Blrdwood creek, about twenty miles north of Sutherland,) where ho owns a well imnrovcd ranch." has been Indicted for sedition by the federal grand Jury at Omaha. Several months ago Harshfield was reported to tho County Council ot de fense and Inter to tho State Council ot Defense. He was taken to Omaha and given a hearing before the U. S. attor ney and allowed to return homo. At tho nssembllhg of tho federal grand Jury in Omaha last week tho charges against Harshfield and the evidence Supporting tho charges wore turned ovor to tho Jury and tho Indictment followed. In the complaint Harshfield Is charg ed with applying the vilest of vilo epithets to the prosldent nnd to tho cabinet; that ho said, "I am a member of tho greatest league in tho world, the non-partisan lenguo and I say what I please, where and when I plcaso. I have ammunition and guns enough fin my place to kill a regiment, and wo are not afraid to use them.' ::o:: I'lano nt n Bnrgnln. Customer near North Platte is un able to finish payment on piano. Wo will turn piano over to first satisfac tory party who will pay balance either in ensh or five dollars per month. Write Schmoller & Muller Piano Co., Omaha, Nebr. 42-3 ::o:: FARM ftwiEAV' ftOTS" Official Notices Informntion U By Bert Barber. -::o: ARE YOU SURE. OF A GOOD snillll rrrnln rvnn ilila Year? YOU ARE IF THE HAIL DON'T UJiT 1T OLD LINE COMPANIES will protect yon FOR 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. 1 Cash nnd note rates tlio same, will tnko your note dno Sept.' 1st. TO SAVE MONEY GET OUR RATES FIRST, nt your service day or night. THE II. AND S. AGENCY. Office Brodbeck Building 8rd Door East of Post Office. Phone Red or Black (513. NnrMi Plnftiv J. C. HOLLMAN. Res. Phono Red 381 J. E. SEBASTIAN. Res. Phono Rcd-318 i. ,. P;; Sammy Girls Theatre Program. If you are a true American, you liko to bo entertained, so don't forget that Waterall and Winifred of tho Empress circuit in their musical ant "Mirth nnil Melody" will be at tho Sammy Girls uiuuirc nuay anu saturuay nights of this week. Waterall is the posses sor of a wonderful .baritone voice, while Winifred is a classic dancer. If you are a lover of good high class vaudeville you can't afford to miss this. Feature films will be shown each night. This double bill will bo twenty-five cents for adults and fifteen cents for children. If you were in love with a youth without fame and were being compel led to marry a wealthy man whom you detested would you be delighted if pirates ;amo and carried you to sea Just before the minister announced you a wife? That's what happens to Miss Peggy Hyland in "Peg of tho Pirates," which will be shown nt tho Sammy Girls Theatre on Saturday. ::o:: The crowded condtion of trains since the three trains each wnv worn miiiwi off is ovidenced by tho fact that train No. 19 Tuesday morning had 516 pas- BtsiiKBru on noara wnen pulling out ot Grand Island. BJllousnSa is a condition that hrflrwln disease in tho vital orcrans ami niieht to be corrected promptly. Prickly Ash Bitters is the true remody. It vitalizes tho blood, drives out Impur ities In the bowels. rnnkAn fcrnn foal bright, strong and hearty. Price $1.25 por bottle. Gummero-Dent. Special Agents. Flats Picnic. 150 farmers, their "wives and chil dren, gathered in Cody Canyon on A. R. Leavitt ranch Wednesday after tho rain' to celebrate their annual com munity picnic. Tho Flats Sunday School divided itself a while back un der the slgnla of the Blues and the Reds, and started a lively membership campaign, tho losing side to furnish the eats for tho picnic. The County Agent can testify that tho Reds, altho perhaps not good membership gather ers, were certainly there in tho domes tic sclenco department. Following the spread, a Red Cross auxiliary was organized, of which Mrs. Haisc was elected president and Mrs. Delner secretary. They take this office with a substantial start of $51.40 in tho treasury, besides a liberal collection taken during the day. Grasshoppers. There are enough grasshoppers in Lincohi county, to threaten serious Injury In several sectipps, writes the State Entomology Dept., as a result of a recent survey. Poison is tho remedy recommended: Alfalfa lileal or bran 15 lbs.; white arsenic or aPrls Green 2-3 lb.; water, G gal.; cheap string molasses 1 gal.; iuiico and ground rind and pulp of 4 lemons. Mix thoroughly and scatter broadcast in the late P. M, or early Jmorrdng, wherever you find young hoppers. This amount will treat four or fivo acres. N Specialist, Due Juno II, 15, 17. A specialist will bo in the county June 15, 15 nnd 17 to give demonstra tions as to poisons and hopper dan gers1. Anyone Aviahing to have a dem onstration on their farm will kindly communicate at onco with mo so wo can arrange to call In some of the neighbors. :.o:: U-Bonts SMI Active. Two more vessels, a Norwegian steamship and one schooner, were added to tho list of ships known to have been sunk by the German sub marines which aro raiding In Amer ican waters. Tho total now stands at five steamers and eight schooners. Tho fact which stands out most pro minently in tho developments is that tho U-boats are still operating near tho coast and have not returned to their bases, assuring that tho two which al ready have been identified are the only ones on this sldo of tbe Atlantic. This was demonstrated when the Nor wegian steamer Eidsvold was Bunk off tho VIrgina capes. The location of tho attackB shows also that the sub marines aro moving steadily south ward, if they aro tho same ones which attacked shipping almost at the gate way to New York harbor, Tho nnvy department reports an encounter be tween a destroyer and a submarine off tho coast of Maryland. None of tho vessels reported sunk thus fnr was sent to tho bottom by a torpedo. It is considered certain that tho 'undersea craft carry torpedoes and that thoy aro conserving them in tho hope that they may get am opportunity sooner or later to attack a transport loaded with American troops. ::o:: Tho Millinery department at THE LEADER MERC. Co, is filled with up to minute styles at prices to please you. New lot of auto Hats, new Milan's new Panama Hats. Christian Science Society of North Platte, announces a i Free Lecture on Christian Science by Dr. Francis J. Fhmo, C. S. C. Oakland, Cal. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. At the Masonic Hall, on Friday evening, June 14, 1918, at 8:30 o'clock. The Public is cordially invited to attend. HOME GUARDS WILLMIEW IN Mh OF JULY CELEBRATION. In connection with tho auto races to bo held on July 4th, the Lincoln Coun ty Home Guards will assist in proper ly celebrating tho Fourth of July In North Platte. Captain Shilling has beon asked to provide a progrjuu, for the forenoon nnd is making arrango monts for a big parade of tho Guards in whicli tho cavalry troop of ever one humdred, In command of Captain Baldwin, will participate. In addition to tho parade, thoro will bo a cavalry drill, and drills by sqtinds of tho Guards and by tho company aa a wholo. Invitations will bo Extended to tho Homo Gunrds companies at Sutherland and Hershey to participate in tho parade, and if celebrations aro not hold at thoso places tho Invitations will probably bo accepted. Card of f luniks. Wo wish to thank the many friends who wero so kind to us in our hour of great sorrow and especially do wo wish to thank tho brothers and sisters of tho Baptist church and tho neigh bors and friends for their help nnd sympathy. Also for tho beautiful floral offerings. JOHN CHURCHILL' nnd family. E. M. MATSON and family. -::o:: Dr. Brock, Dontlst, over Stone Drug Storo. tf ONE HUNDRED NJ) FORTY. BOYS REGISTERED WEDNESDAY. One hundred and forty Lincoln coun ty, ;boys , who reached the ago of twen-ty'-ono' since Juno 5th, 1917, responded to the call for registration before tho .exemption board Wednesday. In tho wdrk'of registering tho boys tho board was assisted by volunteor clorks. Ono haired and thlrty-flvo of tho boys aro native born, two aro alien, two aro declarants, and ono Is colored. Only a fow of tho boys who register ed asked If thoy woro eligiblo to n claim for exemption; tho others wero apparently willing to go and tho soon er thoy could go tho bettor thoy would bo pleased. Several made application for tho special training course at tho state university, but whether thoy will be accepted is not at this tlmo known. Tho boys who registered Wednes day will not bo called Until all tho Class One men of tho fprmor registra tion are absorbed. 1 JO 11 11,111 Farm Lnnd Wanted. Parties wanting to sell tholr land should send mo legal description; full Information, prices and terms. Nothing but bargains wanted. GEO. II. GETRUi 41-4 Newman Grovo, -Neb, -::o:: For quick action ana satisfactory n!o list yonr land wltii Thoclcckc. tf The Truth About Cut Price Dentistry. (T. is & delusion that leaves diss&tif&ction and dissppointment in its wake. IT encourages the thought that one can get something for nothing. IT is & disturber of honest prices and a foe to square dealing. IT! means no merit in quality, no virtue in the service for the years to come. IT s the most expensive misconception that a person can possibly entertain in Dentistry. Remember that it is the conscientious Dentist who charges a living price that can afford to give REAL QUALITY DENTAL WORK and back it with the kind of services it deserves. Full SET of Teeth made in ONE DAY, also any size Bridges made and set. DENTIST. McDonald Bank Bldg. r't'iimiipii Phone 97. Safety Deposit Boxes FIRST NATIONAL BANK. I Union Pacific Train S ervice EFFECTIVE JUNE 2, 1918 From North Platte Leava No. 1 To San FronclscoLos Angeles, Portland. Standard sleepers only , , 3:30 p.m. No. 19 To San Francisco, Portland, Los Angoles, Denver. Standard Ble3pers,, Tourist sleepers and chair cars 8:55 a, m. No. 9 To Ogden. Chair cars only 5:05 p, m, No. 15 To Denver. Standard sleepers and chair cars. .. .11:50 p. m. No. 2 To Omaha and Chicago. Standard sleepers only. ... 2:16 p. m. No. 20 To Omaha and Chicago. Standard sleepers, Tourist Bleepers and chair cars 6:25 p. m. No. 4 To Omaha. Standard sleepers, Tourist sleepers and chair cars , , 11:40 p. m. No. 16 To Omaha and Chicago. Standard sleepers and chair cars 7:55 a. m. No. 6 To Omaha, Char cars only 9:30 a. m. No. 26 To Omaha, Chair cars only 6:00 a. m. No, 13 To Denver. Standard sleepers and chair cars 8:60 a. m. F. T. Redmond, Agent NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acute and chjonic diseases. A trial will convince you that there is no system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110.