II THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 1 First photograph of tho new Lewis nmrhlnn gun for use on American nlrplnnes. 2 Amerlcnn mnrfties con centrated on tho west front for advance to the llrlng line. 3 A sturdy little British soldier bringing In his private TTim nrlunnor. DISMOUNTED BRITISH CAVALRY HURRY TO HELP INFANTRY 18 British cavalry Iiub played n big part In stopping tho rush of. tho Huns In Plcurdy. This photograph shows a party of cavalrymen dismounting and going to tho aid of a hard-pressed Infantry, regiment. FRENCH AND AMERICANS IN GRENADE ATTACK THEIR BRAVERY REWARDED Frenchmen and Americans are advancing across No Man's Lund, some whoro on the front In Franco. They nro moving cautiously, roady to uso tho grenades they nro carrying In the sacks slung over their shoulders. General Gaucher of tho French army. dccorntlng an American ofllcer nnd an; American soldier for bravery In a ro- ceut bombardment. ACTRESS HELD AS A SPY ' j Amerlcnn engineers aro doing splendid work In extending nnd perfecting the trench system In tho American sector In France. Demolished walls nnd ruined buildings nro considered especially valuable for tho establishment of Intermediate depots and posts. This American engineer Is converting a tuu art into n j'ost command by tho quick methods known to army coustructors. Mile. Suzy Dopsy, one of tho most beautiful women on tho Parisian stngo, Is now bolng held In Franco us a spy, Hho Is formnlly charged with maintain lng relations with tho enemy. Her has. ,band, Emll Gullller, fortner mnnagei or tho American prize lighter, Sam Mc- Voy, Is also under arrest on an esnlon- ago charge, Mllo. Dopsy became noted for her beauty whllo ploying mlnoi roles at tho Theatre Sarah Bcrnhurd In Purls. AMERICAN MARINES SENDING MESSAGES IN FRANCE Members of the United States Marino corps In Franco sending messages to comrades. ITALIAN INFANTRY REST WHILE CAVALRY MOVE ON Tired from tho strenuousness of tho buttle, these Italian Infantrymen throw themselves on tho ground, wrapped themselves In blankets and overcoats and fell asleep Immediately. While these men arc resting tho cavalrymen como up from behind and still keep moving on. The photograph presents a most unusual sight. RUSSIAN HEROINE HERE RESTING AMONG DEADLY BOMBS Mine. Leoutua Botchknrevn, founder and lender of tho famous Russian women's Battalion of Death, who nr rlved at a Pacific port en route to Franco, whero she will offer her serv ices to the allies. At tho tlmo of tho downfall of Keronsky Mmo. llotch Itarevu was smuggled out of Moscow nnd taken to Vladivostok, where she took refuge on n British war vessel'. At the Depot. "Chnrley, dear," said young Mrs. Torklns, "that young man In tho bu reau of Information wouldn't answor n single question I asked him this morn ing." "Whnddldgy nsk him?" "I asked 1dm how long tho govern ment will oporato tho railroads ami whether trains will run any faster ami fares be any chenpor. All he would say was that ho didn't know. I believe .that young man Is bolng censored." British Tommies tako possession of n German hand grenade dump after n counter-attack in Plcardy. They aro shown resting at ease among tho death-dealing bombs. AMERICAN SOUP KITCHEN IN ITALY ; Boasts Herd of Trained Cattle. Tho versatility of cnttlo Is being demonstrated by a farmer In West Brookflcld, Mnss., who Is said to get !entcrtalnment ns well as profit from his Guernsey herd. Tho farmer has ,tnught his herd to do various tricks, such as rolling a barrel around the barnynrd and tho like, and ho has a special wooden platform whereon tho ctittlo have their particular places and performances. I The canteen service of the American Bed Cross has given a number of portable kitchen trucks to the Italian government. Tho photograph rIiows J one of the new tricks.