The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 21, 1918, Image 4

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Graduation gifts
of French Ivory
Ono gives French Ivoy to the girl gradu-'
ate, knowing that tbe gift will bo keenly
appreciated Nearly every" girl . has
dresser set of French Ivory started. An !!
addition to It 1b always welcome. Toilet '
sctB or Individual pieces can. bO'sedurc'd
at Inexpensive prlccB, with the assurance
that such gifts are welcome. l-
French Ivory at Clinton's la of the very
best quality. Initials or monograms will
bo hand engraved and filled In jftith color; ".'
Many articles BUltablo as gifts for boys
aro In' the display.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
t e.,
; I
Grasfcale Dentist
Office over tha McDoneld
State Bank.
Clark Paulson wont to Grand Island
Sunday evening.
iMIas Gertrude Baker spont Sunday
with friends in Gothenburg.
Harry Fleishman roturnod yostcrday
from a brief visit in Omaha.
J. T. Koefo spent the- week end In
Lincoln transacting legal bUBiness.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Gilfoyl loft yes
terday morning on their wostorn trip.
Judge II. M. Grimes spent Saturday
in Kimball attending to court matters
Mr. and Mrs Harry Craraor spont
the week end with friends In Losing
Tho Eidcon club will be entertained
Miss Irma Huffman who is star in
a "Mikado" company and expected to
leavo'fonChicago this "week, has kind,
ly consented to remain ovor a week
and present an entertainment at tho
Red Cross theatiro next Tuesday even
ing In connection with tho regular
plcturo ehow. Tho program Miss Huff
maruwill present will Include a Coloni
al danco hnwhlch eight girls appear,
readings by herself with vocal quar
tette accompalnment and a very clover
playoti 'Tho fact that Miss Huffman
directs and also take part In this on
tortinmont is an absoluto -guarantee
tliatJt will bo most pleasing and high
ly Satisfactory. Tho door receipts will,
of clwrso, go in their entlroty to tho
Red Cross.
f . -or:
Th6 stork visited Mr. and Mrs. B. S.
Glinos and left a five and three quart
er pound daughter with Ihem at tho
Fennor Osteopathic hospital
J, , R. Boll, an old employe of tho
American Express Co,, who had beon
out of tho service for a numbor of
WpiltiPu1fiv nftornoon bv iMrs Georco , yoars- arrived the latter part of last
aIternoon uy Mr8, ueorB week to accept tho positron as agent in
Or, Morrill. Dentist.
Mrs. F. C. Piolsticker and littlo
daughter aro visiting rolatlvos at
Fonda, Iowa, s
D. C. Congdon Is improving his
proporty nn wost Sixth by tho addition
of commodious porches.
Mr. andiMni. I. E. Bostwlck, living
Bouth of Hershoy, wero in town yester
day onrouto to Beatrice.
Miss Kathorlno Brctzer camo up
from Grand Island Saturday to spend
Sunday with tho homo folks.
For Farm Loans soo Gone Crook,
Room woHt of Vionna Cafo.
Mrs. C. M. Roynohls spont .tho wook
end In town and loft Saturday evening
for Kearney to visit frinds.
Enginqor Chas. Johnson,, has begun
tho erection of a now realdonco in tho
1200 block on west Fourth street.
FOR SAIE Fivo room house In
Banks addition, 21G suoth Maplo, All
modorn but heat. Phono Rod 590. 37t
R. E. Biggs, who onllsted in Co, D,
31st Enginoors, stationed, at Fort
Leavenworth, lias been appointed sor
Mrs. E. J, Drain, who had boon a
guost at tho W. V. Hongland residence,
loft Saturday ror hor homo In Pitts
burg, Ponna.
this city
Tho most wondorful waists and
blouses ever shown are now on sale at
ono and two dollars in sizes 34 to 44
Tho Presbyterian aid socioty will
moot this wcok on Wednesday after
noon at three o'clock In tho church
basement. Tho ontertainlng commltteo
will bo Mcfldamcs Soronson, Strahorn
and JPorrltt.
I have Tomato and Cabbage plants
galoro, tho like of it you novor saw
boforo. Thoy aro 35 conts por hundred
whilo thoy last. Got what you noed
quick.- Thoy aro going fast. R. McFar
land, Tho plant man, 2005 B. 4th St,
North Platte, Nebr.
Taking out tho' thirty men who loavo
May 28th, tihoro yot remains about 200
men in class one. Based on a call oach
month on a percentage that is likely to
bo heavier than tho calls heretofore
mado. theso 200 will bo oxhaustcd bo
foro November first
Plato meant well but ho got off
wrong on tho friendship Idea bottor
get tho modornizod version at tho
Crystal tonight whon Peggy Hyland
plays Tho OUior woman. Thon do
cldo which theory Is best and which
position is best-tho wife or Tho Other
Tho second drlvo for tho Red Cross
war fund began in Lincoln uounty
yesterday morning and before tho mid
dle of tho afternoon County Chairman
Dixon had received word that bight of
tho 132 district had gone over the top.
Included In those roportlng wero Hcr
shby-and Sutherland.
Rctoorta received last ovenng In
dicated that meetings, as par schedule
had been held practically nll'of tho
districts yestrday afternoon and that
tho quota apportioned to each district
had or would be reached nnd that many
of. tho districts would ovor-Bubscrlbd
their allotted amount.
Solicitors in tho business districts
of North Platte practically completed
their work, and If tho resident sections
show up as strong proportionally ns
have tho business sections, the North
Platto quota of $5,500 will be laregly
over-subscribed. Tho business district
was divided into blocks, and every em
ployer or omployo was solicited, and
so far as now learned every employe
as well as employer subscribed In pro
portion to tho wage received or in pro
portion to the volume of business
transcted by the m reliant or profes
siional man.
Chairman Dixon ia desirous of hav
ing North Platto as well as all the
districts over-subscribe their quotas.
Ho boiloves, and rightly too,- that no
moro cheering word can be said to tho
Lincoln county boys in servico than
that Lincoln county has gono over the
top in this Red Cross drive. It will
bo evidence to them that the folkB at
home are loyal to them; that Lincoln
county men and women are cheerfully
rneetlng every demand made that will
prove or benefit to the noys in service
and help win tho war.
Billon for iVnilroad.
Railroads undor government opera
tion this year will spend nearly a bll
lion dollars for addltons, betterments.
and equipment, or approximately three
times as much as in any ono of tho last
three years. Total capital approved
by tho railroad administration as an
nounced today is. $937,961,318. Of this
big sum $440,071,000 Willi bo spent for
additions and betterments, such as
Btations and other property improve
ments: S479,GSG,000 for equipment,
cars and locomotives already ordered
thru tho railroad administration, and
$18,203,000 for track extensions.
American Casunlities.
Washington advises that up to last
Su'nday tho total casualities of the,
American forces In France wero 6,070.
divided as follows: Deaths in action.
499, deaths from wounds 195, deaths
from accidents 237, deaths from
dlaeaoo 1,050, died qf other causes 74,
deaths at soa 238, civilian deaths 8,
total deaths 2,380: wounded 3,380,
captured 07; missing 224.
Nnn-l'nrtlsuii Lcnguo,
Lucien Stebbins will open tho cam
paign of tho Non-Partisan League in
Nebraska as candidate for Congress,
by potltion, in tho Sixth district, at
Myrtle, May 2Gth at 2 p. m will speak
for Non-partisan, Democrat, Repub
lican, Socialist. Advorso comment
solicited. .
Wm. ROSS, Chairman.
::o:: !
Successful Box Social. i
A successful box social was hold at
tho Miller school houso 1n District 39
Thursday evening and through the sale
of boxes $42.10 was realized, which r
sum will bo donated to Rod CrosB pur-'
poses. A short program was rendered
by tho pupils of the school followed
by a splondld patriotic talk by At
tornoy c. u Basklns.
: IN
"The Heart of a Lion."
A 7 reel picturization of ' Ralph Conner's
novel "The Doctor." Farnum in a drama of
the untamed west, saves "his brother "a'nd
' t. wins a bride. '
Keith Theatre
Wednesday & Thursday, May 22-23
Admission 20c, Balcony 15c, Children foe. Including War Tax.
Graining System
Isn't it almost n crime to use unsanitary carpets when the
Chi-Namel Graining System will make any old floor suitable for
At 2c per" square foot it is tho cheapest and most sanitary
floor finioh any one ccnild buy.
Come in nnd learn to grain. It will take only five minutes
Will outwear new hard wood finished with the ordinary varnish.
Mrs. Frank Hoxio and Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Halllgan went to Ogalalla Satur-1
day ovoning to attond tho funeral of.-:
tho late J. W. Wolpton. 'j
Owon Jones, rldor for tho Suburban ,
ditch, had a knoo badly bruised Friday j
wnon it was struck by a lover on1 a
ditching machine" ho was operatng.
Those who deslro to take part in
tho Homo Guard minstrel show will
pleaso hand in thoir names to W. H.
Mungor boforo Saturday of this week.
Tomato: Plants! Cabbago Plants!
By tho hundred thousands. "Wo have
them. North Platto Floral Company.
The socrotary of tho Red Cross may
bo found at tho Rod Cross office in tho
fedoral building each weok day from
four to six o'clock in tho aftornoon,
For Sorvlce First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platto Plumbing and
Heating Co,, Phono Dlack 2G0, 100 East
Sixth street.
ilr. and Mrs. Fred H. Thompson
loft Friday for Eureka, Cal., where
they will visit for some time with Mr.,
and Mrs, Will Huddartt, former North
Platto rncldents.
For Sale My rosldonco at 904 oast
Third street, strictly modern. Prico
54,000, C. V. TURPIE.
Lucien Stobbina, of this city, who for
many yeara haB been a candidate for
political proferment, but so far has not
reached a goal in tho race, announces
that ho will bo tho Non-Partlsan
League candidate for Congress In this
district Mr. Stebbins novor hesitates
to offor himself as a sacrifice.
Joo King and Mary Warroji will ap
pear at tho Crystal Wednesday night
in Tho Vortex, a photoplay in which
tho grcon-oyed rnonstor seca rod. Tho
Borpont of Jealousy ofton slnkB Us
poisoned fangs into tho hearts ot
noblo mon and women in affairs of tho
heart, of Btate, of socioty and oven ex
tends to tho charltablo things that
pooplo would do, This plcturo will
do you good besidos cntortalning you.
: :o: :
Crystal Theatre tonight In "The
Other Woman.''
'A great net oj mercy drawn thrwugh
- ecenn f unspeakable pain
I'm Afraid that's All
You're a regular, red-blooded, true-blue American. You love
your country. You love that flapping, snapping old flag. Your
heart thumps hard when the troops tramp by. You're1 loyal '
per 100 cent. ;
You intend to you want to -help win the war in a hurry.
"Sacrifice? Sure," . you've been thinking. "Just you wait
till they really need it." And you've honestly thought you meant
that too.
But look yourself in the- eye, now, and search up and down
inside of your heart-.-vdid, , -you mean it? Did you , really mean
"sacrifice". .";"..
Listen you feel poor. This third Liberty loan, the high prices,
the Income Tax -you've done your bit. You feel that you've
given all you can spare.
.What? Then what did you mean? What's that you said
about loving' your country? What did you think the word .? 'sacrifice"
means? t...., J ' .. V
Surely you didn't mean, did you, to give only what you can
spare? - ;f '
What aboutjjour hoys who are giving their lives in .the tren
ches? Are they giving only wliat they can "spare".
How about those mothers and little "kiddies" in the shell
wrecked towns of that war-swept hell; hungry- ragged sobbing
alone? Giving up their homes, their husbands, their fathers.
While we over .. here with our fun and our comforts we
hold up our heads ' and feel patriotic because we have given
what? Some loose bills off the top of our roll. "We Ve given all
we can spare?
Come, come! Let's quit fooling ourselves. Let us learn
what "sacrifice" means. Let us give more than wecan spare
let us "give till the heart says stop."
Every cent received for the Red Cross War Fund goes for War Relief.
Tho Araorlcan Red Cross la the largest and most
efficient organization for tho relief of suffering that
tho World has over seen. j,
It Is mado up almost entirely bt volunteer workora,
tho higher executive bolng without exception mon ac
customed to largo affairs, who aro In almost all casos
giving their services without pay.
It Is supported entirely by Its membership fees and
by voluntary contrlbutonB.
It is today bringing relief to suffering humanity,
both military and civil, In ovory War torn allied coun
try. It plans tomorrow to help In the work ot restora
tion throughout tho -world.
It feeds and clothes entire populations In times of
great calamity.
It is there to help your soldier boy In his tlmo of
With its thousands of workers, Us tremendous
Btores and smooth running transportation facilities,
it is serving as America's advance guard and thus
helping to win tho war.
Congress authorizes it
President Wilson heads it
Tho War Department audits Its accounts.
Your Army, your Navy and your Allies enthusi
astically ondorso It
Twenty-two million Americana have Joined it
Stacy Co.,
'Harry Samuelson.,
W. E. Shuman.,
Shoe Market.,
Simon Brothers.,
Silver Front Cigar Store.,
Space donated to .the Red Cross by
W. A. Skinner.,
Star Clothing House,
Schneringer Undertaking Co,,
Star Bottling Works.,
Stone Drug Co.,