' ".4 9 Itti mm THIRTY-f OURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 21, 1918. No. 37 NEWS ABOUT WIE BOYS WHO AllE IN SERVICE. Ralph Vroman, In tho'balloon school at Omaha, camo up Friday to visit tho homo folks. Ho will return today. Warren McNamar, of Paxton, son of Mr. and" Mrs. E. N. McNamar, well known In North Platto, has enlisted for special scrvlco in tho U. S. army and will leave this week. Messors. Miller and Boloy left Sat urday noon for Camp Benjamin Har rison at Indlanapollsf A largo numbor of friends gathered at tho depot to hid Uio hoys goodbye. "Bob" McWilllams. formerly of this city, but of lato working as a bollor maker In Denver, enlisted Saturday for special sorvlco and left tho same evening for Camp Benjamin Harrison, at Indianapolis. Ralph Hendorson, who had been In tho baso hospital at Ft. Rlloy as a member of tho corps, has been promoU ed sorgcant and sent to Camp Merrltt, N. J. It Is probablo that ho will soon be sent overseas. Captain P. R. Halllgan of Co. E at Camp Cody, has been appointed acting major at the training school for draft ed men at that camp. Theso drafted men wore sent to Doming from Now Mexico,, .Arizona and Colorado. Mark Leonard, stationed at Camp Funston, stopped over in town for a Hhort time yesterday while enrouto to Ft Russell with a shipment of mules. Upon his return he hopes to bo able to visit relatives and friends for a couplo of days. Claronco Jones, son of chief of po lice Jones, who wont to Camp Cody with Co. EJ, writes that ho has been appointed Borgeant Jn tho training school for drafted men at that camp. Ho is also a m6mber of tho automatic rlflp team. Arthur McEvoy writes that ho is noY at tho detention camp at tho Groat Lakes naval training station, and other than suffering from a soro arm duo to vaccination, Is feeling line. His only complaint is that ho doosn't havo cream and sugar for his coffee. ; !0! ; ARE YOU SURE. OF A GOOB smnll grain crop this Year? YOU ARE IF THE HAIL DON'T GET IT, OLD LINE COMPANIES will prolcct you FOR 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Cash and nolo rates the same, will tako your noto duo Sept. 1st. TO SAVE MONEY GET OUR RATES FIRST, at your scrvlco day or THE If. AND S. AGENCY. Office Jlrodbecflc Building 3rd Door East of Tost Office. . Phono Red or Black G12 North Platte. J. C. HOLLMAN, Res. Phono Red 381 J. E. SEBASTIAN, Res. Phono Rcd-3J8 J JOJ Cnvnlry Drill. Tho cavalry division of tho Homo Guards will have a drill at tho city park next Saturday afternoon at four o'clock. Tho squads from both tho north and south sides will be present, as will also North Platto men who aro members of the cavalry. ; tO ! "Tho Kaiser, tho Beast of Berlin," will bo presented at a matinee to bo given at three o'clock this afternoon; Tho m'atlneo prices will bo 25c for adults and 15c for children. Registered Hereford Bull for Salo. Address E. Soderman, North Platto Nob. Phono 794F041. 35-G THIRTY MEN WILL LEAVE MORNING OF MAY 28th. Thirty young men of Lincoln county will leavo on tho local at six o'clock Tuesday morning, May 28th for Camp Dodge, near Dos Moines, for tho pur pose of going into training for tho great! conflict overseas. Monday evening tho departing boys will bo given a reception at tho Frank. Un auditorium by tho Sammy Girls. Included In tho program for tho even ing will bo a reading by Miss Sara Kelly, vocal solos by Miss Whlto and Miss Trovlllo, selections by a male quartotto and an address by Rov. Fr. McDald. Swcators and comfort kits will bo presented to tho boys. Mrs. McGraw, head of tho Sammy Girls, requests that all members of tho Homo Guards ho prosont at this recep tion. Tho registration board has named thirty-three from which thirty will be selected, threo In tho list bojng con sidered "doubtful" at this time. Tho thirty-threo named aro as follows: Fred L. Evans Louis Bcchan Frank Bechan Win. Kcegan t Harry Little Saml. C. Mooro Fred Amstuz Wm. H. Cass Henry Kelso Merrill Cox Jacob Rouscho , Sainl. Evans James George J. A. Laughlin Floyd Shane Frank Lusco W. F. Shoedy Georgo Horb Walter Ellis Frank H. Davis Antonio Zachardio Earl Plttman Petor E. Faks Clydo Ourmmlngs Rudolph Andorson Russell Grandy Nick Adamy Ezra Dowhowcr , Albert Wostenfeld Clifford Hazen John Godeker Clayton Wheelock Gaither Caublo ;;o;: ' Plants for Sale, Tomato, early 15c a dozen Cauliflower, small ball.... 20c a dozen Cabbage, early, transplanted 15c ajdoz, Peppors, Chinese Giant,.; ,25c a doz. Kohl Robi 25c a doz. Sweet Potatoes 70c a hundred Celery. 3 varieties 50c a hundred L. I. TUCKER, Phone Red 1003. ;; Complete Red Cross Flag. Members of the Red Cross yesterday completed a Red Cross flog 9x12 feet which will be displayed as soon as It is known that Lincoln county has gono over the top In the prosont Red Cross war fund drive. Tho Intention is to suspend tho flag across Dowey street at tne intersection or Sixth. ::o:: The Art Store Is clpslng out all stamped goods at discount of 20" por cent, beginning May 22d. Mrs. Fred Elliott and children ar rived Saturday from Omaha and aro guests of Mrs. Elliott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Goozeo. Seo "Tho Beast," at the Red Cross Prices 25c and 15c. Prices 25c and lgc. Districts Reporting. j Up to lost evening sixteen school , districts had reported tho results of! tho meetings hold yesterday after noon to subscrlbo funds for the Red Cross. Fourteen of tho sixteen ex ceeded their quota. Thoso reporting! and tho amount subscribed wero: iirauy ?i,uu. norsnoy ?i,uuu, autu orland (not finished) $800, Maxwell $800, Dickens $214, Dlst. 89, $375; Dlst. 11, $319; Dlst 17, $287; Dtst 101, $223; Dist, 98, $208; Dlst 118t $100; Dlst 52, $80; Dlst 119. $72; Dlst 82, $150; Dlst. li) $50; Dlst. 87i $50. Wallaco reported subscriptions of $400, but tho work Is not completed. Up to last ovenlng tho solicitors in North Platto had reported subscrip tions amounting to a llttlo moro than ono-half, tho city's quota, hut It is clonfldonty oxpected that tho quota will ho reached. Tho committees hopo to complete tho canvas In tho city by ton o'clock tonight. ::o:: . "Tho Beast of Berlin." "Tho Kaiser, tho Beast of Berlin," drew two Immense audiences at tho Red Cross theatre lost" night. At tho first show several hundred woro turn ed away, not because ovory ono of tho 750 seats woro fllld, but bocause thoro was no standing 'room. At tho second show tho houso was also pack ed. Between tho shows Judge Oldham, of Kearney, delivered a partiotic ad dress that received enthusiastic ap plause. "Tho Beast" will be exhibited at a matinee this afternoon at three o'clock and will also bo presented at the two shows at the usual hours this evening. '. Heavy Hall Storm. A very heavy hall storm swept over a largo section of country botween a point six miles south of tho river and May wood about eight o'clock last evpnlng. Tho hall covered the ground to the depth of an Inch or moro, and somo of tho stones aro reported to have been as largo as hen's eggs. The storm center covered a territory In; Which them in -n. vorv Inrirn nprnnim 0W ..- of wheat, but It has not been learned; how badly tho growing wheat was emmagea. a ncavy ram accompanied the hall. As a prosont on tholr tenth wedding anniversary Ralph Smith Sunday presented Mrs. Smith with a Dodgo Bros. car. Postmaster McKvoy Is looking for a substltuto carrier c-n rural route A to supply tho route whllo Fred Sivurrlor lanes a vacation. Mrs. Victor- Bock and daughter Ruth havo returnod to tholr homo after treatment at tho Osteopathic hospital. Lutheran Girls' Club will bo ontor talned at tho homo of Miss Edna Wen dobom, west Ninth street Thursday' evening. Twenty; per cent off on JCrochot Threads at tho Art Storo May 22d. Shorwood Woodhurst wont to Kear ney this morning to spond tho day. Tho Happy Hour club will meet Friday aftornon with Mrs. L, L. Greont? west 9th Btrcot Notice to Ford Owners 1 -::o::- Nlirsfi Ttrmvn ITnenHnl 'Vfttnc- Mls8 Carvarte, who had been doing! spociai duty at tne hospital,, roturned, to her homo In Omaha yesterday. . JOranlc McCalg, b Paxton, ohtored the hospital for treatment Sunday. . Tho small son of E. A. Stonvad was oporated on yesterdoy. Miss Georgia Priest, of Tryon, Is recovering nlcoly from her recent operation. :o: :- THE MAN WHO WORKS FOR HIS MONEY. Gives full value for it has tho right to expect the same when ho paysut tho reward of his toll. Ho will get It every time at this coal yard where big value are proverbial. We want the trade tf those who must ho careful what they spend. Thoy moro fully ap preciate tho saving our servico af fords. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON rnoNE 99. "Tho Snirlt of fho Tlorl f!rna " n 9. I reol motion picture by James Mont gomery Flagg, is produced to bring be foro ovory motion picture patron tho snlendid work holm? dnno iiv tho (American Rod Cross. It is not "propa ganda." I' irst or au Us a truo picture showing how your dollars aro making I things a bit moro comfortable for your ooys in franco. This picture will bo shown at tho Keith theatre next Mon day, May 27th. Undor the bill which has now pass ed both houses of congress, all clerks in tho North Platto postofflce will re ceive an Increase of $200 per year. Rural carriers will recolvo an increase of twenty per cent. L. B. Rick retuornod homo this morn ling from Toledo, wliero ho accom panied Mrs. Dick. Enroute they stop ped at Rochester, Minn., whero Mrs. Dich was oxamlned at tho Mayo Bros, hospital and trcatomnt recommended. Kenneth S. Finlayson, general sec rotary of the war savings soclotlos, is In town today conferring with Bert Barber, who Is director of tho soclotlos for Lincoln county. Claroncn Brown nnil .T. O T? nan turn young men who live at Lowollen, came uown last, nignt ana iort tma morning for Denver whore thov will enlist ns marines. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Storo. tf It has come to our attention that parties aro recommending that tho Ford cars need special attention other than given at the Ford Service Stations. In this thoy arc mis taken. We, as an authorized Ford Sales and Servico Station for the Ford Motor Com-, pany, have in our employ Mr. C. Cremer who has had Sevon years experience in Ford service and shop work with tho Ford Motor Companyat Omaha, Nebraska. Ho, being" In charge of our mechanical department will be pleased to consult with you at any Um regarding any trouble you may havo with your ear. If your magneto is weak, we have a $500.00 machino'Jnstalled to do the work of re charging, and this work will not be done unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. FOR WE HAVE TESTING INSTRUMENTS TO LOCATE THIS DEFECT i We also have special machinery for testing CRANK SHAFTS, CAM SHAFTS, CON NECTING RODS, as to their alignment. A Ford SPECIAL COIL TESTER and many other necessary tools to save guessing in doing the work. 1 i We use the STANDARD FORD PRICE SYSTEM as all AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE STATIONS aro required to do by tho FORD MOTOR COMPANY. ' In' this, every FORD OWNER receives honest and fair treatment. We also carry in stock the necessary repair parts of every description, so that if your car becomes disabled, wo with our first class mechanical department and mechanics can give you the quickest guaranteed possible service. Own a Ford and get the Greatest Service known to the Automobile World. j Ford output growing smaller, this may make price advance. Order to-day. SAVE MUCH MONEY YOU WOULD PUT IN OTHER OARS AND BUY A FORI). ' THESE PRICES AT NORTH PLATTE, 5 Passenger Touring 2 Passenger Roadster 5 Passenger Sedan ' 2 Passenger Coupelet 1 Ton Truck . . . . Our serivce is complete to FORD OWNERS as we carry all descriptions or ACCES SORIES, GREASES, and OILS. Standard Tires and Tubes of tho following makes: FIRESTONE UNITED STATES PENNSLYVANIA LEE GENERAL and DOUBLE FABRIC. s Guarantees running from 3500 to G000 miles. $505.40 u - $756.00 Gas 271 cents per Gallon GAS PEP at $1.25 a box, which purifies 150 gallons of any kind of gas, In the end making a saving of 35 gallons. Guaranteed and testefl hero by us. CALL AND LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT. We will soon be in our new location 207-211 East 4tli, which will be the largest and most complete GARAGE between Omaha and Denver, where we will continue to give 24 hours service to all patrons. WKKS'M' Taxi and Livery Service Pay or Night HENDY & OGIER AUTO CO. Authorized Sale and Service PHONE 34 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 'AX MMMIMtWtMUtiUilitlillulliitlwtlltl4i.....ll....i....i................. ...... . . ........... .v.v.v.v.v.v..wv.v..w.v j 8 j.t t.t i.t t.t J.t t.t J.t J.t j.t xt. tt j.t it tt . t.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t t.t it ON GROWING CROPS, SEE Have written Hail Insurance for past IS years in good stock companies and always paid losses 100 cent on the dollar. . BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY. 5. t.i J.t l t.t it tt 11 t.t J.t J.t j.t j.t J.t Jt J.t i.t $ It 4 ! j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t :.t j.t J$ J.t j.t Jt J.t n j.t J it j ' ' "'""'''