The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 14, 1918, Image 7

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(Copyright, 1918, by the McCluro Newspa
per Syndicate.)
It wns a typical summer hotel vo
rnndn. At lenst bo thought a perspir
ing and very much disgusted young
man who looked up at It from tho bot
tom of the somewhat steep and very
dusty hill.
"An Adamless Eden, I'll warrant,"
he muttered.
Brown as a young Indian from
weeks of outdoor camp life, and cov
ered with dust and perspiration, cer
tainly no one would have recognized
In this very bedraggled young man
Max Harding, whose aristocratic moth
er was a guest at the hotel on tho
Scowling fiercely, ho dragged his
heavy suitcase up tho path, only to bo
met at the veranda steps by a pompous-looking
Individual who effectu
ally barred his further progress.
"Can't come up tho front way, fcl
leh," said tho pompous one.
"What tho dev ," and then as tho
full significance of tho servant's re
mark struck him, Max Harding burst
Into n laugh.
"Maybe I can sneak In through tho
kitchen and get washed up before I
greet tho mater," ho thought. "If she
ever catches mo looking like this
Hello, whew ew ew," and he whis
tled softly, for a remarkably pretty
girl snt directly In front of the kitch
en door, shelling pens thus onco
more blocking his progress.
"Have you a moment to spare," ho
asked, removing his hat, and speaking
in his most engaging manner.
"I am sorry, but I haven't," said
tho young woman, very promptly,
scarcely glancing up from her work.
"Oh, ho," thought he, "not much en
thusiasm here. May I show you some
of my wares?" with an expressive
glanco in tho direction of the suit
"Ton may not," said the young wom
an, just as promptly as before.
"Well, do you mind If I sit down on
the lawn a minute?" he hazarded for
his third venture.
"I do not," again responded the "fair
lady of the peas," taking him In with
one nll-appralsing glance.
So Max sat down on the little plot
of grass In front of the house, and
leaned hls'head back against the build
lng, and closed his eyes.
"Poor fellow," thought the girl, her
sympathy aroused at last, "ho must
be pretty tired. I'm afraid I wan
rather sharp with him. Well, he look
dark enough for one of thoso Syrian
or Armenian peddlers, but he cer
tainly doesn't talk like one. I'll Just
run In and get him a glass of rasi
berry shrub. It'll cool him off before
he goes."
She was back In a moment with a
glass of delicious looking liquid, and,
tapping the young man on the shoul
der, she offered It to him.
"Here, drink this," she said. "I'm
sorry I couldn't stop to look at yonr
wares. Have you made many sales
"No, not one," answered Max, qulto
truthfully, and he swallowed tho re
freshing ih-lnkwlth genuine apprecla
YOU can replace any part of your truck that wears
out at small cost except the motor. Proper lubri
cation is the most important detail in its care.
Lubricate the engine with Polarine. Minimizes friction
maximizes power. Absolutely pure and acid-free; always
uniform. Best for summer lubricates perfectly at all
engine heats.
' Look for the Polarine sign it's a safe guide to a safe oil
that safeguards your motor.
Use Red Crown Gasoline the fuel that's all power
and mileage
tlon. Then, with many thanks, ho
beat a hasty retreat around to tho
front of tho house onco more.
This time his mother wns seated on
tho veranda, and she greeted him ef
fusively, but he managed to make her
understand that a bath and some clean
linen were tho two most essential
things In his life at that particular mo
ment, and so he escaped to his room.
He descended nbout an hour later,
looking very different In his whlto
flannels, and his mother's prldo shono
in her eyes as she greeted him.
"And, Max," she said, "there's tho
loveliest girl here. I want you to
meet her. ner name Is Annn Cabot."
"Now, mother," ho remonstrated.
"But, Max, dear, this one Is differ
entl But wait she's promised to sit
at our tablo tonight, and you'll B04 for
"Well, no sign of your divinity yet,
mother," said Max, some miuutes
later, when they had started thclt
dinner ; perhaps" hopefully "she's
changed her mind."
"No, hero she comes," said Mrs.
Harding, and straight to their table
came the lady of his afternoon's ad
venture. Lifting her eyes to acknowledge tho
Introduction, the color flooded, into the
girl's face, and her eyes asked Innu
merable questions as sho recognized
"Do you know that Katie tho cook
left this afternoon?" asked the girl
of Mrs. Harding somo moments later,
when sho was herself again.
"Good gracious," gasped that lady.
"Who took her place?"
"I did," said the girl, quietly, meas
uring glances with the young man op
posite her.
"Why, my dear, aren't you clever I"
exclaimed his mother, looking at her
son with an "I-told-you-so" expression.
Just then the waitress entered tho
dining room with liquid refreshments
clinking In a silver pitcher.
"By-the-way, Miss Cabot," said Max.
"since I understand that you aro 'up'
In such matter what drink would
you recommend ns the most cooling
and refreshing for these hot days, as
well as. most economical?"
"Why," said tho girl, daintily raising
her glass as he raised his, "whv er
raspberry shrub."
And over their glasses their eyes
met In a look of complete understanding.
Portable Distillery.
A French perfume-manufacturing
company 1ms constructed a portablo
distillery to obtain extracts from
cither wild or cultivated flowers In the
regions in which they grow.
Tractor Vs. Mule.
Ten mules can haul about two tons
of mnterlal and their work Is limited
to ten hiurs, but the tractor hauls 25
tons and covers a distance of 20 miles
at the same time.
Uncle Pennywise Says.
It Is difficult to do anything for a
man who Is so Ignorant he doesn't
know he's Ignorant. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Widower Before I married I couldn't
save a dollar; now that I'm married
and my wife Is dead I save almost
half my salarv.
Practice Makes Perfect.
If yon are a clerk, do you know any
thing about tho goods you handlct If
you are a teacher, do you subscribe to
any pedagogical works? Do you at
tend lectures? Do you study child life?
If you nro a mother do you know any
thing about chemistry and dietetics
und homo nursing? If you aro a writer
do you know anything about the liter
ary market, the fashions In stories?
Aro you familiar with tho literature
of tho world? Do you know anything
about llfo Itself?
Good Way to Preserve Potatoes.
Tho natives of tho Andes have a
method of preserving potatoes, which
consists of nlternnte freezing and thaw
ing until all tho molsturo Is removed.
Tho resulting product Is known as
chunu, and It can be stored for months
and oven years, with fear of deteri
oration. Pressed into little bullet
shaped plccos, chunu is universally of
fered for salo In tho market, and Is ono
of tho chief foods of tho nntlvo popula
tion. Oath Purposely Made Stringent
Tho term "Iron-clad oath" has no
significance now. It wns tho nnmo giv
en to a very stringent oath of office
prescribed by congress In 1802 and ap
plied at tho close of tho Civil war for
officeholders in tho re-constructed
states. It was intended to exclude
from ofllco all who had participated In
tho Civil war on tho Confederate side,
and really had that effect because they
could not toko tho oath.
Georgian Doctor Human Benefactor.
Perhnps the greatest triumph of
American medlcnl science was tho dis
covery of nnnesthcsla, which mado
modern surgery possible. A number of
physicians claimed the priority in this
great development, but in latter years
the credit has usually been given to
Dr. Crawford W. Long, a Georgia
country doctor, who received his medi
cal education at the University of
Fine Paint Made From Tar.
The Revue do Chltnlu Industrlello
notes that n brllliunt black palut
which dries well and Is far superior
to mineral varnish may bo mode by
mixing equal parts of coal tar with
benzine or coal oil. Spread thinly with
a hard brush, It penetrates tho wood,
which It preserves from decay, and It
adheres well to metals, at the samo
time preventing them from rusting.
Often the Case.
After a man of sedentary pursuits
reaches a certain ago the buckwheat
enke with which lie comes In contact
Is transformed within approximately
half an hour after taking from an
inspiration to higher and better things
jto a deep and apparently permanent
tegret. Ohio State Journal.
Granite nnd marblo headstones. Tho
only shop In tho city. Equipped with
pnoumntlo machinery. Lettering neat
ly done. All work guaranteed.
Corner 7th and Locust. North Patto.
Director Qonoral McAdoo will an-
nounco soon Ills decision on recommen
dations of tho railroad wago commis
sion which woro said In woll Informed
quarters to proposo an avorago 20 por
cfcJnt advanco In "pay for all classes of
railroad cmployos. If Mr. McAdoo fol
lows Uio suggestion of tho commis
sion approximately $260,000,000 will
be added to tho pay rolls ot tho na
tion's railroads.
Strong prcssuro Is said to havo boon
brought to bear on tho director gener
al to modify somo of tho commission's
recommendations, especially affecting
tho four great brothorhoods. Mr. Mc
Adoo Is not bound to follow tho advlco
of tho commission and can Increase or
reduco their recommendations as ho
sees fit. Tho commission has followed
Its announced policy of giving tho high
est paid unions tho lowost rato of
advanco, holding that relief Is neoded
most by tho men who haVd boon bare
ly making ends meet or perhaps going
In debt on tho wagos thoy rocolrcd.
Apparently nono ot tho commission's
recommendations has m'ot tho reoucsts
of tUa unions thomsolvos, which rang
ed as high as 40, 50 and 60 por cont.
A majority of tho commission Is
said to havo folt that tho eight hour
day should not bo mado unlvorsal for
railroad oinployds whilo tho war is
In progross, fearing to upset trans
portation and necessitate) tho expendi
ture of largo sums In addition to tho
increases suggested .
It Is said tho commission has urpdd
that after the war tho elsht hour day
bo oxtended and made tho basis of
employment of all classes of railroad
Billion Ilnshol Wheat Crop.
Ilopjcu for tho billion bushol wheat
crop, for which tho government is
striving this year, was strengthened
by tho Department of Agriculture's
May crop report, forecasting a produc
tion of 572,539,000 bushels of wintor
Secretary Houston, in a Btatemont
said thore was every reason to an
ticipate increased farm yiold this
year ovor tho nelcord production of last
year. Ho added, howovor, that tho
promise did not warrant roloxod ef
forts for greater production and for
greater conservation, and calleid upon
the pooplo or towns and cltios to
realizo that tho farmor cannot work
miracles, and. lend him tho assistance
needed at harvost timid.
:o: :
For Sale.
1 ton Hudford Truck, 30 H. P.,
also 1 Trailer.
COHN & WILSON, Garago,
33-4 Maxwell, Nebr.
Half million in Franco.
Secretary Bakor Wednesday dlctat-
iH tho following statomont:
"In January I told tho senato com
mittee that there was strong likohood
thnt early in tho present year 500,000
American troops would bo dispatched
to France. I cannot either now or
porhaps later discuss tho numbor of
American troops In Franco; but I am
glad to ho able to say that tho forecast
I mado In January has been surpass
ed. "
-.:o: :
Potatoes For Sale.
Good Early Ohio Potatoes at fifty
cent por bushel at the cave. Inquire
of Frank Yamakl, ono mllo west of
tho Nichols school house, north sido of
road. 32-4
Notice of Dissolution of Co-Partner-
Tho firm of Dloner & Konnody,
dealers In Real Estate and Insurance.
Is this day desolvod. F. J. Dloner,
as liquidating partner, will settlo all
obligations ot tho firm, and Is auth
orized to collect all claims. All parties
knowing themselves indotbed will
please call at their office, 620
Dowey street, and make settlement of
same. Dated April 18, 1918.
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this Is the year and the
time of the yeur to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
The Artificial Ice and
Cold Storage Co.
Announces thnt It Is prepared to fur
nlsh nil consumers with DEEP WELL
Artifical Ice.
PHONE 40 and your orders
will be Promptly Filled.
DeHorning Pencil
For nnle at the office of
IJvery pencil will dehorn 60 cnlvm
from 10 dnn to 10 luonthM old for
HMK A profit of (3.00 for any calf It
falU to dehorn.
C'nll at the office and net one.
Licensed Embamora
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Block 638.
A nico. pleasant Durnatlvo that also
has a gonial stimulating effect in tho
llVor and Dtomach Is ono reason why
Prickly Ash. Blttora la so woll liked
by pooplo who havo used It. They
find It a good modtclno for tho wholo
family. Prlco $1,25 por bottlo. Rlnck
or Book and Drug Co. apodal agents.
Highest Prices Paid for
We don't quote any prices, just give us a
trial and convince yourself that we pay
the most that has ever been paid in North
Our Place is 117 W. 5th St
known as the Joe Hershey property. If
you can not come
Phone Red 260
and we'll come after what you have.
Cotton seed Cake and Meal, Cane Seed, Alfalfa
and winter rape seed.
Blatchford's Calf and Pig Meal, Egg and Milk
Crushed, block and lump Rock Salt, sulphurized
block, granulated and Ice Cream Salt, Oyster Shell,
Chick Food, Baled Hay and Alfalfa Hay.
Alfalfa Meal, Shorts, Bran, Chop and Corn.
Also Apples at $1.25 per box. ,
North Platte Light & Power Co.
- DR. J. S. TWIN EM,
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray.
For your comfort nnd accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is no system of treatment its equal.
Office phone 183.. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
Before buying a car bo sure to see me as I have a number
of cars almost as good as new, which I will sell at a
bargain. These cars are not old broken down junk, but
cars which will stand close inspection and will save you
money. Would be pleased to have you call and see theso
Sluco I havo sold Uio garago am doing auto livery from tho North Side
Barn.. Pay or Night. Tolophono 20. Mfo make a specialty of drives to
sales all over tho county at tho rato of Ave cents por mllo por person.
Thoso vrho havo sales throughout tho country please lot mo know.
Also a fovf cars for salo. Night Call Bod 632,
Julius Mogensen.
Taken up by tho subscriber on hla
enclosed lands In Walker Precinct In
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 14th
day of February, 1918, an nil red cow.
whtto on bolly, no brand or marks or
any kind, age about frur year, weight
nbout 100-118,
April 8, 1918.
Thorol aro mnny conveni
ences In Electric Wiring that
ontall llttlo cost yet add very
much to the convenient and
practical uso of Eloctrlclty.
Horo Is ono for having Base
board Outlet for your vacuum
cleaner, lamp, sow motor,
tablo nppllancos, talking ma.
chlno motor nnd all tho many
other Electrical uses.
Can bo readily installed
In any homo, In any num
ber, at any frlaco most
Our Business la House Wiring
818 North Locust St.