The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 14, 1918, Image 1

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No. 35
llrs. Emma Pulver and Mrs. Ida
Lewis aro spondlng today in Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cox wept to
Silver Creek yesterday to visit with
Mr. and Mrs H. A. Lowhead went
to Kearney yesterdny to visit friends
for a few days.
Entiro stock of spring coats now
offered at reduced prices at BLOCK'S.
F. C. Piolsticker returned this. Mr. nntl Mrs. Dan Valerius re-
morning from a business trip to turned this morning from a ten days
Omaha.- ' visit in Chicago.
Deserve more consideration than anything you :
have; your life depends upon them.
In connection with our optical dept. we have a
complete lense grinding plant and for that
reason offer the beet of service.
This new four passenger sport model of the Chandler
make has brought us a great deal of favorable comment,
both for the beauty and symmetry of. the jpb, but , also
oh account of its'tmusual poveV'speed' and generaLrbad
qualities. I doubt if you have ever ridden in any car
which will hold the road like it does at sustained speed.
I would' like to have you try it, whether you have an idea
now of a purchase or change in the the near future.
I am. only able to get one of the Dispatch cars per
month, and to those who have tried out the car, and found
it satisfactory, I would suggest an early order so that you
can be in line for the next'one we can get.
To obtain the most pleasant drive. you have ever had
in a motor car, come in some day and drive one of our.
Chandlers out yourself. You will be under no obligation
and will not be bothered with any saleman except the car
itself, but Iwarn you that the car is" quite persuasive.
The only car you can buy today at the same price as
last year. We cannot assure you as to how long'the pres
ent price will prevail, but probably not long.
TOURING CAR S1595 F. o. b. Factory
DISPATCH 1675 F. O. B. Factory
DEALERS : We have the distribution of the "Chandler"
line in Dawson, Lincoln, Keith, Logan and Arthur
Counties, and would be glad to supply you with liter
ature and details of our dealerships.
6th & Locust.
North Platte, Neb.
All arrangements for tho big Rod
Cross parade next Friday evening havo
been completed. Tli'a different divi
sions will mobollzEi at the court house
square at 0:50 sharp. Tho Junior Rod
Cross of tho First ward and of tho
parochial school and tho high school
cadets and boy scouts will rest on
Third cast of Dowey, tho mothers of
the iboys in service will rost on Dowey
south of Fourth, as will also tho mem
bers of tho Rod Cross; the Sammy
Girls will rest 011 Third west of Dowoy
'as will also tho Junior Red Cross of
the Washington and Lincoln schoolsf
tile drum corps and tho Homo Guards
will rest on Locust north of Third.
Each one in lino is carry
a flag. Members -of tho Red Cross,
Sammy Girls and Junior Red Cross
will appear in costume.
Tho lino of march will bo from tlio
court housci north on Dowoy to front,
west tb Locust, north to Ninth, south
on Locust to Fifth, oast on Fifth to
-: :o: :
Pushing Preliminary Work.
Chairman Dixon, assisted by Miss
Florence Iddlngs. secretary and
treasurer, aro busily engaged this
week mailing out to each of tho officers
of tho 132 school districts in tho county
letters and literature pertaining to tho
second Red Cross drive which begins
next Monday. la raising tho $17,000,
apportioned to Lincoln county each
te'ehocfl. dl!strict has ibeton askodj to
raise a certain quota, this quota being
based on tho assessed valuation of
tho district. This is an equltablo wa
of designating the quota and Is tho
me,thod used In nearly all tho counties
in tho state.
Chairman Dixon will have tho ontlro'
county thoroughly organized by Sat
urday night and ready for tho active
work of tho campaign Monday morn-Ing.
Leave for Convention.
Eleven dologates from tho local
camp of the United Spanish War Veter
ans to tho annual state encampment at
Seward, loft this morning. Tho follow
ing delegates were: A. W. Shilling,
Julius Hoga. E. E. Moody, Will Adam
son, W. J. House, A. E. Boll. A. W.
Brown, Chas. Halnff. C. W. Lllms. t.
Clark, and Eugene Beal, of Ogalalla. !
Mr. Shilling is a candidate for elec-J
Hon as state commander and will have'
tho support of the Omaha Camp, as
well as other camps In the state. His
election is confidently expected. Tho
delegates will ' return honifi Fridav
: :o: :
Give Plnno Ecellal
Pupils of Miss Ida Ottensteln niivn nti
onjoyablo piano recital at tho Otten
steln residence, aturday evening, rel
atives and friends of the pupils 'at
tending. Tho recital is pronounced to
have been very successful, efich 'pupil
doing splondidly. Those appearing on
tho program were: Elnla Wnltnmnth.
Kathryn Green, Volma Myers, Gladys
xvmmup, iracy wallcer, Evalino
Wilcox, Harriet Murrln, Will Reynolds,
Gladys DIener. Alice Hoaelaml.
Mooney and Eva Simants.
iwt vocal numbers were given by
Paul Harrington.
Cnpt. Shilling Appolnts'on-Coms.
North PlatteBMay 13.
Order No. 4. -V '
Tho following annolntmpnto
hereby announced:
1st Sergeant. E. A. Bell; Supply
uuiBcum, xmrry ioisnman; Duty
Sorgeants: R. M. Cathnrs? T?onnnii.
W. H. Mungor; Karl Hollman; ,Matt
"t,ul urpio,-fK. is. Smith;
Corporals: M. L. Ovorstreot; C. AV
Likes; C. L. Howell; J. c. Hupfer;
John Rltner; Ward LnRue; H. R.
Burke; R, E. Hansen.
other appointments
nounced later.
..:o: :
Minstrel Show Will l .w
Tho minstrel show tn
the homo Guards is now In course of
incuhatlon and promises to make a
big hit Thirty-two black face) artists
viu Huig,,cracK jokos which havo a
local flavor, danco and nartlnlnnfo in
second part olio that will consist of
many original stunts, a number of
which will have a local application.
The date of tho. show has not yet
been announced, but tho management
uui.i io oo aoio to do so in n few days
KiMvordi Lenguo Entertainment.
Tho Epworth Leatruo nf tim at
church will givo an entortainmont at
uio cnurcn next Thursday evening nt
eight o'clock with tho following nm.
eram: Organ solo, Mrs. Cram; Junior
xiPKii schooi quartetto; Solo. Mrs.
Whlto; Reading, Miss Kolly; Solo,
MJsa Antoaldoft': TiniwH
Forboe; Piano duet, MIssos Loan to
will bo an
Tho Baptst nuxIHary will moot at
tho church Thursday aftornoon at
j three o clock.
I Mrs. R. R. Dickey roturncd to
jChoyonno yoatorday attar visiting in
town for sovoral days.
Regular goneral mooting of tho 20th
Century Club will bo hold in tho Fed-
oral court room this evening.
For Salo Good rosidonco lots closo
In, Prices reasonable, Easy torms
two if. J. uicnor. tt.
walllo Crawford was fined $5.00
and costs In Justices Sulllvons court
yesterday for cutting a corner while
driving his car.
New white, skirts Just rocoived in
Gabardines, Piques and Wash Satins
nt most popular prices BLOCK'S.
Luthoran Girls club will bo enter
tained Thursday evening at tho homo
of Mrs. Elsasser, 320 south willow
For Salo: A Gas Range and wash
ing machlno. Inquiro 800 W. 3rd or
ritona Black 080.
Tho Royal Neighbors of America
will meet at tho K. P. Hall Thursday
at 8 p. m. All mombers are requested
to be present.
Mrs. J., B. Rcdflold, Mrs. Frank
Barber and Mrs. George Troxler loft
yostordny for Omaha to attond tho
grand lodge of the order of Eastern
Now white skirts Just rocoived in
Gabardines, Piques and Wash Satins.
at most popular prices BLOCK'S.
A two year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Leach, of Maxwell, was brought
to town Sunday to receive treatment
for a broken leg and other injuries
sustained when he fell under a motor
( Tho Homo Guards woro out for drill
Friday e,voning and also, last ovonlng.
Othor attractions provonted as largo
attendance as usual last ovonlng. On
account of tho parade next Friday
evening no drill will hold.
Mrs. Wm. Evcb, a former resident
of this city and later making hor homo
at Horshoy, died April 23d at tho home
of her son Gep. W. Eves In Stock! on,
uai. Death was due to Cancer of tho
stomach, "after an Illness of two years.
Dodgo Brothers cars aro at a pre
mium today, havo you got yours order
ed yet? You may be able to got an
early delivery and prlc'ei 'protection If
you acr quickly.
J. V. ROMIGH Dealer.
juoge Hoagiamt, j. m. isvans anu
others went to Seward today to attend
tho annual encampment of tho Grand
Armyof tho Republic. .Tudgo Hoagland
is a candidate lor state commander
and it is bollovcd has sufficient support
to secure his election.
Quito a number from town wont out
to the Wilcox farm southwest of tqwn
Sunday .afternoon to witness tho rid
ing contest staged by Lt:o Case. Tho
famous Caso mulo was brought out and
attempt made to ride It, but tho animal
was fooling his best and easily dump
ed tho ridelrs.
Tonight will bo the last showing at
tho Keith of George M . Cohan's screen
adaptation of his sonsatlonal stage hit
"Seven Keys to Baldpato." Cohan will,
always bo romemborod as tho Yankee
Doodlo Comedian for while his lino has
bodn strictly comedy yet ho has always
found a time and way in each porfor-
manco to show his respoct to Old
Now summer Btreet dresses in plaid
gingham and linens, positively tho best
assprtmont In tho city nt BLOCK'S of
Tom Groon has leased tliei buildings
occupied by tho Huffman cigar store
and tho Durbln Auto Co. and expects
to remove his blllard hall thereto about
Juno first. Tho two rooms will bo
connected with archways. Mr. Huff
man stated yesterdny that as yet ho
had no room in sight. Tho rooms vaca
ted by Greon will bo occupied by tho
Western Union Co. with their relay
Tho big tractor which L. S. Smith
had boon using in breaking land south
of town attempted a passago over tho
south rlvor bridge yesterday, but tho
weight was found too great for tho
brldgo to sustain. It will bo driven
to Sutherland cross tho rlvor thero and
Hhippcd to Big Springs whorei Mr.
Smith Is breaking out 1800 acres which
ho will soed to what this fall
250 coats in all Ui,e nowest spring
models, In all tho season's most
popular shades aro now soiling at
greatly reduced prlcos at BLOCK'S.
Yostordav forenoon two of tho plate
bo foTlowVrw" ,Cr"f,n " i glass windows in tho J C Penny store
"Tho Old Fashioned District School"' ' ;voro p,0rcc(1 ,ln f"ur a,,ff0nt nlnc,es
itumiSSlon 25C and 15c. I ' ' nuuiu unjust uiiimi. uuu-oia-
::o:: 1 mkjuui oi an incu in uiumoiur. xiiu
Report IIIiKlenbiirg Bend. j Penetration -was mado without shattor
London, May 13 All German prl- tno Klnss other than making a
sonors captured in Franco say that ' ' mploto circle around tho holes loss
i' loid Marshal von Hindonburg Is dead, ,;",n an ,nc'1 'n diameter. The, sup
Lutheran Ilrotherhoou' Banquet. I Will Sell Dniff Store.
Tho annual banquet of tho Luthoran Under a contract of salt slnnp'il lnnt
Brotherhood was hold last ovonlng at wook tho stock of tho Rlnckor Book
uio mn8onio nan, about one hundred! and Drug Storo will pass Into the
mombers and invited guests being hands of Dr. Geo. B. Dent and L. B.
present, Tho monu was sorvod shortly Gunimero as soon as an inventory of
after sovon o'clock by tho Indies of tho Btock Is taTcon. A drug man and
tho church, precodod by Sovoral Boloc- a stationer of Omaha' will begin ln
tlons by tho orchostra. During the' voicing tho stock tonight. Mr. Rlnck
sorving of tho oxcollont dinner vocal ( er takos this stop largoly because his
solos woro rendered by Mrs. Arthur son Ernest, who was oducatod as a
Tramp ami Rov. Franklin Koch, and druggost and whom ho oxptcted
tho orchostra gavo sovorul solcctlons. to conduct tho buslnoss, ontored tho
Harold Burko, presided nnd Intro
duced C. II. Wollor. of Wllllnmsport,
Pa., who is making a trip In tho
wost in tho lntorosts of tho laymen's
movomont toward tho greater work
of tho church. Mr. Wollor, though a
business man, Is a ready and convinc
ing speaker and gavo Ills hearors 'gist,
many points which If heoded will tondi
to improve tho moral status of tho Prolcslnnt Eplsconnl Service.
community and Increaso tho iCifficloncy Friday at 10 a. m. sorvlco of Inter
ftervlco of tho country.
Mr. Gummoro, who will bocomo ono
of tho proprietors and who will havo
chargo of tho business, has boon em
ployed In tho Btoro for nearly a year
and has provon a splendid younc
buBlneas man and a competent drug
of tho church.
Tho gathering which Avas both
pleasant and instructive, dispersed
after all had Joined in singing
cession In behalf or tho boyB In tho
sorvlco of tho nation, for tho sick and
wounded, tor tho prlsonora, for thdso
who- remain at honw, for those In nnx
ioty and sorrow. Evoryono cordially
Invited to unlto in this sorvlco. which
Every member of tho Rod Cross who j will bo hold ovory Friday morning.
Is ablo to walk ten or twolvo blocks Is
urged to partlclpato in Uio parado
Friday ovonlng. This is a Rod Cross
parado, hold for tho purposo of arous
ing onthuslasm In tho Red Cross drive
and ovory Rod Cross member shduld
fool Intorosted in its success. Don't
absont yoursolf with tho oxcuso that
Rov. Arthur Dlttes Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Bakor left
this morning or Denver where thoy
will visit friends Until Sunday.
Carl Simon, W. R. Mnlonoy. G. J.
Pass, W. J. Landgrnf and W. J.
there will bo enough without you; If FrJl SLSE?:
all would feel tills way. nono would
You may select any wool suit In tho
stone, doduct 20 per cent discount from
tho original price, and pay tho sales
lady tho, rost, and you will havo
bought your now suit at a groat sav
ing in price at BLOCK'S.
bus to attond tho annual convention
of tho Knights of Columbus,
Economlzo Uioso war days. If you
aro still to. buy ydur now spring pult
you can economlzo 20 por cent by buy
ing your suit at BLOCK'S . coat and .
suit salo,
Lady Maccabees aro. requested to
n nrnonnf nf tl.n fiinnHnl nntiiplnnH tr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnard who had i.,v ii.i i r.
bcoa making North Platto tholr homo , lloa,inV t 2.on n nv nnr
orr3:,oor lott yc"torday for Koainoy I A
Tho Woman's Homo Missionary
at San Diego, Calif., is oxpected hero society of the Methodist church will bo
this noon on a furlough to visit his ontcrtalnod Thursday aftornoon In tho
brother, I. A. Gllbort. church parlors promptly at threo
For Salo Toam, harnoBS. wagon, o'clock. Thero will bo an election of
young hens. Phono Black 447, John officers and a report glvon by tho dolo
Raynor. 2t gates to tho District convention.
Try to smuggle
diamonds into Germany
The jewelry trndo press tells how the (
Paris police have broken up a system- v
"'otic plan to smuggle "diamonds into - ? i
Germany, The Germans wanted diamonds
because they are a form of wealth easy
to take care of and which does not de
preciate in value. '
Clinton's has a splendid stock of dia
monds. Since these stones were bought
and our prices fixed there has been an
other advance in prices to dealers,
A Clinton diamond is a high grade stone
in qunlity and color. And the price is
an extra good value.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
in the story of the bride with the bright idea
It is the 8tor,y of the girl who cheered-her rejected lovers by 1
taking them on her honeymoon.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday & Thursday,
May 15-16.
Admission 20c, Balcony 15c, Children 10c. Including War Tax.
loiiors rrom ur t sh off enrs on Mm
western front roport. nccordlng to the
Dally Express.
At tho snmo timo tho namo of Gon
eral von Mackensen Is brought into
promlnenco as that of a groat man;
who Is to bring tho Gormans victory.
Tho Daily Express nssumes that tho
von Hindonburg story Is circulated to
oxplaln tho failure of tho gmat offon-slvo.
Supt. Tout, of tho city schools re
turned thja morning from Lincoln
whoro ho attended the annual mooting
of tho Audubon society.
P. II. McEvoy and oon Arthur wont
to Grnnd Island this morning whoro
Ariuur oxpocu to onlist In the navy.
prwitlon is that the holes woro mado by
a fhot fro pan air gun
Harry Bunnell, aged twolvo or thir
teen, suffered a brokon fog abovo tho
lcvoe last f.vonlng. Ho Jumped on tho
running board of a car driven by Mrs.
E. A. Boll who was driving in or
noer tho city park and in passing a
troe Harry was brushod off and tho
log brokon, Mrs. Boll did not know
that tho hoy was hanging on tho car.
Harry is the son of Roy Bunnell, who
ontored tho army uervlco ton days ago.
For Snlo.
1 ton Hudford Truck, 30 II. P.,
also 1 Trailer,
COHN & WILSON, Garago,
33-4 Maxwell, Nobr.
Safety Deposit Boxes
One Dollar Per Year.
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,