31 Send your soldier a military watch . If there Is n man from your family with the colors, he ought to hove a wriut watch, Your gift of one will be richly appreciated. Even though he may be wear- ind qimh n vvntrh now. it will bo n dood thing for him to hove another, for ncci k, dense happen and it is to hig advantage to have correct time witli him constantly. You will find every stylo of military watch at Clinton's. Everyone is .guoran tced by us to be a rclinblo timekeeper. Jf you intend to send the watch away, we will pack it so that it will carry safely. C. S. Cliiitoh Graduate Optician At the Sign with tho Big Ring. I3 err r and floiiN'ry news. Commencing thin ovenlng tho dances at tho K. 0. hall will bo hold on Fri day ovoning of each weok. Remember tho apodal discount on BultB and coatfl at 13. T. TRAMP & SONS. J. V, Murfrhy, inspector of U. P. dining cars and hotols, Bpont Wcdnos day In town transacting business. Special dlncount on all suits and cofttB. B. T. TRAMP & SONS. J. D. McDonald, of Omaha, Bpcnt Hovoral days in town this weok visiting frlendB and transacting btiBlnoss. Mrs. 0.0. Qllbort and two children of Callaway, aro guests at tho I. A. Uilbort homo whlio onrouto to Cali fornia. Buy your spring or summer coat at TUB LEADER MERC. CO. Tho most classy coats In town at prices that savo you money. Ray C. Longford and W. II. Mc Donald won to ICoarnoy yesterday to nttond tho mooting of Croup Flvo of tho stato banhors' association. Christian Sclonco sorvlco Sunday nt 11 n. hi . Rimilnv nnlinol 12 noon. Wed- nosday ovonlng meetings 8 p, jn.,UuUd ing and Loan building. Room 2D. In tho Jtom rolatlvo to tho cost of tho now homo to bo orlclcd by Dr. 0. II. Crosslor, ftfloon hundred was given as tho num. This of courso, vus an orror. It should have road fifteen thousand. For Sale-000 buBhol good 1010 corn. Robt, floatson, 4 ml. north of Ilorshoy. Earl Rrbflmilold of Ilorshoy and W. J. Root and 0. W. Uurlclu'iul of Suthorland wcro in town yesterday on routo to Koamoy to attend tho moot lng of Croup Filvo of tho stntJet bank ers' association, A big supply of wash dresses now ou display at 13. T. TRAMP & SONS. All , shakos in llslo and silk hosiery for ladles pt 13. T. TRAMP- SONS. Loltlrt HOovor, of Horahoy, was talc tn to tho Ittglosldo asylum at Hast ings by Deputy Sheriff Sutton Tuos day, Iloovor, who is about ilfty yoarn of ago, and has boon mentally un balanced for sottio tlmo vast. Earl Blhmp leaves at noon tqmorrow for Chicago to nttond tho annual con vention of tho Amorican Fodoratlon of Musicians. Uo will bo gono about a weok. Mrs. Stamp and daughter will visit relatives in Council UluffB dur ing his absence. Healthy early cabbago plants aro ready. North Platto Floral Co., Phono 1023. Mr. and Mrs. John McKalo and daughter loft Wednesday for Soattlo, Wash,, whoro ho will ongago in tho unto supply bUBlnoBs with his brothor. For Blx yoars Mr. McKalo had been an operator in tho local "WoBUirn Union office Mrs. Harry Flolshman and daughtor roturnod Wodnosday from a visit in Omaha, For SaloIack pipo from ono-half inch to 8 inches in diameter. Flno for fence posts. Inquiro of L. Llp shltz. Saturday ovoning tho pupils oj Miss Ida Ottonstoln will givo a piano recital, at her homo, to which tho parents "and frlonds aro lnvltod. Now summer street Orcssos in plaid gingham and linens, positively tho beat assortment in tho city at IJLOCK'S of course. Victor F, Rock won to Omaha at noon yesterday to transact business for a few days. Whlio thcro ho will look up drums and trumpets for tho drum corps. At tho rohearaal of tho drum corps Tuosday ovonlng twonty ono mon woro prosont. 'on. cast Fourth. Inquire of J. L. Mur phy, 110 wast Fourth. 34 I Tho Lutheran church building is 1 now complotoly razed, and lyi soon as tho dobrteti is romoved work on tho mdw building . will start. Tho towor . was pulled down by a block and tacklo i with a tractor oporatod by Harry ,York as tho pulling powor. Wo huvtei all tho now models in cor sots in front and back lacos. Do not fall to sco thorn at K. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1J. Dick loft Wod ii(laday for Rochester, Minn., whoro , Mrs . Dick will havo an examination . and porhaps tako' troatmont at tho fliuyp uros. Hospital, ilor physiclal condition liaB befell poor for years, and of lato has boon growing worse. Dr. Urook, Dentist, ovor Btono Drug Storo. tf Tho Cathollo Cirlfl' club was tho guest of Miss Ilazol Smith Tuosday ovauing, Miss Binmt uoliwj assisted in entertaining by Mltmcfl UcsbIo Ohom- wrlaln, Mario Sclmtz and Mlnorva MoWJUIaniB. In the card Ramos tho prizes woro won by Mrs. Mussolmnn and Mrs, Vosolplta. Dodgo Urothors Commorclal Car quick and economical dollvory for the merchant, tljo, "modern spring wagon" for tho fanner.' Como In and soo it. Most economical in price and upkeep. 2t J. V. ROMIGH, Dculor. Mrs. Arthur S. Van Doran, who is visiting at homo of hor undo Waltor Kookon, bos Just received a lottor from hor husband who Is stationed somo wboro In England with tho Fourth Construction Drlek Laying Company. Ho wrltoa that ho is fclollng lino and Hint tho boys aro being woll cared for. Good wostom Btorlos aro as wolcomo as .tho bright spring stays 'after a hard winter. Thoy Inspire, invigorato and amuso as uo othor stories can, And now comes along to tho Crystal, Saturday uftornoon and ovonlng, "nuitu isnuuntr ," wiucn is boiuo wostorn story. Anions Uio othor pleasing foaturos or tho story is thrill ing rodeo. Ml msm WAR 1 mm hut tjimw mvm SHOULD. Tllfltltfll lin IIILYO IlroilNOil 4fimianvtfa with Thrift, It Is welt to remember Hint tho Ijonoilts to bo derived from economical practices nro fully ns Im. porlnnt at any tlmo. Anyono who has learned tho habit of Sluing ana HnkInK regularly, whether In a Savings Account, Thrift minima ur MKT OHT1HR8 BtHRUlH llllg noqulrcil a real boneilt from tho War. Don't delay. Regln wow to save for yourself and UhcIo Snm. It is a trncrod duty moro thnn over before. U opens im account at this Rank 25o buys n Thrift Stamp. Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Ml irraiiftniTirafiimnMirin SEVENTEEN TEACHER SIONi I TWENTY-SEVEN VACANClliS.J Consulting tho teaching corps chart ofSupt. Tou.t Wednesday, ,wo found that "seventeen' teachers had' contract ed' for tho coming BChool yoai'j reliving twonty-Koven vacancies to bo filled. In tho Senior High tho only tcadiers who havo signed arc Wm. Fleming and Paul Oilman, both of whom aro subject to army service and may go before two beginning of tho next year. Othor than theso soven vacancies'! exist. In tho Junior High thos? who havo signed uro Florence Antonldcs, Laura Erb, Mabel Walter and Lucllo Wilcox, tho latter two being now teachers; In tills school four vacancies exist. Tlirrtft of tho teachers In tho Wash ington school havo signed. They are Laura Murray, Fay Parsons and Adda Turpdo. .In this building thoro aro flvo vacancies. In tho Lincoln tcliool tho teachers signing aro Ira Dlener, I3rnico Grif fin, Noll Hartman and Ethel McVey leaving threo vacancies. Principal Emma II. Smith has asked for a years' leavo of absence by reason of Illness of hit father and mother at Fonda, Iowa. Thca Hanson and Certrudo Dakcr aro tho only teachers who have sign ed In tlitt Jcfferso nscbool, leaving four vacancies. Principal Sylvia WattB witlt (tier parents will leavo North Platto. Iva Layton will remain in chargo of household arts and H. Newman manual training teacher will remain. MIbb DanlolB, a primary teacher for six ytebrs, asked for a years' leavo of We desire to inform you that we will pay the highest prices for AND GRAIN Obtain Our Quotations Before You Sell TL in e Harrington Merc. Co. Office First National Bank Building. North Platte, Nebraska. absenco. Hor father died recently at LKK MM HOIXH WELL Frank Whyto, of this city, has been Alpha, III., leaving a drug storo on' IN MILITAlty AERONAUTICS, awarded tho contract for orocttag tho Mrs. Daniels' hands and Miss Daniels ! now school building at Paxton, of will assist in disposing of it. I Writing from Urbana, 111,, whero which 11. M. Reynolds, also of tills Supt. Tout Informed us that ho has no, receiving Instructions in tho city i8 tho architect. Tho contract many applications on. hand, fully lis sunn oi miuiary aeronautics, jco cc0 many as last year, but unfortunately BlrL a loor to his parents sayB v "?vj. tho gtfeator number of thorn domand 111 P' ai" goiung aiong nno in. moro monoy than tho flnanpes of tho work. A list of tho cadots who do district, pormlt tho board to pay. How- Por work or fail is posted, but my ovor, Supt. Tout Is not despondent namo lm8 nt yot "W"1 posted. Our ovor tho situation and botlovos that wiroloss class is divided into four boforld school begins next Soptombcr scctioiiBj thorfa who can sond and tho full teaching cofys will havo tho fastest aro placed la tho first boon engaged. section and I havo managed to stay In Incidentally it may bo said that tho that section, financial condition of tho district is 1 havo not been up in the air yet. Just-now at bod-rock, but with tho Wo must learn tvory nut and screw , in payment of tho real estato tax which 1 1? machlno, and Just what ovory- was duo May Iflt, thoro will bo con- lh,nS or hpforo wo go up. Wo aro sldorablo 'mprovemont In tho nuances. uppokod 'td ,get through wjlUi our :.o:: ground school work in Juno and thtln Homo Guards Minstrels. wo, Btart flying. Tho machines aro Preliminary work for tho Homo Iyi"B,nor J!? "i,h?t1J" ffrmo,rly Quarda minlstrel Bhow bean this L"aln..d .". nc?k to. 800 thtm1;. weok by tho appointment or committees ! " , " ,J' tul T , , nK ' to look after the several WiasoS of Uio ln " opt that wo( wlsh wol hoou l.irftn nrnrUrfn wnrit. barracks In Urbana. It is cortalnly. Tho show will bo hold at tho Prank A week of bright sunshiny May weather was followed Wodnosday night with a heavy wind, a falling tompor aturo and light showors yostorday. Carpets and rugs cleaned. Phond Rod 1009. 32-C a flno place, having been built for a! illU HlIUtY Will IIU IIUlll III lllU J.' lil f I ., ,ll.. Tt.. ..iUI I n llu audltorlum,pern,isslon having been S' '7 ffi J8,,""' granted to mako a tomnorary onlarc mont of tho Btngta. Tho Idoa Is to mako tho show a com munity proposition and popular, and tho iprlco of admission will bo but twonty-flvo conts. While tho prlco will bo chonp tlwei porformanco will bo higll class for amatours. ::o:: Old Timer Passes Through. v Rev, HutchlnBon, a former Preaby-i uitrian miiusior ot hub city, passou through Wodnosday noon onrouto to Clovolund to attond tho goneral as sembly. Tho rovorend gontloman-hold thl. paBtoruto in North Platto "prior to 187C, and whon loavlng in that year sold to Chas. McDonald tho proporly which iIb now tho lattor's homo, though at tho tlmo thoro was but a four-room house on tho lots. At that tlmo thoro was no Presbyterian church and sor vlcoa woro hold in tho Baptist church which Btood at tho comer of Fifth and Loctmt. Rov. Hutoltlnson Is now eighty-one, but hnlo ana noarty. -"lio:;' ' Malonoy Buys Commercial llouso. W. It. Malonoy, Tuesday purchasod' tho Commorclnl Houso on oast Flftli street for a consideration of sixty-six hundred dollars. Tho lot Is 44x132 feet and the ground nlono Is not excessive In valuation at that prlco. Tho frnmo building has twenty-six rooms, and has boon used na a rooming houtfet. Mr. Malonoy has Uiroo applicants who doslro to loaso Uio property at $100 per month. K. T. Elect Officers. Palostlno .Commandory, KnightB talilild In whito ennmol, plato glaBs mirrors, hot and cold water in every room and big closets ror our. clothes. Hut wo aro required to keep every thing" spotlessly clean and arranged Just so or wo got dfimorlts, so that takes part of tho Joy out ot it." Cadllac Motor Cars "Standard ot tho World" with loss than 25 por cont of last year's production, afo bringing premiums for immcdlato dollvory in Borne iplnces now. J can mako immcdl ato dollvory on a 7 passeiig-clr touring ana a 4 passongor convertible Victoria, lloro is a real motor car investment a llfo timo of Borvico. Investigate . 2t J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. . : :o: : Work ou Bridge Started. Work on tho Mm concroto brldgo south of town bognn this woek, tho first piles for tho piers bolng driven Tuosday. Sovoral buildings to houso tbo tools, oomont and for boarding and lodging purposes havo boon oroctod. ::o:: ' Wild ftlrnks of action! Wolrd tank ing of olrcumstoncoBl Suddon and dynamic change ot humor! Thoite olemonts, and conBldorablo moro, mako Cloprgo M. Cohan's now Artcraft picture, "Sovii Keys to Baldpato," tho most novol film of tho yoor. When It was produced on tho stago by Geo, M. It dolled tho critics and won thoir most favorablo rovlleiws. It bowlldorcrt tho audlonco nnd loft thorn 'proclaim ing It tho most remarkable farco ovor staged. It was heralded as tho greht ost novolty of tho thoatro and roadlly nccoptod as such whorovor it appear ed. On th'rt scroon of tho Koith Uieatro Monday and rPitos(lvy, tlills famous 'P,......t.. , ii m . 1 iiiuiiuu; mm i-uuDili) , 1. 1 Mia iiunuun remplar. ii B alled tho to lowing or- theatrical hit will diBcloBo not only ?iCJnni unusual mystery, humor and iiTu. rT. .ri. AT turms displayed uy uio original play, n,m 5 qC' 1 tnJ' ,wa1norft1' J- 1 1 but also tho lnimltablo Geo. M. Cohan D?ini!lil ' TMnlni" w'!l?'' AV,?IMC,"i,0,f' 11,,H 0 Wld0 SC0P0 Of tllO Donald; Junior Warden, 0. H. Cros-1 n,10, which wnH iimlmi ltn Mtncrn siorj TroaBuror, Chas. McDonald; Rocordor, R. A. Armstrong; Wardon m. u. Mocombor; Sentlnol, Piatt J. Glhyan; Standard Boaror, Horny Han sou;' Sword Bcaner, F, W. Illokor. Tho KnightB In full uniform attend ed AscoiiBlon Day sorvlces at tho Hptscopal churolt yostorday. Follow ing tho InBtallatlon last night rofrosh monta Avoro sorvod at tho Oasis. ::o;: PurVj, utourlshlng blood makea healthy flesh, good jnusalos and a strong vitality. Tho rovorso h tho cas.0 whon tho blood Is poor. To drlvo out impurities and enrich tho blood tako Prickly Ash Blttors. It is a most oftictont blood purlflor and syBtom reg ulator. Prlco $1.25 por bottle. Rlnoker Book & Drug Co. Snoclal Agonts. cinema which was denied Its stage presentation. i . ; o ; Cut Canyon Notes. Tho school in District 124 hold an miction salo which nottod $31.05, which sum avIII bo turned ovor to tho Max woll Rod Cross branch. An interesting program was rondorcd . All turncld out and did what Uioy could. A. J. Hill is ro-fonclng his ranch and building nnoUier big clstorn. Carl Vang has Just complotcd a now roBtdonco on his farm. Mr. Brown of North Platto did tho work. George Eylor is visiting rolatlves In Kuubas. Mrs. M. Jopsen has boonjiavlng a Blogo of rhoumatlsm. .0. Dr. Morrill, Dentist THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan, with its exceedingly comfortable and refined furnishings, its neat appearance and every-dny-in-the-year utility, i9 an especially at tractive motor car for women, meeting so fully all the demands of social and family life a delight to women who drive because of the easy, safe control. Summer and winter it is always ready never a doubt about thut nor never any fears for trouble on the way. Then the cost of operation and upkeep is very small. Sedan, $695 f. o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. 1-4 rawtnara Graining System There- aro many convonl onco8 in Electric Wiring that entail little cost yot add very much to tho conVonlont nnd practical uso of Electricity. Hero Is one for having Base board Outlet for your vacuum cleaner, lamp, row motor, table nppllnnccs, talking mn chlno motor nnd all tho ninny Other Electrical uses. Can bo readily installed in any homo, in any num ber, at any phvco moat useful. Our Business la Houso Wiring North Platte Light & Power Co. JTsn 1 11 almost a crime t0 use unsanitary carpets when the Chi-Namel Graining System will make any old floor suitable for rugs? Q -2? ner 8(luare foot it is the cheapest and most sanitary floor finish any one could buy. Come in and learti to grain. It will take only five minutes Will outwear new hard wood finished with the ordinary varnish. STONE'S DRUG STORE. Cotton seed Cke and Meal, Cane Seed, Alfalfa and winter rape seed. Blatchford's Calf and Pig Meal, Egg and Milk Mash. Crushed, block and lump Rock Salt, sulphurized block, granulated and Ice Cream Salt, Oyster Shell, Chick Food, Balod Hay and Alfalfa Hay. Alfalfa Meal, Shorts, Bran, Chop and Corn. Also Apples at $1.25 per box. R. PsT. LA. MB PHONE .67.