THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WRKLEYS Six reasons JWr WW wk m m I Atf l Steadies nerves Am 2 Allays thirst jV 3 Aids appetite 4 Helps digestion 5 Keeps teeth clean 6 Ifs economical jjrti&t? the sofdlersJH ' and sailors suppIlsd!jB Chew it after every meal The Flavor Lasts And Why Not? A witness in n Milwaukee court In curred the wrath of the Judge by tak ing a sack of potatoes to the stand with her and starting to peel them while testifying, according to the New York Tribune. To his honor's rebuke she replied calmly : "If those folks," nodding ajt several other women In the courtroom, "can knit, why can't I peel?" This brought up a point which the Judge Is still trying to unswer ade quately. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local -disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HAWS CATARIIH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATAUUH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, fives the patient strength by improving be general health and assists nature In doing its work. 3100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH SfHDICINB falls to cure. Druggists 75o. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. The Affronted Galloper. Sir Frederick Smith "Galloper," ns he Is sometimes called In England got Into difficulty now and then dur ing the American visit on uccount of his fiery and ebullient nature. "Galloper" Smith had nn alterca tion with an Irish-American lawyer at a trial thnt he attended In New York. The altercation became very warm. Finally one of the Galloper's support ers said,' with a sneer nnd a .toss of the head towards the Irish-American: "Come away, Sir Frederick. Re member your rank." "Remember I'm what?" roared Gal loper Smith fiercely. It is right to resist oppression,. Lendnim A AHan For PATRIOTISM "Actions words-Act - Pont Talk - Buy NoW A Suggestion I THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD issue Life Insurance Certificates for $250.0(3 to $5,000.00 NO MAN CAN HAVE TOO MUCH! Present members may obtain additional insurance in the Unlotnal Camp for any amount which, with their present certificate, will not exceed $5,000. The Unlotnal certificate is in full force from data of issue and n the premium never changes. s. , f If you are thinking of increasing your Insurance, ask the jV. .. Clerk, or write to , "lT"' Ifs . ood riends Altogether Too Realistic. The critic seemed struck with thd picture. "This snowstorm painting Is very flno Indeed,'.' he said to the artist. "It almost makes me feel cold to look at It." "Yes, It must be renllstlc," admit ted tlte other. "A fellow got Into my studio one dny In my nbsence, looked lit the picture, nnd uncor scslously put my fur overcoat on he- fore he went out I" PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS Tlte symptoms of kidney and bladder troubles - are often very distressing and leave the system in a run-down condition The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al most every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals often lead to more dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so many people say. soon heals and strength ens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney. liver and bladder medicine, and. being an herbal compound, has a gentle heal ing effect on the kidneys, which is al most immediately noticed in most cases by those who use it. A trial will convince anyone who may be- in need of it. Better get a bottle from your nearest drug store, and start treat ment at once. However, if you wish first -i.o test thii great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle,. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. She Did. "When I met Miss Oldglrl she was looking for n lint. Did she get one?' "Oh, yes. She married It." ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Buy SAP Li O For ECONOMY speak louder than BEST DAIRY CATTLE BREEDS In Making Selection Dairyman Should Take Local and Market Conditions -Into Consideration. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Breeds of dairy cattle differ In both. conformation and general characteris tics. Each has been developed for cer tain ends. To make the greatest suc cess n dairyman In selecting a breed should take local conditions nnd mar keting requirements Into considera tion In connection with the characteris tics of the various breeds. He should not allow personal preference to lnflu- ence his selection If his favorite breed is unsultcd to local conditions, but should give careful consideration to the breed or breeds a'lrcndy estab lished In his community. In such n se lection he Is benefited In many ways. Jersey Cow In Pasture. For Instance, a market Is established, Burplus stock may be disposed of to better advantage, co-operative adver tising may be used nnd bulls mny bo bought co-opcrntlvely or exchanged readily among breeders. Jersey cattle, the most numerous breeds In the United States, origin ated in the Island of Jersey. Jerseys nnd Guernseys probably had the same foundation stock, but have been de veloped toward different Ideals so that the breeds now differ In a number of particulars. Jerseys vary considerably In color. Shndes of fawn, squirrel gray, mouso color and very dark brown are com mon. Jerseys hnve a highly organized nervous system, and are usunlly some what excitable, responding quickly to good treatment nrd good feed. Oows average about 000 pounds nnd bulls 1,1500 pounds In weight. The Jersey cow gives rich, yellow-colored milk and Is an excellent butterfnt producer. In the Jersey breed, the uveroge of 5,244 cows that had completed yearly records for the register of merit was 7,702 pounds of milk, testing B.35 per cent, making 417 pounds of buttcrfat. The ten highest milk producers ranged from 10,094.8 to 10,033.2 pounds, an average, for these ten, of 17,703.4 pounds of milk. The ten highest but terfnt producers range from 099.1 to 87(3.2 pounds, nn average, for these ten, of 043.1 pounds of buttcrfat. HINTS ON MILK PRODUCTION Cows Should Be Kept Clean and Milked In Clean Surroundings Into Covered Pall. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) After tiny foodstuff Is produced one of the Importnnt things Is to see that It Is put on the market In good shape so that It will keep for a reasonable length of time without loss through spollnge. In this time of need for food every effort thould be made to prevent milk from spoiling. Cows should bo kept clean nnd should be milked In clean surroundings Into a small-top or covered pall. All utensils which come Into contnet with the milk should he thoroughly sterilized with stenm for at least five minutes, and milk should be cooled promptly to CO degrees Fahr enheit or less nnd maintained at that temperature. Whenever these condi tions are met, little milk will be wasted. In this time of terrible de struction of humnn Ufe It Is particu larly necessary thnt "milk be produced under .such conditions as to Insure u safe food for bulges. This must be donq by a decreasing number of men trained to do It. A great tusk and a grent opportunity for dairymen aro Involved. COMFORT FOR YOUNG CALVES Give Them Sun-Lighted Quarters, Milk, Sound Grain and Bright Hay Watch Carefully. Give tho young calf comfortable, sun lighted quarters; wholo milk the first two weeks, changing to skim r.ijlk thereafter ; sound grnln and bright hay In liberal quantities as it will use them ; and, withal, tho watchful eye and the liberal band of the owner, wtiose In terest will see that all changes fri feed are gradually made. Poor Roughaae for Cows. Timothy hay In quite commonly grown, and is used despite the fact that It Is an extremely poor roughag for dairy cows. ONLY NEED TO CURB WASTE Writer Points Out Reasons Why It U Not Hard for American People to Save. I do not know of a tiling which ev- eryono of us needs to keep closer to his consciousness than saving wher ever and whenever possible. What most of Us nro prone to forget Is our grentost asset nt this time tho amount nnd extent of what wo ecu save. As a people and as Individuals we have been needlessly and disgracefully wasteful, havo spent money, food, en ergy, productivity, simply because wo were too lazy and Indifferent to get no tnoro than wo needed to sntlsfy our rensonnblo desires. Seriously, thnt past wastefulness Is Just now about our greatest asset. Wo can save what wo must without Involving n degree of real sacrifice which tho French, Bel-1 glan, and English people had at once! to fare. An I look tinon It. snvlnc at ii ...1 a. i nnn'n tM9twh- trlmilu n,nl ! perhaps health Is not an easy thing, though a very flno one. But saving for such easy-going reckless-spending peo ple ns we havo been, means so little sacrifice of anything necessary or worth while that n man or woman will bo somo sort of a yellow cur or name less pup hot to do his or her utmost every dny and every hour to save, save, save and win. By Itolnnd 0, Usher of tho Vigilantes, Author of ,1'nn-Amerl-can. LaBt Stage. "Young Chumpson Is attentive to Miss Fndlclgh." "Yes." "Is he very far gone?" "I'm afraid so.. He's talking about buvltur a blue nutomoblle to match her eyes." Birmingham Age-lleruld. Appropriate View.. "What do you think of hanging ns capital punishment?" "I think It is better to let tho sub ject drop." The man who seeks tho loan of children to avoid tho draft borrows real trouble. Tho man who wins Is tho man who works, and the man who falls 1b tho man who shirks, generally. As a rule, the truthful gravestone Is marked for the brevity of Its Inscrip tion. We'll sny this for tho wentlicr man ; he's too wise to try making wnr pre dictions. Yes, Elizabeth, you can got n first class wullle Impression by sleeping on an old-fashioned corded bedstead. Henven n'over helps tho man who Is too lazy to nustlo u llttlo In his own behalf. Girls should never flirt In public un til after they have a strong hold on the nrt. Tho chief burden of n woman's life Is her jielghbor. Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON"- OTEL Omaha, Nebraiks EUROPEAN PLAN llooroi from 11.00 up single, 75 cents up double CAFE PRICES REASONABLE BEST BUYERSSELLERS cattle ll HQGSM.SHCEP STOCK YAROS'OMAHAi Frank Svoboda MONUMENTS For Factory Prices 1218J1 So. 13th Street. OMAHA, NEB. INTEREST PAID You on all Savings Wa also loau money on dwellings and business property. Incorporated tn 1803, Write or call on us. Under wupervlulou of Btate Bunking Dept. BANKERS' SAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION 1303 rarnam SlOmahs, Neb. Eras Examined Glasses Fitted FLITTON OPTICAL CO. 213 So. 16Ui St. Omaha A-DOG-ON-GOOD-AUTO-OIL LIBERTY AUTO OIL Pollock Oil Co., Omaha, Neb. INSIST ON G. & G. Quality Re-Tread and Save 8U on Your TIKES Unusual bargains Irusllghlly used tires and tubes. Nnti tint at rtdutid trial. O. a II. TIBS CO., tllS UUYUnOBTU ST., UBU1U, SIB. FRESH EGGS AND PRODUCE WANTED We pay cash and best market prices. Send atrial shipment or write us. 43 grocery stores in Lincoln and Omaha. Aadreis BASKET STORES OFFICE In either city. U. B. yood Adm. Uoense Mo. Q-2MC3. Have Your Stetoon or Panama Hat CLEANED and BLOCKED by Skilled Hatter Bond In your old hat by mall. OMAHA HAT FACTORY. Ibo. 1321 Douglas St. OMAHA IF 6 Nebraska Directory DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 29 YEARS IN OMAHA. Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Patnl" Denu'stry; work guaranteed lOyears; Fillings, Crowns. Btidge-woikand Plate that atay where I put them. Send for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry It free. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed. 821-22 n'ooSwnW World Uu Onaati. PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS We carry the stock. Sunderland Machinery ItSuyptyCt. OMKIIK Hotel Castle 032 S. Itlh SlrcM Omaha, Neb. Hew, absolutely fireproof. 800 ROOMS With prirate toilet 11.00) with prirate bath 11.60. FRED A. CASTLE, Proprtetff MID-WEST ELECTRSC CO. 1907 Harney SU Omaha, Neb. 700 Cherry U Da Moines, la. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS ptitrlbntnre for General Ulectrte Oo.i Atntrtesa 1 locinouo., roiopnoncai u. jk. wooa rrnerrer ua. tr x food stock of general supplies, beta etUss Hotel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodee Strtet Car Prom Stations ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF T?nf AaJt.oo up without tth. flUlCS $1,50 up with bath. The Hotel With R&fiutxtlai R. C. BRYANT rrsprltloraO. C CAR MKT BOILKK8 8MOK.K STACKS TWO TLANTS DRAKE, WILLIAMS, MOUNT COMPANY Mntn OBSco and Works 23rd, Hickory and U. P. R. ft. Phono Douglas 1043 11KANOU 20th, Center and C. B. & Q. Flione Douglas 1141 Oxy-Acetylene Welding BTAMDl'IFKS TANKS INTERNATIONAL ONE-PIPE HEATERS Writs for catalogue. MILTON ROGERS A SONS CO. 1810 Barpey SI. Ousts, Neb. Diamond W. Worm Expeller Suregetrtdofwormstnhogs. Don't delay, send order at once, It may mean saving W of many dollars to you. WILLIAMS-MURPHY CO, OMAHA, NEOR. sAFlA V and supplies. Largest IWLIMI houso In the weal. All CltllCUIUfS Eastman goods. Wo pay re rinltinillU turn postago on Unfailing. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1013 Farnant Street Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. We Buy, Sell, Exchange and Repair All kinds or Typewriters. GUARANTEED TYPEWRITERS tin AND IIP TOrlta tnr fiat. Wn nlan BJIT6 YOU SQ on your typewriter and ofllce fill iti1 1 r n. 1404 Dodco Bt. Omuua, Neb. Omaha Auto Tinners Expert Radiator Repairers j 2107 Firntm Stmt, Omahi, Neb. Prompt attention to out of town shipments roll FILM DEVELOPED 10c Prints 5o to Oo each. 34 hour serrlee Guaranteed work. Returned Postpaid. Photo Craft Shop, Omaha, Neb. NEAL INSTITUTE LIQUOR AND DRUG Cases Exclusively 3 to S DAY TREATMENT JayS.l!awIey,Mgr.,1502 S.10thSL,Oaaha,Nck FILMS DEVELOPED FREE When Prints Are Ordered Prints 2Xx3J, 3 cents! SH4M, i cental postal card size, 0 cents, postpaid. r ri . e i Vji IStheVFsrhsmSt. Omaha. Neb. DOCTORS MACH & MACH DENTISTS ' 3rd Floor PAXTON BLOCK. lGlKand Farnem St., OMAHA. Uest enulpped Dental Ofltces In Omaha, ftanmanmhln Prtnam. Hnerlal dlscouut to all people living outside of Omaha, Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS Special attention to outside orders for floral designs by mall or oxpress. Quick serrlos 1410 1'AItNAM 8T OMAUA.NKHIIABUA sT sT BT" BTa TV 4"l anb M T i J3 EC 1 LUKN Qermlnatlone6orbottor. Crop 1010. Guaran teed, tented and graded. Iowa Gold Mine, Iowa Silver Mine, Hold's Yellow Dent, Prlco, 1 bo. I7.G0; 3 or more bushels, at (7.80. Books Iroe. DE GIORGI BROTHERS, Council Bluffs, la. TIRES REPAIRED LIKE NEW Bend your blow-out and rim-out tires. Wo will repair and send you for approval. Charges reasonable. Ford tires for sale, (0.00. w. u. jtoRcuiBoisu soss, nan: nu si., oaiui, ma. SAVE MONEY ON TIRES Wa are tire headquarters and can save yon Ml to toot entires. Hand a yonrold tire and we HlUsend yon a KDarsnteed SOU) uillo. . . . MiS 8.U1 81x4 114X0 8SI4U mm tim ii w Mil U.eo tin tiM Other lie In proportion. Wo are experts on uiul. ATtitt Rsniaiia. lrgtocli nsed Hsdlaturs on hand. OMAHA RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS JQ19 Cumins St., Omaha. Nebr. W'WIiMtlUtf AND tCOWOM? mm I l CREAM WANTED Market roar erernn where It wilt net yon the mot money. Tim Fairmont flrenmery Company offenyoo thobenetltot Its thlrly'toar yesrs uf ex perience. II 7 ehlpplnf yoor ereun to this eumpany roa will roetY roll market value In. payment! jonr check will be sent jon daily) you wlllsYe as press enariea and your eana will be returned mora promptly. Tney snarantee to net you from Mo to I1.M more per can for your cream tban yoir can f,t by aelUniltathome. eMf to the neattttNebratka fac tor, ruwrin art leettol at 6-iufct, CrtU M4 SruS Idu4 LEE W.EDWARDS CHIROPRACTOR N. E. Car. 24tk a4 Fan St. OMAHA. NEB. Telephone Douglas 9445 Night telephone Harney 47M LADY ATTENDANT COULD STORAGE BATTERY The battery with the dreadnaugbt plates. One for your car. Sold and installed by quality dealers. Mill and Klectrlcs.1 Bupplies 1208-10-12 Harney St., Omaha A CHANCE TOR DEAUm AQItNTS "magnuson X-RAY CO. 390 BrandYw Tkeatre B!dg., OMAHA Krerythlng electrical for the PHYSICIAN, DENTIST nnd HOSPITAL. Also X-IUj pls.Ua, films und dark room supplies. CalS for OMAHA BODY CO. 1529-31-33 North 16th St, Omaha, Neb. We make a specialty of manafaotnrlnff FARM asd COMMERCIAL-IIOUIKH and CADS. It roar dealer does not handle our line, send us Bis name AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE GO. tat 310 S. IDtb St.. OMAIlA, NED. Electric Starter Specialists ALL, MAKES REPAIRED IT PAYS TO SHIP CREAM Direct ALFALFA BUTTER CO., OMAHA Ask ub to put your name on our quotation list that you may compare our prices with others "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr CATTLE HOGS SHEEP " BOWL ES FOR REAL SERVICE Write, wire or phone WOOD BROTHERS OMAHA For correct quotations on live stocl. ESTABLISHED 1$67. OMAHA PIPE CO. Importers and Jobbers PIPES AND SMOKERS SUNDRIES EXPERT PIPE REPAIRING 1503 Howard Street, Omshs, Nek X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment D. A. Medders, Expert Roentgcnolegist 492-4 BruiJlti Bldt, OMAHA. Call or ivritt uu Hooverize Tire Cost Tires are constantly advanclliir ts price. It pays you to bure woru-aut llrrs rebuilt. We rebuild with new tread, repair mcak partn and rellne, truaranteelntr you u tire that will glre mileage of new tires nt halt the cost. To rebulldr-a" tires 88.55 ; 3U"I0.75 4" $H.W! W JI8.25I 6" 20.W. Blow out or rlmcut rennlrs only. Dr seo- tlon, 3,tlroM.008K'l360;t' 11.00; 4U" 14.60. Heetlonalrepulra uuaruntecd for life of tire. A lino stocli of tubes nnd reltnerscarrted In stock. Rellners only, cemented In 3" tires I3.B0; SH" U O0; 4" UK); W J5.60, 6" $0.00. We pay ex press or parcel post oue way. HART TIRE & RUBBER CO. TIIIK RBUUILDEUS 718-20 So. 16th St. Omaha, Nebr. 0 37 years of successful Pho. tography. Why experiment? Wtuc ucvu OTiinin 3H IIIL IILIll O I UUIU 16th ini Howard St., Ormlu, Nek. Offlcollonr9to5 Sundays 10 to I SPECIAL!! Duy direct from a manu facturer by the box! 60 cigars of equal quality would cost you $3.60 else wheir, our price 13.00, yoa BttTcWo. Shipped prepaid. II. BESELIN St SON, 14Q Douslas St. Omaha. Nb. Mi m a V 1