4 i m THIRTr-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 10, 1918. No. 34 COUNCIL DISCUSSES RAISE IN THE IV ATE It RATES. CRAYON WORK AT THE RED CROSS THEATRE TONIGHT Should the vrator ratfcs . bo raised ton por cent, or Bhall tho present rates bo maintained, unpaid warrants pile up, interest clmrgos Increase and finally bo foraeid to lssuo bonds to pay the outstanding or floating lndobted noss of tho -water plant? Those are questions that tho city couucil wrestl ed wltli for about four hours Tuesday night without taking definite action. Owing to tho increased cost of op eration tho plant Is running behind, tlils deficit occurring during tho six months of winter, and which cannot io overcomo by tho increased receipts of tho six months of growing weath er whfctn water Is used on lawns and gardens. Hero Is another phaso of tho sit uation that Is bad, namoly, that tho coal dealer, tho pipe and machinery manufacturers and tho laborers do maud cash for ttva supplies and labor these days; thoy aro no longer con tent to accept an Interest bearing warrant, and In event they do, thoy simnlv add a certain Der cent to tho total of their bill. This means that If cash Is 'paid, the city saves not only tho .Interest tho warrant would draw but It can go Into tho market and get iia coal and material cheaper. ThiB during tho year means quite a saving. In these war tlmles when every body Is attempting tp retrench lin expenses, a raise of ten por cent In water rates would not prove popular but what olso aro w!el to do? Tho fur ther the plant gets in "tho hole the more interest we pay, and If our credit Is not good, tho more tvo must pay for what wel buy for tho plant As a matter of good business prcn ceduro tho Increase in rates Is war ranted. To the average consumer tho raise would not exceed $1.50 a pear, a sum that would not proyel burdensome to anyone and not raise tho cost of his water above tho flat rate formerly charged. -::o::- Burber Strike Settled. Tho North Platte barbers who walk ed out Tuesday morning returned to work yesterday afternoon, the dif ferences betwte.cn tho employers and tho men having been settled at a meet ing held at one o'clock yesterday. The cbnfldrenco was devoid of friction, tho differences argued dispassionately and a compromise effected without leaving any 111-feollng botweon employer and employe. ::o:: Now Gcorgotta Blouses at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. A feature of the program at tho Red Cross theatre this ovonlng will bo crayon skotches of well known North Platto pcoipkf by Miss Alma Morrill, who has dovolopcd a wonderful clov orncss for this class of work, This feature will bo given botweon th'q first and second shows. Miss Morrill has solcctcd for her subjects fourteen well known m!en, nlno of whom aro boys In tho Bervlco, and five men who nro woll known for their patrlotrlotlc work and general usefulness In tho community. Tho rcol features of the evening aro of unusual merit. iLOGAL AND PERSONAL 700 GERMAN 1108KS WERE CREMATED LAST NIGHT. P. E. 0. Elect Officers. At tho regular meeting of chapter A. K. P. E. O. hold May 1st, practic ally all plans woro comploted for tho entortalnmorit of tho state convention which convenes hero in Juno. The convention will bo hold In tho Presby terian church and the local chapter Intends to conduct Its entertainment economically and strictly befitting to theso war times. At tho annual meet ing tho officers of last year were re elected for another year. Tho officers aro: President, Mrs. Hattio Rlncker VIco President, Mrs. Daisy Hinman; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Hattio Prosserj Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Jonnle Miltonborger; Treasurer, Mrs. Maudo Hondy: Chaplain. Mrs. Holon White; Guard, Mrs. Winnie Scott. The prosldont appointed Mrs. Lulu Morey as pianist and Mrs. M. E. Crosby as Journalist. ::o:: Registration of Allen Women. Postmastlor McEvoy has been noti fied that In tho near futtiro all alien women over, fourteen years of ago must register. Ho has boon instructed to notify all 'postmasters in tho coun ty to bo prepared for this registration as all alien women who are patrons of tho respective postofflces In the county must register with tho post master. Thia registration of tho wo men will bo along lines1 similar to that of tho alien mon who registered a couple of months ago. ::o:: Economlzo theso war days. If you aro still to buy your now spring suit you can economize 20 per cent by buy ing your suit at BLOCK'S Coat and Suit Salo. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seoberger aro visiting In Omaha, having gone down Wednesday night. For Sale Black Jack, 8 years old. Goo. Brownfleld, Hershey, Neb. tf A mystery farce of surprises, thrills and laughter, GEORGE H. COHAN IN "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" Adopted from the popular Cohan stage success. Keith Theatre, Mon. & Tues. May. 13-14 Admission 20c, Balcony 15c, Children lQc. Including War Tax. Shortage of Good Motor Cars. After six years in the automobile business, I have found that it pays in satisfaction as much to the seller as to the buyer to sell good dependable cars, and that is why today I have settled on a permanent line of cars. These cars are DODGE and CADILLAC. BROTHERS, CHANDLER The total resources of these three organizations total over $100,000,000. Theyare secure in their position in the industry and any buyer will be assured of after service on his car. My place is intended for the local service to my car owners, we want to feel that each of our cars is doing its best for its owner. In this day of extreme shortage of good cars, it does behoove the buyer tocarefully discriminate and also to look somewhat to the future. Cars tare in great demand, pro duction is much, curtailed and by argreement with the government there will be less than 1-3 as many cars built for next year as last. This first makes necessary large increases in prices, and every week new advances are an nounced, it also means by the way new orders are piling into my office, that you will not be able to get your favorite "car-when you want it and probably not for months. You can save money now you can gdt a car in a reasonable time now. Later than say the first of June, wo could guarantee nothing. I have been extremely lucky so far, in that neither the Chandler nor the Dodge have as yet raised their prices, but I would nQt guarantee prices one minute. An early order is your only protection. JoWRlM0fl3IH y ""tf- 1 'SERVICE"!!! OWNERS' North Platte, Hen. w ,ii wmin .rami I'linan-wwir inir,vtn,Tt i'X g Mary B. Caldwoll returned Tuesday from Groat . Bond, Kansas, whoro she was called by tho slckenss and death of her sister,- Mrs. Bird. Tonight's feature, at tho Keith will bo "Tho Courago of tho Common place," with tho two part comedy "An International Sneak." Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Watson, of; Apploton, Wis., woro tho guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Wood Whlto Wednes day whllo onrouto homo from Colorado Springs. C. F. Teraplo and Carl Ilollman re turned yesterday from Gar Hold whore thoy had gono Monday, tho former to oll life insurance, tho lattir hull in surance. Rompers for little ones In sizos ono to six years on salo at 65c, 75c and 95c nt THE LEADER MERC. CO. Tho Rod Cross work room in tha Lincoln school building In tho Fourth ward caponed Monday atornoon with a scoro or more lad.vs In attendance, and much work was accomplished. Thoro was also a good attendance Wcdnl-bdayaternoon. Union Pacific secret sorvlciei men havo uncovered a plot laid by iro Gormans or I.. W. W's. to blow up bridges along tho lino ot tho road . The plan was to drop bombs, with tho fuso lighted, from tho rear 'and of passongor trains at night by men who woro traveling on tho trains as pas sen gors. If you aro In need of a suit or coat do not fall to see what we havo at special discounts. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. At a meeting i ( the ovecutlvo tu- mttteo of the Rod Cross Chaptor Tues day owning tho resignation of C. F. Templo as secretary was accepted and A. F. Stroltz was olocted to fill tho vacancy. It was also ordered by mo tion that at each monthly mooting the1 secretary, treasurer and chairman of each committee mako a wrltton roport of tho work of the past month. In our millinery dopartmont wiei aro selling tho season's best hats at a savtmr to vou of from $1.00 to $5.00 at THE LEADER MERC. CO. J. V. Romlgh roports tho salo of a Chandter touring car to O. H, Thoolecko, of this city and a Chandler "Dispatch'' speedster to Gage Hollowny of Blgnell, a Dodge Sedan to Dr.. McLeay of Stapleton, and Dodge louring cars u n. uoimugui, A. Hj?ath,"J. IC. Barnett and QJiW .iijeison oi uauienDurg, ana a uougo roadster to H. L. Alnlay of Brady. 250 coats In all tho newest spring models, In all tho season's most popular shades aro now selling at greatly tfaduced prices at BLOCK'S. Miss Kirk, representing tho federal and stato governments In tho chlld ren'sAvnr gardens, spent yesterday In town'ln thia Interest of tho movement. Sho mot local peoplo Interested In tho children's cardens In North Platto an'd arrangements made for securing tho service of a supervisor who win dovoto all of his tlmo to tho work. About 200 children In tho city have Joined tho war garden club, each agreeing to plant not less than 500 square fioot of ground. You may select any- wool suit In tho storo, deduct -20 discount from tte original price, and pay the salos- lady tho rest, and you will havo bought your now suit at a great sav ing in prlctt, at BLOCK'S Thia Western Nebraska Bar Associa tion, which was to have mot in North Platto next month, has been adjourned for this year. This is by reason of tlio fact that some ten or twelve members of the bar artn now enlisted In tho war, and so much time of tho othor mebors has been given to as sisting In war preparations and patri otic meetings. Under theso conditions It was considered best to dlspenso with tho meeting this year. Two flro alarms woro turned In Wodnesday night during tho strong wind. Tho first was a burning pllo of rubbish on west Second street which, threatened nienrby buildings, tho second was a lire In a baggage car standing In the yards, which was ox tinguished by tho company hoso. En route from tho Second stroot flro tho crank Bhaft of tho motor truck was broken and tho truck was hauled In This is tho sixth time that thoro has boon a breakage of the shaft. . i ; :o: : Now whlto skirts Just received In Gabardines, PiquoB and Wash Satins, nt most popular prices BLOCK'S. :;o:: Guards Drill This Evening. Tho Homo Guards will . drill this ovonlng on the vncant block nt tho south end of Dowoy street. Tho Guards will mobollzo at tho court house squaro at olght o'clock prompt and march to tho drill grounds. All those who doslre to become members of tho drill team aro renuostcd to ba present. Captain Shilling Is anxious to know Just how many want to Jofn, and do elroa to know this nt onco. A school of Instruction for thoso who drilled tho squads Monday ovon lng was hold nt tho Moos hall Wed nesday ovonlng. Captain hilling has not yet select ed his sergoants and corporals but will do this In tho near future. If you want tho bo3t Hint's mado In waists and blouses you buy Wlrthmor Waists at $1.00' or tho Wol worth Blouso at $2.00. Special, all sizos; fit everybody On salo only nt THE LEADER MERC. CO. Sovcn hundrod German text books woro cremated on tho vacant block nt tho south ond of Dowoy "streot lftBt night and whllo tha oil sonkod books burned and crumbled to ashes two scoro people sang a dirge to tho kalsor. and wlshod him woll In htftlos. Howi tho books worta socurod from tho school building, who hypothecated them, who took part In tho cremation services, matters not; tlitey woro Botzod carried and burnod by parties in whom tho fires of patriotism burn fiercely, and they aro to ba commond- ed rather than condemned a This gen eration, and tho next, and still tho next will havo no uso for anything that has a Gorman lingo, tho books would havo provon obsolete, bettor by far that thoy vanish and that their ashes bo scattored to tho four -winds. ::o;: Sutherland Hoys In Service. Word received from Chas. McNool and John White, who onllstod in tha coast artillory last wtcok, announced that thoy had reached their canin on tho Pacific coast and llkod tho training very much. Elmer Lofdahl had a lotter from his brother Elnor, who is in infantry stationed at Manilla, p. I stating thnt ho Is now n sharp shootor. Tho boys drill four hours a day and practice on tho rlflo rango ovory nftor- noon. It Is very hot thoro. Robert Evans, who is In a supply company, wub called hero by tho Ill ness of his mother. Mr. Evans has been in tho regular army for Mghtoen yoars ana has Bieon Borvlco In Cuba, tho Phllltpplno Islands and on tho Mexican border. Georgo Pepko, of Battory E. 335th Flold Artilliery, is expectod homo soon on a furlough to holp with tho farm work. Georgo Dowoy, assistant cashlor at tho American bank, leaves for Lincoln Thursday night, and from thoro will loavo on May 25th for Camp Funston with tho drafted men of tho third call. :o:: Wanted A competent man to run a gas tractor. Call at 108 wst, First street. 2t DOUBLE(-br!c(astod: models aro in high stylo again. Tho Vanco is ono of tho snppy Adlor Col lolgan suits. Has two buttons, but closos with only ono. Good stlyo and good value. Other Smart Adler Clothes $18.50 to $40.00 Other Makes $15 to $30. Employes Get Little llncflt. Speaking of tho lncreaso of pay of railroad mon rocommnndftd liv tlm Avago commission to Director Gonoral MCAaoo, tho uoo says: "Union Pacific and Northwostorn omnlovcs exnect to rtnrlvn nnmn minor benefit. Thoy havo hud only ono incronso in pay Blnco tho basic month in 101G. tin Inn Pnnlflr nYinn- mon, howovor, gain vory little, Thoy aro now rocolving higher pay than, Is provided by tho proposed now gov ernment wage scalo. "Trainmen, csnoclnllv mnilnptnrn' engineers and flronicn, nro unablo to Heo nnv material bonont. nioir vin.. rwcro Increased sovoral months ago to conform to tltlct Adamson law, and thoy havo been receiving moro pay slnco than is provided for in this now schodulo.' Section mon constituto nnothor class ot laborers who bvo Httlo in cronso In tholr wngos though tho schedulo. In 1916 thoy worta making $1.50. Today thoy aro bolng paid $2.50 por day, a hlghor wage than the now schedulo would 'provide ::o:: Snnimy Girls' Supper. Tho Sammy Girls' will sorvo a sup por next Tuesday evening to th6 dol egatos nttondlng the stock breeders' association and to business mon and tholr wivos. Tho suppor will bo Served in tho dining room ot tho Methodist church and ono doliar a plato -will bo chargod. Tho menu will bo: Roast boof and gravy, roaslijcd potatoes, bakod boans, salad, Jolly, Btrawborrlos and cqffoo, Supt. William" Tent loft at noon yostorday for Omaha -whoro he' will transact business for a couplo of days. Guaranteed $10.00 Human Hair switches for $5.50. Coatos Boauty Parlor. McDonald Bank Bldg. Rod Cross Theatro, Saturday night, William Fox production featuring Tom Mix in "Western Blood," a thrill ing story ot adventure in the land where tho best man wins. Another lot of latest Ideas In pat torn hnto nrrlvr1 Miln mArnlnn " " v v v.a.u lll.tf 1 UHU go on salo at v, Bving of $1 to $5 uuiuw iiiu uuiiHuii pneos at t-Hej LEADER MERC. CO. ::o:: . Demonstration Ofj Nash Tractor, Saturday, May 11th, all aftornoon nt McDonald!" farm on southwest odea of town. All In. terested Invited to attond. Tho Invent-; or and prosldont of tho company will prosont. Orr & Gault, Gon'l Agonts,' Lo wol Ion, Nob. "WAKE UP AMERICA" WILL BE HEKE MAY 28ri. "Wake up America," tho groat pat riotic war picture, profusely Illustrat ed with moving pictures and sbcrcOptl con Elides will bo given at tho Rod Rrnftn thnnrtn ThiirRilnv nffnrnnrv nn,l ovonlng. May 23, at 3:30 p. hi. foe school children and at 8:15 for tho public. This, lecturo and pictures ard glvon undor tho auspices of tho Red Cross and with tho sanction ot tho federal irovcrnmont. nml nn nrimia. slon will bo charged or donations ask- 41. This lecturo and tho pictures bring homo in a dramatic and convincing way tho nood Tor tho undivided effort of every truo hearted American If Arnica-lea Is to nvold tho fato of Bel gium and Franco. And what that fato would bo is easily Jndgod as ono vlowo tho pictures of Belgium, crushed updor tho hool of tho pitiless invnetar. Scones from tho battle front aro shown tho splondld work of tho Red Cross, thon tho early boyhood of the! hated Kulsor, ovon thon nuturlng Uio seeds of lntor destruction. Ono sees llttlo children at play in tha war zone, hasti ly adjusting gas masks and flying for sholtor as an alarm of a gas attack Is given. Thon tho call to Amorlca to Awake! And tho sleeping giant unfurls Old Glory to tho brcozo and gets Into notion. Tlilciro aro tho boys In khaki, our boys, gathering to tho colors and marching to tho Bhlps which aro to bear thorn to Franco to fight for homo and country. It is a stirring picturo. Nothing is exaggerated nor is anything glossed ovor. Tho naked facts arvi glvon as a solomn warning to ua all that each must do his or hor part. Wo must Bitpport our boys and holp thorn crush Prusslanlsm and savo America. L, F. Zohrlng will bo tho principal spjciakor nt tho mooting and his care ful study of present wnr conditions on ablo him to dollvor this mossngo In n, most Interesting form. ::o:: Dodgo Brothers enrs give honest value, wkJ try to glvo truo sorvico to uiuir owners, xno uonmna is ovor Wholmlnc and vn would mlvlrn ordor ,now, both for price protection nnd to obtain any rensonablo dollvory dato.i 2t J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. Potatoes For Sale, Good Early Ohio Potatoes at fifty cent por bushol at tho cavo. Inquiry of Frank Yomakt, ono mllo west of tho Nichols school houso, north side of road. , 32-4 F For Sale. My rosldenco at 809 West 3rd. Geo. W. Klonk. Phono Black C89. tf For Salo Two lots Jn tho 1,000 block NEW NECKWEAR Excltablo corors In startling de signs, or plainer Ideas your choice SPRING HATS, SHOES Hats $3 to $6. Shoes $3 to $8.50. Harcourt Clothing Co. SEE OUR NEWEST SPRING SHIRTS AT 91.50 to $12. A Requisite Dressing Well aBBMBBaUBB Shoe Market Shoes for Men Our shoes are stylish. They're high grade in every way. They are in reality the foundation of gpod dressing. And you know too what poor shoes will, do to an other wise smart appearance. We have an un usually wide range of prices for you to select from. $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6, $6.50, $7, S7.SQ and you may be sure of this No matter what you pay you are gettin g full value received. These prices include . all shapes of toes from the snappy narrow lasts to the wider and more conserva tive types. ) arket 4-V V aves you " oney on&noes KEITH THEATRE BUILDING. 5 hoe WE BDY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sll Coal, Flour, Graham,' Whole Wheat, Corn . Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99.