The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1918, Image 8

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    ScmMa3eekl tribune
IRA L. HARK. Editor nnd l'nbllshcr
Ono Tcnr by Mali In Advance.... $1.25
(So icar by Carrier In Advance $L50
Entored at North Platto. Nobraska,
PoBtofdco as Sooond Class Matter.
TUESDAY, MAY 7th 1918
Writing from Homowhoro In Franco
Leonard Robinson, of this city, first
Borgeant Co. E, 13th Eng. Ry., In a
letter to Uio homo folks says:
"I had a letter yesterday from Lon
(his son wjio is aiao m ouniw
France) and ho Is fooling flno,. When
I visited him a short thno ago ho was
so big that I hardy konw him.
I was out walking the othor day and
ovory way you look are llttlo towns
and churches that wero built hundreds
of yoars ago, and for conturios past
tho plcoplo had gono to church ovory
Sunday. Thon camo tho ruthless Gor
mana who blew up tho towns and with
tholr big cannons shot down all tho
pretty llttlo churches. When they
sighted a church they shelled it, for
they know womten and rhildren would
congregate thoro for safety, nnd they
would rather kill defenseless womon
and children than men because It was
safer for thorn.
"This Is, or was a flno country. All
wagon roadH ailei paved -with crushed
rock and all tho buildings are con
structed of ri'i'k Some are a thousand
Mourn old; in fact some were Btandlng
whon the Romans marched through
France to England before the birth of
Christ, and they paused through the.
place whore wia are now stationed
"When I went to vlek Len I Btopped
at Paris onto day and saw tho great
statues of Joan of Arc and Napoloon
and spont an afternoon In tho groat
pallorles of art. What a ohaino that tho
Germans seok to destroy all thoso
wonderful art troasurtels! But aono day
wo will "get" tlur Kaiser and ho will
bo shorn of his powor.
"Easter Sunday I wont to church
twice, tho llrst Borvico by tho chap
lain; In the ovwnlng wo hoard a lec
ture by a Y. M. C. A. spoakor from
California and ho was a dandy talker.
Twice a woek wo have "movies." If
it wore not for tho Y.. M. C. A. wo
would have no plaqq to go.
"Tho llttlo Fronch children havo to
drill at school, and somo ttmoB must
wear gas masks to koop from dying
from the gas sent out by tho Huns."
$ir; to equip army.
Th'et enormous sum of fifteen billion
dollars for Immediate needs In carry
ing out America's war program was
tho ostlmato submitted by Socrotary
of War Raker to tho military commit
tee at Washington last Friday. This
eatlmnto will bo considered at a moot
ing of tho commlttco thlo wook, as will
also an Increase of tho army to 5,000.
000 men, It Is probablo that there will
bo written Into tho army bill n tpro
vlslon giving tho prtosldont unlimited
authority to draft any number of mon.
Official Noticea--" Information
Tlinrn nHll rnmln n aw wlirt n vr
,i m i n 1,7 m
sufficiently skilled in Judging tho wiles
of niltllrn Hint thav rnnmril thn tlmn
-. Vtt VA V4 4W VUUVl
money and acres of news epaco dovotod
In flint . .v
Yrtt. tvlin will fltnm 1a nvnant tlm
Dolglaus, to mourn whon thoso farmers
going out among tholr hominy bushos
noxt fall, suddenly wako up to find
thorn too thin nnd ucattorod to dlsgulso
tho melon tpatch In tho contor and that
tho broad backs of tho Plckunny's
Delight lpom up from tho road llko a
full moon in a bush-hoap."
Did you ovor think of that?
Prof. K. Warner, professor of animal
husbandry, Unlvorslty of Nobraska,
has been addod to the list of notablos
who will bo hore on May 14th to moot
with tho II vo stock mon of this portion
of the stato, and anulst In organizing a
Breeders Association.
Mr. Warner, although a young man,
haB attained unusual proncloncy in his
Hold and my bo Justly rogardod as a
vory valuablo asst to tho mooting.
Tho organization commit
committees on publicity, program and
ontortalnmiont aro at work that wo may
makf tho most of tho day and bororo
tta clqso bo able to omlorBo some plan
for organization and adopt a policy
which will ho far roachtng la Its scope
and harmonlone and ploaslng to all.
Efforts aro bolng made to havo olthor
tho Red Cross ladles or tho Sammy
Olrls arrango a suppor Tor the visitors
at tho usual hour following tho after
noon sosslon of tho organisation moot
ing nnd that to bo followod by a epoclat
program In tho ovonlng.
It la again confirmed that S. R.
McKolvlo, of ttoe Nobraska Farmor of
Lincoln, nnd D. W. CrosBrovo of
Farnain will bo with us. A commlttoo
wll bo solocted to moot with those mrn
In tho anornlng to formulato somo ton
tatlvo plans that tho afternoon session
may havo some doflnito plans to work
on. All meetings will ho hold nt tho
Lloyd Opera TIouso and an appoal la
made to corn early. Bo in town hoforo
dinner. , ,
Over Tho Top.
So far as can bo reported at present
tho third Llborty loan has gono ovor
the top by at loast one) billion dollars,
tho total BUbscrintlonn muchlm
ROOO.000.000. Thoro wa m
12,000,000 subscribers to tho loan, Thoi u,rftVT ,naica,tca Jmt
Kansas City district to which Nobraska 1 s,on' ln roy 8nfe' ln U verythlng Is be
oolongs, subscribed $102,705,000 or Quonthcd to the niece, Mary Wllklns,
twonty-flvo por cent more than Its 'because of her uniTpubtcd true and
auotn. 1 Jiwtluff affection.' "
(Copyright, Ills, Wcittrn Ncvippor t'hlon
The old lawyer carefully searched
tho library, but no later "will" could
bj found. The one reposing In the
safe could have no special valuo be
cause across Its hack wns written In
bold letters. "This will Is void. A
later document may be found, leaving
all to tho nleco whom wo have, learned
truly loves us,"
It was a perplexing situation. Tho
twin orphaned nieces, Mary and Mar
tha, had lived slnco Infancy, upon their
relatives' bounty, and Undo Horaco
and Aunt Jane had denied them noth
ing. Roth girls enjoyed the same ad
vantages; both hnd objected tor.dorly
when tho drawing of tho will was dis
cussed. .
"Do not let us talk about such
things," murmured Mnry.
"Do ns you think host with your
property," Martha had unsolllshly nd
vised. Tho first will divided the estate
equally between the sisters why the
elderly cotiplo had soon fit to change
their minds was a problem. Vaguely
troubled, tho girls aided In tho search,
with no success. Alone, (hoy locked
into each other's faces. "Had ellher
ono of us grlovcd them?" nsked Mary.
Martha shrugged her shoulder. "I
think wo'vo boon pr6tty grateful,"
lie suhl, "staying with them night af
ter night. And Uncle Horace was not
tho easiest porson to tnnnugc, after
Aunt Juno went. Ilowovor, what dif
ference does it mako7 Either ono of
us should bo willing to divide with
the other."
"Of course, dear," Mary hastily
ngreed, but a lino showed between her
pretty brows. She was thinking anx
iously about the mon whom Martha
was determined to marry. Ills ex
travagances wore well known. Tho
division" of property Mary considered
Just, but she wished wistfully that she
might havo been nblo to keep up tho
dear homo and to live thoro with old
Mammlo Deliawhen Martha should
bo married.
Earnestly sho looked over tho
months that wore gono; could It bo
possible that Rho had offended? They
had been so good to her, so kind al
ways. And Mnrtlm, too, looked back.
"They could, not have been preju
diced against Lester Illnke," sho re
marked xwlth satisfaction, "because
they had not hoard of his Intentions.
You did not tell, Mary?" Rut as
quickly sho laughed. "Of course you
wouldn't, loyal soul," sho snld.
So weeks went by with no solution
of tho difficulty.
"P'raps, Mlsslo .Tnno an' Mister Hor
aco weren't shuah decided which loved
'em best befonh dey went, honey,"
Mammlo Delia suggested.
"They probably agreed to leave
things as they were," he said. And lif
ter tho three hnd exhaustively talked
tho subject over ono evening, Mary
went to her room nnd had a dream;
nt least It must have been n drenm,
though to her;n,t tho tiinotnlLsoomed
very real. Sho.hnd unbandofrhor long
hair before tho glass, and turned to
sit down In her favorlto rocker, when,
In their usual easy way, Aunt Janes
and Uncle Horaco entored the room.
Roth wore dressed In an old fnmlllnr
"""- rm in arm moy stoou foi
moment looking down upon her
. . " ujiuii 111.1
manner, as arm In arm they stood for
.... ,
"Oh I Aunt Jane," sho cried, "nnd
icle, I havo wanted von so -nimh
Rut though both old faces wero illum
ined with n wonderful smile, Undo
Horace motioned her back; his eyes
sought" tho timepiece upon tho mantel.
"Oh, not yet I" begged tho girl,
"pleaso do not go" But they wero
Stupidly sho raised her hend from
tho back of tho rocker sho had been
asleep. And as sho still sat blinking,
Marthn burst Into tho room. Martha's
eyes wero wide and dark, her cheeks
wero crimson.
"Oh. Mary 1" sho exclaimed. "I have
had such a tcrrlblo dream, though It
wasn't In tho least llko a dream. I
was rending before tho fire, when the
door opened and Undo noraco came
in. Yes, ho did, with Aunt Jane be
hind him. They seemed to wait until
I could control myself, and then Undo
Hornco looked toward tho clock, nnd
all at once It camo to me, llko a flash,
now was my opportunity to learn
about tho will, so I managed to blurt
it out: 'Whore did you put tho Inst
will?' I asked. 'Who gets the prop
erty? Speak quick,' I gasped, but they
wuro gone."
Trembling. Mnrtlm sank down upon
tho bpd. "It was terrible I" sho re
pented. Across tho room camo tho telephone
call, Mary hastened to nnswer. "Miss
Wllklns," came tho old lawyer's volqe
"tho hour Is late, but I felt I must call
you up. Tho second will has boon
found, and through tho strange process
of n dream. It Is actually dllllcult to
persuade myself that tho experience
through which I havo pnssed. was a
droam. Pardon roy incoherence th
lnddont has unsettled mo. I wns pon
dering over our recent conversation,
whon It soomod that your old uwl'
entered my study. In a businesslike
munnor ho lmmodlatoly proceeded to
my safe, tripping a spneo benoath a
certain drawer; thon he vanished.
Carried by an uncontrollable impulse, I
hastened to your homo, whero I am
npw In tho llbrnry. Dcllft admitted
me, and wo havo found the will, se
creieu in a recoptacie oeneath therj
creted m a receptacle beneath tha very
(Copyright, 1918, V.Vittrn Newotapcr"l)nlon.)
"A plain nobody," modest Rufus
Dow designated himself, but Ada
Pourco considered hlni tho bcsttOf men
and wns not far amiss, and her father,
who was Dow's employer, had, reason
to thank this loyal, Industrious 'young
fellow for keeping his small and strug
gling business allout through all kinds
of vicissitudes.
Mr. Pearce hnd been too 111 for a
year to do much more than assume tho
direction of affairs; Ho owned a barge,
clumsy, old, and safe for close coast
service only. lie lived u few leagues
down the Australian coast from Mel
bourne, and for twenty years had fol
lowed the conveying of Tncrcliandlso
from port to port, especially bulk stuff,
cutting steamer rutes. The bargo had
a sail and n tiller nnd was scarcely sea
worthy, and could be operated by ono
"I've got a cargo-lco," reported
Pearco ono day. "The consignors will
load and nil care taken off your hands
at the othor ond. Pick out a spell of
clonr Weather for the go, Ruftis, for I
hardly think the cruft will stand mmiy
more voyages."
Rufus started on ljls voyage a week
later. Above the hold, crated, were
two hundred ice cream freezers and
several barrels of coarse rock salt, for
the cargo was designated for & firm en
gaged In the manufacture of lco cream.
"1 think, myself, the old tub Is at lis
last gasp," Rufus told Ada. "It fmu
downs her on this trip, mriyUc It will
bo a good thing, for wo muko So little.
I would like to strike out Into some
lew field. It's this wretched pinching
and scraping to get a dollar ahead that'
Is putting off our murrmge."
"Hut It doesn't wear out our love",
dear," reminded Ada sweetly.
Everything augured an easy, pleas
(ant voyage. Tho old bargo behaved ad
mirably for two days. The third night,
however, tlfty miles from any port, Ru
fus f6und himself ln the grasp of a
fierce storm. AVlth dismay ho loathe
unwieldy craft drift, tho pluythlug, of
tho wuves, for thoro wns nothing elso
to do. , With daybreak there came a
dense fog and a atom northeaster that
drove the barge ahead like an arrow
shot from a bow. Tho straining craft
groaned and shivered. No land wiis In
sight, the great broad sail hnd been
ripped to tatters and tho rudder had
burst Its lashings. Rufus had lost ac
count of bearings, the fog did not lift
and that night the- wind Increased. In
tho utter darkness, Just before day
break, with 11 crash the barge struck
rocks, the prow was battered lato
kindling wood, the bulky mass turned
over on Its side and Rufus clung to the
upper rail, awaiting daybreak.
"It's a coral -reef and an Island be
yond," ho calculated, as morulng
showed him a coastline fringed with
trees. He had mndo up u package of
food niul, strapping half a dozen of the
freezer pulls together utilized them us
a float to get ashore.
Rufus sat down and rested whon he
reached the beach. The tropical air
told him that ho must have voyaged
many hundred miles. ' Ho wns blocking
out a blind courso along the coast
when a blaring trumpet blast, followed
by tho clash of cymbals, cuused him to
observe a procession nt a short dls
tunce. Borno In a palanquin shoul
dered by half a dozen dusky follows, all
hands nearly nude, was a greut, portly
savage, decorated with metal orna
ments. Tho luferenco wus palpnble. Rufus
hnd landed on some Isolated Island In
habited by savages this was their nu
gust monarch on a Journey. They might
bo cannibals, and at -this thought Ru
fus Btnrted to hide, but he wns ob
served and put on a bold front, await
lug the approach of the procession.
Following It wero some cattle yoked
together. The procession halted and
the king, alighting, studied Rufus with
curiosity. Thou ho inquisitively point
ed to the Ice renm palls.
A bright ihouglit struck Rufus.
Through gestures he Imparted to tho
dusky monarch that ho would swim to
tho bargo and return with something
thut would explain the situation. Tho,
king nodded and Rufus struck out for
the wreck. He returned, flouting a
great cake of ice ahead of him, and
tied to his shoulders tho cannlster that
held tho craft's supply of sugar.
One hour Inter Rufus vu at a stago
of wild Jubilation. Ho had mude of
tho king a real friend and tho latter
not only rewarded hlui richly but indi
cated that he should bo conveyed to
tho mainland.
"Yas. I'm hero and tho bargo and Its
cargo demolished or devoured," report-'
ed Rufus to Ada, and her father ono
month later, and ho told of tho wreck.'
"And then," ho recited, "I treated
theia. Thoy had cows, and therefore
milk. I had sugar nnd Ice. I made
thom a freezer full of Ice cream. The
effect was magical. Thoy had nover
tasted the dainty before nnd wero en
tranced. They halted right there, un
loading Ice and freezors from the
burge. They sent to their camp and a
whole army Hocked to tho spot. There,
was such un lco crouni fcstlvul as Vvus
never heard of bofore. Thoy koRt
tholr word as to placing me In the way
of gutting home and tho king gave me
those" and Rufus, drawing out a llt
tlo chamois-skin bag, poured Into his
hand a dozen or more magnificent dia
monds. "And now, Ada" ho exuberated,
gayly, "wo enn" get married."
Population of Washlnaton 305,947.
Washington clnlms a present popu
Utlou of 805,017, police ceusus.
: (JEO. R. DENT,
Phsylclnn and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given (0 Jjurgcry
iilul Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Office 130, Rosldenco 115
Ofllce phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - NebrasKu.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Thorn py
728 City National Rank Building. '
Omaha, Nebraska,
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
AH .Kinds of Hemstitching Done.
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
H Block north of Post Office.
North Platte, Nebrnskn.
(.ranlte nntl marble hendstoncs. The
only shop In the dry. Lqulpped with
jtiiomiinllc machinery. Lcltorlng neat-!
It done. All work guaranteed.
Corner 7th and Locust, North Pattc.
siii3im''is sAi.n.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from the District court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure renderod In said court
whoreln Nebraska Central Bulldtnir &
Loan Association Is plaintiff, nnd Brid
get jJolla L,onegan la defendant, ana
to me directed, I will on the 11th day
of May, 191S, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the
east front door of the court house ln
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraskn,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest nnd costs, the following des
cribed property, to-wit:
Lot two (a) or Miocic one -Hundred
ten (110) of the Orltrlnal town of the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Dated North Platte, Neb.. April Sth,
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
The defendants. Tho Grand Dry
Ooods Company, a corporation, Joseph
ti. uenn, ljirverea l. uean, j. j. Auains,
first real name unknown, Mrs. J. Q.
Adams, his wife, first real name un
known, William G. Parker, Airs. Wil
liam G. Parker, his wife, first real
name unknown, A. D. LaDue, first real
name unknown, R. Hi Davis, first real
name ununown, nnu .Minnie a. uavis,
Mattle C. McKnlght ana M6-
Knlglit, her husband, first real name
unknown, Kate E. Buckles and J. D.
Buckles, her husband, first real name
unknown, Aaron It. C. Davis, Alty R.
Davis, J. C. Daniels, first real name un
known, and Mrs. J. O Daniels, his wife,
first real name unknown, Harrison R.
S. Davis, Reuben D. Lltwlller and Mrs.
ueuuen JJ. Litwuie, nis wife, nrst
real name unknown. John C. Chaney
and Mrs. John C. Chaney, his wife, first
and real .name unknown. Harry r.
Copoland, Emma A. Copeland, Frank O.
Hawkins, Chloe M. Hawkins,' waiter
M. Cowell. Bertha B.' Leach. Fred P.
Willis, William S., Nnncy Lucinda
kohs, it. i awanson, nrst real name
unknown, Lottie Swanson, James L.
Dowd, Stella A. Dowd, Fred G. Bab
cock, and Mrs. Fred G. Babcook,
his wife, first and real name un
known. George F. Nealy, Lizzie T.
Nealy, Ellas Strum, Sarah Strum, James
Simmons and Mrs. James Simmons, his
wife, first roal name unknown, George
O. Ross, Thomas E. Heskett and Mrs.
Thomas E. Heskett, his wife, first real
name unknown, and the ununown neirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives or each or sam uetenaants, nnu
all other persons who may bo Interest
ed in the estate of each one of said, de
fendants will take notice that, on the
Sth day of April, 1918. plaintiff, F
II Clarldge, filed his petition ln the
District court of Lincoln County Ne
braska, against said defendants, tho
object and prayer of which are that all
of the deeds oxecuted and delivered by
the defendant Tho Grand Dry Goods
Company, a corporation, to various
grantees, of the following doscrlbed
premises, to-wlt: Section 1, T. IB, N. R.
29, W.. section 25, 27 and 35, T. 16, N.
R. 29 W,f the SEVi of section 31, T. 16,
N. R. SS, W; the N of Section 31,
T. 16. Nh. 28. W: the SW'4 of section
30. T. 1ST N R. 28, W: tho NEU of
section 30, T. IP, N. R. 28, W: tho
NEU of section 34, all ln T. 1C, north
R. 29. W; section 1, T. 15. N. R. 30,
W, sections C and 7, T. 15 N. R. 29. i
W; section 31 and tho ni ot tne rn,
the of the SV, tho SEVi of tho NE
and the 8W of tho NEU. the SW',1
of tho SWii, the NWU of the SWU,
and the NEU of the SE4
of section 30. In T. 1C, N. R.,
29, W: section 3. T. 15, N. R. 29, W;
tho NW& of section 2, township 15, N.
R. 29, W; section 29 and 33, T. 16 N. R.
29, W; all of which land Is in Lincoln
County, Neb., which aro doscrlbed In
plaintiff's petition, wero executed by
the president of said corporation with
full authority of said corporation and
its board of dlroctors, and aro each and
all the valid deeds of said defendant
The Grand Dry Goods Company; that
the defendant A. D. LaDuo be required
to redeem said section one, township 15,
North Range 29, and section 25, town
ship 16, North range 29, in said Lin
coln County, from tho mortgage Hon
foreclosed hy John M. Stewart, as sot
forth In plaintiff's potltlon, within
twenty days from the date of the de
cree, which may be entered heroin, or
upon nis rnuuro to no bo mat.. iu
title of BRld promises be quieted and
conRrmed ln tho nlalntlff. free and
clear of all Hens, claims or demands of
said A. u. Laoue; that tne uercmiant
Fred P. Willis bo decreed to bo tho
snmo nerson as F. P. Willis, who ap
pears as grantee In several deeds of
different tracts or tne auove (loscrineii
lands, and as Fred P. Willis, who
thereafter conveyed said tracts by his
full name: that the defendant Georgo
n Tin li ilttnranil to he tho same
pe'rson who obtained tlee'd to some of
sam ianus in . nis tun name, ami con
veyed same by tho name of G. O. Ross:
that all of the defendants herein and
all persons clalmlnit through or under
them be decreed to have no lien or
olnlm unon. or rlifht. titlo or Interest In
or to tho ubovo described premises, or
any part thereof; that tho clouds oast
upon plaintiff's title thereto, by tho
tiratnnrinrl claims of the defendants, be
removed therefrom; that tho title and
possession or piainttrr in an oi.saiu
iirnmlHea bo nuieted and confirmed ln
him: that tho defendants and each of
them amUaJl persons claiming through
or under tnem or either of thom, bo on
Joined and barred from Botting up pr
claiming any right, tltlo or Intorest In
or to ealrt premises; or any part there
of, and for such other and furthor re
lief as may bo Just and oqultablo.
You nro required to answor said
petition on or before tho 27th day of
May, 1918,
By E. J. CLEMENTS, HIS Attornoy.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoftice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th.
tclantlfic treatment of tncdldal,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D.' V. Lucas, H. D.
J.HRedfied,M.D.J.S. SIMMS, M.D.
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234:
Night Phpno Black 638.
Notice Is horoby given that by vlrtuo
.rrf nn nr,lnr nf Tltiitirv Ci XTnat ntlcn.
jU(, o the Dlstrlct court of Buffalo
county, Nebraska, mado on December
3. 1917. and modified on February 1.
1918, for tho sal of tho real estate
hereinafter described, there will bo
sold at the East Front Door of the
Court House in North Platte, Nebrasr
ka, on May 23d, 1918, at 10 o'clock a.
m. Standard time, on said day at pub
He venduo, to tho highest bidder, tho
following described real estate; to
wit: Tho undivided two-thirds of the
North Half of tho Northeast
Quarter (N.E.i). and tho North Half
(N.) of tho Northwest Quarter
(N.W.14) of Section 17, Town 10,
Range 29, in Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, upon the following terms, to-wit:
Ono Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to he
duo and payable in threo years from
April 1, 1917. Fifteen Hundred Dol
lars ($1,500) to bo duo and payable ln
five years from said date, bearing
Seven 'per cent (7) interest from
said date, to bo secured by first mort
gage on tho whole of said one hundred
and sixty acres, which mortgage
shall contain n clause that tho mort
gagor shall pay all taxes that may bo
levied and assesed against said mort
gage, and tho purchaser shall pay tho
taxos on said premises for tho year
1917. and all sums paid above said de
fered payments, shall be paid in cash.
Said sale shall remain open for one
As Guardian of Louiso Morrison and
Sidney G. Morrison, Minors.
n. p. Mcdonald.
a30-ml7 Attorney for Guardian.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estate No, 15G0 of Amanda M.
Thomson, deceased in the county court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notlco that the
tlnia limited for presentation and filing
of claims against said estate is August
31. 1918, and for settlemet of said
estate is April 2G, 1919; that I will sit
at tho county court room in said
county, on May 31, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. ni., and on August 31, 1918 at 9
a. m,, to recolve, examine, hear,
allow, or adjust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
a30-4wks. . County Judge.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 1659 of Mario L. Colin, de
ceased ln the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska; To all per
sons interested In said Estato take
notico that a potltl&n has been filed for
tho appointment of J. E. Evans as Ad
ministrator of said estate, which has
been set for hearing heroin on May 24,
1918, at 9 o'clock a. ni.
Dated April 23, 1918.
a30-m21 - County Judge.
Extension to Road No. 250.
To whom it may concern:
Tho special Commissioner appoint
ed to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest cor
ner of Section 34, T. 13, R. 2G, Lincoln
County, Nobraska, thence running
North along tho west section of Sec
tion 27, T. 13, R. 2G for tho dlstdnce
of one mile to tho northwest corner
of Section 27, T.13, R.2G thereby con
necting with Roads No- 260 and 271.,
has reported ln favor thereof.
Any objections thereto or claims for
damages against said road must bo
filed on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of
tho 10th day of Juno 1918, or said road
will bo allowed without reference
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
this 6th day of April 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1652 of Max Beer, de
ceased in tho county court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, b- ' rndltors
of said estato wU tako notice that tho
tlmo limited for presentation and filing
of claims against said Estato Is August
24, 1918, and for settlement ot Bald
Estato is April 17. 1919; that I will
sit at tho county court room ln satd
county, on May 24. 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. ra. and on August 24, 1918, at 9
a. m., to receive examine, hoar, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
a23-m21 . County Judge.
Notice of Salo Under Lion.
Notlco Is heroby given that under
a Hon duly filed 'In tho office of tho
countj' clork of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, I will offer for salo at publlo
auction for cash on tho 11th day of
May. 1918, at my rosldenco on Section
8. Township 10, Rango 31, Linclon
County, Nobraska, one four cylinder
Ileo Automooiio.
a23-3w Lien Holder.
Chungo and Vacation of Part of
Road No. 1)0.
To all whom It may concern:
Tho special commissioner appointed
to locate a road as follows;
Commencing at the southwest
corner of tho southeast quarter of
section fifteen (15), town nlno (9),
rango twonty-olght (2S), thonce run
ning cast olghty rods on section lino
between section fifteen (16) and
twenty-two (22), thence south through
section twonty-two (22) and twenty
seven (27) Intersecting with road No.
96, proposed road to bo sixty-six feet
in width, and to vacato portion of
road No. 06 running through center of
section twenty-two (22) and twenty
seven (27), thence running (80) eighty
rods cast from the southeast corner
of tho southwest quarter of Bcction
twenty-soven (27), town nlno (0)
rango twenty-eight (28), on section
line between section twenty-soven
(27) and thirty-four (34), has re
ported as follows: Beginning at the
M section between sections 15 and 22
T. 9', N. R. 28, W. of 6th P. M., running
thenco east on lino between said
sections 15 and 22 a distance of 20
chains to the NE corner of NWNEVl
of said section 22, thenco south on the
1-16 section lino through sections '22
nnd 27 to the SE corner SWM,SE4 of
section 27 nil in T. 9, N. R. 28 W.;
there to connect again with road No.
96. And he reports also ln favor ot
vacating that part of road No. 9G run
ning through tho contor of said sec
tions 22 and 27 and against vacating
that part of road No. 96 running on
lino between section 27 and 34 from
the Vi section cornor oast Yi mile.
All objections thereto or claims for
damages must be filed in tho office of
tho County .Clerk on or before noon
of tho 20th day'of June. 1918. or said
road will be allowed without reference
Dated nt North Platte. Neb., this
15th day of April. 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk
. Road No. 11G.
To whom it may concern:
The special commissioner appointed
to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at about 100 rods south
from tho north section lino of section
9, town 10, range 26 oii the public road
in Gilman canyon; thonce southwest
through, the SWft of section 9, town
10. rango 26; thence west through
Bection (8) eight, and then angling
southwest through section 7 and sec
tion 18 to Public road No. 339 follow
ing said road running through theso
sections as near as practical known as
Buzzard Roost road. Length of road
about threo miles, and said road to bo
66 feet wide, has reported as follows:
Beginning at a point on tho west line
of Road No. C3 in the WNE ot
section 9, T. 10, N. R. 2G, W. of tho 6th
P. M. about 26 chains south from tho
north line of said section 9. thenco in
a southwesterly direction through tho
west half of jiortheast quarter of
said section 9, and through sections 8,
7 and 18, said township and range to
connect with Road No. 339 in the
NW& of said section IS.
All claims for damages or objections
thoreto must bo filed on or before
noon of the 20th day of June, 1918 in
'the oiTice of tho County Clerk of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, or such
road will bo allowed without reforenco
Dated at North Platte, Neb., this
15th day of Aprll.,1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Road No. 411.
To whom it may concern:
The special Commissioner appoint
ed to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest cor
ner of tho Northeast quarter of Sec
tion zi, i. 14, is. n- 26. west or tue
6th P. M., running thence north along
the half section lino of Sections 16 and
9. T. 14, N. R. 2G, West of the 6th P.
M. and terminating at tho southwest
corner of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion 4 T- 14, N. R. 26, West of tho 6th
P. M. has reported In favor thereof,
all objections thoreto or claims for
damages must beflled on or before 12
o'clock noon of tho 10th day of "June
1918 or such road will be allowed
without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platte. Nebraska.
this Sth day of April 1918.
A- S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
To Alfred L. Armstrong, non-rcd-
dent, defendant: You are hereby noti
fied that cn tho 16th day of January,
1918, Addio F. Armstrong filed a
petition against you in the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which are to
obtain a dlvorco from you on the
ground of abandonment. You aro re
quired to answer said petition on or
before tho 3rd day of June, 1918.
By Geo. N. Gibbs, Her Attornoy.
Notlco of Final Report.
Estato No. 1509 of Mary J. O'Haro,
deceased ln the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, to all persona
Interested in said estato tako notico
that the Executrix has filed a final ac
count and report their administration
and a potitlon for final settlement and
discharge as such, executrix, which
has boen set for hearing before said
court on May 17, 1918, at 9 o'clock a.
m., whon you may appear and contest
the same.
Dated April 20th. 1918. ,
(SEAL) ' County Judge,
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo of an order of Bale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered ln said court
whoreln Mutual Building and Loan
Association is plaintiff, and Josso
Fellows, ot al. dro dofendants, and to
mo directed, I will on tho 25th day
of May, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at
the tast front door of tho Court House
in North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, soli at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
docreo, Interest and costB, the follow
ing doscrlbod property to-wit:
Lot Bovon (7) in Block twelve (12)
Cody's Addition to North Platto, Ne
braska. Dated at North Platto, Neb., April
23d 1918
A, J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.