The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1918, Image 5

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    '"Y'O U R EY ESxi
Deserve-more consideration than anything you t, .
have; your life depends upon them.
In connection with our optical dept. we have a
complete lense grinding plant and . for that
reason offer the best of service.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Miss Isa Murphy has been, visiting
friends in Lexington.
Harry Fleishman returned yester
day from a brlctf visit in Omaha.
For Sale COO bushel good 191C corn.
Robt Hoatson, 4 mi. north of Hershey.
The county commissioners wero In
session yestrday transacting rotlno
W. R. Harcourt went to Omaha the
latter part of last week to remain for
some time.
A. H. Stuarti and Gettio Greeley,
both of this city, were, granted
permission to wed Friday.
For quick action' ana satisfactory
inle list your land with Thoelccke. tf
Mrs. Wilcox is visiting her son J.
Q. Wilcox and family! having arrived
from Denver Saturday night.
Alma Rubens and Joe King In a
seven reel produdtion "Thei Answer"
will bo tho Triangle offering at tho
Crystal Wednesday,
Mr. Jensen, formerly of tho firm
of Harcourt & Jensen arrived from
Council Bluffs tho latter part of last
week to visit his daughter, Mrs. W.
R. Harcourt.
For Sale A registered White Face
Bull. T. S. McCrono, phono 790F4. 3G
Ladles Aid society of tha Methodist
church meets Thursday afternoon at
the church parlor. Work of Importance
will be on hand. All mompors and
visitors invited.
In the third Liberty loan campaign
every county In Nebraska went over
its quota. Hayes county heads the list
In percentago having subscribed four
times its quota.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store. ' tf
Tho government has issued a call
for 12,000 physicians and surgeons,
7,000 of whom are, "expected to respond
by July 1st and 5,000 more berore tho
end of tho year. Nebraska. s quota
is 200.
Eleven auto tourists registered at
the McCabo Sunday night, five of whom
. were from Chicago, four from Sioux
Falls, S. D., and two from Sac City,
Iowa. Tho tourist travel by auto will
bo in full swing before tho end of
O. H. Crossler lot tho contract
Saturday night to H. G. Brooks for tho
erection of his new residenco on tho
200 block on west Fourth street. Tho
contract prlco for the house and
heating plant Is around fifteen
hundred dollars.
Marlon Davis, who (playB Uio title
role in tho Ziedfleld rovud "Miss 1917"
will appear at Crystal tonight in tho
Patho foaturo "Runaway Romany."
With her will appear Orml Hawley
and Matt Mooro. Tho story is one of
unusual charm and carries you away
from tho overy day affairs of life.
A standard American flag 12x6 and
a sorvico flag 10x6 has boon purchased
by tho Brady people and will wave
from a staff over tho band stand in
tho center of tho town. Tho sorvico
flag win contain thirty stars, that
number of young men of tho Brady
section having left for training camn
Harry Dixon, county chairman for!
tho Red Cross drive which opens May
20th, appointed an executlvo committee
for tho campaign, at a meeting held
Friday evening. This committee in
cludes flvo members in North Platte,
and ono at Sutherland, Hershey, Max
well, Brady, Somerset and Garfiold.
Tho namos of this committee will bo
announced Friday.
Tho campaign will be conducted with
school districts as tho units that Is, a
commltteo chairman will bo appointed
In each district to do tho canvassing,
and a quota for each district will be
made, based on tho assessed valuation
of tho district. A personal letter will
bo mailed to each head of a family in
tho county, calling attention to tho
need of tho money for Red Cross pur
poses. E. F. Seeberger, J. Q. Wilcox and
Ira L. Bare havo been appointed a
general committee for North Platte,
and this commltteo has appointed a
chairman for each word. These chnir
mcn aro: First ward O. H. Thoelecke,
Second ward, A. J. Salisbury, Third
ward N. E. Buckley, Fourth ward A.
E. Boll. Thesp chairman will select
their committees and report at a meet-
,lng to bo held Wednesday evening.
::o:: -
North Platto Subscribes $331,900.
The third Liberty loan campaign
closed Saturday evening, and . the
North Platto district total reached
334,900, which is double its quota
and with lf20,900 to spare.
Chairman Temple, up to last evening
had not received final reports from
al tho banks In tho county and could
not therefore give tho total for tho
For Sale.
My residenco at 809 West 3rd.
W. Klenk. Phono Black G80.
Ascension Way Service.
Thursday, May 9th, at the Protestant
Episcopal church, 10 a. m., holy com
munion; 7:30 p. m., evening service
and sermon.
Ascension Day marks the 25th an
niversary of tho consecration of tho
prestint church edifice. Wo hopo that
overy member will bo present at one
or tho other of tho services.
The Knlchts Temnlar have been In-
, viteid to attend the evening service In
a body. Everyono welcome.
Rov. Arthur Dittes Jones, Rector.
! x jqi ;
For Kent.
1 roont modern apartment. Close
In. . 2t
::o:: -
Hut tho Hoozo Had Gone.
Sheriff Salisbury armed with a
search warrant, Invaded the exprebs
offico thei latter part of last week and
seized throe Jugs which wero sup-
kftaA.1 ir nnnfnln rolilalrnv Tinfr irfirn
found to bo filled with water. Tho
jugs wero snippeu 10 cerium panics
In North Platte somewhat over a year
ago. Some time between tho date of
tho arrival of tho jugs and tho timo
tho Sheriff seized them, tho liquor had
been taken out and wator substituted.
GO. TO CA.J.' MAY 25.
Tho first May draft Issued by Pro
vost Marshal Crowder calls for 233,
742 men, of which 1575 will como from
Nebraska. Udor this call, tho Nebras
ka xrien will lcavo for Camp Dodge In a
flvo day porlod beginning May 26th.
Lincoln county's share of this draft
will bo twonty-flve men, and tho coun
ty oxcmptlon board as soon na official
ly notified will mako a selection of tho
boyB who aro to go according to num
ber. ::o:-
Drnm Corps Organizes.
The Homo Guards Drum and Buglol
corps organism I'Tiuay ovomng uy tno
.election of Harry Blnsloy prcsldont, C.
M. Cnthors vico-presidont. Cash Aus
tin secretary and W. II. Stevens treas
urer. An executive committee of Vic
tor F. Beck, H' BInkloy and Harry
Brodbeck was also tlectcd. Tho mem
bership fco was placed nt ono dollar
and a small monthly assessment made.
Drum Major Beck will go to Omaha
this week and while thore will pur
chaso eight or ten regulation drums
and six or eight trumpets.
. :o: .
Girl Editor Terror to Crooks.
Tho attraction at tho Rd Cross j
Theatre this (Tuesday) ovenlng will bo
"Powers that Proy," with Mary Miles
Minter as tho star. It Is a flvo reel
feature and the stroyruns as follows:
Sylvia Grant, tho pretty finishing
school daughter of Burton Grant, editor
of tho Dally News, used to calling on
Dad for fat checks to easo tho mo
notony of school life, suddenly finds
herself confronted with tho necessity
of returning homo because of a
conspiracy among grafting politicians
to wreck her father's newspaper
property and drlvo him out of town.
Editor Grant decides to leavo town!
for a time and doleates authority to
an editor in order to carry out
certain 'policies. Sylvia Is told by her
father to go homo and stay so that a
member of tho family may bo on tho
ground, but sho decides to tako chnrgo
of tho "paper in her father's absonco
and drive tho crooks out of town. In
this matter sho has tho cooperation of
a clover city editor, Frank Summers.
Sylvia's natural aggressiveness im
pola her to attack wherever she sees a
sign pf aggressiveness on tho part' of
thei enomy and her mothods aro so
revolutionary that sho wins tho fight
by shosr audacity, without knowing
that Bho has come within an aco of
wrecking tho newspaper proporty from
a business point of vlow.
Tho plot Is ono of tho most Inter
esting vut on tho screen for some
: :o: :
Soldier Hoys Scud Thanks.
To tho Editor of the Tribune,
North Platto, Nebr.
Dear Sir!
Wo, tho boys who loft Lincoln Co.
April 29th wish to express our ap
preciation to the people of North Platte
and especially the Sammy Girls, for
the- reception and splendid patriotic
"send off" thoy gave us. North Platte
demonstrated hor patriotism v far
better than any town along the way. It
is tho desire of us boys for tho people
at home to know that these things aro
appreciated dnd will bo long remember
ed. -
Signed: Wm. W. Seibold. Georgo
Razes, Duano D. Smith, F. F. Nolan,
Anton Lewis, Frank. Barnes, Omer
Roten, George Frazlcr, Earl Hand.
Clarenco Bean, Roy Coates, Roy Roten,
Harry A. Dlels, David B. McCoubroy,
Arthur W. Hunt. Charles Thomas, Ray
Eborly, O. V. Johnson, Franklin E.
Haines, Thomas II. Case.
Arrange for Memorial Day.
At a Joint conference of committees
of tho G. A. R., W. R. C. and Span
ish war veterans Saturday ovenlng ar
rangements woro made for tho proper
observanco of Memorial Day,' both
hero In town and' at McPherson na
tional cemetery. Tho . arrangements
and program will bo published in full
In Friday's issuo.
Potatoes For Sale.
Good Early Ohio Potatoes at fifty
cent por bushel at tho cave. Inqulro
of Frank Yamakl, ono mllo west of
tho Nichols school house, north side of
road. 32-4
Thord aro many conveni
ences In Electric Wiring that
entail llttlo cost yet add very
much to the convenient and
practical use of Electricity.
Hero Is ono for haying Hnso.
honrd Outlet for your vacuum
cleaner, lamp, sow motor,
talilo appliances, talking inn
clilno motor and all tlio ninny
other Electrical uses.
Can bo readily installed
In any homo, In any num
bor, at any placo most
Our Business Is House Wiring
North Pfotte Light & Power Co,
Against the slight territorial gains
which have been made by the Germans
since they began, tho drive fivo weeks
ago must bo sot the" fact that thoy had
to throw' 140 divisions Into battle In
five' weeks. A considerable number
of these have been twice engaged ajid
some thrice. Adding these re-appearances
together, there is a total of 180
engageniiMitB of divisions, equivalent
to a mass of two and a half million
men whom tho enomy has already put
into battle. As a Gorman division Is
never'withdrawn until it has sustained
sovero losses, on an avfeirago of 2,500,
it Is reasonable to reckon tho enemy's
loss slnco tho beginning of tho battlo
at not less than 350,000.
The Germans began the offensive
with a resorvo of 050,000 In depots In
Franco and at homo. Behind thesb
there is only tho 1919-20 class, con
sisting of youths, half of whom aro
under 18. Tho enemy's genuine flcht
ing reserve is thus half exhausted bo-
foro ho has covered anything like half
tno (II stance to his goal. His reckless
employment of divisions has left him
with a total of CO out of 200 in Ejranco
which havo not yet been engaged. Of
these 12 are landstrum divisions which
cannot bo used for tho purposo of an
offonsivo. Ttod Germans thus can
havo llttlo hopo that tho remaining CO
divisions can accomplish what tho first
140 failed to achieve.
Already tho Gorman staff Is anxious
ly realizing that their reserves of frosh
troops aro not greater than those un
der General Foch.
Pimples and blotchs on tho skin aro
caused by bilious impurities in tho
blood. Tho right remedy is Prickly
Ash Bitters. It removes tho causa by
purifying tho blood, liver n,nd bowels.
Prlco $L25 per bottlo. Rlncker Book
and Drug Co. Special Agents.
Tho Catholic girls' will meet with
Miss 'Hazel Smith this evening.
Tho Happy Hour olub will meet with ,
Mrs. C. L, Dusttn, Friday afternoon. I
Pat Sulllvnn, of Wallace returned
home this morning afte.r spending
several days In town.
. Tho mombors of tho W. R. C. will
attend tho Red Cross tbeatro In a
body this evening.
Tho Lutheran Girls club has volun
tarily offored to knit thirty aweators
for tho Red Cross.
Mrs. J. W. Pnyno will ontortnln tho
Mothers' club this aftomoon compli
mentary to Mrs. W. F. Cody.
Mrs. D. P. Wilcox, who had been
vfsltlng friends in town, returned to
hor homo In Cozad yesterday.
Tho Lutheran Girls' club will bo
entertained Thursday ovenlng by Mrs.
i. J. Butlor nt hor home, 404 south
Willow street.
Misses Anna and Joslo O'Haro leavo
today for Omaha to attend a confer
ence between Stato Food Administrator
Wattles and tho bnkers of tho stato.
Carnllo Esouoa. tho Mexican who
was fined $100 Hint week for bootleg
ging, paid his fine yesterday and was
released from custody.
Mrs. James Dorrnm will entertain
tho J. F. F. club tills aftomoon.
Mrs. Gus Andorson returned last
night from a visit with hor slstor at
Raton, N. M.
Ancient Silver Coin.
A coin which 1h regarded as tho
most ancient In tho world was recently
discovered by an archaeologist during
his explorations In North Syria. It Is
a cola of pure silver, bearing a per
fect Arnmean Inscription of Panannnu
Bar Rerub, king of Schnmol, who
reigned 800 years B. O. Up to tho
time this coin was unearthed tho Ly
dlnns had always been regarded as
tho Inventors of money, but this find
showed that tho Semitic Aramenns,
who lived two centuries beforo the Ly
dlnns, nre tho oldest known mnkers of
Daniel Boone's "Relenan."
Instinctively like answers the call of
like, and perhaps the reason so many
of us venerate tho memory of Daniel
Boone, great pioneer, explorer, hunter
and surveyor, Is that we hnve a simi
lar gift for spelling. The Columbia
MIssourlan -reprints tho following let
ter, written by Boono shortly beforo
his death: "All tho irelegan I hnve Is
to Love and fear God believe In Jesus
Christ do all tho good to my neighbor
and my self that I can and do as llttlo
hnrm as I can help and trust on gods
nlnrcy for tho rest." Kansas City
Making Our Own Indigo.
y Indigo is now being made from conl
tar in thl. country. At Midland, Mich.,
ltt)00 pounds of 20 per cent paste aro
produced dally. All tho tariff bills
of this nation, commencing with tho
tariff of March 3, 18S3, and Including
the' tnriff of October 3, 1Q13, placed
indigo on the free list. Not until
September 5, 1010, was a bill pnssed
putting a duty on It. It was tho first
schedule that braved the linger of tho
German dye makers. Popular Sclenco
All Overl
Billy nnd his mother had been to the
movies ono afternoon to see "Jnck, the
Glnnt Killer," During supper a dis
cussion arose betweon his two older
brothers as to whether they should go
or not-. Hilly listened awhile and then
spoke up: "There uln't no use you
boys talking 'bout goln to that show
tohight. Jack killed the giant this
"Wool" From Cork.
Tho department of nvcrsens trndo
hns been Informed through a relia
ble channel that n Spanish firm Is
manufacturing "wool" from Cork,
which, it Is claimed, mny with ad
vantage be substituted for natural
wool In the manufacture of mat
tresses, pillows, quilts, etc. This ma
terial Is stated to be cleaner and light
er than wool.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein James A. Flko. Is nlalntlff.
and Will Outtrim Is defendant, and to
mo directed, I will on tho Sth day of
Juno, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho
cast front door of tho Court House In
North Platto, Lincoln county. Ne
braska, soil at public auction to tho
hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decreo, Interest and costs, the
ronowmg doscribcd property to-wlt:
Northwost ono-fourth (NWU) of
section twonty-nlno (29) In township
slxtenn (1G) north of rnngo thirty-two
las) west or tno sixth P. M. Lincoln
count v. Nobrnskn.
Dat 1 Vor,h Platte. Neb . Mnv CMi,
Bond Mere Matter of Form.
Tho Recrotnry of the treasury Is not
required to give a bond, but the treas
urer of tho United StntoK, n subordi
nate ofllce of the department, Is re
quired to do so becnuse he Is the cus?
todlnn of public funds. Tho treasurer
is required to give a bond of $150,000,
which is Inslgniflcnnt compared with
the sums he handles.
Gone, and Forgotten.
"And this tutnbled-down cottage?"
"Was the homo of a poet. He's dead
now." "Tho pnth to the door Is over
grown with weeds." "Yes. It has
been some years since the postmnn
quit delivering returned manuscripts
at the poet's door." Birmingham Age-Herald.
Strictly Up to Date.
The children were plnylng with
their toy animals. Ruth brought her
hobby horse to her sister, asking what
to feed him. Big sister said: "Oh,
corn, onts nnd hay." Ruth, not qulto
satisfied with tho answer, nsked:
"Shall I pasteurize him any?!'
Force of Habit
Ex-P. C. XB3110 (Just buck from pa
trol) I snw this ero person loitering
about under suspicious circumstances
nnd 'with weapons hlndlcattng that 'a
contemplated committing a Mony so
I runs 'lin In, yer worship! Pacing
Highest Prices Paid for
We don't quote any prices, just give us a
trial and convince yourself that we pay
the most that has ever been paid in North
Our Place is 117 W. 5th. St"
known as the Joe Hershey property. If
you can not come
Phone Red 260
and well come after what you have.
Cotton seed Cake and Meal, Cane Seed, Alfalfa
and winter rape seed.
Blatchford's Calf and Pig Ileal, Egg and Milk
.Crushed, block and lump Rock Salt, Iplmmed
block, granulated and Ice Cream Salt, Oyster Shell,
Chick Food, Baled Hay and Alfalfa Hay.
Alfalfa Meal, Shorts, Bran, Chop and Corn.
Also Apples at $1.25 per box.
Highest Cash Prices for Hens
We pay cash for Live Poultry want Hens, Springs,
1918 Roosters, Ducks,Geese, Turkeys and eggs.
Call 192 for cash offers.
North Platte Produce Co
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray.
For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is no system of treatment its equal.
Office phone 183. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
Slnco I bare sold tho garage am doing unto livery from tho North Side
Barn.. Day or Night. Telephone 20. lYo make a specialty of drlrei to
soles aU orer the county nt tho rate of flro cents per Mile per person.
Thoso who hare sales throughtnt tho country pleaso let mo know.
Also a fovr cars for sale. Night Coll lied CS2.
Julius Mogensen.
If you como hero for your coal. For
horo thoro is a varloty that gives you
ample choice and a moderation in
prices -vhlch pormlta you to buy better
coal for tho oamo monoy or allows you
to obtain your accustomed quality at
a decided saving.
Wholesale Distributors.
rnoNE oo.
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheal, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Liijseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
J PALI SB! RY, flhrrlff.