GOOD COURAGE Dy AGNES Q. BROGAN. U'oprrighi. tll. Wlm Niwpr l.nlon.) Tlio young soldier sought out n so eluded corner of this public library, ii ml seated himself In an nttltudo of dejection. Tlio nutty collnr of Ills khnkl uniform rested against his doubled linnd, ns he gaz.ed, elbow on table, Into space. Ills, was n handsome faco beneath wnvy hair, even the somber eyes could not detract from Its frank charm. "Cold day," volunteered a bis man nt his side; ho censed writing abrupt ly, his eyes Keeking ulmost hungrily the speaker's face. "Yes," he answered eagerly, "cold up in my bonrdlng place too. That's why I came down here. Going away tonight to enmp." "So?" asked the big man. "S'poso all your foll wJU bo down to speed tTie parting hero." "No," tho soldier replied, "you sco I don't linppen to have nny folks. Mother and dad, both died last year. Broke up tlio homo pretty sudden. Couldn't stand It there, afterwards, so camo on to get n now position hero." His volco dropped huskily. "City boarding Iioubcs aren't much like your real home," ho ndded. "So?" said the big man again. Ills tono lacked Interest, furtively during the youth's quick confidence, his eyes had been scanning his paper. "Well, good night ; good luck to you." The face of the man In uniform re sumed Its tense Hiiob, his Hps curved cynically. "Ho should worry," he rmittared. Mgyour pardon," snld a voice nearby, "wero you speaking to mo?" Tlio soldier turned hastily. Behind him, looking over tho book shelves stood n girl, ns she ended her ques tion she cawo directly, taking the va cated neat. "I was grumbling to myself," tho man murmured confusedly. Tho girl beforo him was such n pret ty girl, her eyes wero nil aglow with tho sympathy for which his very soul had hungered, her checks and Hps wero glowing, too, against tho back ground of her furs. Hut with nn ab sence of all self-consclousucss uho looked bnck at him, her tono was di rect and Impersonal. "I heard all you wero saying to that man," she snld, "nnd I want to tell you that I nm sorry. Havo you no friends In tho city?" Tho soldier shooic nis nenu. havo been hero such n Httlo while." "Nor bnck there, where your homo was?" , t "I'erhnps It Is my fault that they imvn overlooked mu." he admitted. "I I kept to myself n good deal after my loss, and camo nwny without oven Hnylng good-by. Everything seemed so different" Tho girl nodded. "Well, It doesn't much matter," she said brightly. "You will have many friends with you, com rudes going together, n great bond of eympnthy uniting you all. Oh I" she enught her breath and tho mnn thrilled at her vibrant words, "It Is such i glorious, wonderful thing to do, putting your life nt your country's service. Seo hero," impulsively sho leaned forward. "I havo been knit ting things, sweaters, helmets, mulucrs, for soldiers whom I shnll uover know, or see. Why enn't I do tho sumo for you? And write you letters? Would thnt help?" Sho laughed softly. "-My friends tell mo that I havo u perfect genius for letter writing. You might n Hk mo about anything special you wished to know, either here, or whero wns your homo?" "Fnrniington," he announced mo clinnlcnlly, his oyes watched hypnotl cully her Inspiring face. "I could cot the FarmliiBton papers," uho went on, "and ninll them with my letters. It will bo such a comfort to me, to feel that I am really helping over so little. Why," sho throw out her hands, "this 1b my one uctual op portunity." Tho somber light left tho man's eyes, tho natty collar was raised In true soldier style. "How could you do all that for a strauger?" ho asked won doring, "you who know nothing about mo." "Nothing about youl" repented tho girl, sho stood and looked ut him ncross tho book-laden table, then polut ed to tho tiny symbolic guns of his uniform, "Thoro are your credentials," uho said softly. "What inoro nood I know of a man who goes to offer his lifo for my safety 1" "Tour safety I" tho soldier whis kered. He. too, nroBe, and stood look' ing down upon her as ono who sud denly sees a vision. "That Is true," he said slowly, "that makes it worth while." "Our country 1" said tho girl. "Our country 1" tho man repeated, nnd their hands mot and clasped. Briskly tho girl picked up her muff. "At what time do you leave tonight?" she asked. Ho told hor. "I shall bo at tho station to soo you off," sho Bald, "and to b.ld you 'good courage.' You might write your name ,and address for mo now," ebo suggest ad. "Mine will coroo in tho first lot Iter." And as tho regimental trail) Imoved put of tho station that evening a soldier with the light of victory lu jhli eyes turned for a last look at n 'girl who stood cheerfully waving. "Mighty pretty glrll" remarked comrade. "Going to marry her?" "If. I do not, I shall nover marry any ono else," solomuly answered the soldier. And Inter beneath tho shudo of o. .rosy lamp the girl bent smilingly over her knitting 'Ltnath of the Law.' Tin phriifce, "The length of the law," owes Itfl origin to the enormous length of some of the parchment rolls upon which tho ancient statutes of Great Britain were Inscribed. . The present day olllclnl title of the "master of tho rolls" Is n reminder of this an cient custom. Some faint idea of the bulk of the English records may ho obtained from tho fact that a single statuto, the laud tax commissioners' net, passed In the first year' of tho reign of George IV measures when un rolled upward of 000 feet I Itehoboth Sunday Herald. CAPTIVE BALLOON By EDNA PRICE WALLER. S938K I I Rose That Changes Color. White In tho shade, red In the sun such Is the twofold character that has given a nnmo to tlio "chameleon rose." At night, or when it Is carried Into n dark room, it nssumes n wnxllko white ness. This does not occur nbruptly, but tho petals first pass through n bluish tint, which rapidly changes Into n very pale rose, and finally ends by (Copyright, 1911, Wtittrn Ncwmpcr Union.) "Love will find u way, .Tosluh." "Not In this case, unless I nm the pilot nnd guide. I have brought up my dead cousin's slaughter, Winnie, since she was ten. I've seen to her education. She's n smart girl, though sometimes willful. I want to seo her start In life right." .Toslali Loggett's nolghbor smiled se cretly. He knew, ns did all the town, tho old schemer handleiPn small Incomo that camo to Winnie, and undoubtedly benefitted by tho same. Furthermore, Winnie wns nn npt little housekeeper. "I hnvo tried to bring Wlnnlo nnd tho clerk in my brother's store, Lorn Dysart, together, because ho ly n sav ing, respectable young fellow. Wlnnlo has had n notion about Itodney Blnke. If ' " ' mxmMm 41. mLAnt ...1.U,. rPtinM I 4 It- r u ""s " , I've nipped his young affections In the is tnken into bright sunlight, with the 1 t 11 ' " II... - . ii.. i. 1 ... 1 1 1 1 x , n I . . uinKO IS urn in mo uiuai. minium iiuuuy. iina phenomenon comes from Japan. Man Imitates Nature's Works. Wo havo succeeded in penetrating tho depths of the sen nnd the oxpnnscs of tho air, In our contention for gain nnd progress, but these accomplish meats nro but of recent perfection. For thousands of years, for millions, tho sons hnve been Inhabited by finny monsters, nnd tho nlr by winged crea tures. The suhmnrlno nnd nlrplnno are merely imltntlnns, nnd tho very col ors and shapes of those forms havo been found to bo tho most protective. Africa n Largo .Block of Land. Nearly one-fourth of the enrth's sur face is comprised within tho continent of Africu, nnd it Is ns far nround tho ( coast of Africa ns It is nround tho world. Every eighth person of tlio world's population lives In tlio Unrk continent. Tho blncks doublo their , number every 40 yours and white every . 80 years. There nro 813 languages ' and dialects spoken among tho blncks of Africa, but only n few of them writ ten. Vuncouver Dally Sun. Queer Post Office Names. Strnngo names . havo often been given to post otfices in tho United States. Tho latest list shows n placo called Ace, in Missouri; nn Afllnlty in West Vlrglnln, a Barefoot In Georgln, n Blgfoot In Texas, n Blowout in Idaho, a Braggadocio In Missouri, n Chuckle In North Carolina, n DIHlculty In Wyo ming, nnd a Mud In Texas. Tho post ofllco doesn't euro, of course, so long as tho nnmo is written legibly nnd the county and stnto nro given. No Better Combination. It Is n strajigo thing thnt peoplo should voluntarily miss so much of beauty In their lives. But it is n fact thnt tho present generation does not place as much emphasis upon tho li brary in the homo ns should bo placed. Make your library the center of your n pretty fine young man, , nil the same," obscryad the neighbor, j nnd tho spenkcr went his way mental i ly comparing young Blnkc with the I enrrotty-headed, undersized Lem Dy ' snrt. Meantime, Wlnnlo wus going through n vivid ordeal. Her guardian wntched her ns u cnt does n mouse. He hnd refused to allow Blake to call ' at the house, and Dysart wn n fre quent visitor. She despised the latter as much ns she admired the manly ob ' Ject of her choice. They met, but un der dlfllcultles. I "It's got to end!" Rodney declared forcibly. "You nro old enough to know your own mind nnd net upon It. Let , us mnko a bold dnsh and end this wretched persecution." I "Oh, Itodney i You don't mean to elopo?" gasped Winnie. I "Why not? They are driving us to thnt ns thc-only outcome, nren't they?" I "Wo nro watched so closely. See, Itodney, there is Mr. Leggett, now. Ho will seo us," but Rodney slipped past u Hedge wltn tlie hurried parting words : "Bo sure to sco me tomorrow. I hnvo a plan I wnnt to tell you nbout." The plan was the outcome of n suggestion mado by an old boyhood friend of Itodney, ono Bob West. They lind not met for live years until the day previous, when Itodney had come ncross West on the street. They hnd n pleasant chat, and West divulged tho fact thnt he was advance agent of n circus which wns to pitch its tent nt tlio edge of the town Saturday. Itodney told him whnt he had on his mind: Winnie, nlwnys Winnie, and West showed n sympathetic interest. "Why, say," ho remarked with friendly ardor, "I can help you out In n big wny the bnlloon." "I don't quite understand," snld Itod ney vaguely. "Wo have one. It goes up n thou sand feet every afternoon. Wo ndver- tise to give fifty dollars to any couplo who will mnko the ascent with a cler gyman and consent to bo married way up in tho clouds." Itodney loft his Ingenious friend, filled with suppressed excitement. IIo managed to got n lengthy noto to Win nie. Ho wns around tho circus beforo THE CALL TO TOUR calls for Polarine in the motor. When you want speed the Polarine lubricated cylinder lets the piston slide rapidly up and down without friction. And if you need power that same thin film of Polarine seals the gas above the piston ' makes a giant out of your motor. You can get Polarine wherever you go a thousand miles from here. It's the safe oil to start with. Look for the sign it identifies a good dealer and a depend able oil. Red Crown Gasoline is best for the long run speedy, powerful, economical. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA 4- p O L A R I N EJ Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Offlcs: Building and Loan Building p. i Office 130 Phonti J Re3ldenc, H5 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - - Nebraska. Knlghta of Columbus Building. Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE - Farmers this is the year and the ', time of the year to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I have on hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs ' and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come and talk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. CATTLE Wo have nt our placo 1 miles cai of Experimental Station 75 hand White Faced cows and calves for ROBERTS BROS mr home. Uuy good books nnd rend them together. "For there Is no friend like ( tho Saturday afternoon performance. a nook nnd u book." Plea for Architectural Harmony. "Architecture Is frozen music," but wo would hnvo to keep cotton In our ears If some of our rural arcliltccturo should thaw out. Why does tho luir mony wo appreciate in music and painting not appear In our buildings,. particularly In their relation to ench 1 other. Frank A. Bourne, In tho House Beautiful. Dally Thought. Degrees Inllnlto of luster there must always ho, but tho weakest among us hns n gift, however seemingly trlvlnl, which Is peculiar to lilm nnd which, worthily used, will bo a gift also to his raco forever, Ituskln. Wlnnlo had Induced her guardian to nllow her to attend the entertainment Tho latter, however, Insisted that ho accompnny her. i "Hero's your ticket," ho snld; "re served Beat near tho band stand. I've invited Lem, it nil as soon ns ho ar rives we'll como In nnd mnko a regu lar family group hoi he I" And then ho strolled about, and Win nie disappeared past tho ticket taker, but as soon nu her guardlnu was out of sight, darted out again, nnd two mlnutos later entered the tent before which tho giant balloon was swaying. Inside was Rodney, and she fluttered .to his fildo nnd was introduced to IWcst, and tho mnn lu charge of tho bnlloon. "Don't get ficnred, little one," spoke the latter, a good-natured, fatherly looking man. "Everything Is arranged to a T. Now, then, Mr. Blake, Just tog up in thnt falsa beard and wig. And you, young lady, cover your pretty J. 1$. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUEGEON Successor to Dra. Redfleld & Rcdflold PHYSICIANS SURGEONS HOSPITAL Office Phone 642 Ros. Phone 87 SCHINERNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL PHONES DAY 023. NIGHT 030. 000 LOCUST. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB" No. 97382 Willi mako tho season of 1918 aa fol lows: Tuesdays, Thusdays nnd Satur ilnvs at tho Mo con son Feed and Sale IJarn, North .nnue, nou., ucginninu April Utli. Bnlauco of-tho week, except Sunday, nt mv farm six nillos west of North Motto ami three-fourths of a mile southeast of Blrdwood switch. NABOB was foaled May 24, 1913, and lmnorted wfttu (his mother by North & Robinson, of Grand Island, In July. 1913. Was bred by M. Des- nroz. DeDarunont of orno, m Franco. This horso weighs 1780, is clean and sound in every particular, ana is aa eood as you will find anywhere. Wo Invite you to come ana seo mis horso. Worth Whllo Quotation. Lenrn to be pleased with everything ; with wealth so far as it makes us of : face with this flowing bridal veil. 1. n n L . 1. ...141. . . . .. L I .... wnen i spcnic tiie worn come bonedt to others ; with poverty for not having much to enro for, and with ob scurity for being unenvicd. Plutnrch. Forest Long Submerged. Whllo dredging a river in Russia, engineers discovered a submerged for est that covered acvernl square miles, from which logs moro than 100 feet long havo been taken. Reipect "Self.Made" Man. Everybody Ukea and respects self made men. It Is a great deal better to be mado in that way than not to be mado nt nil.-Holmes. Would Make Thick Earth Crust. I speak the word come out quickly, and hustle Into the balloon bnskot before anybody recognizes you." Joslnh Leggett spent half nn hour looking for Dysnrt. IIo enmo across him. with sovernl hundred others, star ing uloft at tho balloon, which was de scending from Its aerial ascent. "I say, why wasn't you on tlraol" censured Joslnh. "Hero Wlnnlo hns been insido the tent half nn hour. Como on In, or they'll ail up our soots." "Just a mlnuto," spoke Dysnrt, con tinuing to gnpo aloft. "This Is lots of fun. Lot's have a glimpse of the hnppy couple when they alight." Tho wedding party wob being borno gracefully to tho ground. There was 30 HEAD OF WHITE FACE BULLS 3 YEAR OLD. ALSO 300 HEAD WHITE FACE HEIFERS 2 YEAR OLD. SEE OR ADDRESS C. V. TURPIE, NORTH PLATTE, NBBR. TERMS- $15.00 to Insure colt to stand and suck. If mares are dis posed of or leave tho country service feo becomes duo and payablo at once. Caro -will bo taken to brovont nccl dents, hut should nny occur stallion owner will not bo rsponslblo. FRANK STROLLBERG, OWNER. Tho amount of land abovo oca level . the mnn engineering tho bnlloon. The In tho world would mnko a crust 000 , bridegroom had removed his false feet thick If evenly dlstr.butcd all over tho globe. Matter of Disposition. "How do they fish for pearls, dadT" "Well, some wives threaten nnd oth ers nag." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal. Frames Cleaned, To keep plcturo frames from bocom ing fly speckod, rub them with wntei In which onions have been boiled. Optimistic Thought. Rcmombor kindnesses received jjet thoso wo have done. for- beard and wle and was sml!lnr into ike facs of the bride, her enveloping (rsll now drawn aside. The clergyman, ill smiles, held his hands over their heads, delivering his blessing. "Now hoar tho crowd guy them," bo- (sn Dysnrt, and then ho clutched tho rra of his companion nnd nenrly fell oveir "Thunder 1 "Wlnnlo I" gasped Joslah, and It was his turn to collapse And then, Instead of guying, ns the crowd recognliod Wlnnlo, whom half the town adored, and Roduey, their prime favorite, they roalizod tho situa tion fully, ami nniVd onthuslnstlc cheers tHe hnppy twain stepped to ter ra ilrinn, man nnd wife. THE BLACK DIAMOND DeHoming Pencil For ale nt the ofTlce of LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON. Erery liencll will dehorn BO calvca from 10 dnra to 10 month old for 81.00. A profit of S5.00 for nny calf It fnlla to dehorn. Call nt the oftlce and Ret one. Hospital Phone Black G33. House Phone Black 033' iv. t. rimciiARi), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Votorlnnr lan. Hospital 218, south Locust St. ono-hnlf block southwest of the Court House. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that by virtu of on order of Bruno' O. Hostetiq Judea of the District Court of Buffo County, Nebraska, made on Decembi 3, 1917, and modlfled on Februarys 1918, for tho sale, or tno real esia hereinafter described, there win sold at tho East Front Door of tl Court House in North Platto, Nobral ka, on May 23d, 1918, at 10 o'clock m. Standard time, on saiu uay at puni lie vendue, to tho highest bidder, till followilnc described real estate; tol wit: Tho undivided two-thirds of thf North Half (N.) of tho Northeast Quarter (N.E.i). and tho North Hals (N.) of tho Northwest quarte i fM.W.i.l of Section 17. Town 1W Range 29, in Lincoln County, Nebras! ka, upon the following terms, to-wlt Ono Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to bl duo and payablo in threo years fronl April 1, 1917. Fifteen Hundred Doll lars ($1,600) to bo due and payable hi five years from said date, Dearw v Sovon per cent (7) lnteirest fn7 saiu uaie, to oo secureu oy lirai uj gage on the whole of said one hut... q shall contain a clause that the mort gagor shall pay all taxes that may b1 levied and assescd against snld mort cago, and tho purchaser shall pay th taxes on said premises for tho yea' 1917, aad all Bums paid abovo said de ferod payments, shall be paid In cast Said sale shall remain open for on hour. BENJAMIN ARMITAGE, As GuardlajL of Louiso Morrison anf Sidney Q. Morrison, Minors. N. P. McDONALD. a30-ml7 Attorney for Giiardlatl "TREMEAU" No. 66676 DARK DAPPLE GRAY Percberon Stallion will mnko Via season of 1018 nt ray placo flro miles oast of llcrshoy nnd seven miles nest of North Platto on tho Lincoln IlJglnray Tills stallion has passed tho oxnm Inatlon required1 by tlio government and nm pronounced nearly perfect. TERMS $12.00 to lnsuro living colt to stand and suck. In case mare Is disposed of, feo becomes duo at onco. Will not bo responsible for ac cldents. Chas. L Leypoldt. KSTIIAY NOTIOR. Taken up by tho subscriber on his enclosed lands In Walker Precinct in Lincoln county, Nebraska, on tho 14th dav of February. 1918. an all rod cow. white on belly, no brand or mark of any kind, ago about frur yoar, weight about iuu-iub. April 8, 1918. A9-mia DAN McNICKLE, I.ICfJAI. NOTItj'IO. Wlllam A. Hayes, will take notlcb that on the 29th day of March. 1911. Wllllnm H. H. Wnoilhurat. Countl' Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, iBsuea an oraer or auaenment ior ini) sum of $85.85 In an action pending lit tho County Court of said Llncol'i County, wherein Alvln W. Hughes U plaintiff and William A. Hayes Is de fendant. That property or the aoroniv ant consisting of One ElkarflyfL - sensrer automobllo has been under said order, and tho Mutual Bui; Ing and Loan Association of North Platte, has been garnlshoed. p Said cause was continued to tne iri day of May, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. mi AL.VIN w. HUU11KH, l-iainiiu, Bv Honelnnd & Honirland His A torneys. a-4Wfl Notice to Creditors, J t Estate No. 1560 of Amanda W. Thomson, deceased in tho county cow t of Lincoln county, Nebraska. f Tho Stato of Nobraska, as; Crcdltois of sold estate will tako notlco that tie tlmjet limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate Is Augujt 31. laid, and for sottlemet of saH ostato Is April 20, 1919; that I. will sJt at tno county court room in salt county, on May 31, 1918, at 9 o'cloc A. m., and on August 31, 1918 atp a. m., to receive, examine, hen' nllow, or adjust all claims, and obje Hons duly nlictu. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, n30-4wks. County Juofro. Notice of Petition. Estate No. 1559 of Marie L. Colin, ceased in tho County Court of Linct county, wenrasKa. Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all po sons interested in said Estato ta'.i notlco that a petition has been filed f f tho nnpolntmont of J. E. Evans as A mlnlstrator of said estate, which hi; boon sot for hearing horolu on May 'a 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated April 23. 1918. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, a30-m21 County Judgo i