The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 03, 1918, Image 7

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1 a
t '(Copyright, 1U, W.tern N.wipaper Union.)
"l'ou hnvo done mo a great favor,"
sold Dudley North, Blinking hands with
; la companion in a passenger coach.
i djii-hk 01 u. i m oniy giau
fcnt the peoplo at Illllsldo won't bo
uisnppointed. Remember, though, you
o Robert Wade."
'I've got my lesson bv honrt."
ghed the other.
KmlOSfriv ilrlfHnir I nni'lnrr If
chance whero he would land, Dudley
North had entered into a casual con
versation with his scat mate on the
train. Tho latter had told him that ho
was bound for Weston, but ho had In
tended going to Hltlsujo up to that
"You see," ho explained, "some peo
ple at Hillside sent to an agency In
the city for a oliaulTeur. I agreed to
take tho position. Only this morning,
though, nn old employer sent for mo.
Sorry to disappoint tho agency aud the
"Worthlngtons. They expect mo on this
"See here," Interposed North, "I
want work. Wonder If I couldn't Qt
In?" And an hour later, fully posted,
ho nrrlved at tlfe station of the little
town of Hillside. Iu the dlstauco a
lako showed, surrounded by line resi
dences. An automobile stood at the
edge of the platform. From It a young
man with a satchel hastened to catch
ui&iiBI li U
i the train and directed tho quick query
1 A 1 . ....
? "You the new chauffour?" and North
bowed asscntingly.
"All right, there's the car. My sie
gers are over at tho store." Then he
was gone, and crossing the street tho
sweetest little specimen of girlish love-
f llness camo tripping up to the machine.
"Oh, tho now chauffeur?" she spoke.
"My sister Hortense will be here In a
minute or two. You don't know tho
ways around her, of course?"
"It will not take me long to learn,"
submitted North.
"No, and I!ll help you," chattered on
Miss Gladys Worthington. "I'll call
out 'right,' or 'left,' Just before we
reach n turn."
"I shall certainly be obliged," said
North, and tho warm sense of emotion
tho very human Glnrivs had Inculcated.
V hannma nnnrntnlnil nn 1 . . 1 ....... J nl.
. uvuiiiii Luutuitu tin net iiueeuij' ato-
B ter appeared and with chilling hauteur
l! spoke tho mandatory word : "Home."
TbiTo was a winding road, then two
Jugifiion thoroughfares. "Right," dl-
Isacd n sllve
.jjji-nd "Left."
Y "Gludjs, yoi
ery voice; another turn,
you annoy me." snoke tho
naugiuy miss tioncnse.
; "You'd be worse annoyed If Mr.
jWade that Is your name I believe
took you out of your way."
"Our chauffeur can be Instructed by
the butler," planned Miss Hortenso
when Gladys wus tho solo passenger In
the car.
"Mr. Wade," sho said ono day, when
he had halted the machine nt tho sldo
of a lonely country road while some
little chlldreu, guests of Gladys, were
gathering llowers, "would you feel
bored if I read you some Jingles I havo
been trying to whip Into shape for a
iclub paper a group of us have started?"
"I should be greatly pleased,"
I avowed North, and the pure, clear
sentiments cuunctated by the rhymes
showed the true Innocence and Ingenu-
Kjsness of this unspoiled daughter of
. rich. North forgot himself In sug-
ig corrections, In perfecting tho
's of the little poem.
It! "Whv. Mr. Wniln." sho nypliilmoil.
"you must havo reud and studied u
great deal to know nil that I" aud he
discerned an awakening suspicion In
her mind that he was not what he pur
ported to be. The barrier of their
I widely separated social status was
J completely broken down when, one
day, a reckless driver collided with
their car, and, but for Wade seizing
Gladys and leaping with her to safety
at tho risk of his own life, hers would
havo been sacrificed.
All this led to a naturul result Dud
Icy North had met his fate and could
not resist telling Gladys that he loved
icr. Ho told her also that ho could
lot remain near her In a false position.
Ot his past he divulged nothing. Ho
Jvould go away and make something
,2LJJ himself than nn unambitious
Chauffeur. Then Gladys wept softly,
but told him that sho would follow him
' ko the ends of tho world at his word.
North' had advised Mr. Worthington
hat ho would give up his position on
1 certain day. Tho ono preceding
Miss Hortenso ordered him to drivo
Jo tho depot for a guest. North gavo
n great start as tho guest In question
Arrived on the train. The latter stood
Spellbound, staring at him from tho
blatform. He was nn old man, stern,
overbearing in his presentment, but
liomethlng kindly stirred htm at the
fdght of North the son whom he had
ent adrift after a senseless quarrel.
I "Sol" ho said, but with a slight
ntch In his volco, "menial labor, is
f "Is that dishonorable?" calmly ques
tioned Dudley. "The machine is ready
oriu, sir."
rftlr?.' repeated Mr. Gerald North,
JPtlnm nt lilrtnniPHN In lila tnnn
m a.QW w. ...... . n u V . .
,'ome, come, my boy, lot us under
hand "ono another."
I Tho breach was healed when thoy
leached the Worthington home. Miss
jlortense was wide-eyed when she
learned tho real Identity of hor de
' plsed chuuffeur, and little Oladys
leased little Gladys sho and Dudley
rent all over a new wooing to hide
ho ono that had already linked their
arts In unison.
Average Values.
In csttmntln quantities of bulk It Is
of considerable help to hnve unit fig
ures handy for multiplication or di
vision to get the required result. Tho
following figures nro recognized aver
age values, giving weights In pounds
for one cubic foot of tho muterlal
named : Soft coal ashes, tightly packed,
43; cinders, 40 to 45; hnrd or anthra
cite conl, CO to GO; soft or bituminous
coal, 47 to 62; coke, 23 to 32; Iron,
450; lend, 700; pitch, 73 pounds per
cubic foot.
First Colonial General Hospital.
It was on February 7, 1751, thnt the
first gcnernl hospital was chortcred In
tho colonies tho Pennsylvania state
hospital In Philadelphia. Joshun Cros
by was tho first president of tho In
stitution, and Benjamin Franklin, who
had been prominent In urging the es
tablishment of nn Institution for tho
pare of tho sick, wns the first clerk. It
was In this hospltnl in 17C9 that Thom
as Bond gavo tho first clinical Instruc
tion In America.
Ancient "Cathay."
Cathay was an old name of China by
which that country was known to Eu
ropeans during the middle nges. Tho
British Encyclopedia says: "Cathay Is
divided from Khltal, tho name which
was properly that of the kingdom Es
tablished by the Khltnn conquer
ors In tho northern provinces of
China ubout A. D. 007 and was sub
sequently applied to the whole of
China." Khltal Is still the Russian
name for China.
Seen In a Different Light.
There stood an old peddler resting
on the bridge situated near Avoca at
tho meeting of the waters. Ho was
tired and wenry after a hard day's
walking, and as he looked down Into
tho wnters he murmured : "Sweet Vale
of Avoca, Tom Moore called you sweet,
but If he had to be on a bed without
a blanket or sheet and' trnvel the coun
try without boots on his feet, he
wouldn't give a curse where the bright
waters meet."
Licorice Root in Demand.
Licorice root is found In various
parts of the province of Capo of Good
Hope. After Its Introduction there n
number of farmers planted It and then,
probably on account of the lack of
a mnrket, neglected It. Lntef It so
spread In certain localities as to be
come a pest dlfllcult to eradicate. Now,
Its usefulness has been recognized, and
the diggers pay two cents a pound for.
the privilege of digging It.
Not In That Way.
A forolgn-born citizen and his wife
wero not living together. A tiro de
stroyed their home. Tho Insurance
company was resisting the payment
of the policy of Insurance thereon.
The husband, on cross-examination,
was asked by tho lawyer for the In
surance company If he and his wife
were not separated. He replied, "Not
financially." Everybody's Magazine.
Just a Hint for Aunty.
Aunt Mnble, visiting at our house,
borrowed a nickel from little Katie to
telephone and forgot to repay the loan.
Katie worried about tho loss, for to
her It was a mighty big sum. Flnnlly
sho said to her mother, "When we are
nil at the table, let's you and me begin
to talk about owing people nickels,
then maybe auntie will remember she
owes ono to me."
Lightning Statistics.
The best conductors of lightning,
placed In the order of conductivity,
nro: Metnls, gns, coke, graphite, solu
tions of snlts, nclds hud wnter. Tho
best nonconductors, ending with nearly
perfect Insulation, are: India rubber,
guttapercha, dry air and gasses, wool,
ebonite, silk, glass, wax, sulphur, resin
and paraffin.
Life is a struggle, but not a war
faro; It Is a day's labor, but labor on
God's earth, under tho sun and stars
with other laborers, whero wo may
think and sing and rejoice as wo work.
John Burroughs.
Dally Thought
In tho long run men hit only what
they aim at. Therefore, though thoy
should fall Immediately, they had bet
ter aim at something high. Henry
David Thorenu.
Improving on Preverb.
"Rise wld do sun" Is good 'nuff fer
lots or folks, but a better way'n dat Is
ter ketcJi de sun In bed ever mawnln'
do Lawd sends. Atlanta Constitution-
Marred Furniture.
When furnlturo hus becomo marred
touch up tho spots with Iodine to bring
back tho color, then rub with furnlturo
Mlceless Books.
Mice enn bo kept away from books
with ease If pieces of gum camphor
aro laid near them on tho shelves.
A versatile man is one who can talk
at the right tlmo and keep still when
thero Is nothing to say.
Dally Thought
Follow tho golden mean nothing In
"Cape-to-Calro Rhodes."
So tfiey cnlled him, mockingly, when
C6cll Rhodes, Idealist and pirate, em
pire builder and adventurer, dreamed a
railroad through tho African sands
thnt should run straight from tho Capo
of Good Hope to tho shores of tho
Mediterranean. "Nonsense I" said tho
Hrltlsh government, forgetting that
this man's "nonsense" had given tho
empire a territory greator than France,
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy,
all together. So Cecil Rhodes merely
went out nnd built the railroad that
turned a desert Into a nation. World
Job Too Big for Average Man.
It takes lots of brains, patience and
attractiveness to keep everybody
straight. Tho trouble Is It's not so
much n matter of benefit to others as
It Is n satisfaction to yourself to bo
tho general monager of things. Tho
world could loso several In every
community nnd Its elllclency nnd
peace would not suffer In tho least.
Tho chnp thnt would be genernl man
ager of nny groun of people must not
only bo a man of big mentality but It
has to be recognized to bring harmo
nious results.
Amusement for Children.
For tho children, beforo they arc old
enough to use scissors, tearing paper Is
an engaging occupation. Tear a piece
of old newspaper Into an oblong shape;
It may be any size, about two by four
Inches, wo will say. By folding this
In the middle It will make a little tent.
Again, fold In thirds, ono piece turned
up and ono down, for a chair. Turn
both ends down for n table. The child
can tear paper Into trees, a bnll, doll
babies and many other simple shapes.
One's Best Always Called For.
This Is the golden tlmo now to be
gin your life work If you havo not
nlready done so. Ago nnd condition
even honlth, are not as lmportnnt fnc
tors ns formerly. The Osier dictum
of Innocuous desuetude nt forty is ta
boo as regards women ns well ns men.
There Is work for nil nges nnd condi
tions, nt home nnd abroad, and It bo
hooves ench of us to do our best In tho
task thnt fnlls to our lot.
Neat Way of Putting It.
Rolnnd wns usually put to bed at n
cortnln hour every night, but almost
always ' objected, not liking to own
thnt he wns tired nnd sleepy. On ono
occnslon his mother wns too busy to
notice that for once ho wns rendy to
he put In his little bed. Not liking
to own It, evidently, ho edged up to
her nnd, gazing wistfully Into hor fnce,
he Inquired: "Mnmmn, isn't you get
ting tired?" r,
Birds Remember Kindness.
Birds nre nnturnljy very friendly to
mnn. They mako friends easily, and
unless violence Is threatened them
they never forget n kindness or -favor.
Once food Is placed on n window sill
In the winter, when food for birds Is
hnrd to get, they return time nnd
again, oven though tho Individual for
gets to place morsels within their
Don't Be Like Her.
There are any number of pitfalls
waiting tho girl who Is nhvnys setting
her mother right, nnd who bemoans
the fact that her rmrents nre "so old
fashioned." And thero Is no better
safeguard against the world's evils
than confidence In n girl's heart thnt
mother knows best. Exchnngc.
Lamps for the Eyes.
A now optical Instrument consists
of n high-powered Incandescent lamp
which can be taken Into n person's
mouth to Illuminate his eyes through
the retlnns, enabling them to bo exam
ined through the pupils.
Tools and the Man.
Tho proper epic of this world Is not
now "Arms nnd the Mnn;" how much
less, "Shirt Frills nnd tho Mnn ;" no, it
Is now "Tools nnd tho Man;" that
henceforth to all tlmo Is now our epic.
Rugs Made From Tissue Paper.
Rugs are now being mndo entirely
from fine tissue pnper and mixtures
of paper and wool. The tissue papor
Is twisted Into thrends and woven Into
a compact heavy mat or fabric.
Dally Thought.
Wo reap what wo pow; but nature
has lovo over and nbovo thnt Justice,
and gives us shadow and blossom and
fruit that springs from no plnntlng of
ours. George Eliot
"De queerest thing about a fault
finder," said Undo Ebon, "Is dnt ho kin
always git a few peoplo worryln' delr
heads off tryln to plenso Mm."
Let the Other Fellow Do It.
"It Is not necessary to hato a mnn
you nro going to fight," snld Grandpa
Mlntllcker. "Lot him do tho hating.
It'll help to rattlo him."
To No Good.
Surly natures havo more pleasure In
disobliging others than In serving
themselves. Hazlltt.
Warning to Hens.
Motto to hang In henhouses: An
egg a day keeps tho hatchet awuy.
-Irish. World.
Scrap Iron
Wo buy all kinds o
Junk and Hides
William A. Hayes will tako notice
thnt on tho 2Sth dny of Mnrch. 1018.
William II. C. Woodhurst, County
Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
Issued nn order of nttnehment for tho
sum of $175.00 In nn action pending In
tho County Court of said Lincoln
County, wherein Wtlllnm H. Malonoy
Is plaintiff and William A. Hayes Is de
fendant. That property of tho defend
ant consisting of Ono Elkar five pas
senger automobile has been attached
under said order, nnd tho Mutual
Building and Loan association of North
Platte, lias boon garnlshced.
Snld cause was continued to tho 18th
day of May. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. tn.
By Hoaglnnd & Hoagland, Ills At
torneys. nS-4v
By virtue, of nn order of salo Issued
from tho District court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon n decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court
whoreln Nobraska Central Building &
Loan Association Is plaintiff, and Brid
get Dolla Lonegan Is defendant, nnd
to mo directed, I whl on the 11th day
of May, 1918, nt 2 o'clock p. m., at tho
east front door of tho court liouso In
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
sell nt publlo auction to tho highest
bidder for caBh, to snttsfy said decree,
Interost nnd costs, tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
Lot Two (2) of Block Ono Hundred
ten (110) of tho Original town of tho
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 8th,
A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
William A. Hayes, will take notice
that on tho 29th dny of March, 1918.
"Wltlllam II. C. Woodhurst, County
Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
Issued an order of attachment for the
sum of $105.30 In an action pending In
tho County court of said Lincoln
county, wheroln Nathaniel P. Ireland
Is plaintiff nnd William A. Hayes Is
defendant. That property of tho de
fendant consisting of ono Elkar (lvo
passenger automobile, has been attach
ed under said order, and the Mutual
nuildlng and Loan Association of North
Platte, hns been garnlHheed.
Said cnuso was continued to tho 18th
day of May, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m.
By Hoaglnnd & Hoagland, HIh At
torneys. a8-4wks.
Tho defendants, Tho Grand Dry
Goods Company, a corporation, Joseph
H. Bean, Luvorea L. Bean, J. Q. Adams,
first real name unknown, Mrs. J. Q.
Adnms, his wife, first real name un
known, William G. Parker, Mrs. Wil
liam G. Parker, his wife, first real
naino unknown, A. D. LaDue, first real
name unknown, B. II. Davis, first real
name unknown, and Mlnnlo B. Davis,
Mattlo C. McKnlght nnd Mc-
Knlght, her husband, first real name
unknown, Kate E. Buckles nnd J. D.
Buckles, her husband, first roal name
unknown, Aaron R. C. Davis, Alty B.
Davis, J. C. Daniels, first real name un
known, and Mrs. J. O. Daniels, his wlfo,
first real name unknown, Harrison R.
S. Davis. Reuben D. Lltwlller and Mrs.
Reuben D. Lltwllle, his wife, first
roal name unknown. John C. Chnnev
nnd Mrs. John C. Chanoy, his wlfo, first
nnd real nnmo unknown, Harry JJ,
Coneland. Emma A. Coneland. Frank O,
Hawkins, Chloe M. Hawkins, Walter
M. cowell, liertha B. Lieacli, Frea l.
Willis, William 8. Rwis, Nancy Luclnda
Ross, R. F. Swanson, first real name
unknown, Lottie Swanson, Jnmos L.
Dowd, Stella A. Dowd. Fred G. Bab
cock, and Mrs. Fred G. Babcock,
his wife, first nnd real namo un
known, George F. Ncaly, Llfczio T.
Nealy, Ellas Strum, Sarah Strum, James
Simmons and Mrs. James Simmons, his
wife, first real namo unknown, Georgo
G. Ross, ThoniRB E. Hoskett and Mrs.
Thomas E. Heskott, his wlfo, first real
nnmo unknown, nnd tho unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives of ench of said defendants, and
all other persons who may bo Interest
ed In tho estato of each one of said de
fendants will take notico that, on the
8th day of April, 1918, plaintiff, F.
II Clarldgo, filed his petition In the
District court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against said defendants, tho
object and prayer of which are that all
of tho deeds executod nnd dollvored by
tho defendant The Grand Dry Goods
Company, n corporation, to various
grantees, of the following described
premises, to-wlt: Section 1, T. 15, N. R.
29, W., section 25, 27 and 35, T. 1(1, N.
R. 29 W; tho SE of section 31. T. 16,
N. R. 28, W; tho N of Section 31,
T. 16. N. R. 28. W; tho SW of section
30, T. 16, N, R. 28, W: the NEW of
section 3Q, 16, N. R. 28, W: the
S of the SEU of section 26 and the
NEK of Bectlon 34, all In T. 16, north
R. 29. Wj section 1, T. 15. N. R. 30,
v; sections r anu i, t. i& in. it. zv,
W; section 31 nnd tho N of the NA,
the SVs of the 3,4 tho SEVi of the NE4
nnd tho SWU of tho NE14. the SWVi
of the NW'i. the NW of tho SWU,
nnd tho NEtf of the SEV4
of section 30, In T. 16, N. It.,
29, W: section 3. T. 15, N. R. 29. W;
tho NWU of section 2, township 15, N.
R. 29. W: section 29 and 33, T. 16 N. R,
29, W; all of which land Is In Lincoln
County, Neb., which are described In
plaintiff's potltlon, wero executed by
tho president of said corporation with
full authority of said corporation nnd
Its board of directors, nnd are each and
nil tho valid deeds of said defendant
The Grnnd Dry Goods Company; that
the defendant A. D. LaDuo bo roou'red
to redeem said section ono, township 15,
North Range 29, and section 25, town
ship 16, North range 29, In said Lin
coln County, from tho mortgago lion
foreclosed by John M. Stewart, as set
forth tn plaintiff's petition, within
twenty days from tho dato of tho de
cree, which may lie entered herein, or
upon his failure to do so that tho
title of said promises bo quieted and
confirmed In tho plaintiff, freo and
clonr of nil lions, claims or demands of
nald A. D. LaDuo; that tho defendant
Fred P. Willis bo decreed to bo tho
same person ns F. P. Willis, who ap
pears ns grnnteo In sevornl deeds of
different tracts of tho above described
lands, nnd as Fred P. Willis, who
thereafter convoyed said tracts by his
full nnmo: that tho defendant George
G, Rosb bo decroed to bo tho samo
person who obtained deed to some of
said lands In bis full name, and con
veyed same by tho name of G. O. Ross;
that all of the defendants herein nnd
all persons claiming through or under
them bo decreed to havo no lion or
claim upon, or right, tltlo or interest In
or to tho above described promises, or
any part thereof; that tho clouds cast
upon plaintiff's tltlo thereto, by tho
pretended claims of tho defendants, bo
removed therefrom; that the tltlo and
possession of plaintiff in all of said
premises be quieted and confirmed in
him; that the defendants and each of
thorn nnd all persons claiming through
or under them or either of them, bo en
joined and barred from sotting up or
claiming any right, title or Intorest in
or to said premises; or any part there
of, and for such other and further re
lief as may bo lust and equitable.
You aro required to answer said
petition on or beforo the 27th day of
May. 1918.
By VS. J. CLEMENTS, His Attorney.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Pdone 58
A modern institution for the
fclantific treatment of inedlcnl,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and dlagnustic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lncaj, M. D.
J.B.Redfield.M.D. J.S. SIMMS, M.D.
Ilond No. ill.
To whom It may concern:
Tho special Commissionor appoint
ed to locato a road as follows:
Commencing at tho Northwost cor
ner of tho Northoast quartor of Sec
tion 21, T. 14, N. R. 20. West of tho
6th P. M running thonco north along
tho half Bectlon lino of Sections 16 and
9. T. 14, N. R. 26, Wost ot tho 6th P.
M. and terminating at tho southwest
cornor of tho southeast quartor of Soc-
lion 4 T- 14, N. R. 26, Wost of tho 6th
P. JI. has roportod In favor thereof,
all objections thoroto or claims for
damages must boflled on or boforo 12
o'clock noon of tho 10th day of Juno
1918 or such road will bo allowed
without roforonco thoroto.
Dated at North Platte, Nobraska,
this 8th day of April 1918.
A S. ALLEN, County Clork.
Kxtonslon to Itoad No. 250.
To whom It may concern:
Tho special Commissionor appoint
ed to locato a road as follows:
Commencing at tho Northwost cor
nor of Section 34, T. 13, R. 26, Lincoln
County, Nobraska, thonco running
North along tho -wost section of Sec
tion 27, T. 13, R. 26 for tho dlstanco
of ono mllo to tho northwost cornor
of Section 27, T.13, R.26 thoroby con
necting with Roads No- 250 and 271.,
has roportod In favor thoroof.
Any objections thoroto or claims for
damages against said road must bo
filed on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of
tho 10th day of Juno 1918, or Bald road
will bo allowed without roforonco
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
this 5th day of April 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
Notico of Petlton.
Estato No of Frederick Heln,
deceased m tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nobraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska. to all norsons
intoroPted In Bald Estate tako notico
that a petition has ben filod for tho
probato of tho will of the deceased and
for tho appolntmont of Fred W. Heln
as Executor of said Estato, which has
been sot for hearing horoln on May
10th, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated April 15th, 1918.
al6-3wks. County Judgo.
Notice of Itcforco's Snlc
Notico Is horoby glvon that by vir
tue of an ordor Issued to mo by tho
District Court In and for Lincoln
County, Nebraska, In an action whero
ln Kntlo D. Lowo Is plaintiff and Mario
Lowo, Emmott Lowo, a minor; Laura
F. Lowo, a minor; and Mabel Lowo, a
minor, aro defendants, I will on tho
7th day of May, 1918 at tho hour of
throo o'clock of said day at tho oast
front door of tho court houso in tho
city of North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nobraska. boII at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash, tho following
described real estato sltuato In tho
County of Lincoln and Stato of No
braska, to-wlt: Southoast Quartor
(SElt) of Section Twonty-flvo (25),
Township Nino (9), North of Rango
Thirty, (30), Wost of tho 6th P. M.
Dated this first day of April, 1918
A2M3. Roforoo.
Notico to Creditors.
Estato No. 1548 of Lowls Havons,
docoased in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nobraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
at said ?tato will tako notico that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estato is
August 10, 1918, and for settlement of
said estato Is April 6, 1919; that I will
sit at tho county court room In said
county, on May 10, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. m., and on AugUBt 10, 1918, at 9
o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, oxamlno, hoar
allow, or adjust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, Co. Judgo
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1552 of Max neor, de
ceased In tho county court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, sb: Creditors
of said estato will tako notico that tho
tlmo limited for prosontation and filing
of claims against said Estato is August
24, 1918, and for sottlomont of said
Estato Is April 17, 1919; that I will
sit at tho county court room In said
county, on May 24, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. m. and on August 24, 1918, at 9
a. m., to rocolvet oxamlno, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
a23-m21 County Judgo.
Notico of Salo Under Lien.
Notico is hereby glvon that under
a lion duly filed in tho offico of tho
county clork of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, I will offor for salo at publlo
auction for cash on tho 11th day of
May, 1918, at my realdonco on Soctlon
8. Township 10, Rango 31, Llnclon
County, Nobraska, ono four cylinder
Reo Automobllo.
a23-3w Llcm Holdor.
Chnngo nnd Vacation of Pnrt of
lload No. 90.
To all whom It may concern:
Tho special commissionor appointed
to locato a road as follows:
Commouclng at tho southwest
cornor of Uio southeast quartor ot
section fifteen (15), town nino (9),
rango twonty-olght (28), thonco run
ning cast olghty rods on section Una
botweon section flftcon (15) and
twenty-two (22), thonco Bouth through
section twonty-two (22) and twentv-
sovon (27) lntorsoctlng with road No.
9G, proposed road to bo sixty-six feot
In width, and to vncato portion ot
road No. 90 running through center ot
soctloiu twenty-two (22) and twonty-
soven (27), thonco running (80) olghty
rous cast rrom tho southeast corner
of tho southwest quartor of section
twonty-sovon (27), town nlno (9)
rango twonty-olght (28), on soctlon
lino botweon soctlon twonty-sovon
(27) nnd thirty-four (34), has re
ported as follows: Beginning at tho
V section botweon sections 15 and 22
T. 9, N. R. 28, V. ot 0th P. M., running
tnenco oast on lino between sold
sections 15 and 22 a distance of 20
chains to tho NE cornor of NWWNEtt
of said section 22, thenco south on the
1-lG section lino through sections 22
and 27 to tho SE cornor SWUSEVi ot
section 27 all In T. 9, N. R. 28 W.;
thoro to connect again with road No.
96. And ho reports also In favor ot
vacating that part of road No. 96 run
ning through tho contor of said sec
tions 22 nnd 27 nnA against vacating
that part of road No. 9G running on
lino between section 27 nnd 34 from
tho V soctlon cornor cast Vt mllo.
All objections thereto or claims for
damages must bo filod In tho offico ot
tho County Clork on or boforo noon
of tho 20th day ot Juno. 1918, or Bald
road will bo allowed without roforonco
Dntod nt North Platto, Neb., this
15th day ot April, 1918.
A. S. ALLEN. County Clork.
Itoad No. 416.
To whom it may concern:
Tho special commissionor appointed
to locato a road as follows:
Coinnioncing at about 100 rods south
from tho north soctlon lino of soctlon
9, town 10, rango 26 on tho public rood
In Oilman canyon; thenco southwoot
through tho SWft of section 9, town
10. rango 26; thonco wost turougk
soctlon (8) otght, and thon angling
southwest through soctlon 7 and sec
tion IS to Public road No. 339 follow
ing said road running through thoso
sections as near ns practical known aa
Buzzard Roost road. Length of rood
about throo mllos, and said road to be
66 feot wjdo, has roportod as follows:
Beginning nt a point on tho west Uno
of Road No. 63 in tho WNEV4 of
section 9, T. 10, N. R. 26, W. ot tho 6th
P. M. nbout 26 chains south from the
north Uno of said soctlon 9. thenco la
a southwesterly direction through the
wost half of northoast quartor ot
said soctlon 9, and through soctlons 8,
7 and 18, Bald township and rango to
connect with Road No. 339 In tho
NW of Bald soctlon 18.
All claims for damages or objections
thoroto niUBt bo filed on or boforo
noon ot tho 20th day ot Juno, 1918 in
tho oftlco ot tho County Clork of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, or such
road will be allowed without roforonco
Datod at North Platto, Nob., this
15th day of April, 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
Notico of Final Report.
Estato No. 1518 of Llbb'o Johnston,
deceased In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per
sons Interested In Bald Estato tako
notico that tho Administrator, Lochlol
Johnston, has filed a final account and
roport of his administration nnd a potl
tlon for final Bottlomcnt and distribu
tion of tho nssots of said Estato and
dlschargo as such Administrator, al
leging that tho following named per
sons only aro entitled to Bharo in the
assots of said Estato and In shares as
follows: Lochlol Johnston V. Majondlo
Johnston 1A, Soldon Johnston and
Ethol Johnston i; which has boon
sot for hearing boforo Bald court on
May 9th 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., when
you may appear and contest tho same.
Dated April 12th, 1918.
A16-3wks. County Judge,
To Alfred L. Armstrong, non-resident,
dofondnnt: You nro hereby noti
fied that on tho 16th day of Janua-y,
1918, Addlo F. Armstrong filed a
potltlon against you in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
tho object and prayer of which aro to
obtain a divorce from you on the
ground ot abandonment. You aro re
quired to answer said potltlon on or
boforo tho 3rd day of Juno, 1918.
By Geo. N. Glbbs, Hor Attorney,
Notico of Final Report.
Estato No. 1509 of Mary J. O'Hare,
deceased In tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nobrnska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persons
intorosted in said ostato tako notico
that tho Executrix has filed a final ac
count and roport tholr administration
and a potltlon for final sottlomont and
dlschargo as such, executrix, which
has boen sot for hoarlng boforo said
court on May 17, 1918, at 0 o'clock a.
m., whon you may appear and contest
tho samo.
Dated April 20th, 1918.
(SEAL) County Judgo.
Sheriffs Sale,
By virtuo of an ordor of salo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foroclosuro rondorod. In said court
whoroln Mutual Building and Loan,
Association Is plaintiff, and Josso
Follows, ot al. aro defendants, and to
mo directod, I will on tho 25th day
of May, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at
tho least front door of tho Court Houso
In North Platto, Lincoln County, No
braska, boII nt publlo auction to tho
highest blddor for cash, to satisfy said
docroo, Interest and costs, tho follow
ing described proporty to-wlt:
Lot eovon (7) in Block twolvo (12)
Cody's Addition to North Platto, Ne
braska, Dated at North Platto, Nob., April
23d, 1918.
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.