The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 03, 1918, Image 4

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AT B. OF h. E. MAY 1'AItTY.
Tills Is a yonr of record smashing In
North Platto, a yonr In which everyone
is " ori his toes" roady for the word
"gu" and whon the command Is Riven
he spurts. This rolatos to everything
connected with the war or with war
measure, and whon Division 88, B. of
L. E.. annoucod that thjri net proceeds
of the Thirty-sixth Annual May Party
would bo donated to tlio Hod Cross,
the arrangomont committee had reas
on to oxpoct a hlg crowd; a record
breaking crowd, and yet notwithstand
ing the awful Jam, overybody had a
good time. i
This May Party, which for thirty-six
years has been North Platto's big so
cial function, was held Wednesday
ovonlng, following tho concert given
at the 'nark by tho camp Kiinston oanu
Tills band concert made a slight delay
In ononlnc tlio May Party, but this did
not In any manner detract from tho
evening's onloymont. It was a little
after nlno when Stamp's orchestra
rondored 'the first numbor of tho con
cert program which preceded the
grand march. This program, which
lnculdcd solos by Paul Harrington,
whoso vocal work always delights tho
audience, was ono of more than usual
merit: It was a musical offering that
was Indeed complimentary to the
orchestra and each number received
the hearty npphiuso It so richly de
served. At tho conclusion of tho first
half of tho iprogram slides woro
thrown upon tho Bcrecn, these Includ
ing tho Stars and Strip:-h, Washing
ton, Lincoln, Wilson, President Calvin
and CJon'I. Manager Joffers of tho
Union Pacific, Geo. W. Vroman and
Clms. Ell.
Tho grand march was notablo 'be
cause It was led by Governor Keith
Neville and Mrs. W. M. Joffers, wifd
of Gen'l. Mnnager Joffers, of tho Union
Pacific. At 'its conclusion dancjng
began and It was throe o'clock In tho
morning boforo tho final waltz was
Tho attendants filled tho Jmlcony,
put a premium on stondlng room and
so crowded wns tho floor of tho big
hall that only about two-thirds of tho
floor spaco was bo dovoted to dancing.
This, of course, discommoded tho dan
cors to some extent, but tho Jolts and
Jostlo wcro taken, good naturedly.
Tho committees handtekl tho big
crowd nicely, won tho thanks of tho
dnncors when each of tho latter was
presented with a rose during the grand
march, and In overy way posslblo used
their itifrorts to mako tho ovonlng on
Joyablo to" each attendant. Sebastian
Schwnlger was chairman of tho com
mittee of arrangements, and with tho
aid of the committee had nicely dec
oratcd the hall In tho national colors.
Tho not proceeds of tho party will
bo in tho neighborhood of threo hun
dred dollars, which will bo turned
over to tho Red Cross Chapter.
Hero's" tho' Spirit,
Yesterday afternoon John Brntt
walked Into tho office of Captuln Shlll
in, of tho Homo Guards, saluted tho
Captain and said: "I understand tlio
Homo Guards need money to carry on
tWcdr patriotic work. I cannot do
much for you In a physical way, but
my heart Is with tho Guards and -with
tholr work; and I want tti donato ono
hundred dollars." Later in. tho nftor
noon ho tuniod tho $100 over to Treas
urer Guy Swopo.
Mr. Bratt, who was placed on the
honorary list of momborB of tho Homo
Guards at tho organization last wook,
shows tho truo spirit of a truly loyal
patriotic citizen ovor roady to do his
"bit" -without "even the asking.
WILbur Green, boii of "Billy" Groon
tho plumber, loft this mornjng for
Choyenuo, whoro ho will enlist In tho
sorvlco or his country, probably in tho
A. C. Wright, lato with Loypoldt &
Ponnington, now at Camp John Wiso,
Toxas, In tlio balloon school, in a lettor
to Mr. Ponnlngtotii says: "Today (last
Friday) wo had for dinner roast pork,
mashed potatoes, vegetable Balad. ico
cream and chocolato cako nnd coffoo
with real creanl In it." Undo Sam
seems to bo feeding his boys well.
Clayton Wheelock loft yesterday for
Grand Island whoro ho will enlist In
the navy. Ills position on tho list of
class ono men Indicated that ho would
bo In tho next call, so ho concluded to
take advantage of the opportunity to
enllat in tho branch of tho sorvlco ho
thought ho would host like,
Frod Walkor left Wednesday
night lor Donvor for tho purpose of ro
cnlisting In tho navy. He sorved four
years in that branch of tho sorvlco,
nnd lllfl torm Of OllllnLinnnt lmvl
pired lila camo homo to visit tho homo
ioiks. tho ract that ho ro-onllsts Is
ovldonco that sorvlco in tho navy ap
peals to him.
Wo aro proparcd to tako caro of
your wants in bvory lino of Itendv-to-
Wcar and Dry Goods. Our Btock novor
moro complolo than now, and boar In
mind our apodal salo on Ladies Suits
and Coats. 13. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Track Meet 'ftulnr.
Ono hundred nnd' fifty boys of tho
Junior and iHpnlnr hltrli unlinnla lulll
partlcipato In tho ovanls of a track
niuoi. iu uu huui ai xno lair grounds
this nftnrnnrm Whinm w.ltl i.n
classes of ontries, Class A Including
nil boys undor flftoon and ClaBs B
thoso nbovo fifteen. Gold, silver and
bronzo medals will bo glvon to tho
winners of first, second and third
Places respectively In each claBs.
Tho ordor of events will bo ns fol
lows: 100 ilnnli. f5n vnr,1 .lnal.
CO yard dash, 440 yard dash or quarter
muo, oou yam uasn or uair milo, nillo
run, high Jump, broad Jump, polo
vault, shot put, discus throw, mllo
1 . .u.
Tlio First National Bank announces
that Its now safety boxos hnvo been
fJftH Tiir.
A wood presorvor to bo used as you
ubo creosoio, ior preventing docay c
fOnCO nOBts. or Utivtlilticr nt -urnnil Mnv
bo used for troatlng chlckon houses for
,Hco. Used ns an wtorlor paint for
HUM!. I Off T A HA .
onus. u.o per uurroi or tu gallons
norm nauc- ljignt ana Powor Co
Good News For Mothers
We have solved the problem of stylish dresses for your little girl at, prices you can afford to pay
Lot No. 605
Lot No. 642
A very chnrinlng little sport
dross mndo of striped gingham;
Empire effect; norcl sport pockets
neatly piped. Smart collar mndo
of good quality repp; wldo belt nf
fair; trimmed -with largo pearl
button. Sizes C to 11.
Colors: Brown, pink, green, blue.
Lot No. 610
Smart liltlo ncroplnno model;
mndo of good qualify gingham
Empire Tosteo effect; pleated skirt,
largo roomy aeroplane pockets;
-vido belt; smart collar and cuffs
tiro trimmed with two rows of sout
ucho braid. Sizes G to 11. ,
Colors: Blue, pink. Inn, green
mid brown.
An exceptionally nttrnctlTO dress,
'skirt mndo of striked gingham;
high waistline effect; wnlst mndo
of good quality solid color gingham,
effective collnr nnd cuffs of ging
ham; smnrt sport pockets trimmed
to inntch skirt; trimmed with dnlnty
pearl buttons. Sizes G to 11.
Colors: Blue, pink, tan, green.
Lot No. 625
A snappy liltlo model mndo of
fast color chnmbrny; very dcsirablo
stylo; - very high wnlstcd effect
forming yoko fond lengthening at
sides; daintily shirred with silk
stitching In color to mntch tho
smart tailored bow; smnrt collnr
nnd cuffs of white plquo; trimmed
with neat pcnrl buttons. Sizes G to
Colors: Blue, pink, tan, grocn.
Elsie Dinsmore Dresses tor Girls from 6 to 14 years. Little Sister Dresses tor ages from 2 to 6 years
Lot No. 501
A quaint IHtlo model, mndo of fast color striped
glnghnm; double breasted. Wnlst lino effect; trim
mod with dainty pearl buttons. Smnrt collar of ropp;
iiotcI littl belts nnd smart, roomy pockets. Sizes 2
to G.
Colors: Green, Tan, Blue, Brown.
Lot No. 530
A very chlo liltlo two tone dress mndo In sus
pender stylo o good qunllty cliiunbry; wnlst trimmed
with dainty buttons matching In color tho stitching
on collar, cuffs and pockets. Yery practical play
dress). Sizes 2 to G.
Colors: Yellow, Blue, Pink, Tan, Green.
Lot No. 522
A yery chic sport dross mndo of good qunllty
chambry; waist neatly tucked and very effectively
shirred at waist lino; largo, roomy aeroplane pock
etsj novel little belt nnd collnr to match. Trimmed
with neat pearl buttons. Sizes 2 to G.
Colors: Blue, Pink, Tnn, Green.
Lot No. 502
A novel llttlo sport dress' mndo of fast color
striped gingham; very high wnlsted effect forming
yoko nnd lengthening nt sides; smart collnr and cuffs
of solid chnmbry. Dress neatly trimmed with bono
buttons nnd tubs. Sizes 2 to G.
Colors: Yellow, Blue, Pink, Green.
"Little Sister" Dresses
These Dresses are made from the best standard
Children in and let them try them on.
materials and the styles are just like those shown in these pictures. Bring the
Wedding Rings
There is no fixed standard of quality for
the wedding ring. You may prefer 10K,
14K, or 18K. The quality of the gold, then
we leave to you.
The quality of the workmanship and finish
you can safely leave to us. "
Our wedding rings are fashioned by skilled
goldsmiths. They are full and plump, with,
no rough edges to chafe the finger.
Each ring has our guarantee of quality and
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
Wanted Girl for gonornl hoiiBowork'
7Q? west Fourth. Call Hod 100.
' Mlddlo aged man wants to mako tho
acqaulntanco of a Cnthollo woman of
acquaintance of a Catholic woman of
tjo objection to a young widow with a
child or two. Address C. 0. Triburtd
For quick action and Mitlsfnctory
talo list your land with Thuolockc tf
. Harttny "Warner, ono of tho Janltora
tilt tho fedoral building was ainonit tho
boys Avho loft for Fort Logan laut,
night. Ho Is succeeded at thci building'
by Uio old civil war veteran Aphloy
Dahlias, 40 varlotios, choice Phlox,
North Platto Floral Co,, Thono 1023.
A .girl baby was born Tuesday nftor
nooa to Mr. and Mrs. Cody Uoal nt
tho homo of Mrs. Boat's parents In
tills city. Cody Is now with, tho troops
at Camp Cody, and will probably seok
an opportunity to como homo to boo
ilia uaughter.
Will soon bo ready to woavo Ingrain
carpot, portlorcs and curtains into
rugB. 30 by 45 inches wido. For sale
1 Old Trusty Incubator, 120 eggs; 1
fleiithor broodor. rat proof, with boat:
1 Btcol folding bed. Mrs. Frank Wilson,
308 So. Walnut St.
For Salo Ono 45 foot stool windmill
tower, extra hoavy; 8, 30 foot 4 Inch
angle Irons, suitablo for buuumg uso;
1 gontlo family horso, buggy and
harness. 1009 wtclst 10th. mono iilacic
843. 31-2
Mlko Hayos leaves Sunday for
Clovtoland, Ohio, as n dologato from
Division 88 to tho grand lodgo or tho
nrothorhood of Locomotlvo EnglncwB
Ho will bo absent two or threo wooks
Wlloy Crnno, of Omaha, has been In
town for n fow days visiting frionds.
Tho Hodgson carnival company,
wiucii oiionotl In this city two wookb
ago, waB CI0301I down by tho police in
Koarnoy last wook. A cainblw slipped
Into Hodgson's list of attractions, ho
j was arrostod and fined, and by reason
, of this tho whole outfit was ordered
Camllo Estiuor, a Mexican, was fin
ed $100 and costs In tho county court
Weuniclsday on tho chargo of Illegally
handling whiskey. -For several days
Esquer solicltod men on tho stroets toi
purchaso liquor of him, nnd ono of
theso men reported this fact to Sheriff
Salisbury. Learning of Esquer s resl-
dlcJnco the sheriff searched tho premises
and found six pint bottles of whiskey.
H employed a rathor Ingenious method
of peddling booze, having mndo pockets
op uio lnsido of tho back of his coat,
oacn pocket accommodating a pint
Whon nrralgnod boforo Judgo Wood-
hurst Esquor pleaded guilty.
Notice to Dog Owners.
LlcensU tax on dogs is duo and
payablo May 1st If Hconso is not paid
on or bororo May 10th all such un
licensed dogs will bo killod. No excep
tions will uo mado to this rule
. JOHN JONES, Chief of Police.
Official Notices Information
iip ma oifl ) nmierasi
urocucrs Association rrogressing.
Mr. E. W. Crossgrovo, ono of tho
Uradors In building up tho Highltno
Shorthorn Broodors Association, of
Faruain, Nob., In answer to our invita
tion to moot with Lincoln County
Broodors to assist In organizing an
Imp'rovod Livo Stock Breedors Associ
ation May 14th, says: "This Is an op
portunity that no , progressive Btock
man should ovorlook," and that ho will
accordingly bo hero.
In addition to Mr, S. It. McKelvio and
Mr. Crossgrovo, tho program will ln
cludo Mr. K. Warner, of tho Animal
Husbandry Dopt. of tho University of
Nobrasko. With this trio nnd a num
ber of committees working on tho pro
gram for tho day, May 14th will mark
tho beginning of tlmo for tho llvo stock
lntorosts of Llncon county. 'Look for
a comploto program next wook.
Seed Potatoes for Sale,
1,500 bushols of Early Ohlos nt 85c
por bushol. Inquire of Y. Hayashl, on
tho Jonkins farm, 3 miles northwest of
Ilershoy. 30-4
Tho Domestic Scienco and tho Music
and Art department of the Twentieth
Contury Club will hold a Joint meet
ing Tuosday afternoon, May 7th, at
tho homo of Mrs. Roy Cotteroll, 615
south Pino street. A full attendance of
members Is desired.
A beautiful assortment of Dresses
from nvhich to mako your selection,
now numbers arriving daily. E. T.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Russell left for
San Diego, Cal., yesterday after a
visit with Mrs. Frank Hatch. Mrs.
Russell was formerly Miss Zella
Davisand is a sister of Mrs. Hatch.
Another lot of latest Ideas in Pat
tern Hats arrived this morning and
go on salo at a saving' oT$l to $5. Be
low tho start of tho season prices" at
to plan nh.cad-to direct your energies.
Set nsldo 11 sum for saving. Spend tho
rest nccordlng to your plnn.
A dollar saved Is a dollar plus In.
trest at 1 per cont compounded semi,
nnnualy when deposited to your sav.
Ings account here.
Its earning power ndds to yours.
Thrift gives you confidence, courago
nnd endurance, SAVE AND BANK.
Enjoy'tho surplus power you'll gain
by, rour connection with this strong
friendly bank. b
Platte Valley State Bank