The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 03, 1918, Image 3

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Don't hurt a bit! Drop a llttl
Officers of Omaha's New Independent Packing Plant
Tho year's at the spring
And day's at the morn;
Morning's nt seven
The hillside's dew pearled,
Tho lark's on the wing,
The snail's on the thorn,
God's In his heaven,
All's right with tho world.
Robt. Browning.
Tho following recipes will bo found
Who has not wanted, does not guess
What plenty In who has not groped
In depths of doubt and hopelessness,
Hns never truly Imped.
freczonc, on an aching corn, Instantly,
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
It rbzht out Yes, magic I
Rice and various breakfast cereals
President and treasurer of the Skinner
:Packlng Company, also vlco president
and treasurer of the Skinner Manufacturing-
Company, the world's largest dis
tributors and manufacturers of Macaroni
Farmers and stockmen of Iown, Nebraska and South
Dakota arc greatly Interested In tho organization of tho
.new Independent packing company of Omaha, known as
the Skinner Packing Company, Omaha's Day Light Snow
White Independent Packing Plant. This company Is
backed by prominent Omaha business men and many
leading farmers and stockmen In Nebraska and adjoining
Cause for It
"Arc you going to ask damages from
your tnllor for not having your trdusers
ent nt the time he said they would bo
ready?" v
"Yes; I nm going to sue him for
breeches of promise."
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is taken Internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
destroys the foundation of the disease,
.gives the patient strength by Improving
the general health and assists nature In
doing Its work. $100.00 for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE falls to cure.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Possibly all men may be born free
ami equal, but It Is Impossible to keep
omo of them In that condition.
Back Lame and Achy?
There's littlo neaco when vour kid
neys arc weak and while at first there
may be nothing more serious than dull
backache, sharp, stabbing pains, head-
acnes, uizzy speiis ana uianey irregu
larities, you inuat act auicklv to avoid
the more eerious trouble, dropsy, gravel,
nearc disease, .unguis disease, use
Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that
is so warmly recommended everywhere
by grateful users.
A Nebraska Case
it n.M.,u - TV. A. Dehm.
shop, Central
City, Neb., says:
"Whenever I suf
fer from pains
across my back
or other symp
toms of weak
kidneys, I take a
box of Doan's
Kidney Pills and
they soon act on
my kidneys,
strengthening me
nnd relieving all
the pains. I first
took Doan's soma
years ago and I am glad to recommend
Get Doan's at Any Store, 60 o a Bos
DOAN'S 'iSSfi?
Germination 96or better. Crop 1910. Guaran
teed, tented and graded. Iowa GoldMIno, Iowa
Silver Mine, Reld's Yellow Dent. Price, 1 bu.
$7.00; 3 or mora bushels, at $7.80. Backs free.
DE GIORGI BROTHERS, Council Bluffs, la.
WiiUon S.ColflUian,Wh
mgion.ij.ii. hooks iree. ujed-
e retarsnoei. Beireu
Win the War by Preparing the Land
Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking for
greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the
mm v a. M. I 1 . 1
efforts ot the united states ana tanaaa
Eviry Available Tillable Aera
Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power
Is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed
ing operation.
Canada's Wheat Preduetlen Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; the
Demand From Canada Alena fer 1918 Is 400,000,000 Bushels
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs 1
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can !
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
States developed first of course; but it also wants to help Canada. When- j
ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied,
we want to direct htm there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we frill tell you where you can belt lerve
the combined interest!.
Weitern Canada' help will be required not later than May 5th. Wages to com
petent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Thoie who respond to thi appeal will get a yrarm welcome, good wages, good
board and find comfortable homei. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian
boundary point! to destination and return.
i For particular! ato(routei and placet where employment may be Itad apply toi
Secretary of the Skinner Packing Com
pany, also secrotary of the Skinner Man
ufacturing Company, the world's largest
distributors and manufacturers of Maca
roni Products.
Omaha for this plant,
pany's thlrty-thrce-acro
present Swift plant
Tills means a great deal to shippers and producers
of live stock through this section and from the great
Interest shown In the establishment of the plant It Is
appreciated by them.
Let Them Do the Worrying.
Amos J. Gummlngs and Ernest Jar-
rold were once In a pilot-boat during
a great storm. " The former lay on a
bunk, Intently rending. The boat gave
n fearful lurch, and careened until It
seemed that sho must turn completely
"This Is awful, Amos I" said Jnrrold.
I'm going to put on a Hfo preserver,
for the boat can't stand It many min
utes longer."
"Oh, keep quiet and let roe read,
Mickey I" said Cummlngs, never lifting
his eyes. "The men on this bont drnw
a regular salary to keep her afloat I"
Saturday Evening Post.
Has been used for all ailments tlint
are caused by a disordered, stomach
and Inactive liver, such as sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous Indigestion, fermentntlon of
food, palpitation of the heart caused by
gases In the stomach. August Flower
Is n gentle laxative, regulates digestion
both In stomach and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens tho stomnch nnd oilmen
tnry canal, stimulates tho liver to se
crete the bile and Impurities from the
blood. Sold In all civilized countries.
Glvo it a trial. Adv.
To Release Grain in Case of Fire.
An excellent suggestion for saving
wheat and other grain In country ele
vators In the event of fire has been
made by a South Dakota builder. The
idea is simple. Each bin for grain Is
provided with a trnpdoor in the outer
wall of the building, so arranged that
In case of Ore the door could be pulled
open and the grain nllowed to run out
on the ground. Scientific American.
"Whnt nre you doing there?"
"Mnklng over nn old wulst. War
work. It is u sin to lose a pin; It Is
bad taste to waste a wulst." Louis
villo Courier-Journal.
' Precaution.
"Are you studying German?" "Yes,.
I don't want any alien enemy to be able
to say things I can't understand."
For genuine comfort and lasting pleas
ure use Red Cross Ball Blue on wash day.
All good grocers. Adv.
While a man may bo capable of
loving two women nt the same time,
if he Is wise he won't attempt It
To bo effectlvo sympathy should al
ways bo backed by a little capital.
rests tne Duraen ot supply.
Must Contribute Every Available
Chairman of the Board of the Skinner
Packing Company, also president of tho
BKinner wianuraciunng tjompuny. m
world's largest distributors and manu
facturers of Macaroni rrouuew.
There Is a wonderful nnd profitable Held open In
which will be located on the Com
tract Just south nnd west of tho
on the South Side.
Method by Which It lo Detected Is
Simple and of Exceedingly Easy
Glucose In fruit preserves mny bo
discovered by tile following method
given by th6 Popular Science Monthly:
In the case of Jelly n teaspoonful
should be dissolved In two tablespoon-
fuls of alcohol cantnlned in n glass
vessel.. In the case of jam or marma
lade the same process la carried out,
but It Is necessnry to filter off the solid
matter by running tho mixture through
a piece of muslin. Allow the solution
to become perfectly cool and then add
on cqunl volume, or a little more, of
strong alcohol.
If glucose Is present a dense white
precipitate slowly settles down. Whero
no glucose hns been employed thero Is
no nrecinltnte. save, in some cases, n
very trifling sediment of proteid mat
ter which, however, is so small that
it could not possibly be mistaken for
the sediment which glucose produces.
The last named Is not particularly
harmful In Itself, but it Is very fre
quently used as an ndultcrnnt In sup
posedly pure preserves for extra profit.
Flight of Airplanes May Be Greatly
Impeded by Objects Seemingly
Hardly Worth Noticing.
ITow tho sranllest of objects will
check the speed of a dirigible balloon
or of nn nlrplnne may be Judged when
It Is remembered that tho resistance
of the nlr to a body moving through It
Is proportional to the square of the
speed against tho surface that It pre
sents In the direction townrd which It
Is moving. When the object, whether
tilts be a gasollno tank, u bomb drop
per or nny other nccessory, Is made on
stream lines tho resistance It causes Is
three or four times less than when It
Is not.
One builder added two kilometers nn
hour to the speed of his plune simply
by giving the stream line form to the
rubber shock receivers of his lnndlng
And If the pilot lets such nn object
us u retroscope, an nltlmetre or a revolution-metre
project from the car It
will reduce his speed by at least six
kilometers an hour. A machine gun
will have almost the same retarding
Conservative Student.
"What does your teacher suy about
ypur studies?"
"Well," replied the sinnll boy, "sho
thinks I have the right Idea about
geography. When It comes to giving
the boundaries of European countries,
the best you enn do Is to guess und
that's n waste of time."
ImDortantto Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo ol
CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants und children, nnd seo that It
Bears tho
&7-t zT
suture of
In use for Over 30 Yeurs.
Children Ory for Fletcher's Oastoria
With Many Others.
"I say, old boy, do you hnppen to
hnve an X ubout you?"
"Sir, nn X Is nn unknown quantity
with mo."
Wben your shoes Dlnch or Tour corns and ban.
Ions ache Bet Allen's Foot-Kane, the antiseptic
ponder to be anakrn into Hhoesaud aprlukled In
tlie foot- bath, aires Instant relief to Tired, Ach
luff, Swollen, Tender feet. Oyer 100,000 packages
urc ueiuir uDi-a uj ino iroops ai ine from. Ham
etery where,25c. Don't autfl any mtilituU.-A.4T.
Dd it ever occur to you thnt stun
iner girls nnd penehes disappear si
-To keep clean nnd healthy tako Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Tho width of a broad grin Is equal
to the length of a smile.
useful In snvlng wheat Hour, to bo used
nt nil mcnls that
are not wlontless.
Dread. Take one
cupful of, oatmeal,
one tablespoonful
of salt, two table
spooufuls of simp,
two cuptuls of
boiling water, u
tablespoonful of fat, two cakes of
yeast dissolved In a half-cupful of
luke-warm water; one cupful each of
rye, corn flour and entlro wheat flour
with one three-fourths cupfuls of
white Hour. Pour tho boiling wnter
over the oats, rye and corn flour, then
when cool add tho other Ingredients,
Kncnd well, let rise, mold Into loaves,
then when double In bulk bake in a
moderate oven. This bread saves 00
per cent whent.
Oatmeal Bread. Scald two cupfuls
of oatmeal with two cupfuls of boiling
water; add a tablespoonful each of
fat and salt, four tablespoonfuls of
corn sirup nnd a enko of yeast dls
solved In a half-cupful of warm water ;
mix aud add five cupfuls of wheat
flour; knead well, let rise until dou
ble Its bulk and mnke Into loaves;
when light bake In n moderate oven.
'This makes two loaves.
Rye Is very scarce and 13 not now
on the substitute list; It may bo used
as usual with flour If one has a sup
ply, but cannot bo purchased as a sub
stitute any longer.
Oatmeal Betty Tnke two cupfuls
of cooked oatmeal, four apples, cut
fine, a half cupful of raisins, a half
cupful of Biigar, a fourth of a tea
spoonful of cinnamon; mix and bnke
one-half hour. Serve hot or cold. Any
dried, freh fruits or ground peanuts
may be used In place of the apples.
Cornmeal Bread. Take two- and a
linlf cupfuls of skim milk, a table
spoonful of sugar or sirup, two tea
spoonfuls of fat, two of salt, one and
a third cupfuls of cornmeal, four and
two-thirds cupfuls of flour, a cako of
yeast dissolved In n half-cupful of
warm water Add the flour gradually
after all the other Ingredients uro well
blended and knend well. Let rise,
knead again and mold into loaves.
When double in bulk, bnko In a mod
erate oven for at least an hour. This
mnkes two loaves. In most homes
these days you never see tho ordinary
wheat bread: everybody enjoys tho
substitutes so well.
I wonder It tho sap Is stirring yet,
If wlntory birds are dreaming of a
If frozen snowdrops feel as 'yet the
And crocus fires are kindling one by
C. Rossettl.
For the meatless days and meatless
meals we like variety and nt the same
tlmo to keep within the
limits of tho family
Walnut Sausage.
Mix half a .cupful of
boiled rice, hulf a cup
ful of stalo bread
crumbs nnd a cupful of
ground walnut incuts;
add one tablespoonful of olive oil, one
egg, salt, pepper and sugo to taste.
Shape In small cakes and cook slightly.
Swedish Fish Soup. Make a stock
by cooking tho bends, tail, fins and
bones of nny white llsh, in cold wnter
to cover; add u sJIce each of onion,
carrot, a bay leaf and n few pepper
corns. Cook slowly for one hour, then
strain and thicken with two tablespoon
fuls of flour nnd butter cooked togeth
er using one quart of the stock, with
salt and pepper to tnste; add a pint of
milk just before serving.
Chicken and Chestnut Salad. Mix
hnlf a cupful of diced chicken with
half n cupful each of celery cut fine
and chestnuts cooked and cut In slices,
,Add two tablespoonfuls of finely chop
ped green peppers, snlt, paprika, and a
dash of red pepper. Marinate with
French dressing and serve with may
onnaise dressing.
Nut and Cheese Roast. Cook two
tablespoonfuls of chopped onion in one
tablespoonful of grated cheese; a cup
ful of nutincnts and n cupful of soft
bread crumbs moistened with n littlo
wnter from the pan In which the onion
wns browned ; season with salt, peppor
und the Juice of half a lemon. Pour
Into a buttered baking dish and bake
until brown.
Chicken Pie. Cook n four-pound
chicken until tender, after disjointing
It; put into a deep baking dish, with u
small whole onion finely chopped;
thicken live cupfuls of the chicken
broth with threo tablespoonfuls each
of Hour and butter cooked together,
Cover with n rich crust, lenvlng plenty
ol' vent for the steam to escape whllo
cooking. A short time before tho plo
Ik strved pour Into It a half-cupful or
more of sweet cream, or lacking that,
bent an egg Into it half-cupful of milk
to add richness tp the gravy.
may be used In grlddlo cakes and gems,
thus taking tho
place of flour and
making a most ap
petizing nnd nutri
tious bread.
Oat Crackers.
Toko two cupfuls
of rolled oats, a
fourth of n cupful
each of molasses
and milk, 1,4 tablespoonfuls of fnt, a
fourth of a teaspoonful of soda nnd n
tenspnonful of salt; mix well nnd roll
out In a sheet, then cut In squnrcs.
Hake for -'0 minutes In a modcrnto
oven. This makes three dozen crack
ers. Comment mush cooked a long tlmo
then molded can be sliced nnd fried
for breakfast. The addition of chopped
nuts, cheeso or finely minced meat of
various kinds may bo used In the mush.
Baked Oatmeal and Nuts. Take
two cupfuls of cooked oatmeal, a cup
ful of crushed peanuts, a half cupful
of milk, a tenspnonful of vinegar, a
fourth of a teaspoonful of pepper and
teaspoonfuls of salt; mix together
and bake In n greased pan for IS min
utes. This serves five people.
Cornmeal Patties. Scald n pint of
cornmeal with a cupful of boiling wa
ter, mb in n tablespoonful each of
vegetable oil or a teaspoonful of fat
nnd snlt, two beaten eggs nnd n half
cupful of skimmed milk. Drop from
n spoon on greased tins. Bnko until
brown, servo hot, Nice with gravy to
take the place of Yorkshire pudding.
Corn fiour used as any other flour
with egg nnd milk, makes line griddle
If you were busy being kind
Before you knew It you would find
You'd soon, forget to think 'twas true
That some one was unkind to you.
Rebecca Foresmon.
Tho following nre well-tried recipes
gathered from mnny sources, which
will bo found worth
whllo :
P e o a n Loaf.
Threo cupfuls of
boiled rice, ono
cupful each of
cracker crumbs and
chopped pecans
one-half cupful of
skim milk, tho
vnllm nt tliroo pea, crated onion, ncn
nor nnd salt for seasoning. Mold in n
small loaf and bake.
Tomato Nut Loaf. Take one cupful
ench of chopped nut meat, cooked rice
and tomnto pulp, ono egg, 1 ten
spoonfuls of salt, n hnlf teaspoonful of
pepper nnd n teaspoonful of chopped
onion. Mix the Ingredients, aiming eel
ery snlt, or sago If desired. Shapo
Into a lonf and bake 80 minutes.
Gnocchl. Into one-fourth" cupful of
vcgetnblo fat stir one-fourth cupful
ench of cornmeal nnd cornstarch, add
a half teaspoonful of snlt, ana gradu
ally two cupfuls of scalded nillk, stir
constantly. Cook for threo minuses,
then cool slightly nnd add tho well
beaten yolks of two eggs nnd one
fourth of a cupful of grated cheese.
Then add tho whites of two eggs beat
en stiff. Put into n buttered bilking
dish nnd sprinkle with one-hnlf cupful
of grated cheese over tho top. Bnko
carefully in n hot oven for SO minutes.
Fish Loaf. Tnke one cupful each of
snlmon, bread crumbs nnd hot milk, a
half teaspoonful of snlt, an eighth of
a teaspoonful of pepper and two eggs.
Hub tho fish line with n potato mash
er, ndd the milk to the crumbs nnd
melted fnt. nnd seasonings, then com
bine with tho fish. Add tho well-bent-en
eggs, put In n greased baking dish
and bake or steam. Serve with a white
sauce with the salmon liquor added
to It if liked. Tomnto snuco Is also
good served with this loaf. Peas In a
sauco poured around tho lonf aro an
nddltlon which will add to tho food
value of the dish.
Placing Oysters In 8alt Lake.
Plans have been made to begin tho
propagation of oysters In Bear River
bay. Salt loke, Utah, this spring. Ex
periments nnd scientific study of con
ditions hnve indicated, to the satis
faction of tho stute fU h and gnmo com
missioner, that the enterprise is n
thoroughly feasible one. Analysis has
shown that the- percentage of salt in
the wnter is practically the snrao as
In oceun oyBter beds.
She Sat Apart.
We were talking across tho nlsle.
Presently tho girl who sat alone leun
ed over and said: "You und the ludy
take tlds seat. I'm not together."
Chicago Tribune.
Tipped Off.
Mrs. Gnnggs "If I had known what
n fool you wcro I never should havo
married you." Mr. Clnaggs "You
might havo guessed It when I proposed
to you." Judge.
A tiny bottle of frcczone costs but fit
few cents at any drug store, but Is
sufficient to rcmovoi every hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and tho callouses, without soreness or
Frcezone Is tho sensational discov
ery of a Cincinnati genius. It 1b won
derful. Adv.
Sometimes a man's enemies with
bad designs do him less harm than
his friends with good Intentions.
Itching Burning Skins.
For eczemas, rashes, Itchlngs, Irrita
tions, pimples, dandruff, sore hands,
and baby humors, Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment arc supremely effective. For
frco samples address "Cutlcura, Dqpt
X, Boston." At druggists nnd by mall.
Soap 20, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
To mnko wator tasto better thnn
champngno .eat salt fish about three
hours before imbibing.
Rend tho announcement of tho Skin
ner Packing Company that appears
elsewhere in this paper. Wrlto them
today for further Information. Their
address Is 012 First National Bank
Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Adv.
There Is always something coming
to us that wc should llko to see side
tracked. Happy is the home where Red Crow
Ball Blue is used. Sure to please. All
grocers. Adv.
Bo sure you nre right, but not too
sure that every oho else Is wrong.
In tho spring wo may bo attacked a
any moment. Toxic poisons pllo un
wlthm us nfter a hard winter, and wd
feel "run-down." tired out, blue and
discouraged. This Is tho time to puj
our house In order cleanse tho Bysten)
and put fresh blood Into our arteries.
You can obtain an alterative extract
from Blood root, Golden Seal, StornJ
and Queen's root, Cherry bark, rolled
Into a sugar-coated tablet and sold bj
most druggists, in sixty cent vials, ns
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
This blood tonic, In tablet or llqulij
form, Is Just what you need for "Sprlni
Fever," for that lack: of ambition. U
will All you full of vim, vigor and vlJ
Chilliness, when other people feel wand
enough, is a sign of biliousncsH, or oj
malarial poisons so is a
furred or coated tongue,
loss of opnetite, head
aches or giddiness, and a
dull, drowsy, debilitate
feeling. It's your live!
that's at fault. You
want to stimulate it uni
invigorate it with Dn
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets,
With every trouble of tha
kind, these tiny littl
things act like a miracle
You can break up sudden
attacks of Colds, Fevers,
I Tn with
them. They'll give you permanent benw
fit for Indigestion, Constipation, Sou
Stomach, Sick Headache, and uizzinesa.
Thev aro small and pleasant to take, ana
the" most thoroughly natural remedy,
Twenty-five cents at most drug store.
Small Pill
Small Doso
Small Price
havo stood the test of time.
Iur'r vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache, indigestion and to
clear up a bad complexion.
Genuine bears alg-ntture
Generally Indicate n lack
of Iron In the Wood
Carter's Iron Pills
Will help this condition
Lm 1 iver