THE 8EMI.WEEKLV TRIOUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. GERMANS SHOOT DOWN 6 BALLOONS Twelve Observers in One Day Trust to Parachutes in Leaps for Life. PERIL IK BURNING GAS BAGS Flames Likely to Overtake the De cendlna .Observers Many Nar row Escapes From Death One Relates Experiences. Behind tho British Lines In France. Leaps for life, from burning observn tlon balloons when attacked hy Ger man airplanes were described by ob servers of the British Itoynl Flying corps to nn Associated Press corre spondent when lie visited one of their ! enmps behind the lines n few dnys ago. A bnlloon nscent nt the front Is nev er n light undertaking, nnd on ono day' recently when the correspondent vis ited a station In n fntrly Innctlve pnrt of the line six bnlloons containing 12 men were shot down by Gerinnn air plnnos, nil within sight of one nnotlicr. One of the-12 officers who were com pelled to rench terrn flrnm by the para chute route told the story of his trip. "We were perched nt 8,500 feet." bo snld, "nnd had been up only lmlf nn hour when n column of smoke two miles southwnrd nttrncted onr" notice. "There goes No. 10," snld my observer. "Two white flecks floating onrthwiird told us thnt the two passengers of the bnlloon hnd got clear In time. Just then two similar specks nppcarcd sud denly from under, another bnlloon wnrnlng us thnt the Bocho was out for n wholesale killing this time. Six moro whlto specks now appeared, and, 'slnco it was evident thnt the entlro line wns being attacked, I gave the order to haul down. Sudden Attack by Airplane. "At 1,000 feet, I ordered tho winch stopped. No moro bnlloons had been nt tacked, and although ours was now tho only ono up, I could seo British fighting planes nscendlng from tho air dromes behind us to chnso nway tho enemy. So I depldcd to venture up ngnln. Wo ascended to 3,000 feet this time, nnd soon were nt work again. "Then suddenly something happen ed. It happened swiftly as In n dream. "Wo didn't oven seo tho German Albn tross approaching, but our ground olll cer and his scouts gnvo us tho nlarm Just a second or two before tho hawk was on ub. I heard my ohsorvor, nt tho telephone, sny suddenly, 'What's that? Stand by I Good Heavens l' Then ho turned calmly to mo nnd snld with a smllo, 'Sorry, old man, wo must got out nt onco.' Ho helped mo over tho slilo first. "I dropped nnd heard a 'wurnph' ns tho parachute left Its ensc. This was tho last nensntlon I nttcmptcd to unn !yzo ns I fell like n stono for H00 feet. I snw tho balloon shoot violently up wnrd, and then my vlow wns blotted out by a lnrgo whlto umbrella which suddenly, appeared above my head, and I realized thnt tho parachute hud open ed. I didn't look down, ns I felt my body swaying easily In the breeze. Tho roar nbovb told mo thnt the Albatross POILUS HURRYING A French potrnlcote on a narrow to tho front lines In the Somme sector. GIVE BOMBS TO TOTS Soldier Tells of Inhuman Acts Practiced by Boches. Deadly Missiles Disguised as Toys and Set to Explode at Certain Time. Chicago. Tho thrilling story of his experiences ngn(nBt tho Huns In Franco was told by Scrgt. Christopher Jones of tho Royal British Field Ar tillery, In tho psychopathic court hero. Threo times ho was wounded nnd five times ho went through the hor rors of being gassed "over there." No has been doing duty at the Brit ish recruiting ofllco hero since his dlschnrgo In 1017. lie still curries n pteco of shrapnel In his skull, re ceived pt tho Battle of Ypres, when for live days he lay In n sholl hole, without food or drink, until a hospital dog rescued him. Jones was In tho fighting at Albert -when that city was uttucltcd ami tho Vathedrnl destroyed. "Thnt wos wliero the Boches guv had done Its work and the bplloon wi.s nflre. Yon cannot, of course, .maneuver n parachute, nnd there Is always the possibility of the burning balloon over taking you nnd burning your only means of escape. "But before I reached the ground I snw fnrJn front tho Albntross crash ing to earth minus n wing. She had been lilt by a cluster of antiaircraft shells. "The next thing T know was that I wa. lying In the middle of a plowed field, while n short dlstnnco off I snw my observer coming ncross toward me." Narrow Escape From Death. All 12 of tho officers of the wrecked balloons escaped safely on this occa sion. They are not nlwnys so fortu nate. At this snmo station a few days before nn officer was shot nnd killed when dropping in his parachute. Ills balloon hnd been set nflre by a Ger man airplane, and, ns usual, bo and bis companion took to their para chutes. They hnd hardly got Clear of tho balloon when tho attacking air- WORK OF censor: FULL OF THRILLS Women of England Find in It a Most Attractive and Lucra tive Professon. HELP DRAW NET ON SPIES 8ystem Is Perfect; One Marvels How German 8ecret Agent Can Slip Through, but Slip Through Ho Does. London. Tho latest nnd, to a wom an, tho most nttructlvo profession Is that of postal censor. To the well educated woman In her service, tlio postal censorship offers opportunities for ndvnncemcnt not to bo found else where. The pay ranges from $7.25 a week while learning, rising by Incre ments of $1 to $15 a week, tho maxi mum for an examiner, with additional war bonus. Thcro toro at least flfty women earning moro than $1,000 u year, supervising thirty or forty exam iners each. They havo nil risen from tho ranks. Now they hold tho proud tltlo of D. A. 0. (Deputy Assistant Censor), to which they hnvo been clovated not so much for their languages ns for tlielr general capacity. Ono girl of nine teen, engaged two years ago, ns a typist at $5 n week, rose to $15 with in six months. Another, beginning nt $10, drew $20 within eight weeks. Yet tho plnlnt of the deputy chief censor Ik that "wo cannot get enough of tho right kind of women to be cen sors." Tho latter Is tho executive head of that vast machine, created mainly for restrictive measures, which yet feeds with vnlunblo information not merely tho wnr office, of which It TO THE FRONT gaugo railway carrying u loud of Poilus bombs to tho children, bombs pnlntcd like toys and set to explode In a few minutes," said Jones. "The poor kids, they never had a chance. Yes, I saw somo of these explosions. And I saw old women given tho bayonet. "Wo charged them, but our officers wouldn't let us kilt them. We had to take them prisoners when they hol lered 'Knmerad.' "When I was cupturcd the Bdches threw mo Into n 40-foot pit with a lot of other prisoners. They told mo I could get out If 1 worked In tho mu nition factories. I told them to go to h , uud stayed In tho pit. "One night two of us overpowered a guard, climbed upon tho ropo which they used to lot water down to us, and escaped. Wo went through woods and swam rivers until we got to tho sen. Wo got ori a fishing boat and woke up on tho coust of France." Loan Sharks Busy In Arrny. Camp ShurUInn, Montgomery, Ala. In un order from the war department officers nro warned to keep u sharp lookout for loan sharks, many of whom j havo been rcpurted openttlna tu .Na- I'lllMV SMMIpl'l llotrll ,it 1 1,,', ii. i.. III,. ililiie gun III mil p'l'V. One of the nlll-c.-rK wax killed, and, r.lthough the oth or escaped, his parachute was torn In n bullet Tho balloon commnnder told the story of uti officer who had gone up alone and whoso bnlloon wns shelled when flying nt -1.000 feet. On these oc casions It Is dangerous to haul down, for the position of the winch Is thereby given away to tho enemy gunners. At Inst, after n cloud of shrapnel smoko had appeared almost under tliCbaskct nnd no response enme down the tele phone wire to Inquiries ns to whether everything was alf right, the ground officer gave the order to hnul down. Ten minutes Inter tho car touched tho ground, nnd the observer wns found lying nt the. bottom of the basket, un conscious but unhurt. It wns n bad case of shell shock, from which he officer was several months In recov ering. A few days ngo. at n nearby station, n balloon suddenly caught tire, for no nppnrcnt reason. The two observer tried to escape In their parachutes, but the blazing balloon overtook them, nnd they were. killed. Theories ns to the cause of tho disaster were numerous, but the one most genernlly accepted wns thnt the balloon had been fired b nn electric spnrk from n thunder cloud- now forms nn Integral pnrt, but the ad miralty, the foreign office with Its off shoots, the propngundn department, contraband committee, nnd on which tho whole of our blockade activities nro based. Is there enough of tho right kind of women anywhere? -The right kind of woman has many avenues open to her. Some oll'er service In France adven ture, romance, tho making of history, the glamor of the uniform nnd n chance of honor and glory. But the woman censor, cntch spies though she may, gets but little limelight. Heroines In Bureau. There ure women In tho censorship today with three or more years service who nro not lenst among tho heroines of war. They work In secret and In silence, behind closed doors, nnd their successes nro hidden. They will not even tell their friends where they work, let ulono what they do. Al though tho women examiners of mulls number somo 2,000, against some 500 male examiners, there hns been little mention of tho women. Tho recent: decision of the authorities to remove some of tho secrecy which shrouds tho woman censor will lend tho right wom en to apply for tho work, though nat urally there will bo no disclosure which can possibly bo of use to the enemy, nnd tho discipline hnblt of calling ev erything confidential will continue. Th'o necessary qualifications nre not merely languages, and what they do Is not just to reud other people's dull let ters, ns seems the general Impression; It Is much more Interesting than thnt There nro women there who know no tonguo but their own; they have been chosen for their judgment and theli unquestionable discretion besides their cducntlou nnd general knowledge. One would emphasize the valuo of judg ment nnd the opportunities for exer cising It; It Is n question of weighing up fncts and coming to wise and rea sonable decisions tho whole time. Ta women with n happy blend of Imngl natldn and common sense tho work I? absorbing, nt times thrilling. It Is an experience and an educa tion, a privilege to bo pnrt of this won derful mechanism, even ns tho hum blest cog In Its wheel of progress; tc observe the details of Its construction and to watch It expand week by week Censor Tightens Net. For as tho war widens tho censoi throws his net still further overseas tightening It until ono marvels how the German secret service ugent can silt through Its manifold meshes. Slip through them he does, and that Is whj the country needs her daughters to help to outwit him. In tho women's nrmy or nnyy the average pay of. officers Is $025 to $875, with free quarters. They must leave their homes, and to tho woman who Is settled in London this Is n difficulty. But If tho London dw6llcr has not the robust health that enables her all du to stand on her feet, though she can dc n good day's work "on her head," If hei family falters at tho thought of France let her como forward to tho censorship nnd stny In England. Here, as nn or dlnnry censor or examiner of malls, she will havo responsibility, with scopt for Individuality nud tho great chance of bringing n spy to book by her keen ness In drawing closo tho net. tlonal Guard and National nrmy camps. Tho order states that many ol tho money lenders hnvo been tuklns $50, $75 nnd $100 Liberty bonds, fre quently charging us much as 10 poi cunt Interest on short tlmo loans. THE RED J5ACRAMENT By Amelia Josephine Burr of Wtl i . th( viuHjirucs. A comrade's blood had stnlned theli ration rwl Tho very wluo of llfo wns in theli bread And yet on that grim sacrament they icu And roso up strengthened to fulfill tusk Tho dead man left undone. O God. wa nslr the Thnt we by sorrow may bo doubly Rtronp - - n To light thy wnr against Imperial Until the dragon or ourselves s be uenu. Our home, our blrtbylace, our tlvu tuud. Southoy. a a ROAD BUILDING TO MAINTAIN GRAVEL ROADS Never Htrd and Smooth Enough Prevent Immediate Rutting by Wheels of Wagons. to .Gravel roads nre never hnrd nnd smooth enough when opened to travel to prevent almost Immedlnte rutting by the wheels of heavily londcd wagons. In fact, a gravel which contains enough clay to pack Immediately under the roller or In n few dnys under travel will always prove to give a muddy road when the frost Is going oat In the spring nnd during prolonged wet spells at other seasons of tho year. If such gravels are found on n road they can be greatly Improved by covering the surface with a thin Inyer of sandy gravel, applied when the road Is soft and allowed to mix under travel, the road being kept smooth by the frequent use of the road drag. On any gravel road, dragging with n suitable road drag should begin after the first good ruin following the com pletion of the road and be continued after each subsequent rain until the Weil-Kept Gravel Road. roud surface becomes so hard and smooth that heavily loaded wagons make no Impression on the surface. But dragging must bo frequent the first fall until winter sets In nnd the following spring until the middle of May or the first of June. After thnt the dragging will not bo very effective, unless the rains nro of long enough duration to soften the surface sllgljtly. and muy therefore bo less frequent. But dragging will be found very effec tive nnd efficient In tho Into fall nnd In the spring when tho frost Is coming out and before the gravel Is fully set tled. MUST MAINTAIN GOOD ROADS Too Much Money Spent for Construc tion and Too Little for Proper Maintenance. ' In mnny n county In the South tho condition of tho roads Is tho sumo ns those which the editor of the Clinton Democrat describes as existing In his county. He says : "Wo can't survive the Impression that he have wasted n lot of money; that wo have built a lot of roads that havo gone back to their former condi tion, from neglect; thnt wo have bur dened our posterity with a debt that has proved to bo n rather bad Invest ment. "Wo have burdened our children with the bonds 'that will be mighty hard to pay, and we will have to an swer for o great deal, If for their $150, 000 wo leave them a legacy of mud holes, a heritage of sand and water. Ono of the main defects In our present program, wo think, Is tho fact that we are spending all of our money on con struction nnd nre not tnklng proper thought for tho malntcnnnce of the roads." The Progressive Farmer. TO MAINTAIN CONCRETE ROAD Observe Same Rules of Drainage as Apply .for Earth Roads New Surface for Concrete. Tho maintenance of concreto roads consists of observing the rules of drainage ns for earth ronds, and In filling with tnr any cracks thnt may develop. Nothing can be done for tho surface when It begins to deteriorate and break down. It will servo as n base for somo of the higher types of bituminous surface, nnfl nfter the con crete hns served Its usefulness It should be resurfaced with a bitumin ous wenrlng surfneo. Every State After Funds. Kvery state In the Union accepted, the terms of the federal road act nnd, npplled for the funds thus made avail, able. Prevent Foundering Horse. Never water or grain n horse thnt Is much heated to do this Is likely ta "founder" und so ruin him. Favor Wlde-Tlred Trucks. Wlde-tlred trucks for farm hauling nro gnlnlng In favor among those who have put them In use. 5- Capital City Full of Uniforms Without Glitter ITjT ASIIINGTON. Wnshlngton, In n few central respects, must In these dny .. remind n Civil wnr veteran of tho1 time when the capital swarmed wlth the soldiers of tire Union. There were certainly never more generals and ndmlrals on the streets In 1801-05 than. sort of custodianship at a club or a. public Institution. Not a sword at a man's side not n gun on a man's )shouldciI Gold Ince conspicuous by Its absence frdm soldiers,- though to bo sure, the admirals are still permitted to wear It. All tho people bustling: madly nbdut like a lot of bank messengers or parcel boys, Intent upon noth ing but business. Instead of soldiers bivouacked on vacant lots, ns in the Civil war. Wnshlngtoh is full of great barrnckllke. temporary buildings, mostly, made of some kind of stucco, though some nre of wood, within which hundreds of women ure writing In a whirling fnshlou on typewriters. Mixed) ;up with these women arc men In these drab suits, either superintending or Interfering with their operations. This war, so far as the casual visitor at Washington enn observe. Is being fought by n woman with a typewriter. All the spnee thnt was occupied during the Civil war by the war depart I'ment nud nil Its officers, clerks nnd servants would senrcely suffice today for one of the numerous bureaus of the department which were entirely undis covered In 1805. And consider that In 1801-05 the typewriter did not exist, nnd thnt every letter, order, memorandum, reoord nnd reference was wrltteD by hand I Patron of Sand Art Reminds of Other Pictures- THERE Is one woman In this town for whom Michael Angelo HveU In vain. Ton couldn't call It a personal grudge, seeing she hnd never heard tell of him until another woman hnppened to sny things about his art and nt that, all she did wns to claim that no (painter ever made better pictures thnn the ones she saw on the bench at At lantic City. There are times when argument Is so much Inngunge gone to wnstc, nnd, this seemed to be one of the times, be 'sldes: The woman who lind. backed An gelo knew that the putron of sand nrt was vlslonlng with memory-eyes, some dabber under- tho board walk, who was doiiiL- fat angels and things to tho fall of nickels, while she leaned over the railing with a companion wlio had kept loving step with her womanhood until, they came to a cemetery gate. Then she began to recall past pictures. Here's one: A blue sea billowing Into a beach, with two soldiers drawing straight lines on the sand to let tho waves know how far they may roll In. Ills Itoynl Foolishness. Inside the lines, sits In his throne chnlr to see that the sea obeys bis orders, and while he does It the breakers crash In and In nnd In; over the lines, up to the throne chn)r as If nny Canute that ever lived can hope to own a world that belongs to the people thereof Here's n better one: A pork In Syracuse, with Archimedes on a bench, drawing mathematical circles In the sand- You can see that the Roman invader rushing toward him is about to cut him down, and that Archimedes' knows It. But there are more' Important things to be considered. "Don't spoil the circle I" You can hear his warning cry ns his blood soaks Into tho sand, but yora know thnt Archimedes did not die, because ho Is living now. And will keep on living so long ns there Is an earth uud men on It, with stars above and1 watti beneath, and This Is the best one of all: Another place of "Sand with a white-robed Figure stooping to write 81 sentence Changes Wrought in Washington by the War PENNSYLVANIA avenue used to be a stately thoroughfare on which yon could promenade nonchalantly from the capltol to the White House, view ing nt leisure the mnsslve government buildings, the souvenirs in the curio shops, tho marble statuary and the i. dreamily along in your open barouche on n Sunday afternoon with an occa sional nod to a passing cabinet officer or congressman ; now It Is n North seu, whore on n splendid spring Sabbath Is mobilized a fleet of allied "Joy wag ons" that strive constantly for the sane privilege of pursuing the even tenor of their way unmolested. If the city of Washington Is ever threatened by nn unexpected Invasion, as was Paris In the eurly days of the war, the secretary of war has only to commnndeer the motorcars In the District of Columbia ns Galllcnl mobilized the tnxlcabs of Paris, nnd ho can rush up troops enough from Camp Meade nnd Camp Meigs nnd marines from Quantlco, Va., to save the day. What She Thought About the Early Spring Hat SHE looked as If she hud stepped out of a fashion sheet Into tho car. Being n sunshiny dfty with chill streaks In It, she had combined a fur coat thnt rippled down to boot tops of gray kid with a but of glazed gray straw guarded In front by 11 steel quill cut In the shnpe of a sword. But yon enn't nlways tell what sort of Impression you are going to make on the everyday humnn mind. Two passengers good-hen'rted. double-chinned daughters of the people seated across, considering Madam Fashion Sheet from the viewpoint of wearers of tabby black velvet hats bought Inst fall to wear until warm springtime nnd maybe after. The one who wns pony-skinned whispered ad miring astonishment, but the other. conted in n weave that began somewhere In New England as Persian lamb, voiced criticism with n loudness that showed for excellent lungs. "Well, sir, before I'd weur a light straw hat on a cold day like this, with a fur cout like that. I'd stay home. Don't look worried over It, uelther." "Well, It's the fashion an' you gottn follow fashion If you got tho spons everybody does. I think Ifs kinder stylish, myself. Must be cold to tho head, though." . "I should sny so. You don't hnfter wear straw hats before Easter just because the stores put 'em In the wlnd'rs. A woman with nil them clothes oughtn sure have some scraps homo to mnko herself a warm hat for weather like this. Before I'd come out In n summer but like that on a day like this I'd cut off a piece of my coat and make me a turb'n you can get any ahuptt you want for ten cents." "My gracious, woman, you wouldn't ruin n dandy coat like that, would you? That cont cost money and look at Daisy Blunkbrs. She hud mi 11 white straw hat at the movies the other night." "She's nothln' to go by the poor coot only gettln' live a week .nnd wearln' yell'r shoes almost up to her knee J'lntsl Thnt woman looks as if she mude good money but nil I gottn sny Is she don't show senso to 11111M1." But she Hid haw more to pt. only enough Ir uiwys enough. there are today, writes "Nomad" In the Boston Transcript. Uniforms are ns nutnerous on Connecticut avenue ns civilian suits. Tho atmosphere of the place Is military. Hut the Civil war veteran, suddenly dropped down in Wnshlngton now. would not know the clty for n war city nevertheless. This drab dress, this Intensely neutral cloth, would not represent soldiering to him at all. It would seem to betoken somo creeping trolleys. It still has the same old shooting galleries, and the "rooms for 50 cents," and the hnnd-pnlnted Martha Washington chlnn plates nnd the miniature Washington 'monu ments, with thermometers attached, In. the shop windows, but Pennsylvania today is an Applan way along which surges constantly a continual stream of elbowing, energetic, endless humnn Ity and vehicles. Potomac park useit to be a nlace where.vou could ride rouvf com fOLLOw; FHHfOdJ YOU MOW