The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1918, Image 6

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15 HOU
For Every Bomb Dropped in Eng
land 999 Are Sent Down
in Germany.
Feature of the Air Combat Is the Con.
tlnuoue Gallantry and Audacity of
the Pilots Difference In
London. Cap tnl ii M , one of the
British Flying corps, ambling watch
fully behind a grout bank of rolling
clouds, spied In n rift below a Ger
man patrol of six machines. The com
bat was short, sharp and unequal. Im
mediately bis pun barked off. A Ger
man dived headlong for the earth. Ills
leader swept out of formation to meet
the daring Hrltlsher nnd followed suit.
Enraged, tbo four others dashed for
our man simultaneously, firing as they
came. For the latter only ono course
was optional, Sweeping low from tho
eky until he almost skimmed the tree
tops and the roofs of the houses ho
reached home in safety.
Which Is to relate a recent by-thc-way
air raid Incident in that thrilling
and most audacious factor of up-to-dato
-warfare, aerial activity. When
tho day Is clear and bright or when
the hunter's moon Illuminates the night
the pilots and observers of the Itoyal
Flying corps work overtime, and then
some. From dawn to dawn, without
Intermission, until tho rain clouds
gather or tho fresh wind grows too un
ruly, they arc hard at it, fighting high
up among the clouds or bombing rail
ways, ammunition dumps, aerodromes
nnd billets In back villages.
Nino Hundred and Ninety-Nine for One
For every bomb on London In n Ger
man raid there have been 009 dropped
by our men on points nnd posts behind
their lines. In this now warfaro of
glvo nnd take whllo tho Bodies aro
busy over England tho English are
busier over llochelund. In a single day
as tho result of aerial observation 127
hostile batteries wero silenced, 28 gun
pits were destroyed, 80 men were
bombed nnd over GO explosions wero
caused in ammunition dumps.
In two Bhort months 12,000 bombs,
aggregating a weight of 238 tons, wero
placed at tho disposal of troops,- In
trenchmcnts nnd batteries In tho
enemy lines. The It. F. O. in the period
from Saturday, February 10, to
Wednesday, February 20, accounted
for 70 German airplanes with a loss of
12. Tho navnl airmen bagged a further
eight without loss and tho French
were responsible for 20.
Tho German airmen are not lucking
in courage, but tho policy of their com
mnndors nppenrs to bo to maneuver
them In large formations, IB and 20 nt
a time. Six Is n common party. Tho
"tip nnd run" strategy of their bomb
crs is only of advantage at night. From
a great altitude they "lay their eggs"
Indiscriminately and then make olt at
n breakneck speed for their base. The
larger types of muchlnos, such as tho
trlplanc, aro greatly favored. And
more than anything they aro lacking
In that code of traditions fostered by
tho British navy nnd so admirably de
velopi'd by tho airmen.
The outstanding feature of tho nlr
combat Is tho continuous gallantry and
audacity of the British pilots. Ono
youthful veteran, attacked by a light
ing formation of Bodies, Aral Into one
machine, which turned over on Its back
nnd spun down out of control. Then
ho turned bis attention. to another and
fired 200 rounds Into It. Suddenly It
went Into a spin and crashed.
Out with a battle flight of our own
the following day he ndded another
German to his bag. Then, to make full
measure that day, ho spun lower and
fired an observation balloon. In tho
afternoon ho finished the nggrcguto of
four enemy airplanes and a balloon In
three days.
Two British machines photography
bound ran up against half a dozen of
tho enemy's. Strictly speaking, theirs
was a noncombutunt crnft, but, an
noyed nt tho Interruption, they Inld
ubout tho enemy with their mnchlnc
gun to such effect that In a short time
they had knocked out two of their at
tnckcrs. Tho rest then flew away and
tho Britons returned In pence to their
picture making.
Recently our bombers achieved n di
rect hit on a German army klnemn
with results which, uccordlng to a pris
oner's story, were disastrous. Immedi
ately tho Germans retaliated by bomb
ing our hospltnls and stretcher bearers
behind the lines.
Tho helmet of a German underolllccr
captured by Sergt. Major Charles II.
Smith of Brooklyn who has Just re
turned from Europe after serving threo
years with the British army In France,
Gnlllpoll, Salonlcu and on, the Mac
edonian front. Sergeant Smith, a
naturalized American of English birth
heard the call of his mother land when
fifty years' old. lie spent his fifty-third
birthday on the ship bound for homo
after his discharge from the British
army for physical disability. Ho Is
now lecturing on his experiences In tho
Note tho Inscription on the front of
tho helmet: "Mlt Gott Fur Keonlg uud
Vuterland" "With God for King and
Parcel Post Is Loaded Down With I tho i)leco pcei post and papers
required 7,402 sucks. When this mall
unnecesary Hrucies iui -Army
Postofflce Department Statement As
serts That Large Number of
Articles 8o Carried Can Be
Purchased at Canteens.
Washington That tho pnrcel post
mnlls to soldiers In Franco nro greatly
burdened by reason of so many un
necessary "articles being mailed, nnd
thnt thero may arlso a necessity for
curtailing tho parcel post privilege to
soldiers aro shown In tho followlug
statement given out by tho Post Of
fice department:
Itoccntly a government transport
renched Franco cnrrylng to the sol
diers nt the front 71C.080 letters and
835,840 pieces of parcel post and news
papers. Tho letters weighed 8i tons
and tho pnrcols and "papers In excess
of 110 tons. By reason of tho bulkl
nc8s of tho mnll, this shipment took up
la excess of 12,000 cubic feet of spneo
on tho transport. This moans a sllco
of tho ship's cargo space 100 feet long,
10 feet high, nnd 12 feet wide. Tho
715,080 lcttors went Into 840 Bncks but
jP jl
Wti2Mw?mM. 44
" .Si,: ,;
Hero Is a new kind of a mortar. Instead of throwing shells It throws
barbed wire. It enn throw five rolls of barbed wlro Into enemy trenches or In
front of advancing troops without being recharged. .
Can Play Big Part In Upholding
American Ideals.
Secretary Houston Say They Can Aid
In Home Gardening and Con
orvlna Food.
Washington, How every American
boy, although separated by the Atlan
tic ocean from tho actual theater of
tho war against nutocrncy, can play
his part In upholding American ldonls,
Is pointed out by Scerutury of Agricul
ture HoUHton Jo n message addressed
to the Boy Sco'.ts of America. Tho sec
retary pledjiflJi to tho boys tho hearty
co-operation of tho federal and state
agricultural agencies.
Secretary Houston's statement follows-:
The splendid army of Boy Scouts
of America can be rif very great help
to the nation n this (lino of world
himI. Th war can bo won only If r;e
deliver the lo(i), the and titt
food In Kufllclent number and quanti
ties to make our war program effec
tive. You as boy scouts can irrentlv
aid by growing homo vegetable gar
dens, raising pigs and poultry, con
serving food by canning and drying for
homo use and in many other ways
open to you.
"Will you not holp your- country
again this year oven In n bigger and a
belter way than you did during tho
Hummer of 1017? Your task will bo to
'boat your own record' In food produc
tion and conservation. May your motto
for 1018 bo, 'Every scout to feed a sol
dier and ono other.'
"I desire to extend to you the hearty
good will nnd co-oporntlon of the olll
clalH of the United States q!pnrtinent
of agriculture, also that of tbo co-operative
club leaders of boys' and girls'
extension work nt tho agricultural col
leges, who win bo glad to assist you In
your work."
From tho speed at which earthquake
waves travel through the, earth an
Kngllsh sciential has "ivnlved a llu-ory
that the world" ha? n dunno central
con1, wlili h may be manured lu ilimi,
Capital to Have Automatic Telephone Service
urASIIINGTON. Wnsblncton will hnve an automatic telephone system
W within the next 18 months. The work of Installing this system, which will
Involvo millions of dollars, will begin In the business section of the capital
within a few weeks, probably within
mm (LI
rCr: ...
was unloaded at a French port the let
ters filled completely one of the small
French cars, which aro half tho slzo of
tho American mall cars, but the par
cels and papers required n train of 10
Walts for Days on Cars.
Tho mall that Is unloaded from tho
ships must frequently wnlt days at
tho port before cars can bo spared
from tho heavily burdened railroads
In France to move the mall.
When tho United States army pos
tal servlco was first Inaugurated mnll
reached all of tho camps In the coun
try In one to two days, according to
distance nnd train connections. Todny
mail, by reuson of Its vast volume and
tho heavy demands on tho railroads,
frequently takes six days to roach Gen
eral Pershlrtg's headquarters.
According to n report from Now
York and Chicago of some of the con
tents of this parcel post matter to tho
troops, a 12-hour Inspection of tho par
cel post ns it was being searched for
Inllnmmables nnd explosives disclosed,
nmong other things, 1,0-12 boxes of
matches, 801 cans of solidified alcohol,
221 cigar lighters (all of theso of the
greatest mennco to the safety of tho
ship), 1,218 cakes, 3,818 packages of
candles, 1,332 bars of chocolate, be
sides countless scores of useful, as
well as useless, articles, Including
a bouquet of artificial flowers, a baby
outfit, and n bottle of whisky.
The question this state of affairs'
raises Is: Why send apples nnd or
anges thnt become bruised In tho long
transit nnd rot In tho stuffy holds of
tho shins, when tbo recreation rnnma
; of the Young Men's Christian nssocln
! tlon nnd other welfnro organizations
; sorvo fruit fresh from Italy nnd Spain.
1 that takes up no cargo space ; why
send cakes and candles nnd c'howlng
gum, when the post canteens sell 17
varieties of cakes and cookies, fresh
baked In Frnnce, at American prices,
or n baro sbado higher; why try to
send across vast quantities of matches,
which endanger the ship and which Is
a penitentiary offense to plnco oven In
tho domestic mnlls?
Can Buy Same Articles In France,
Two-thirds of tho articles found In
n 12-hour Inspection tour when work
ing tno soitiiers- parcel post are on
General Pershing's canteen list and
sold In retail quantities to the soldiers
at practically wholcsnlo prices.
Tho question will bnvo to be nns.
wored by the relntlvcs of the soldiers,
or It will, of military necessity, be
answered drastically by tho authori
ties in mmce ciinrgeu wmi tno re
sponsibility for the success of this war.
tho next ten days. It will be in full
operation In the business section be
fore tho summer Is over, nccordlng
to statements made by the telephone
Nine out of every ten telephone
girls now employed will lose their
Jobs, Is the prediction of T. P. Sylvan,
assistant to tho president of tho
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone
company, when tho new system Is In
full operation here. Mr. Sylvan was
Asked how long it would take to Install the system here. Ho said it depended
upon tho labor conditions. "Unfortunately;" continued Mr. Sylvan, "the com
pany's present buildings are ull filled to the doors with the now heavily worked
apparatus, and unless the servlco being rendered Is to be completely suspended,
It Is, of course, utterly Impossible to Install automatic equipment without first
providing new buildings.
"On account of the weight of such npparatus nnd the necessity of pro
tecting It from fire hazards, the buildings must be of substantial construction.
"To expedite the early completion of the automatic Installation, the com
pany must count on some Immedlnte relief In the form of an order from the
utility commission. Unless as a war measure the commission nsk& the people
to cllmlnnte unnecessary calling, the company will be compelled to continue
expending large sums on Installation of temporary equipment to care for such
"As President Wilson said In his letter to the secretary of tho,treasury:
'It Is essential that these utilities should be maintained nt their maximum effi
ciency, and that everything reasonably possible should be done with that end In
view.' "
The new system will bo operated by a dial. By turning numbers on this
dial to correspond to the number you desire and pushing a signal the connec
tion will be made automatically. It will save considerable time in making
connections, said Mr, Sylvan.
Marvelous Story of Womanf
Change from Weakness
to Strength by Talcing
Druggist's Advice.
Pern. Ind." I suffered from a dl
placement with backacho and dragging
aown pains bo
ibadlythatnt times
'I could not boon
mv feet and it did
notecem so though
could stand It I
vVlnrt riltfarnnt
medicines Vrithout
any benefit and
soveral doctors
told ma nothing
but an operation
would do mo any
good. My drug
gist told me of
iii Liyma iii. r l n k
Ii ham's Vegetable
AMI HP Compound. I took
V W"Tl it with the result
V that I am now well
I 'I and stroncr. I irot
op in thomornlngatfouro'clocfc, do my
housowork.thengotoafactory and work
all day, come homo ana get supper ana
foel good. I don't know how many of
my friends I have told what Lydio B.
Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound hat
done for me." Mrs. ANNA METERIANO.
86 West 10th St, Peru, Ind.
Women who suffer from any such ail
fnenta ohould not fall to try this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Fink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Washingtonians Have No Doubt About Spring
THE chief thing that makes one sure spring Is here Is the appearance on our
1 streets, although In a mild form, of n certain sport namely: Tops. Once
tops appear on the- streets, flung from the hands of smnll boys, there Is no
escaping the fact that spring Is some
where In the vicinity. Her eyes may
appenr frostbitten, and she mny seem
clothed In suqh flimsy garments as our
artists commonly clothe her with, but
you mny bo sure she Is somewhere In
the vicinity, that fair divinity.
I talked with an elderly man In a
high hat and gold-rlmmed spectacles
the other afternoon, as we stood and
watched a group of small boys spin
ning tops. "They don't seem to do It
with the old spirit, the old er pep,"
he said, pleased with his familiarity with the latter. word. "Why, now, when
I was a boy. we snun er snan cr snlnned tons like a house, afire. These
little fellows seem to be afraid of denting the sidewalk."
"When I "spun er splnned tops, now," I replied, "I whipped 'cm for n-
'block. 'Whipping tops was regarded a greater feat than knocking them out or
the ring.
"We named our favorite tops In those days. My favorite was a three-cent
top, green, with n peculiarly fat body, and was named after a certain school
teacher, then a great favorite lu the grade school I attended. Another top was
named after a teacher whom all wo kids detested. I'laylng 'ring.' we took great
delight In knocking this hitter top out of tho ring."
"Your reminiscences arc Interesting," replied the old gentleman, "but listen
to whnt I used to do. Now "
But Just then my street car came along.
One of the most attractive booklets
Issued recently Is the year book put
ut by Swift & Company, covering the
Activities 'of the big packing concern
luring the yenr 3017. Servlug as an
Jitroductlon is the address of tho vice
president, B. P. Swift, to the stock
holders, In which he tells of the nbnor-
nally high prices pnld for live stock
In Chicago and of the prices obtained
tor meat; of tho investigation by tho
federal trade commission, nnd the li
censing by the government of food dis
tributing agencies nnd the limiting of
profits on slaughtering and meat pack
ing to 0 per cent on money employed.
Mr. Swift also told with pride of tho
2,800 employees who had entered the
various branches of the United States
service, and concluded with' tho state
ment thnt Swift & Company would do
their utmost to help win the war.
An interesting and lllumlnntlvo sec
tion of the booklet is that devoted to
statistics of live stock prices and pro
duction, nnd another is given up to
tolling "tho packer's service to pro
ducer and consumer." Figures are
given showing that the net profit of
the company per head, 1012 to 10K,
averaged $1.22 for cattle, less than 15"
cents for sheep and less than 58. cents.
f6r hogs. It Is explained that the largo-
aggregate profits are duo to the Im
mense vohimo of business done.
Tho booklet Is handsomely Illus
trated with photographs und color
prints and the cover illustration, mnde
from n photograph of a corn farm la
Ohio, Is especially attractive.
When n man has pluck his friends.
are apt to drop the "p" and call It
New Missile Will Explode at An)
Given Distance of "Drop,"
Claims Inventor.
Kugcno, Ore. A student In the Uni
versity of Oregon battalion hns Invent-
ed a bomb that will explode at any
given dlstnnco of "drop." The bomb
can bo hurled horizontally anil will
not explode, but whun dropped It Is so
arranged thnt It will explode after
any number of foot fall the length of
harmless fall being regulated by an at
tachment. If tho bomb proves satis
factory under tests thnt nro now belnir
made It will bo turned over to the war
department for use by aviators.
No More Flour Paste.
Hutchinson, Kan. No more will
Hutchinson, or for that mntter. Kim.
bum. minor hnnuors use wheat flour in
mnklng their paste. Strict ordcr
have been Issued by State Food Ad
ministrator Wnlter I lnnls against
using wheat Hour in mning punte. Ho
recommends the use of commercial
trnsto Instead.
Matter of Social Affairs Bothers Correspondent
nnllE nuestlon of colnir out evenlncs to social affairs Has become acute
i iintwppn noiin nmi invsMr. writes a corresnondont. It Is ono of tho
mysteries of creation why In women the social Instinct should be developed so
much more high y than in men. ueien
advances no arguments, but merely
says that men would sink to the brute
level If women did not sacrifice them
selves and make tliera go out now and
then. To which I reply, asking whether
"now and then" means four times a
week. Whereupon It transpires, to
my surprise, that It was really I who
wnntcd to go to the Llberlnn minister's
reception, and the muslcalo given by
tho Wife of the chairman of tho
pebigra commission, und the benefit
Instituted by the mother of the chief of tho bureau for the pensioning of super
annuated boatswains.
"Well," she nstts, "didn't you have n good time?"
"Fortunntely," I answered, "tho head of the cottage cheese division hap
pened to bo nt tho benefit, and whllo that Italian tenor was showing how In
ferior he could be to n second-rate phonograph record, I got some very vnluablo
Information about lacteal .fermentations from tho division head."
'Nonsense I" retorts Helen. "I watched you talking" nt least half the evening
with that very giddy young blonde person, with tno very fresli-looulng com
"Mv dear, she is the neau or tno cottage cneese uivision. snos to no
tonight at the first nsslKtant'd to the director of the bureau for the Investigation
of blistered ships. We are going, aren't wc7"
"We nro not. Come along. There's the taxi now."
illie Saw Himself as Possible Rival of Hens
Cl'UINU is Here, it may not ioou iikc it sometimes, uut u is a raw. unucr
J the direction of II. M. Conolly of the department of agriculture, detailed
for garden work In the District, war garden clubs are springing up as radishes
will do later In those very gardens.
Ulglit In the heart of our big city
exists a modest backyard that con
tains quite a number of hens.
There Is a white-haired grand
mother who Is guardian angel to said
hens, und there Is n little boy with
wide, wondering eyes, who sometimes
nets as guardian nugel for "grand
muw," as ho calls her.
One day recently grandmaw came
in from the backyard, bustling with
excitement, "Tho hen's combs nro so
red. 1 think they are going to lny some eggs," she said, while llttlo Willie
listened Intently. Several days nftor that, William came In from tho backyard,
wheru he had been nlnylng. his cheeks aglow from exercise.
He sat on the edge of u chair to get his breath and It woo tn,ere his grund'
mother noticed him.
"Why, Willie t" she exclaimed. "What makes your cheeks ss red!"
Willie, from his perch on the chair, solemnly replied:
"Maybe I'm going to lay an egg.''
Red-blooded men of courage aro or
tho firing line and thero aro many
anemic, weak, discouraged men and
women left at home.
At this tlmo of the year most people
suffer from a condition often called
Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn.
out, before the day is half thru. They
may have frequent headaches anas
sometimes "pimply" or pale skin.
Uloodless people, thin, anemic peo
ple, thoso with pale cheeks and lips,,
who have a poor appetite and feel that
tired, worn or feverish condition In the-
springtime of the year, should try the
refreshing tonic powers of a good al
terative and blood purifier. Such a on
is extracted from Blood root, Golden
.Seal and Stone root, Queen's root ana
Oregon urnpo root, made up wittv
chimlcnlly pure glycerine and without
tho. uso of alcohol. This can be ob
tained in rendy-to-uso tablet form in-
sixty-cent vials, as druggists have sold
It for fifty ycirs as Doctor Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It is n
standard remedy that can bo obtained-
Vn tablet or liquid form.
A good purge should bo taken once-
week even by persons who have a
movement dally, In order to eliminate
matter which may remain and cause a
condition of auto-lntoxlcatton, poison
ing tho whole system. To clenn the
system nt least onco a week Is to prac
tice health measures. Thero Is nothing:
so good for this purpose ns tiny pills
mndo up of tho May-apple, leaves or
nloo and Jalap, and sold by almost
all drugglstH In this country ns Doctor
Pierce's pleasant Pellets, sugar-coated
easy to take,
OcrmlimtlouGflorbottor. Crop 1010. Guaran
teed, touted nnd graded, Iowa Gold Mine, Ioir
Bllver Mlno, Itold'i Yellow Dent, Price, 1 bu.
17.50; 3 or mora bushels, at $7.80, Saoks free,
DE GIORGI BROTHERS, Council Bluffs, Ia
Absolutely Nothing
Better than Cutrcura
for Babys Tender Shin
Soap 25c Ointment 25 and 50c
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO 16-1918.