The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 26, 1918, Image 4

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    We will offer at Public Sale at the Cody Ranch one mile northwest of North Platte, Neb, on
Commencing at one o'clock sharp, the following described property:
20 Registered White Face Bulls and
4 Angus R
egistered Bulls
200 White Face cows with calves or soon to calf, 200 black cows and calves, 400 red cows and calves,
200 yearling steers, 100 yearling heifers, 300 two year old steers and 100 three year old steers.
One pair four-year old mares weighing 3,000 and one pair of four-year-old geldings weighing
A number of Mowers and other Farm Implements will be sold.
These cattle are all extra good quality and all stock will be sold without reservation when it goes into the hands of-the auctioneer.
All stock will be taken care of until cars can be procured and will be loaded free of charge. . . .
Trains Nos. 6, 13 and 19 will be met with autoes to convey buyers to the ranch. . ,
Terms All sums over $25 eight months time will be given with approved security at eight per cent from date.
Col. C. ML Matson,
Col. H. W. Bick,
mi a I TETO
F. Ci Pielsticker,
Wedding Rings
i -
There is no fixed standard of quality for
the wedding ring. You may prefer 10K,
14K', or 18K. The quality of the gold, then
we leave to you.
The quality of the workmanship and finish
you can safely leave to us.
Our wedding rings nro fashioned by skilled .
' goldsmiths. They aro full and plump, with
no rough edges to chafe the finger.
Each ring has our guarantee of qfality and
C. S, Clihtoft
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentisl
' OfD co over the McDonald
Stats Bank.
Second hand goods bought and sold.
Confoctlonory stand, 218 13. Cth. 25-8
Tho Trnvol and Study club will
moot with Miss draco Moonoy Monday
Parko Sood Tapo makes bettor gar
dona. For eulo at tho IlEXALLi DRUG
Contractor Cowglll has woll under
construction a ulco looking bungalow
In tho 600 block on cast Fourth stroot.
Elkov'a Straw Hat Dvo. All colors.
For salo at THE REXALL' DRUG
Goo. . J. Frazlor and Cora Luso,
both of North Plntto, woro ultod in
marriage Wednesday by Judgo wood
During the; past wook thirty or moro
laborors havo applied to County Agont
Barber for employment. About half of
these were experienced farm nanus.
LostMonday night, small bay maro,
o years old, rlngbono in right hind foot
Leave at Star Barn and rocelvo reward
A liconso to wed wnB Issued Tuesday
to Archlo J. Stcnnor ami Esther O.
Bush, both of this city. Tho latter
being but Bixtoon presented tho writ
ton conscint of hor mother.
Christian Sclonco servlco Sunday at
11 a. m Sunday school 12 noon. Wed
nesday ovonlng meetings 8 p. in., Build
ing and Loan building. Room 25.
In tho troops that passod through
yelatorduy was Qoorgo Hoaly, a brothor
or Mrs. uyrou Oborst of this city. Ho
did not havo ttmo to seo hlB sister, but
had a talk with hor ovor tho phono.
Fur tho host Balod Alfalfa and
Pralrlo hay. mixed Chicken food. Corn.
Oata. Spoltz, Alfalfa meal, Cotton sood
meai, uotton cauo, and Corn gluton
Allan Robb. fornifl!rlv nm'nlnvnil na n
clork in tho Wilcox store and lator
with Llork-Snmlnll C.n.. loft
morning for Omalia, whoro ho will on-
iihi in wo navy ana no ont to tho
Great Lakea training station.
A roglment of enlisted mon, travel
ing in five spoclal tralnB, passed
through yostcirday from tho PacIIlc
coast to somo camp In the cast Thoro
woro ovor 2,000 pt tho boys and Uioy
woro a roibust looking bunch nnd
woro brimming over with jost and
For Sale Rooming houso, oxcollont
opportunity for man and wifo, 20
rooms, moaorn, ovcrytning noarly now.
Am turning away Ipooplo most ovory
day on . account of patronage. Terms
vory reasonable. Good roason for soil
ing. For further information call or
addrosB Box 125, McCawley Houso
Soneca, Neb. 28-4'
Brodbeck & Son purchased eight
head of beef steers a few days ago for
which thoy paid $150 each.
Furnished Bleoplng or housekeeping
rooms. Apply nt 203 South Locust.
Mrs. Harriot Wise and children ox
pect to loavo tho early part of May for
Tellurldo, Col., whero thoy will make
their homo.
Seo tho beautiful nil whlto hats on
display In Miss Whlttakor's depart
ment at BLOCK'S, 2d Floor.
Tho J. S. Davis Co., ,of this city,
has opened a branch distributing
hoiiB' Sidney for the mako of curs
and trucks tho Company handlos.
For Salo A Mandell graphanola, a
Harmony graphanola and housohold
goods. Phono Black 151 or call at 310
wqst A street.
Tho auto tourist travel has startted,
a dozen or moro west bound cars
passing through this we'ok. It is pre
dicted that the number of auto tourists
passing through this year will exceed
that of lost year.
Bear Jn mind that Baby Mario Os
borne Is coming to tho Crystal noxt
Tuesday In ono of hor clovorest fplays
"Toars and Smiles."
Tho North Platto municipal band
joined tho Homo guards as a body, nn
aitlon that sIiowb that tho hearts of
tho mombora of that 'organization aro
in tuno with tho uplrlt of patriotism
and loyalty.
J. S. Davis has beon Bpondlng tho
past two weeks at nutomobllo factorios
nt Konosha, Wla., and other points
attempting to apood.up tho shlpmont
of thoso makes' of cars for which tho
DavlH Co. Is agent.
Troops passing through aro no long
er pormlttcd to toll from which Camp
thoy camo nor tho point; of destination,
oveh If tho latter is known. Orders to
loavo camp aro announcod Bomo-tlmos
only four hours nhead of tho loavlng
Tho C. H. Walter Company has ro
colvod sufficient sood to plant 325
acro8 to sugar boots on tho formor
Cody ranch, and tho ground Is now
being itfroparod for the seed. Tho beets
will ho grown for tho American Co. nt
Grand Island.
Anothor member of tho Joo Donegan
family has onllstol, making tho fourth
boy in tho Borvice, truly a showing ox
which all North Platto -peoplo can
tako prldo. Arthur Donegan, lato clork
for tho Rush Morcantilo Co. wont to
Omaha this wcok and onllsted In tho
navy and will go or has gonfa to tho
Groat Lakos training station.
Ray Potor8, who wont to Camp Cody
as a member qf Company E, was com
pelled to submit to another oporatlon
a Bhort tlmo go for nn Internal abscoss.
For fivo long months Ray has boon lit
tho) hospital. Ho would bo in apparent
convalescent condition, when somo un
expected complication would annonr
i and this occurred several times. '
Walla Lodge will tonight fittingly
colebrato tho ninety-ninth anniversary
of American Odd Fellowship. To this
celebration all members, as wtall as
mombora who may bo visiting in tho
city, together Avlth their families are
cordially Invited to attend.
With Harry B. York presiding, tho
following program will bo rendorjed:
' Star Spangled Banner, Audience.
Invocation. J. J. Bpwker, Grand
Piano Solo, Selected, P. G. R.
Nicholas Klein.
Selection, Stamp's Orchestra.. ,
Reading, "Good Samaratan," Mrs.
W. J. Tlloy.
Vocal Solo, Slcflectod, Rov. C. Frank
lin Koch.
Euphonium Solo,- Selected, Arthur
Tramp. Accompalnraont, Mrs. "Arthur
Malo Quartette, Solocted. Messrs.
Yost, Strauss, Kendall, Butler.
Cornet Solo, "Goddess of Liberty"
By Henry, Earl Stamp
Anniversary Addrlciss, Rov. C.
Franklin Koch.
Instrumental Duet, Solocted, Luclllo
and Anna Llndenmeyor.
Presentation of 25 year Jewels by
Grand Chaplain J. J. Bowker to P.
G. R. E. S. Davis, Wnllaco M. Baskln.
Jleiwel Bearers, Mildred York, Emma
loulso Swope.
Refreshments In Banquet Hall,
: : o : :
Our entlro stock of spring Wool
Suits nt 20 per cont off tho regular
prlco, BLOCK'S.
1. A. It, Receives Honor Flap.
Sioux Lookout Chaptor D. A. R. Is
tho tproud possossor of tho beautiful
silk ling which Is awarded each year
at tho D. A, R. State Conforonco to tho
Chaptor having tho largest gain In
membership within tho year. This
Hog was donated to tho D. A. R,'s of
Nebraska by MrB. Lottio G. Norton ot
Tho North Platto Chaptor was well
represented at tho annual Continental
Cangross D, A. R. In Washington D. C.
last wook, Mrs. York Hinmnn going
as dolcgato and tho Misses Nanlno
Iddlngs and Elizabeth Hlnman serving
as pages.
Sioux Lookout Chaptor has pur
chased two $50 Liberty Bonds.
You must seo our new coatB just
unpacked and put on sale at a great
saving In prlotf, BLOCK'S.
, ::o::
For Salo A roglstotod Whlto Faco
Bull. T. S. McCrono, phono 790F4. 30
Tho Red Cross thoatro has secured
"Tho Kalsor, tho Beast of Borlln," film
which will bo producod on or about
May 20th, tho date of tho oponlng of
tho Rod Cross campaign, ibis hoped
to havo W. F. Gurloy, of Omaha, glvo
a talk at tho samo tlmo. WItX.Mr,
Gurloy as tho orator and this noted
film as a feature, tho Red Cross cam.
palgn would opcn with n vim.
250 coats at special prices
Saturday only nt BLOCK'S.
Banquet to Rltucr.
Tho Municipal band tendered a ban
quet at tho Vienna cafo to Will RItner
a member of the organization who
leaved Monday night for an army train
ing camp. A lino menu was served
and at the conclusion of, that servlco a
number of toasts were pro'posed by
toast master Earl Stamp and respond
ed to by the members. During the
evening Mr. Ritner was presented
with a handsomo ring of Odd Fellow
Now 'Is your chanco to buy your
coat during the manufacturing samplo
lino salo of the most nifty and classy
coats to be seen this season at- THE
Will Enicrtnln Hoys.
Tho twenty-one boys who leave
Monday night for the training cam1?
will bo entertained at tho Franklin
auditorium at eight o'clock that evetn
ing by tho Sammy Girls. Short ad
dresses to tho boys will bo delivered
by Mrs. Cram and Rev. Koch and
there will be sovoral musical numbers.
Sweater and comfort kits will bo pres
ented to each of tho boys.
Citizens generally are Invited to at
tend this farewell reception to tho
For Sale.
314 South Walnut Four room house
with electlc lights, city water and
sewer connection.
320 South Walnut Fivo room house,
electric light, city water and sower
1205 West Sixth Seven room house,
electric lights, city water and sower
For terms, prices and other Infor
mation see BRATT, GOODMAN &
Notlco of Dissolution of Co-Partner-ship.
Tho llrm of DIoner & Kennedy,
dealers In Real Estato and Insuranco,
Is this day dosolvod. F. J. DIenor,
as liquidating partnor, will settle all
obligations of tho firm, and Is auth
orized to collect all claims. All parties
knowing themselves Indotbed will
ploaso call at .tholr office, 620
Dowoy street, and mako settlement of
samo. Dated April 18, 1918.
Negotiations for the use of tho Uni
versity of Nebraska as a vocational
training school for soldiers in tho na
tional army, which have been pending
for several weeks were consumated at'
5p.m. Wednesday when the) contracts
was signed by Captain Andrew L.
Knight, representative of the war de
partment, and university authorities.
The contract was signed In tho pres
ence of tho executive committee of tho
board of regents.
Tho men will bo detailed to Lincoln
for training May 15. They should ar
rive hero on that date, and after a few
days of preliminary preparation will
start tho courses of training In the
university laboratories. Seven courses
will bo offered. Six of them will be
two-month courses, whlln tli
auto mechanics, will last for only one
uiuiim. i no contract called for tho use
of tho university building for a period
of four months, which means that two
groups of men in tho six courses, and
four' detachments of tractor men will
be trained.
The courses that will be offered, to
gether with the number of men In each
Is as follows:
Automobile machanlcs , 250
Forgo work 25
Machine shop work . , 50
Radio telegraphy , . . . . 200
Tractor mechanics .'. . . 90
Lheolwrlghts 20
Wood shop work 40
Total G75
At least 360 of tho mon will tako
a part,pf thblr work-at tho stato farm.
Tho mon who tako work In automobllo
mechanics, tractor mechanics and
wheelwrights will do most of their
classwork at tho farm. Tho othors will
remain altogether on tho town campus,
A iplan Is also undor consideration of
the use of the Nebraska military acad
emy as a school of radio telegraph, hut
tho plan for Its establishment was not
Included In the contract, That would
Increaso tho number of mon that could
bo handled In Lincoln, but It Is thought
that would not materially affect tho
work of tho stato unlvorslty. Lincoln
Journal. x
500 now Bprlng children's dresses
In Plaid Ginghams made up to tho
mlnuto In stylo at lowest prices at
Highest Cash Prices for Hens
We pay cash for Live Poultry want Hens, Springs,
1918 Roosters, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys and eggs.
Call 192 for cash offers.
North Platte Produce Co.