The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1918, Image 7

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Drops of manic! Doesn't
hurt one- bit! Drop a little
Freezone on a touchy corn,
Instantly that corn stops hurt
ing, then you lift It off with
thefincers. Ndpalnl Try itj
Why wait? Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle of Freezone for a few
cents, sufficient to rid your feet of
every hard corn soft corn, or corn
between he toes, and calluses,
without soreness or irritation.
Freezone is the much talked of
discovery of the Cincinnati genius.
&What Do You Know About
Do Yob Want to Know the
Drop us a post card today and
get FEHB IOTonMATION about
tho Ken Book,
abont all breed! of cattle on earth.
That Itch and Bum
with Cuticura.
The Soap to cleanse and
purlfy.xhe Ointment to
sooine ana neai. Eveni-1
where Soap25tointmart2550j
DMYEIBTT WatioB B. Coleman,
rM I ELgl I 19 Patent Lawyer, Washington,
n a I VaV d.o. Adrlee and books free!
Kates reasonable. Hlahett reference,. liMtserrlces.
Nebraska Directory
hogs j sheep STOCK YARDS-OMAHAi
Buy direct from a manu
facturer by the box: 60
dears of equal quality
would cost you $3.60 else
where, our price (2.00, yon
sare&Oc. Shipped prepaid.
H. BESELIN & SON. 1405
Douglas St. Omaha, Neb.
Bend your blow-out and rim-cut
tires. We will repair and send you
tor approval. Charges reasonable.
Ford tires for sale, $0.00.
r. U. BOBCHXBDISO SOUS. 118 St. 11 U. St., 031U1, KB.
iwtrr. siryici
and rcoNonr
, 37 years of successful Pho.
tooranhy. Why experiment?
16th and Hawvd St, Omsk, Ht&r.
Office Honrs 9 to 6 Sondays 10 to 3
191 6 Seed Corn
Field, grass, garden seeds and pure bred
poultry. Free book. AYE BROS., Box 20,
BLAIR. NEBR. Seed Cora Center of the World.
Scenes of
Are Common in
and other land at very low prices.
During many years Canadian
wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels
to the acre many yields as high aa
45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful
crops also of Oats, Barley, and Flax.
Mixed Farming is aa profitable an
industry as grain raising. Good
schools, churches; markets convenient,
climate excellMt. Writefbr literature and
particulars as To reduced railway rates to
Supt. of Immigration. Ottawa, Can., or to
Canadian Government Atrent
Puts a ..
Stop to all
Has been used for all ailments that
aro caused by a disordered stomach
and Inactive liver, such as sick bond
acho, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous Indigestion, fermentation of
food, palpitation of the heart caused bj
gases In tho stomach. August Flower
Is n gcntlo laxative, regulates digestion
both in stomach and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens tho stomach and alimen
tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se
crete tho bllo and impurities from tht
blood. Sold In all civilized countries,
GIvo it a trial. Adv.
Ho Did.
He Anally managed to get tho words
from between his teeth.
"Will you marry mo, Ethel 1" ho
Sho had Just met somebody sho
liked better, and trying to let him
down easy, sho began : "1 thought you
know better "
Ho choked back tho lump of bit
terness when ho realized tho position
which she was attempting to assumo:
"Oh, suro I do, but they have all turn
ed mo down," he replied.
Dr. Picrco's Pellets aro best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative, threo for a cathartic Ad.
"Homo Grown" Drugs.
War conditions have cut off our sup
ply of digitalis, and wo aro obliged to
turn to our own resources for tho drug.
Tinctures made from the wild species
foxglove common In Washington
and Oregon, comparo favorably with
those made from tho Imported article..
Hlo Fear.
"Aro you not tempted to retire from
"No," replied Senator Sorghum;
"that's a proposition concerning which
I fear compulsion, not temptation."
Not to Be Expected.
"Josephine had a quiet wedding,
didn't she?" "Oh, no; sho had to be
there, you'know."
Always rare to pleaie, Bed Cross Ball
Blue. All grocers cell it. Adr.
Her Duty.
The girl at the counter who sells two
yards of ribbon to the customer who
wanted only ono Is also doing her bit.
Petty quarrels prolong a big war.
Building-up for the Spring Attack at
the Front Is a good deal like putting
the body In condition for an invasion
of the germs of grip, pneumonia or
"Spring fever" hero at home.
At this time of tho year most people
suffer from a condition often called
Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn
out, beforo the dny Is half thru. They
may have frequent headaches and
sometimes "pimply" or pale skin and
white Hps. Tho reason for this is that
during tho wintertime, shut up with
in doors, eating too much meat and
too little green vegetables, one heaps
fuel Into tho system which Is not burned
up and the clinkers remain to poison
tho system a clogging up of the circu
lation with inactive liver and kidneys.
Time to put your house In order.
For an invigorating tonic which will
clarify the blood, put new life In the
body, sparkle to tho eyes, and a
wholesome skin, nothing does so well
as a glyceric herb extract made from
Golden Seal root, Blood and Stoiie
root, Oregon grape root and Wild
Cherry bark. This can be had In con
venient, ready-to-use tablet form at all
drug stores, sixty cents, nnd has been
sold for the past fifty years as Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By
reason of tho nerves feeding on tho
blood, when tho blood Is puro the
nerves feel the effect, and neuralgia or
other nervo pains disappear because
such pain la the cry of the, starved
nerves for food. When suffering from
backache, frequent or scanty urine,
rheumntlc pains here or there, or that
constant tired feeling, the simple woy
to overcome these disorders Is merely
to obtain Dr. Pierce's Anurlc from
your drugclst. In tablets, sixty cents.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 15-1918.
Western Canada
The thousands of U. S. farmers who have accepted
Canada's generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy
farm land in her provinces have been well repaid by
bountiful crops of wheat and other grains.
Where you can buy good farm land at $15 to $30
per acre get $2 a bushel for wheat and raise 20 to
45 bushels to the acre you are bound to make money
that's what you can do in Western Canada.
In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta you can get a
And prevents others having the disease no matter how
exposed. 50 cents and 91 n bottle, $5 unit 10 a docen
bottles. All good druggists and turf goods houses,
Spohn Medical Co., Manufacturers, Goshen, lad., U.S.A.
Waiting for
His Son
Director of Practical Work Court),
Moody Bible Initltute, Chicago
TEXT How yo turned to God from
Idols, to nervo tho living and true God;
and to wait for his son from hoiiven.
whom he raised from tho dead. I TheaJ
Hero aro indicated ttio four steps,
in the experlcnco of tho Christians.
nt Thcssnlonlca to
whom Paul wrota
tho epistle. First
they turned to
God. That Is tho,
first step of ovoryj
truly converted
Turned From
Secondly, "they
turned from Idols."
That Is tho second
stop In tho export
enco of every truq
Christian. Tho
Idols are not nec
essarily t h o s o
made of wood or
stone, but anything upon which tho af
fections have been set. Tho order
hero Is worthy of noting. It la not
from idols to God, but to God from
Expecting Jesus.
Evidently from their attitude, theso
parly Christians believed that Jesus
was to return from heaven. The back
ground of their belief was the fact that
God had raised his Son, even Jesus
Trom tho dead. To them the resurrec
tion meant more than tho continued
pxlstence of tho personality of Jesus
after his death; it meant his bodily
resurrection, and coupled with this was
their belief In his bodily ascension Into
heaven. It Is hot difficult to see how
with such a faith, it was easy for them
to believe in tho return to tills earth
bf their risen and ascended Lord.
Were they in their faith mistaken?
There Is only one plnco for us to go
to find out and that Is to tho Bible.
Those who have taken tho pains to
count, tell us that there arc In tho
New Testament alone, 818 references
to the second coming of Christ. This
shows tho large plnco that tills subject
holds In these Scriptures, not to say
nnythlng nbout the reference to It In
the Old Testament.
' Not Death.
But are we not to understand by
these references to the second coming"
pf Christ, tho death of the believer?
Many have so taught, hut that such
teaching Is incorrect Is evident, If wo
lake tho passnges in which theso ref
erences occur nnd substitute the word
death for the' word or words which
refer to Christ, as, for example, In our
text, which would then read, "to wait
lor death from heaven, even death
whom ho raised from tho dead." This
Is so absurd that wo sco at onco that
by tho second coming of Christ is not
meant the death of tho believer.
But does It not mean the coming of
the Holy Spirit? This teaching is far
more plausible, for as some ono has
said, and his saying is true in a sense,
"the Holy Spirit is Christ's oUier self."
Yet It is evident that we must not coni
fuse the Lord Jesus Christ with tho
Holy Spirit. Jesus himself is enrcful
In making the distinction nnd speaks
of the Holy Spirit as "another com
forter whom I will send unto you, even
tho Spirit of truth." Clearly by this
stntemcnt ho does not mean himself
any more than when he spenks of his
own coming he means the noly Spirit.
Manifestly only by the most severe
straining of tho Scriptures could tho
second coining of Christ he Interpreted
to mean tho coming of tho Holy Spirit.
Try the same test used to prove that
by the second coming of Christ dentil
Is not meant and substitute for tho
word or words referring to tho Holy
Spirit, word or words referring to
Christ nnd tho absurdity is just us ap
parent As for example, In tho passngo
quoted altovo; It Is Impossible, us you
will see, to make this substitution and
havo nny sense whatever left. Try It,
nnd you will bo convinced that by tho
second coming of Christ Is not meant
tho coming of the Holy Spirit.
Not Destruction of Jerusalem.
But may it not menn the destruction
of Jerusalem by Titus in A. D. 707 By
no means, for In tho Revelation, chap
ter 22, verse 20, is the last promise of
our risen Lord given long after the de
struction of Jerusalem to John, tho
aged, on the island at Pntmos: "Sure
ly, I come quickly," And in response,
tho old npostlo lifts his volco and
cries, "Amen, even so, come Lord
Jesus." This makes It very evident
that by, the second coming of Christ
is not meant tho destruction of Jeru
salem. Well, what Is meant? Just precisely
whn t tho Scriptures tench; that Jesus
Christ, the risen, uweonded, glorified
son of man is to return n second tlmo
to this earth.
He himself so taught by direct word
and by pnrablu and so tnught his dis
ciples, nnd bo In expectation of his re
turn they waited.
To try to mtiko lio second coming
of Christ mean anything else than tho
literal personnl return of tho Lord
Jesus Christ to this earth ia to twist
and pervert tho Scriptures from their
plain and slmplu meaning. "This same
Jesus," said tho two men In white np
purel at his ascension, "which is taken
up from you Into heaven, shall so coma
In like manner as ye havo seen him go
Into heaven."
"Amen. Even so, como Lord Jesus."
Wife Found It Simply Impossible to
Put Down All the Remarks
Hubby Had Made.
A physician needed a nurso's medi
cal chart, but had nono nt hand. Tho
man's wlfo was nursing him, so ho
drew lines on a shoot of paper to rep
resent a chart. Ho Instructed tho wlfo
how to fill it out and left
Next day tho physician called, looked
nt the chart and was puzzled to And
so many remarks registered, far re
moved from things medical remarks
most Irrelevant, In fact Ho asked an
explanation from tho wlfo and ho got
It I Wlfoy motioned tho physician to
follow her into tho' adjoining room,
whispering to him that Bho did not
wish husband to hear tho apology sho
must mako for him.
"You see, doctor, I couldn't put down
all tho remarks ho made, oven If you
did want to know them. Pm awfully
sorry but you see ho used so
many swear words about you, doctor,
becnuso you wanted to know ovory
word a man said.'"
Gets Big Wolf.
J. W. Fountain, a rancher of tho Me
Kcnzlo Valley, living near Waltervlllo,
Ore., recently brought to Eugene the
pelt of a huge black wolf trapped by
Ho caught It In two traps, sot close
to each other, and tho nnlmnl had both
broken and would havo escaped soon
had Mr. Fountain not arrived when ho
did. There are several of theso ani
mals In that vicinity, and tho ranchers
have been losing cnttlo and sheep as a
result of their depredations.
This wolf was ono of tho largest
over seen In this county, measuring
over eight feet from tip to tip.
"Speaking of tho kaiser's contrary
or arbitrary attitude In this peace
talk," says a well known legislator,
"reminds mo of tho Kansas farm
er who was elected to tho stato
legislature a few years ago. Tho farm
er was called to the chair during a
session to act as speaker pro torn. A
motion was mado to lay a certain res
olution on tho table. Tho speaker put
the motion like this :
" 'All those who want tho resolution
to lay on the table say ayo 1 All those
who want to bo contrary say no I' "
Imnorrant to Mother
Examine carefully every bottle of
OASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and sec that It
Bears tho
Signature of
in Uso for Over SO Years
Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria
Supply and Demand
"Aro tho markets regulated by sup
ply and demand?
Yes," replied Mr.JDustln Star. "The
latost system Is based on a limited
supply of stuff and a largo demand for
Sentiment for a Pessimist
"Tlds is old Grouch's birthday. I
Bupposo I ought to say something to
him about It"
"Wish him many unhappy returns
of the day."
How's This ?
We offer S100.0O for any case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by BAUVS
en Internally and acta through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces or the System.
Sold by drug-gists for over forty years.
Price 75o. Testimonials free.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Pity the Neighbors.
"Is your daughter fond of tho
"Very, If you refer to the gramo
phone needle." Boston Transcript
Millions of particular women now use
and recommend Red Cross Ball Blue. AH
grocers. Adv.
Builders of air cnstles aro spared all
worry about labor strikes.
Are Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Freemont, O. "I was passing through the critical
period of life, being forty-six years of ago and had all
the symptoms incident to that change 'beat Hashes, ,
nervousness, and was In a general run down condition,
co It was hard for mo to do my work. Lvdla E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound wan recommended to me as
the best remedy for my troubleB,whIch It auroly proved
to be. I feel better and stronger in every way ninco
taking it, and tho annoying symptoms have disap
peared." Mrs. M. Goddkk, 029 Napoleon St, Fremont,
North Haven, Conn. -"Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegeta
ble Compound restored my health after everything else
had failed when passing through chango of lifo. There
it nothing like it to overcome tho trying symptoms."
Mm. Fwhuchcb IflKT.T,A,Box 107, North Haven, Conn.
lias ike qrie$i rmx&, for itw
Public oninion has
made Certain-teed, oro-"
duct of international Drominence and
That rreat force hat built un the Crtetobutinesi
M .1 a A . a
irom nointng. it years ago, to the world's largest
rou rooting industry now.
Roofing and Shingles
In every community under the sun, Ctrtaln-ttrJ Roofing
is giving longer and better roofing service, at a lower
cost, titan other kinds of roofing.
Ctrtain-litd costs less to buy, less to lay and lets to main
tain than any other type of roof. It it weatherproof, water
proof, spark proof and fire-retarding. It cannot rust or
corrode. It cannot melt under the hottest tun. It it not
affected by gatet, acldi, fumes, smoke, etc.
Ctrtatit'tttd it established everywhere as the mott advantageous and economical root
for factories, round houses, elevators, garages, warehouses, hotels, farm buildings,
stores, out-buildings, etc.
In thlnglet, red or green, it is very popular for rctidencet. Ctrtain-ttU
Roofing it guaranteed 5, 10 or IS years according to thickness. It is
sold by good dealers everywhere.
Ccrtain-tecd Products Corporation
Manufacturers of
Certain-teed Paint Varnishes Roofing
Office and Warehouses ta the Principal ClUeo of America
Win the War by Preparing the Land
Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work ia Joint Effort the Soli of the United States and Cauda
ce-ercBATrvK farming in man power necbsukt
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking foi
greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon th
efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
Eviry Available Tllltbla Airt Musi Cinfrlbutcj Eviry Avalltfeli
Farmer and Farm Maud Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man powei
Is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed'
ing operation.
Canada's Whiat Produifion Last Yaar was 226,000,000 Bushalsj flu
Dimand From Canada Alontftr (918 Is 400,000,000 Bushils
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needi
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
States developed first of course t but it also wants to help Canada. When
ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied,
we want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can best tern
the combined interests.
Western Canada's help will be required not later than May 5th. Wages to com
petent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Those who respond to this appeal wilt get a warm welcome, good wages, good
board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian
boundary points to destination and return.
For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had apply tot
"What's tho matter with that nut?"
"He's a naturnl-born screw." Bal
timore American.
Carter's Little liver Pills
You Cannot be
and Happy
Smell PHI
, Small Dote
SmaU Price
fsSBsH wa v mm m vwa
ABSENCE of Iron In the . lADTBD'C Bi"biM PIf f Q
Dlood Is the reason for 1 "K 1 ELK d IlVlM ITlLtUO
many coicrless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people
lot Stsdh Cases
x-v. :BaaaaBaaBaaHnBBaan jsaansav jmmm
Vhy She Broke It Off.
Dick Every ono snyB I'm a puzzle.
Toss In that caso there's only on
thing for mo to do give you up.
A Remedy That
Makes Life
Worth Living
inulne bears tlznature
matest good
U T rsjsjjjjjjjjfjji I IE