The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1918, Image 1

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No. 29
jJlatte tmi
V-J A.M..
NOW ItEACII $171,000.
Up to yesterday noon Lincoln county
had subscribed for Ihlrd Liberty bonds
in tho sum of $471,000 or $105,000 more
than Us quota. Th'a North Platte dis
trict has gono ovor tho top by $133,-
North Platto district has gono ovor by!
$31,200. This Is a very good sjiowlng,
tfiough some of us had hoped that the
total would reach $500,000, If tho
country at largei will do as well as
Lincoln county Secretary McAdoo will
bo ablo to pay war expenses for threo
or four months.
1'orm Ited Cross Auxiliary.
At a patriotic mooting held in district
83, ten miles north of tho city Friday
evening a RiexI Cross auxiliary was
formed. Tho audience, which com
pletly filled tho school houso, was ad
dressed by Dean Dowkor, who spoke
on food conservation, and by Mrs. J.
S. Simms who gave a talk on Red
Cross organization, th'a work it Is do.
ing, and tho need of evoryono Inter
esting themselvos in tho work. Tho
audience was very enthusiastic and
good work may be "expected from tho
people of that section of the county.
: :o: :
arnrrlagro License Denied.
Honry Stowe-ra and Mrs. Jane Dor
sey, both colored applied for a mar
riage license Saturday. Each had been
married boforo, but divorced. Mrs.
"Dorsoy parked with her husband eighU
years ago, but Stowers had been free
from married' life but five months.
Under tho Nebraska law six months
must xslapso-'betwe'en a divorce and a
ro-marrjagc, hence tho license could
not be granted. When this Information
was Imparted, tHot 42-ycar-old-tcl-lbo
bride shed tears csplously-.
'o'. :
Twelve bcnutlful lots In Cody A1
dltlon. 5 room house In west end SB1800,
Four flno lots on west fth slrcet $1200,
best block In enst end $1200, fill) ncrci
Innd near city at $fi..r0. Will take stocl;
or Auto for pnrt.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carey, of Omaha,
were the guests of relatives in town
Miss Graco Mooney returned the
latter part of last week from a ten
day Btay at Excelsior Springs.
Frank Wlnslow, who . had b.een
home on a visit for a few days, return,
ed to Camp Cody yesterday.
Dean Ware, of Kcamoy, who spoko
under tho auspices of tho Sammy
Girls and Rev. Varjo who delivered an
'address in behalf of tho starving Arm
enians and Syrians, wero greeted by
an audience last evening that filled
tho seating capacity of tho Franklin
auditorium. Tho meeting was presided
over by Mrs. John McGraw, represent
ing tho Sammy Girls, and A. W.
Shilling, chairman of tho Armenian
rollef comnilttea. Tho introductory
numbers wero a solo by Miss Whlto
and a vlblln solo by Trovlyn Doucet,
and selections by tho Municipal band.
Dean Ware spoke for about thirty
minutes on tho spiritual sldo of the
war; what tho war meant in tho pro
tection of tho homo, tho necessity of
praykir for tho success of our army.
Following solos by .Mrs. Gllfoylo and
Miss Trovlllo, Rev Varjo was Intro
duced and gave an Interesting talk on
tho Armenian and Syrian peoples, the
injustice heaped upon them by tho
unspeakablo Turk, thoir pitesont de
stitute condition, all due largely to the
fact that thoy are Christians and not
At tho" close of this address sub
scriptions for the rbllef of these des
titute wero asked, and several hundred
dollars Avero subscribed. A nation
wide campaign to raise thirty million
dollars for the relief of theso people
has bon Inaugurated. The quota ap
portioned to North Platto is $2,300.
Prior to last night's meeting $700 of
this amount had been subscribed.
Chairman Shilling and his committee
will at once begin a campaign to
secure the balanco of tho apportionment.
:o: :
IWrs. Wfllbnclc Dies.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wolback, aged about
eighty years, died at Ave o'clock last
evening at tho homo of her daughter
Mrs. Chas. Groves following an ill
noss of several weoks. The deceased
had resided in Lincoln, county for
thirty or more years, moving to this
city from Wallace, precinct. Surviving
aro her daughters Mrs. I. E. Trout,
Mrs. Chas. Groves and Mrs. Emery
and son John,, of, this city, and two
daughters who are non-residents,
Mrs. Mary Dunn has returned from
a month's visit with relatives in Grand
Island and Omaha.
Arthur Curtis, who has been employ
ed as clerk at Tho Star, left last night
for Omaha, where he will enlist in tho
navy. '
A corking story of "making good"
Charles Ray in "HIS MOTHER'S BOY"
Of all the great screen idols none is so easy on the eye as
Charles Ray and this is, without a doubt, the greatest story that
Mr. Ray has ever been "filmed" in.
Crystal, Thurs. and Friday, April 25-26.
Adults 15c plus war tax 2c, 17c. Children 10c plus war tax lc, 11c.
How About Your Floots?
Is their appearance as pleasing as you would like?
Can they be cleaned as thoroughly as you would
like? Or are they troublesome and expensive, re
quiring frequent rcfinishing? Floors need
Floorlac is a high quality waterproof finish for
staining and varnishing floors at one operation.
It preserves to the greatest extent the beauty of the
natural grain of the wood it is unlike many stains
which, although they look well when first put an,
lose their brilliancy and fade out after short exr
posure. -Floorlac is durable in color as well as .in
wear-resisting qualities. It will not show scratches
or heel marks readily.
We will be glad to talk over the question of
floor finishes with you. Come in.
Chas. Pass is transacting business
In Gothenburg today.
Misses Cora and Ethol Sousor return
ed this morning from a visit In Omaha.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Hanson return
ed this morning from Denver,
Tho Royal Neighbors will m6ot to
morrow afternoon at threo o'clock at
tho K. P. hall.
Mrs. J. G. Anderson left this morn
ing for Raton, N. M., to visit her
Miss Irma McMIchael has returned
from a bIx wcok's vacation which sho
Bpont at Excelsior Springs and other
eastern points.
Savo threo to nlno dollars on your
coat and buy during tho Now York
manufacturers sample coat salo at
A nlnp pound boy was born Sunday
to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Guilliautue.
The mother and soif aro reported to be
doing nlcoly.
P. T. Redmond returned this morn
ing from Omaha whoro ho attondod
a general mooting of station agents on
the Union Pacific system, called for tho
purpose of adopting a new system of
making out shipping bills.
Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladios and gontle
men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf
Miss Harriot Harris, sistor of Mrs.
J. B. Redfleld, of this city, left Sat
urday for somwhere in Franco as a
RiekI Cro3s nurse, going as a member
of thlci HarvnL university unit. Miss;
Harris is a professional nurso of nine
teen years' practice.
Second hand goods bought and sold.
Confectionery stand, 218 Ef Cth. 25-8
Mrs. Win. Baldock and children left
Sunday for Eureka, Cal., where Mr.
Baldock went about three weoks ago
on account of poor health. Tho latter
has been stopping with Billy Huddartt
at Eureka and since going there has
gained -eilght pounds.
EVBrv North Plntfcfi mnn wlio nnn.
slders himself one hundred per cent
loval is urirefl tn attend t.lm nnrnnljn.
tion of tho Homo Guards at tho Frank
lin auditorium Thursday evening. It
is desired to start the organization
with not less than 300 members.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Snnsnl. fnr
many years residents of Garfield pre
cinct, moved to this city tho lattJw, part
of lat wek and aro occupying the
residence which thoy purchased of
iranic. fllcGovern.
District Foreman McGraw accom
panied the..fbirty Bond .special to
Cheyenne and Witnessed the parade,
which he says was a mighty big affair.
About 1,500 ipeople attended tho meet
ing whjch tho bond special orators
Wanted Furnished apartment, close
In by a doctor and wife, no children.
Address xx Tribune offico.
Lieut. E. W, Fott'eir, stationed at
Camp' Funston in tho medical corps
arrived home Sunday evening for a
wcok's visit. Though he is on duty
about sixteen hours a day, ho likes tho
work. .Canlp Funston was pretty well
depleted of tlx' national army but will
begin filling up this week.
Examine the quality of yarn you aro
knitting and then como and soo the
Bucllla yarns. Thoy aro fine worsted
and knit up into much more beauti
ful garments than the ordinary kind
and do not cost more. WILCOX
Tho Hodgson Carnival closed its
week's engagement Saturday night and
left Sunday for Kearney. Tho munic
ipal band recoivicU; a little over a
hundred dollars as its share of the
receipts but from this must pay cer
tain, bills so Its recolpts from this
soured will not bo very heavy.
Miss Annie Kramph, on tho occasion
of her birth anniversary, entertained
relatives and tho First National bank
force and members of .their families
at dlnnor Saturday evening. Tho
dinner was served in the. Episcopal
church basement by membors of tho
Ladles Guild. Plates wero laid for
twenty and tho diners thoroughly on
Joyed the ovenlng.
Plant a gardon How ovor small-
as an Inpentlvo wo aro giving away to
ovory student, ono to a family, beauti
ful premiums and prizes direct from
Unclw Sam to you. Como In and get a
booklet on this Bubjoct free How to
Plant What to Plant When to Plant
,How to Caro for call on JOHN E.
NELSON of Tho Leader Merc. Co.
C. A. Llston. of ninknnn. wlin la
chairman1 of tho third Liberty Loan
lor tno district composing Wollfleot,
Dickons and Wallace, was In town
yesterday. Ho reported that tho sub
scriptions at Dickons to dato Is $14,--000,
which Is double tho quota; Wal
lace has como across with $25,000.
Avhlch is several thousand in excess of
Its quota and that Wollfleot has sub
scribed about $10,000 of .tho $15,000 ap
portioned to that town. .Mr. Llston is
not yet through with tho campaign.
Black Cat Hosiery stands the test.
In these dayB when low grado hoslory
is Bold for prices that high grade used
to cost it pays to buy a standnrd
quality. A full line for ladleB and
children at the WILCOX DEPT.
W. C. T. If. Knlnm Lcdiirn.
Supt. Tout of tho (public schools In
vited tho ladios of tho Women's
Christian Tomperanco Union as guosts
to listen to a lecture glyon by Dr.
Fcnnor In tho nssombly room In the
Franklin auditorium. All tho pupils
of tho high school and llftoon W. C.
T. U. ladios woro nrosont. Sunt.
Tout Introduced our nrcaldnnt Mrn
Bcllo Morris and sho with a fow woll
chosen words Introduced tho sneakor.
Tho "Clcarotto Monaco" was nhlv
fprosentcd by Dr. Fonnor. An Interest
ing ana promnbio afternoon was spent
in visiting tho Domestic Sclonco and
If , niT. - t . . .
luuiiuiii i ruining rooms.
Tho iMltlrn" Him nf Whmnno nml
Misses coats bought from Now York
makers aro now In the storo and
placed on salo in four groups. Group
1 comnrlsos coats tin to si&.nn vniuna
on salo at $9.G5. Group 2 comprlata
coats up to $20.00 on sale at $14.65.
Group 3 comprises coats up to $25.00
OI1 Salo at S19.R5. Ornim 4 mmnrlnna
coats up to $35.00 on salo at $24.05.
&ave money. Buy now at THE LEAD'
Now lot Of tho vorv Intent in nlllrn nn
Mrs, Kolloce. who had hoen nnnml.
ing tho winter In Southern California
will arrive today for a short visit at
tho HaHtaan roshlencn -wlittn nnmiitn
to her homo In Iowa.
Mr. Goff, who had been visitine his
daughter Mrs. H. C. Brock for couple
of months, went to Falrbury yestor-day.
County Agent Barber has sot on foot
tho organization of a llvo stock breed
ers association for Lincoln county and
has named Tuesday, May 14th, as tho
date of tho mooting at which tho or
ganization will bo effected. Ho has
broachod tho mattor to a number of
stock broodrs nnd thoy havo takon up
tho movo with considerable enthu
siasm. Upon roquost of County Agent Bar
bor, Sam R. McKkdvlo, editor of tho
Nebraska Farmer, has consented to 'at
tend tho meeting nnd dollvor an ad
dress. E. W. Cosgrovo, a woll known
breeder of Fnrnnm, will also bo pres-ont.
Loiilo Llpshltz has Bold his resldonco
property on south Vino street for
$2,000 and has purchased tho Mrs. Ed
Oglor houso on south Dowey for a
consideration of $3,875.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Ward wont to
Koarnoy this morning to visit frlonjls,
Mrs. W. F. Balock, wlfo of tho pop
corn man, loft this morning for a lait
with lior daughter in Do Moss, pro.
Waists In Cotton or Silks from $1,100
to $15 leach. A lot of now onos Just
opened at WILCOX DEPT. STORE. ;
Tho Economy Knitting club will
moot with Mrs. Harry Gllfoylo, 108
west Third, Thursday aftornoon.
Silks In all tho now patterns of
FoulardB, Gingham patterns, printed
Glorgottes, etc., . at WILCOX DEPT.
Former Resident Dies.
Ed M, Stannard, a fonnor railroad
fireman at this tonnlnnl, but who loft
hero tho latter part of tho 80's died
Saturday morning at his homo tn
Ashland, Oro. Tho remains, accom
panied by tho wlfo nnd daughtor will
pass through Thursday to Apploton,
Wis., for Interment. He rotalnd his
membership in the local Iodgo of tho
B, of L P. nnd E., and was a mombor
In good Btnndlng at tlvfet time of his
Wcildings of Past Week.
Phillip A- Fletcher and Elsie M.
Wilson, of tho south part of tho
county, woro married Thursday by
Judge Woodhurst.
Judge Woodhurst united In iriarrlago
Friday, Alonzo Poynter and Ruth M.
Doylo, both colored and both rosldonta
of tills city. ,
Edward Babbitt and Myrtlo Flttchor
both of thin city, ,woro united In mnr
rlago Sunday by Elder J. M. Eggors.
of tho United Baptist church.
Saturday Judge Woodhurst officiated
at tho wedding of Alfred O. Claflln
and Twila D. Brady, both of Frontier
A llconso to wed was issued Satur
day to Horbort Stutzman, a Cozad
farm'rr and Blancho Jessie, a school
tenchor of tho samo town.
Frank Horrod, of Ognlalla, spont
Sunday with relatives in town. v
Rufus Stebblns roturnod tho lnttor
part of last wook from a threo months
stay In Southern California.
Norvous fluttering or palpitation of
tho heart does not lndlcato heart dls
oaso, gonerally it means disorder in
tho stomach and Indigestion. Prickly
Arih Bitters Is an efficient rjrlmedy In
such cases: It cleansos, strengthens
and rogulates tho stomach, llvor and
bowols, removes tho cauBO of tho heart
symptoms and builds up a strong and
vigorous body. Price $1.25 por bottlei.
Rlnokor Book & Drug Co., Special
In many distinctive styles and pat-
that will appeal to Young Men
of every type and taste. Young fellows
who like to wear "something different"
wilFfi'nd variety-enough to-satisfy-ever.y-desiie.
There - are single and double,
breasted sacks, smartly shaped models
with fitted waists, distinctly military;
vertical patch and regular pockets; many
patterns in striped and novelty cheviots,,
gun club checks and plain serges.
Even the most 'conservative models
have that appearance so desirable in
! - 1
young mens clothing. Just a try will show you how well prepared
we are to suit YOU. ,
I if ymsm
$20.00 to $35.00.
Elk Brand Clothes
$18.00 to S27.50.
Those who wear aur ready-to-wear may stand before the mirror
of Fashion with a pleasing smile,, and they may give themselves
credit lor that amount which makes up the difference in price of
tailor made garments. That difference in price will help you
to paste many a War Saving Stamp.
Harcourt Clothing