The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 19, 1918, Image 7

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    wife and child
ySr hearth and home
ibr freedom in safety
Third Liberty Loan
By William Allen Whit
(Mr. White, editor, author and Kins ol
the war and all of Its many angles wnIM
n an oxtonaea visit to ma various oatiK
nes of the Allied armies.)
Back of the Gorman lines over;
ounce of food is conserved, and dis
tributed with fairly equitable pre
cision; every yard of cloth is num
bered and Is entered into the wai
strength of tho empire. Every penny,
weight of German coal is handled
with scientific care, and the one end
and aim of all this autocratic control
winning of tho war. There is no other
purpose in the German mind. Evory
German mark is a German Boldier;
every grain of gold is doing its full
fihare to work out that indomitable
Here in America we must realize
that tho war will not bo won on any
front, but in our own hearts. This ia
a clash of civilizations. We must de
velop in our hearts a democratic pur
pose as strong and as carefully direct
ed as this autocratic purpose of Ger
many. We, too, must mako soldiers
of our corn stalks, make defenders oi
our wool and cotton and silk, make
every pound of coal an American
pound, and we must make bullets ol
our pennies. If we fall to develop this
democratic purpose in tho eye to eye,
knee to knee, hand to hand, struggle
on the front, which, after all, only
uon, men our civilization win go
down. To fail to support our soldiers
with ammunition, with food, with
clothing, with coal, will weaken them
for the great conflict at tho great mo
ment, and that weakening will come
from our hearts at home. It will
come if we are slow with our flnan.
cial support of the men. The Liberty
Loan furnishes us with the only way
we home-stayers can practically show
our purpose. Our patriotism will be
measured by our performance toward
tho Liberty Loan. What we lend ta
our country in this time of need will
measure our love of tho freedom our
fathers bought. It is at stake. Tha
autocratic purpose of Germany, iron
willed and yet unbroken, aimed at
world conquest is threatening us.
What is freedom worth to you? It is
worth what you lend to your govern
ment in this hour of its awful need.
Yout Choice?
bonds r
Will you lend your
money and be free -
hoard it now anipay
it out in Tribute when
Liberty is lost?
IO AMtrnirA AXAAllfe? -
, M J--.!
as mucn HB UUB uetui BU1U UUU
ton In America about the World-War
in Europe, it is doubtful if America is
yet awake.
A man who roturned from Europe
six months ago, said, "The farmers tot
America are feeding to their cattle
today better food than millions of
people In Germany and Austria have
bad at times. These people whoso
governments are fighting us are sub
slstlng on cow beets and straw bread
All Europe is short-rationed and
This is our war from now on. What
happens in Europe is America's deep
cat concern. Thore is not enough food
la the world. Either our soldiers must
klmp their rations or we must skimp
ours; either they must dofc without
Jsotae necessities or we must do with
out some of our lurries.
Which BhaU It "be?
Count oh the Tomorrows. What
will your business be worth if w
should lose the war tomorrow? What
would you give for a farm in Russia
today? What would you give for a
farm in America it conditions wero
Irech as they are in Russia today?
Help produce, help conserve, and help
fight by buying Liberty Bonds, for
"he also fights who htlpa a fighter
1 1 BERT Y S
HELP IN 50-50
Thousands of Retail Grocers Sup
port Food Administration
New Wheat Saving Program Demand
ed Allied Food Shortage In
creases America Must
Feed Fighters.
Explaining the United States Food
Administration's now CO-CO wheat reg
ulations is a war time task tho Ameri
can grocer has gladly shouldered.
Many stores are already displaying
their Food Administration wheat sav
ing pledge cards, that they havo sign
ed, agreeing to carry out tho new
wheat program.
Each Hour customer is now requir
ed to buy one pound of cereal substi
tute for every pound of wheat flour.
The substitute may be of one kind or
assorted. Tills CO-CO sale Is made by
weight and not by value of the com
modities. There Is, of course, no reg
ulation demanding tho consumer to
buy wheat flour at all.
A wide variety of substitutes has
been provided: Cornmeal, corn flour,
edible cornstarch, hominy, corn grits,
barley Hour, potato, flour, sweet potato
flour, soya bean flour, Feterltn flour
and meals, rice, rice flour, oatmeal,
rolled oats and buckwheat flour.
Graham and whole wheat flour con
stitute an exception to the national
regulation. Either of these commodi
ties may be sold at the ratio of three
pounds to live pounds of wheat flour
that Is, flvo pounds of graham or
wheat flour counts the same as thrco
pounds of the usunl wheat flour.
Mixed flours form another excep
tion. Where any flour contains CO
per cent, or less of wheat It may bo
sold without any substitutes. Whero
tho flour Is mixed at tho rate of GO
per cent, wheat and -10 per cent of
other ingredients tin additional 20 per
cent, of substitutes must be purchased
by the consumer.
Whore necessity Is shown specially
prepared Infant's and Invalid's food
containing flour mny be sold.
That the approved substitutes may
bo assorted Is a fact many grocers
and housewives overlooked for n time.
For Instance, if a customer wishes to
buy n 24 pound snck of flour tho nec
essary substitutes might Do assorted
as follows: Cornmeal, 8 pounds; corn
grits, 4 pounds; rice, 4 pounds; buck
wheat, 2 pounds ; cornstarch, 1 pound ;
hominy, 2 pounds; rolled oats, 8
None of the substitutes should bo
Considered ns a waste purchase.
There are many household uses for
each. The eight pounds of cornmeal
can bo made Into cornbrend, corn muf
fins or used In the baking of wheat
Cornstarch is useful In making cub
tard, thickening gravy or mny be used
in cake baking. Corn grits fried llko
mush forms a delicious dish, or It may
be used in baking corn bread. Rolled
oats are used largely os breakfast por
ridge or In oatmeal cookies or In
making tnulflns.
Buckwheat flour may be used in
bread making, forming nn excellent
substitute for one-quarter of tho
wheat flour, but Is especially choice In
the form of buckwheat cakes for
With 11 wheatless meals needed
each week In America to provide
enough wheat for the allies, the Food
Administration believes tho substitutes
will all be used to advantage.
Tho allied nations have made
further Increased demands on
us for breadstuffs demands
that Americans aro obligated to
In the meantime America's
meat supply has been greatly
Increased for somo months to
come by the unprecedented
shipping to market of hogs that
averaged 232 pounds each In
stead of 203 pounds tho nor
mal. The United States Food Ad
ministration, endeavoring to ad
just the international food bal-
promptly removed certain
fictions in this country on
of meat and at the samo
eked for a smaller con
dition of breadstuffs.
r awwasked to observe only
Pmeatless day each week
esday. We will have larger
eat stocks for o while. But
'our bread ration must be held
to a minimum.
In altering its food conserva
tion program tho Food Admin
istration emphasizes that the
food situation 1b of necessity,
subject to radical changes,
caused by crop conditions at
home ana abroad and by tho
precarious transportation prob
lem, both in overseas shipping
and in America's overburdened
transportation system.
The Food Administration will
keep the American people fully
and frankly advised of each
change in the developing situa
tion that they may know defi
nitely the part their food sac
riflces play In the world war.
4 i ot
iJ Ttf
I ml
Fnnn mmum !
European Shortage Places Prob
lem Before American Govern
ment Farsighted Policy
NEED 75,000,000 BU. WHEAT.
Food Administration Asks Aid
Every American In ' Glgantlo
Task of Feeding Millions,
It Is the food problem over thero
that makes n food problem over here.
If we wished to bo supremely selfish
and supremely shortsighted we could
go on eating as much as we like and
whatever we like, without much dlfll
culty or Interruption at least, until
the Germans enmel
Hut we are not doing things in that
selfish nnd suicidal way. We uro try
ing to make a great common pool of
all of our food, and nil of the food of
the allies, and all of the food wo can
get from South American and other
neutrals, and dividing It up fairly
among America, England, France, Del
glum and Italy.
This docs not mean that all of the
pcoplo in the great pool aro going to
havo tho same ration, but means-that
wo aro trying to arrange to have
enough for everybody, so that the sol
diers our soldiers and their soldiers
will bo well fed, as they havo to bo
to fight hard nnd continuously, and
that the munitions workers and the
workers in all tho other neccssnry In
dustries, nnd tho men nnd women nt
homo will all have enough to keep
nllvo and well. It Is absolutely heces-
snry to do this If tho war Is to be Won,
and we are going to do It, but It means
planning, working, arranging, co-oper-
11 Lllifef UJUi& LUICiUI UUI 'I HQ hi "Of "
And It- means that each and every
one of us hns got to help.
Now, we have enough and more than
enough food for ourselves, and the
Government Is going to 6ee to It that
we keep here at home a sufficient sup
ply of every essential kind of food to
support our people. But over there
they simply have not enough. Lord
Rhondda, the English food controller,
recently cabled the Amerlcai. food ad
ministrator, that unless we can send
the allies before the next uropean
harvest 75,000,000 bushels of wheat In
addition to what had been sent up to
January 1 of this year he could not
n I r rr hnlnn nninfiii urtr tfn at I ?i rr DdV. '
assure the people of the allies that
they would have a sufficient supply of
food to carry on the war.
no did not say anything In this cable
about the other food necessary, but
ho has told of these needs in other
cables and by his actions In England.
For example, his latest regulation
compels n reduction of meat eating In
the United Kingdom to n maximum of
one pound per week per person, this
pound Including the bono and other
waste pnrts In the ment as bought In
tho shop.
The allies must have more wheat,
more ment, more fats, more dairy prod
ucts, more sugar. Their harvests wero
very short Franco had less than half
her normal crop of wheat and tho
available shipping Is smnll In amount
nnd constantly being lessened by sub
marines, so that it Is now practically
Impossible to use any ships for the long
voyage necessary to bring food from
Australia nnd other remote markets.
The food must como chiefly from
America. In specific figures it is nec
essnrv for us to send to the allies
' 1,100,000 tons of foodstuffs n month.
This is a great responsibility and a
great problem. The food must be
found, and also the ships to carry It
It is being done, but can only continue
to be dono by the help and full co
operation of all of us over our broad
land. We must produce nnd save
To supply tho wheat' neccssnry until
the next hnrvest, wo must reduce our
consumption by from one-fourth to
one-third ; we must cut down our usual
average consumption of meats and
fats by from 10 to IS per cent nnd
dairy products by about 10 per cent
Over there they are tightening their
belts and doing everything they can.
They are eating war bread; they are
cutting down their sugar In England
to two pounds per person per month,
and in France nnd Italy to one pound
how much aro you eating? and thoy
are using rntlon cards for most of tho
staples. We must meet sacrifice with
sacrifice. If we don't, we aro helping
to loso tho war lustead of helping to
win It
Buy Lecul Food
schneringer undertaking i
lUUHHuniiiuuu uuiuuim&iuu
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is tho year and the
time of the year to get Btock to eat
up your rough feed. I havo on
hand and for sole 3000 feeding lambs
and owes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
NoUco of Pciltion.
Estate No. 1555 of Henry O. Brotzor,
deceased In tho county Court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested in said estnto tako
notico that a petition has been tiled
for tho appointment of Prank Brotzor
as administrator of Bald estate, which
has boon sot for hearing herein on
May 3, 1918, nt 9 o'clock a. in.
Dated April 8, 1918.
a9-a26. County Judgo.
William A. Hayes, will tnko notice
that on tho zuth dny or Alarcli, 1U18.
W 111 am II. c. woodhurst. county
Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
Issued nn order of attachment for tho
. ciiifrvt -v f 11 fir. in In nnMnn tiniiillrirr In
ti1(1 county court of said Lincoln
county, wherein Nathaniel P. Ireland
fft o1peryAofHt'lhyoCf,d
fendant consisting of ono Elknr flvo
passenger automobile has been attach
ed under said order, nnd tho Mutunl
Building nnd Loan Association of North
Platte, has been garnisheed
Snld cause was continued to tho 18th
day of Mny, 1918, nt 10 o'clock n. m.
My Hoagland & Hoagland, His At
torneys. n8-4wks.
Notice of Petition.
Estato No of Amanda M
Thomson, deceased in tho county
court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska. To all ner
sons interested in said Estato take
notico that a etltion has been tiled ror
tho appointment of J. E. Evan's as
administrator of said Estato,, which
has been set for hearing herein on
April 2G, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated March 29, 1918.
A2-A19 County Judge.
Xotiec of 1'ctltion.
Estate No. 1544 of Robert D. Thom
son, deceased in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said Estato tako
notico that a petition has been filed
for tho appointment of J. E. Evans as
Administrator to completo tho AuV
ministration of tho Estnto of Robert
D. Thomson, which has been set for
hearing herein on April 2C, 1918, at
9 o clock a. m.
Dated March 29, 1918.
A2-A19. County JHidgo.
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1548 of Lewis Havens,
deceased in tho county court of Lin
coin county, Nebraska,
The fltatb of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will take notico that
tho time limitod Cor presentation and
filing of claims against said estato Is
August 10, 1918, and for settlement of
said estnto Is April G, 1919: that I will
sit at the county court room in said
county, on May 10, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a, m., and on August 10, 1918, at 9
o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear
allow, or adjust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, Co. Judge
KSTIIAV notiof:.
Taken un by tho subscriber on his
enclosed lands In Walker Precinct In
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 14th
dny of Fobrunrv. 1918. nn nil red cow.
white on bolly, no brand or marks of
nny kind, ngo about irur yenr, weight
nbout 100-llis.
April 8. 1918.
Willnm A. Hayes, will tnko notico
thnt on tho 29th day of March. 1918,
William II. C. WoodhurBt, County
Judge of Lincoln County, Nebrnskn,
Issued nn order of ntachmont for tha
Bum of $85.85 In nn notion pending in
the Countv court or said Lincoln
County, wherein Alvln W. Hughes Is
plaintiff nnd Wllllnm A. Hayes Is de
fendant. Tnnt property oi tno aeienu
nnt consisting of One Elknr five pas
sengor nutomoblle hns been attached
iirwlnr nnld order, nnd tho Mutual Build
Ing nnd Loan Assoclntlon of North
Plntte. hns been srarnlsheed.
Raid cause was continued to me ism
dny of Mny, 1918, nt 10 o'ciock a. m.
Tiv Hoaclnnd & Honirland His At
torneys. a-wKs
Notice of Iteforco'H Sale.
Notico is hereby given that by vlr
tuo of an order issued to mo by tho
District Court in and for Lincoln
County. Nebraska, in nn action, whero
in Katlo B. Lowe ia plaintiff and Marie
Lowo, Emmett Lowe, a minor; Laura
P. Lowo, a minor: and Mabel Lowo, a
minor, are defendants, I will on the
7th day of May, 1918 at tho hour or
threo o'clock of said day at tho east
front door of tho eourt house in tho
citv of North Platte. Lincoln County,
Nebraska, boII at public auction to tho
hichost bidder for cash, tho following
described real estato sltuato in tho
County of Lincoln and Stato of No
braska, ,to-wit: Southeast Quarter
(SELi) of Section Twcnty-flvo (25)
Township Nine(D), North of Range
Thirty, (30), West of the 6th P. M.
Dated this first day of April, 1918
A2M3. Referee
The t1flfni1nnt!t. Tho flrnnd Prv
nooris Compniiy. n corporation, ; Joseph
H Bcnn, Luvercn I Dean, J. Q. Adnms,
Adnms, his wife, first rent nnmo un
known, William G. Parker, Mrs. Wil
liam O. Pnrkcr, his wife, nrst real
nnmo unknown, A. D. LnDue, first real
name unknown, It. II. Davis, first real
nnmo unknown, nnd Minnie II. Davis,
Mnttie C. McKnight nna Mc
Knight, her husband, first renl nnmo
unknown, Knto E. Buckles nnd J. V.
Buckles, hor husband, first real nnmo
unknown, Aaron 11. C. Davis, AUy It.
Davis, J. C. Daniels, first ronl nnmo un
known, nnd Mrs. J. O, Dnnlols, his wife,
nrst rem nnmo unknown, unrnson it.
S. Dnvls, Iloubcn D. LltwIUor nnd Mrs.
Reuben D. Lltwllle. his wife, nrst
rcnl nnmo unknown, John C. Chnnoy
nnd Mrs. John C. Chnnoy, his wife, first
nna roni nnmo unknown, unrry u.
Copelnnd, Emma A. Copolnnd, Krnnk O.
HnwKins, uiuoo si. unwKins, vniicr
Willis, William a Buss, Nnncy Luclndn
Horb, it. l. awnnson, nrst rem nnmo
unknown, Lottie Swnnson, Jnmes L.
Dowd, Stelln A. Dowa, vrea u. Han
cock, nnd Mrs. Fred O. Bnbcock,
his wife, first nnd rcnl nnmo un
known. Gcorco p. Ncniy. i.izxie t.
Nonlv. F.llnn Rtrmn. Rarnb Strum. Jnmes
HimmonB nna Airs, jnmes niniinuiiB, nm
wife, first rcnl nnmo unknown, uoorgo
n linns. Thomns E. lleskott nnd Mrs.
Thonins E. Hoskett, his wife, first rcnl
nnmo unknown, nna tho unknown noirs,
devlsocs, legatees, personal representa
tives of each of said defendants, nnd
nil other persons who mny bo Intorest
oil In the estate of each one of said de
fendants win tnko notice tnnt. on tne
8th dny of April, 1918, piaintui, t
IT Clnrlrtirn. Hied his netltton In tho
nut rlef court of Lincoln County. No
brnnlcn. ntrnlnst snld dorcnunnts. mo
obleet nnd nrnver of which nro that nil
of tho deeds exoeutod nnd delivered by
the defendant Tho Grand Dry UOOUS
Comnnny, a corporation, to various
grantees, of tho following described
premises, to-wlt: Soctlon 1, T. IB, N. H.
2ft. W.. section 25. 27 nnd 35. T. 16. N.
II. 20 W: tho SBVi of Bcctton 31, T. 1C,
N. n. 28. W: tho NV4 of Section 31,
T. lfi. N. n. 28. W: tho SWtt of soctlon
30, T. 1G, N. II, 28. w: mo oi
section 30, T. 10, N. U. 28. w: tho
S',4 of tho SI3U of section 20 nnd tho
N13W of soctlon 34, nil In T. 10, north
n. 29. W: section 1. T. 15. N. It. 30.
W: sections 5 nnd 7, T. IB N. It. 29,
Wi section 31 nnd tho NH of tho N,
the BMi or tne bMi the sutt or mo muu
nnd tho SWVi of tho NEU. tho SWfi
of tho NWU, the NW of tho SW,
nnu tno hum oi tno ami
of section 30. in T. 10. N. It..
29, W. section 3, T. 15, N. It. 29. W;
tho nwk or soctlon 2, township it, n.
29, W; ail of which land is in Lincoln
County. Neb., which nro described In
plnlntlft's petition, wove executed by
tho president or snld corporntion with
full authority of snld corporntion nnd
its board of directors, nnd nro onch and
all tho valid deeds of snld defondnnt
Tho Grand Dry Goods Company; that
the defendant A. D. LaDuo bo required
to rcdocm said section one. township 15,
North Range 29, nnd section 25, town
ship 16, North ranero 29, in snld Lin
coln County, from tho mortirairo Hon
foreclosed by Jo:in M. Sto'wnrt, ns sot
forth in plain ttirs petition, within
twonty days from tho date of the- do
crce. which mny bo entered heroin, or
upon his failure to do so that, tho
title or snld premises be quieted and
confirmed In tho Plaintiff, free nnd
clear of nil Hens, claims or domnnds of
snld A. D. LaDuo; that the dofendnnt
Fred P. Willis bo docroed to bo tho
nnmo person ns 1 . P. Willis, who np
penrs ns Rrnntee In several deeds of
different tracts of tho above described
Innds, nnd ns Fred P. Willis, who
thereafter conveyed said trncts by his
full name: that the defendant GeorKO
G, Itoss bo decreed to bo tho samo
person who obtained deed to somo of
said lands In his full name, nnd con
veyed same by tho nnmo of O. G. Itoss;
thnt all of tho dofendnnts horeln nnd
nil persons claiming through or under
them bo decreed to have no Hen or
claim upon, or right, tltlo or Interest In
or to tno nuovo descriueu premises, or
nny pnrt thereof; thnt tho clouds cast
upon piaintifi's title thereto, ty tno
pretended clnlmB of tho defendants, be
removed thererrom; tnnt tno title nnu
possession of plaintiff In all of said
premises bo qulotcd and confirmed In
him; thnt tho defendants nnd each of
them and nil persons claiming through
or under them or either of them, bo en
joined nnd barred from setting up or
claiming nny right, tltlo or interest in
or to said premises; or nny part there
of, nnd for such other nnd furthor re
lief ns mny bo Just nnd equitable
you nro required to nnswor oaiu
petition on or beforo tho 27th day of
May, iui8.
By E. J. CLEMENTS, His Attorney.
Lognl Notice.
Sadlo E. Martin, and Martin hor
husband, real name unknown, Waltor
B. Wood. Blanche Wood his wifo,
Eliza E. Phinoy and Frank Phlnnoy
hor husband, Elsie McMurtry and I. S
McMurtry hor husband real namo un
known and all hoirs, dovlsocs, logatecs
and personal representatives of Henry
F. Price, deceased, and all other per
sons interested in his estate; all heirs,
devisees, legatees and (personal rop
resentatlvos of eithor of tho above
named defendants If either of them be
not allvo at this timo, and all other
persons interested in tho estates of
any and all persons horeln named,
defendants, will take notice that on
tho 30th day of March 1918. Gcorco A,
Hammond, (plaintiff herein filed his
petition In tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, tho object and
prayer of which, aro to romovo certain
clouds, and quiet tho title of plaln-
tlc in and to the South East Quartor of
Section 10, In Township 1G, Range 28,
in Lincoln County, Nobraska.
You and each of you aro required
to answer said petition on or hoforo
tho 13th day of May, 1918.
Dated this 1st day of April 1918.
A2-2wkB. Plaintiff.
Hoagland & Hoagland. His Attorneys.
Wllllnm A. Havns will take notico
thnt on tho 28th day of Mnrch. 1918.
Wllllnm II. C. WoodhurBt, County
Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
Issued an ordor of attachment for tho
sum of $176,00 In nn notion pending In
tno county court or said Lincoln
County, wherein Wllllnm It. Mnloney
Is plaintiff nnd Wllllnm A. Hayes Is de
fendant. That property of tho defend
ant consisting of One Elknr five pas
senger nutomoblle hns been nttnehed
under snld ordor. nnd tho Mutual
Building and Loan association of North
Platte, hns been garnlsheed.
Haiti cause wns continued to the 18th
day or May. 1918, at 10 o'clock n. m
By Hoagland & Hoagland. His At
torneys. a8-4w
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from tho District court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein Nebraska Central Building &
Lonn Annoclntlon Ih nlnlntiff. and Brld
get Delia Lonegnn Is defendant, and
to me directed, I wni on tho 11th day
of May, 1918, nt 2 o'clock p. m., at the
east front door of the court house In
iiui ill miiv, i.i it uui it wwuiit, niiuii.ui.1.,
sell at public auction to tho highest
bidder ror casn, to satisfy saia aecree,
interest ana costs, tne following aes
crlbed nronertv. to-wlt!
Lot Two (2) of Block One Hundred
ten (110) Of the Original town of the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 8th,
1918. , .
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
lton.1 No. HI.
To whom It may concern:
Tho special Commissioner appoint
ed to locato n road as follows:
Commencing at tho Northwest cor
ner of tho Northeast quarter of Soc
tlon 21, T. 14, N. R- 20. West of tho
Gth P. M., running thenco north along
tha half section lino of Sections 1G and
9. T. 14, N. R. 20, West of tho Gth P.
M. nnd terminating at tho southwest
corner of tho southeast quartor of Soc
tlon 4 T- 14, N. R. 2G, Wost of tho Gth
P. M. has roportod in favor Utorcof,
all objections thereto or claims for
damages must bodied on or boforo-12
o'clock noon of tho 10th day of Juno
1918 or. such road will bo allowed
without roforonco thereto.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 8th day of April 1918.
A' S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Extension to Jtond No. 250.
To whom It may concorn:
Tho special Commissioner appoint
ed to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at. tho Northwest cor
nor of Section 34. T. 13, R. 2G, Lincoln
County, Nobraska, thenco running
North along tho west section of Soc
tlon 27, T. 13, R. 2G for tho distnnco
of ono mllo to tho northwest corner
of Section 27, T.13, R.2G thoroby con
necting with Roads No- 250 nnd 271.,
has reported In favor thereof.
Any obJoctlonB theroto or claims for
damages ngnlnst said road must bo
filed on or before 12 o'clock noon of
tho 10th day of Juno 1918, or said road
will ho allowed without reforonco
Dated at North Platto, Nobraska,
this 5th day of April 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
Estnto No. 1547 of Zara I. Mitchell,
deceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
.Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
of Bald estato will tako notico that tho
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said Estnto is
July 2Gth, 1918, and for settlement of
said Estato Is March 22, 1919; that I
will sit at tho county court .room In
said county, on April 2Gth, 1918, at 9
o'clock a. m nnd on July 2Gth, 1918.
at 9 o'clock a. m:, to recoivo,;examino,
hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and
objections duly filed. !
M26-A23 County Judgo.
Rond No. 415.
To whom It mny concorn t
Tho special Commissioner appointed
to locato n road as follows:
Boglnnlng at a point on Road No. 1
in tho SE4 NW'4 of Section 11, T. 11,
N. R. 29 W. and running westerly and
Southwest through tho South half
Northwst quartor of said soctlon 11,
thonco southwest, south, and southeast
through NW SWVi of Soctlon 11,
E SE4 of Soctlon 10, E B of
Section 15, E NE4 of Soctlon 22,
W W& of Section 23, W NW of
Soctlon 2G, SW& of Soctlon 2G, E
NE, W NW and SE& of Section
35, all in T. 11 N. R. 29 W., and thonco
through E NE&, of section 2, SW
NW& and W SW& of Section 1, and
through tho NW of Soctlon 12, all in
T. 10 N. R. 29 W., thonco Northoast,
cast and Southeast, through tho N
of Section 12 said township and
rnngo and through tho W W4, and
N S of Section 7, and N SW& of
Soctlon 8, all in T. 10 N. R. 28 W. to
connect with Road No. 237, said road
to run south of Jim Hansen's barn in
N S of Section 7, T. 10, N. R. 28
W., has roportod in favor thoreof.
Any claims for damages or objec
tions theroto must bo filed on or beforo
12 o'clock noon of tho 5th day of Juno
1918, or said road will bo allowed,
without reference .thereto.
Dated at North Platto. Nobraska,
this 27th day of March 1918.
A5-A30 County Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Stanley L. Conklln, Georgo H.
Groonman and Waltor Prlco, Execu
tors of the Estato of Georgo H. Green
man, deceased, Lestor M. Hall, Loren
zo B. Blckford, Mark K. Graham, Anna
M. Bryan. Josopmno B. Hammond,
and all hoirs, dovisees, legatees and
norsonal representatives of Luclnda
B. Hammond, docoascd, John L. Ham
mond, deceased, and Georgo H. Greon.
man, deceased, and all othor porsona
interested in tho estates of such nam
ed porsons. And all heirs, deviseos,
legatees and personal representatives,
and all othor persons lntoreBted in
tho estato of any and all porsons hore
ln named as defendants, will taico
nottco that on tho 20th day of March,
1918, Gottfried Klolnow, iplalnurt here
in, filed hlB petition In tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against said defendants. Tho object
and prayer of which aro to romovo
certain clouds and quiet tno utio or
tho plaintiff in and to tho following
real estate to-wlt: Tho Northwest
Quarter of Section 1. and tho North
west Quartor and Southeast Quarter,
and East Halt of Southwest Quarter,
and Wost Half and Southeast Quarter
of tho Northoast Quarter of Section 2,
all in Township 9 North, Range 30
West, and tho Southwest Quarter of
Southwest Quartor and Southeast
Quartor of Southeast Quartor of Sec
tion 35, in Township 10 North, Range
30 West, all in Lincoln County. Ne
braska, You and each of you aro required
to answer said petition, on or before
the Gth day of May, 1918.
Dated this 23d day of March. 1818,
By Hoagland and Hoagland,
MtG-4wks. . HIb Attorneya.