ass Just arrived direct from New York manufacturer. Their entire line of most clever Coats. Bought for spot cash, which means a saving to you at from $3 to $9 on any Coat you buy. SAVE $3.00 to $9.00 on your Coat and select one now during the sale of New Youk manufactures entire sample line of Clever Coats. BOUGHT for cash of New York manufacturer of Women's Coats. The entire line on sale. No two alike. I WAIST All the exclusive styles and charming models are featur ed in our collection." Its im possible to duplicate these styles and values. SEE TIIE3I AT 1.00, 2.00, $2. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. tf Tho children's price at the Crystal Saturday Matinoo hereafter will bo 5 cents with tho 1 cent war taj'added making tho matinee price for children G cents. For Salo Twenty dollars will buy a good second hand lister. Inquire of J. I. Smith, 203 West Second- tf Lem Bally has purchased eighty acres of tho Wallace ranch near Bird wood. This tract lies Just wost of tho Koclcen gr'ovo and is all under Irriga tion. Tho price 'paid was soventy-flve dollars an acre. Human hair switches $10 valuo at $5.60. Coates Eeauty Parlod, Mc Donald Bank Building. , Volunteors aro wanted In tho U. S. navy reserves at a pay of $35.90 per month. Tills branch of tho servico Is open to men who havo been drafted, but they must securo a release from tho local exemption board. Wanted to Buy Several Bmall cal ves. Inquire at or address 720 east Fifth street, City. 20-10 Tho patriotic some "Freedom for All Forevor," written by W. B. Bock, of Omaha, at ono tlmo a resident of this city, is making a big hit everywhere. At tho Great Lakos training station It is a favorlto of Sousa's band of COO pieces. Asparagus plants; green onion stocks. North Platte Floral Company. Phone 1023. Several laborers wero placed on farmB by County Agent Barber during tho past week. Mr. Barber says "a great many more farmers might bo supplied with help at this tlmo if thoy would hut make their wants known at his office. Dr. Morrill, DeatlM. llT Are You TrouMedWith If J HEADACHES SORE EYES 7 " I j pffl EYEACHE " "L BAD VISION W i OR l the light hurting your eyes, if so see our Optome- M trist. WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES. K f HARRY' DIXON & SON. h Group 1 Made to sell at and up to $15 on sale Sample Coat Sale COATS Group 2 Made to sell at and up to $20 on Sale It's certainly an opportunity to save COATS millinery This morning again an other great line of Pattern Hats arrived and placed on sale. SAVE MONEY AND BUY YOUR HAT HERE. 'I have a large assortment of NEW hats to sell for $4.00 and $5.00, - These aro not sale prices, thoy are new hats to be sold at these figures. VILLA WHITTAKER, Millinery Department at Blocks 2nd floor. Christian Science service Sunday at 11 a. m., Sunday school 12 noon. Wed nesday evening meetings 8 p. m., Build ing ,and Loan building. Room 25. J. It. White and Henry Fulk, who wero down from Sutherland yesterday said the wheat fields have Improved wonderfully since tho rain of the early part of tho week. Mr. White stated that his wheat looks as well now as it did in Juno last year. Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf The Ford Motor Co. has closed its doors to all visitors, doing so because it Is a rigid rule- of tho government to exclude visitors from plants whoro work for tho govennmnt is in progress, and tho Ford factory as you know, Is building a submarine chaser oaqh day of tho week. For Salo Elm trees about threo feet high. Call on Mrs. C. I. Lowis at east ond of C. street. 27-2 For Sale Rooming house, excollont opportunity for man and wifo, 20 rooms, modern, everything nearly new. Am turning away (people most overy day on, account of patronage. Terms very reasonable. Good reason for sell ing. For further information call or address Box 125, McCawloy House, Seneca, Neb. 28-4 The Adams Chiclet Company has wlthn tho past year enabled tho Red Cross societies over tho country to swell their treasurers with $5,000 from tho sales of gum such as tho Red Cross staged last Friday Through R. R. Dickey a salesman for tho Adams Co. was sent here who directed tho salo of tho gum for the day. For Rent Good work shop opposite Owl Cafe, 218 E. Cth. Phono Black 140 or call at 610 E. 5th. 27-2 Tho Woman's Foreign Relief work- ors met Wednesday afternoon at tho home or Mrs. Miscko on west uth. There wero eighteen present and In tho past two meetings thoy havo made and completed six baby layottes . Juno Perkins entertained the ladles by giv- ing her four minuto speech on War Savings Stamps. The next meotlng will bo held at the home of Mrs. C J. Cornwell. S9.65 S14.65 Women will be gratified f DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY GEH3IAK LOSSES CONTINUE HEAVY ON ALL SECTOltS. Tho German assaults on both the Prenlh and British lines during tho past threo days have, In tho main, been unsuccessful and havo resulted In frightful losses to the Germans, While the enemy has gained some I ground, thoir success has counted but llttlo. Ground taken by them Wed nesday on tho French line, was re taken by the French yesterday, and the saino proved true at points on tho British lino. The Germans continue their advance in waves, but tho fire of the French and British is so terrific .that it cannot bo withstood, and the waves of men either melt In death"! or aro forced to retire. While the struggle surges back and forth, and tho result cannot bo fore seen, both the French and British aro confident that tho lines can bo hold, and each German attack launched means a greater loss of man power to the Germans than to the allies, , American troops have taken over the control of no man's land on tho Lorraine sector, but as yet have en countered no resistance to their ex ploring parties. r:n:: 300 spring Coats to choose your now spring Coat from at this store at prices positively the lowest in the city. All we ask is comparison and you are sure to buy your Coat at BLOCK'S. ::o:: Tlghe-Wnrhuimont Wedding. Tho Cheyenne Tribune of last Mon day contained tho following write-up of the wedding of Lieut. Ray Tlgho of this1 city and Miss Zlta Wnrlau- mont of Cheyenne: In St. Mary's cathedral, thoro took place this morning at 9 o'clock, the marriage of Miss Zita Mario Warlau mont tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P, II. Warlaumont of Cheyenne to Lieut enant Raymond C. Tigho. son of Mr, and Mrs. John Tigho of North Platte, Neb., adjutant in the school of technic al training at Talliaforro field, Fort Worth, Texas. The Rev. Father James Hartman, rector of the parish per formed tho ceremony. Miss Alborta Wtrlaumont was hor slsljjr tonly attendant and Leo TIghe, of North Platte, was his brother's best man. Tho bride's gown was a becoming tailored suit t of Rooky brown. She wore a lage wjiito plcturo hat and a corsage boquet of brido's roses and white sweet peas. Tho dainty hand kerchief carried by tho charming brldo was a cob wobby handmado af fair received yestorday from Franco, and was tho wedding gift of Liout. Harry B. Henderson, Jr., of teh Unit ed Statos field artillery, now on tho battlo front with tho American ex peditionary forces. Following tho nuptial mass a wed ding breakfast was served at tho homo of tho brido's parpnts, 215 W. 27th st. with covers laid for the limmediato bridal party only. Lloutonant Tlgho and his brldo do parted this afternoon for Forth Worth whoro quarters havo been assigned them at Talliaforro field. Thoy will stop a few days In Denver on tho route south. Among tho out of town guests at tho wedding wero Mr. and Mrs. John Tigho, parents of, tho groom, Leo Tigho, brother Qf the groom, Ray mond Frizior, of Laramie, Mrs. Wil fred Stuart of Lexington, Neb and Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbard and daughter MIsh Ireno of North Platte. : -wow Seo tho now Millinery Just received at WILCOX DEPT. STORE. ::o:: Loan Subscriptions Unsatisfactory. Washington, April 18 Now sub scriptions of $107,000,000 reported to tho Treasury today sent the total Lib erty loan pledges ovor the billion mark to $1,059,000. "This figure," said tho treasury statement, "while encouraging, is un satisfactory to tho Liberty Joan com mittees. The daily averago still is short of what It should he If tho $3,000,000,000 quota mark sot for the country as a minimum Is reached ol exceeded." Group 3 ' Made to sell at and up to $25 on Sale A money saving event COATS Group 4 Made to sell at and up to $35 on Sale Styles up to the minuto COATS inrftopnTrh TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES J.E.NELSON. MANAGER HEELER APPOINTED 3LVNAGEII ' FEDEHAL LAUOIt DUJtEAU. Frank Beelor, receiver of tho U. S. land olfico, has been appointed man ager ol tho fodoral albor bureau j which will bo established In this city, land will assume his duties as soon as tho details aro arranged, no accepts this position without relinquishing his duties as receiver of tho land office, tho latter duties requiring but a more fraction of his time, and the duties of of both offices. can easily bo perform ed by him. Tho object of tho labor bureau is to bring tho laborer to tho Job or tho Job to tho laboror, In other words to equalize the labor situation. If in ono section there Is a surplus and In an other a doflclt, tho opposite conditions aro equalized by exportation of tho surplus Into tho section where tho do flclt exists. Mr. Beoler will havo charge of a district' that covors a good ipart of western Nebraska. Thoso in need of labor should fllo their applications with Mnnager Beol or and ho will soon bo ready to at least make an attempt to securo tho class of mon needed. :;o:: Good News to Mothers! Wo havo added on an now Infant Wear Department, everything for tho Baby to wear from head to foot, long coats, short coats, long dressosi short drosses, knitted socks, booties, Bon nots. hats, eto. Main Floor BLOCK'S Children's Drosses in Ginghams and Percales, In the most beautiful stylos over produced, sizes 2 to 14, prices 75c to $4.98 2d Floor BLOCK'S. : :o: : Gas Store and Majestic range in good condition for salo. Call at 520 E. 5th or Phono Red 898. : :o: : Christian Church Services. Beglnniug promptly at 9:b5 o'clock on Lord's day, April 21st tho Bible School classes will devote 45 minutes to class work. Tho sorvico of worship and communion will follow. Tho 1 morning sermon will bo on tho thome: "AVhat Wo Owe and How to Pay It." At 3:00 o'clock tho Junior Endeavorors will meet. At 8:00 o'clock tho evening worship and sermon. Tho tome of tho night sormon will be "Question able Amusoments." Thoro will bo special music at this servico. All are cordially Invited and strang'ers and visitors in tho tity aro kindly wol coino to attend these services. T. A. Llndonmeyer, Minister. 500 now Silk Petticoats in all tho wanted spring shades to match your Suit or Gown, in Taffetas or Silk JerBoys, $2.50 to $12.50 at BLOCK'S. ::o:: Help tho Hon. I will say to thoso who havo hona to lay, Bo sure you- feed a balanced ration ovory day; Feed thom wholo wheat, It will pay you well; It suro makos them lay how many cannot toll; If you want two eggs a day from each hen Feed them sprouted oats with some meat scraps In. Got all tho hons you can, you will novor ruo it; Furnish millions of eggs you beat tho Kaiser to It Thoso aro war times you know, lot us do our sharo, Feed tho hen to lay, so wo havo eggs to spare To ship to our soldier boys who are now In Franco; Two oggs each meal would surely make thom dance. Poultry Grower, ::o:: Wo havo peonios and phlox. Plant thorn now. North Platte Floral Co. Phono 1023. tf :: For Salo. Ford Touring car, 1910 model, first class condition. Owner leaving city. Inquire 409 W. Third. 20-4 SIMS- L Style Till . ' 3010 1V $24.65 jj SUITS Pine tailored Suits in styles and color that will appeal to you at price you wish to pay SPECIAL SUITS ARE NOW BEING SHOWN. SALE PRICE 14.6S, 17.85, 19.65, 524.65 and up Cotton seed Cake and and winter rape seed. Blatchford's Calf and Pig MealEgg and Milk Mash. , . Crushed, block and lump Rock Salt, sulphurized block, granulated and Ice Cream Salt, Oyster Shell, . Chick Food,' Baled Hay and Alfalfa Hay. ; Alfalfa Meal, Shorts, Bran, Chop and Corn. Also Apples at $1.25 per box. R . N. LAMB PHONE 67. , OAK EXCHANGE Before buying a car be sure to see me as I have a niunuer of cars almost as good as new, which I will sell at a bargain. - These cars are not old broken down junk, but cars which will stand close inspection and will saye you monoy. Would be pleased to havo you call and see theso cars. A. M. BLTJ1V1E FIRST CLASS CAR PAINTING. JtH DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there is no system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110. AUTO LIVERY SIuco I have sold tho garago am doing auto livery from the North SIdo Barn.. Bay or Night Telephone SO, We eiako a specialty ef ddrcs to sales all over tho county at tho rate- of fire cents por salle per person. Those who bare sales throughout tho country please let Me know. Also a fevr cars for sale. Night Call Bed 632. Julius Mogensen. DRESSES With our hand always on the pulse of Fashion We show Dresses that posses real novelty and, have the atmos phero that appeals to your liking. SEE THEM AT 7.45, 9.85, $14.65 Meal, Cane Seed, Alfalfa 818 North Locust St. ITS LIKE FINDING MONEY to ho offered such fluo prices as ours for your llvo stock. Coino and got your shnro before others gobblo It up., Tho more llvo stock you sell us tho greater your profit will be. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON Wholesale Distributors. 1