Invest in Victory Buy Liberty Bonds. Watch oil will Wear out, Evaporation and chemical changes use up watch oil changing it from.a lub-J -ricating fluid into dust, dirt and rust. The oil is good for 12 to 18 months, then the watch needs clean ing and reoiling. Have this done at Clinton's and it will be done in the best possible way, at the lowest charge good work can be done for. You save your watch and save money by having Clinton's take enro of,your watch. C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. LIMOLN COUNTY HOYS a... -I a. 1 ... I illltr .mil. Twenty-ono stalwnrt Lincoln coun ty boys will lenvo Monday night for j Ft. Logan to ontor training for thd inntlonal nrniy. Thoy will .go to FU I Logan lnstond of Onmp FunSlbn foci 1 1. .. - 4Un iliffrlrft wllllt UIU 1UUBIU I11HV m wiu' 4. HI at Hint tlmo havo been filled with men from othor sections of the country. I Thero has. boon four changes Tn 111$ i Hat of mon recontly published. Snml., Johnston of Stapleton, Arthur Nol don of Denmark and Guy Jamus and John Cook of cJutuei'lni.u nave uuen looccusod from going at this tlmo be cause they aro actively engaged In .farming. The placos of these men will (be taken by Charles Thomns, of this t.oltj' who Is now at DesMolnos. Frank R.vIIalnos, clarenco,ueam ami trances Nolnnd, alf of North Platto. For Sale Used Fords. 1918 Touring Used 700 miles, like now, you can save something on this. 1917 Touring, with ABC starter, wlntor lop, Stromborg carbureter truly completely equipped, at loss than Iprlco or now I'oru mono. I 1914 Ford Touring onglno and 'chassis good, body very poor. Goes to first man with $150. ROMICM GARAGE. CITS AND COTTNTy NEWS. Dr. Morrill. Dentist John Bratt returned Wednesday from a visit In Omaha. Second hand goods bought and sold. Confectionery stand, 218 E. Gth. 25-8 W. II. Munger gpont yestorday In Aurora as a witness in a suit in court. For quick action and satisfactory into list your land with Thoclcckc. tf Attorney Leslie Basklns transacted legal business In Keystono Wednes day. Mrs, Fred Elliott went to Omaha Wednesday to visit her son Fred and family. For Farm Loans seo Gono Crook, Room 4 Keith Theatro building. M. S. RobhauBon spent Wednesday as tho guest of relatives and friends in Kearney. Tho meotlng of tho Domestic Scionco Club for April 22nd has boon postpon ed Indefinitely. For sale Two lota Sn tho 1,000 block on cast Fourth. Inquire of J. L. Mur phy, 11G west FoUrth. . 27-3 Dr. Mario Ames returned Wednes day front Mt. Carroll, 111., whoro she visited rolatlvoH for a wook, ' Specked apples, 50 cento and 75 contB por bushol at 'McMlchaol's, gro cery. 408 So, Dewey. 2t Albort Muldoon roturnod yestorday from Omaha whoro ho had boon trans acting business for a day or two. Lost Tuesday night In North Platto small pony nmro, black with star. Buddlo and brldlo on. Phono 782F022. Mrs. Knthorino Brotzer, who had boon visiting her son Frank Brotzor and family, returned to Syracuse, N. Y., Wednesday. For Saio Used Twin Cylinder In dian Motorcycle, with aldo caro. $100. 2t ROMIGH GARAGE, Tho Sammy Girls havo figured up tho receipts of their auction, fair and danco given Friday of last week and find tho total to bo $2,800 in round numbers. . Lost on Saturday, 13th Largi cameo pin, brown cumco with whlto hoad. Flndor return to this offlco and recolvo reward. 27-2 Tho d II, Waltor Co. will offer for salo at tho Cody ranch on May 1st fifteen hundred head of cattle, Includ ing twenty registered Whlto Face bulls and four registered Angus bulls. For tho best Baled Alfalfa and Prairlo hay, mixed Chicken feed, Corn, Oats; Speltz, Alfalfa meal, Cotton seed meal, Cotton cako, and Corn gluten call 09- LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON. R L, Douglas has purchased tho John DIbcoo farm of 1G0 acres, Just cast of Sioux Lookout, for $75 por aero. Tho tract is a mile long cast and west and a quarter of a mllo wldo. Anyone wanting weok old chlckons, guaranteed whon delivered, place or der beforo I sot my hems. Call at houso or wrlto. F. C. Waltomath, 502 So. Locust, 28-2 AT tho hiootlng of tho city council Tuesday ovenlng Tom Healoy was ap pointed a member of tho city park board to fill tho vacancy caused by tho olectlon of Carl Simon councilman. I havo a largo assortment of Now ImtB to soli for $4.00 and $5.00. Theso aro not salo prices, thoy aro new hats to bo- sold nt those figures. VILLA WIUTTAKER MilMnory Department at Block's 2nd lloor. Phillip' A. Flotchor and Miss Elslo Wilson woro granted llconso to wed yostorday. Tho couplo is expected to appear tomorrow at tho county Judgo's offico and bo made one by Judge Woodhurst. Did you, ovor toll Just n teeny-weeny whlto fib? Did you got away with It? Soo "Tho Fibbers" at the K,olth tonight and seo what happened to, them. With this will bo shown tho comedy "My Husband's Wife." Stump Sales at Postofflcc. 1 Up to Wodnosday noon the North Patto postoffico reported the sales of War Stamps amounting to 128,987.96. Tliis covers sales made at all post- ! offices in tho county, as tho North 'Platte offico suplles all othor offices in tho County through orders coming from thorn. Tho sales of War Stamps direct to tho patrons of the North Platto offico woro $75,808.79. i Through tho efforts of tho city car rlors, who solicited their routes, sub scriptions to tho thlru Liberty loan In tho amount of $G,785 wero secured. I This Is evldenco that tho North Platto postofflce Is doing Its sharo in boosting war stamps and Liberty bonds. :o::- I Attention! Jmdy Urnccnbccs. I A 25 cent flno will bo Imposed on all 'members not 'paying their Maecabeo rate on or beforo tho 20th of each month. . Slgnod: Agnes T. Boyor, State Com mander. Lucy SWnnor, Record Keoper. ' 500 Now spring Wool and Silk Skirts In plain colors, plaids or stripes positively tho largest stock of Skirts in tho city at tho lowest prices at BLOCK'S . RAILROAD NOTES We desire to inform you that we will pay the highest prices for Obtain Our Quotations Before You Sell The Harrington Merc. Co. Office First National Bank Building. North Platte, Nebraska. AM 'OW COMES THE WAR SAVINGS SOCIETY. (t BILLIE BURKE IN ARMS AND THE GIRL" American pluck and wit triumphs. When the clouds burst and the Huns made their futile dash for the gates of Paris, "the pirl" Was there with as pretty a romance as piquant, dainty Billie Burke ever played. There's love, laughs, adventure and intrigue a plenty in this thrilling story of life "over there." Keith Theatre, Mon. & Tues. April 22-23. 20c plus 2c, war tax 22c BALCONY 15c plus 2c, war tax 1 7c. CHILDREN 1 0c plus 1 c war tax 11c. I Operator D. D. Lawton has been transferreil to Cheyenne and Is suc ceeded by D. C. Murphy. Clio Schlnklo, of the Western Union office, Is sick In Omaha and has been relieved by C. II. McMillan. ' Workmen began yesterday to lay tho second courso of brick on tho pave; memt at tho east end of tho new dopot Qenoral Manager Joffers stated last evening that tho subscriptions to the Liberty loan by tho employe of tho Union Pacific system, will reach one million- dollars. ' John Oswald, Jr., switchman of Omaha, camo In yesterday morning, I stopping to seo his undo C. J. Pork-: lins. Ho loft on No. 19 for Soatto Wash., to visit his father John Oswald, Sh A. L. Kanold, general chairman of tho B. of L. B. passed through on train 19 yostorday enrouto homo from Omaha. Ho succeeded In getting sever al engineers on tho Wyoming division ro -instated whilo In Omaha. j Tho Union Pncific shop band of Omaha, which is accompanying the speakers on tho trip over tho Union Pacific system, is In keeping with everything connected with tho systom j first class. North Platto onjoyed the selections by tho band and hope thoy .will como Again. Tho track mon on tho Third district, oxtondlng from North Platte to Sld- , noy, and Including the North Platto yards track mon, subscribed for a total of $7,850 third Liberty loan bonds, or an avcrago of $89 for oach man, As track mon recolvo around $G5 por month, tho showing Is, an oxcellent ono. AfQer tho bond drive comes tho "Carry On" spirit. Ono stamp buyer Is as a single soldier working alono, but tho War Savings Society is a whole regiment that goes "over the top" with a real American war whoop. This thrift army has no age limit and no exemptions. Everyone can save his nickels and dimes and join. Why? 1. To awaken a. realization among peoplo that in their hands lies tho suc cessful carrying on of tho war. This Is a people's war. . 2. To lay tho foundation for na tional thrift and economy. This is the ' soason of self-denial. 1 3. To obtain money for tho gov-' eminent If money Is needed to carry, on this war, and it Is our war, the ap-1 peal to reason is why is it necessary for a great wave of enthusiasm in order to raise money for the purpose? Isn't tho dally casuallty list sufficient reminder that men aro dying that -wo may enjoy. , How To Save. Join a War Savings Society. Sign a pledgo to save and givo what you can. Ten or more per sons .may form a society. Organize ono. Bo a charter member. Make your business, school, district, school, church, club, profession a war savings society. Step to tho front, ladles and gentlemen and littlo children. This Is a call for volunteers. Will tho; lawyers orthe doctors, the shops or the clmrches be tho first to respond? . Bert Barber has just received ap-' pplntment by wire as Director of the Lincoln County War Savings Societies. ' Volunteer organizers of Societies' should communicate with him at onco for application blanks, membership ' cards", necessary forms, etc. j Every dollar saved now is twice blessed. It roloases onorgy expended In supplying tho stay at homes with I things we don't needand aids Uncle' Sam In securing tho things we do need to speedily carry this war to a decisive conclusion. -: :o: :- THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford care are (in important servent in every rural community. They help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasurcrs and odyantages of tho town within reach, and give practical servico every day. Thoy require a minimum of attention; any one can run the Ford and care for it. More than two million owners prove these qualities every day. We pledgo Ford owners tho reliable Ford service with genuine Ford parts and standard Ford prices. Runabout $345; Touring Cor $450; Coupelet $505; -Sedan $095; One-Ton Truck $000 all f. o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. For Sale. Greon onions, Parsnips, beots and' winter onion sots. Also uatcmng oggs. L. I. TUCKER, Phono Rod 1003. ::o:: Comrades Attention. Mombors of Harry E. Brown Camp who know themselves to bo In arrears ploaso rpmlt by check nt onco. Luth er I. Tuekor, Qunrtormastor. : :o: : Lost Monday night, small bay marc, C years old, rlngbono In right hind foot. Lcavo at Stnr Barn and rocolvo roward DAVID SCOTT. 2G-G Dean Geo. G. Wnro. of Kearney, will bo horo noxt Monday ovenlng to ad dross a mooting of tho Sammy Girls and tho general public at tho Frank lin auditorium. Dean Waro is ono of tho finest spcakors in tho stato and nil who can aro urged to bo present at tho mooting, Thoro will bo a musical program and a short public business mooting of tho Sammy Girls preceding tho speaking. All Sammy Girls must ho present at 8:30 sharp. Did you road tho Amorlcan maga zine story ''Littlo Rod Decldos?" Whothor you did or not you -will want to boo tho plcturo. T ho doctor order ed a mothor for Littlo Red but Littlo Red know hotter than that and nny way tho cowboys woro all willing but tho old maids woro shy. This wonder ful plcturo foaturling Barbara Con1 noloy, a child actor, will bo shown at tho Crystal Saturday aftornoon nnd ovonlng wlth tho comedy " A Cownrd's Courage." After a long winter tho system be comes filled with Impurities caused by dry, strong diot. In hot -weather theso Impurltloa causo Bicknoss. Get rid of them now by taking Prickly Ash Bit ters, It will purify tho blood, liver and bowels and put tho body In ehapo tor Bummor work. Price $1.25 por bottle. RIncker Book & Drug Store, Special Agents. 3r. E. Church. Sunday evbnlng at tho Methodist church thoro will bo a storeopticon lecturo. Tho themo will be "America," Somo very flno patriotic slides will be thrown on tho ennvas. Sunday morn ing tho theme will bo "Science and Religion." 11 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., Junior League 3 p. m.. Mission Study 5:30 ip. m., Lunch 6:30 p. m., Epwqrth Lealue 7 p. m. - A cordial welcome awaits you. : o : Card of Wo wish to thank our friends for tho many letters which camo to us filled with expressions of Christian lovo arid sympathy. Thoy wero very precious to us in our dark and blttor breavoment It has not beon possible to answer them all but they have comforted us. It has scorned like a foretasto of tho groat gathering of tho faithful. MR. and MRS. GEO. H. HUGHES, and FAMILY. GIBBSON INSTRUMENTS Those celebrated Instruments arc on salo in North Platte. Buy an in. strumcnt and join tho Gibson Man dolln Orchestra now forming. Prof. J. A. Doucet will be teacher nnd director. This orgnnlntion will bo n great at traction In North Platto, both young and old can easily learn to play ono of those Instruments nnd bo n member of the orchestra. Instruments sold for cash or easy monthly payments. For particulars seo agents. W. 11. IlltOWN, 1303 Fast Gth Street. J. A. DOUCET, ail South Locust St. LARD IS WORTH MORE THAN. LUMBER It takes more than his bristles to keep a hog warm. Jf he is not otherwise protected, he will have to absorb his own fat. It is cheaper, to use cheap lumber than valuable lard to keep your hogs comfortable. Also even a hog responds to the right kind of shelter arid care. . . All of which means it is PATRIOTIC to raise hogs to supply the much needed fats. It is WISE to give hogs the proper shelter and care to produce the maximum of fat from the minimum of feed. It is ECONOMICAL to build the RIGHT KIND ot shelter at first instead of later. ? ' It is PLAIN GOOD BUSINESS to secure designs drawn by agricultural experts who know and materials from men who have the right kind at the right price. Our claims to have both the DESIGNS and the MA TERIAL best suited for this work can easily be proven by by your personal investigation. Come in and let us show you. COATES LUMBER & COAL CO. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. For Rent 10 room house partly furnished. Phono 243. 28-3 Change nnd Vacation of Fart of Road No. 00. 1)11. HAROLD A. FENNER . Osteopath. Belton Building Offico hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. to. Phones Office Black 333 Ros. Black 1020 Geo. B. Dent, Physkian and Surgeon. Syedal AttetiM gfrea le Surgery ad Ofetetrks. Office: Building and Loan Building p. i Office 130 To all whom it may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locato a road as follows: Commencing at tho southwest conTor of tho southeast quarter of section ilftoon (15), town nine (9), rango twonty-olght (28), thonco run ning east olghty rods on section lino botweon section ilfteon (15) and twenty-two (22), thence south through section twenty-two (22) and twenty seven (27) intersecting with road No. 9C, proposed toad to bo sixty-six foot in width, nnd to vacato iportlon of road No. 90 running through center of section twenty-two (22) and twenty sovon (27), thence running (80) eighty rods east from tho southeast corner ot the southwest quarter of section twonty-sevon (27), town nino (9) rango twenty-olght (28), on section lino betwoon section twenty-Boven (27) and thirty-four (34), has re ported as follows: Beginning nt the lA section between sections 15 and 22 T. 9, N. R. 28, W. of Gth P. M., running thenco east on lino between said sections 15 nnd 22 a distance of 20 chains to tho NE3 cornor of NWViNB of said section 22, thenco south on tho 1-1 G Boction line through sections 22 and 27 to tho SB cornor SWSBU of section 27 all in T. 9, N. R. 28 W.; thero to connect again with road No, 96. And ho reports also, in favor ot vacating that part of road No. 96 run ning through tho center of Bald sec tions 22 ami 27 and against vacating that part of road No. 9G running on lino between section 27 nnd 84 from the section cornor eaat V mllo. All objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in tho offico of tho County Clerk oh or beforo noon of tho 20th day of June, 1918, or said road will bo allowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platto, Neb., this 15th day of April, 1918. A. S. -ALLEN, County Clork. Bond No. 11(5. To whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed to locato a road as follows: Commencing at about 100 rods south from tho north section lino of section 9, town 10, rango 2G on tho public road in Gllman canyon; thence southwest through tho SW of section 9, town 10. rango 2G; thonco west through section (8) eight, nnd then angling southwest through section 7 and sec tion 18 to Public road No. 339 follow ing said road running through theso sections as near as practical known as Buzzard Roost rood. Length of road about three miles, and said road to bo 66 feet wide, has reported as follows: Beginning at a point on tho -west lino of Road No. G3 in tho WNBVi ot section 9, T. 10, N. R. 26, W. ot the Gth P. M. about 26 chains south from tho north line of said section 9. thenco in a southwesterly direction through tho west half of northeast quarter ot said section 9, and through sections 8, 7 and 18, said township and rango to connect with Road No. 339 in the NW& of said section 18. All claims for damages or objections thereto must bo filed on or beforo noon of tho 20th day of June, 1918 in tho felfflcb of tho County Clork f Lincoln county, Nobraaka, or such road will be allowed "without reference thereto. Dated at North Platto, Nob.,, this 15th day of April, 1918. A. S. ALLEN, County Cleric.