The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 19, 1918, Image 3

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j Helping the Mert and Milk Supply "!
(Special Information Service, United Stutea Department of Agriculture.)
Dog-Tight Inclosures In Which Sheep Arc Horded at Night Offer On Way
to Reduce Lowes.
Owners of Canines Can Aid by
Supporting Fair State Laws
Regulating Menace.
Most 8erloua Loss Is Fact That Farm
era Aro Kept From Engaglna In
' Sheep Business Dog-Proof
Fences Described.
Thousands of shep ore ruthlessly
killed every year by dogs. The mone
tary loss of more than a million dollars
a year to sheep owners does not cover
the most serious aspect of the damage.
The fact that the dog menace keeps
many farmers from engaging In the
sheep business, even at this time when
there are urgent demands for more
wool and meat, Is the most serious
result which may be attributed to
sheep-killing dogs. Specialists of the
United States department' of agricul
ture are urging cfllclent state .legisla
tion as one of the best ways to deal
with the sheep-kllllng dor problem.
Dog-proof fences also are described
and advocated in a recent publication
of the department of agriculture deal
ing with this subject, i'The Sheep-Klll-Ing
Dog," Farmers' Bulletin 935.
Hindrance to Industry.
That dogs are a real hindrance to
the sheep industry la not only ac
claimed by tho testimony of thousands
of sheep owners but is. verified by
actual conservative statistics. An In
vestigation by the United States de
partment of agriculture among sheep
owners in 15 states east of the Rocky
mountains shows that out of a total
of 0,830,492 sheep in the 002 counties
reporting, 114,683 were killed by dogs
in one year 1918 and paid for by the
counties. At the same rate of loss in
other farm states the total annual de
struction of sheep by dogs would be
107,700 head. But these figures are
based only upon the number actually
paid for, and specialists of the United
States department of agriculture say
it Is more than probable that the true
losses far exceed this. It is known that
many Bhcep are killed which are never
reported to the county ofllcluls.
Sheep-kllllng dogs work both singly
and in groups, but usually In twos or
threes. They do not limit their at
tacks to the flocks' of the Immediate
vicinity In which they are kept, but
travel for miles in all directions,
spreading destruction In the flocks
with which they come in contact. Be
cause their work is so often done un
der cover of darkness it Is almost Im
possible to catch them In the act of
worrying sheep, hence they can seldom
be positively Identified. The ways In
which different dogs attack and de
stroy sheep vary greatly. Some dogs
Blmpl'y kill one or two In n Hock,
while others continue to attack until'
all the sheep are either destroyed or
crippled. In many cases where lurge
numbers are killed they nre neither
bitten nor wounded but simply chased
until they die from exhaustion, After
u dog bus once formed a habit of kill
ing sheep It seemingly becomes a
mania with hlin and he Is seldom, if
ever, broken of It. lie not only de
stroys sheep himself but leads other
dogs to tlie work. No consideration
should be given such dogs; they should
he killed as soon as their liublts are
Rehabilitating Industry. ,
The desirability of a' maximum In
crease in the number of sheep Is gen
erally admitted and steps now nre
being taken townrd n rehabilitation of
the sheep Industry. But It Is recog.
ntred that one of the most effective
means of Insuring the farmer u profit
on sheep Is to mako mill tnfnrco laws
which adequately protect the fnniiurH'
flock, but In most of tlfu slates the
present doir tuu-ii full In tliulr purpose.
In the publication mentioned In a
provlous paragraph the federal special
ists describe the need of uniform legis
lation and outline a suggested state
dog law.
Crop reporters In 80 farm ft
$ states submitted estimates in
ft 1913 which showed that the ft
$ number of shesp In those states
could be increased ICO per cent
ft without displacing other five ft
stock. Such an Increase would
ft place approximately 34,000,000 ft
? rabre sheep In these states than
there are now. Of 1,411 an- x
J swers received to the Question
as to whether sheep raising is
ft profit&blo in the farm states, ft
$ 887 answered 'TTes." Of 804 $
ft answers as to the causes pre- ft
venting increase is the numbers $
ft of sheep 531 said "Dogs." ft
Here are the specifications for a dbg
and coyote-proof fence which has been
designed and tried out by the forest
service of the United States depart
ment of agriculture: Posts 7 feet in
length, set 2 feet fn the ground and
10 feet apart; a barbed wire stretched
fiat to the surface of the ground; 3
Inches higher a 30-lnch woven wire
fence having a 4-inch triangular triesh ;
n k -
H H'-W H H X M
- X X K K M
Government Fence.
5 Inches higher n barbed wire; 0
inches higher n second barbed wire;
7 inches above- this a third barbed
wire. Total height 57 Inches. The
farmer who does not object to placing
his ltock iu n corral each night may
eliminate the necessity for building
dog-proof fences around his farm by
Inclosing a small area with such n
fence and making a practice of placing
his flock therein at night.
Help Save Sheep.
The dog rightfully holds a strong
place In the minds and affections of
men. The owner of a good dog finds
in him a most faithful friend. But it
sometimes happens that the dog most
highly esteemed is iiIho one that kills
and worries the most sheep and is the
most cunning In obscuring the evi
dences of his guilt. A well-bred dog's
habit of lying Innocently asleep in the
front yard during tho daytime is not
proof that the same dog does not kill
sheep at night. Because of the eco
nomic loss occasioned by sheep-kllllng
dogs, and because such dogs bring the
whole of their kind into bad repute,
the true admirers and friends of this
animal should help to further any
steps likely to result In the limitation
of the activity of these discrediting
members of a noble race. One of the
most practicable methods of accom
plishing this result seems to be to
place upon dogs sue tax as will re
duce the number of superfluous one
and result In fewer being kept by per
sons who cannot or will not give thein
the attention necessary to prevent the
formation of habits and associations
that lead to sheep killing.
f ' 1 II mm i..
as tho representatives of the people, must spend to tho last of nil that tho
people have, If necessary, to save tho people themselves.
"But, granting nil that, there Is ns muclf need now as there ever was for
a reform in our system of appropriating the money of tho pcoplo for expend
iture by the executive officers of the government. There Is moro need now for
such reform because of the very magnitude of tho war finances. And tho
principles of the budget system apply as well to tho allotment of the huge
sums of today as they do to the smaller sums of the normal period."
An American propaganda cam
paign of world-wide extent, having for
its purpose tho spreading among the
neutrals of tho truth about America's
rolo in the war, the Informing of the
people of Germany of whnt tho Unit
ed States Is flghUng for, and lastly,
and most Important, bolstering up the
morale of our allies by n thorough
knowledge of what this nation Is doing
and plans to do to help them, has been
undertaken by Arthur Woods, police
commissioner of New York under the
administration of Mayor John .Purroy
Mltchel. The propaganda is to coun
teract the sinister effects of German
lies and machinations all over the
world, and Mr. Woods will act in har
mony with the committee on public in
formation, of which George Creel Is
In directing American propaganda
outside tho United. Stntes Mr. Woods
will have tho opportunity of Infusing
the American spirit into places where it is needed. To tho French and tho
Italian people will bo told thfi true story of whnt America is doing and will
do, and what are her purposes, and In this way his task will be to counteract
tho influences of the German propaganda. England, as a whole, has been felt!
to be somewhat more conversant with America's rolo than tho other allies, a
fact which may be attributed to the common language of the two people.
ning was horn In Kngland In 1800, but came to tho United States when a boy
of ten, uud Is an American citizen. In 1003 hu came to New York as vicar of
St. Agnes' chapel of Trinity parish In West Ninety-second street. Tho follow
ing year he was elected assistant rector, and upon the death of Rev. Dr.
Morgan Dlx in 1908 he succeeded to tho rectorship of Trinity.
When the government decided that
$90,000,000 should be expended for the
erection of explosives plants t felt It
showed it should be shown where and
how the money was spent. So It called
for Daniel Cownn .Tackling and lie re
sponded from the Pacific coast.
liaised In Missouri, Dan .Tackling
Is the very essence of the "show-me"
Nspirlt, and when asked by the war de
partment to take charge of the build
ing of these plants le consented.
lie was born In Appleton county,
Missouri, in 1S09, where "lie spent his
early school days, llo took up tlunUud.v
of metallurgical engineering at the
Missouri School of Mines. In 1892 he
took a post-graduato course and be
cause of his thorough knowledge of
the subject was assistant profes
sor of chemistry and metallurgy.
Ills first big accomplishment was
In 1897, when he wus appointed super
intendent In charge of the construction
work of the Immense metallurgical plants of the Consolidated Mercury Gold
mines In Utnh. For three years ho wus engaged In building und operating
these plants, hut In 1900 he resigned to take up general work. During tho
next three years he figured In various Important consultation, construction und
operating cnpncltles In tho states of Washington, Colorado ond Utah.
Mr. Jackllng bus held moro vice presidencies and general managerships
tirobnbly than any other one man In tho mining Industry.
Is there need now, as In tho days
of pence, for a reform budgetary sys
tem of national flnnnco for tho United
States government? Representative
Swagar Shorley of Kentucky says yes.
no is tho chairman of tho houso com
mlttco on appropriations, one of tho
big flnnnco experts of congress, and ho
has been a budget advocato during tho
greater part of tho 10 years ho has
been a member of the national legisla
ture. "I am not blind to tho fact," he
said the other day In tho course of an
Interview, "that there must bo and
should be n wide distinction between
tho spending policy of tho nation in
time of pence and Its policy in time of
wnr. Under normal conditions wo
should consider every expenditure with
reference, to whether it is worth tho
burden it puts upon tho people. In
time of war there is" only ono side to
that vital question. In time of wnr we,
Dr. William T. Manning, rector of
Trinity parish in New York, said to be
the largest and wealthiest parish In
tho world, who aligned himself with
the forces opposed to the appenranco
in New York of Dr. Karl Muck, direc
tor of the Boston Symphony orchestra,
has been an active figure In patriotic
movements since the beginning of tho
war. no wns one of the strongest
supporters of the allied cause, it Is
said, between the outbreak of the war
and Amerlcn's entry Into It, and was
particularly prominent In the move
ment of protest against the Belgium
deportations in the winter of 1010.
lie wns an advocate of conscription
long before that measure was adopted.
Since last December he has been
serving as voluntary chaplain at Camp
Upton. Ills term expired the first
week In Murch, but at tho request of
Upton officers lie Is to continue at his
post In the cantonment. Doctor Man
The Housewife and the War
Spclal Information Servlc. United States Dpartmnt of Agriculture.)
It Takes Half a Bushel of Spinach
Has Valuable Iron and Mineral
Housewife Should Not Overlook
Dandelion, Lamb's-Quarter
or Wild Mustard.
Leaves of Various Vegetables Furnish
Another Useful Substance Not Yet
Named Cream of Dandelion
Soup Recipe.
It Is springtime 1 Don't neglect to
give your family some good old-fashioned
greens. If you live In n largo
city, you may have to depend upon the
greens which some country woman
brings to market or upon spinach or
kale, which can usually be bought even
in winter. If you live In the country,
perhnps your Instinct has already told
you that the tender green leaves of
the dandelion, lumb's-quarter, wild
mustard, or whatever variety of greens
your locality affords are waiting for
someone to gather them for food.
Pcoplo from primitive times tn this
have manifested a craving for green
food as winter passes and springtime
approaches. Probably this craving
arises from a real need of our bodies
for the materials which such foods
Iron Is Essential.
What Is the particular' uso of sucL
foods to our bodies? All green lcavet
contain In combination with the greet,
coloring matter more or less Iron. Tf
we are to have rich, red blood wo
must furnish this Iron to our bodies.
Dandelion greens are one of the very
good sources of Iron, containing, more
than many other sorts of green leaves.
If we serve greens with hard-boiled
egg for garnish, we have u dish very
rich in iron, for tho egg yolk con
tributes Its share.
Besides the iron and other mineral
raits, the leaf vegetables contain a
very Jmportaut substance which tho
body must have for normal growth and
development. This substance, recently
discovered and for which n name hits
not yet been given, Is also found in
butterfat and some other animal fats,
but not in every food.
Greens have a plnce of real worth
In the diet and should be used In every
household not only In springtime but
late Into the 'summer and, when pro
curable, In the -winter also. Tho
tender beet tops, celery tops, radish
tops, onion tops, and turnip tops
ehould not be discarded, but served as
greens. A llttlo space In the garden
devoted to spinach, New Zealand spin
ach, or French chard will supply the
family with summer greens and also
should afford some material for can
ning for use during the winter months,
Lettuce leaves, which nro some
times cooked for greens, and splmich,
both being mild flavored and contain
ing much water, require no water for
cooking in addition to that which clings
to the loaves from wnshliig. Other
Htronger-fluvored greens urn usually
cooked In a smull amount of water.
Greens should be cooked until tender,
but not overcooked. A tiny bit of
baking soda added to the water they
are cooked In will help the greens to
retain their color.
In tho country where meat Is cured
at home, it used to he tho custom to
keep the Jowl of the hog for the espe
cial purpose of cooking It with greens
In the spring. If (he Jowl Is not ut bund,
a small ploeo of salt pork or the rind
from smoked bacon gives rlchnuss und
flavor when cooked with greens.
Children should he encouraged to
cat greens, us they especially need the
Iron and tho growth-promoting sub
stance which greens furnish. Some
times they object to the slightly bitter
taste which some greens have, but if
innde Into milk soups, tho flavor Is
diluted tin that It is not noticeable.
to Make a Pint of Food, but That Pint
Salts Whloh Human Oodles Need,
Such soups mnko n desirable lunch
or supper dish for tho entire family.
Cream of Dandelion Soup.
1 quart milk (Hk!m or 2 tablcapoonfuls fat
whole). 1 tcoapoonful salt
2 tablespoon fuls flour
1 cupful dandelion leaves that hav been
thoroughly cooked.
Stir flour Into melted fat and mix
with cold milk. Put the thoroughly
cooked dandelion leaves through a
sieve or chop them flue and add to the
milk. SUr until thickened.
Rice a La South Carolina.
No food, regardless of its merits, will
appeal to tho consumer unless It can
bo mado Into an attractive dish. In
this country rico usually comes to tho
table as an uninviting, glutinous mass,
except in certain sections of the South
ern states, where It is served with each
grain distinct and separate, making a
very tempting and appetizing dish. A
platter heaped with loose, flaky ker
nels of rico is not only pleasing to the
eye, but satisfying to the npctlte. It
is very probhblo that the attractive np
pearnnco of tills dish on the South
Carolina table has had much to do
with the popularity and usefulness of
rico In that state.
In seeking Information on the art of
cooking rice, no mistake Is made In re
ferring to South Carolina, where the
true value of this cereal has been ap
preciated for over two centuries. A
Carolina housewife would advlsa the
using .of one pint of rico, after thor
ough washing, which sho considers Im
portant, "to a quart and a pint of wa
ter," and a tcaspoonful of common
salt "This is to bo boiled over a quick
fire for ten minutes, stirring occasion
ally. Then pour off all or nearly all
the water; cover tho veaecl and put
over a very slow fire, and allow It to
stenro for 10 minutes at least, Btlrrlng
occasionally. The rice will be soft or
grainy, according to tho quantity of
water left on It when put to steam, and
tho length of time allowed In the
steaming. Tho larger tho quantity of
water and the shorter the steaming,
tho softer will bo th.o rice."
Of course, other methods are used In
boiling rice or nt least modifications of
the recipe given, hut it must be re
membered that the results should not
be a glutinous, mass and thnt success
depouds upon tho proper amount of
water uspd and tho length of time In
Protect Food In Lunches.
The precautions which must bo
taken to keep lunches clcun and safe
differ with clrcumstnnces. In dusty
sensons they should be wrapped par
ticularly well. In hot weather tho use
of Boft, moist foods In which molds
and bacteria arc most likely to grow
rapidly should be avoided. Although
chopped meat moistened with a dress
ing of Roiiio kind makes n good sand
wich filling, such foods nre less desir
able in hot weather than slices of meat,
peanut butter, or other foods less lia
ble to spoil.
All greens must be picked
over carefully and carefully
washed. This Is sometimes a
long process, for u largo quan
tity Is required to mnke a dish
of the cooked greens. It takes
ahout a half, bushel of spinach
to make a little more than a
pint when cooked. A hnlf cup
ful of vinegar In the water In
which the greens nre allowed to
tttund before washing Is of ad
vuntngo ns it kills the small In
sects that are sometimes hard
to distinguish from the leaves
When buying cooking utensils
choose those with round comers, In
stend of sqnure, whenever possible
They tiro easier to keep clean.
Aprons mado of crostilmr pattern cun
be easily mended without tho pntih