The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 19, 1918, Image 1

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No. 28-
Tho local exemption board has taken
tho names of nineteen registered men
of class one as thoy como In rotation
from which to select tho fourteen men
who will go to d training camp some
time between May 1st and Bfcli. Nlne
teon have been selcotcd 'because it may
bo found soveral ore exempt through
agricultural employment or enlist
ment Tho names of the nineteen
selected aro as follows:
Thomas H. Case, Sutherland
Millard F. Coates, Sutherland
Beryl Myers, North Platto
Wm. M. Rltnor, North Platte
C. F. Argent, Wollfleet, now
Winflold, Mo.
Demetrius Karyones, North Platte
Arthur Hendrlcksen, Brady
Lester Adams. North Platto
Harley Warnor, North Platto
Clarenco Bills, North Platto, now
at Wymore, Neb.
Carl Ekburg, Brady
Fred Isbrandstcr, Brady
Ray Hedberg, North Platte, now at
Chadron, Neb.
Wm. A.i Schiltz,' North Platte
Fred Evans. Horshey
Gordon Powers, North Platto
Hugh Kelly, North Platte
Sylvester O'Morro, North Platte,
-now at Parsons, Kans.
Forrest Eberly, North Platte
Monday Evening Meeting.
To explain an apparent "mix-up'' of
dates regarding tho Sammy Girls
meoting and the Syrian relief meeting,
both announced for tho Franklin
auditorium Monday evening of next
week, we will state that the two meet
ings wdll be in conjunction. Both
urograms as announced olsewhero will
bo carried out Tho musical program
will Include selection bv the Munici
pal band, violin solo by Prof. Doticet.
and vocal solos by Mrs. Gilfoyl, Miss
Trovillo, "Miss White and Paul Har
rington. There will be no charge for
See our new nil Wool Poplin or
Serge Suits nt $20 and $25. Thev
surely are' wonders at the price, all
sizes, in all tho wanted shades at
Tho next biz social function for
North Platto will bo the engineers'
May Party on tho evening of May 1st.
The committee is planning on enter
taining a very large crowd of dancers
and spectators.
Children's Wool and Silk Coats, in
all the newest styles and in all tho
leading shades, sizes 2-to 14, $2.50 to
$12.75, BLOCK'S.
Tho Lady Foresters will meet Sun
day afternoon at tho K. C. hall at
three o'clock,
Printed Georgette and Chiffons in
new patterns at WILCOX DEPT.
An audience that practically filled
tho seating capacity of tho Franklin
auditorium assembled last night to
hear patriotic addresses by N. II.
Loomls and W. F. Gurloy, of Omaha,
who woro members of tho Union
Pacific flying squadron visiting towns
along the lino for tho purposo of
boosting Liberty bonds. This squadron
traveling on a special train Is com
posed of General Mauagor Jofters, Mr.
Loomla, Mr. Gurloy, Dr. Jonks, C. J.
Lano ami Ballard Dunn, accompanying
them Is the Union Pacific Omaha Shop
band, a splondld musical organization.
Tho squadron arrived at 1:30' yester
day attornoon. wore mot by a number
of citizens and headed by tho band
marched to tho court houso squaro,
where tho honor ilatr awarded to Lin
coln county for going over tho top!
was unfurled by tho Boy Scouts. The
squadron returned to the dopot, parti
going to tho shops and part to tho
round house, where meetings for tho
employes woro hold. At tho shops Dr.
Jonks spoke and nt the round houso
Mr. Gurloy.
Tho mooting at tho auditorium was
presided ovqr by F. L. Moonoy, dlr
trlct chairman of the Liberty loan
committee, who In his Introductory
remarks stated that tho Union Pacific
employes In North Platto had sub
scribed for $2G,550 of the first issue of
.bonds, $G8,i50 of the second issue,
and of the present issue had up to
last evening subscribed $70,000. This
announcement was greeted with ap
plause. The chairman then Introduced
Mr. Loomls. general solicitor for the
Union Pacific, who; spoko for about
thirty minutes and was followed by
Mr. Gurley who talked for nbout tho
same length of tlmo. Both addressee
wero intensely patriotic and received
very enthusiastic applause. General
Managor Jeffors was Introduced and
alluded to North Platte as still being
his home, assured the audience that
this city would always be treated wellJ
by the Union Pacific, and stated that
up to yesterday tho employes of tho
Union Pacific had subscribed for over
'a million dollars worth of bonds of
tho present Issue and It was hoped to
Increase this sum to $2,000,000.
During the evening selections were
rendored by tho Omaha band.
Through the efforts of tho SpanUh
War Vetorans a company of Home
Guards will bo organized In North
Platto at a meoting to bo held at tho
Franklin auditorium on Thursday
ovenlng of next week, and to this
mooting all men who aro one hundred
per cont patriotic and loynl aro Invit
ed. Patriotism and loyalty to country
aro tho necessary qualifications for
membership. Tho number who may
join Is unlimited, and those bctweon
tho ages of eighteen and sovonty
flvo or older aro cliglblo .Tho Homo
Guards is not a military organization,
though at Borao towns whoro organiz
ed tho members nre drilled by tho
officers of tho organization which con
sist of a captain and two lleutonnnts.
Tho object of tho organization Is to
meet, and (promptly meet, such
emergencies as may arise In tho com
munity that may in anyway affect this
country which is ours individually
and collectlvoly. Those aro war times;
wo know not what emergency may
arlso at any time; and If wo have n
company of Homo Guards we have an
organization to moot the condition In
stead of meeting It as Individuals.
Tho membership will not be limited,
the purposo being to have nn organization-
so strong numerically as to
havo a moral effect on any possible
would-bo wrong door.
Arc you looking for n new Spring
Cont, Suit or Dress? .If so come here.
A completo line, nil sizes, and nil new
styles. THE JIUB.
-ThabestBhckTaffeta Silt; you have
ever bought for $1.50 at-WILCOX
Dove Brand Muslin Underwear, the
kind that is made better than you can
do yourself at WILCOX DEPT.
New Coats and Suits are still ar
rlvlng dally at BLOCK'S.
Starting next Saturday a two part
Keystone comedy will be added to thp
Keith Saturday night program. These
Koytono comedies aro among tho liest
known and best liked comedies on tho
market at the present time. Tho Key
stone comedy has long been an es
tablished standard of fun In the world
of tho photoplay. The first ono to be
presented will bo "Tho Iceman's
Bride." It will bo shown In .connec
tion with "Jack and Jill." a Western
picture with a mighty good story and
a big lot of fitn.
French KM Gloves and Niagara
Maid and "America" make Silk gloves
in all shades and sizes, every pair
guaranteed, 75c to $3.50 pair at
N. B. Spurrier who had been spend
ing tho winter In Southern California
and Arizona, returned home this
morning, leaving Mrs. Spurrier to con
tinue her visit in Arizona. Enrbute
homo Mr. Spurror spent a day at
CamD Codv and found the bova vorv
much peeved because they aro not
permitted to go over seas.
Wanted To buy second hand spring
wagon or uuggy. JJaviu scott. lhone
Red 6G0.
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury and Mrs. W.
J. TIloy came in from tlje east on
train Nor 13 this morning.
Onyx Hosiery in plain and fancy
stripes, all shades to match your
shoes. 25c to $3.25 pair at BLOCK'S .
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stroltz rocolvod
word yesterday that tholr son Ferdin
and, who Is with the 23d Engineers
had arrived safely ovor seas.
Mrs. Frank Carman has rocelved
lettors from her husband, who. loft for
Camp Funston Apvll 1st, In which ho
says he Is woll and likes army llfo.
Earl Calhoun, who recently return
ed from Washington', whoro ho failed
to secure ontrnnce In tho navy, yostor
day enrolled for enlistment as a
Frank Hucbuor, whose homo Is
south of Horshoy, was called homo
from Camp Funston this week by tho
death of his Infant child, tho funornl
of which was held Wednosday.
John Hnnsn. lirntlinr a? Mm Prml
Mlllstead, one of tho Sutherland boys
sont to Funston, Is among thoso who
havo left that Camp for Franco. Ho
was in co. K, 335th Infantry.
Ahsonco of lnttnm from T-ivnrntt
Evans for ton days past Indicate that
ho has been released from linsnl-
tal and has probably been sent to re
join mo lorce on tho battloshlp Texns,
now in foreign wnters.
In a lottor received yesterday Fred
Peterson says .Co. E at Camp Cody
was getting roudy to go out on a four
day hike, on which all necessary camp
equippago would bo takon. Fred says
tho wind is blowing strong and the
dust is terrible.
uits and Coats
Spring Wearing Appearel.
Distinctive Styles and Best Tailoring.
Our stock is still
jlp unbroken, a complete
line of style and sizes.
' We feature the
Priutzess Garments
represent workman
ship and value and in
connection with these
facts they do not
lose sight of style as
they employ only high
class designers con
sequently they will pass the most critical inspection byNlhe most
fastidious customer. Take a look at our garments, you'll be
pleasantly surprised. Compare our price value and you'll ,be con
vinced that we haven't over estimated our Suits and Coats.
A card received from tho war de
partment yesterday by Chris Brod
beck announced tho safo arrival of his
son Will at a port in Franco. Will Is
a mombor of an engineering corps.
A Sutherland friend had a lcttor
from Floyd Young Sunday, who is
at tho front In Franco. Ho says ovory
day Is like tho Fourth of July. Ho Is
.woll, In good spirit and says they got
good food nnd caro, but that' thoy
don't got much mall from homo.
Row Horbert Covoll, formerly of
this olty, who has boon located In
Now York for a number of yoars as nn
Episcopal mlnlstbr, hna boon appoint-
ml nfrilnrv rt ttm V M O A l
Franco and will leave for that country
about May 1st.
For Sale Ford delivery car equip
ped with extr.v good enclosed body
nnd Leo Puncture Proof Tiros WIL
Barry Gulnan, living Bouthwost of
town, purchased a Ford sedan for MrB.
Gulnan yestorday from tho Hohdy
Ogler Co., a present that will no doubt
bo vory accoptablo. '
Beautiful new Silk Drosses In
Tacotas. Foulards and Silk Ginghams,
special for. Saturday at $14.75 at
County Chairman Tomplo announced-last
evening thnt subscriptions to
tho Third liberty loan In Lincoln coun
ty exceeded by ono hundred thousand
dollars tho quota of tho county. Tho
canvass In town Is Hearing tho end,
and up to last ovonlng tho North
Platto subscriptions woro In round
numbors $2GG,000. Tho subscriptions
in tho county outsldo tho North Platto
district up to last ovonlng figured
Tho people of Lincoln county havo
now Invested ovor threo-quarters of
a million dollars in tho thren lunula
of Llborty bonds nnd tho war savings
stamps. Not a bad showing, Is It?
For foot comfort nnd stylo sec our
beautiful lino of pray kid pearl nnd
brown, low and high heel, nlno inch
boots for indies. PO.OO to SS.50 per
pair. THE HUB
Brlcklayors resumed work on tho
Hondy-Oglor garngb Wednesday and
with fair woathor will probably havo
tho work completed soon after May
Soft Water Shampoo, olcctrlc mas
sago. Coates Beauty Parlor, Phono
onglnoerlng corps
his father W. J.
K. but says soma
tobacco would
Tho father will
supplied liberally
that cheor In the
Will Stuart, In an
In Franco, writes
Stuart that' ho Is O.
American smoking
taste awfully good,
seo that "Billy" is
with tho "makings"
lonely hours.
Gus McNeal and family of Suther
land, returned Saturday from Camp
Funston where they had gone to bid
their son Lowls good-bye. Lewis bo
longed to Co. E, 350th Infantry nnd
waB ono of the men that loft Funston
last Monday for tho east from whence
they will soon Bail for Franco.
The recruiting station at Omaha in
forms' The Tribune that soven North
Platto young men were accepted for
enlistment on April 11th. Orloy Re
noau, Everett Adams, Clarence Wright,
Gilbert Adams and Georgo Slzeinoro
enlisted In the engineering corps and
Wlllard Louden and Howo Frlsble In
tho Infantry.
7 Tho last letter received from Albln
sanuaii. who is on tno battleship
Texas, stated that he had not soon
land for six weeks, and It would proba
bly be six weeks longor boforo he
would set foot on terra flrma. Tho
Texas Is supposed to be cruising off
tho northen coast of Scotland. There
aro over 1,700 men on tho Texas.
We havo received a copy of the
Windy City Echo, published by tho
13th Engineering Corps now Jn Franco.
In this issuo is an item stating that
Sorgt., Leonard Robinson, whose homo
Is In North Platte, had been given a
seven drry furlough In order that ho
might visit his son who Is also In
servico In Franca
Archie Hunter, now at the Rich
field, Texas, aviation Hold has attain
ed, a reputation as a wrestler by se
curing two straight falls in a contest
with the "best man In tho camp."
Archie, who wolghs 180 and Is as agile
as a cat had quite a reputation as a
wrestler while living on tho farm
south of this oltv.
There Is considerable complaint on
tho part of North Platte people that
letters addressed to relatives and
friends In tho service In .Franco fall
to reach their destination. It Is
known that mall conditions In France
aro such that the facilities aro unequal
to the demands, nnd that lettors aro
long delayed In reaching tho soldlors
to whom thoy aro addressed.
Julius Cornoll, who had bean In
Canada for three months in army
Borvice, arrived In. town a few days
ago. Under orders of tho U. S. govern
ment all United States men In the
Canndlan servico wero discharged and
Julius was among them. He made threo
attompts to enter tho servico of tho
United States but was turned down
each time on account of, being flat
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donogan re
eolved a card yesterday from tholr son
Cyril announcing his arrival in
Franco. Ho embarked threo weeks ago
today and had boon In Franco two
days when tho card was written
Cyril was In tho first bunch of draft
ed men sent to Camp Funston. Later
bo was transferred to the 13th En
gineering Corps and was sent over
seas as a member of that corpB. Threo
of tho Donogan boys aro now In sor
vlco In France, a splendid tribute to
tho loyalty and patriotism of the
Donegan family.
Writing from tho officers training
Hchool nt Camp Stanley, Texas, Sergt.
M. S. Cross, of this olty says: "Wo
are scheduled to leave hero Saturday
aftornoon for Camp Cody. Tho men
who aro horo now will probably bo
recommended for commissions. Tho
North Platto boys who are horo tro
Abner Wcssborg, Cody Bonl, Alan
Atchison nnd myself. Am watching
for The Trlbuno anxiously In regard
to tho Third Liberty loan, but am
confident that North Platto will go
ovor tho top. (North Platto has gono
over tho top, Morrill: Wo aro stand
lngt unfaltering behind you boys who
aro' fighting 'Tor us; wo aro, and al-.
ways will bo, with you "with our
monoy, our moral support, our good
wishes. To do loss than this would
bo to brand oursolvos as traitors to
you boys in tho sorvlco and to our
country. Editor Trlbuno.)
Clever. New Spring Boots, that have a real dis
tinctive style, without being in any way extravagant.
.Every shade that is correct, either military or;Louis
Light grey kid vamp; beautiful cloth top
to match; Louis heel with aluminum plate,
Others at
$7.00, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $10,00,
New Pumps and Oxfords- are arriving daily
is a good investment today, if you are lucky enough to
get one.
Because today the ;price is $200 under the market
for cars of anything like'its class.
Because it is a car for which you can get repair'parts
and service anywhere the cars are sold.
Because it gives good service under any and all con
ditions, and as a consequence the second hand value of the
used cars is very high.
Dodge Brothers Cars have proven themselves. Ask
any owner.
An early order is your only protection, especially
this year.
'"Service fr Our Owners'
North Platte.Neb.