The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1918, Image 1

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No. 27
Fifty-four men employed in the' Tho officers ot the Lincoln county
back shops of tho U. P. have volun-Red Cross wero notified yesterday by
tary agreed to pay fifty cents each "pay l tho Central Division of tho National
day ono dollar a month to tho Red Red Cross at Chicago that tho Lincoln
Cross. Tho agreement roads: "This ' county Chapter must furnish ono
money is to go to tho Red Cross and thousad sweaters by Juno 30th. It Is
to "bo used for no other purpose, money further ordored that tho knitting of
to DO paiU to CierK at CUeCK, Winuow. wnswuiH, muuiuib uuu iiuimuio uuuau,
This agreement to run for onp year."; and tho knitters conflno themselves to
Tho ngreomont was slgnod by practi
cally all tho men omploycd in tho back
The Tribune Is mightly pleased that
these fifty-four cm'ployes havo entered
sweaters. Tho officers are further
notified that tho yarn for theso 1000
sweaters will cost seventy en hundred
fond five dollars in Chicago.
To knit 1000 sweaters in practically
into this agreement. It is a plan that; two months seems a stupendous task,
was suggested In Tho Tribune two or out not so lr au uio women jtuiuors
threo weeks ago, and if followed by of Lincoln county will tako up tho
citizens generally will insuro sufficient ! work with a spirit born of patriotism,
money for Red Cross purposes with-! with a willingness to provldo comrort
out asking for contributions exoryl for tho boys who nro fighting for
week or two, holding sales, dances, J us In tho trenches of Franco and those
entertainments and so forth. It lb tho who will soon bo there, and if the
busings -wnv of mlsliic Red Cross blood of loyalty runs rich In their
Tho Red Cross motion picture show,
opened at the Lloyd last night with
an attondanco of cloven hundred at
the two shows. At tho first show evory
one of tho 736 seats was occupied
and behind tho seats on tho floor
people stood closoly packed and In
tho balcony many stood. At the second
Tho main film last night was "The
Slacker," an intensely patriotic play,
and it was wildly applauded. A
comedy film was also prosonted. Prior
to tho oponlng a four mlnuto talk was
given by Geo. N. Oibbs.
Tho same program will be repeated
; !0 I
local And personal
funds. Tho Red Cross work must be
continued as long as the war exists;
it is as necessary for tho well being
and comfort of tho boys on tho firing
line as are tho guns and ammunition
necessary for the defeat of tho enemy,
and its support should bo "made a
business proposition. Every entlivldual
and every firm should at once conclude
that Red Cross support Is part of his
monthly expense; that he should
vclfos. But to provldo those 1000
sweaters in Sixty days there must be
no slackers; every woman who can
knit must do her bit, while those who
do not now knit must learn. Tho call
Is urgent; It must be met; and Tho
Trlbjino belloves that the patriotic
women of Lincoln county will riso as
a tower in this emorgency and meet
tho demand made of them.
Tho tlmo is limited and tho officers
monthly give what ho can afford, ot "10 incoin, c"np,lcA mus KnoV ?l
whether tho sum is fifty cents or five ",1UU 1 "uu "3B wuiiuu ,m
or ten dollars a month. Tho North "lo county will do, what each church
Platto Red Cross is consuming not less "l " is i i n V ' ,
than a thousand dollars w.orth of ma-
teriarcacb month; if ten hundred out '"" " """ft
0 tUn flf7 i,,,Jj,,i i Mtii nnd to this end each branch, society,
..HJlJ?" lodge, club or individual Is requested
the problem of Red Cross funds is, for Mrs VRIn'Sr,
rri, ' i (.uni, i, i,,,' Phono Red 833, not later than Friday
Jnn ZlTfl rnf n, S ot this week, April 19th, ari
f K n rl I w cn ie required amount, of yarn must be
Lonn. c, nl ! L rdored once In order that the
generously show their colors, their knlttln may not be Slaved.
patriotism anu uinr goou win to me w - 0j. Lncoln the -call
bow?,?ro n ?10 flrnS 1!no' . 'has been made, let the response be
..V"- nuow, prompt, hearty and generous.
I ::o::
-o:: l A natriotic nrocram will bo hold at
tho Platte Valley school Saturday
The ladles will
servo a supper for the benefit of tho
Red Cross. Everyone is cordially in
vited to attend.
School Girls Gingham dresses on
You women who want style and
extra value should not fail to see the ovenlng, April 20th
wrrtnmoro waists nt 51. do ana the
Welworth Blouses that are being sold
at $2.00 at THE LEADER MERC. CO.
CM. Trotter returned Sunday from
Detroit where he went to get started salo at THE LEADER MERC.
on tho road to North Platte five cost 95c, $1.25, $1.45 and $1.65, mado
Hupmobilos. He left tho drivers at from the best grade Ginghams.
Chicagp Friday night and they are ex-1 George Freed returned Sunday
pected to arrive horo tomorrow even- from Omaha whoro he had been trans
fng. - ' acting business for a week.
General Crowdor has issued a call
for 49,983 more men to bo sent to tho
camps from May 1st to 10th. It is stat
ed In tho press dispatch that Nebraska
win lurnisii Day or tnoso men. uiers
Allen, of tho county exemption board,
figures that this will call fourtooli or
fifteen Lincoln county boys to the
colors, though tho board has not as
ye,t received any official notice.
This increases to 300,000 tho num
ber of men who havo been called sluco
tho early part of March and can bo
taken as evldenco that Amorlcan
troops aro rapidly going to Franco.
it is possible that all class ono men
In Lincoln county will havo boon call
ed bv tho ond ff thn nnmninr. fnr it
jl)6comes nioro evident evory day that
The story of a three sided domestic tangle.
Crystal, Thursday and Friday, April 18-19
Adults 15c plus war tax. Children 10c plus war tax.
New Wirthmor- Waists
to help brighten up your
Wardrobe for Spring
Here they are; the new Wirthmor Waists for Spring and
as neat, dainty and pretty and just as good as Wirthmor
ever were and just think of it!
Still Priced at just $1.00
If you're not Wirthmor-wise if you have never worn a
Wirthmor, then by all means, do come in and make their
acquaintance, for thereafter you'll save largely every time
you buy an inexpensive Blouse.
Sold in just ono good store in
every City and sold here only
Second Floor - - - 0 Bargain Square
Frank Murray has been spending tho
past weolt in Kansas City.
Mrs. B. B. Boatman loft this morn
ing for a visit In Donver.
Mrs. J. A. Foster canlo up from
Omaha this morning to visit friends.
J. B. Hemphill, who had boon
spondlng three -weeks at Excelsior
Springs, returned Sunday.
Asa Cornwall who had befcn em
ployed as a fireman, wont to Denver
last night la join tho navy.
Joseph, the five year old son
Mr. and MrB. Browning living at 1Q15)
E. 4th died of typhoid fovpr yosterdajs
Now lot of Rompers for little 'cha'ps
In ages 2 to 8 years. Mako your choice
now wlillo selections are good at THE
For Rent Good work shop opposite
Vienna Cafe, 218 E. Gth. Phono Black
140 or call at 51G E. 6th. '27-2
Tho state chairman of tho Liberty
loan committee tho latter part of last
weok wired his congratulations that
Lincoln county Hod so nicely gone
"over tho tdp" In subscriptions.
Up to last evening tho subscriptions
to the Third Liberty loan by North
Platto railroad employes amounted to
$8,000. Of this amount $CG50 waB sub
scribed by Wyoming division men and
$1,350 by Nebraska division men.
Elmer Coates left last night for
Omaha to attend a conference of coal
dealers called by state fuel adminis
trator Kennedy. Dealors from several
states will attend tills conference, and
the fuel iprogram will be outlined.
Louis H. JoTinson. formerly U. P
suorekeep'or, lias been recently apl-
polnted Sergeant; C. C, 315 U. s:
Engineers stationed at Vancouver,
Washington. This is tho third promo
tion recolved in the threo months he
has been in training.
Tho subscriptions mado to the Third
Liberty loan Thursday, Friday, Sat'
urday and yesterday are unavoidably
crowded out of this Issue. They will
appear Friday, as will also those mado
today, Wednesday and Thursday1 or
tills week.
Lost on Saturday, 13th Largi
cameo pin, brown cameo with white
head. Finder return to this office and
-4 I H 114 ... 1
In the case of the Coates Lumber
Co. against the Semi-centennial cele
bratlon in 'which W. H. McDonald
rind J. B. McDonald wero named as
defendants, Judgo Woodhurst found
for tho defendants. Tho Coates
Lumber Company sued for about $300
for lumber furnished.
Another new lot of Pattern Hats
Just arrived at THE LEADER MERC
CO'S. Clever styles, low in price.
Frank McGovern has sold his resi
donee property at 500 South Chestnut
to Adam Sensel for a cosldoratlon of
$3,200. Mr. and Mrs. Sensel, who h'avq
been residents of Garflold precinct for
many years will tako possession of the
property this week. The salo was
mado through tho H. and S. agency.
Just tills morning direct from a
Now York manufacturer wo received
the entire samnle lino of Coats rang
Ing In Junior sizes 15, 17 jintf 19 and
women's and Misses In sizes 34 to 44.
No two alike . Bought for spot cash
at a big reduction, saving you from
$3 to $9 on any Coat you buy. Now Is
your chance to buy tho most classy
Tho Hodgson carnival company
opened a wook's stand last evening on
grounds at tho south end of Dewey
street. On account of counter attrac
tions and the fact that not all tho
shows wero ready to open the
attondanco was light. Tho show plays
.under tho auspices of the Municipal
band, and that organization receives
a certain percentage of tho receipts.
Tho local lodge of Odd Fellows la
pr6parlng to properly celebrate tho
nlnoty-nlnth anniversary of American
Odd Fellowship on April 2flth. The
commltteo has prepared an Interesting
program, Including an address by Rev.
C. Franklin Koch. At this time 25-
year Jewels "will be presented to E. S.
Davis and W. M. Basklns.
Tho war has mado it necessary for
tho Government to put an embargo on
platinum Jewelry, that is tho manu
facture of it. They will however, allow
tho Jowolors to soli that which ,tlioy
havo on hand. If you aro planning on
having some flno plcco of platinum,
now Is your last chanco. Dixon's havo
a complete lino in Btock. It will pay
you to call in and see It.
C. F. Scharmann, connected with
tho Union Pacific at Omaha, has roc
ommonded that North Platto bo in
eluded ns ono of the Nebraska points
ror tho establishment of a canleon aor.
vlcb. This Is a aervlco for troops pans
Ing through on tho trains and consists
I of serving coffee and sandwitchefl or
j other lunch to tho men. Tho sorvloo
la In charge of tho Red Cross,
the war must bo won by Amorlcan
troops and many of them will bo needed.
::o:: .
Salo of classy Coats for Mlssc and
women. Tho best of tho season, Just
In nnd placod on salo. Tho entlro
sample lino, no two allkq from ono of
tho largest Now York manufacturers.
Bought by us for spot cash. Offor to
you now at a saving of $3 to $9 on this
season's most wanted styles at THE
Owing to tho lied CrosB danco next
Friday night the weokly danco of tho
Knights, of Columbus will bo held at
tho JC. C. hall Uils Tuesday ovonlng.
Tho Roboknh kcnslngton will meet
at tho I .0. O. F. hall Friday after
noon. Business of Importance wilt ho
brought up. A largo attendanco Is
desired .
City Schools Thrift Notes.
$20.41 was deposited In tho school
savings system banks, $113 was spent
In buying Thrift Stamps, $112 was
spent for War Savings Stamps making
a total of $245 in, savings In tho
schools Inst week.
Washington school broke all records
last weok whon 297 Thrift stamps
wero purchased on Bank Day.
Junior Iflgh broko nil records for
War Savings Stamps last woek. 19
of these stam'ps woro bought Wed
nesday through tho school. In ad
dition to this Jefferson bought 5 and
Washington bought 3 Baby Bonds
making a total of 27 with a par'valuo
of $135.
1 : :o: :
McCall Pattern's 10c, 15c and 20c for
month of May now ready at THE
Point for Point the Greatest Motor Truck Value on the Market
100 Per Cent in Value100 Per Cent in. Service
80 Per Cent in First Cost
In Comparison With any Truck in its Class '
FULTON TRUCKS are'loWst first cost and lowest in maintenance. Ail tlie'efforts of
the Pulton organization are concentrated on the production of a single 1-ton model
which shall stand supreme In its field
The "Pulton' has a wheelbase of 13G inches; is sixteen feet eight indies over all
with a loading platform of nine feet. The weight of the chassis is 3,200 pounds and is,
retail at only $1,420 P. O. B. factory. When you take into consideration the unusual
quality construction which will be seen by referring to specifications, its simplicity and
ruggedness and compare this price with all competitors in the field (the average price ,
of all lio ton trucks manufactured today being $2,150.00) you will see what a wonderful
dealer's proposition we have to offer.
We know of no manufacturer taking so small a profit out of his product no manu
facturer giving so much at such a price The Pulton truck is the lowest priced, full 3,000
pound capacity truck offered in any market of the world, and when compared with all
others it must be obvious to the buyer, that tho value in Pulton trucks is a 100 per cent ,
standard in the commercial vehicle field.
To make a substantial return in the manufacture of Fulton trucks thousands are pro
duced each year and continuance of their large sale depends solely upon the fact that a
full 100 per cent return in service is given upon the investment of the buyer. The most
expert engineering skill to be found in America has been employed in the design of this
truck. We offer the utmost in value and service.
CAPACITY' 3,000 lbs.
MOTOR Four cyllndor 3Vi-inch boro, B-lnch
Btroko, L head typo cast on bloc, 30 H. P. at
1,400 revolutions.
COOLING Fulton exclusive design radiator, In
front of hood, allowing use of 20-Inch 'positive
cooling In any climate.
CAItliUJIETJJIl Automatic, float feed, hot air
quick-starting dovlce. ,
IGNITION Splltdorf, "Dixie" high tension
magnlto with advanced spark.
LUBRICATION Combination pump and splash
system. Designed especially for heavy duty-motors
CLUTCH 10-lnch Borg & Beck, adjustablo dry
disc. A unit with motor and transmission and
vory accessible.
SPRINGS Special Fulton desiign. Front springs
seml-olllptlo 42 inch long, 24 inches wldo, Rear
springs, semi-elliptic, CO inches long, 2'4 inchos
wide. All- springs aro heavily bushed.
1U1AKKS Emorgency brakes 13 inchos in din
motor, 2 Inches wjdo, operated by hand lovor.
Sorvlco brakes, 14 Inches diameter, V-k inchos
wido, operated by foot pedal. All brakes applied
direct to rear wheols.
FIIA31E Fulton special design, heat treated
steel channel section 5 1-1G inches by 2 inches
by 3-10 inches. Extra heavy designed to carry 50
por cent overload.
TRANSMISSION Unit power plant type, 3 speeds
forward and rovorso. Direct oh 3d'speod.
AXELS Front drop forged I-beam section, hoat
(treatcd stool, heavy steering knuckle spindle, with
tlo rod mpunted aft 10-lnch road cloaranco. Rear
oxlo, Russol Internal Gear with hoavy doad axle
carrying tho load. All power Js transmitted
directly to tho driving nxlo with minimum loss.
WHEELS Front 84x3 inches, having twelve
oxrta heavy s'pokes mounted on roller bearings
Roar, 34xB -inches having twelve extra heavy
spokes and mounted on heavy duty roller bearings
duty rollor boarlngs.
WHEELI1ASE 136 Inchos, standard tread and
allowing short turning radius",
STEERING GEAR Screw and nut Irreversible
with IS inch whedl. Left sldo drlvo for American,
right sldo for export. ,
GASOLINE TANK 13 gallon capacity.
TIRES 34x3 inch front, 34x5 raar; solid rubber
IHMENSIONSStandard chassis over all, 200
Inchos. DiBphco from back of seat to onii of,
frame, 9 fool!
I-JQUIPMENTIIorn, 2 sldo lamps, roar tall, lamp
and tool kit. :
WEIGHT Chassis fully oquippod 3,200,
Price $1,420.00 F. O. B. Factory
Farmingdale Long Island, N. Y.
Distributors for Western Nebraska and Wyoming.
DEALERS Write for contract, aa your territory will not remain open long.