The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 02, 1918, Image 5

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Hw b Ue Thai to Git Rid of Title Ugly Spoti
Thert'a no lonrtr the sltchttst need ot
retllnc ashamed ot your freckles, ni the pre
scription othlne double strength la guar
if. ,8 remve these homely spots.
BIJflply get an ounce of othlne double
trenfth from your Mrugelst, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you ahoutd
ton see that eyen the wont freckles have
gun to disappear, while the lighter ones
kare vanished entirely. It Is seldom that
more than one ounce Is needed to completely
oltar the skin and gain a beautiful clear
Ho sure to ask for the double strength oth
lne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money
back If it falls to remove freckles. Adr.
Proof Indeed.
They hnd been discussing friends
and exchanging views about them.
Suddenly Jones mentioned Brown
smith. MOh, he's n fine clinpl" broko out
Olarko enthusiastically. "IIo's the
most wonderful mnn I know 1"
Jones looked startled nt the great
outburst of praise nnd asked In sur
prlso: "Indeed t How do you mako that
"Well," explained Clarke, "before ho
got a motorcar he promised the usunl
number of peoplo that ho would take
them out for runs. And," ho continued,
In tones of awe, "he actually kept his
promlso to every ono of them." New
York Evening Post.
Always Particular.
Ho had been the nuttiest of nuta
before ho trod the paths of crime; and
ho was to be hanged on tho following
"Have you any request to mako?"
Inquired tho governor of the prison,
according to time-honored tradition.
"Well, if you could let mo tic tho
noose myself," suggested tho con
demned one. "Never did care for
those ready-mado tics don't want to I
start now."
Sterilize Drinking Glasses.
Drinking cups and glasses used in
restaurants, at soda fountains nnd oth
er places must be washed flvo minutes
In boiling water containing a 5 per
cent solution of lye, according to regu
lations promulgated by tho California
stnto board of health for tho enforce
ment of the law governing tho sterlllzu
Hon of drinking utensils. The New
American Woman.
Too Late.
Ellen "Cheer up, old top, you'll get
her yet" Lee "You're always look
ing on the dark side." Panther.
Garfield Tea is Nature's laxative and
blood purifier; it overcomes constipation
and us many attendant ailments. Adv.
A Bpring gun has been Invented for
casting fishing lines further than can
bo done by hand.
Inflamation ud Swellings
of all kinds In livestock can bo
crclckly reduced by using DR. Davis
rauiiocuui. i uuiiibc inn
Oneackago makes ten pounds of
I Read the Practical ITame Velrrlmrlin
S,d for m bMkUt Atortloa la Cawa
If no dpalnr In Tnnr tnmi H.
tr. OitW lebtrtt' fat. Co., 100 Cried Artnue, Wiukeiba, fflt.
wmsaamm nun imu:
II i II ihti i'i III II I II
Insist on the name vtlth three
D'ta and enjoy freedom from '
tdflney Ols. At all druggiMa j
W: N. U., OMAHA, NO. 12-1918.
Exponent of Masculine Street-Car
Courtesy Felt Himself Justified
Making Exception.
Tho stout mnn on tho Wado Park
car turned to his companion.
'Tve formulnted a new code of mas-
cullno courtesy," ho said, "and pledged
myself to observe it. When I am for
tunnto enough to get n sent In n enr
I hang onto It with three exceptions.
I'll give It up to nn elderly womnn, to
n woman carrying a child and to n
sick person. I draw tho lino nt theso
exceptions. It's my street car courtesy
code, revised to date, and in lino with
prevailing conditions."
Ho stopped suddenly nnd stared nt a
plainly dressed woman who stood
close by. Then ho quickly nrosa nnd
gave her his seat
When the two men loft tho cat, tho
othert mnn said to his friend. "Dow
did you hnppcn to give your sent to
that woman?"
"I've enlarged my code."
"Your lnllexlblo code. Yes, but
"Thnt woman has n husbnnd, n son,
or brother In tho army. But probably
you didn't notice It?"
"Notice whnt?"
"Her servlco badge." Cleveland
Plain Denier.
Circumstantial Evidence.
Tommy was making a visit to his
grandparents, who owned n largo
dairy.. Ho had been forbidden to touch
tho tempting-looking pnns of rich
cream. One day his grandmother
caught him coming up from tho cellar
with a very suspicious whlto rim over
his upper Hp.
"Tommy," she snld, "I nm nfrnld,
from your looks, that you hnve been
disturbing my pnns of cream."
"Oh, no, I haven't," Tommy hastened
to explain. "I Just ran my tonguo
gently over the top." Country Gentleman.
Not So Foolish.
Tho members of a certuln local ex
emption board shrugged their Bhoul
ders cynically when n young mnn ap
peared before them limping conspic
uously and asked for exemption on
the grounds of physical disability.
"Fell down on tho ico nnd hurt
yourself, I suppose," ono of them sug
gested. "No," snld the candidate, flushing,
"I lost one leg at the battlo of tho
Then there wns a large silence.
New York Tribune.
"What are you working on, there?"
"A hymn of hnte," replied the poet
"Dcnr me I Don't you know tho
American government discourages uny
thing of that kind?"
"Oh, yes. But this Is none of tho
government's business. It Is addressed
to a neighbor of mine who has played
'Over There' on his phonograph every
night for the past seven weeks."
Birmingham Agc-IIcrald.
All It Was Good For.
Judge Why did you hurl this bot
tle at the umplro?
Fan It was empty. Boston Globe.
Such a Dear Friend.
Ethel Agnes was at tho cat show.
Maud As an exhibit? New Haven
In case of emergency patriotism will
always find a way.
It's passing strango that some things
come to pass.
Win the War by Preparing the Land
Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking for
greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat arc avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the
etTorts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
Every Avallablo Tillable Acre Must Contribute; Every Available
Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be Seeded, but man power
is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed
ing operation.
Canada's Wheat Production Last Year was 226,000,000 Bushels; the
Demand From Canada Alone for 1918 Is 400,000,000 Bushels
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
States developed first of course; but it also wants to help Canada. When
ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied,
we want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can
beit serve the combined interests.
Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th. Wage
to competent help, 50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Those who respond to this appeal will eet a warm welcome, good wages,
pood board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent
a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return.
For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had
A Suggestion !
iaiue Life Insurance Certificates for
$250.00 to $5,000.00
Present members may obtain ndditional insurance in the Unlcersal Camp for any
amount which, with their present certificate, will not exceed $5,000. The
Unicenal certificate is in lull lores liorn date ot issue and
the m erratum never chances.
If vou are thinkina of inerMsino vnnr intitnn-f. nL- (I,- 25slS!c
Clerk, or write to SuTorcIgn Command
Omaha. Neb.
Largest of All Domesticated Fowls
and Most Favored, Whether
for Profit or Pleasure.
Tho Bronze turkey Is the lnrgest of
nil domcstlcntcd turkeys, tho cocks
weighing SO pounds, nnd tho hens 20
pounds, according to their standard of
Besides tho Bronzo turkeys, tho oth
ers of the turkey family nro tho Nar-
rngnnsett, White Holland, Black Buff,
Slate nnd the Bourbon lied turkeys.
Each of theso varieties of turkeys
Is bred with moro or less profit, but
Fine Type of Bronze Turkey.
tho Bronzo is the most popularly bred
of nil turkeys, whether for pleasure or
Tho breeding stock Is the first essen
tlul fenture of profitable turkey rais
ing, nnd the better, tho healthier, tho
stronger tho breeding stock, the great
er will bo the results.
Vigorous, healthy breeding hen tur
keys should always be over ono year
old, two and three-year-old hens nro
even better for breeders.
.9 9 9 9. .9 --t..TnT..f..Tnt.nTMTnTi.7.if..f.iTiifi.TiiTi Ji
4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tI 4 A 4 4 4 1 r l 4 4 4 F 4 4 1
(Prepared by tho United States De
partment of Ajrrlculturo.)
Moro chickens nnd moro eggs
will release more ment for our
armies and the allies. They
cannot get our chickens nnd our
eggs we can and like to eat
Poultry can be Increased more
rapidly nnd more economically
than any of the meat animals.
Chickens will live largely,
grow and prosper, on wnste that
never otherwise would bo of use,
nnd will cat tho Infant bugs,
particularly orchard pests, be
fore they hnve had opportunity
to do great harm.
Chickens require a minimum
ot attention. Most of It can be
j given by women and children.
$ No heavy labor Is required.
f Chickens will help win the
r-uunrymcn onouia uican uui, uisin-i
tect and Whitewash Hen Houses
Look Over fences.
With the' coming of spring, when
fowls spend more time out of doors,
the poultrymnn should don his overalls
and Jumper and set things briskly to
rights. There are the houses to clean
out, disinfect nnd whitewash; fences
to look over nnd possibly mend, yards
to rake up, spade nnd sow to rye or
oats ; brooders nnd brooding coops to
pnlnt and clean and colony houses to
get In shape.
The War Lord Salutes the Field
Such Is tho striking tltlo to n well-
timed enrtoon In nn agricultural pa
per, showing tho War Lord In snluto
to tho farmer. Tho meaning of It Is
that without the nsslstnnco thnt tho
farmer renders In tho matter of pro
viding food for tho army tho fighting
ability of thnt body would bo propor
tionally decreased, Whllo tho army
Is fighting, tho farmer Is busy. The
promptness with which ho sprang
Into the breach was a patriotism equal
to that of tho man who enlisted nnu
tho farmer's record In this particular
was worthy of tho high record that
has becomo Ills. All over tho United
States tho appeal Is being met by more
production. Fields nro enlarged, Inten
sive ngrlculturo has taken tho place
of slipshod methods, moro cnttlo nro
being fattened, moro hogs grown, veal
nnd lamb have becomo senrco com
modities. This is all In keeping with
tho food-controller's demands, and
with tho hcnrtlness that 1b now preva
lent, It would seem as If the require
ments of tho boys nt tho front and tho
allies In Europo would bo fully met.
Not only nro tho tilled acres of tho
JJnltcd States being brought Into
requisition, but tho wild rusturo lauds
ro doing tribute with their cattle and
sheep. Working In conjunction with
tho United States, Western Canada Is
nlso doing Its share nnd n pretty large
snaro It Is, too. By an arrangement
with the United Stntes Government It
will now bo posslblo through its env
ployment burenu to secure for tho
Western Canndn fields such help as
can bo spared. It Is thought In this
way Canada will havo Us help to seed
Its millions of ncres of wheat land
fairly well met. Tho largo number
of young men of tho farms who havo
cnllsjcd nnd gone to tho front has left
many of tho Western Canada rarms
weak In tho matter of man power,
This menns that Canada can tako nil
thnt tho United Stntes can spare. Tho
wages will bo good and tho housing
In addition to this tho free home
stead lands of Western Canada offer
tho greatest Inducement to tho mnn
with limited menns who Is willing to
undergo some of tho hardships natu
rally accompanying this enterprise,
Thcro Is nlso tho lnrgo area of uncul
tivated lands thnt nro waiting tho
mnn with sufficient means to purchnso
and equip. And this Is not expen
slve. Tho lands aro cheap 'and the
terms very reasonable. Equipped with
tractor or horso power tho cultivation
cost Is slight when tho return Is con
sldercd. Yields of wheat varying from
20 to 40 bushels per ncro may bo ro
lled upou, and with n set price of over
$2.00 per bushel, It Is nn easy matter
to arrlvo at the cost, rroductlon, In
cluding Interest on land, has been esti
mated at figures not exceeding ten
dollnrs anncre. With a twenty bushel
yield, at n two dollar price forty dol
lars. Ten from forty nnd you have
tho profits many formers made In
Western Canada tho past year.
Tho Dominion nnd Provincial Gov
ernments aro working conjointly In nn
Increased production propaganda.
Among the Important steps that huve
been taken to bring thts nbout 13 the
recent order by which It Is mndo pos
elble to tako Into Cnnnda tractors that
cost fourteen hundred dollars and less
In tho country of production. This
will glvo those residing in the United
Stntes, owning lands In Canndn, the
opportunity to place them under cul
tlvatlon nt much less cost thnn In tho
past. Another Inducement Is the prlvl
lego of taking sheep and cnttlo In
free of duty. Automobiles form a
necessary part of the outfit of a good
many farmers thnt would llko to move
to Cannda. Theso are now accorded
free duty. Provision Is nlso mndo that
those requiring seed and unable to ob
tuln It In any other wuy, may get It
from the Government. So from this
It will bo seen thnt It Is not only tho
fertile lands of Western Cnnnda that
Invito the settler, but tho enso and
Hens Disturbed Will Not Lay as Well
as They Otherwise Would
Keep Dogs Away.
Hens thnt are frightened or disturb
ed will not Inv ns well ns thov oth
erwise would nnd therefore It nnvs
the enrdnker to make friends with
tho llock nnd to bo sure thnt dogs
nnd strangers do not disturb the layers.
Keeps Turkeys In Good Health and
Reduces Activities of Organism
Sauslng Blackhead.
The feeding of sour milk hns been
found of ndvnntnge In keeping tur
keys in good heulth nnd In reducing
the activities of the organism causing
blackhead. Free rango and care ot
lo lhe
American People
There is no foundation for the alleged
violations of law attributed to our Com
pany by agents of the Federal Trade
Commission and I want to say emphatic
ally that Swift & Company is not a party to
any conspiracy to defraud the Govern
ment. Nor has Swift & Company been
guilty of improperly storing foods or of
making false entries or reports.
Conferences of packers, where prices
have been discussed, have been held at
the urgent request and in the presence
of representatives of either the Food
Administration or the Council of National
Defense. And yet the packers have been
accused of committing a felony by acting
in collusion on Government bids I
We have done our best, with other
packers, large and small, to comply with
the directions of the United States Food
Administration in all particulars, including
the furnishing of food supplies for the U. S.
Army and Navy and the Allies, now be
ing handled through the Food Adminis
tration. We will continue to do our utmost.un-
der Government direction, to increase our
production and assist the Food Adminis
tration. We consider that the opportunity
to co-operate whole-heartedly and to our
fullest powers with this branch of the
Government is our plain and most press
ing duty.
The Trade Commission Attorney has,
by false inference and misplaced empha
sis, given to disconnected portions of the
correspondence taken from our private
files and read into the Record, a false and
sinister meaning with the plain purpose
of creating antagonistic public opinion.
The services of the packers of the
United States are most urgently needed,
and I regret exceedingly that we should at
this time have to spend our efforts in
defending ourselves against unfounded,
unproved, and unfair assertions such as
are being daily made public.
QUrtl President
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
cheapness with which a farmer may
establish himself. Advertisement
Too Much.
A playwright nnd nn actor wero In
conversation when tho former, who
hus been nono too successful of late,
exclaimed gloomily:
"People will praise my work after I
am dend."
"Well," said tho actor, In n consol
ing tone, perhaps you nro right, but
don't you think It's a great deal of
sacrifice to mako for u Httlo prnlsoV"
Everybody's Mngnzlne.
Glnsgow In September quurter of
1017 sent to tho United States goods
valued at $1,020,870.
Quito a Record.
Tho Gulf streum Is moro rapid thnn
the Amazon, moro Impetuous than the
Mississippi, nnd Its volumo more .thnn
1,000 greater.
During tho past few yenrs there hns
been n fulling off In tho yield of tho
To restoro a normal action to Liver,
Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, take Gar
field Tea, tho mild herb laxative. All
ilruRKists. Adv.
New York's debt limit Is reduced to
In New Zealand tho men outnumbes
tho women by many thousands.
How to Make Oatmeal Bread
Healthful to Eat Saves the Wheat
1 cup flour
cups corn meal
1 teaspoon salt
5 teaspoon Royal Baking Powder
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup cooked oatined! or rolled
2 tablespoons shortening
l?r cups milk
No eggs
Sift together flour, com meal, salt, baking powdernnd sugar.
Add oatmeal, melted shortening: and mlllc Bake In greased
Bhallow pan In moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes.
This wholesome bread is easily and quickly made with the aid of
If used three times a week in place of white bread by the
22 million families in the United States, it would save more
than 900,000 barrels of flour a month.
Our new Red, While and Blue booklet. "Best War Time Recipes",
containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome
wheat saving foods, mailed free address
ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, Dept.W, 135 William St., New York
to overfeed arc moat Important.