The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 26, 1918, Image 1

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. .i Baa.
NORTH PLATTE, tfEB., MARCH 26, 1918.
No. 21
Jamas Lambert, -who was home on a
short furlough, returned to Camp Cody
Sunday. Jim la now In the machine
gun battery.
In a lottor to a North Platto friend
Loron Sturgos, In the postal service In
France, writes that ho Is working
very hard and haB lost olght pounds
In weight.
Hnrrls Stuart, who wns transferred
from Camp Cody to Gettysburg. Pa,.
Is now a mombor of tho tank unit. Ho
is therefore protty cortaln to have
more or less oxcltlng experiences
when ho "goes across."
Gilbert Anderson, who was sent to
Camp Funston from Nichols precinct,
was one of six selected from 200 as
a member of tho sharpshooters unit
and ha been transferred to a camp
in Virginia.
John Thomr-eon, who lived north of
Ilershey, and was sent to Camp Fun
ston, iiaa been appointed second non
tenant of heavy artillery and trans
ferred to Camp Pike, Ark. At present
ho is recovering from an attdck of
scarlet fever, and will soon be homo
on a furlough.
J. K. Ottenstein received a letter
from his son Paul yesterday, tho first
he had received since the young man
had readied tho other side. Paul is
stationed at some naval base, tho
location of which is not of eourso
known, but presumably on the Irish
coast. Ho says ho is feeling fine and
getting along nicely.
A letter to the home folks from
Rawlln Glnn says that ho la now locat
ed at Camp Merrltt, N. J. All over
sea equipment has been issued to him
and the other 100 who left Camp Cody
after being transferred to tho railroad
engineering department Prior to the
transfer Rawlins served as clerk. He
expects to leavo for France in a few
Lieut. Roy Cochran writes from
France, where ho Is In tho heavy
artillery arm of the sorvlce, that ho
has written examinations 3 hours
each day, studies French one hour
dally, and this with tho physical drill
and night study makes tho work very
hard. Ho writes that ho has witnessed
tho havoc of the war, and has heard
tho reverbatlon of the big guns oh tho
firing line. Ho Is located about seventy
miles from Loron Sturges and succeed
ed in getting In touch with him by
letter' a few days ago.
. 'o: :
R. D. Dirge Is transacting business
in Omaha thin week.
W. II. McDonald. roturnod yesterday
from a business visit in Omaha.
Tho Eldoen clulj will moot tomorrow
aftornoon with Mrs. Georgo Shaffer.
R L. Gravfcs came In from the east
tody and will visit friends for a day
or two.
A now shlpniont of Goorgotta dresses
just arrived. E T. TRAMP & SONS.
Mrs. Victor F. Dock and son loft
today for Omaha whore they will visit
for a couple of weoks.
For Sale Washer and wringer and
combined vacuum cleaner and sweep
er. Phono Red 973. 21-2
Miss Marlon Smith, of St Louis, 1b
tho guest of Miss Georgia Hoxlo,
having arrived a day or two ago.
For Sale Winter onion topsets. L.
1. Tucker. Phono Red COS. 21-2
The North Platte baskot ball team
will play Us final game of the season
at Sutherland noxt Saturday evening.
Mrs. Lillian Glcason spent Satur
day In Lisco where sho conducted a
civil scrvlco examination for appli
cants lor tho Lisco postmaHtership.
Suits and coats arriving dally, a
big and varlejl aBSortmen to select
from. E. T. TRAMP & SON.
Tho Romlgh fleot of eleven Dodgo
cars are duo to arrive In town today.
They reached Omaha from Detroit
Sunday, after a tedious drive over
bad roads.
Soo the beautiful line of trimmed
hats just arriving at tho Millinery
Dept. at BLOCK'S 2d Floor, MISS
WHITTAKER, Milliner.
C room Iioubo on South Ash, modern
except heat; largo lot with fruit and
flowers; good out building, will trado
for cows or bottom land and part cash.
Write M. E. D. care Tribune office. 2
Now coats and suits aro being shown
popular prices. The kind you like and
at the price you llko to pay.
Tho remains of little Louis Proper
who died yesterday, were taken to
Oshkosh this morning, and tho funeral
of tlie grandfather and the grandchild
will be held at eleven o'clock today.
Georgotta crepe blouses beautiful
styles and all tho new wanted shades.
J. E. Nelson, Harry Dixon, Clyde
Frlsto and Charley Tlghe made a trip
to McCook Sunday In tho Nelson sport
roadster. Tho trip of 170 or moro
miles was made without any car
Moro than sovonty-flve teachors
wero In attendance on tho Junior Red
C'rosg meeting which was held In the
Control school auditorium last Satur
day aftornoon. Wilson Tout, chairman
of tho Lincoln county Junior Rod
Cross, presided nnd announced that
thora wero fifteen Junior Red Cross
auxiliaries In Lincoln county at pros
ont with a total membership of 1S00
Many moro schools are organizing.
The cpoaker of tho afternoon win
Leonard W. Truster of Omaha, director
of Junior Rod Cross for Nebraska. Ha
said tiiat tho movement was primarily
educational and that It was growing
at an enormous rate. Ho explained
tho organization of the American Rod
Cross on its military lines and show
ed how tho Junior organisation wns
organlzod In a similar manner. Con
siderable discussion of the work fol
lowed the address. Boforo tho teachors
wero dismissed Swpt. Alleon Gnntt,
treasuror of the County Junior Rod
Cross made a number of suggestions
and exhibited nn ambulance pillow
In the vnrlous stages of manufacture,
showing tho tonchers how thoy could
be made by tlie pupils of tho schools.
The Junior Red Cross of tho county
is undertaking to finance a Junior
Garden Supervisor for tho county
who will have charge of garden,
poultry and pig projocts during tho
coming summer. A supervisor has
been selected and It only remains for
tho filial details to bo settled In order
to have tho thing materialize.
: :o: :
We Show niu! Soil'
Tho prowrty ihnt are on lho market
with us. We desire n larger list of mo
dlnni priced homes that can hp bought
on terms. If you are Uilnginc of selling
phone us us the place to soli unit buy
that home on terms.
Phone Red CI 2 Brodbecfc lllilg.
1 Mrs. Thos. Watts accompanied by
j her mother, Mrs. W. P. Kimball of
: Douglas, Wyo., and her slstor, Mrs.
C. A. Madison of Choyenne, loft this
morning for a visit In Omaha.
A little heiress arrived last night
I to brighten tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
I Harry Gutherless, and all concerned
are doing nicely. Grandfather Hanifin's
face is aglow with smiles today,
j The annual meeting nnd church sup
per of the Baptist church will be held
on Thursday night of this week in the
church basement Suppor will bo
served at 7 o'clock. TUl members of
the church and congregation are In
this Adler Collegian
Haddon, at
OR men who like a suit with a fair meas
ure of style, but nothing extreme. When
you wear a Haddon
dressed in almost any company. Two-button
coat. A splendid value for the price we ask.
We show many other models of
Suits 20.00 and up; Topcoats $20.00 and up
You wont find such patterns everywhere. Good
assortment of plain styles, too. Prices begin at
S1.00 TO S12.00.
Harcourt Clothing Co
Brooks Itltl Accepted.
Tnf Luthornu church council hold
k meeting last evening and accepted
tho bid of Geo. P. Brooks, of Bridge
port for the construction of the now
church. Some minor chnngou wfcro
made in tho plans, and tho contract
as signed in In round figures $40,000.
While tho contractor does not hind
himself to have tlie building complet
ed at any specified time, ho believes
he enn have tho work finished within
six months.
April 7th will be tho last Sunday
services In tho old chitrc'i, and the fol
lowing week the work of tearing down
the building will bugin.
Another Red Cross Shipment.
Tho Lincoln County Roil Cross
chapter, which consists of Maxwell,
Brady, Sutherland, Horshoy, Wallace,
Wellfloct, Somerset', Dickons and
North Platto and auxiliaries mndo an
other large shlpniont Friday which
conslstod of CO pajamas, 20 bod shirts,
5 pair bed socks, 10 suits undorwenr,
20 pillow casos, 45 wash cloths, 20
ambulance pillows with 2 casos oach,
1 air pillow, 12 holmcts, 50 pair socks,
41 swoators, 21 wristlets, 7 wash
cloths, 2 afghans, 1318 Fronch dress
ings nnd 3881 Biirglcnl drosslngs.
Attention Allisons.
There will bo a special communica
tion of Platto Valloy Lodgo No. 32,
A. F. and A. M. this Tuesday evening
for tho purpoao of conferring Mnstcrs
H. C. BROCK, Muster.
R. A. ARMSTRONG, Secretary.
: :o: :
The meeting of tho Happy Hour club
will be postponed until Friday after
noon, April Glh.
Tho Economy knitting club will
meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
L. E. Hastings, 210 Willow.
Found on Locust street railroad
crossing last evening, genuine leathor
pocketbook containing monoy nnd
stamps,. Owner can lmvo samo by
calling at this offico nnd proving prop
erty and paying for this notice.
The Sammy Girls' aro preparing
I comfort kits for the sovon young mon
who go to Camp FiniBton, April 1st
Under a recent ruling tho Rod Cross
can no longor furnish theso kits, nnd
tho work of making them has been
turned over to tho Sammy Girls.
For Sale As It stands, Luthornn
, Parish house, located on Sycamore
. street Just north cf church. Sealed
' bids for the samo will bo rocolvod
until 8 p. m. April 1st. Building nvuet
be moved by May 1st. Sond bids to the
pastor. 21-2
you'll feel well
Heretofore in reporting shipments
of Rod Cross work to Omaha, the con
tributions of tho eight branches out
side or North Platto lmvo novor beon
listed, and credit therefore has never ,
been given tho willing workers of the
branches of the hundreds of nrtlclos
they have mado. This oversight-has
been unintentional on tho part of the
oftkurs of tho chnptor, and has been
largely duo to the fact that In tho
beginning packages sent to tho chnp
tei were not always markod from.'
whonco thoy camo and credit could
noUat that tlmo bo given. Since then
however, duo credit hag been glvoiii, to
each branch for all supplies sent in '
and so far as the records of tho,
bronchos show, tho ontlro donations
up to March 25th from the branches
wero ns roiiows:
Brady Knitted articles 13, surgical
dressings 210.
Horshoy Knitted orticles GO, hos-
Itnl crarmontH 14. surulcnl drosslmrs
GI5, hospital supplies 49.
Suthorlnnd knitted articles 135,
urgicnl drosslngs 53, hopsitnl gar-,
ments 117.
Wallace Knitted nrtlclos 91, lids-
pltnl garments 151, surgical dressings
SomorBet Knitted articles 37, hos
pital supplies 10G, surgical drosslngs
74, hospital gnrmontB 10.
Mnxwoll Knitted articles 59. sur
gical drosslngs 139. hospital garments
15. hospital supplies 287.
Wollflect Knitted nrtlclos 15, .hos
pital supplies 20, hospital garments
Dickens Conipleto llBt lacking, will
bo published later.
The Trlbuno desires to Impress up
on theso bronchos tho nocoaalty, . In
rdor to receive credit of keeping nnd
sending a correct list of each shipment
or dollvory, or better yot, a complotol
list for each month. Theso lists will
bo published monthly, and will ac
quaint tho public of Just what Lincoln;
county Is doing In tho Red Cross work.
Tho ahlpnients ns Indicated above
nro cortalnly a credit to tho women I
of the respective sections. It shows'
that they are Interested In a work that.
is absolutely necessary; a need that I
Is mndo moro neccsnry and 'becomes
greater ns tho war grows moro tense,
Not only do tho women mako tho
garments nnd dressings but the monoy
witn which to buy tho BOi'pplIos is
raised through their enthusiasms for
each branch must bo soir-supportlng.
Wo hnvo mndo a big, wide, thorough
selection of beautiful suits, coats and
dresses for you. Thoy nro In our dis
play rooms .nmv-all fine, fr-ssh look
ing and among them you will find ono
you win buy within the prlco you
want to pny. Visit tho ready to wear
Tho Sammy Girls' will hold an ex
change at tho Derryberry & Forbes
storo next Snturday. All kinds of
baked goods and othor eatables will
bo offered for sale. Any ono desiring
to donate chickens, eggs, etc., can
leavo them at tho homo of Mrs. John
SulU and coats now on display. Tho
styles wero never moro charming and
our prices aro right. E. T. TRAMP &
By spondlng a half-hour n day In your garden you can rendor ns
great a scrvlco to our community and Government as In any other
cnpaclty and If ns our mostbrllllnnt diplomats claim, this awful earn
ago of war continues for from three to flvo yonrH, wo all, regardleSB
of nationality, croed, color or birth
well as our Government, what sorvlco wo can rentier to save us from
tho privations that would seem lnovltnblo In vttiw of tho lessoning
of European production.
Even though the war should bo terminated bofore wo can place
this proposition boforo you, thero should bo no losfionlng of pro
duction, duo to tho fact thnt two years, or moro, must ela'pso boforo
Luropo an produce oven a small portion of hor natural production.
AS AN INCKNTIVK WK AUK GIVING to overy student In our
Schools from 1st grado up, uh woll as tho gonoral public a chanco
to compote for tho following prizes. Even though thoro aro four
In tho family each should hnvo a little patch to caro for.
( oiiio In and gel a BOOKLKT on above Subject FREE.
North Platte, Nebr.
10 ol.lPlSdalH I tho best
'I! SUvUr Bronze Medals looking gardens
.'t (Sold .McdnlH for the three largest Potatoes.
:t Cold Medals for tho thrco largest curs of dried Sweet Corn.
:t (Sold Medals for tho thrco host cars of Yellow Field Corn.
It Gold Moduls for tho best three curs of White Field Com.
!l Gold Medals for the thrco heaviest Tomatoes brought Jit boforo
October 1st, r
Contest Is open to nil residents of Lincoln Comity.
Come in and
Tho groat Gorman drive which be
gan on a fifty mile lino front held by
the British made cousldornblo of a
bend In tho Hue Saturday, but tho
Tommies retired In good order to tho
roar defenses whoro thoy lmvo slnco
been nblo to hold tho Gormtuis hordes.
In this drive tho Germans hnvo had, It
Is estimated, over a million mon, and
their casualties nro plowed at from
thirty to forty por cent, thus showing
that the small advantage thoy hnvo
gained has beon nt an enormous cost
of man ptwor.
The big German gun, which Is
bombarding Paris from a dlstnnco of
seventy-two miles was again nctiro
ftr a short tloomrotsyhowogcytrhdl
for u short time yesterday. Tho dam
age done by this gun has boon com
paratively slight nnd not cojninon
surato with tho cost of operating tho
Slnco the drlvo bognn tho Germans
claim the capture of 45.000 prisoners
and GOO guns.
Tn tho fighting yostordny tho Amor-,
lean Higlnoors wero again in tho
thickest cf a flerco conflict, in which
thoy nro reported to have dono ex
cellent work In tho transportation
lino. The casualties to Americans hns
not been stntod, but will no doubt
prove quite largo.
Fdltorlally tho Omaha Beo says:
"Opinion is growing that tho thrust
as tho last dosporato attempt of tho
Gormnns to break through and es
tablish thomsolves In 'positions that
support their frcquontly rejected pro
posals for pence. If this bo truo, It
may bo expected that further fighting
of equal Intensity Is yet to come.
British vnlor Is now undergoing its
final test; II hns not wavered, and on
this side confidence In tho outcome
provallB "
cslerday tho British on tho front
from tho Sonuno ns far north as Wan
court bent off continuous nnd heavy
ettneks with complete success. Tho
text of the British official statement
given out Inst evening Is as follows:
"Tho capturo by tho Germans of tho
towns of Neslo and Gulscard, Is con-
"Hoavy Iosbcs have beon Inflicted on
the enemy by our artlllory and
machine guns, whilst our low flying
airplanes ropeatedly attacked tho
enemy's advancing columns further to
tho rear."
"A heavy attack delivered by fresh
enemy troops in tho aftornoon en
abled them to mnko progross west and
northwest of Bnpaunio, In the direc
tion of Courcelette. South of Poronno
our troops have boon pressed back In
Bovoral places, slightly wost of tho
Somme. while furthor- south- tho 'ori
emy hns- succeeded In making somo
progross, nnd has captured Neslo and
' "Fronch reinforcements aro nrrlv
Inr In this neighborhood.
"Our troops, although tired, aro Jn
good heart and aro fighting splendidly,
and tho enemy Is only progressing nt
the cost of heavy sacrifices," the even
ing official, statemont snypfc "Our
losses in material hnvo beon heavy,
and lucludo a certain number of tanks.
:o! :
Now Bilk and dress goods arriving
ovoty day nt THE LEADER MERC.
By Planting
in 1918
owo to our local community asx
get a Booklet