The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1918, Image 8

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    SmuMBceklu Srilutnc-
IltA L. BARE, Bdltor and Publisher
One Year by Mull In Advnnco....$L25
One Year by Carrier In Adranco ?I-0
Entered at Nortli Platte. NibrMka,
.Postofflce at Second ClasAiatter.
FJIIDAY, 31 AKCI1 1018.
County Agent Office
OfHclnl Notices.
Important Information.
Items of Interest fo Farmers.
nr,iii.M -mi:.n in siirvick.
Dfcutilnvoa fin thn ITnloll I'aclflC mil-
road are planning an organization U
got behind the men wno nnve iwt iu
railroad service to Join the Nary and
Military service of the nation.
So far, nearly 2,000 mon have left
the service of the Union Pacific for
i,i. .,iirnrt mul those who liavo not
boon culled feel the need of aoino
method through whlcn tney can wv
in touch with men who havo answered
tho call of tho country and at tha same
time keep in touch with their friends
und members of their families.
The Union Pacific employes in North
Platto are arranging for a mooting to
bo hold some time in tho near future
to be attended by ropresontntlvus from
all departments In this city for tho
purpose of making dellnlte plans.
Tho fact that such an organization
is being planned was brought to the
attention of President Calvin and W.
M. Jeffors, vice president and general
manager, who have both given their
onthiiHiastic su'pport to the project and
arrangements have been mudo so that
Uallard Dunn, special roprosontntlvo
of tho president's office, can give as
much timo a necossary in working
out the proposed program.
iCln planned to 'prepare a comploto
roster of all men in tho military ser
vice and to keep completoly posted
tho military history of each of those
mon, noting in particular all pro
motions in rank, all citations of brav
ery and tho award of medals for dis
tinguished Horvlcoa. Commlttoos will
Do soloetod at each district terminal
whoso dmty it will bo to get In touch
with tho mombora of the famlllos of
the Union Pacific men who havo Joined
tho military servlco from such polntH.
Those commlttoos will oapeclntly learn
tho financial loondltions In ench In
Btanco and- report concerning it, so
that hol'p can bo offered In enso It is
Tho dotalls of tho organization have
boon almost completoly worked out
by thoso In tho Union Pacific servlco
at 'Omaha, and tho nlnns as worked
out In Omaha will bo called to tho
nUontlmi rtf ilinun In Mm T I'll I mi Pacific
sorvlco In North Platto, nt a mooting
to bo held nt an early dato. Mr. Dunn
will bo prosont at this mooting for tho
nnrnni iif miHlnltif what has nlreadv
been accomplished in Omaha and what
it is hopod to accoinpusu at an points
on tno union rncinc rauroau.
00,000 31 EN TO HP, CALL til)
Hmiil Treatment Demonstration.
All farmers aro Invited to attend an
open air demonstration of the treat
ment of seed whoat, to be held nt
North Platte at 2:80 next Saturday
afternoon, Just ncrois the street from
the post-office.
We are warned against a heavy
smut loss this year. Labor Is scarce
and high In prlco. Smut costs the
farmor money, it can ne mrgciy pro
vHiited liv treatment. Tho -process Is
simple. It Is only a matter of doing
it. This will be a runners' meeting,
and we will endeavor to have some
one show us how the treating is done,
whilo faunors solactod from the
crowd hnndlo the shovel.
Advance style in millinery are be
ing shown by THE LEADltU MKltC.
CO. Mrs. Ora Sailor who has charge
i , , , , anion, ana ioib u nnu iu, moon, u mwii
Is blowing the b".t In pattern and Lot C&B ad(llt!on on west Sixth st.
street hats that ran w round any see Fred Dloner.
where. Visit tlie mil I Jn.-ry department 12-8
Town Lots for Liberty Bonds.
I will accept Liberty Bonds as pay
for any lot I own In Boll&vuo ad
dition, and lots 9 and 10, block G Town
l if W
hut it's what's iii-
tfoafc really deter-
Dean C. V. Curtis to 31 eel Farmers.
The County Agent has Just returned
from a weok's conforenco at Lincoln
of county agonts and dopartment
bonds, which was callod tor the pur
nose of getting organized affort under
a doflnlte plan, to rondor all tho assis
tance possible to tho farmers of tho
stato this season, wo woro mot ny
experts from tho fodofal capital, and
several or tho statos, t givo ns an
Idea of what the govornmont Is trying
to do, and tho way things are being
done In othor parts. The essonce of
tho conforonco was that food Is nec
ossary to win tho war. Tho govern
ment ndmlts mistakes, Hut It Is try
ing to do everything In Its ftowor to
holj). Howovor, it is necossary lor
tho people to also feel their porsonnl
In ordor for the Government to
know what conditions are, and what
farmors need and want, Donn O. F
Curtis, of Iowa, Is sont out to Nebras
ka to discuss farmers' wnr problems.
Ho Is limited to threo meetings In
oach state. Every county and agri
cultural intorest should send a dele
gation to one of these meetings, and
lay tho facts of our local conditions
boforo him, that bo may carry tho in
formation back to Washington. Tho
nearest mooting for Lincoln county
to nttond is at Hastings Friday, March
29th, at 3 p. in.
Five Star Points of
Round OakSupremacy
ft DURAnit.lTY
You must "crack" the shell to find out if It
is really good whether It is eggs or heat
ing systems. You know, a heating system
you sec Installed in someone's home really
tells you nothing of the "works" inside, and
it's the works that determine economy, dur
ability, cleanliness, service, and satisfaction.
The Round Oak Moistair
Heating System
is not what you see when the casing is on,
but the powerful system, stripped of its
"shell." Examlnctheillustratlonatthelcft
Read the fivestar points and then let us mall
you free the large, illustrated book that
explains clearly and in a simple, powerful
manner the fundamental principles of the
economical and healthful heating of homes.
May tve also tell you of our free heat'
ing plana and engineering service? '
"Looks Like Itnln this 3IoriilnV
y.e-s but I think It's meant for
.S.u-y, you man with the wry face
-Don't Manic the wife. Don't blame
Hie coffee. Don't blamo the not. They
can't help It!
tict an
.(nod coffco always six cups for lc
worth of current. It's worth It. Tho
cheapest coffee In a good Klcctrlc.
Percolator will mnko n Itetter nrew
than tho best you can buy In an old
stylo pot.
Pot luck? Yes but get a good pot
and luivo good luck.
Sellers of Good Goods Only-Rightiy Priced y&&
:.o: :-
For Snlo.
Any part or all or my proporty on
oast 11th stroet, 200 block, consisting
of one-half block, two largo modern
barns, modorn flvo room houso ox
copt heat, good fruit trees, plenty of
shado, lawn, curbing and sidewalks In,
good location, threo block from Lin
coln school. Seo mo if you want a
It. L. DOUGLASS, North Platte
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
Washington dispatches stato that
Provost Marshall General Crowdor
will begin within a fow days calling
out for special instruction Uio men In
the draft needed by tho army in tech
nical positions.
A gonornl survey of tho educational
institution!! of the country is m prog
ress. It was announced, to deter
mine wlmt colleges and Industrial
schools will bo available for tholr
training during tho nunimor months.
Tir1wittK' l!H nnn mm, rtlitfiltloil tirlll.l
cipnlly from class one, will be ordered
out for special training. Local draft
boards will (publish widely tho oppor
tunity that Is afforded to registrants
with a vlow to obtaining as many
voluntary inductions Into tho servlco
ns possible.
Special Session of Legislature.
Governor Novillo has issued n call
for a special mooting of the loglslnturo
on lliKasdny, March 2Gth. While the
extra session Is callod primarily to en
act legislation that will enable absont
soldiers and sailors to voto at stato
olectloiiB, tho governor has Incorpor
ated ii number of other subjects.
Among thoso Is a chango In tho state
constitution which permits aliens to
voto artor making tholr declaration
at Intention: tho ronenl of tho IMockett
law whlcii roqulroB tho teaching of
Gorman in schools when so petitioned;
a law protecting the civil rights of the
mon In araiy and navy sorvlco; author
ity of tUfr statu board to issue minora!
loA'oa; to correct two errors In the
sR- tcn laws of 1917; to delluo tho of sortition and providing n pen-
alt. lfltmllzo the homo guards;
und io dotiut sabotage and provide a
: :o: :
Hurry Iteeso 1'asses Away,
H.ivry Heese, for thirty years a resl
dont of North Flatt. passed away at til
local howpltal early Tuesday morning.
For over four months he hnd been tak
ing trentmont at the hospital for
phyaloial 'troubles incurable, nud
whloh needed constant attention.
Tha deceased ciune to North Platto
the latter part of the RO's and accepted
omplaymont with tho Union Fnclflc
and was later protnotod to engineer.
In January. 1890. he was Injurod In u
wrock nt Sunol, whllch incnpnleltod
him from further sorvlco with the
company, and of lato years ho hod
conducted a clothos cleaning shop.
Ho Is survived by two sons and a
daughter who live In the east part of
tho stato. Tho sonB arrived Tuesday
morning nud Wodnsdny night nccom-
panlod tho remains to rintlsmouth-
Three good dwellings located at tho
edge of town, with from ono to ton
acres of ground. Excollont locations
for poultry and truck.
Here We are Again with Our
The Best Lot we have ever assembled.
One Outstanding Royal Emblem Heifer Sold for the Benefit oE the Red Cross
d AND 4th.
In the Big New Sale Pavilion.
Consigned by the Following lliecdcrs of the
High Line Shorthorn Breeders' Association.
M. II. Albrocht Oraflno
V. V. Douolson ....Farnnm
Edwin Gohloy Orloans
Godfroy & Godfroy Cozad
J. L. IUckB Farnnm
Mason K. Hyda Gothenburg
Kail 1, T. Johnson JBertrnnd
W. W. Klbben Curtis
H. E. Kllno Coind
Shorthorn stoors at tho International Chicago, made the highest drtwsod woight porcontago of any breed.
Sixty yearlings nvoragsd GIM- par cent. Shorthorn stoors woro grand champions at Donver, Portland,
Salt Lake City and Chicago: Shorthorn cows aro making records up to 17.504 pounds or milk and 509.7
pounds of buttorfnt per ytur. American Shorthorn Breeders' Association, 13 Uoxtor Park Ave., Chicago.
It. J. Lydlc Farnnm
Nobrnska School of Agriculture Curtis
W. C. Reed Stockvlllo
Geo. H. Scott & Son llrady
W. A. Walthors Mooreflold
W. 12. Wharton Farnnm
James Wilson Moorofleld
A. Zollars & Sons May wood
E. W. Crossgrovo & Sons Farnam
For nulck action and rntUf.ictory
sale list your land with Thoclocke. tfl
1 1 a U '
If tho bowels are clogged up poisons
got Into the blood causing loss of I
strencth. skin eruntlon. dizziness and
vertigo (blind utaggors.) Prickly AbIi
meters will opon tho bowels, drlvo
out tno impuriuoB ana rostoro
strength, energy and cheerful spirits .
Price 91.25 per bottle. Ulncker Hook
& Drug Co., Bpocial Agents.
There aro somo words In tho English language thnt
moan much moro to me than many other. Tho
words, Mother, Wife, Chlldron, Lovo, Kindness, Char
ity, Forglvness, IIopo, Enorgy, Suceoss ouch is a
word subjoct for a volume. Tho "Mother" always
brings to us holy thoughts and stills tho passions of
tho lowest down. Woro I allowed to add ono moro
word und could go Into tho animal kingdom to find
it, I would select thnt word tho nanio of tho breed
that has done so much for tho human race tho word
"Shorthorn. With duo respect to all othor breeds
of cattle thoro aro fow to dlsputo thoso statomonta:
The Shorthorn brood Is tho ploneor breed in America;
It Is tho cosmopolitan brood.
Shorthorns are tho moBt practical, coming the
nearest ns they do to bolng nll-purposo cattle. Fow
fnrmors can afford to keop ono breed for milk and
buttor and anothor for boot',. Tho Shorthorn suppllos
both, and the blood has dono moro to improvo tho
country's cuttlo than all tho othor breeds combined.
Tho Shorthorn breed and tho grados havo given us
more boot", buttor and milk than all tho other broods
combined. Thnt Is explained by tho fnct that Short
horns have been tho choice of tho groat majority of
men who have kept cattlo. Thoso bolng well known
facts with no ono to dispute, how could I Bolect any
othor word than "Shorthorn to add to my list? Hy
Col,. F. M. Woods, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Al animals of brooding age are guaranteed breeders. Thoso with calf at foot or heavy In calf aro
considered breeders, und no lurthor guarantee given. All animals that do not prove breeders can bo ro
turnod if in as -good condition ns whon sold, nnd after a. reasonable trial wo cannot get them to breed
an. animal of equal value will bo glvon in tholr placo or monoy rofunded. Any animal that proves not to
bo with calf may he returned .md wo will breed thorn freo of chargo, owner to pay transportation ex
penses. CortlflcatOH will bo furnished -with each animal sold. Cattlo will bo loaded at Farnam on 1) &
M. It. R., or nt Gothenburg for thoso wishing to ship ovor tho V, P. R. R. All animals will lo at pur
chasers rlBk us soon as bid off, but will bo rIvoii tho same care as our own.
Cattlo aro Insured by tho Association up to 30 days after salo from death from any causo for amount
of purchnso prlco.
TERMS: Cash or short time notes will bo taken; parties not known to us please bring lato bank re
H. S. Duncan and H. W. Bick, Aucts. S. F. Parker, Clerk.
For Catalogs or any Information write E. YT. Crossgrovo, Salo aiannger, Farnnm, Neb.
Ilemombor DLANK BROS. & KLEEN Balo nt Hastings, April 2; tho SOUTHWESTERN SHORTHORN
BREEDERS' ASS'N, at Cambridge April C; ANDREWS & SHALLENDURGER at Cambridge April G:
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this Is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
ud your rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
Roso Comb Rhode Island Reds woro
first developed nnd named by Mr
Wither of Little Compton, R. I., and
nlong about the year 1900 woro Intro
duced Into Nebraska. Since that tlmo
they have stoadlly gained In popular
ity until todny tholr superior qualities
aro generally acknowledged both as
layers and for table uso and aro not
surpassed for beauty by any othor
If I thought thoro wero any bettor I
would certainly bo raising them. This
year I will havo pens from which to
furnish eggs for hatching.
Pen No. 1 headed by 2d Cockerol of
North Platto show. And the best dozen
pullets of my flock, theso all score
from 95 to 90 and I am buto will
produce splondld results.
Pon No. 2 Is headed by 1st North
Platto 1917 cock bird woight 11-lbs.
and hens all weighing 7 to 8-lbs. of
riplendld shape and color. Included In
this pen Is 1st North Platte hen. ThlB
mateing ought to produce splendid
birds and you can get eggs from those
two pons at ?3.00 per setting of 15
Pon No. 3 Is my range flock and Is
headed by 1st Rising City cock bird
and others as good. Those hens and
pullets are all thorough bred Rose.
Comb Rods and will give satisfaction
I am sure. Eggs from pen No. 3, $1.50
per setting or $8.00 per hundred. Get
your orders in early First in will oe
served first.
Res. Phono Blaiek 210. Business
Phone Red 394.
South Park Poultry Yard.
Estate No. 1635 of Hulda Oman,
deceased In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
timo limited for presentation and filing
of claims against said Estate is Juno
28th, 1918, and for settlement of said
Estate is February 21st, 1919; that I
will sit at the county court room Ik
said county, on March 28th, 1918, at 9
o'clock a. m., and on Juno 28th, 1918.
at 9 o'clock a. ra., to receive, examine,
hear, allow,, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
F2G-4W. County Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estate No. 1552 of Max Beer, deceas
ed In the county court of Lincoln
county. Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said estate take notice
that a petition lias been filed for the
probate of an Instrument purporting
to be tho last will and testament of
Max Beer, and1 for tho appointment
of Thomas C. Patterson as executor
of said will, which lias been sot for
hearing on April 12, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. in.
Dated March 18th. 1918.
ml9-a5 County Judge.
Notice To Creditors.
Estate No. 1536 of Francis E. Snyder
deceased In tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
timo limited for tresentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
Juno 29, 1918, and for settlement of
said estate Is February 23. 1919; that
l aviu sit at tno county court room in
said county on March 29. 1918. at 9
o'clock a. m., and on June 29, 1918, at
U o clock a. m., to receive, examine,
hear, allow or adlust all claims and
objectlonslfiily filed.
13-4 wks. County Judce.
Notice off Final Report
Estate No. 1467 of Lorenzo S.
Mncomber, deceased In tho county
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
The stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested In said estate take
notlco thnt the administratrix has
(lied a final account and report of nor
administration and a petition for
final settlement and dlcsharge as
such, which has been sot for hearing
boforo said court on April 12, 1918, at
9 o clock a. m.. vhen you may appear
and contest tho samo. I
Dated March 18th, 1918.
ml9-a5 County Judge.
Notice of Petition.
Estnto No. 1548 of Lewis Havens,
deceased in the county court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all
persons interested in said Estate take
potico that a petition, has boon filed
for tho nrobato of an instrument pur
porting to no the last will and toBta
mont of Lewis Havens, deceased and
for appointment of George J. Taylor
as exocutor of said Will, which has
beon sot for henrjng on hlarch 29, 1918,
at nlno o clock a, m.
Dated March l, 1U1S.
M5-22 County Judge.
SlicrllT Sale.
By vlrtllo of an ordnr of R.alo IshiumI
from tho District Court of Lincoln
pntintv Vnlirnolrn i.nnt. n a
foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein The Mutual Building and Loan
Association of North Platto, Nobraslta,
Is plaintiff, nnd Carolina E. Foster nnd
.lohn A. Foster are dofendnnts, and to
me directed, I will on tho 16th day of
April, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the
cast front door of the court house 1
North Platte Lincoln county, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
Interest and costs, the following dus
crlbcd property, to-wlt:
Kouth hair, (H) or lots ono and two
(1 and 2) in block elchtv 80t of the
original town of North Platte, Nobr.
Dated North Platte. Nobr.. Mar oil 11.
A. J. SALISBURY. Shor ff.
Notice of Final Report.
Estato No. 1483 nt Estella Bello
Simms, doceasod in tho county court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska, to all persons
Interested In said estate take notice
thnt tho administratrix has filed a final
account and roport of hor ndmlntstra
Hon nnd a potltion for final settlement
and dlschargo as such administratrix
which havo beon set for hearing boforo
said court on Murcii aytn, iis, nt a
o'clock p. m., when you may appear
and contest tho samo.
Datod February 28th, 1918.
M5-26. County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1540 of Herman Kocster,
deceased In tho County court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, as: Creditors
of Bald ostato will take notice thnt tho
tlmo limited for presentation nnd filing
of claims against said estato Is July
12th, 1918, and for settlement of said
estato la March 7th, 1919; that I will
sit at tho county court room In said
county, on April 12th, 1918, nt 9 o'clock
a. m., and on July lain, iuih, at v
o'clock a. m., to recolvo, examine.
hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
M12-AG County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estate No. 1544 of Robert D. Thom
son, deceased In tho County court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notice that tlie
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said Estato is
July 12th,- 1918, and for settlement of
sajd Estato is March 8th, 1919; that
I will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on April 12th, 1918 at 9
o'clock a. m., and on July 12th, 191S,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly fllod.
M12-A5 County Judge.
Xntlee to Xuii-UrNlitiwtt llofondiin.
The unknown heir, unknown dr
Vlsees, unknown legatees and the un
known personHl repr-M4iit.'itIV'"l of
Minnie Oberst, deoenxed, will t.i'ca
notice that on tho 23d diy of February,
1918, Weill Ugal nied his petition In
the district court of Lincoln county,
Nobrnska, against the Hold defendants,
tho object nnd prayer of which are to
rtulet plaintiff's title to west forty-four
Hi) feet f Lot two (2) In Block On
Hundred Throo (103) of the city of
North Platte,, Nebraska, and that tho
tltlo to said premise lie quieted and
confirmed In tho said We il Ugal. and
that the said unknown l.elrs, unKnown
legatees, and devisees, and unknown
personal representatives ot Minnie
Oberst, deceased, nnd all persons
claiming throught or under them nnd
each of them bo forever bared nud
enjoined from claiming any right,
tltlo or Interest In or to said real
estato or any part tnereof ndverso to
plaintirc's title, and plaintiff further
alleges that ho and his grantors has
been In open, nortorlous, exclusive, un
disputed uninterrupted and adverse pos
session of said real estato under a
claim of right since December 29, 1891,
nnd asks for general equitable relief.
That on the 23d day of February,
1918, the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, made nnd entered
nn order directing that notice of theso
proceedings bo served upon the oald
defendants by publication.
You aro required to answer said
potltion on or before Monday the S'Zd
day of April, 1918.
Dated March 9th, 918,
lUCHI UQAI. PtalnttCf.
By John .Grant, his attorney. ml2-u5