THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIDUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. FEARS CROP DECREASE State Board of Agriculture Asks Food Administrator to Visit Nebraska' Chango of Sentiment Needed. Tho stnto board of agriculture hns sent nn urgent telegram to Washing ton asking National Food Director Hoover to come to Nebraska nnd con fer with fanning nnd live stock Inter ests of tho atnte. Tho telegram was ulRticd by H. It. Dunlelmn. secretary of tho board: "Nobraskn nor mally produces n surplus of food," the message said, "but unless there is a change of sentiment there In gmvo danger that this surplus will diminish rather than Increase." Not one man from Hamilton county has been drafted Into the United States army. Jty reason of the largo number of men who huvo volunteer ed their services to light for world freedom, Hamilton county has estab lished n record unequalled In Nebras ka. Aurora comes In for a grcut deal of credit for tho splendid showing of the county. Hanging In the audi torium of tho city high school Is a lmgo sorvlco flag with ninety-one stnrs, showing tho enlistment of that many graduates and former students of the schools In-the world war. The Aurora schools hnvo Just completed the contributions necessary to enroll every ono of the 705 pupils as a mem ber of tho Junior Red Cross. Unidentified persons raided tho high school rooms at Grand Island, burned .'!00 German books and threw yellow paint on tho Lehlerkrnnz hall and tho building of the Uonglnnd Lumber company, whoso manager, t Itlcbard Goohrlng, Jr., Is alleged to have made an offensive remark about a soldier. Two carloads of hogs, donated to tho Ited Cross by farmers of Hurt county, wero sold nt auction at the South Omaha market, bringing more than $.r,000. Hurt county is the ban ner county In Nebraska In Ited Cross membership, 72 per cent of Its popu lation being enrolled. Otiv3 of tho Boatrlco high school senior class Imvo decided that they should wear dresses of washable ma terials at tho annual Junior-senior re ception to bo hold In April, as a con servation measure. Tho Nebraska food administration has found It necessary to rescind Us order permitting the salo of potatoes nH a flour substitute on "potato day," to comply with tho orders of the na tional food administration. O. Sherman, n wealthy Sheridan county rancher, was shot and killed by two unidentified men near Gordon. Robbery was tho motive for the crime, it is believed: Nebraska republicans will hold a dolegnto loyalty convention nt Lin coln In April to make known tho at tltudo of the pnrty In this state and nation as regards to tho war. Wymoro volunteer flremon are planning to construct a now bend quarters to cost In the neighborhood of $10,000. Glen II. Work of Obert, Cedar county, was severely wounded In no tion In France, March 1, when tho Germnns raided American trenches. Registration blnnks returned to tho Omnha postofllco show thero nro be tween 14,000 and 15,000 alien ene mies In Nebraska. A Hcvcro epidemic of contagious diseases prevail in Kearney nnd It has boon necessary to closo tho schools and public meeting plnces temporarily. Persistent efforts to burn tho towns of Trumbull and Juniata has resulted In both villages Installing electric lighting systems. John M. L. Chase, 01, a member of Nebraska's first legislature, nnd ono of tho oldest Masons in tho state, died nt his homo ut Pupllllon. VIrtunlly every wagon bridge across tho -Matte river In Hall county was destroyed as the result of tho sudden breaking up of tho Ice. The state council of defense Is urg ing all counties which Imvo no agri cultural agent to employ such an ofllclal. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the ofllco of tho Palmer Journal at Pnlmer, also tho town electric light plant. A goose, donated to the Red Cross, was auctioned off nt Tckiunnh, bring lng tho society tho sum of $1,005. Governor Neville hns lodged a pro test against tho proposed plan of Provost Marshal Crowder to mako tho number of men In Class Ono the basis for tho quota each stato and county is to furnish In tho next draft. Tho governor contends that the plan would bo unfair to patriotic counties. It is nnnounced that students of tho stnto collego of agriculture at Lincoln will bo graduated April 5, three weeks earlier than usual, to permit their taking nn active part In farm work this spring, March 23 Is tho dnto sot for county adding contest at Rent rice. In which rural nnd vlllagu schools of Gage county will participate. Tho contest is to select delegates to take part In tho district contost during the Southcasern Nebraska ICducnlonal as noclalon meeting nt Reutrlco March 27 to 29. A balloon squadron, trained and equipped at Fort Omnha, was tho tlrst American nlr unit to reach Franco, Tho men are now at tho front follow ing n special schooling under highly killed French airmen. Thomas Norrls, who lives on tli Clarence Mutton farm, near Arr-ndl Is believed to bo the oldest whit man In the United States, and possi bly In the world. Mr. Morris wa born In Scotland In 1704 and Is no In his J year. The remnants o; the bible In which was Inscribed hi birth date nro still In possession of the Mitten family. Mr. .Morris I blind, Imrdly able to hear and unnbb to walk. The pptrlAml body of Miss Ann; llora, 18-yoHr-old school teneher drowned in the Dismal river, Febru ary 0, 101(5, was found near Thedfonl by a trapper, The girl's clothing, li good condition, was moulded to he body. Her head nnd one arm, broket, off, wero carried away by the current Identification was made by tho cloth lng. The entire torso was completed turned to stone. A commission composed of Dean K A. Rurnett nnd Prof. II. U. Fllley of Lincoln, A. 13. duly, of St. Paul, W. I Farley of Aurora and Andrew Welsc of Mitchell has been appointed 1 Food Administrator Wattles to de termine the cost of producing sugar beets In Nebraska and what Is a profit to the producer. Touching of tho Gorman Inngungi hns been abolished In all Adam- county schools. Hustings wns the lust city In the county to drop tho course. Reeuuso he was claused as an alien enemy and feared Interment, August Sehormun of Arlington committed suicide. Major J. M. Rlrknor of Lincoln, of tho quartermaster's department of tho Fifth Nebraska, Is ono of tho men who will be effected by announcement from General Pershing that no men of aermnn nationality could servo in France. Mujor Rlrknor was born in Germany. A grand Jury has been cnlled In Douglas county to nlr alleged charges of frauds, violation of the dry law and other Irregularities growing out of tho suit which resulted In tho oust ing from ofllco of County Commis sioner Lynch. Stato Food Administrator Wattles has requested that all schools In Ne braska, from the state university to he smallest country school, omit the spring vacation nnd close earlier to al low students to take up farming nnd other lines of Industrial work. The council of defense nt Kustls issued n statement declaring that re ports of pro-Gorman proclivities pub lished over tho stnto were greatly ex aggerated. Kustls now has a homo guard company of loynl citizens. Tho stnto council of defense und the federal department of justice nro In vestigating conditions ut Kustls, where pro-Germans bent up a member of tho local exemption board nnd threatened loynl Americans. The Commercial club nt Goring and nt SeoUsbluff nro solidly behind n movement to call a special election In SeoUsbluff county to vote bonds to tho amount of $100,000 for road purposes. Nebraska fanners had on hand March 1, 130,700,000 bushels of corn and 2,7515,000 bushels of wheat, ac cording to n report Issued by the De partment of Agriculture at Washing ton. The new Rentrlco homo gunrd started out with a rush, 110 citizens of tho town having signed tho mus ter roll. Tho organization Is ex pected to develop Into ono of the best of Its kind in the state. Tho Rurllngton Is arranging to store 7fi,000 tons of engine coal at Ravenna and tho coal. Is now arriving. It is supposed storaga will be placed at a number of points on the system. Tho Northwestern railroad plans to spend n half million dollars In Omahn this year In tho construction of new passenger car, yards. Lincoln has lost Its Western league baseball team, tho franchise having been transferred to Sioux City for the 1018 season. Luthoran churches of Nebraska raised $12,000 for tho Lutheran war time service fund of nearly $1,000,000. Prospects are exceedingly good, it Is said, for the establishing of n polush plant at Merrlman, Cherry county. York county has glvon S'-',000 over Its'quotu for the rellor of destitute Armenians and Syrians. The North PSfilU' chapter of the Red Cross will soon open up n mov ing picture show In tho elty. A new $11,000 farmers' elevator ' to bo constructed at Arlington. Farmer of Hurt county donated ICO head of hogs to the Red Cross. An appeal to people of Nebraska to contribute to 2,000,000 homeless and helpless Armenians ami Syrians has been made, by Governor Neville. Contributions may bo made through tho Nebraska commission for Ar menian und Syrian relief, State House, Lincoln. In Investigating tho fire which de stroyed tho Fllley Spotlight plant Gngo county otllclals found that oil from a small stovo In tho rear of tho building hnd been sprinkled over somo wnst paper nnd then tired. Articles of Incorporation of tho Al bou & Reaver Valley Railway com- puny have been filed In the office of tho secretary of stato. Tho capital stock Is placed nt. ?2,000,000. The road will run up tho Reaver valley from Albion to Atkinson, probably through Wheeler county. Stuto Flro Commissioner Rldgell Is sccktns: tho co-operation of Nebraska nowspnper publishers in tho matter of flro wrovontlon. fearing that the In tercst taken in tho war may cause peoplo to become lax In their vigilance to prevent fires. i iiie MIhtI..ii Munition as tne uuigrowtii of ilu Ku 5iau . eh 1 . hm iuiding tile ii Lioo lollop ing the world war. This picture shows some of the Japanese troops who inoy soon be sent to Siberia. 2 Ofllcers In command of an American trench In the Lorraine sector on the western front. .'J Dugout where the first Amerlcnn officer, Lieutenant Harden of the Signal corps, w minded by a Gorman shell; tho dugout Is decorated with Ameri can nnd French colors. NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Russia Makes Humiliating Peace But Kaiser's Soldiers Con tinue Invasion. AMERICANS REPEL RAIDERS Pershing's Troops, Now Occupying Eight-Mile Front, Hurl Back Strong. Forces of Germans Fight Like Veterans. Extreme chaos has continued to mark tho Russian situation, the only thing that has seemed really clear being that Germany Is determined to take advantuge of tho utter collapse of Russia to selzo such territory and supplies tin she desires. The bol shevik envoys presented the humiliat ing spectncio of signing a peace treaty without discussion, fearing as they an nounced, that negotiations would only result in the Imposition of more ob noxious terms. Rut even after the Russian pence delegates ha'd thus debased themselves tho Germans con tinued their Invasion of Russian terri tory. Whether the musses of the Russian people will accept the humiliating pcaco terms agreed to by tho bolshevik dele gates Is a question that only time can Bottle. Tho bolshevik government aban doned Petrogrnd as tho Germnn troops advanced upon that city and moved tho administrative offices to Moscow, which city, It was announced, would he made tho Russian capital. Leon Trotzky, tho bolshevik foreign min ister, Indicated that ho and his as sociates are concerned with the future of tho revolution, rather than tho fu ture of Russia as a national entity. Ho nnnounced that the bolshevik lead ers tiro prepared to withdraw oven as far as to tho Ural mountains rather than submit to the defeat of the revo lution. Tho haste of the Russian envoys In signing a treaty of pence with Ger many was explained on tho ground that the terms proposed by the Teu tonic envoys were growing more oner ous hourly. At the last minute the Germans demanded three great trims Cnuenslon provinces Karabad, Kara and Uutoum presumably for their Turkish ally, and they got them, of bourse. The Russian envoys shut fhelr eyes and signed the document ns It was pushed across the table by tin Hun envoys. ta With Russia In thorough subjection, so far as the bolshevik government wus concerned, tho central powers turned their attention to Itoumnnln, and, as wns to bo expected, they forced that country to sign a preliminary peace treaty which is little less hu miliating than that forced upon the Kusstnns. Under tho terms of this treaty Hounmnlu codes the province of Dobrudjn, as far us tho Danube, to the central powers, agrees to evacu ate all occupied Austro-Hungnrinn ter ritory, promises to demoblllzo Its anny and agrees to "support with all Its strength tho transport of troops of tho central p&wors through Moldavia and Bessarabia to Odessa." Tho sub mission by Roumanln to any terms im posed by tho central powers was ex pected, as that country, nhandoned by Russln, and entirely cut off from all posslblo aid from tho allied powers, was absolutely at tho mercy of tho Teutonic powers. A pence trenty be tween Russln und Finland has also been signed. While Germnny was working Its will In Russia nnd Roumanla, the diplo matic situation growing out of tho pro posnl of Japan to Interveno In Slberln for tho purposo of protecting tho vnst stores of supplies pnld for with money furnished by tho nllles. occupied tho .nttentlon of tho United Stntos and the entente governments. It wns tndlcnt led that thero was some divergence of 'opinion between President Wilson and the lenders In Knglnnd, France and Italy, as to tho wisdom of giving Ja pan n free hand In this connection. un American troops In the front lino trenches In France have bad their real baptism of fire. They have taken part In several engagements with tho ene my, ono of which nppronched tho dig nity of n real battle. The Americans have repulsed several raids made by tho Germans nnd inflicted heavy losses upon tho enemy. The most pretentious engagement wns that which resulted from n strong Germnn attack upon the Amerlcnn lines In the Toul sector. A large force of German "shock" troops, trained especially for this operation, attacked the American line after heavy artillery Are had practically leveled tho American trenches. Tho American troops, un dismayed by tho terrific bombardment, stood their ground nnd engnged in, a liand-to-hand struggle with the Ger mnn raiders In tho trenches. The Ger mans were driven back Into No Man's Land, lenvlng three prisoners nnd many dead In the American trenches. The Americans pursued the fleeing Germans nnd inlllcted further losses ns tho enemy retrcuted to their own lines. The Americans suffered severe casualties, the dead including three officers nnd seventeen men, but the Amerlcnn lines were maintained at all points nnd tho raid wns declared a complete failure. Mnny cases of In dividual heroism on the part of the Americans wero reported and several officers and men wore decorated by the French premier for bravery. Other raids upon the American lines in tho Chemin des Dames sector and in Lorraine were also repulsed with severe losses to the enemy. In all these engagements tho American troops have shown that, despite their Inexperience In tho new type of war fare, they are now perfectly at home In the trenches and are ablo to hold their own against tho enemy. The Increasingly largo part which Pershing's troops are taking In the fighting on the west front Is Indicated by the announcement that the Amer icans nre now holding something over eight miles of trenches on the bnttUs front. This front Is liable to exten sion at any time to the regular trench nllotment for an nrmy corps. The present American sector is understood to ho a divisional frontage, which means that at least three divisions of American troops nre thero to give tho necessary support for tho front lines. The growing activity of the American troops Is further shown by the dally casualty lists which are now coming from General Pershing. Announcement bus been made that tho third Amerlcnn Liberty loan will be offered twin. The campaign for subscriptions will open on April (I, the first anniversary of the entry of the United States Into the war, and will continue for three or four weeks. The amount of the loan, tho interest rate and other features have not been made public but the fact that further legislation will be sought from con gress In anticipation of the loan indi cates that the amount of the Issue will lie more than $3,000,000,000, the remainder of authorized but unissued bonds. Tlie campaign work for tho new loan has already been started throughout the country and every dis trict will have been thoroughly organ ized before the drive begins. Rs Several steps have been taken by the United Stntes government to fur ther co-ordlnato and centralize the work of war preparation. Tho two outstanding developments along this line wero the appointment of Rcrnurd M. Raruch of New York as clutlrnnin of tho war Industries board with great ly enlarged powers, and tho assump tion by Maj. Gen. Peyton O. Mnrch of his duties as acting chief of staff. Mr. Ramch, according to tho presi dent's own announcement, made In hjs letter of nppoivtment, will hnvo grent- er powers even than It wus proposed by certain members of congress to confer upon n minister of munitions. lie will be, In fuct, n practical dicta tor over Industrial problems relating to the war and will have, among other things, the last word In determining priority of supplies for the govern ment whenever thero Is competitive or other conflict of Interest among depart ments. .The power placed In the hands of Mr. Raruch ns chnirmnn of the board Is lndlcntod by the dlrectfon of the president that tho ultlmnte de cision of all questions, except the de termination of prices, shall rest al ways with the chairman, tho other members of the board acting In nn advisory and co-operatlvo capacity. Under this plan, the president seems to hnvo provided for the centraliza tion of power to nn even greater de gree than has been proposed by those demanding some action of this kind. to Tho death of John Redmond, the Irish nntionul leader, removes tho lending chumplon of homo rule for lrc Innd and ono of the most striking fig ures that English politics has pro duced in tho past quarter of a century. For more than twenty-five years Red mond had fought for homo rule In Ire land nnd during the greater part of that tlmo, he was the recognized lead er of Irelnnd's "struggle for liberty." Ills determined fight in parliament for honie rule earned for him the sobriquet of "stormy petrel of the house." In paying tribute to the memory of Red mond in the house of commons, Sir Edward Carson, Ulster leader and long-time opponent of Redmond, made this significant statement: "Indeed, we were not very far apart In our at tempts at a settlement of the Irish question." Redmond was well-known In the United Stntes, having visited this country in 1008 nnd again lu 1010. ta In the case of General March, the new acting chief of staff, tho lden of centralization of power Is also to bo carried out. It Is nnnounced that General March will have full power to reorganize the general stnff with u view of giving It tho hlghegt efficiency in its work of directing the strictly military end of tho war. lie has been given the power to select his own as sistants. Ono of General March's first acts was to establish the "open door" policy. Ho arranged to see nowspaper correspondents once every dny and indicated that he will endeav or to relax tho censorship to such an extent that Americans may learn more about what their soldiers are doing In France. Tho appointment of Gen eral March to this position has won wide approval as, In his work ns chief of all tho American artillery forces In France, he has been in closo touch with General Pershing und Is Intimate ly familiar with all conditions abroad, to Speculation as to Germnny's well advertised offensive on the western front has continued, with opinion di vided as to whether such an offensive really will bo launched. In somo quar ters It Is believed that Germany is so fully occupied with developments in Russia and Is so intent upon accom plishing her designs in the east that she will not undertake an offensive in the west but will be content to main tain a defensive attitude. Those tak ing tills view believe that Germnny's idea Is that a deadlock on the west front will force tho nllles to- agree to a pence by negotiation and that under such circumstances she will be able to attain all her Imperialistic designs in the east. On tho other hand, further concen tration of troops on the western front Is taken by some authorities as indi cating that Germnny renlly Intends to launch u determined offensive In France. General Maurice, chief direc tor of inllltnry operations at the Hrit lsh war office, declares that the enemy Is now ready to strike on the western front nt nny moment suitable to his purpose. Ho declares that tho allies remain superior In guns, rifles and air craft, hut that tho margin of advan tage in these particulars Is steadily diminishing and an equalization of strength is being approached, frequent nnd more pretentious rnlds undertaken by both sides along tho entire western front nre regard ed as forerunners,of an offensive. The rnlds nre mndo to feel out tho enemy, to find, If possible, the weak spots in his lines. Tho many Germnn raids are believed to have been made necessary by tho air superiority of the allies along the greater part of the western front. Unablo to gain the Information they need through their airmen, the Gennans havo boon forced to resort to rnlds In order to lenrn the strength of tho opposing forces at various points on the front. BAKER li 1MB ZONE SECRETARY OF WAR CROSSE& SEA TO INSPECT SAMMIES, miSSlON PURELY MILITARY Ohio Swept By Tornado; Five oi More Killed; Property Damage Several Million. Washington, March 18. Newton i. tinker, the American secretary of war, with a staff of seven persons, arrived safely at a French port last Sunday on an American armored cruiser. Tha party was met at tho pier by a French general representing the French nrmy, Mnjor General Squlcr, representing tho American nrmy; Admiral Morouu, representing tho French navy; Rear Admiral Wilson, representing the American navy and tho mayor and councillors of tho municipality. Secretary Raker's party Immediate ly proceeded to Paris, where they wer mot by General Pershing, Ambassador Sharp and representatives of Uie French government. Secretary Raker plans to spend but a few days In Paris, whero ho will meet President Polncure and Premier Clemencoau, af tor which he will visit the American troops in tho field. Following news of tho nrrivnl of Secretary Raker in France, tho war department announced that tho secre tary's visit is purely military and not diplomatic, and is for the purpose of Inspection and personal confer ences with military otllclals. For soma tlmo Secretary Raker has desired to visit tho headquarters of the Ameri can expeditionary forces. IIo sailed from nn American port about Febru ary 27. IIo hns not determined tho length of tlmo ho will remain In France, but his stay will bo long enough to enable him to make a thorough Inspection of tho American forces nbroad and to hold important conferences with American mllltnry ofilcers. Twelve Die in Movie Disaster. Winchester, Ivy., March 13. Twelve persons wore killed, ton of whom wero children, twenty-threo persons so so vercly injured it wns found necessary to remove them to n hospltnl, and about thirty others less seriously hurt hero Saturday when tho walls of a burned building ndjolning a moving, picture theater collapsed, crushing In Its roof. The wall which collapsed was also used as ono wall of the thea ter, but projected considerably above the roof of tho theater building., When it collapsed tho peoplo in tho theatei wero thrown into a panic. Appar ently no ono was hurt In the rush. Eleven Iowa Soldiers Dead. Des Moines, la., March 13. Rela tives of eleven Iownns have been noti fied by the war department of the deaths in action on tho French front or from disease, of members of their families, while among the list ot wounded nre the names of twenty more soldiers from Iowa. In accord ance with the recent ruling, tho date oi? action, tho locations, nnd the units of which tho dend and wounded soldiers were members, are not given out. Ohio Swept by Tornado. Lima, O., March 13. Five persons nro known to bo dead, several others are reported killed, scores are Injured, scores of lior.ies were completely ni partially demolished nnd hundreds of barns nnd outbuildings wero razed by the tornado which traveled acros northwestern Ohio Saturday evening. Kstimates of property damnge rang from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. The tor nado began In Van Wert county, on the Ohlo-Indlann stnto line nnd then traveled In n northwesterly direction. Spent $40,000 to Defeat Prohibition. Washington, March 13. RoUvoen $40,000 and $50,000 wns spent by the National German-American alliance, to dpfent national prohibition,, Percy Andreac, Chicago, testified before the senate probing subcommittee Satur day afternoon. The alliance's federal starter stipulates that the organiza tion shall not participate In political activities. March 18-25 "Old Clothes Week." AVnshlngton. March 13. The Amerl cnn Red Cross' hus set aside the week of March 18-2,r ns "old clothes week." Throughout tho United Stntes dlsoanb ed clothing will he collected for ship ment to Relglum. It hopes to gel 5.000 tons of used garments to garb Bcnntlly-elnd Ilelglnns. Twelve thou sand live hundred tons will bo ac cepted. Suspend Publishing Casualty Lists. Washington, March 12. Issuance of dally lists of casualties among the expeditionary forces abroad lias been discontinued by the public Informa tion committee as the result of mi order of tho War department under which tho numes of tho next of kin and emergency addresses of soldier whose names appear on the lists here of tor will bo withhold. The otllelat explanation is that tho purpose of the order la to keop information of value from the enemy.