3 Style ip7 Comfort Jjj I GLASSES FITTED EYES TESTED. It I LENSES GROUND f j MARRY DIXON & SON. 1 d Service 1f Satisfaction yi''ir.-. ----- "r- DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL A2TD PEBSONAL Miss Lawhead went to Broadwater Wednesday on a special nursing case. Gas Range for sale. Apply at Stone'B Drug Store, Fred Predrickson left yesterday for Omaha to visit friends for two or threo days. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Mrs. II. L. Baker has been visiting fri,onds in Cofcad for several days past For Farm Loans see Gene Crook, Room 4 Keith Theatre building. Mr. and Mrs. Moso McFat-land and daughter went to Omaha Wednesday to visit for a few days. Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and SwedlBh Massage, ladies and gentle men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf Miss Elsie Langford, who is employ ed as stenographer In Cheyenne, came home Tuesday on a visit. No meeting of the domestic science department of the 20th Century Club will bo held Monday afternoon. Clyde McMiohaol has purchased a Dodge delivery car, a vehicle ne nnus very convenient for business uses. Asparagus and green onions for sale. North Platte Floral Co. Phone 1023. tf Mrs. Jackson, of Lincoln, -nee Mar garet Jones, has been spending this week in town as the guest of Miss Florence Iddings. New dress goods and silks are comL ing in most every day at THE LEAD ER MERC. CO. When in the store don't fail to ask the clerk to be shown. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lute, of Paxton, were-visitors in town Wednesday, Mr. Lute coming hero to attend the meet ing of the farmers' insurance mnion. Ladies silk dresses, rose, gray and navy, from $17.50 up. THE HUB. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Applegato, of Cheyenne, who had been visiting friends in town and Sutherland, re turned to their home Wednesday night Tho Presbyterian choir, under the direction of Mrs. Henry Gllfoyl, is preparing a cantata which will be rendered on tho evening of Easter Sunday. Tho composition is said to bo very beautiful and promises to be well rendered. Harry Dixon returned yesterday from Omaha where he had been visit ing Mrs. Dixon and liis daughter, Mrs. Conlin for a few days. Wanted Man and wife to work on ranch 7 miles from town. A per manent Job. Phono f90F031. C. P. Howard. tf County Agent Barber, who had been In Lincoln for several days attending a meeting of agricultural specialists, returned homo yesterday. For Snlo 12 brood sows, weight about :r0 pounds. Will farrow In April or May. Prlco $1.00 below Omaha top. 1. K. Elhrlght. Mr. and Mrs. John McKale and daughter returned Wednesday Crom Seattle, where they had been visiting relatives for several, weeks. How to Look your Best demonstra ted at the Coates Beauty Parlor. Room 4 McDonald Bank Bldg. Phono 1038. O. H. Thoelecke returned Wednes day from Iowa where he accompanied the remains of his mint, Mrs. J. T. Thoelecke, late of Pocatello, Idaho. Wanted to Buy Several small cal ves. Inquire at or -address 720 east Fifth street, City. 20-10 J. C. Fogg, formerly of this county, now living in Kansas, arrived in town Wednesday, acom'panled by two other Kansans. Tho object is to purchaso KNIGHTS OF COMMltlS PLAN HIti THRKIMLVY FAIR.! I"- young steers. Christian Scienco,:servico Sunday at 11 a. m Sunday school 12 noon. Wed nesday evening meetings 8 p. m., Build ing and Loan building. Room 26. Three men named Anderson,' Kilmer and Hess were arrainged before. Judge Sullivan Tuesday on the charge of rid ing bicycles on tho sidewalks and were fined one dollar and costs each. For Sale Fivo room house, modern except heat, cement basement, 218 E. Sixtli street. Henry Weil, of Bayard, spent yester day in town visitingfrlends and tran sacting business. Ho reports excel lent business in the hotel line, in which lie is now engaged. Wanted Cattlo to pasture for tho summer. Address C. O. Wills, Well fleet. Nebr. 19-3 Chas. Ryan, of Grand Island, well known attorney and orator, will do liver the address at tho big meeting to be held at the Franklin auditorium on the afternoon or evening of April Gth, the dpening day of the Liberty bond drive. For Sale Eggs for setting. Rose Comb R. I. Reds. Mrs. Philip Brunk, Brady, Nebr. 20-G Tho committee having in charge the Red Cross picture sho.w announce that tho opening will boon or about April 1st A representative of a film and machino houso is expected today to confer with tho commute in regard to erection of tho curtain, machine booth and other matters connected with tho show. The Power of Saving The mighty power of saving regularly cannot possibly be over stated. With a definite purpose in constant mind and reg ular days for depositing in an account at The McDonald State Bank you will sweep on to a successful financial accumulation. YOU AND U. S.A. The question of saving is now vitally connected with our country's successful future and that means yours as well. Make savings a daily thought. Small depositors are welcome here. McDonald State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. The Knights of Colmflbus are now, planning and making preparations for' a big fair to bo held in their hall on1 tho evenings of April 3d, 4th and Rth. ' Eaoh owning thoro will 'he danolnfft-K tho India will sorvo refreshments and a big fenturo will bo tho nlucton,' nt which will ho offorod a large list of articles unliable for all classes of needs. It In 'iiitnHlhln Hint n numhnr nl' nntor taining stunts will be put on that will? please tho big (crowds that are o.vpecU ed to attend during tho threo evenings, j Committees arc now nt work arrang-j Ing for tho different features of tho fair, and thoy hopo to make It ono of, tho most succossfluil ovor held in tho cltv. ! : :o: : (torcriinietit .Hakes Inquiry. A. S. Allen, of tho exemption board, received a telogram yesterday re questing him to wiro to tho provost j marsuai mo numucr oi i;iass una drafted mon In Lincoln county and how mnny cases of Class One men aro pending beforo the district board. In ills reply Mr. Allen gave the total number of Class One men as threo hundred and sixty-four, and of theso twenty-three are beforo the district board. Nearly all those of Class Ono who liavo asked for exemption are farmers who believe they can be of as much sprvlco to tho government as producers as they can In the ranks as fighters. Tho fact that this inquiry has boon made Is evidence' that tho government is contemplating another call for men, and that the quota of each county will bo based on the number of Class One men. -: :o: :- UNCLE SAM EXPECTS YOU (and every other mon, woman and child in the U. S.) to buy as many War Savings and Thrift Stamps as your circumstances will permit. Until you have purchased to the amount of $20 you have not met his per capita expectations. We sell them. THE PLATTE VALLEY STATE BANK. We desire to inform you that we will pay the highest prices for Obtain Our Quotations Before You Sell e Harrington Merc. Co. Office First National Bank Building. North Platte, Nebraska. Hog Case In Court. The time of tho county court was taken up Tuesday with a ciise from Walker precinct wherein Fred Cross sued Peterson Bros, for the value of nine hogs. Petersons bought tho hogs of Cross and left a signed check with Mr. Axtell, who acted as their agont, to weigh tho hogs and fill out tho check to the amount of the value of tho hogs. This was done, hut a day or two after tho hogs were dollverod tho buyers thought tho .animals not Tis heavy as the check represented, weigh ed them twlbe and found them 200 pounds lighter than tho reported weight on the day on which they were bought, anil proceeded to stop pay ment of tho check. Judge Woodhurst decided In favor of Cross, and Peter son Bros, appealed tho case to tho district court. ::o. i Seed Corn For Sale. 400 bushels yellow ninety-day; 1917 crop, testing 90 per cent. All those wanting seed corn get it as soon as possible as It will be shipped. ANDREW OLSON, Phono 7S0F11 North Platto. Prohibit Sale of Hook. Pastor Russell's book, "The Fin ished Mystery," which was being cir culated and sold In Maxwell and vicin ity, will no longer be distributed or) sold in that section. Acting under Instructions from tho federal govern mentSheriff Salisbury served notice! on the agent that no more hooks can! bo handled by him; that those in his' possession must bo "Interned," and, that thoso already sold must bo gath ered up and turned over to tho sheriff. I Tho circulation-of tho book is denied! under tho sabotage act, as it contents aro seditious. :o: :- For Sale Flvo room liniiHO lnnilnrn except heat, cement basement. 218 E. Sixth street. NAM US COJLMlTTKi: FOlt THE LlHHKTr LOAN CAJITAIUN. J. E. Sobastian, city chairman of tho Liberty Loan campaign, which opens Saturday, April Gth, has divided tho city into sixteen districts and ap pointed solicitors for each district In solecting theso solfcltorfl Mr. Sebas tian had in view nten who could "hit tho line hard," and while alt of them aro men who aro busy, yet tho govern ment demands that this work bo dono and all should respond cheerfully and willingly. In tho residence district tho greater part of tho work can bo dono in tho evening; In fact tho even ing hours will bo tho best time, for tho head of, tho household la moro likely to be at' home. In tho business districts tho execu tive committee recently appointed by County Chairman Tomplo will do tho soliciting. Tho solicitors named by City Chair man Sebastian and tho rcs'pectivo dis tricts in which they will work, aro aa follows: All of. Taylor's and Ponlston's Ad dition F. J. McGovern, Harry York, A. N. Durbln, S. M. Soudor,. All of Third and all of Second from Dowey street east Edmund Dlckoy, William Soules, Earl Stamp. All of Fourth and all of Fifth from Pino east Porry Carson, J, Guy Swope, Father McDald. All of Sixth and all of Front street iinn Pine east Carl Simon, William altemath. From Dewey street west and south eluding "Graceland Addition S. It. Derryherryv Harry SamuelmV.', Roy Mehlman, Ed. Ogier. Second street from Dewoy street wost Cash Austin, Porry Buchannn. Third street from Dewoy wost Charles J. Leth, Frank Elliott. Fourth street from Locust west W. It. Maloney, C. O. Welngand, Rich, mond Birge, Horton Mungor: Fifth street from Locust west M. J. Forbos, N. E. Buckley, Rev. F. Koch, J. C. Hollman. West Sixth and west Front E. J. Vanderhoof, L. B. Dick, Harry Dixon, Rev. Crnm. West Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth C. H. Lelnlnger. Leslie Raskins. West Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth from Locust Chas. Liork, Walter Ellis, H. E. Bell. East Twelfth, Elovonth and Tonth D. J. Antonides, Ira Miltonbcrger. East Ninth, Eighth and Seventh Joe McMIchael, J. L. Louden. Union Paiclllc round houso - Chas. Sandall, D. A. Russel. Union Pacific yards, roadmen and back shops E. S. Cunningham, H, L. Heckor, Harry Murrln. ; :o: :- $10.00 Human Hair Switches for $5.50. Coates Beauty Parlor. McDonald Bank Bldg. 20-2 If TALC ontee.. FROM the flower gardens of all the world, from India and France, Guiana and England, the Holy Land and Italy, were gathered the fragrances that go into the making of Jonteel, the New Odor of Twenty-six Flowers. Yet never before has a talc of this quality sold at a price so low. Face Powder Jonttel 50c Talc Jonteel 25c Combination Cream Jonteel 50c SOLD ONLY AT THE hMfi mo) Graining System Isn't it almost n crime to use unsanitary carpets when the Chi-Namel Graining System will make any old floor suitable for rugs? At 2c per square foot it is the cheapest and most sanitary floor finish any one could buy. Come in and learn to grain. It will take only five minutes Will outwear new hard wood finished with the ordinary varnish. STONE'S DRUG STORE. DON'T STOP FOU A JIINUTK as soon as you decldo that your coal Is too near out for safety. Como straight horo and leavo your ordor for enough to replenish you coal hln. Delay will probably mean forgetting again and tho first thing you know you'll havo no coal at all. What will the "Missis" say to you then Ordor now and oscapo a well merited lecture. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON Wholesale Distributors. Rexall Drug Store. AUTO LIVERY Since I linvo sold tho garago am doing auto livery from tho North Side Darn.. Day or Night. Telephone 29, Wo make a specialty of drives to sales all oror tho county nt tho rnto of fivo cents per mllo per person. Thoso who have sales throughout tho country plcnso let mo know. Also u few cars for snlo. Night Call Dcd C!12. Julius Mogensen. I Ir I J ii I jit. Jni Sk I A . Having rented my farm located two miles south and two miles east of Hershey, known as the old James Bechan farm, I will sell on WEDNESDAY, MARC i I 27, 1918 Sale to Commence at 10 a. m. 95 HEAD OF CATTLE Host all Cows with Calf by side. HEREFORDS AND DURHAMS Among these cattle are 20 head of good milk cows, one Durham Bull, one Hereford Bull. NUMBER OF HORSES AND MULES SOME NEW AND SECOND HAND MACHINERY 1 NEW AUTOMOBILE 1 SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILE 100 bushels Seed Potatoes and many other articles such as are used on a farm. A Shetland Pony will be sold for the benefit of the Sammy Girls. ,This is a 3 year old pony, gentle, broke to handle by children. TERMS C months time, 10 per cent interest. 2 per cent off for cash over $20. FREE LUNCH A.T NOON JULIUSMOGBNSEN " Col. L. M. McClara, Auctioneer. F. C. Pielsticker, Clerk.