The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1918, Image 4

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    A better day's work
The condition of your eyes has nn im
portnnt bearing on your earning capac
ity. If you nre working under eye
strains, you nre cutting down your ef
ficiency heavily. t
And Easter
Eye strain causes headaches, nervousness,
exhaustion and other physical troubles
which prevent anyone doing his best.
a? riintnn's von pnn have vour eves
tested and secure glasses which will end
eye strain, make, you feel better and work - ; ;
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
, At the Sign with the Big Ring.
MARCH 22d and 23d
PITY AND OOTTNTy NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wholan returned
' Wednesday from Omaha whoro thoy
niimnn I2f ncros of land tlireo ,iaa Kono to attend tlio funeral of the
W!fin nurcl UediHttle son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cary.
Ill ll us wuBk
tills weok by A. C. Uurton for a con
Bideratltm of $1G,000.
FurnlturV for alo. GOG oast 6th
street Phono Ued 1008.
p. W. Haiiflen, lately ongaged In
tho plumbing business, and family loft
tho early part of tho wook for Mon
tana, whoro thoy will locate.
Lost Ladies Diamond and Uuby
Ring. Marquis shapo. Howard.
Clinton Jowolry Store.
Tho city mall carriers will make
hut ono dollvory today. After com
pleting tho morning dollvory thoy be
gan canvassing their rcspectivo routes
for tho Balo of war BaVlngs etnmps.
Vnr Rain: A few cholco Itoso comb
Ithodo Island ltcd Cockorols. Incjulro
of C. B. Wood, Sutherland. 19-4
Membors of Uio Angloton Co-oipora-tlvo
Oil and Gas Co. aro requested to
meet at tho court houso thiH (Friday)
evening at eight o'clock.
For Sale Cabbage, carrots, par
snips and boots. L. I. Tucker. Phono
ltcd 098.
J. IT. McKale, who returned thle
week from a visit in Seattle, was so
favorably Impressed with that country
that ho has decided to locato thero as
Boon as ho can dlsposo of his interests
in North Platto.
Lost Ladles Diamond and Ruby
King. Marquis shapo. Howard.
Clinton Jowolry Store
Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp
which played to capacity uusinoBs
ilnllv nt a Hcale of 25c to $1.00
at tho Olobo Theatre, 40th and Broad
way 'Now York, will fplay at tuo iveuu
tonight- tomorrow nuornoon unu i
Wanted. Work as general house
keeper; Coluntry preferred. Address
COG east C. Btrcot. 17-3
The annual May Party of tho B. of
L. E. will ho hold nt tho Lloyd on tho
ovonlng of May 1st. Tho not proceeds
of tho party, wo aro rcquosted to an
nounce will ho donnted to tho Ited
Cross Chapter.
W. S. Boss, who has lived in Myrtlo
precinct for thirty years, tolls us that
ho will probably sell his personal
proporty next month and movo to
North Platto to mako his homo. IIo
owns a residence proporty in town.
I hold a fi year G por cent mortgago
on irrigated land that I liavo sold for
$1,025.00 that I will Bull at a discount
sufficient to mako It bear 7 per cent.
Chas. Lawrence, 402 E2nd St. North
Platto, Nobr. 1
A booth for tho sale of War Savings
stamps bus been erected In tho lobby
of tho postoffice. Yesterday tho booth
was in cliargo of Mrs. Frank Buchan
an, Who is ono of North Platto's most
acuvo woman workers in tho several
phases of war work.
You should wrlto or telephone at
onco to A. HOSPE CO., of Omaha for
thoir list of used pianos and for their
catalogues of now high grado guar
anteed player piano ranging in prico
from $395 up. Thoy Invito correspond
ence and comparison. 17-8
Geo. W. Dlenor and daughter, of
Plant precinct, returned Wednesday
from San Diego, whoro thoy had been
spondlng-tho winter. Ono of tho larg
est aviation Holds In tho country Is at
San Diego and Mr. Dlenor said it was
not unusual to seo twenty or more
planes lti tho air at ono tlmo.
Tho annual liieuiliiir of stockholders
mnrrnw nvonhiL'. For tho evening per- ,,f tin, lutiinl Iliilldlntr and Loan As-
fonnauicea tho prico will bo 25c for' ocIaitIon will bo held ut tho office of
adults and 15c for children for tho tho association Saturday, March 2ad,
Bpoclal matjlnco Saturday afternoon h)18, nt 8:00 p. in. for the purpose of
tho prices will bo 2fc ami iuc. i vlvctliiir directors for the onsumir term
iv i...v H.i,i. Hint under irnrnienls uiihiiichh ns may como
It VI 1,1 11 II
Field Agont Bryan, of tho American
Boot Sugar Co., stated yesterday that
ho had contracted for 1715 acres of
bcotfl botweon North Platte and tho
dividing lino a short dlstnnco west of
Ilorshoy. lie oxpects to Increase this
to 1800 acres, tho same acrengo ns last
your. It Is understood that Field Agent
Kody, ot the Groat Wostorn Co. has
slguod up most of tho growors of tho
O Fallon soction and north of the
Plant u (lunleii, however small. As
an Incontlvo I am giving to evory
studont In our Lincoln county schools
from tho First grado up, as woll ns
to tho general public, a chunco to
compote for sllvor cups, $50.00 gold
pieces and bronzo medals and many
other promlums to bo nddod later.
Plant a garden and caro for It. Call
for women. THE HUB.
Tho Red Cross headquarters having
issued orders that no moro comrort
ldta aro to bo given direct to soldiers
by locul chapters, tho Lincoln county
chaptor. not liking to so tho prnctlco
It started of giving ono ot those kits
to ovory soldier boy who leaves North
Platto tltstaontlnuod, has ankod tho
Sammv Girls to continue the prnctlco
Thoy havo very kindly consented to
givo tlie Kits to at least too next con
tingent ot Lincoln county boys nnd
tho Red Cross desire to nsk tho co
operation of tho citizens of Lincoln
county In any offort Uio Sammy Girls
may mako to ralso tho needed funds
Mario T. Dent, Chairman
Do you havo spoils of dizziness and
ovorything turning black boforo tho
oyos? Thoso aro symptoms of torpid
Hvor and a clogged condition of tho 'and seo mo nnd I will furnish you with
howols. Tako Prickly Ash Blttors and pamphlets tolling you how to plant
get rid of tho misory. It Is tho right what to plant whon to plant how
thing for Buch disorders. Price $1.26 to :nro for. Don't dolny.
por bottlo. Rlnckor Book & Drug Co ,l J. E. NELSON, of Tho Lender More
Special Agent. i Company. rtm,
New and Greater Woman's Apparel Store
Anthentic Spring Fashions for Women, Misses and Children,
developed in all the favorite Fabrics and Colors, Street Suits,
Sport Coats, Chappy Coats, Silk Dresses, Sport Suits, Sport
Skirts, Street Coats and Blouses.
Spring Suits
In an endless varitey, youthful in
style and materal, made of the Tri-
cotine Tailored type, Bolero styles,
Pony coat suits, and many other nifty
models in all serviceaule Fabrics and
$14.75 to $69.50
Silk Skirts
in plain and striped Taffettas, Fou
lards, Khaki Kool and Baronette
Stain, hundreds to select from in all
$5.98 to $24.75
Stunning Models
In spring coats, novelty styles,
pleated models, new funneled and
some military models in serges,
Poplins, Gabardines, Velours, Bur
ella, Delhi and Silverton.
$14.50 to $95.
Silk Blouses
1000 silk Blouses to select your
Easter Blouse from, in silk Crepe,
Georgette silk gingham plaids, novel
ty silk stripes, etc.
.98 to $14.75
Dresses! Dresses!
Fashions favorites are here. Boun
tifully here and most admirably in
the new Serges and Foulards com
biantion, Foulards, Taffetas, Meteros
and Sik plaid Ginghams for after
noon wear and most favorable
$14.75 to S59.50
Silk Sweater
Or silk Knitted Coats. The most
beautiful collection of them in the
history of this great establshment,
any shade imaginable is here for
your selection.
$7.48-to $24.75
and Kid Gloves
In all Colors
and sizes.
75c to $3.00
Ladies' Outfitting Store
in all shades to
Match your new
Suil or Gown.
$2.50 to $15J
Every Farmer
Should Have A Record
Of His Business
Ho should know tlio virtue of Ills
stock, Uio amount of yearly deiirccln
Hon, IilN,eiirnIngH, lossos
Your clieck account nt tills bnnk Is
u pretty good record
Ami If you'll cull hi nny dny we'll
liolp you ilguro out tlio otlier items
you'll need, to niiHncr IOIS'h Important
now question.
"Wliat'8 TOUll Iitcoino TnxP
Platte Valley State Bank
' ' WW
Tomorrow liftornoon starting at
2:30 a big Uod Cross auction will bo
held at tho Lloyd opera houso with
Col. Swodoburg, of Holdrogo, as Uio
auctioneer. Tho articles to bo offered
Include live stock, poultry and farm
nrodnco contributed by farmors of tlio
suction tributnry to Nortli Platto, nnd
of general niorchandiso (contributed
by tlio morchants of North Platte.
According to tho roport of tho solici
tors, tho donations of tho farmors
havo boon vory liberal and tho quality
is of tho very best, Tho same npnllcs
to tho donations made by North Platto
business men tho contributions of tho
lattor iconHlstilaijr of un-toi-duto and
donondablo niorchandiso not stuff
that Is sholf-worn and unsaleable in
tho stores.
ThlB is tho llrat real sale the North
Platto Hod Cross has attomnted and
it Is hoped that It will bo a success,
as funds are needed to keep tho Red
Cross work moving as rapidly as the
willing women workers desire. It 13
our duty to seo that tho nocossary
funds aro provided, and ono way to
do this is to mako donations to tho
salo as woll as to mako purchases at
tho sulo.
Evory rcsidont of tho city who can
possibly attend the sale should do so,
and not only attend Uio salo, but buy,
and rarmors who aro In town that day
should also fool Uiat tho worthiness
of tlio causo domnnds thoir attend-anco.
A Distressing Accident.
A distressing accident occurred
about six o'clock Wednesday ovonlng
when Uio twonty months old child of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hell, who room nt tho
Paulson rosldonco on west Sixth, died
of strangulation through swallowing
sonio object Tho condition of tho
ohlld was nt onco noticed by tho
mothor, a physlcinn summoned, and
whllo awaiting tho arrival of tho
physician all known methods to dis
lodge tho object wore employed. Dr,
Dont arrived within ton minutes aftor
bolng cnlled, but tlio llttlo ono had
passed away boforo his arrivnL
Tho funorai was hold from tlio
Paulson rosldonco yostorday after
noon, Itov, Curry conducting tho ser
vlco. ::o::
Aged Hcrslioy "Woman Dies.
Mrs. Wills, mothor of Mrs. Dorsoy
Loypoldt, ot Ilorshoy, died Wednesday
ovonlng at tho ago of Bovonty-ono
yoara. Tlio remains will uo tnkon
to Ilolvldoro, Nob., tho fornior homo
of tho docoasod for lntormont. Tho
death was duo to pneumpnla.
Dr. Ilrock, Dontlst, over Stono Drug
Eugeno llobcrts Pusses Awn-.
Eugene A. Roborts, aged sixty-six
years, passed away Wednesday even
ing at his homo, 708 oast Sixth street.
Ueatli was duo to dropsical affection
with which ho had been afflicted for
sovoral mouths.
Funeral services will bo hold nt the
resldonce at 2:30 this afternoon con
ducted by Rov. Hull, and Interment
mado In tho city cemetery.
lno deceased camo to tins county
from Wyoming in 190G and purchased
a tract of land southeast of town.
Thero lie resided until two years ago,
wnon no bought proporty in town
nnd moved thoreto. As a farmer ho
was progressive and successful, and
though retiring In mnnner and dlsnosi
tlon mndo many friends both on tho
farm and in tho city, and was hold
In vory high esteem by all who know
Surviving aro tho wife and eight
children, six of tho latter living In or
noar town and two m Wyoming. Ben
and Carl live on a ranch near Casper,
tho other chlldron aro Mrs. Chas. Bost
wlck, Eleanor, Odn, Ora, Dan and Ray.
: :o:' i
Dr. Curry Formally Installed.
Tho Rov. J. II. Curry, D. D wns
formally Installed ns pastor of tho
First Presbyterian church Wednesday
ovening. Tins service was attended by
a congregation that filled Uio auditor
ium, In fact It was stated that tho
ottondanco was tho largest that had
attonded a slmllnr sorvlco In any of
tho churches In tho Kearney Presby
tory for many years. The Installation
was conducted by a commltteo of tho
prosbytory; Rov. J. E. Sponcor, of
Kearnoy, delivered tho sonnon nnd
propounded tho constitution; Rov.
Arthur Soundy, of Gothenburg, charg
ed tho pastor, and Rev. Chas. Mom
mott, ot Lexington mndo tho chargo
to tho congregation. A featuro of the
sorvlco was a solo, "This Is my Task,"
by Mrs. Gflfoyl, which was very ap
propriate for tho occasion and much
enjoyed by all,
Protestant Episcopal Services.
March 24, 1918.
Gth Sunday In Lent (Palm Sunday.)
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45
a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. morn
ing prayer and aermon, subject "A
tuecesBuii man or Aiinirs. 7:30 p. m.
ovening prayer and address, subject
Tho Acts' St Paul's Chapel North
Side, 3:00 p. in. Sunday school.
Services for Holy Week: Wednes
day, March 27th, 7:30 p. m. Evening
prayer and address; Thursday. March
2Sth, 7:30 ip. m. Holy Communion;
Good Friday, March 29th. Three hour
Rev. Arthur Dittos Jones, Rector.
iimi ii wim t hi 1 1 1 Mi in in hi i m nun Hi im Hi i' ii mflMMFnprii-nmwy'.TgiiriwgtMi
Your New
Licenses nnd Weddings.
William Paulman and Hazol Zaulor,
both ot whom llvo In tho Ilorshoy
jnolghborhoou, woro granted a mar
riago nconso wcunesuay.
Cyrus Sonsol, of Gnrflold, and Mln-
nlo Pollard, of Fnraum. wero married
Wodnosday by Judgo Woodhurst Tho
groom Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Adnm
Sonsol, and has leased his father's
GiiHtaf P. Ftanzor and Dortha Door
son, both of Lodge Polo, camo to town
Wednosdny and wero united in mar
rlago by Judgo Woodhurst
Judgo Wobdhlurst united In mar
rlago Wednesday John F. Scliaofor,
of Stnploton and Grace James of
You will find every
beauty, every conven
ience, every comfort you
have dreamed about,
shown in our new Prize
Plans 150 vof them on
view at our office. By
special appointment we
will show them at your
home or office.
As Professional Building Material Merchants
exclusive local representatives of the Keith Cor
poration we offer our service in aiding you to
secure your IDEAL HOME. Our suggestions will"
be gladly made, and information given, regard
less of your ultimate purchase. The more you
know WHAT to build and HOW TO BUILD IT
the better pleased we will be.
Competent Mechanics Cheerfully Recommended on Request
Investigate our FREE PLAN OFFER. It is the great
est money saving proposition over put forth by the build
ing industry. Ask anywhere. You oughf to know about it.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray.
For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is no system of treatment its equal.
Office phone 183. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
Store tr