THE 0EM1.WHEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. AMERICAN SOLDIERS IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES AT LORRAINE GATE 0 ia 13 8 Here tire two oC the nrst pictures received' In the United Stales showing our boys at the actual lighting front holding n portion of the Lorraine sector against the Teuton liorde. At the top Is shown a section of n trench held by American troops, and at the bottom a soldier ready to lire a signal rocket as a warning that a German attack has begun. BRITISH TANK GOING INTO ACTION THROUGH A FRENCH VILLAGE fist s israwili M, m fe.aflftjftfg??VMyi-i, Hf.t NMMnvi -f i -i i CMfeW&4j&W& I he 1 reach village through which It Is passing has received a considerable amount of attention from the ncrs, hut that doesn't bother the tank In tho least as it lumbers Into action. The Uocho guns will make 4'io their objeetlvo as soon us the Teuton air scouts report Its presence. gun-tank RESULTS OF GERMAN AIR RAIDS OVER PARIS Q 0 MAY BE CROWNED CZAR SWITZERLAND FEARS INVASION BY GERMANY AND AUSTRO-HUNGARY The massing of large bodies of German and Austro-dlungnrlan troops along the Swiss frontier bus caused Swit zerland to fear that Illndenburg Intends to Invade Its territory In tho elTort to turn tho French right flank. Tho Illustration shows Swiss mountaineer troops on the path to tho Drelspachenspltzo on the frontier, and, at tho left, an officer of tho Swiss army wearing the recently adopted steel helmet. SERVICES OVER REMAINS OF FIRST AMERICANS TO DIE IN FRANCE The upper photograph shows a vlow of several of tho houses which were wrecked by tho bombs dropped by tho Germans. Theso places of "military Importance" to tho Germans were tho homes of tho people who live In tho tourer Hictloii of Paris. The lower photograph shows tho results of bombs dropped on the dormitory of a children's hospital, which fortunately had been vacated in time by tho 200 children, and nono wero Injured thoro. Tho build ing In m mass of wreckage. If tho children had not boon removed doubtless (iw'O .. tf them would have been killed. According to recent renorts the Ger mans may put tho former czarevitch on tho Russian throne. Hero Is the latest photograph of tho son of tho ex- czar, now iiluln Alexis Ilomanoff. Reformed. Judge Ever served a Jail sentence! Witness Yes, sah; but l's retailed uow air uvur a private life. Impressive rituals marked the burial of Corn. James Ii. Gresham. Private Thomas F. Enriorht and Prlvntn Mnrle D. Hay of Company F, Sixteenth infantry, who were Interred with religious and military ceremony at Bathelemont on tho afternoon of November 4. Throughout the ceremony at the graves, French batteries, from their positions, nrc minute guns over the village at the German trenches. tower for watching flyer FIRST STEEL SHIP LAUNCHED IN $0UTH jtSSS N?w,ppff Union! 'I I The llrst steel ship ever built south of Newport News Is shown here Just after the launching. It is the Mexoll, n vessel of 8,000 tons, built by tho Alabama-New Orleans Transportation compnny for tho Mexican Petroleum corpo ration and was launched at Violet, La. DRESSING STATION ON THE WEST FRONT Observation tower at naval aviation station at Warrington Ueach, Pensn cola, FJa., erected for tho use of our Hying Instructors, who note the elll clency and skill with which our com ing American tilers handle their ma chines as they speed through the air. Our Three Kinds of Men. "America la composed of three classes of men first, thoso who havo succeeded, and, second, thoso who haven't." "Yes? And the third?" "Oh, they're, tho fellows who write articles for tho magazines telling tho second class how tho first class did It." Life. Harmonious Fate. "Talking about names, there's an English burglar hero who first got Into trouble In London." "How wan that?" "Ho broke Into a house with a Jim my, and came out of It with n Hobby." A dressing Mntlon mar t ' n fni'i New Zealanders. In the foreground stretcher awaiting treatment. Uni'f on the western irout operated bv can bo seen a wounded soldier on a