The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1918, Image 1

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No. 20
is now in ruonitKSS.
Tho Germans bognn tholr offonslvo
ngalnst the alllos yesterday and the
greatest battle of the war Is now ro
ported to bo on. By employing masses
of troops supported by a groat weight
of artillery, the Germans ponetratod
tho British front lino In the Cambral
section, which Is said to have given the
Gorman an Inltul advantage. In the
IIouso of Commons yesterday, Androw
Law, spokesman for tho government,
said the attack on the British lilies
was on a larger scale than any mado
thus far during tho war on nny part of
tho western front. Tho Germans em
ployed gag shells freely and a con
stant stream of high vlloelty shells
borko with frightful concession far
back of tho British linos. Tho Gor
man are reported to bo using tanks
Tho bombardment began at five o'clock
in tho morning, continued for flvo
hours followed by a hurling of tho
Gormnn forces on tho British front
The slaughter of mon is roportod to
liavo been very heavy.
W. J. Tiley whilo In Coznd Wednes
day attended n Bed Cross sale, tho
receipt cf which were live thousand
dollars. More than 1,000 people don
ated articles to the sale.
Women's and MIssos goods up to the
minute In stylo aro arriving daily at
Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Don't fall
to seo them. Always the lowest in
price. j
Fred Bliss, living south of Brady,
sold to II. L. Oldfather, buyer at that
town, sixtysix head of ten months
old hogs that averaged 271 pounds
oach and brought him a total sum
of $2,S91.G5.
The residence of John Griffith, south
of Maxwoll, was totally destroyed by
firo Monday afternoon. The blazo
started In somo unknown manner in
ono of tho second story rooms,
practically all the furniture was
..saved. The loss is pa'rtially covered
by insurance.
Ten thousand Omaha women will
march In tho parade which opens
the third Liberty loan campaign Sat
urday, April G. Four thousand Red
CrosB workers In veils nnd aprons;
National Soivice league members in
their uniforms and insignia, in which
they will appear for the first time;
women whoso husbands and sons aro
in tho service and thousands of wo
men of every rank in life will march
In the parade, each carrying an Amer
ican flag.
I It. ami L. Meeting.
I Tho annual stockholders' mooting
I of tho Mutual Building and Loan will
'be hold at tho association building to
morrow evonlng. Foiur directors will
. bo olected, throo for three years nnd
' one for two yoars. Tho directors
whoso terms expire are Victor Von
Gootz, F. T. Itodmoml, T. C. Pnttorson
and W. W. dimming. Tho annunl
roport of tho association will bo dis
tributed at this mooting.
i Collagen anil Simon.
1 T. M. Cohngcn haB been nominated
by petition for re-olcctlon as council
man from tho First ward. Tho 'petition
which was circulated this week was
gotton out by his friends,' who havo
been so well pleased with his work
that thoy doslro to :otaln him In tho
Tho other candidate from tho First
ward is Carl Simon, who was recently
appointed to fill tho vacancy mado by
tho removal of Dave Day. lMr. Simon's
term will bo from May, 1918, to May,
.:o:: '-
Insurance Stockholders Meet.
A district meeting' of stockholders
of tho Farmers' Life Insurance Union
was hold at the McCabe Hotel Wednes
day evening, about thirty mombers
attending as representatives from
Lincoln, Keith and Dawson counties.
Officers of the union present were Ex
Governor Amnions of Denver nnd Wal
ter Johnson, rtuporlntendont of
agencies. Wljlls Reed, attornoy-gener-al
of Nebraska, also attended the
meeting. The object of the meeting
was to dlstcuss tho different phases of
the work of the Union. I
Till: TOTAL LOSS 11 Y Till!
Socrot Ilgures of tho British admir
alty on submarlno loseos and world
shipbuilding were mado public yes
terday by thp British embassy.
Thoy show that from both enemy
action nnd mnrlno risk on January 1,
1918, allied and neutral shipping had
lost sinco the war beun 11,S27,B72
gross tons, whilo ship yards woro
turning out G.G0G.275 tons.
Thoso figures, long withheld, aro
now mado public, admiralty memor
andum says, becnuso thoy will not
stimulate tho enemy and because thoy
will impross upon tho peaplo tho
necosslty of united action In making
good losses by submarined. With
thorn goes an apponl to BrltlHh buIKl
ors to spood up tholr efforts by bring
ing moro men and womon to work on
the task, and warning that tho rocont
falling off in British production must
not continue.
: :o: :
Jingling Bros. Circus.
Jingling Bros. Clrdus will exhibit
at tho Franklin nudltorlum tonight
nnd tomorrow night under tho direc
tion of the Junior Red Cross and for
the bonellt of the Red Cross.
The program of stunts Is as varied
as it Is excellent and amusement and
merrlmont Is In store for all.
School chlldron havo boon can
vassing for tho sale of tickets and
tho attendance promises to bo large.
The admission price will bo twenty
live cents for children and fifty for
nkws about tub hoys
who aim: in shuvick.
First Lullicrnn Church.
Palm Sunday. Sunday school 9:45
o'clock. Morning worship 11 o'clock,
subject "The Royal Entry." Evening
worship 7:30 o'clock, subject "And
i'e Will Not." Special music at both
Thero will be special services dur
ing Holy week. Wednesday night,
eight o'clock, sermon and reception of
members. Thursday night eight o'clock
I The Holy Communion.
Strangers, friends and the un
' churched welcome at all theso ser
Rev. C. Franklin Koch, Pastor.
: :o: :
STORE is showing tho largest lino of
ladles ready to wear garments in
North Platte.
Every student in the Maxwell
schools is a member of the Junior Red
: :o:
"The Man From Painted Post"
A feature which places Fairbanks undisputedly supreme in
the realm of motion pictures.
Keith Theatre
Monday and Tuesday, March 25-26.
t'lunt a Garden, howover small. As
an incentive I am giving to ovoy
student in our Lincoln county schools
from ho First grade up, as well as
to tho general public, a chanco to
compoto for silver cups, $50.00 gold
pieces and bronze medals and ninny
other premiums to bo added later.
Plant a garden and caro for it. Call
and seo me and I will furnish you with
pamphlets telling you how to plant
what to plant when to plant how
to caro for. Don't delay.
J. E. NELSON, of The Leader Merc.
31. K. Cliurcli.
"Christ the Great" will be tho theme
at the Methodist church Sunday, even
ing. What claim has Christ on tho
world that Alexander The Great or
Napaleon did not have? Tho kaiser
seeks his own glory In world empire,
so does Christ. What Is the difference?
Is tho kingdom of Christ to bo demo
cratic? Can man escape the purpose
of Christ? Theso questions will bo
answered at 7:30 Sunday ovoning:
At 11 a. m. tho themo will be: "Tho
Stono Before the Tomb.' Junior
Leaguo at 3 p. m. Mission class 5 p.
m. Lunch G p. m. Epwortih Leaguo at
G:30 p, m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Rev. Cram. Pastor.
-: :o: :-
Another largo shipment of millinery
will arrive this morning in women's
nnd Misses street and pattern hats
at The Leader Mercantile Co. When In
the store don't fall to, visit our Mil
linery department.
Mrs. C. E. Souser and daughter, who
havo been visiting In Pennsylvania for
for several weeks, are expected homo
In a day or two.
We have received a large portion of our New Spring Boots. The styles
are more beautiful than over, the colors are brown, grey, white, and black.
Prices range from $4.50 to $8.00.
Buy Yow Easter Footwear Now
We have just received a shipment of the new
est creations in Brown, Tans and Blacks. Prices
range from $3.50 to $7.50.
We are headquarters for Children's Shoes.
Steve Baldwin loft yestorday for
Marlon, Iowa.
Dan Nownioyor nnd C. 19. Souser aro
In Cheyenne today attending a safety
first meeting.
Phono 217 for offiolcnt cab sorvlco
dny or night. j
Mrs. Rny Snyder wont to Grand
Island yotiterday to visit friends for
a day or two.
Mrs. Will BMkluB and children left
yostorday for a vlBlt with friends nt
Torrlngton, Wyo.
Look at tho Eastor millinery nt
Mrs. E. T. Casey and llttlo grand
daughter loft lost night far Camp
funston to visit Ernest Casoy.
Drossos gnloro in styles nnd ma
terials thnt nro tho Intent. Silks, satins,
foulnrds, sorgos nnd nil kinds of wash
dresses at THE LEADER MERC. CO.
Mrs. Buck, of Suporlor, linn been
Visiting this Wook with hor daughter
Who Is a teacher in the city schrtTls.
Ladles silk waists in all tho now
. Joe Splos and family wont to Kcar
noy this morning to attend tho fun
eral of a child of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wo havo pconlos and phlox. Plant
them now. North Platte Floral Co
Phone 1023. tf
' Bids for the erection of the Luther
an church wllL bo opened at a meet
ing of tho church council to bo hold
this evonlng.
For Sale Framo building suitable
for garage. R. F. Cotterell at Wilcox
Department Store.
Mrs. Luko Hcaley, who has boon
Seriously 111 this week with pneu
monia, Is reported somewhat Improved
tills morning.
Buy eggs from mo to set and start
a, bank account In eggs that will hatch
$1.50 a setting. Phono Red G98. L. I
Tralnmnser W. C. Sholvor and
riuimy roturneu last ovenmg rroin
Iowa where they were called by the
death of n relative.
Our line Is complete-In house dress
es, aprons, breakfast sets. AH colors
and now designs. You are Invited to
Inspect them. TIIK HUH.
Now pnttorns In foulard and gin
gham, patterns In silk at WILCOX
Chairman Keefe turned loose his
four-niinuto speakers last night on
tno subject of war savings' stamps.
Leslie Basklns spoke at tho Keith
and George GIbbs at tho Crystal.
Eggs for Hatching Barred Ply-
molh Rocks nnd Single Comb White
Leghorns. $1.00 per 15. $6.00 por 100.
Mrs. Charles Damoler, Sutherland,
Nobraska. 20-8
All Sammy Girls are requested to
bo 'present at tho regular meeting
Monday evonlng. Dean Bowkor will
glvo an address and Mrs. Welhorn 'will
glvo several readings.
You women that want the best in
quality and stylish drosses at a nom
inal price don't fall to look at all tho
now-ones at THE LEADER MERC. CO.
In all materials, foulards, satins, silks
and serges.
Charles Schannann has returned
from a three months' visit with his
sister, Mrs. Roy Spurrier, at Rico,
Ariz. Ho says that it Is a beautiful
country, that tho cllmnto Is flno, and
that all fruit trees were In bloom
whon ho loft. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. B.
Spurrier woro also there visiting tholr
son Roy but expect to return to tholr
farm homo near Nichols some tlmo
in April.
Tho storo of THE LEADER MERC.
CO. is filled with now goods in all tho
different departments, dross goods,
silks, wash goods, drosses and coats
for womon and children and scores of
many other Items.
Tho iconimlttoo having In charge tho
collection of clothing for tho dostltulo
iJelgiums, roport fairly liberal con
trlbutlons. Thoso who have shoos and
clothing sultablo for womon. chlldron
and old mon, substantial In naturo,
aro roquosted to sond such to tho rest
room In tho B. & L. building today
or tomorrow or notify nny ono of tho
following committee: Mrs. Waltor
Kockom, Mrs. E. F. Seoborgor, Mrs.
G.-W. Finn. Mrs. Fred IIuxoll. Mrs.
Will Richards or Mrs. Wallor Hoag-
Now suits, now coats for womon
and MIssos aro coming In ovory ox
Don't fall to look thorn over whon In
the storo.
: :o: :
Baptist Church.
9: 15 Sunday school, 11 morning wor
ship, thomo "World Conquering Love."
6:80 B. Y. P. U. 7:30 evening wor
ship, thomo "The throo Crosses on
All who woro present greatly enjoy
ed tho music by tho donblo malo
nuartctto last Sundny night. Tho
Tho quartetto will rondor another
sneclnl number this coming Sunday
Tho ordlnnnco of Baptism will bo
administered. You nro invited to mako
tho Baptist church your church homo.
A. C. HULL, Pastor.
: :o' :
Don't delay buying your spring and
summer suit early Tho best go first.
best that can be bought.
For the sorlous diseases thnt attack
tho kidneys Prickly Ash Bitters is a
remedy of merit. It roliovos back
ache, dizziness, preslstont hoadacho
loss at strength and norvous weak
ness: symptoms which Indlcato kid
noy trouble Prlco $1.25 por bottlo.
Itlnckor Book & Drug Co., Spoclal
Wnrron Soulos, of Brady .who hnd
boon stationed at Angel Island in the
hoavy artillery, hue boon transfort'qd
to the Philippine lInnds.
Word has been rocoivod that LeraV
Soules and Davo Clark, both oMlrridy,
who woro sont to Camp Funston, havo
landed "Homowhoro in Frnnco."
Fred Petorson, In tho offlcorn train
ing camp at Loon Springs, Toxno,
writes that he has been in the hospital
for some tlmo with a bad caso' of
stomach trouble. ft"
Wnrron Doollttlo, who wont to Camp
Funston on tho first call of Lincoln
cotomty mon, hns boon transferred' to
tho ordnnnco department and Is now
on rou to to Baltimore.
Harris Stuart, who loft hero as'n
member of Company E, nnd Inter was
trtmsiorrod to tho field nrtlllory nt
Camp Cody, Is now stationed . nt
Gettysburg, Pa., having loft for .the,
latter place tho early part of tills
wook. '
Dr. Morrill. DentlHt
War Slumps Prlvo Toduy.
In ovory prctainct in tho Btnto of
Nobrnskn a drlvo Is on today for tho
nlo of War Savings stamps, and hero
In North Platto tho work, bogan early
this morning ami will' bo cnrrlod out
vigorously all dny. Many solicitors
aro at work in town, and In many of
tho rurnl school houses In tho county
arrangements liavo boon mndo for
meetings this nftornon, at which sub
scriptions for tho stamps will bo
Lincoln county's quota Is placed at
$875,000 and It is hoped thnt this sum
may bo roucltcd before tho campaign
Bremer Buys Property.
Frod J. Bromor has purchnsod ad
ditional city proporty, his latest ac
quisitions bolng the' McGulro nnd
Woods proportion on east Third and
tho Crlssmnn houso on south Locust.
Tho purchases woro mado this week.
For Sale.
Eight room house, strictly modorn,
good furnlturo, double garago and Ford
roadster Inqulro at 208 cast Third
street. 19-2
Ford Prices
At North Platte,
Including War Tax and Freight.
5 Passenger Touring - $505.40
2 Passenger Roadster $499.00
1 Ton Truck $659.32
Authorized Sales and Service.
Phone 34. Corner 4th & Dewey.
"This STFP is
real house paint
and here's why-
"It isn't mixed it's prepared;
made of zinc, lead and oil
the lest cf cock citd the right
amount of 'each to protect and beautify.
I'm a painter, not a paint maker. Hut
I know paint, and I know there's qual
ity here, the kind that insures absolute
satisfaction for the home owner. "
is the only house paint controlled in
every particular, from the mines to the
finished product, by oneorganization.
Ask your painter to use it. He will
gladly do it, as it saves time in mixing,
covers well and adds to his reputation.
W "irrw nit nrwwiltir rnlnra In S W I
also 11 full Iluo of other Shcrwln-Wllllama
Kexall Drug Store,