The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1918, Image 1

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No. 19
Leonard B. Robinson, of this.dtty
who is in tho onglneorlng corps ome
where In France hml who hits fi son
also in tho aorvico ovorsons, wrltos
Mrs 1 Roljinson in fart as follows:
I have Just roturnoil from a visit to
Hon, nml now I can rest oosy, sinco I
have seen-' how ho is slttmted. If you
could only soo how ho is located you
would not worry about him. lie is near
one of the nrettiost cltios in Franco,
and where ho. is thoy have in his
conin a big V. M. C. A. where thoy can
see moving pictures and play baskot
ball. But tho best of all is tho Red
Cross hut Tho interior of the building
is altractivo and beautiful and dec
orated as only a good woman can
decorate. About a dozen flno women
H3rve lunches to the boys and all the
ladios sing and play tho piano. As
soon as the boys are through with
their duties norae go to tho Y. M. C
A., but most to the Red Cross. Sinco I
liavo been whero ho is I havo ceased
to worry about him because his moral
welfare and health Is takon caro of
and I will say God bless tho Red Cross.
Tho colonel allowed me sovon days to
make tho trip and was with Len. three
days and the rest of tho time I was on
the move. I had one day in Paris, and
saw some of tho wonedrs of that city.
It was sure grand. This is a great
grand and glorious country, and all
the sacrifices that tho United States
makes will bo in' n good cause all for
God, civilizaton, and humanity. If any
one could see what wo have seen
everybody would want to kill some
Urgent Call for Clothing.
Tho call has come from headquart
ers at Washington for tho Rod Cross
to collect and ship used clothing for
tile women, chlldron and mon of
occupied Belgium and France.
Tho time for action is short. We
are asked to make shipmonts in the
week of March ISth to 25th.
We need not sond new things unless
we choose, and they need not be in
Governor Keith Novllle has sold his
13,000 acre ranch lying between htfro
and Maxwell to Agnew & Johnson, of
Omuha. The consideration could not
be learned, but it is the- largest ronl tpiirbin Auto Co.
vauiiu ii iiubuv;iiuii wiiu nun ui i uncu iu
Ray Cnnltin was called to Milwaukee
Sunday night by tho sorlous illness of
ItU son
" Walter Kockon wont to Omaha Swn-
.tlay night to drive back a truck for the
Lincoln county for a number of yonrs.
Tho purchasers arc the same man
perfect ropair, but thoy must be clean, who bought tho Keith ranch south of
strong and durable. Either shoes or Sutherland several months ago and last
cipuung made or nimsy. or cnoap anu Friday also asked for a price on tho
unsound material will be useless, s. J. Koch ranch southwest of Hor
Filmy wnists, high heeled shoos nnd ahoy, but Mr. Koch informed them his
flashily colored or stylish designed land was not for salo. When thov sug
drosson are not wanted. Plain sub- gestud to M$ Koch that lie ought to
stantlal articles of wear only aro sell nnd move to town, he rathor oni
ncQded. nhatlcn'lly told them that this iB a
i Citizens will please get together be- tinfo in tho history of this country
foro Saturday such ganuonts thoy can wfion every man should bo a producor,
spare, tolephono Mrs. Dent or Mrs. and that it was his duty to stay on
RIncker and the articles will be $11- tho ranch and grow all tho cattle and
eu xor or tnoy can no Drought to tho , grains possible. We commend Mr.
rest, room in the B. & L. buildimr.
Kggs For Setting.
Koch for his brand of patriotism.
: :o: :
Tho Coates Lumber Co. placed a
little throo-llne local in, Friday's Tr'
:o: :
Tho Seven to Go.
Tho sovon Lincoln county hoys who
will be sent to Camp Funston within
five days begining March 29th aro:
Clifford Anderson, Wlllard
Ben Johnson, North Platte
Frank Gasman, Sutherland
Joe Schatz, North Platte
Wm. Kotts, North Platte
Floyd Peterson, Farnam
Elmer Hamm, North Platte
Drcsses for all occasions. One folece
street dresses in the serge and gar
berdine, Crepe de chine -and teffetas
for practical wear. Georgette crepes
and foulards for afternoon wear. New
and snappy models. E. T. TRAMP &
Tho Royal Neighbors of America
will servo a banquet at tho K. P. hall
Thursday, March 21 st beginning at
7:30. All Royal Neighbors aro cordial
ly Invited.
I havo sold eggs all wintor to a buno stating that thoy had two toaniB
dozen or more of my neighbors at GOcjfor sale. Those teams have boon sold,
a dozen and I can furnish testimonials, and tho purchasers stated that thoy
for same. I havo Barred Rock (pullets saw the little ad in The Tribune. If
that took sweepstakes at tho North : you havo somo thing to sell that pooplo
Platte Poultry Show mated with want, and If you price it right thore
cockorel that came from "Smllies" , Is no Question but a Htlo nd in the
Pdultry Farm. My Rodo Island Reds Trlbuno will soli it.
are as good as any. Both varieties are) Momuor8 of tho Trnvol aml stmly
good laying strains and eggs are what I ch.,b lnct nt the Red Cross work
counts. Call me up early and book rooni8 laat cvonlng nml (,ovotert thc
your oruers. QVenlng to 8Urgicai dressing 'work.
' L UCRER, Phono Red b9S. LtUer thoy repalre(1 t0 the Mr8i Los.
" ', , , ,, iter Walker homo whero refreshments
J. K. Channey, who lived with his wore served. Misfl Florence Stamp
daughter Mrs. W. F. Flebee on a farm was the hostess of tho evening,
twelve or more miles southwest of , ,
town, was found dead near tho houso ' CItl,rk Buchanan, who has been llv
tho latter part of last week. Tho lS in Los Angeles, for flvo years
deceased, who was about sixtv years ",uw 110 Ims "cen appointed
of age was afflicted with asthma, and superintendent of agencies for tho
while doing light work is supposed t0 Inter Insurance Exchange of the Auto
haveVlropped dead. Tho remains woro1 ri0!,1,, Club of Southern California
shipped to Grand Island
for inter
A now and varied assortment of
georgette crepe blouses Just arrived.
A party of federal and stato unvor
sity men, who are investigating tho
the cost of sugar beet production,
came down from Scottsbluff last night
and left this morning for O'Fallon
where they will hold a conference
with the beot growers. The object of
this commission is to determine a fair
price for beets for 1918, though of
course their findings are in the form
of a recommendation and not mandatory.
and Is well pleased with tho work,
Miss Florence Vedder, senior in the
locnl high school, stood highest In her
gradds tho past semester. Sho is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ved
der, who live northeast of town. Con
tributed. Suits and coats in all the now and
wanted shades and now numbers ar
riving daily. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
The Red Cross treasury was enrich
ed $07.50 Saturday by tho Bale of a
donated calf at the salo of the North
Platte Sales Co. Julius Mogensen pur
chased the calf for $40, re-donated it,
and It sold a second time for $27.50.
J? I -. ... ,'
$40. 00. 0
Spring Clothes Inspection Days
An exposition of Spring Clothing
Styles for men and young men.
We're renewing our invitation to stop in and
see the new things ,now because clothes-buying
is a matter of important consideration this
Every man wants the fullest value obtainable
in the clothes he buys this applies to getting the
right style as well as thoroughly good quality.
We hope that every man will take advantage
of this opportunity because knowledge of style
and quality means "conservation" in buying.
There's neither fuss or frills to the affair, just a
showing of what's right in clothes and furnish
ings sure to be of practical interest to every man
and young men. Stop in.
Manhattan Shirts - $1.75 to $12.00:
Beau Brummell Shirts - $1.50 to $6.00.
Interwoven Soxs - 35c to $1.50.
Regal Shoes
Lewis Union Suits -
$5.00 to $9.00.
$1.50 to $6.00.
Many Loaned their Lives. You can
Loan your money. Buy War Saving
Harcourt Clothing Co.
Early Bird Says,
Springing the suit of spring
Tlie spring showing, with its new
styles features, will put the spark of
joy in every man's heart who wants
clothes 'that make him "look the
We don't have to hrag about the
clothes we sell because thc men who
buy them never get through prais
ing our stocks. For quality, fabric,
tailoring and moderate price, where
Spanish War Veterans auxiliary will .
meei Wednosdny afternoon in tho
public Library basomont.
Mrs. C. S, Clinton nnd daughter,!
Miss Hildognrde returned Inst even
ing from a ton-days visit in Omaha.
North Platto friends of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Cary, of Omaha will rogTot
to loam of tho death of tholr son, who
lasBed away Sunday.
Wanted Cattle to pasturo for tho
'summer. Address C. O. Wills, Well
Hoot, Nobr. 10-3
iSino year old Eileen Prllost has
done hor "bit" by knitting a pair of
wristlets and sending them to Charloy
Shnler at Camp Cody.
For Sale: A few choico Hoso comb
Hhodo Island Ited Cockerels. Inquiro
of C. H. Wood, Suthorland. 19-4
We havo a splendid assortment of
popular priced hats arriving from tho
oust on Saturday, March 23d. Villa
Whittaker at BLOCK'S STORI3.
Pauline, tho five months old daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Clark, died
Saturday afternoon rtt tho family homo
in town, Tho funeral was hold Sun
day afternoon. f
eotamnok shrdlu shrdl shrdlu rdl
For Sale or Trado One automobllo
In good condition. Phono G23. 19-1
In Judge Sullivan's court yostordny
morning Tom Quinlnn, a travollng
salesman, for Bovo, was fined $5.00 and
costs on tho chargo of being Vlrunk
and disorderly tho night before.
,'iThe Christian hid society will meet
(Thursday afternoon in tho church
basement. All arc invltcjl to attend.
Thoso entertaining will bo Mesdames
Crawford. Cornwall and Max McGrew.
For Sale Cabbago, carrots, par
snips and beets. L. I. Tucker. Phono
Red G98.
"' Tho North Platto Advertising Co. has
erected a largo bill board on tho
vacant lot north of tho postoffico
which will be used exclusively by tho
federal "government for advertising
tho various phases of war work.
George Vroman loft this morning
for Ft. Omaha to visit his -boii Ralph,
Who has been in tn"b bnllbon corps
ior three months but who has been
transferred to tho school at Arvada,
Cal and will leave for that, camp
in a few days.
Mrs. Jcjhn McGraw, ".Mother" of
tho Sammy. Girls' tells us that tho
Girls havo begun tho preliminary work
on the big fair and charity ball thoy
will hold April 12th. The Girls aim to
make this tho biggest event, thoy havo
yet featured.
Engineer Will Thayer leaves today
for Ellis, Kan., to visit the homo folks.
Ho will return hero Sunday and im
mediately leave for tho east to Join
tho engineering corps, into which ho
has been indutod under special orders
from Washington. He will bo located
either at Camp DIx, Now Jorsey or
Camp Upton. Long Island.
'Din N?nrHi DlnHn miitmlttnn rt 41tu
war savings stamp campaign havo!
named the following solicitors for the1
dlffqront classes of business nnd vo,oa-1
Court hoiiBS and countv Jail um
Snttder. .
Autos and Vulcanlzlnc nlants-liW.
.1. Tlley. K. N. Ogler. V
Hotels nnd Restaurants C. n.
MerchantsOscar Snndall. Hi
Flolshtnnn. Herbert Trunin. W
Banks and Bankers W. E. StUrr.l
W. II. Mungor.
- - - ....... ...... i . . v. . .iiuiti f vill 1
Greon, P. A. Carson, Will Langraff .
uociors anu uruggists unns. Tlttlto, I
Dr. Kerr.
Attorneys M. E. nrnsliv. nnftr'
Gibbs. !
Dentists Dr. Cresslor.
U. P. Freight Houstv Tolograph
Office, etc. Earl Stamp.
liitmbor nnd Coal. Contractors, Mills,
Elovators and Ico Plant Leigh Carrol,
R. D. Blrgo. ,
Roal Estato and Insiirniini .T iVYl.
Sobastlan, N. E. Buckloy, .
Round Houso 1). A. RubboII. .
Ministers Rev. Koch. Rev, Hull.
Bnkerlos anil Clcrnr SforoK TTrnnlr
DlBtol, II. A. Doneldson.
Engineers and Firemen C. F. Tracy,
Conductors nnd Brnkomon GeS.' a
Yost. '
Car Repalrorg E. J. Elsassor.
Carpontors nnd Railroad Carpenters
II. It. McMichnel.
Ico Houses Claude Wilson.
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury wont to Lincoln
this morning taking with hor tho baby
recently born to tho Hlminolrito girl,
which will bo placed in tho child
Bavlngs Institute.
Wo will havo a largo assortment of
new hats Saturday March 23, ranging
In prlco from $4.50 to $15.00. Villa
Whittaker, at BLOCK'S 2d Floor'.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes, Mrs. T. C. Pnt
torson and Mrs. C. F. Spencer left for
Bcntrice last evening to attend a stato
meeting of tho Daughters of tho Amer
ican Revolution.
Havo you seen our now foulard
silks? A largo assortment from which
to mako your selection. E. T. TRAMP
Mrs. Watts desires all who havo
knitting out to finish it if possible, and
turn it in by Friday. March 22d so it
can bo Included In tho shipment.
Mrs. W. T. Beery of Grand iBlnnd, is
visitlnR-friends In town today.
Double Wedding.
A doublo wedding occurrod In coun
ty Judge's offlco Friday ovonlng when
Judge Woodhurst united in nmrrlngo
Hugh Kolloy and Edna Bush, both of
this city, and Edward Stowart, lato of
San Francisco and Miss Jounio Pro
pi m formerly of Bucktnll, Neb.,
: :o: :
Tho rocolpts of tho Rod Cross last
Friday ovonlng woro six hundred dol
lars, including tho refreshments sold.
Thoso refreshments wore not furnish
ed by tho VS. P. hotel department, as
gouorally supposed. Quito a number
of tickets woro sold to parties who
woro not present at tho ball.
Wo havo blousos at all prices from
OS conts to $12.50. Our assortment was
novor bettor. Stylos prottlor than over.
From a Douglas, Ariz., paper it is
learned that a fifty horso powor com
pressor has been purchased for tho
Contrnl Butto Mining Co., formerly
known as tho Llttlo Mary ml no, In
which many North Platto men aro In
terested. Tho company It Is announced
is now shipping oro to Douglas for
W, T. Wilcox roturned this morning
from n buslnoss visit in Omaha.
Card of Thanks.
To friends and neighbors for kind
noss and favors shown, also ilowors.
during tho sickness and funornl of
our father, wo wish to thank you. .
Mr. and Mtb. H. A. Donolson,
A. D. McGovorn,
Farroll McGovorn,
Bartol McGovorn.
For Snlc.
7 room houso and 5 lots on E. 4th
street. Modorn excopt boat, fair barn
and chickon houso. Partly fencod,
chicken and hog tight. Prlco reason
able a good homo for right party. Soe
Dionor and Kennedy, Cor. Front and
Dowoy streets. , tf.
Notice of Petition.
Estato No. 1552 of Max Boor, deceas
ed In tho county court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
The stato of Nebraska, to all porsona
Interested in said estato take notico
that a petition has been filed for tho
probato of an instrument purporting
to bo tho InBt will and testament of
Max Beer, and for tho nppolntmont
of Thomas C. Patterson as executor
of said will, which has boon set for
hearing on April 12, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. m.
Dated March 18th. 1918.
ml9-a5 CatintyMJudgo,
' The world famous beauty
"The Eternal Temptress"
Crystal, Thurs. and Friday, March 21-22.
The Government needs more and more of our money every month to carry on
the war and so asks, us not to buy unnecessary luxuries but to buy the business
necessities. 'In the automobile line
The Ford Stands Aione
The Car that holds its Value. ;
The Car that Business Houses buy by the thousand.
The Car that the City People buy.
The Car that the Farmer buys.
Buy it now. Save three to seven hundred dollars that you would put in an
unnecessary automobile. Uncle Sam wants some of that saving March 22nd,
W. S. S. Day and April 6th, Bond Drive Day.
Ford Touring Car $450.
Ford Roaster - $435.
Ford Truck - $600.
Buy at once through an order why? Henry Ford is the greatest war material maim
facturer and at the lowest cost to our government oh this account more of his factory is being
used each week for war work and less and less Ford cars coming out.
And he one to enjoy thc comforts of our New Ford Home. Largest west of Des Moines
to thc Pacific Cost. This will be reafly soon. Car load Ford parts of every description cost
$16,000.00 and Tires, Tubes and Accessories in proportion are on the way to fill our stock
rooms in our New Home.
can you find their equal.