. IltA L. HARK, Editor mid Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES : Ono Yt'ar by Mnll In Advnnco. .. .$1.25 One l'cnr by Cnrrlcr In Advance $1.51) Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, Poitofflce as Second Claw Matter. TUESDAY, .MARCH 12111, HUM. To Piglil On. The Amorlcan peoplo need now to bco' a they never saw before tholr vital Interest In bracing thomsolvoH lor & war to a conclusive peace. By a conclusive peace wo mean u ..lit .aliln 1in lualiriK of tllH WUT. Tho administration at Washington, It 1b roported, Is inuae tno more ueier mined by rocont events In Russia to proas forward wun unroionimg uhi gy. How can we do anything olso and leavo tho worm a in pincu ior uur um ilvnn in lll'n 111? If peace should be made now or soon, leaving Germany astriuo oi iiu Bia, rich with the spoils of war tho staggered by tho cost of Its gains what would happen to us? Gorman Imperialism could still claim to bo profitable. Imperialism is novor sated any more than an Individual's lust for power is ever satlsiieu. uno more sm, tho more wanted. Thero would still exist In tho world a groat powor, tho ntrongest single power in tho world, committed to predatory policies. No people will bo safe while a groat pow er of such disposition Is abroad In tho world. If the Gonnun people will not unhorso the hlornrchy which uses them for such ends, then tho othor people must. Somo Americans are slow to see tho porll in thoso things bocauso they are happening bo far away. A Lincoln au dience was told yesterday of a farmer whoso responso to tho food saving efforts of tho government was: "I ralso my own wheat. I butcher my own pork. I shall eat my own tilings as I please." The Itusslati farmer might have said this last year. But now ho will still raise wheat and meat, and probably for tho Germans to cat. An American whoso mathematics has gone farthor than two times two can see tho advantage of waiving tempo rarily somo rights to eat his own pork and whent In order to make sccuro the pormnncnt right of lilmself and chil dren to oat tholr broad in penco and , safety. Do wo wnnt to be a country, like r ...... 1. .. ... .. II.... I.. ....... vui uimiy w uuiu kiti iiiuii iivu in ui iiij camps whllo tho women do tho farm and factory work Then permit Ger many to win a draw in tills war, leav ing it froe to proceed indoflnltoly with ,lts .plans to plant Us verboton signs In 'overy land and clime. It were bettor wejfought anothor ten years, If neces sary, than that this should happen. Lincoln Journal. ::o:: V. H. Troops Advance (100 Yards. With tho American Army lu Franco, Sunday, March 10 --American troortst co-operating with the French, success fully carried out two raldB opposite the American sector in I orrnlno last night. Tho raids wore executed simul taneously. Tho Americans swopl past tlu Gor n an first lino and penetrated t.o the enemy's second lino, GOO yards back The simultaneous raids, ono north west and ono northeast of (de leted), woro made after InteiiBo nrtll lqry preparation lasting four hours, in which tho German "positions were loveled. -::o: Neighborhood News. Kolth county has organized a .?G0,00Q war savings club. Tho quali fication for meniborshlp Is to subscrlbo for $1,000 war saving certificates. I'p to last Thursday the club had thirteen ntenihors. During the, month of Fobruarv 104 nuw members woro added to the kolth Red Cross chaptor. "Southpaw" FusBol, a ball pitcher well known In North I'lntto, will plav bull for Undo Sam. He is tho nox't man to bo called into service from Deuel county. A" Red Cross sale nt Oslikosh lust week netted tho chaptor $1,371. ::o::. For Salu. 7 room house and G lots on E. 4th utreot. Modorn oxcopt boat, fair barn nnd chickon house. Partly fonced, oh okon and hog tight. Price reason able, a good homo for right party. Soo Dlonor and Kennedy, Cor. Front and Dowoy stroots. tf ::o:: . Church Affiliation al Funslon. Flfty-threo denominations are rop rosontod in tho 89th division at Camp Funston, according to a compilation of religious BtatUtlcs Just coinplotcd by the division statistical officer. Tho Mothodlsts load all others, u total of 5,484 men claiming that faith as tholr proforonco. Catholics como second With 4,442 and Baptists third with 3, 010. Horo Is how the othor principal IpitliB rank: Christians, IProsbytori jins, Episcopalians. Congrogatlonal Ists, Evangelicals, JowIbIi, United Brothren and Christian Scientists. Thoro nro 1,203 man who state no preference as to church and 54 who profess no faltli whatovor. Thoro aro C3 Mennonltos. 14 Muttorltoa nnd 9 International Blblo StudontB, follow ers of tho late Pastor RusboII. -::o::- Town Lots for Sale. Tho slxty-ono lots in tho Town Lot Do's, addition belonging to tho Illnman estate hna beon placed In ray handB exclusively for salo. They aro vno lots, have boon priced low and aro a good buy. I can furnish money to build to those who purchaso lotB. GENE CROOK, Kolth Theatre Bldg. -::o: Thero 1b no standard recipe for "vic tory bread," tho only roqulromout being that It must contain not more than 80 nor cent of wlirmf Hour. Mm remaining 20 per cent being composed in corn meni or corn nour, rico, potato flour, or other coroala recom mended by tho Food Administration. "Victory" pies and doughnuts, which contain not loss than one-third non wheat flour, may bo eold on whoatlosa oayB if tho aarao rocJpes nro used throughout tho week. DAMAGED OKJWAN SHIPK NOW IX l'. .S. SKRVKT. What is regarded as a miracle of engineering reconstruction has been done In restoring in record time- In time that the Germans never thought possible the 109 German ships seized by the United States in New York and other harbors, ovory one or wnicii ships had been seriously uud Ingeni ously damaged. All of tho ships wero rondy for service olght months nfter wur was declared despite the German order, given slmi llnneously with tho date set for unrestricted submarine warfare, In February, 1017, for their destruction. We read that at times' as many im 15,000 workmen woro engaged on this unusual job and that the cost of put ting the ossels into shnpo for service was about $30,000,000 the cost of twn drendnaughts. They are all Iltted as troop and cargo ships and oacli is con. vertiblo to a complotoly equipped hos pital ship for return voyage servica between hero and Europe Thoir res toration adds 750,000 tons to the American merchant marine. Tho ttoop capacity of tho 10 Gorman ships that have boon turned Into transports, as glvon by the Sciontinc American, is as -allows: Vnterland (Loviathan), 54.2S2 tons, S.800 officers and moll Georgo Washington, 4,850 officers nnd men, Amcrlka (Amorlca), 1,500 officers and inon. 25.570 tons, , 22,022 tons, Cecllie (Mount Vernon), 19 501! tun a, o;3U offlcors and men. Kaiser Wilhelm II (Agnmomon), 19,301 tons, 3,830 officers nnd men. President Lincoln, 18,072 tons, 6,200 o.ficors nnd men. Prosidont Grant, 18,072 tons, 6,201 ofTicors nnd men. Cincinnati (Covington), 10,330 tons 4,000 officers and men. Grossor Kurfurst (Aeolus), 13,102 tons, 3,r5 officers nnd men. Prinzcss Irono (I'ocahodtas), 10,- 893 tons, 2,660 officers and men. Barbarossa (Morcury), 10,984 torn, 2,020 officers and men. Frledrlch dor Gross (Huron), 10, 771 tons, 2,460 offlcors and men, Hamburg (Powhatan), 10,531 tons, 2,100 officers and men. Ithein (Susquehanna), 10,058 tons, 2.000 officers and mon. Nccknr (Antigone), 9,835 tons, 2,000 officers and men. Konlg Wllholm II (Madawasca), 9,410 tons, 2,200 offlcors and men. Total 59,295 offlcors and men. Curront Comment. A Fine Example of Loyalty. To overcome a crisis in tho trans portation situation of the country A. O. .Wharton, head of tho railway omploycB branch of tho Amorlcan Federation of Labor, representing 300, 000 workmen, has agreod with Sec retary McAdoo to a program for long er work days, open shop conditions and morn hnnnrtnnt mips fnr nn- prontices and helpers to tho end that mucn neeaeu repnir wont on motive machinery and rolling stock may bo speeded up. Horo is n .notablo instance of tho willingness pf patriotic American la- bor to como to tho aid of tho govern-. ment In a serious emorgency. It con- trasts sharply with tho recent per- RhlZnuf :l0:rn i? ?8t0r" Administration the cause for advance w 1 rebfe 'fSm tKldoit " ln rlc pr,CCS ,S attr,buted to e fact warm reuuKO rrom tno president. tint m0Bt r,co m,llg hftye bcen runnlng ,, " ' ' . to full capacity in order to supply tho or Kent. demand for 1,000,000 bags for Amori Improved farm of 1G0 acres 2 can and allle(1 fighting forces. As a miles from keystone Omaha Furn- uu i 1 ..!.. r i ituro &, Carpet Co., 1211 Famam St... Omaha, Nebr. 9-12 , Xotlco to Creditors. Estate No. 1544 of Robort D, Thom son, deceased In tho County court of Lincoln county, Ncbrnska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will tako notice that tho tiiiio limited for presentation and fil ing or clnlms against said Estato is July 12th, 1918, and for settlement of said Estato Is March 8th, 1919; that I will Bit at tho county court room ln snld county, on April 12th, 1918 nt 9 o'clock a. m., and on July 12th, 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly lllcd. Win. H. C. WOODIIURST, M12-A5 County Judge. DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort nnd accommodation The Nurse Brown' Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there is no system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. . Hospital Phone 110. WE BUY YOUR HAY. GRAIN. SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. Wc S,5J1 Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. AUTO LIVERY Sluco I lmTO sold Uio garage am doing nuto livery from tho North Side Barn.. Day or Night. Tolopliono 20. Wo mnko a specialty of drives to sales nil over tho county at tho rnto of flro cents per mllo per person. Those who Im sales througlwut tho country please let mo know. .0 n ,u,y Curs ior sale. Night Julius Mogensen. M; 1(1! ASK A (URLS WANTED AS I1KD CH0S8 M'ltSKA Wanted- Intelligent young women to start training at once for nursing f llllulM pisc-ua of nurses called inti Red Cross service, and to mvdll tlu numbers of Red Cross nursos. This Is the appeal made by the nurses' training department of the Woman's Committee of the Nebraska State Council of DefonSe, of which Miss Mary Cogll of Lincoln is chair man. Nebraska lias already contributed over 200 of Its registered nurses to iceti uross wont, ur inese iaa are as signed to foreign service, nnd 00 of these lattor are assigned to canton menls. Only 187 nurses will grart uato from the training schools in Nc braska tills spring, which means theo will be a dearth of nurses bore. Mhs Cogll Is urging that college glrln, school teachors, and other Intolligrnt girls with trained minds entor into training at' once. Complete Informa tion may be secured by interested girls by writing to Miss Mary Coei!, 202 Lei Lau Far! Apartment, Lincoln Many queries reach Miss Cogil con cerning possible concessions in train- ing because of the war emergency. In Nobraska, no lessoning of the required period of training can bo made, a. registered nursos aro required by state law to have three years train ing. In many statos. particularly in New York the period of tralninrg U being somewnnt snortcneu ior college trained girls. :o: : For Sale. Any part or all of my property on east 11th street, 200 block, consisting of one-half block, two largo modern barns, modern five room house ex cept heat, good fruit trees, plenty of shade, lawn, curbing and sidewalks In, good location, three block, from Lin coin school. See mo If you want a bargain. It. L. DOUGLASS, North Platte. : :o: : Calls Ex-Farmers Hack lo Land. Secretary Houston has approached tho farm lqbor problem from ono angle that seems practical in all Its aspects. Ho suggests that men who havo moved to town from the farm retrace their steps and heir raise a crop to win the war. 2-Iore aro his words: "If soldiers aro willing to serve in tho trenches and risk their lives many civilians can well afford to spare a part of their time to serve In the fur rows and in the harvest fields. In many towns and cities there are men who havo had farming experience, who are able-bodied and who would doubt less be willing to servo tho nation in the flold of agriculture at this time. Especially for the seasonal strains of planting, cultivating and harvesting It will not bo too much to ask such men to aid tho farmers In tho necessary undertaking of maintaining and, if possible, supplementing the food sup ply in order to feed tho armies and to sustain tne civilian population bemnd them Nebraska has its quota of these men who aro busy at one thing or another In town, but who well can afford to 'elvo a little time to the big duty pf llolPlB out the farm this summor aijd nm'bo next Omaha Bee. T nn nTT7 noni h t.v,i consumption 1ms hPP.n tnmnnrnrllv rn. duced. Lower prices aro forecasted. Tho government is today the greatest employer of lnbor in tho Untied States, lot considering railroad omployees. In normal times approximately 400,000 civilians are employed, and in tho last year tho number has increased to 000, 000. In comparison one steol corpora tion employs 300,000 men, and one rail road 250,000. : :o: : For tho sorious dlsoasos that attack tho kidneys Prickly Ash Bitters la a remedy of merit. It rolloves back acho, dizziness, presistont headache loss of strength and nervous weak ness; symptoms which indicate kid noy trouble. Price ?1.25 por bottle. Rincker Book & Drug Co.. Special Agents. Cnll Itod 632. W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Terms reasonable guarantee satismction. For dates sec J. F. Clabaugh, North Platte. Phone 201. PLATTE VALLEY MOUNJIENTAL ivmnra. Ornnile nnd imirblo hendsloncs. The only shop in the city. Equipped -with pneumatic machinery. Lettering neat ly done. All work guaranteed. WKlllfiATM X- .UIKHYAWHV. C orner 7th nnd Locust, ISorth Tattc. . , - -. . .. i J. IJ. ItEDFIELI). PHYSICIAN & SUItGEOK Successor to Drs. Redileld & Redfleld PHYSICIAN ffl SURGEONS HOSPITAL Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 67t Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, ' Osteopathic Physician.' North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus building. Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this is the year and the time of the year to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I have on hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come and talk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. DEItRTBEBRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 538. DIENEIt & KENNEDY Ileal Estato, Fire, Tornado and nail Insruancc. Special Agents Globe Life Insurance Company. Corner Front and Dewey Sts., Upstairs Phono Red C72. North Platte, Neb. WE PAY TOP PRICE FOR HIDES AND -FURS. Furs .are Big rice Bring them in. We buy all glfifo of Junk. North Plalte J unk House My best reference, I'm alway dated ahead. L. M. McCLARA AUCTIONEER. Phone at my expense for dates. OGALALLA, NEB. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postofiice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th eitific treatment of medical, urgiesl and confinement casei. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Gee. B. Deal, M. D. Y. Licas, M. D. J.B. FWfeld. M.D.J. S. SIMMS, M.D. . Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office; Building and Loan Building Phones t Office 130 I hones Regjdence 115 DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY Practice Limited to Surpory nnd Jtndhim Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska 1)11. JIAROLI) A. FENNEIfc Osteopath. Helton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Offlco Black 333 Res. Black 102U Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phono Black C33 y. t. r hitch arm. Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Votorlrtar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St one-half block southwest of the Court House. Thoso wintlng sale dates let mo know soon, as I hare dntcs nindo for March. R. I. SHAPPELL AUCTIONEER. SUTHERLAND, NEB. SCHNERINGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL" HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL. PHONES DAY 623. NIGHT 930. 609 LOCUST. Xotlco of Petition. Estate No. 1548 of Lewis Havens, deceased in the county court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said Estato take notice that a petition has been filed for tho probate of an instrument pur porting to bo the last will and testa ment of Lowls Havens, deceased and for appointment of George J. Taylor as executor of said Will, which has been set for hearing on March 29, 1918, at nine o'clock a. m. Dated March 1, 1918. Wm C. H. WOODHURST. M5-22 County Judce. Notlco of Pinal Report. Estato No. 1483 of Estolla Belle Simms, deceased in the county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho state of Nebraska, to all nersons interested in said estate tako notice that the administratrix has filed a final account and report of her administra tion and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such administratrix, which have been set for hearing before said court on March 29th, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m when you may appear and contest the same. Dated February 28th, 1918. Wm H. C. WOODHURST, M5-2G. County Judge. 'otlce to Creditors. Estate No. 1540 of Hormnn Koester, deceased in tho County court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. Tho state of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will take notice that the time limited for presentation nnd filing of claims against said estate is July 12th, 1918, nnd for settlement of said estate is March 7th. 1919; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on April 12th, 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on July 12th, 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receivo, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. I). C. WOODHURST, M12-A5 County Judgi. OTIfi: OF INCORPORATION of "TIIK RIRSCHFKLI) COMPANY." Notlco is hereby given that Hynian IIirschfcld,i Joseph Hirschfold and Hillel Hirsehfeld havo associated themsolves together for tho purposo of forming and becoming a Corporation under the laws of tho Stato of Ne braska. That tho namo of said Corporation Ib "Tho Hirschfold Company." That tho principal piaco of transacting tho businoss thereof is North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. That tho general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is to engage in the trcnorsrl merchandise business nnd to buy arai soil goods and merchandise. That tho amount of tho capital Btock authorized by the said Corporation is Twenty Thousand Dollars (120,000.00), all of which has been pnid in full. That tho tlmo of tho commencement of said Corporation is March 1, 1918, and tho tlmo of the termination thereof is March 1, 1938. That tho highest a- mount of indebtedness or liability to which tho Corporation Is nt any tlmo to Biibject itsolf is Thirteen Thousand, Three Hundred Thlrty-Thred Dollars and Thirty-Three Cents ($13,333.33). That tho officers who aro to con duct tho affairs of said Corporation aro threo directors, a president, a vico president and a secretary and treasurer. HYMAN HIRSCHFELD JOSEPH HIRSCHFELD HILLEL HIRSCHFELD M12-A9 Incorporators. Phone 308 ALHEItT A. LAKE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1535 of Hulda Oman, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said ostate will tako notlco that tho time limited for presentation nnd filing of claims against said Estato is Juno 28th, 1918, arid for settlement of said Estato is February 21st, 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room ln said county, on March 28th, 1918, nt 9 o'clock a. m., and on Juno 28th, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m., to recolvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, F2(5-4w. County Judge. Notlco of Pinal Report. deceased in tho county cqurt of Lin com county. Nebraska. Tho stato of Nobraska, to all person Interested In said Estato tako notic that tho administratrix has filed final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for finfol settlement and discharge as sudh, which have been sot for hearing bs foro said court on March 22, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. when you may appear nad contest the same. Dated February 23, 1918. ' Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, 13-3 wks County Judge. Notice To Creditors. Estate No. 153G of Francis E. Snyder deceased in tho county court of Lin coln county, Nobraska. The state of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fill lie of claims n ml nut. R.nlil oatntn a Juno 29, 1918, and for settlement of saiu estate is February 23. 1919; that I will sit at the county court room ln said county on March 29. 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on June 29, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow or ndlusfc nil rl.iim'a nnri objections duly filed. wm. li. c. WOODIIURST 13-4 wks. County Judge. Sheriffs Snlc. By virtue of an alias order of salo issued from tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure in said Court, wherein Anna V. Metcalf is plaintiff and Will Outrlm e al are defendants, and to me directed, I will on the 18th day of March, 1918, at two o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln County, Neb., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to Batisfy said decree, interest and cost, the following des cribed property, to-wlt: The West One-half of Section Twenty-one, in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth P. M. The East One-half of Section Twenty-one in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth P. M.; the Northeast One-fourth of Section Twenty-nine, in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth P. M.; the Southeast One-fourth of the Southeast Quarter and tho West Ono-half of the South east Quarter, all in Section Twenty Nine, Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of tho Sixth P. M., and tho South half of the South east One-fourth of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nineteen, in Town ship Sixteen, North of Range Thirty- two, West of the Sixth P. M.; South west One-fourth of Section Twenty nine, In Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two. west of the Sixth P. M all in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Fob. 9, 1918. fl2-mlC A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an alias order of sale issued from the District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure in said Court wherein Jam6s A. Fike is plaintiff and Arthur uattles, et al are defendants and to me directed I will on the 18th day of March, 1918, at twovo'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho court house ln North Platto, Lincoln Countv. Ne braska, sell at public auction to the Highest bidder for .cash, to satisfr said decree, interest nnd cost, the fol lowing described property, to-wlt: The West One-half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast One-fourth of the Northwest Quarter, in Section Three, in Township Fifteen, North of Range Thirty-two, west of tho Gth P. M., tho Southwest One-fourth and the West One-half of tho North-west Quarter and tho Southeast One-fourth of tho Northwest Quarter and the Southwost One-fourth of the South east Quarter, in Section Nineteen, Township Sixteen, north of Ranee Thirty-two, West of tho Gth P. M the aoutn une-nair or the Southwest Quar ter in Section Seventeen, and the North One-half of tho Northeast Quar ter or Section Nineteen, all in Town ship Sixteen, North of Range Thirty- two, Wost of tho Gth P. M., and the North hair or tho Southeast Quarter and the South half of tho Northeast One-fourth, and tho North half of the Southeast Ono-fourth of tho Southeast Quarter, in section Nineteen, all In , Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of tho Gth P. M., all ln Lincoln County, Nobraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Fob. 9, 1918. F12-M1G A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff. Estato No. 1517. In tho matter of tho ostnto nf v.nm I. Mitcholl, deceased. In the county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Stato of Nobraska, to all prosons in terested in said estate notice is hereby given that on tho 22d day of March, 1918, at tho county court room in tho city of North Platto ln said county at tho hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day the following matter will bo heard and considered, to-wit: Tho petition of Ray C. Langford and W. R. Maloney for tho probate of a certain written In strument now on file in said court and purporting to bo tho last will and testament of Zara I. Mitchell, deceased and for the grant of letters testament ary thereon to Ray C. Langford. Dated February 23d, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, f2t-m19 County Judge.