THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Helping the Neat and Milk Supply The Housewife and the War EWORLD (Special Information Sorvlce, United States Department of Agriculture.) BUTTER MAKING IT GOOD AND SAFE FOR YOU. (Special Information Sorvlco, United States Department of Agriculture) CABINET IS HOUSEWIFE'S WORKING PARTNER. NEWSBOY TO RAILWAY HEAD It May Take $100,000 Worth of Creamery Equipment to Produce Your Pound of Butter. UTTER MAKING IS EXPERT WORK Process Is Just as Technical as Manufacture of Piece of Cotton Cloth. MILK IS SKIMMED ON FARM Cream Is Tested, Pasteurized, Cooled and "Ripened" Before Churning ' Disease Germs and Bac teria Destroyed. Tills is the story of creamer)' butter the steps lu the manu facture of the high-grade prod uct which comes to your table each week.. Taking this food for grunted, you probably liavo not realized the rather Intricate and technical' process through which it pusses from milk to the finished product. If this story will inspire a sympathy which leads to a more eureful and con servative use of butter it will have served Its purpose. The process of manufacturing creamery butter in a modern factory Is just as technical as the manufacture of n piece of cotton cloth. In most in stances the milk Is skimmed on the farm by means of a hand-operated cen trifugal separator, which extracts the cream much more eillclently than the old-time gravity system. The cream may be hauled to the creamery by the farmer or It may be shipped in from a farm 100 or more miles away. As the cans of cream nrrlve they are Inspected and sampled in order to de termine their value for buttermaklng. The cream Is then poured Into huge vats holding 300, COO, or more gallons, lu each of which Is a coll, or similar device, that when put In motion agi tates the cream and thoroughly mixes it. Hot water and steam can be turned Into these colls to heat the cream. In ninny creameries the cream Is heat ed in this way to n temperature of about 145 degrees F held at that tem perature for about 30 minutes and then cooled. The process Is known as pasteurization. The object Is to kill any disease genus that may be In the cream and to destroy nearly all other bacteria. This protects the health of the consumer, Improves the keeping properties of the butter, and enables the creamerymtfn to control the ripen ing of the cream and develop the prop er lluvor; it also Insures a uniform iluvor lu the butter. A Starter Produces Flavor. By running cold water through the colls in the vat the creum Is cooled to u temperature of between (50 and 70 degrees i, and then a quantity of starter Is added to produce the lluvor. The starter Is a culture containing many millions of hictlc-acld bacteria grown lu pasteurized skim milk until the milk has soured and curdled. The lactic-acid bacteria produce the desir able lluvor in rlpened-eream butter. When the cream Is sulllelently ripened or soured It Is cooled to a temperature of between 40 and CO degree 1 and held at that temperature for two hours or more, after which It Is rim Into one of the huge churns which have a cu-1 paclty of 1,000 or more pounds of but ter. Although commonly called churns, they really are combined churns and workers, because, unlike home butter making, the butter is both churned and worked in the machine. The churn is filled .only one-third or one-hulf full, so that when revolved the cream which is carried up by the motion of tho churn has plenty of room to fall. Tho concussion thus pro duced causes tho minute globules ol buttcrfat to gather Into granules ol butter. When tho churn is stopped after having been run for about an hour granules of butter ubout the size of grains of wheat or corn will be Hoatlng on tho surface of the butter milk. Then the buttermilk Is drawn off through a hole In the bottom of the churn and the butter granules washed with pure, cold water. After draining, salt is added to the granular butter which Is still in tho churn. The big wooden rollers nre then put Into geur, the churn started and the butter worked in the churn until the salt is all dissolved and the butter has a waxy body. Tho butter is removed and packed into tubs or made into pound prints and put into cartons in tho form in which K goes to the con sumer. Many Scientific Test3 Made. Many creameries have well-equipped laboratories In which' the numerous? scientific tests that are u part of tho creamery business are made. A sam ple of every can of cream thnt Is re ceived is tested by means of the Bub cock test in order to determine the per cent of butterfat. By this means tho pouuds of butterfat for which tho farmer is to bo paid Is determined. The sourness or acidity of the cream or milk Is determined by means of another test which Involves the use of carefully calibrated glassware. In or. der that the buttermnker may be able to turn out butter having approximate ly the same composition day after day he tests a sample of butter from each churning for moisture and salt. Both of these tests require skillful work manship and the use of delicate scales. Because of the highly specialized aud MAKE THE SOWS EXERCISE. One of the biggest hindrances to the furrowing of good, strong, vigorous litters Is lack of exer cise for the sows. During cold and snowy weuther hogs like to lie around the sleeping quarters and lie comfortable. That, how ever, l not what they should do all of the time. The proper ex ercise for a brood sow Is that which she will take voluntarily and not through force. Sho should get her corn ration by hustling for It In the stulk fields mid not by getting it around the sleeping quarters, on feeding floors, or In troughs. Protein feeds In the form of shorts, tankage, oil meal, or alfalfa liny should be supplied. technical apparatus used lu a creamery tho operator of th" factory must neces Furlly be a technically trained man, and In fact many are graduates of spe cial courses at the state agricultural colleges. On account of the largo and expensive machinery required tho creamery business demands the invest ment of considerable capital. The small country creamery may possibly be built and equipped for less than 510, 000, but many of tho larger plants cost more than $100,000. From newsboy to railway presi dent. Such is the achievement of Wil liam P. Kcnney, who has Just become president of the Great Northern rail way. Louis W. Hill, chairman of tho board of directors, will continue ns active as heretofore in tho management of the railway system his father built. Selling newspapers was tho start ing point of Kenney's enrcer, back In tho eighties. Ho progressed step by step, later becoming a Western Union messenger boy. The clicking of tho telegraph Instrument was n lure to him. Ho mastered the key and became an operator. Thnt opened the way for Ken ney's railway career. He turned his attention to trnfilc and before ho was forty became a recognized traffic au thority. In 1012 Kcnney was mudo vice president and traffic manager of the Great Northern. Ho then eamo Into close executive association with James J. Hill and L. W. Hill, who had n high regard for tho young man's keen knowledge of traffic affairs. From their youth up Louis W. Hill and William Kcnney have been closely associated in railroad affairs, first as clerks and later in management, UNO REPRESENTS PUBLIC Mr. Lind became quartermaster of tho Fifteenth Minnesota Volunteer infantry, with the rank of first lieutenant, serving in this capacity until the regiment was mustered out. In 1800 he was a nominee for governor of Minnesota, but was defeated. In 1898 he was elected and In 1000 defeated again. After this' he took up his residence in Minneapolis and turned again to his law practice, which he interrupted two years later to serve again ns representative. The next Interruption came In 1013, when he went to Mexico as President Wilson's envoy and personal representative. NEW CHIEF MaJ. Gen. Peyton Conway March, lately appointed acting chief of staff, has the unofficial designation of speed er up. A man of quick decisions, as ho hns proved himself to bo both in military campaigns and in the direc tion of semlclvll governments in newly acquired American possessions, he Is thought to bo admirably fitted for the new role. Participating In two expeditions to the Philippines, hlsmnme Is asso ciated not only with many of the de cisive battles nnd campaigns In those islands, but with tho names of some of the most notable of the Filipino leaders Mho wero captured or forced to surrender. General March Is a son of the late Francis Andrew jMiirch, long u profes sor In Lnfayetto college, and ills brother, Francis Andrew, Jr., is now a member of tho faculty of that Institu tion. Peyton Conway March Is him self a graduate of Lafayette, but military life rather than the classroom appealed to him, and in the very year that he finished his academic course, 1884, lie entered West Point. MAN BEHIND way of Boston from a horse car system to an electric system. Upon comple tion of that work and at the time of tho consolidation of tho Thomson-Houston linn with tho Edison company, out of which came the General Electric com pany, ho heenme traveling auditor for tho latter. In 1807 ho became connected with Stone- & Webster, nnd was vice president of tho Stone & Webster Man agement association nnd of tho Stone & Webster Engineering corporation, lie has advised and directed In tho financing, organization and reorganization of some of the largest public service corporations in the United States. In the advisory council formed bj Secretary Wilson to assist in carrying out tho war lnbor program the public is represented by John Lind, former governor of Minnesota, and chairman of the council. Like Senator Knuto Nelson, whoso political rival Mr. Lind has been ever since he went over to tho Democratic party, ho is of Scandinavian birth and parentage. He was born in the Parish of Kannn, Sweden, In 1854. When ho was thirteen he came with his father to the United Stntes and settled at Goodhue, Minn. He attend ed the public schools, studied law and was admitted to tho bar In 1870. In 1881 Mr. Lind was appointed by Presi dent Garfield receiver of tho United States land office at Tracy, Minn. Five years later he was elected a repre sentative to congress and was re elected In 1888 and 1000. At the opening of the Spanish war OF STAFF THE ORDNANCE The task of supervising und stim ulating tho production of all ordnance supplies Is now in the hands of Guy Eastman Tripp, whose appointment us chief of tho production division of tho ordnance bureau was recently an nounced by Major General Crozler. Mr. Tripp, who for six years has been chairman of tho board of the Wcstlnghouso Electric company, prob ably has had us close associations in any man in tltc country with the do velopmcnt of electric traction. He started his career In railroading wher he was seventeen, and went over tc the electrical brunch when he win twenty-five. Mr. Tripp wus born in Wells, Me. in 1805. Ho entered tho employ of the Eastern railroad before Its consolida tion with tho Boston & Maine. Latet ho was employed by the Thomson Houston Electric company on tho work of changing tho West End Street rail A Homemade Cabinet That Is Sanitary, Convenient and Attractive -Not Expensive. KITCHEN HELPER FOR HOUSEWIVES Cabinet Saves Walking To and Fro Necessary in Prepara tion of Food. WELL-SEASONED WOOD BEST Convenience Especially Suitable Wriere Space Is Limited Place Provided for Flreless Cooker When Not In Use. A kitchen cnblnet Is Just as Impor tant to the housekeeper as the bench to the workman or tho laboratory desk to the chemist. With It the house keeper can sit down comfortably with her wholt. kitchen workshop easily within her reach. It saves walking to and fro to gather this thing and that to prepare the food. Aud every kitch en should have n stool of the right height to enablo the worker to sit ut her work at the cabinet. The home made cabinet shown in tho illustration Is snnltnry, convenient, and attractive. It Is especially suitable and compact for kitchens In which cabinet space Is limited. A home-made cabinet can be built with modernto expense If outside labor need not bo employed. If both lum ber und labor must bo purchased, the cost will equal that of u ready-made cnblnet. Tho cabinet must bo mado of good wood, well seasoned. That Is the most Important consideration. Poorly seasoned wood warps and swells and is a constant unnoyanco in opening and closing doors and draw ers. Dimensions of the Cabinet The cabinet shown In the Illustra tion is 0 feet 8 inches high to tho top of tho closet, 31 Inches high to the top of the table. It is 21 Inches deep and 48 inches wide. The part of the cabinet below the table contains the Hour bin, large drawer, rack and dough or pastry board. The bin Is fastened to the frame with loose-pin hinges. By removing the pins the entire bin can be removed, cleaned, and replaced. The bin can be lined with tin to make This Is the llrst of a series of articles which will describe household conveniences. The difference between the tired, over-worked housekeeper and one, who has some time and en ergy left for reading and recre ation ufter the day's work Is done, often may be accounted for by tho kind of equipment used In the kitchen. Under the direc tion of tho state and county home demonstration agents of the United States Department of Agriculture, home conveniences already havo been instnllcd In several thousand country homes. Such conveniences not only ef fect a real saving In tho work of the home, but they help the farm woman to get n greater amount of happiness out of her dally tasks. Many of the Im provements that will bo describ ed can be used us well in village and city homes. It moisture, Insect, and mouse proof. Tho dough board should be made of n wood that Is tasteless and odorless nnd should be fitted well In the open ing Just below the tnble. A batten 1b tongued nnd grooved on each side of the board to prevent It from warping. Tho roomy drawer can be used for small utensils. The open space below the drawer can be occupied by the kltchon stool or the home-mado flre less cooker when they nre not In use. Via pans, lids, nnd covers have a most convenient place In the rack be- " SAVE A LITTLE SUGAR TO DAY. Candy at Meal Time Only. Candy Is n concentrated food, and should bo eaten with moder- atlon. Though wo like It, it is not a necessity. It is always best to cat candy as a part of tho meal to rcplaco some other food. Eating It between menlB not only means needless uso of sugar, but often cnuses a loss of appctlta for other foods. Ap ply this suggestion to the chil dren. If they nro to eat candy ' It should bo a part of the meal. Between meals let them havo bread and butter, a cracker, or fruit. a low the drawer. A drop table 21 Inches wldo nnd 10 inches long increas es tho tablo surface. This table is sup ported by Inexpensive folding brackets. Provisions for Many Things. Tho upper part of the cabinet con sists of u closed compartment, three drawers, threo open shelves, knlfo rack, and row. of Bcrew hooks for hanging utensils. The closed compart ment is for package goods nnd large utensils. The drawers nro for kitch en linen nnd other things needed in dally uso. Tho lower shelf Is 5 inches in depth, while tho upper shelves nre 7 Inches. On tlieso shelves nro kept coffee, ten, sugar, and spice Jars. Three Inches below tho lower shelf Is n strip 1 Inches wide which holds tho screw hooks. The knife rack Is mado by sawing slashes 1 Inch deep In a piece of material 2 Inches wide. The cabinet is HnlBhed with two coats of white paint nnd one coat of whl to enamel. It can bo easily kept clean nnd sanitary. Metal or wooden handles may be used. ' APPLE SCRAPPLE 18 GOOD. Fried apples are good with fried scrapple. Yes, answers tho hcnlthy appetite, even though it bo not ac quainted with fried scrapple. Every cook knows how to fry tipples,' mnny do not know how to make scrapple excellent nt any meal. Ingredients. Wholo hop heads pounds.. 10 Hob livers and hearts do.... 2. (A small quantity of beef can be used also If desired.) Corn moal (yellow or mixed), .pounds 6 Buckwheat or rye flour,,,., do,... V6 Spices, as marjoram, sage, thyme, nnd pepper In proportion as desired, or omtt those not desired oz,... 3 Bait pounds.. V TJquld In which meat Is boiled; use a quantity equal to tho total weight of tho combined solids. The proportion of Ingredients may be vnried to individual taste. Directions for Preparing. Clean the hog heads thoroughly, re moving the eyes nnd enr tubes. Split tho head lengthwise and remove the teeth nnd the soft bones In nnd near the nnsal cavities. Place tho hog heads nnd other ment Into n largo kettle or caldron with n liberal quantity of wa ter and cook until tho meat falls oft tho bones. Remove nil of tho meat and soft tissues from tho bones and chop the meat by pnsslng It through n meat grinder. Strain the cooking liquid to remove nny small pieces of bone. Place the liquid back Into the kettle. Heat to boiling point, nt which tinio slowly add the meal and flour, nnd stir constantly to prevent the meal from forming Into lumps nnd nlso to avoid scorching. Boll and stir until tho mass becomes thick, nnd then add tho salt, spices, and chopped ment. Boll ten minutes, und while still hot, pour the product into deep wot molds bread pans will do. Pour two to four largo spoonfuls of melted lard over tho product In tho pans. As soon as tho product has cooled It Is ready for use. Tho usual way of serving scrapple Is to cut It Into slices about one-hnlf Inch thick, dust tho bIIccs with flour or cracker dust, or dry comment, nntl fry until the outside Is somewhat crisp, Servo bot.