The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1918, Image 1

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(The l orth
No. 17
telephone company starts
The North Platte chapter of the Red
Cross realized over $650 from tho
nale held and the lunch served at the '
Strollborg farm last Friday and Sntur-1
day. Friday tho resale of a turkey was
the money-getter, while Saturday a1
pig, donated by Mr. Strollberg, proved
tho roveune raiser. This pig was sold
and resold, donated and re-donated
until It brought into tho Red Cross
treasury the sum of $2CC. The last
purchaser was Mr. Diamond, who don-;
ntcd tho animal back to the chapter,
and It will be dold at the Red Cross
salo to be held In this city Saturday, J
March 23d. j
Tho committee having charge of thoi
salo and lunch stand and In fact all
members of the chapter feel grateful!
to Mr. Strollberg for his kindness, fori
his donations, for his over-readiness'
and willingness to help in any' and!
every way 'possible, and they feel that
tho financial success which attended
the sale was largely duo to his assis
tance. The ladles found out, what
many other peoplo know, namely that
Frank Strollberg Is a prince of a man
and a patriotic citizen.
:o: :-
New Depot Opens Sunday.
Mayor AValtemath has received the
following telegram from General Man
ager Jeffers of tho Union Pacific:
"Tho now passenger facilities, in
cluding tho dining room and restaur
ant will bo formally ripened for service
Sunday, March 17th.
In congratulating my old homo
town on these handsome facilities,
may I not also express a pardonable
pride in its consummation. The date
of its opening does not pre-arrange Its
In compliance with this announce
ment interested employes are making
arrangements- to move into their now
arcCnlio Hotel Bids Arc High.
Bids for the annex to the Hotel
McCabe were opened last night. Sever,
al contractors submlted bids, tho low
est of which was $33,000, this sum in
cluding the heating Iplant placed at
$11,000. It is understood that tho bids
were about double the amount of the
estimated cost. The unexpected high
cost of the contemplated building umy
result in a postponement of its erection.
In ordor to bott6r their service, tako
care of the constantly increasing
buslnose, and to meet future require
ments, the Nebraska Telephone Co.
has started big Improvements In North
Platte. One feature Is a' now Bwltch
board which doublos prosont capac
ity another major improvement 's
cabling many of tho linos or wires in
tho rosldontlal sections. For this lat
ter work fifty tons of cabld were re
ceived tho latter part of last week
The installation of tho switch board
Is now In progress, and tho placing of j
tho wires in cablos will begin as soon
as a force of lino men can be sent
Those Improvements will cost tho
company a good many thousand dol
lars, but It Is the policy of the orgina
zatlon to meet present nnd future
needs and to bettor the sorvlco without
hesitancy so far as tho ilnancial out-'
lay is concerned..
Manager Pratt' is elated over these
improvements, for ho knows it meaia
better sorvlco to patrons and Pratt
carries a button which reads "servics
Red Cross Shipments.
The following articles were shipped
by the Red Cross Friday:
,J50 pairs pajamas. v , - ,
20 bed shirts.
10 suits underwear.
70 bags for hospital beds.
20 ambulance -pillows with two cases
8 helmets.
G2 pairs socks.
6G sweaters.
40 pairs wristlets.
121G surgical dressings.
: :o:
Itottom Hay Land for Lease.
SEW of section 17-14-:i0. This Is u
good quarter of liny land only four
miles from this city. Lease rental can
ho paid out of crop by right party.
Allen Properly to be Sold.
Yesterday tho U. S. senate approved
legislation authorizing the sale of nil
alien property In the United Stated.
This property, it is said, will amount
to (billions of dollars. This will per
manently uproot Gorman commercial
influence In this country, and is one of
tho worst blows that could have been
struck at Germany. The president is
auithorliied to acquire title to tho Ger
man steamship companies' docks at
Hoboken, N. J. The money received
from the sale of this vast property
Interests of the Germans will be added
to the urgent deficiency appropriation
Enemy property 'within tho mean
ing of tho law is property owned in an
encmjN country and logical assurances
have been given that there is no in
tention to interfere with the property
or money of Germans or Austrlans
living in this country. The purposo is
to sever forevor the hold of Germans
in Germany upon vast commercial and
industrial enterprises in the United
States which have been closely con
nected with the kaiser's government,
and prevent their serving a3 outposts
of the Teutonic movement for world
John llarshflold.'who llvos on Ulrd
wood creek, twenty miles north of
Sutherland, 1ms boon cited to nppoar
boforo tho State Council of Dofono
at Lincoln next Thursday. The
subjoonn was served on llorsh
Hold yetsorday afternoon by Sheriff
Forsovornl njonths pat It hns been
roported that Hnrshlleld has been
guilty of making unpatriotic rcuuirkw
regarding tho government, the war,
the prusidont nnd tho cabinet officers
as well as congross. ' Some of tho re
marks attributed to him nro vile, and
if ho is guilty as charged ho should
be made to Buffer. It Is further stated
that Harshdeld has defied arrest, and
has mado threats of what ho would
do should any one attempt to place
him undor arrest, intimating that he
is at all times well armed.
Sheriff Salisbury's mission was
simply to servo notice on Hnrshlleld
to appear at Lincoln, not to arrest
him. Whether Harshdeld will defy
tho ordor of the State Council of
Defense remains to be seen.
: :o:
Jingling Circus Postponed.
Tho Jingling circus, which the high
school students was to have given jiext
Friday evening for the benefit of the
Red Cross has ben postponed until
Friday of next week. The postpone
men was made necessary by reason of
the Red Cross ball at tho new depot
H. R. Dickey is transacting business
In Chapell today.
Wanted summer pasture for ."0
gentle cattle. John Hratt.
John H. Day has been confined to
the house for a week past with a severe
caso of kidney trouble.
Eggs for setting for sale Uarred
Rock and Single Comb Red Island Red.
Well mated. L. I. Tucker. Phono Red
G98. 17-2
"Hed Cross Tea" Today.
Tho second of the series of Red
Cross "Tens,"' to bo given by tho ladles
of the O. E. S. will bo held on Tuosday
nftemooiii March 12th, at tho Masonic
hall. An enjoyable program has been
arranged ns follows:
Piano Duet.... Ruth and Alice Loan
Reading Elslo Waltomath
Trombone Solo Arthur Tramp
Vocal Solo Miss Whlto
Reading, Mrs. Melton
Tho public is cordially invited.
: :o:
Auntie Johnson's Surprise.
Last Friday several old friends and
neighbors gathered at tho homo of
Auntie Johnson who lives with her
son Herman on a farm ten miles south
east of town and gave her a surprise
party on the occasion of her eightieth
anniversary. Each one took a well
filled basket for tho occasion. The
only "warning that Auntie hail of the
pleasant event .was a card shower
given her in tho morning mall from
many friends wishing her a happy
birthday. At three o'clock when the
guests arrived she was so surprised
and happy words could not express it.
While she was visiting with her old
friends and singing somo of her old
favorite Swedish songs a birthday
table was being prepared in tho din
ing room with a big delicious birth
day cake decorated with candles and a
huge bouquet of cut flowers. When
it was all nrenared Aunlte wan holned
Into her Invalid chair and wheeled 6
tne neau or me tame wnere sue mann
ed God for tho beautiful surprise and
for the delicious dinner nnd dear
friends. At six o'clock tho guests de
parted each ono wishing Auntie many
happy returns of the day.
Charley Seyforth camo up from
Omaha Sunday and remained until
noon today. He is employed at the
McKeeu Motor Works, and says that
much of their work is the producing
of war accessories.
Wo have several cultivated lots In
this city wo want farmed. Good chance
lor right party.
Through tho generosity or General
Mansgor Joffers nnd tho Stewart Con
struction Co., the now dopot will ho
dedicated by tho local Rod Cross
clmptor next Friday evening, March
lfith. by a ball and lunch. Tho lunch
wil be donated by tho U. P. Hotel Co..
and the North Platto Musical Union
will donato the music.
Govornor Novlllo and Mrs. Neville,
nnd Genoral Manngor Joffers and Mrs.
Jeffers will be prosont.
The new depot which is bonutlful
In its architectural doslgn, will be
appropriately docoratcd for the oc
Uniformed officern and men and
laditR of tho Red Cross will be in
waiting to provide comfort and sorvlce
to all guests.
Tho main room of the depot will be
used for dancing, and In tho smaller
rooms card gamos will bo provided
for those who do not dance. The lunch
will bo sorvetl In tho dining room,
which has a seating capacity of 120
at ono time.
Tho entire pocccds of tho ball and
lunch will go to tho Rod Cross. All
oxponsos incurred will bo donated.
Those who attend art not only assured
aiv evening oi pleasure, nut will no
helping the Red Cross.
Tickets of ndmisslon to tho ball will
bo $1.00, and the lunch will bo fifty
cents a plato. Tho prlcea have beon
mado low so that all may attend.
Park Sells Farms.
W. L. Park yesterday sold his two
farms near tho Platto Valley school
house for thirty-two thousand dollars.
Andrew Olson, who has been living on
one of tho Schuff farms for several
years purchased tho west 1G0 acros of
Mr. Park, and the east 1G0 was pur
chased by Mr. Olson's brother who re
sides at Mlndon.
In an early day Mr. Park homestond-
ed tho cast 1G0 acres and entered the
west 160 acres as a timber-claim. On
the latter tract thero Is a flno grove.
Aged Resident Dies.
Jnmos McGovorn, for forty-five years
a resident of North Platte, passed
away Sunday morning at tho homa of
his daughter, Mrs. II. A. Donaldson.
Death was duo to infirmities Incident
to advnnccd age, tho doceased having
reached his eighty-fifth year. Ila is
survived by ono daughter nnd six sons.
Mr. McGovorn came direct from
Ireland to Mnxwoll, whore for a timo
ho worked with Poter Dalon, a rolntivc.
Latter ho came to North Platto and nc-
tiented em'nlovment with the Union
Pacific and for thirty years' gave tho
company efficient sorvlco. Twelve or
fourteen years ago, by reason of ad
vancing ngo, he resigned his position,
He was a faithful worker, a conscien
tious man nnd a good and respected
Funeral services weio hold at St.
Patrick's church this morning and In
terment mado in the Catholic cemetery.
County Chulrmnn Tomplo. of the
Liberty bond campnlgn, is gottlm a
good start on the drive which opens
April Gth. He has divided tho county
Into several districts, appointed a
chairman for each district, and theo
chairmen have, nolectod committees to
iiHsist them. The south part of Hi
county i u district by itself with
has. Listen as chairman, tho chair
man of Urndy district Is Bruco Drown,
M. Reynolds 1b cluir; w f 'ho
Maxwell district, J. M. Alibott of the
Homhoy district nnd R. A. Scott of tho
Sutherland district Horo In North
Mnttp Cha.rmnn Tomplo Iiub selected
an advisory committee, tho mem
bers of which met In conforonco with
Mr. Tomplo Friday ovenlng nnd nr
rnngomonts mado for tho campaign in
North Platto as woll as for tho county
at largo.
Tho opening day of tho campaign
111 fall on Saturday, and committeos
will bo active in soliciting subscrip
tions all day. In tho evening a big
patriotic mooting will bo held at the
ranklln auditorium. At this mooting
tho subscriptions recolvcd during tho
day will bo read and thoro will be
short addresses and music.
Decorations Wanted,
Families and individuals having
lings, patriotic bunting, palms, plants
nnd flowors are asked to loan them to
tho Red Cross for decorntlng tho now
lepot next Frldny evening when tho
Red Cross will glvo a dedication ball
in tho now building.
Those who will loan such will please
notify Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Tlloy, tho
Star Clothing House or Dorryborry
Ac Forbes.
Its Time For New Togs
WeVe been very successful in gelling
"trimmings" for Spring. It's a season oi
quiet suit shades. Naturally shirts -and ties
will be bright- to give a touch of color.
Shirts, lies, hats,- hose, underwear and
other things you need have been selected
with great care. Of course they're backed with our "satisfaction
guarantee." There's a lot of pleasure in .choosing while assort
ments are at their bestand Easter is only 3 weeks away.
MANHATTAN SHIRTS $1.75 to $12.00
LEWIS UNION SUITS 75c to $6.00
They can't come too tall and thin, or too short and stocky to
get the fit that goes with each garment we sell.
The price too, fits all requirements. Come in, we'll be glad to
have you look.
Stamp out the War. with ar Savings Stamps.
:o: :-
The Odd Follows will hold class In
hit Ion Thursday evening of this week.
II members please bo present. Guy
. Swopc, Sccrelnry.
Tho Economy knitting club will
meet at tho homo of Mrs. Dutlor
nuchannn, 514 west 2d street, Thurs
day afternoon.
Claronco P. Wood, of Grand Island
has accepted a position with tno J. S.
Davis Auto Co.
If tontntlvo plans of tho Wostorn
Union Tolograph Co. maturo, and
thero is but little chnnco of a mis
carriage, North Platto will hocomo a
mid-contlneut tostlng and relay stat
ion. Plans lmvo progressed so far that
tho company has signified its intention,
of making a ton year leaso for tho
ground floor of (ho Waltomath building
with tho privilege of a tun years' ox
tonslou. Mr. Wnltinnth named tho
rental prico and tho Company an
nounced that it was satisfactory.
If there is an withdrawal of tho
company's plena to establish tho
Btatlon, it will ho the Inability to
secure th right-of-way for an under
ground conduit from tho wlro lino on
tiio north side of Front street to tho
Waltomath buiUllug, a djsjtnnco of
nbout ono hundred nnd fifty feet. It
Is not llkoly tho city administration
will consent to tearing up Dawoy nnd
Front streets for tho required dis
tance, but It is posslblo to tunnel Front
strcot and run tho conduct under tho
sldownlk by permission of tho proporty
owners and tho city. If thoso fail prob
ably nrlal cablos can bo used.
Tho establishment of tho station will
bring to North Plntto a considerably
number of omployos who will bocomo
residents the number being estimated
at from twelve to twenty. As some of
thoso men nro married, It would
moan somo Increaso In our population,
and would also increaso tho salary list
In North Platto.
Ited Cross Extends Tlinnks.
Tho proceeds of tho dinners at tho
stock salo at the Strollberg farm ox
coeded ?GC0 for tho Red Cross, and tho
committee wish to extend tholr thanka
and appreciation for tho donations
and favors recolvcd. Special thanks go
to Mr. Strollborg who mado it all pos
slblo, also to Llork & Sandall, John
Horrod, Tramp & Sons, J. Q. Wilcox,
Arthur Rush, W. J. O'Connor, J. S.
Davis and Buchanan & Pattorson. Dur
ing tho Friday salo a pig donated by
tho Strollborg girls tvhb auctioned and
brought $26G.OO. Tho rccolpts of tho pio
salo Saturday woro $27.00.
.:o: :
For Salo 4 housos and 5 lots. III
Smith, 604 B Sixth street. 14-4
At tho Frnnklln iiudltorium tomor
row ovenlng a big patriotic meeting
will bo lipid at which Dr. J. E, Davis
pastor of one of leading churches of
Kansas City will bo the speakor. The
object of tho meeting Is to arouse
moro enthusiasm in tho Liberty loan
salo which opens April Gth. Dr. Davjs
who Is considered ono of tho strong
est speakers In the bond publicity
campaign, will toll his audience somo
thing s about the war and tho bond
Issues that aro .not generally known
Dr. Davis is an acquaintance of Rov,
Curry and Rev. Llndenmyer, of thin
city, and both commend hltn very
highly as a forceful and Interesting
It Is hoped that Dr. Davis will ho
greeted by an nudienco that will pack
tho nuditorium.
Preceding tho address thoro will bo
community singing led by Supt. Tout
: :o: :
Wanted parties to put !!ir acres hay
In stuck, 2." acres cultivated hind can
ho rented for rash rent. Only 7 mile
northwest oi Ilerslic.y.
Well Pleased wilh Salo.
Frank Strollberg nnd C. ,T. Land
holm, who held a Joint salo of hogs at
the Strollborg farm last Friday, woro
callers yontorday and expressed them
solves as woll pleased with the results.
Forty-flvo head of registered Duroc
and Poland China woro sold nt nn
avordgo of $72.fi0 per hoad, and only
seven head of tho forty-flvo wMro
ahlppod out. tho othors bolng purchas
ed by farmors and stockmen of this
soctlon. This is encouraging, for it
moans that hog growors of Lincoln
county aro dotormlnod to got tho best
results out of tho huslnoss by rais
ing well bred stuff.
Tho thirty-throe head of thorough
bred cattle offered Thursday by Mr.
Strollborg and Mr. Urownflold aver
aged a little over $154 per head. Mr.
Strollborg also expressed satisfaction
with tho salo of tho cnttlo.
: :o : :
Tho gonornl meeting of tho Twen
tieth Contury club will be hold at tho
homo of Mrs. M. E, Scott, at eight
o'clock this evening.
Miss Vldn Krnuse, of West Point,
arrived this morning for n visit with
lior sister, Mrs. Arthur Tramp.
Vegetables for sale Cabbage, car
rots, parsnips and beets. L. I. Tucker.
Phono Red G98. 17-2
If tho bowels are clogged up poisons
get Into tho blood causing loss of
strongth, skin eruption, dizziness and
vertigo (blind BtaggorB.) Prickly Ash
Bitters will open tho bowols, drlvo
out tho Impurities and rostoro
Btrongth, energy and cheerful spirits
Price J1.25 per bottlo. RInckor Book
Ton "Best eBts" for "The Honor System."
Has tho most thrilling scenes ever shown , in a photo-
drama. It has ovcrylhing-possessed by &ny other picture:
and "MORIS.
The humanness of Its appeal accounts for its great popu
larity. It is a masterpiece of dramatic and emotionUl drama.
The only records left to break are Box Office Records.
It thrills o the limit of thrilling.
A vivid and faithful picture of life the greatest human
story ever told.
It is the most worih-while picture ever seen.
Strength and ruggedness dominate its every angle.
"Life is real; life is earnest" in William Fox's great,
soul-stirring picture of the west.
Wednesday and Thursday, March 13-14.
Having purchased a farm myself, I will offer at public
sale at the Henry Schuff farm eight and one-half miles
west of North Tlatte and half mile west of the Platto Valley
school house, on
Commencing at one o'clock p. m. the following property
to -wit.
Consisting of fifteen milch coavb, some fresh, some soon
to bo fresh, thirty-five head of white face 4-ycar old cows,
all with calf, 35 four and five year old cows heavy with
calf, 20 head coming 2-year old steer calves, ten head year
ling heifer calves, one roan 4-year old well bred bull and
one white face 4-year old buill.
One iron gray horse, four years old, weight about 1400,
Ono pinto maro, weight 1100, 9 years old, one pinto, colt,
coming two years old, one three year old colt weight about
One good riding plow, one wagon and box, one lister, ono
two-row, one new beet cultivator.
1917 Crop, testing 90 per cent,
will be sold at private sale on or before tho salo day. After
the sale day it will be shipped. If you want good seed corn
you had better come before the date of the sale. This Is
yellow ninety-day corn.
TERMS: All Bums of $20 or under cash, above that
amount eight months timo at 10 per cent Interest.
& Drug Co., Special Agents.