IllA L. RARE, Editor nml Publisher SUHSCIUPTION RATES: One Ycur by 3Inll In Advance. .. .$1.2. One l'cnr by Carrier In Advance $1.0 Entorad at North Platte. Nebraska, Poitofflco as Second Class Alattor. Fill HAY, MARCH Slli, 1018. U. S. -NOT IMHKNOLY TO JAPAN KNTMUNti llt'SSlA. Washington. Through allied chan nels the United States lias officially declared that thin country does jiot connt to tlie Intervention by Japan In Siberia. The allien have In turn informed Japan that tho stand takon )y Ainork-B, is not one of protest, moroly tho filing of Information, in frlondly fashion, that tho United States doos not claim at this time that inter vention In the far east Is advisable. It is known that Japan la ready to Strike and lias mobilized her troops, ready to outer Siberia and settle tho dlfferoncos thore. For months this preparation lias boon going on, Japan awaitInK the allies' sanction. It is. thought that tho Unltod Statos fools that Russian Internal dlfricultlos may still be straightened out and thus avoid a collision of forces In tho far east and a reservation of Japanese energies for action later. COMMISSIONERS' HMH'HEIMNUS. March 4th, 1918. licit rd of county commissioners met pursuant, to adjournment, present Sprlngor, Itormlnghausen and Koch niiu county clork. TI15 following claims wore allowed: 1 Ralph Potorsoii, bolts, road dlst. 21, $5,60, "Hhstlngs-Hatchor Co., lumber dlst. 57, $0.40. Rowley Camblln, hauling gravel, $07.50. Wnltor Falk, dragging roads $14.70. II. T. Woodgato, dragging, $29.40. W. F. LInnonieyer, road work dlst. H, $15.40. "R. M. Sophor, road work dlHt. 50, $12.00. F. M. Kusor, road work, $12.00. C. W. Thomas, mdse., $5.00. Wm. Hollars, bridgo work $13.50. John E. Ware, road work dlst. 4, $95.50. ' J. B. Hemphill, supplies, $7.50. Vesper McCormack, dragging $15. Jons. Somors, mdse. county poor, $25.C0. Npb. Tel. Co., rent and tolls $35.75. Wm. Zollars, road work, $4.50. Light and Power Co., sorvlco, $34,02. Vesper McCormack, bridgo work $42,00. "J. R. RItnor, bridgo work, $42.50. F. D. Westonfold, mdse. county poor, $80.72, ' Frater drug store, mdse. county poor, C10.75. A. II. Oowocko, road work, $3.75. John Murphy, road work, $5.25. Honry Rastlor, road work, $12.00. Wm. Peterson, road work, $08.50. Wm. Peterson, dragging, $4.50. Bert Baker, road work, $2,50. C. C. Clomont, road work, $2.50. Axtell Bros., dragging, $27.00, C. E. Bollln, blacksmlthlng, $10.00. O. II. Hicks, road work, $0.25. John Lawronce. road work. $19.00. Bert Earloy, .rao of tractor, $200.00. Earl Stinnott, road work, $5.00. David McLaughlin, road work, $18. Wnrner PotorHim, road work, $5.00, Wm. Slmants, service iib deputy BuorllT, $20.00 Adjourned to March 11, 191S. I'lirlstlan Church Services. Tho special services bolng conducted at tho Christian church are proving ia source of great blessing to all who tare In nttondniuo. They begin each night at 7:45. Dr. Oeschgor is one of tho ablest ami most spiritual preachers who over visited our city. Ills sor "moiis are stirring and arousing our . people as thoy have not boon for many yoars. Ho will bo hero only bIx more days. The sorvlces for Lord's day, March 10th, will begin promptly at u:4& n. m. Tho class period will bo- glu immediately and will continue 45 liiiuutOB. At 10:30 tho porlod of wor ship and communion will becln. Dr Oeschgor will begin his sorinon at 11 o'clock. The thoiuo will be, "'l'lio Povorty ot Jesus Our Riches." Follow lug Mils there will bo a Good Follow ship lunch for all In the bosomont o the church. This day will bo known tiM Good Fellowship Day. At 2:30 o'clock, the theme of the sermon will bo "Rust." Th Junior Christian Endeavor moot ing will Immediately follow the after noon service. At 0:30 tho Teachers Training Class will meet and at 7:20 there will lie the availing worship and Tiiion, uie wienie ot which will he "Hi'foncIllHtlon." All are cordlallv wi-l' omo to attend those service!. G. A. Llndenmeyer, Pastor, -i : :o. : First Lutheran Church. t Fourth Sunday In Lent Morning worship 11 o'clock with subject. "The Night Vigils of the Son ot God." We uealre that u far as possible ovory memuor m present to hear this hioh ago. Evening worship at 7:30 with subject, "Tho Koy Word to tho IUU of the Lord." Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock Special class for tho men taught by the pastor. Will ovory mombor who has not brought In his offorlng for tho War Commission ploaso do so this Sunday as It is necessary that wo Bond mjco muianco mis wook. , Rov. C. Franklin Koch, Pastor. i ::o:: Protestant Episcopal Church. March 10th. 4th Sunday in Lent: a., in. holy communion; 9:45 Sunday school; 11 morning prayor and Ber uion. subject "Abraham, tho Tradition al Fathor ot tho Raco." 7:30 evening prayor and address; subjoct: "Danlol St. Paul's chapol North Sldo, 3 p. in Sunday school. Week day sorvicoa Wednesday evening 7:30 Church of Our Saviour; Friday ovonlng 8 Hu Paul s Chapel. Rov. Arthur Dittos Jonos, Rector, MVl Hundreds of now coats, hundreds of now cults, hundreds of now drosses now on display and inoro coming in dally at Block's. County Agent Office Official .Notices. I in port 11 ii t Information. Hems of Interest to Farmers. Ity JHMIT JlAIIIIKJt. l'lnlo Beans. The government Is Bonding out a call for pinto beans for seod. It has a con tract with a local doalor to buy cholco re-cloanod beans for 8 cents. Anyone Interosted, address County Agent office. . Seed Corn Week. It would surprlso you the nuinbor of farmers I havo met who aro planning to settle tholr seod corn problem noxt wook, H the govornmont urges every armor to co-oporato with It In this matter In order that Undo Sam as well as tho farmer may turn attention to othor things. .Machinery tuid Repairs Short. Because of the high prlco ot machin ery and the uncertainty of btiHlnoss, Implement donlors are not loading up with machlnory and repairs as usual. Shako a log boys, and oWlor your" new machinery and repairs for this season now. JV-al.o tho n.ont ot your time. If you are btuy now what will It bo like later on, jot that olu lister must have Its lay sharpened. Seed Corn. There is probably over thirty thous and bushels of old corn suitable for seed in this county. The prlco ranges from $3.00 to $.500 per bushel. Besides this thoro Is much now corn, which was cut before tho frost, from which It will be possible to select seed. 'hero Is clearly a surplus In this coun- y, but as Boon as the embargo Is lift ed wo can depend upon It that most of this will go olsowhoro or bo sholled for feed, leaving tho last minute men to rustle seed whero thoy can, and In tho meantime blaming tho County Agent for not looking after them. Get your seed corn now; men, tost It, and havo It over with. Notes. Undo Sam will dictate tho price of twine this year. , I have a call for Hweot clover and over twelve tons of alfalfa Beed, Tho pooplo east of Blgnoll arc cct- tlng nnxlouls to start an organized fight on gophors this season. Rising fifty foot Into tho air from nmong tho cedar log buildings on the old "76" ranch south of Brady Is to he seen lor many miles the fino now horse barn of Harry Williams. The barn Is modern, having harness room, box stalls traveling feed cars In front of the horses. The barn is 40x82 feet and accommodates twenty-eight head of horses, besides having loft room tor 250 to 300 tons of hay. ::o:: For Sale. 7 room houso and 5 lots on E. 4th street. Modern excopt heat, fair barn and chlckon house. Pnrtlv fenced. chicken and hog tight. Prlco reason able, a good homo for right party. See uionor ami Kennedy, Cor. Front and Dowoy stroots. tf : :o: : Railroad Net Revenues. Operating revenues of one hundred and fifty qf tho largor railroads of the country for December wus $288,103,445 as con.pared with S2G7-.G44.G82 for Dn- pembor, 191C, according to reports re ceived by interstate cqmnicrco commis sion. Kxiioiisca of tho roads during December were $217,800,210. ntrainst laj.uu.ufb ror the corresponding month in 1910. Not revonuo of tho same roads totaled $70,303,235, as compared with $85,528,G07 for Do- cemuor, line : :o: : . For fiulck action aim ntkfnrfoi-r mlo list vonr land with Thnclockc. tf PLATTE VALLEY MOCNMF.NTAL WORKS. tininllo and marble headstones. The only shop in the city. Equipped with puiMiiiiiiiic imiciiiiiery. ljcllerlng neat- ij (mm1, au worn guaranteed, i WOOIMJATK & ABKRN'ATIIY, Corner 7th nml Locust, North Patto. DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there is no system of treatment its equal. ' Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN. SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. Jc sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. AUTO LIVERY Sinco I huvo sold tho gnrugo am doing nuto lhery from tho North Sldo Barn.. Day or Night. Tolophono 2D. lYo make a specialty of drlrcs to sales nil oTcr tho county at tho rnlo of flvo cents per nillo per person. Thoso who haro sales througheut tho country ploaso lot mo know. Also a few enrs for snle. Night Call Kcd 682. Julius Mogensen. Retail Prices. 'March 6th, 1918. Fair prices recommended by prW commlttao for Lincoln Jpunty, Ne braska, and published by authority of the Fodoral Food Administration for said ounty. Sugar por pound $ OS's FLOUR: Nebraska Patent, 48 lb. saok 3.00 Nebraska Patont, 24 lb. sack 1.55 Nebraska Patent, bulk lb... .OGVi Government specifications, 1st grade 48 lb. sack 2.85 24 lb. sack flstf' Bulk por lb ; Wi Government specifications, 2d grade 48 lb. sack 2.80 24 lb. Back 1.40 Bulk por lb OG't Ryo Flour 24 lb. sack. ; 1.75 12 lb. sack 90 Corn Flour, 24 lb. saok ' .' 1.55 12 lb. sack 80 Graham, Wheat or Rye 12 lb. sack 475 G lb. sack 40 Com Meal 24 lb. sack 1.40 12 lb. sack 70 G lb. sack 38 Bulk, por lb 0G Potatoes. Nebraska fc Colorado, por lb. .02' t Beans. Fancy hand plck'ed, por-lb 17 la Common white, per lb 12'& Pinto and colored, per Jb 10 Lima, nil kinds, por lb v 18 Lard Pure, per lb . - .33 Conjpound, per lb. . 28 No. 3 pall 90 No. W pall : 1.50 Eggs Fresh per dozen .35 Butter Creamery, No. 1 por lb. , 50 Bread, (U. S. Standard Loafi) 1G oz. loaf 10 24 oz. loaf 15 32 oz. loaf '. 19 48 oz. loaf 2G Corn Syrup, per can No. .2 .25 Per can, No, 5 45 Per can, No. 10 k. .85 Corn Syrup, White Per can, No. 2 25 Per can, No. 5 .50 Por can, No. 10 95 Hams Whole, skinned, por lb. No. 1 .3G Whole, regulnr No. 1 3G Shoulders, whole per lb 27 Bacon Whole, wrapped, por lb. No. 1 .48 Whole, wrapped, por lb. No. 2 .41 Thcso prices are for cash ovor the counter. An additional charge may bo made for dollvery or credit to custom ers ;:o;: If tho bowels are clogged up poisons get into the blooti causing loss of strength, skin eruption, dizziness and vertigo (blind staggers.) Prickly Ash BIttors will open the bowels, drlvo out tho Impurities and restore strength, energy and cheorful Bpirits Prlco $1.25 per bottle. Rlncker Book & Drug Co,, Special Agents. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North oi Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casei. Completely .quipped X-Ray and diaenustic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. For the serious dlseasos that attack tho kidneys Prickly Ash Dlttors is a remedy of morit. It relieves back ache, dizziness, prosistont hcadacho loss of strongth and nervous Avoak noss; symptoms which Indicate kid noy trouble. Price $1.25 por bottlo. Hlnckor Hook & Drug Co. Special Agonts. W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Terms reasonable guarantee satisfaction. For dates see J. F. Clabaugh, North Platte. Phone 201. .7. B. EEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUBGEON Successor to Drs. Redfield & Redflold PHYSICIAN SURGEONS HOSPITAL Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this is the year and the time of the yeur to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I have on hand and for sale3000 feeding lambs and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come and talk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. DIENEIt & KENNEDY Real Estate, Fire, Tornado and Hall Insruancc. Special Agonts Globe LIfo Insurance Company. Corner Front and Dowey Sts., Upstairs Phono Red 572. North L'latte, Nob. WE PAY TOP PRICE FOR HIDES AND FURS. urs are Big Price Bring them in. We buy all kinds of Junk. North Platte Junk House My best referance, I'm alway dated ahead. L. M. McCLARA AUCTIONEER. Phone at my expense for dates, OGALALLA, NEB. DURRYUEKltY & rOKHES, Licensod Embamors Undertakers and Funoral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 538. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1548 of Lewis IlavonB, deceased in tho county court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all porsons lntoreeted in said Estato tako notico that a petition haa been filed for the iirobato of an instrument pur porting to be the last will and testa ment ot Lowls Havens, decoased and for -appointment of Georgo J. Taylor as oxocutor of said Will, which has been set for hearing on March 29, 1918, at nino o'clock a. m. Dated March 1, 1918. Will C. II. WOODHURST, M5-22 County Judge. Notico of Final Report. Estato No. 1483 of Estolla Belle Slmms, deceased in the county court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho statoQf,Nebraska, to all persona interested In said ostato take notico that the administratrix has filed a final account and roport of her admlnlstra tlon nnd a petition for final settlement and dlschurgo ns mich administratrix, which have boon sot for hearing boforo said court on March 29th, 1918, at 2 o'clock p, m., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Fobnuary 28th, 1918. Wm II. C. WOODHURST, M5-2G. County Judgo Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Atienlion given to Surgery and Obstetrics. O files: Building and Loan Building Ofilco 130 Phon" f Residence 115 DOCTOIt I). T. QDIGLET Practice Limited to Surgery and Itailluin Therapy 72S City Natlonnl Bank Iluildlng. Omaha, Nebraska IHt. HAROLD A. FENNElt Osteopath. . Helton Iluildlng Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. -Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black 102U Phono 308 ALliERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital Phone Black 633. House " Phono Black G33 y. t. pritchari), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, souyi Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. Those ivantlng sale dales lei me know soon, ns I liavo dates mmlo for March. I. AUCTIONEER. SUTHERLAND, NEB. Notico of Filial Itoporl. Estate No. 1603 of Nicholas Wiley Grandey, deceased in the comity court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The state of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said estate take notice that the Administratrix has filed a final account and report of his administra tion and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have boon aet for hearing before' aa'.rl court on March 16th, 1918, at 9 o clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated February 16th, 1918. Wm. H. CWOODHUItST. 11-3 wks. County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1524 of Caroline Franzen deceased in tho county court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of Bald estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fllinc of claims against said Estate Is June 15, 1918, and for settlement of said Estate is February G, 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on March 15, 1918, at 9 o clock a. m., and on Juno 15, 1918, at 9 o clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. II C. WOODHURST, F !?-4w County Judge Notice To Creditors. Estate No. 153G of Francis E. Snyder deceased in the county court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The state of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Juno 29, 1918, and for settlement of said estato is February 23. 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on March 29. 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on June 29, 1918, at 9 o'clo'ck a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST 13-4 wks. County Judge. Notico of Filial Report. ' Estato No. 1480 of Paulina ZImmor, decoased in the county court of Lin coin county. Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persona Interosted in said Estato tako notice that the administratrix has filed a final account and report of his nd mlnlBtratlon and a petition for final Bottlemcnt and discharge as such, which havo been sot for hearing be foro said court on March 22, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. when you may appear nad contest the same. Dated February 23, 19J8. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, 13-3 wks County Judge. Notico to Creditors. Estato No. 1529 of Benjamin A Dlkoman. deceased In the county court of Lincoln county. Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska, ss. Creditors of said ostato will tako notice that the time limited for presentation nnd films of claims nga-'nst said estato is Sop. 15, 1918, and for settlement of said ostate is February S. 1919, that I will Bit at tho cotinty court room In said county, on March 15, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m.. and on Soptombor 15, 1918 at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. wm. ll. u. WUUUUUKST, F9-mS County Judgo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1535 ot Ilulda Oman, deceased in the County Court of Lin coin County. Nebraska. The Stito of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estuto will tako notico that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estato is June 28th, 1918, nnd for settlement of said Estato is February 21st, 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on March 28th, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on Juno 28th, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m to recetyo, oxamlno. hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and objections duly filed. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, F26-4W. County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an alias order of Balo Issuod from tho District Court of Lin coln Countyi Nobraska, upon a decrco of foreclosure IiOsrtld Court, wherein Annn V. Metcnlf Is plaintiff and Will Outrlm ot al aro dofondants, and to mo dirocted, I will on the IStH day of March, 1918, at two o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court houso in North Platte, Lincoln County, Neb., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and cost, tho following des cribed property, to-wlt: The Wost Ono-hnlf of Section Twen ty-one, In Township Sixteen, North ot Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth P. M. The East One-half of Section Twen ty-one In Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, Wost of tho Sixth P. M.; tho Northeast One-fourth of Section Twenty-nine, in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth P. M.; the Southeast One-fourth of tho Southoast Quarter and the West One-half of tho South oast Quarter, all in Section Twenty Nine, Township Sixteen, North of Rango Thirty-two, West of tho Sixth M., and tho South half of tho South- cast One-fourth of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nineteen, In Town- ship Sixteen, North of Range Thirty- two, West of tho Sixth P. M.; South west One-fourth of Section Twenty nine, in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, west of the Sixth P. M., all in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Feb. 9. 1918. fl2-mlG A. J. Salisbury. Shoriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an alias order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree ot foreclosure in said Court whoroln James A. Fiko Is plaintiff and Arthur Battles, et al arc defendants and to mo directed I will on the 18th day of Aiarcn, iyis, at two o'clock n. m.. at the east front door of the court houso In North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, sell at "public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and cost, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: The west One-half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast One-fourtk of the Northwest Quarter, in Section Three, in Township Fifteen, North ot Range Thirty-two, west of tho 6th P. M., the Southwtst One-fourth and the West One-half of the Northrwest Quarter and the Southeast One-fourth of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest One-fourth of the South- cast Quarter, in Section Nineteen, Township Sixteen, north of Range Thirty-two, West of the Gth P. M., the South One-half of the Southwest Quar ter In Section Seventeen, and the North One-half of the Northeast Quar ter of Section Nineteen, all In Town ship Sixteen, North of Range Thirty two, West of the 6th P. M., and the North half of the Southeast Quarter and the South half of the Northeast One-fourth, and tho North half of the Southeast One-fourth of the Southeast Quarter, in section Nineteen, all in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of the Gth P. M., all in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Feb. 9, 1918. F12-M1G A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. Notice of Final Report. Estato No....... of Abble L. Robl son, deceased, in the "County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said ' Estate take notice that the Administrator has filed a final report of his administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been sot for hearing before said court on March 15, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated February 13th, 1918. Wm. H. O. WOODHURST, fl9m8 County Judge. NOTICE OF DECREE OF HEIRSHIP. Estate No. 1543 ot Emmollno F. Vaughn, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The heirs, creditors and all persons interested in said Estate, will take notice that on the 7th day of February, 1918, J. A. Vaughn, a heir of sain de cedent, filed his petition heroin, alleg ing that the said Emmoline F. Vaughn died Intestnto on or about April 14, 1914, a resldont of Victor County, Kan sas, and that at tho time of her deatk sho was tho owner of, or had an Estate of Inheritance In SE4 of Sec tion 5, Township 10, North of Range 31, West of tho Gth P. M., in said Lin coln County, Nebraska, and that no application has been made in the said State for the appointment of an ad ministrator. That she left surviving hor J. A. Vaughn, a husband, of age, residing nt Dorchester, hour.; Arthur Vaughn, a son, of ago, residing at Lehigh, Utah; Melissa Deroniltsch, a daughter, of nge, residing at Choster, Nobr.; Susie Clark, a daughter, of age, residing at tieioit, Kans.; lithol Allen. a daughtor, of ago, rosldlng at Savan na, Mo.; Bosslo Kirby, a daughter, of age, residing at Parks, Kans.; Jame3 Vaughn, a son, of nge, residing at Savanna, Mo., and MIlo Vaughn, a son., ngo 19, residing at Linevlllo, la. And praying that regular adminis tration bo waived ami a decreo be entered barring creditors and fixing tho date of her death and the degree of kinship of her helrB and tho right ot descent to said real estate. Said petition will bo heard March 15, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. at tho office of tho County Judgo In said county. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, fl9m8 County Judge. Estato No. 1517. In tho matter of tho estato of Zara I. Mitchell, deceased. In tho county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Stato of Nobraska, to all prosons In terested in said ostato notico is horoby given that on tho 22d day of March, 1918, at the county court room in the city of North Platte In said county at tho hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day tho following matter will bo heard and considered, to-wlt: Tho petition of Rny C. Langford and W. R. Malonoy for tho probato of a certain written in strument now on filo in said court and purporting to bo tho last will and testament of Zara I. Mitchell, deceased and for the grant of letters testament ary thereon to Ray C. Langford. Dated February 23d, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, f2G-ml9 County Judge.