SemtHJcrkly Iribune IRA L. HARK, Editor nnd Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ouo Year by Mall In Advance.... $1.2."i One Vcnr by Carrier in Advance $1.50 Entored at North Platte. Nebraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUKSOAY, KKIIItlTA ItV 10, Hits. Wheat Shortage Is Acute. Imperative orders restricting mill operations tho remaining four mouths of tho crop year woro Issuod lnit wook by tho millings dlvlHlon ot the food ndmlnlfltratlon. Tho need of dis tributing tho rest of the wheat crop ovonly until tho next harvest, and of reducing domestic comuuii'tlon, prmti-U'd tho move. Reports on tho movement of whaat and receipts at central inarkuts tho past. months have indicated that (he acuto stage of tho wheat supply nitua lion Is approaching faster than oxpoct cd. All mills in the Kansas City zone aro restricted to 7B per cent of their normal output prior to this year Those that have reached that limit must closo at onco and other must dlstrlbuto their remaining allotment thru the next four months. Iho order i meanB a largo reduction In the pro duction of Hour between now and next July. The evident shortage of whoat must, result In a steadily Increasing demand for substitutes. Orders of tho food ad ministration recently Issued requiring wholesalers and retail ilea Iocs to sell no flour except to purchasers hiking proportionate amounts of other cor on 1 products already has greatly stimulat ed demand for corn, oats and barley. Slnco this ordor was mado, two weeks ago, milling grades of com have ad vanced 10 to 25 conts, oats 2 to cents and barley about 20 conto. Last wfok white corn sold as high as $2.10 white oats 91 conts, barloy $2, all now high records, except for the rem nant of tho old corn crop last fall Thcso prices make substitute cost actually more to mako than wheat 'flour at tho prosont fixed government prions for wheat. : :o: Despite Its Defenders. From tho Lincoln tar; Asldo from tho tendency It IpresontB to dlvido American cltizonship Into hostile and hateful classes, tho main objection urged against tho non-partisan leaguo is that It has not shown Itself to bo In accord with tho national alms with roferonco to the war for democracy. Thcro has boon a certain Indcllnlto manifestation of sympathy between It nnd tho outrageous I. W. W.. which is more than suspected of being tiik fkbkral sniEnri.i: Sunday Meatlosn breakfast Whoatlos evonlng meal .Monday Wheatlow day Montloss breakfast Tuesday Mtutlosn day WhontloM evening moal "Wednesday WhoHtlewi day Moatloas broakfast Thursday MoatleM breakfast Whoatless evening moal Friday Meatless breakfast Whoatloss evening moal Saturday Porkloss day Whoatloss evonlng meal Meatless breakfast Note Moatless moans with out hog, cattle and sheep pro ducts of any kind. Porkless meanB without pork bacon, ham, lard, iiork sausage and pork products. 'Whoatloss means without whoat Hour products, Including bread, breakfast, foods, crackers, rolls and cakes. BUY ANOTHER WAR SAVINGS J STAMP FOR SALE at the REXALL Drug Store Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon Special. Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: BUilding und Loan BuildinR Phone ( 0111 ce 130 tosWience 115 Bucking the Meat Trust! Phone Black 905 for your j MEAT ORDERS. Will deliver in 5-pouml lots or more Handle lord and cooking compound. Packing house products. Your or ders will be appreciated. JNO. R. THOMAS, The Meat Man. lUHOI.n A. FEJTXEIT Osteopath. ' Helton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phonos Offico Black 333 Reg, Black 1020 Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1536 of Francis E Snyder, deceased In the County court Klcltt vaars a Government Veterlnar- of Lincoln County, NebrasKn. Inn llnanlfnl 918 nnuM, LniUIMt St. THO StatO Ot iNeuraSKa, 10 nil pur -::o: : UNCOtRAGlNU THRIFT AMONU CITY SCHOOL PUPILS. . Wo havo two systoms of oncouraglng thrift among the pupils of the North Platto Schools. One Is- the School Savings System und the other Is the War Savings Stamps and Certificates. ' Ono teacher has been appointed I(i each school to gather tho data und fill out tho roports from tho building . ' These data and reports are sent to tho superintendent's offico whoro they aro worked over and In condensed form aro furnished -to all Interested. Tho Junior High School boys aro regular depositors in the School Sav-' lugs System. They carry papers and save n part of what they earn each weok. I Ono Junior High School girl takes t rnocjnnnWi cMinmnrnp care of a neighbor's baby when the reasonaDie guarantee parents; aro going to bo away in tho Satisfaction. For dates See ovonlng and earns twonty-flvo cents J p rinhnucrh North Plnttn each ovonlng. She usually deposit j it aoaugn, norm riaiie In tho B. S. 3. Wllma, a sixth grudo girl, has a mother who bollovos in oncouraglng hor daughter to work about tho house and when sho docs well the mother pays her ten conts a weok. Wllma lo industrious and washes and dries tho dishes, sweeps tho Moor and brings In W.-A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Phone 201. llnanucd in sumo measure with (lor man funds, and to havo oncanod It-1 the coal and kindling as there aro no self.dlllgontly, until Interrupted by the. boys In tho family to do that kind of govornmcnt soeret service, With Uer- work. Sho usually places her earnings man propaganda. Tho best ovldonca M t School Savings System. tho public has of dlsoornlng tho pur- One boy In tho Fourth room of the, poses of this leaguo Is In its deelorn-. Jefferson school earned fifteen cents Ion of principles and the utterances' iasi wook aim ueposueii it in s 8. s. of those who ko out to nrosolvlo for Ho came home from school and took its membership. -,;o:; care of tho baby while his mother went to the Aid society. T.ttil niiniKnn nt lntwi.tK.iMn I O O Hanger ot vt Iten.oyed. Si Js m, Thore worH0 12, (lcnosltorfl Tho lllaek Diamond of Chicago dta- lust week of whom throe wero now. onoting, tho easing up of fuel sltua- The total amount deposited was $IS.fl tlon concludes: land this was $11.98 bolow tho amount "Things which caused that danger deposited the wook boforo. Tho aro still bore as Tor example tho Franklin building mado tho largest 'general Incapacity or the railroads, tho doposlts but had tile fewest depositors.! very decided shortage or motor power. Sovonty-threo War Salngs Stamps and tho bad cougeston of tho tormlnals. wero bought by tho school through tho I This danger cannot bo removed until , school bankors, tho Washington school mo rnuroaus navo neon supplied wuu loading in this lino, having purchased! more engines and that Is not possible 27 stamps. Watch this column for tho loadors next week. : :o: : Hoy Scouts (lather Honks. Tho book drive conducted by jioy acouis 01 America was an until the engine bulbing, capacity has In some wny been very decidedly in oreasod." - - - .0" : - Vernon Castle Ik Killed. tho Ini-' as far as tho North' NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 - A modern institution fur th ciontific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement caser. Completely equipped X-Roy and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, H. D. V. Lacas, M. D. J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D Those minting salo dates let mo know soon, as I have date? nuido for March. R. I. SHAPPELL AUCTIONEER. SUTHERLAND, NEB. Hospital Phono Black oS8. Houso Phone Black G33 DOCTOIt D. T. QOIOLEI Practice Limited to SHrgory and Bndlum Therapj 728 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. y. t. pmtchard. Graduate Veterinarian Sheriffs Sale By virtue of an order of Bale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon .u decree ot foreclosure rendered In as Id Court whoreln Nlchalas Adamy, et at.. Is plaintiff, and Mary Adamy is defend ant, and to mo directed, t will on tho 2nd day of March, 1918, at 2 o'clock P. M., nt tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell nt Public Auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, lntcresti nnd costs, the following described proper ty, to-wlt: North East Quarter (N. K. Vi) ot section six (G), In Township sixteen (10), North of Range twenty-eight (28), West of the Gth P. M.. and all of lot Fifty-six (GG) of Platte View Subdivision of a part of Section Thrco (3) Township Thirteen (13) Rango Thirty (30). Dated North Platte, Neb., January, 25th, 1918. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. one-half block Court House. southwest of the Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Fanners this is the year and the time of the year to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I nave on hand and for sale 3000 feeding lamhs and ewes, and 5()0 cattle. Come and tnlk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. ions interested in saiu n,staic lane notlco that a petition has oeen filed for tho appointment ot Charles M. Sullivan as administrator of said Estato, which has been set for hearing on February 22, 1918, at 9 u'oloclc a m. Dated January 28, 1918. Win, H. C. WOODHURST, J29-3wks. County Judge. My best referance, I'm alwny dated ahead. M. McCLARA AUCTIONEER. Notice to Creditors. Estato No. 1525 of Henry F. Doebke, deceased in the County court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of said estato will take notlco that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estato is Juno 1st, 1918, and for settlement-of said Estato is January 28, 1919- that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on March 1, 13 IS, at 9 o'clock a. in., and on June 1, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine hear, allow, or adjust all ".laims and objections duly filed. Win. H. C. WOODHURST, J29-4wks. County Judge. L. Notice to Creditors And for hearing on Petition for Widows' Allowance. Estate No of William M. Hay Phone at my expense for dates, deceased in the County court of Lin coin Coutnty, Nebraska OGALALLA, NEB. i DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 538. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice tnat the timo limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said estate is June 8th, 1918, and for settlement of said Estate is January 28th, 1919 that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on March 8th 1918, nt 10 o'clock a. m., and on June 8th. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad Just all claims and objections dul Kliprlff'w fsnli. By virtue of an alias order of sale Hied, and for hearing upon tho Potl lHHIlttfl irillll Lllf! lIlMLriCL ltllirL IJ1 Ajlll-l vivi. v nnln Pninitv. Nfihrnslcn. unnii a tlficreol horeln. nf fnrivlnMiirp In snlil Ponrf. whnrnln Wm . H. C. AVOODHURST Anna V. Metcalf Is Plaintiff nnd Will F5 1 wks. County Judge i Outrlm et al are defendants, and to me Shcrl ffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rondered in said court wherein Louis L. Stoll Is plaintiff, and L. N. Strlttmattcr, et. al aro defendants, nnd to mo directed, I will on tho -23rd day of February, 1918 nt o clock p. m., at the east front door of the Court Hotuee In North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Intorest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: All ot sectons one (1) and three C!) in township sixteen (1G) north or rango thirty-one (31) west of the lith P. M. Dated North Platte, Neb., Jan. 19th, 1918. . A. J. SALISBURY, JShorlff. ... Vernon Castle, dancer and avluto oantalh in tho British air sorvico. was uionso success Iflltml ill lOnrlli iVurlli 'IVivim Vi-I.Iii ti Pllltto DOrt of It WI1H CilllClimfilK Tim 'inornlng whon he fell to tho ground people or this city responded nobly and J from a low holght. Captain Cnstlo,inH 11 result a goodly pllo of reading' In British sorvico, was engaged ns" a, uiatorlal will bo shippod to tho camp at) teacher in ilvlnc and hml hoim nhitlnn-i Cody. ' od hero for some timo. Ho thrilled all' Promptly at eight o'clock Saturday WE PAY TOP PRICE dally by his roinarkablo and daring feats In tho nlr and was considered among tho most eompotont officers in tho British (lying sorvico. ::o, : Fatalities In War. Now that Amorican troops aro taking FOR HIDES AND FURS. morning tho Scouts bocim to urflvo Tho town had already been districted by Scnutmastora Holman and Ohman Each pair of Scouts had ono separate street to work and after receiving in-1 structious started out, As soon as the Furs arc Big Price Brine them in, eolloctlon division was on their way .r . . . , - , , the quartemastor corps got busy and we IJUy ail MINIS OI JUUK. their plaeo In tho trenches, attention Is I son a camp was nltchod In tho rour of again directed to an Ultimate hy the, the Central building. Mr. Echolberry MvfU Plotfa Timlr Hahpq Hoeretary of .war, thajtt'Ulo lossoa up to very kindly furnished us with a largo nUtlU 1 lttllc JUHiV AlUUbc Juno 1, 1917. or tho BritlHh axpedltlon-i tent free of charge which, with thol ary forces from duolh in uotlon and assistance of an oil stovo, sheltered " from wounds nmnimtml to lint 7 unr, llin miiku tlmv nrmln1 unmlo nninns rent or im total of all nion sent to carrots and other vegetables for the Frnnco alno the beginning of the war. Mulligan stow. Tho mtloflor loss) of. till ciuuni't.u'. When twelvo-thlrty camo all tho todny, ' been.'. of Improved tactlos, Is' Scouts gathered ror dlnnor around tho less than 7 to 100 men. .open lire on which the stow und coffee o:; Wll8 cookod. They llnod un in rocular Oflicc phone 211. Res. phone 217 L. C-. DROST, Osteopathic Physlclnn. North Platte, - - Nebraska McDonald Bank Building. It is the onlnlon of tho United stuton 1 army tylo and rocelved their rations. food administration that the groas 1 Thoro was plonty of grub for all nnd maximum prollt for wholestilers in.Hoovor would have boon dollghted to Hour should not excood from 50 to 7r.,bave soon how clean tho plates were! cenU por barrel. The prollt to retail , ftw Ul ltls sot thru oatlng. The .1 .. I .. 1.. I . . I in .i. r,fiut fi flw. 1....... ' UUUIUIH in IM lKHIlH null liaoWBUh . ... umvi.u h,u,u ,wi iuii) uwyn . , ,,.,,. - mnP,niin n.i lnll Hhould not exceed from SO conts to amounted to a llttlo loss than four.,u'UI i'S'"1" iro, loriinao nnd nnii directed. 1 will on, the i 18th day of NOTICE OF DECREE OF HEIRSHIP. March, 1918, at two o clock p. m at E8tate No. 1543 of Emmoline F. tho cast front door of the court house Vaughn, deceased, In the County Court In North Platte, Lincoln County, Neb , of LJncoin County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest The heirS( creiiitors and all persons bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interested in said Estate, will tako interest and cost, tho following des- notlce that on the 7th day of February, crlbod property, to-wlt: 191S, J. A. Vaughn, a heir of sain do- Tho West Ono-half of Section Twen- ce(iont, filed his petition horeln, alleg-ty-one, in Township Sixteen, North ot lng tllnt tne saI,i Emmellno F. Vaughn Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth dle,i Restate on or about April 14, P. M. 1914, a resident of Victor County, Kan- The East One-half of Section Twen- Bn8) an,i that at tho timo of her death ty-ono in Township Sixteen, North ot sno was the owner of, or had An Range Thirty-two, west or mo aixm Estate of Inheritance In SE'i of Scc P. M.; the Northeast One-fourth ot tion 5, Township 10, North ot Range Section Twenty-nine, in Township 31, west of the Gth P. M in said Lln Sixteen. North of Range Thirty-two, coln Countv. Nebraska, and that no Wsst of the Sixth P. M.; tho Southeast tmnUcatlon has been made In the said Ono-fourth of the Southeast" Quarter state for the appointment of an ad- and the West One-half or tne bouiu- minlstrator. That sho left surviving east Quarter, all in Section 'twenty- hor J. A. Vaughn, a husband, of age, Nine, Township Sixteen, North of residing at Dorchester, Nebr.; Arthur Rango Thirty-two, west or tne jsixm Vaughn, a son, or age, residing at P. M.. and tho South hair of tho South- Lohlch. Utah: Melissa Deroinitsch, a east Ono-rourth of tho Southeast danchtor, of age, residing at Cheater, Quarter ot Section Nineteen, In. Town- Nebr,; Susio Clark, a daughter, of age, ship Sixteen, Nortn 01 iiange iiuriy- residing at ueiou, Kans.; uitnei Alien, two. West of tho Sixth P. M.; South- a dauKhtor. of age, resldiiiK at Savan- west One-fourth of Section Twenty- na, Mo.; Bessie Klrby, a daughtor. of nlno. In Township Sixteen, North ot ace. residing at Parks, Kans.; James . . . a 11 nl..M. t . 1.11 Rivntrn Tlilrtv-two. wesi 01 1110 aixiji vaiiKiin, a son, 01 age, resianiK ai P. M., all In Lincoln County, NehrnsKa. Savannn, Mo and Mllo Vaughn, a son Dated North Platte, Nob., i-'cd. a, ago tu, residing at inoviiie, in. 1918. And praying that regular adminis- fl2-mlG A. J. Salisbury, Sheriu. tration he waived and a decree e : . ontored barring creditors and nxing Notice of Petition. tho dato of her death and the degree Estate No. 1540 of Herman Koostcr, or kinship of hor heirs and the right of deceased In tho county conn 01 ran- doucont to said real estate coin County, Nebraska. Said petition will bo hoard March Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all persons in. 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m. at the offico Intorestod In said Estato tako notice of the County Judge In said county that a notltion has beon mod ror tno win. II. C. WOODHURST, appointment ot George J. Taylor uh flOmS County Judge administrator with will annexed of said Estato, which has boon set for hearing horeln on March 1, 1918, nt 9 o clock a. 111. Dated February 4th, 1918. Win. H. C. WOODHURST, F5 -3 wks. County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an alias order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree ot foreclosure In said Court wherein James A. Fike Is plaintiff and Arthur Battles, et al are defendants and to me directed I will on U10 18th day of March, 1918, at two o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and cost, the fol lowing described property, to-wlt: The West One-half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast One-fourth of the Northwest Quarter, In Section Three, In Township Fifteen, North of Range Thirty-two, west of the Gth P. M., the Southwest One-fourth and the West One-half of the North-west Quarter and the Southeast Ono-fourth of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest One-fourth of the South east Quarter, in Section Nineteen, Township Sixteen, north of Range Thirty-two, West of tho Gth P. M the South One-half of the Southwest Quar ter in Section Seventeen, and the North One-half of the Northeast Quar ter 01 aecnon mneieen, an in town ship Sixteen, North of Range Thirty two, West of the" Gth P. M., and tho North half of the Southeast Quarter and the South half of the Northeast One-fourth, and the "North half of the Southeast One-fourth of the Southeast Quarter, In section Nineteen, all in Township Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two, West of the 6th P. M all in Lincoln Couhty, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Feb. 9, 1918. F12-M16 A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. DIENEIl & KENNEDY $1.20 por barrel depending upon tho! ""ll'irs. character of sorvico porformed . whoro o: : ViiKtrlaiiK Dislike TiioIoiik. Insruance. Special Agents Globe Llfo Insurance Company Cornor Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs North Platte, Neb retailors sell in umounts loss than tin original mill pockagos, tho gioB proHt Borne.-Tho peoplo of Austrln aro i,0nn Rod 57 should not exceed 1 cent a pound ) dally showing a groator dislike Tor, t i 1 . .. 1 m a. in .... . . ' in. II . . According to iiiniuiifitM rt tlin .1. i?iii.i.,i.i ti..m.i 1 ...ijiniHk i. tihtiiu iru ill iiuitLiu wmi inn ""'" 0""l'"K, .1 .... IT I)1Mm I T.1VM ......... ....... .t iv;,iinilll IU1I1II Mll-J ilUllUJtJL ill umii)) 71G Bhlpways, of which 312 aro for woodon ships and 401 for stool con struction. Tho program calU Tor tho construction In 1918 of eight times tho tonnago dellvored In 1910, at a cost of nioro than $1,000,000 But 2,001 nion havo boon ext-mpted on 'tho ground of moral dofiuloncy. This, phrase was dollnod by tho prosld- f tint's regulation to Include vursons .-convicted and sontonced for lolonv in . any court of record . ::): - For tho serious diseases that "attack tho kidneys Prickly Ash Blttors is a remedy of morlt. It rollovos back ache, dizziness, proslstont hendacho loss of strongth nnd norvoua weak noss; symptoms which Indicate kid noy trouble. Prlco $1.25 'por bottlo.- Rlnckor nook & Drug Co,. Spoctnl Agents. i ,.. . .. . . . . 1 uiica 19 yiouriy snown 111 Hint '.IllO IahMo Star Spanglod Bonnor" was 'plavod by 1'U,U1SI a band In Budapest, In public, with it Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building nny objection being mado by tho Kovur. 1,'orth Platto, Nebraska, muni. ' Tho pooplo of Austria aro gott n? Xotlco of Final Report. moro restless each day and demons!-.1-! Rstnto No of Abblo L. Rob! tlons against continuation of tho war son, deceased, In tho County Court ot aro 10 no nonru rreoiy on an sides Tho Lincoln County, Nobraska war manufacturing plants havo been Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por crippled for wooks by strlkos and aro sons Intorosted In said Estato tako not producing up to capacity. Ro- notlco that tho Administrator has filed peated appoRls by tho government havo ft final report ot his administration not boon meeting encouragemont on and u petition for final settlement nnd part of tho poplaco, tho general feeling dlschargo as euch, which havo boon being ono of a vast country tired out sot for hearing boforo said court on witn stnro nnd ready to settle down March ID, 1318, nt 9 o'clock a. m to normal llfo. t I whon you may appear and contest tho :;o:: r 'Biuno. Miss M. Steman, stoam baths andi Datod February 13th, 1918. Swedish Massage, ladlos and gontlo- Wm. H. O. WOODHURST, men. Phone 807. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf tlflni8 County Judge, Notice of Final Report. Estato No. 14G9 of Honry J. Collag en, deceased In tho county court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho state of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estate tako notlco that the administrator has filed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement nnd discharge as such, which have been set for hearing be fore said court on March 8, 1918 at 9 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest the same. Dated February Gth. 1915. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, F12-3wks. County Judgo. Notice of Petition. Etttnto No." 1544 of Robort D Thomson, deceased In the county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nebraska, To all por- sous intoresieii in said osiaio iuks notlco that a petition has been filed for tho probate ot an Instrument purport ing to bo last will and Tostamont or said Robert D. Thomson and for np- liolntinont of Amanda M. Thomson as Executrix ot said will, which una neen sot for hearing herein on March 8th, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. 111. Dated Fobruray 8.1918. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST. FO-ml County Judgo. Notlco to Creditors. Estate No, 1524 of Carollno Franzon doccused In tho county court of Lin coin county, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors of said OBtato will tako notlco that tho timo llmltod'for presentation and filing of claims aKaliist said Estato Is Juno 15, 1918, and for settlement of said Estato Is February 6, 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on March 15, 1918, at 9 o'clock n. m.. and on Juno 15, 1918, at 9 o'ciock a. m., to recolvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. H C. WOODHURST, F 12-4w County Judgo. Notice to Contractors. Call for bids on State Aid Bridge at North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska. Soaled bids will bo recolvod until 9 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, Febr. 27th. 1918, at tho offico of tho County Clerk in Lincoln County, North Platto, Nobraska, ror tho construction ot a concrete bridge across the South Platto rlvor located approximately ono mile south of tho City of North Platto Bids will bo recolvod for tho construe tlon of: Ono reinforced concrete arch bridge composed of 10-50 feet concivi" arches with concrete piers and abutments, resting on wood piling as por plans awl spocillcatlons. Bids will bo received on the yardago basis for making fills in approaches and surfacing. All bids must bo sealed and accom panled with a cash deposit or certi fied check mado payable to tho county treasurer, LIncoun county, for tho sum or $5,000.00. All ohecks must bo certi fied to by a bank In Nebraska. Bids will bo publicly opened at tho office or tho county clork, North Platto, Nobraska, at 9 o'clock A. M. Feb. 27th, 1918. A copy or the plana and specifications nro on fllo In the office of the county clerk and tho state en gineer, and may bo had upon applica tion and payment of $5.00 at tho office or the stato englneor. Tho stato and county rosdrvo the right to reject any and all bids. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Stato Engineer A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. J25-f2G. Notice to Creditors. Estato No. 1529 of Benjamin A Dlkoman. deceased In tho county court of Lincoln county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss. Creditors of said estate will take notlco that the timo limited for j.i-esontatlon nnd' filing of claims aga'ust said estato Is Sop. 15, 1918, and for settlement ot said estato is February 8. 1919, that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on March 15, 1918. at 9 o'clock n. m.. and on Soptombor 15, 1918 at 9 o'clock a. ni. to recolve, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. "Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, F9-ni8 County Judgo. I 'M I Illll t- Of ljllIINC, Notlco In hereby Klvon that on the ICth day of January, 1918, tho countv commlBHloners of Lincoln County, Ne braska, preceeded to nmke nnd did mnke the following octlniRto of ox penseK for the year 1918. rii'iioral fund $60,000.00 nrldtre fund 40,000.00 Iload fund 40,000.00 County AKent 1,500.00 Spi-I'llll IluillllllK. N'o. 3 300.00 rrrrluet mill llrhlice DlHtrlctH OnkoocI Precinct bridge bond und InteroHt $ 7B0.0O Wrdwooil bond and interest 1,500.00 S. P. 11. bond nnd Interest.... 1,500.00 Platto bond and Intercut 1,500.00 nostwiclt bond nnd interest.. 500.00 Hundiey bond and Interest.... 500.00 Knot Plntto rroclnct bond and Interest 2,000.00 School lllxtrlclM No, 1 Honil and Interest $12,000.00 No. 7 Honrt nnd Interest.... .no, 23 nond nnd interest No. 37 IJond and Interest.... Agricultural Society No, 47 llond and Interest No. 55 llond and Interest No. G7 llond and Interest No. 98 ltoud nnd Interest No, 105 Hond and interest.... No, ill Hond and Interest,... No. 119 llond and Interest..,. No. 120 Hond and interest.... No. 122 Hond and interest..., No. 12fi Hond and Interest..,. No. 131 Hond and Interest..., No. 2fi No. 33 No. 59 . No. 60 . No. 130 1,750.00 350.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 2,500.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 2,000.00 auu.uu 300,00 200.00 E. II. SPRINGER. P. W. HEUMINQHAUSEN, S. J. KOCH. Commissioners.