THE OEM! WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. One Box Dodd's Kidney Pills Relieves Mrs. Frey's Rheumatism i'Ju.1? Frey ot Mars- I- "uttered h,m-ionar J?.?'"8 wUh th0 RKonlos of Kidney Pills and bought a box. Here Is what she writes: .'F0T Bf monh I had rheumatism. I M2.BWeI1lntr or tho ,lmbs. stiffness In the joints and cramps in tho muscloa. I suf i J5i. greatly from backache My limbs relt heavy, nnd I had a dragging- sensa tion across my loins. I had a great deal Jf pain In tho top of my head, was often plxxy and had flashes of light and float ing; specks before my eyes. I had heart nutterlngs and could not sleep well. My appetlto was fitful and I felt heavy and leepy after moals. I suffered from short ness of breath. After taking1 one box of Dodd's Kidney PUIs I was much Im proved." Mighty few people realize In time that Kidney Trouble is making Its advances upon tholr health. They put oft treat-jnent-they say. "Oh, I'll bo all right In a ay or two." And the malady tightens Its trip. Result: Brlght's Disease, hospital treatment, doctor's bllls-often death. Nebraska Directory Hooverize Tire Cost Tires are constantly advancing in prlae. It pays you to bare worn-out tires rebuilt. We rebuild -with new tread, repair weak parts and rcllne, guaranteeing you n tire that will give mileage of new tires nt halt tho cost. To rebuild, 3" tires 88.25; 3H"I0.75! 4" $14.50; 4H" $18.25: 6" 820.50. Blow out or rlmcut reDalrs onlr. nor nee. Won, 3"tlre3.00;3J4"J3.60;4" $4.00; 4j" Jl.60, (Sectional repairs guaranteed for life of tire. 4 Ane stoclcof tubes and rellnerscarrled In stock. Bellners only, cemented In 3" tires $3.50; 3MM ftl.00f 4" $4.60; 44" 65.50, 5" $0.00. We pay ex. press or parcel post one way. HART TIRE & RUBBER CO. TlltS ItEBUILDEUS 718-20 So. 16th St. Omaha, Nebrj MAGNUS0N X-RAY C(X . 390 Brandeis Theatre Blag., OMAHA Brerythlng electrical for tho PHYSICIAN, jDENTIST and HOSPITAL. Also X-Ray plates, Urns and dark room supplies. MONHEIT'S PRACTICAL WIG AND TOUPEE MAKERS ' pitabllshed 1890. Wo make everything In the Uno oi Unmnn UalrOoods. Wrltoorcallforonrprlcolliti BION1I BIT'S HAIR INDUSTRY 1511 Ilarney Stroot Ouinlia.Nob, NEW TIRES Special Low Prices VTlUle Thy Last. II SOxl Ftreston each S 0.45 tf 30zlH Firestone N. 8., each 13.4S If 10x3tt McGraw, plain, each 1.0 10 SOzSVi McOrnw. Non-Skld, each.. lt.4a 14 Mz2H Miller Non-Skld S. S each 1S.S3 11x4 Non-Skld MeQraw, each... IB. 3 11 31x4 Non-Skld McGraw, each... 19.6 Many other largrer sizes and makes at a STet saving to you. These tires are all bsw and of the best quality. Write us U C?. We pay express charges. BOYLAN TIKIS & RADIATOR REPAIR CO. 1514 DAVENPORT STRBKT, TTIONE D. 1914. OMAHA, NKB. THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Booms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents up double. CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE P BEST BUYERS-SELLERS or cattle! Uhogsasosheep STOCK YARDS-OMAHA mm Show tho pessimist a silver lining and ho will tell you It is tho cloud darkening the silver. Chronio Constipation is as dangerous at disagreeable Garfield Tea cures it. Adv. Business is n mantlo that covers a multitude of queer transactions. 1 For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Dote, Small Prico Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron in the blood, as most pale-faced people do. . PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM AtotUt preparation ot nurth ITelpi to eradicate dandruff. Forllcitoriog Color and Beauty toGrarorFsded Hair. too. and $1.00 at DrancUU. FOR C0!iGi-SSAND COLDS tako a prompt and effective remedf-ono that acta quickljr and contains no opiates. You can set such a remedy by ailclnr for P ISO'S W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 6-1918. n I KITCHEN aH I CABINC Ho la a capital!:): Who hath IiIh surplus well laid by And doth Invest Ills all for gcod; Whoso dividend returns aro suro and high, In bank of truth and brotherhood! J. 11, Ayors. GOOD THINGS IN SEASON. A sandwich filling that Is unusunl but good, Is Italian. Uoll n pound of calf's liver until tender, then while hot rub It through a sieve. Mcnsuro and mix with it three-fourths of Iho amount of stuffed olives finely chop ped. Add salt, pep per and mayon naise to moisten and spread on but tered or rye brend. Tuna Tlmbales. Melt two table spoonfuls of butter, add a fourth of a cupful of bread crumbs nnd n cupful of milk, cook five minutes, stirring con stantly. Add n pound can of tunu fish, flaked, two eggs slightly beaten, a tu blespoonful each of chopped parsley and lemon juice, a half tenspoonful of celery salt, tho same of onion juice nnd salt, nnd an eighth of n tenspoon ful of pepper. Turn into buttered cus tnrd cups nnd cook In water In n mod erate oven. Serve with tomnto sauce. Hot Chicken Sandwiches. Cook the chicken until tender In plenty of wa ter so there will be a good supply of broth. Cool, remove tire meat from tho bones and clip It Into bits with the scissors. Put tho skin nnd giblets except liver through the meat chopper nnd mix the chicken with enough stock to make tho mixture moist. Thicken tho remnlnlng stock with one and n hnlf tablespoonfuls of flour nnd cook un til smooth, senson well with salt, pep per and onion juice. For each serv ing tnke two slices of brend place n spoonful of the chicken on n slice, turn over it another slice nnd dip n India of gravy over It. Servo with potato. This will servo 15. Scalloped Peaches. Butter n bak ing dish nnd cover tho bottom with sliced penches, fresh or canned. Sprinkle with buttered cracker crumbs nnd repent until the dish is full, having the crackers on top. Pour over the Juice from the can or a sugar sirup, If fresh fruit Is used, and bnko 45 min utes In fresh fruit, 80 If canned penches. Other fruits, like pears, plums, npri cots may bo used In this wny, add ing ncld or sugar as needed to muke the dish palatable. "Conserve your food supply and win the war," All of you have read tho words before. But when you read thorn now remember you Have got your "llttlo bit" to do. Good cheer la tho every day pres cription that keeps the heart alive. MORE GOOD THINGS. A good winter relish to servo with meat is : Beet Relish. Tnke n quart each of finely chopped cooked beets, nnd cabbage, add two cupfuls of sugar, n cup ful of finely chopped celery nnd n cupful of fresh grnted horserad ish. Mix with cold vine gar and seal. Sweet Potato Pie. Pure, boll nnd mnsh three large sweet potatoes. Season with solt and beat light. Line a ens sorolo with pork sausage, put in the pototocs, cover with sausage and bake in a hot oven 30 minutes. Bake un covered tho last ten minutes. Macaroni With Kidney Beans. Cook a cupful of macaroni until soft. Heat a cupful Of milk and add to It n tnblespoonful of butter and ono of flour rubbed smooth, cook five minutes, then add" a cupful of hot, strained tomato and n pint of canned beans. Lentils With Onions. Take n cup ful of lentils soaked over night, cook In two cupfuls of vnter with n stalk of celery, a sliced carrot and two sprigs of parsley. Bemovo the sea soning and rub through a sieve, stir In a cupful of onion puree, a cupful of soft brend crumbs, salt and pepper to taste mid one beaten egg to bind the mixture. Form into cones with flour ed hands and chill for nn hour. Then dip in egg, crumbs and fry In deep fat. Serve garnished with wnter cress. Onion Loaf. Put n cupful nnd n quarter of nuts through n meat chop per. Moisten the soft part of n lonf of bread which has been finked, add the nuts, a tenspoonful of mixed .herbs, a half tenspoonful of suit, n dash of paprlku and n cupful of finely chopped onion, mix with two tnblo ispoonfuls of butter nnd half n cupful of crenm. Work with tho hands Into n loaf, put into a buttered pan nnd bake ono hour basting with butter nnd servo hot with cream eauco. Corn Parker House Rolls. Tako ono nnd a fourth cupfuls of flour, three-fourths of n cupfuj of corn men!, two tablespoonfuls of baking powder, ono-hnlf tenspoonful of snlt nnd a tablospoonful of sugnr, tho same of shortening, ono beaten egg and ono- hnlf cupful or muir. lion out n nun Inch thick, cut and fold. Bnko twenty minutes. Mm ram It Is certain tlint thr-ro Is not onoutih wheat, corn or rice In tho world to lot ono bit ho wosied In any way which wo can avoid or control.-II. I 'cover. THE DAILY PRODLEM. Whnt shall wo have for dinner? H till (lllllV lirillllnill mill lillv nlila (nll'OPil - - - (------... ...... ....j ..... IVIIIIIl helping to solve the pvob lem are always welcome Pea Griddle Cakes. Soak two cupftils t.l dried peas over night nnij cook the next day until sort and will pits, through n tho water sieve. Keep to use for soup stock! sauces or Beat two eggs, add the yollts to the puree, with ti cupful of milk, half cupful of barley Hour, u tnblespoonful of drippings, u half tenspoonful of salt, and a tea spoonful and n hnlf of baking powder Then fold the whites of the eggs ami bake on n hot griddle. Serve as n veg etuble or as n meat substitute. Fruit Pudding. Slice two quarts ol npples, mensuro ono nnd n half cup fills of sugar, half a cupful of water, three tablespoonfuls of butter, n third of n nutmeg grated, seven slices ol bread. Butter tho bread and soak Ir, tho cold water until soft. Place It hi tho bottom of n linking dish, spremj over It half of the apple and sprinkle with hnlf of tho sugar and nutmeg. He pent, pour In wnter by the spoonful, cover with a plate, and bake very slow' ly two nnd one-half hours. Servo hoj or cold. Lemon sauce goes well with this pudding. Kedgeree. Take equal pnrts of fish and rice, for ono cupful of rlco tnke two hard-cooked eggs, one tenspoonful of curry powder, two tablespoonfuls of butter, n half a tnblespoonful of cream snlt, pepper nnd cnyenne to tnstc. l'u the shredded fish, cooked rice, butter nnd white of eggs, cut fine, crenm nnd seasoning in a dish, and toss over tho fire until hot. Rub tho yolks of tho eggs through n sieve, sprinkle with tho curry, nnd servo hot. Boiled snmp, or coarse hominy Is very palatable. Soak It over night, simmer gently nil day, adding wnter ns needed. Just beforo serving add butter, cream nnd senson Ing of, salt nnd serve hot. Codfish Pie. Tnke one cupful of shredded mashed potntoes, two eggs, n hnlf cupful of milk, mix well, add ono beaten egg. Put Into a shnllow baking dish, sprend with the other egg benten lightly, then cover with buttered .crumbs, unite in a quick oven. , sup; onto n chop dish nnd servo with n garJ ulsh of parsley. Ennui la simply belnu tired of doing nothing', and bolng too tlrod to do any thing elso. COMMON VEGETABLES. We do not tiro of tho daily potato, hut wo do weary of the vegetable served In tho samo wny. Tills is true of nil of the other common vegetables. They nre served too often in the snme old way. Try boiling them for 10 or 15 minutes with tho skins on, then peel nnd put Into tho oven to bake. Every bit of such a potato will bo eaten. This method mny be vniied by bnstlng them with any sweet fat while bnklng, of course having them iu a pan In cither case. Beets when young nnd tender, tho size of n walnut, nro delicious with butter, pepper and salt, with a dash of lemon julco or vinegar. When good sized they may bo cooked, scooped out nnd used as receptacles for chopped snlad of any kind. Place on a lettuce leaf or In n nest of shredded lettuce nnd servo with n good salad dressing. Tills is a most whole-, some and nttrnctivq snlad. Turnips mny nlso he cooked and used as cups for n hot vegetable or salad filled with erenmed enrrota or potatoes nnd tjitid ns n garnish for ment they uJl tnste good an appeal to tho eye. Carrots aro very nice boiled tender and served with green peas; season with butter, pepper nnd salt and tvlth' n dash of sugnr. Sliced carrots aro good boiled until tender nnd theft nl lowed to simmer In u little sweet fat with u spoonful or two of shredded onion; salt nnd pepper to tnste, then' served around chops or stow. ' Swiss chard should bo a standby during the growing senson, nnd cnnnoif for the months when it ennnot bd grown. Tnke the white stalks, cook and servo Jn n well-sensoned whlto snuce, or mix with celery for n salad.' Tho greens uro treated In vnrlous wnys molded nnd served ns a snlad or hot with chopped, cooked egg. Tho stalks may bo cooked nnd servo ns asparagus kor in n lemon ring or n beet ring ns n snlad. trench or mnyonnnlso dressing Is appropriate for this vegetable. Corn ns pudding, corn with tomn, toes ns nn escnlloped dish, stuffed green peppers, nil lend themselves tq nn endless variety of dishes. Cooked beets shoo stringed cr Intj tlced, using tho handy little cutter, will mnko a pretty salad all by them selves If chilled nnd served In lettucq nests. FOOD CONTROLLEri OF III Food Production Should Bo In creased at All Cost. In his letter to the public on tbt 1st of Jnnunry, lion. W. J. Hnnna, Can nun's Food Controller, says: "Authoritative iuformatlon hna reached mo that food shortage In Ku rope Is terribly real, .and only tho sternest resolve on the part of the pro duccrs, nnd equally stern economies on tho pnrt of nil ns consumers, enn pos sibly save tho situation. "Franco Inst year had a crop be tween one-third nnd ouc-hnlf that of a normal year. Women did the work of draught animals In a determined effort to mnke the Impoverished soli of Frnnco produce every possible otinco of food. They now look to us to mnko up their deficiency of essential sup plies, "Tho harvest In Italy was far below normal and will require much larger supplies to feed her people until next hnrvest. "It Is Imposslblo for tho nllles to sparo mnny enrgo carriers to transport foodstuff from India, Australia, New Zealand nnd even tho Argentine Itcpub ,llc. This means that the nil led nations aro practically dependent upon North Amerlcn to supply them with tho food .which must bo forthcoming If terrlblq surrerlng is to be nvolded nnd the tight lng efficiency of tho armies maintained, "On December 1, the United States', had not n single bushel of wheat for export, after nllownnce was mnde for domestic requirements on the basis of normnl consumption, nnd tho United Stntcs Food Administration Is endcnvJ orlng to bring about n reduction of 20 per cent In homo consumption of wheat and flour. This would release 100,000,- 000 bushels for export, but the Allies will rcqulro nenrly five times thnt amount before the 1018 hnrvest. Cnnpda Is tho only country In th World, prnctlcnlly accessible to tho Ali lies under present conditions of shlp ping shortage, which has nn nctunl cx portablo surplus of wheat after allowJ nnce for normnl homo requirements The surplus today Is not more thnn 110,000,000 bushels. A reduction of 20 er cent In our normnl consumption would snvo nn nddltlonnl 10,000,000 bushels for export. The outlook for, production of food stuffs in Kuropo next year Is distinctly unfnvornble. ( "Such la tho situation grave beyond .anything thnt wo thought possible a' iew muiuiis ago. unless our peopio arc aroused to a realization of whnt tho world shortage means to us, to our soldiers and to our Allies, and of tho terrlblo possibilities which It cntntls) disaster Is inevitable. "Production, too, must bo Increased to the greatest possible extent. Pres ent war conditions demnnd extrnordlJ nary efforts, and every mnn, womun boy or girl who enn produce food has a national duty to do so. i "I am confident that when tho peopio of this country reallzo that tho food situation is of utmost gravity they will willingly adjust themselves to tho nJ cessltles of the case and make what-J ever sacrifices may bo required. Tho call which Is mado upon them Is In tho name of the Canadian soldiers at tho front, the nllled armies, nnd tho civilian populations of tho allied ua tions who have already made food sac-J rlflces to an extent llttlo realized by tho peopio of this country." Hero is nn appeal made by a mun,1 upon whom rests tho great responsible ity of assisting In providing food for the allies and the soldiers at the front, who nro lighting tho battles In mud nnd blood. It cannot lie ignored. At homo wo nro living in luxury nnd ex travagance Inclined to idleness nnd for gotfulness. This must cense. Wo must save and produce. )ur lands must ho tilled no matter wncro it may Go, fri Canadn or the United States, It Is our duty to cultlvnTc. Splendid oppor tunities In the United States nro open fof further cultivation of lands. WestJ crn Canada also offers opportunities In high producing lands nt low prices. Pqcido for yourself where you can do tho most good, on Innd In tho United Stntcs or in Canada, nnd get to work, quickly. Advertisement. His Choice. " "Is he mnklng nny special claim fol exemption?" J "No. Says he'd rather die In hattU than live tho rest of Ills life as a liar." Important to Mothers Ernmlno cnrefully every bottlo ol OASTOBIA. that famous old rmr.d for Infants and children, and seo that l( rtnnra ihn Signature Uffi&&kz in use ior uvcr uu xenrs. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoril Ice In a Mine. Ico that formed In tho winters oi tho. sixties nnd seventies. Is liel nir tinl COVnrorl hv nnn nnmrmnlna nt n..l. ' - tt ' " vu..iM.ii.u lib UUfelV ton, Pn., In running tho culm bunks' of tho region through the breakers to meet tho demnnd for antliraclto cre ated by tho war. Boston Globe. Dr. Pierce's Pellets nro best for II yor. bowels nnd stomach. Ono llttlo Pellet lor a laxative, thrco for a cathurtlc Ad. WOO tO UlO DOllflrlnn wllncn nm-im has becomo affected. German women must imv s.'tnn n pair for woolen stockings. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting JnitHra Comfort. M cent at UrnirgUti or malL Writ for Ifraa lire Hoot! HUIUNH ESK IUBIUO) CO., CmOAQU GANADA GIVES WARNING ROAD ' WLDING SAFETY FACTOR IN CONCRETE Aid Traveler at Nlnht to Keep Road and Glaring Reflections of Sur face Are Mlpslng. Any hard road Is good, any perma nent typo concrete, brick, nsphaltuin Is better. Each Individual ndvocato has his own favorable argument, so Uio concrete than says, with a good deal of truth, that "not only do con crete ronda linnnonlzo with natural surroundings, niwl blend with objects In tho lnndscape, but their light-colored surfnecs aid tho traveler nt night to keep to tho road. Slnco tho top of a concrcto pavement presents a sniidy nnd gritty surfnee, there nro no glar ing reflections of sunlight nor mirror like effects, ns nro found with mnny other types of surfnc?a when worn smooth or when wot. "Dnrk-colorcd roads, merging Into tho grass nnd foliage nt tho roadside at night, aro Indistinct, and there Is n likelihood of accidents nt curves, whereas tho light-colored surface Is distinct from the sides of tho rond. Under motor traffic tho concreto rond wny offers nn clement of snfoty, ns no matter how dark tho night tho clean, firm, light, nonskid surfneo Is clearly defined to view." ROAD DRAG MADE EFFECTIVE Directions Qlven for Constructing Im plement Weighing About 200 Pounds for Dirt Road. In response to n query as to the construction of n cheap, but effective road drag the following directions nro given : Tnko two plnnks each ten feet long, two inches thick nnd twelve inches wide, rounding both ends of one edgo In a mnnner similar to tho run ners in n sled. Tho two plnnka aro then placed on edgo nnd connected on the top by two plnnks six feet long, thus mnklng n sled ten feet long and six feet wide. Tho two runners nro ngnln connect ed by two plnnks two Inches thick nnd twelve Inches wide. These plnnks nro set on edge, tho samo ns the runners, nnd nt nn nnglo of about 45 degrees to tho runners, ns follows: On tho right sldo of tho drag start tho diagonal plank 12 Inches back of tho front, nnd connect with tho op posite runner (which will be tho left side), 5 feet back of tho front runner; then hnvo another plank of the samo Efficient Road Drag. dimensions exnetly 4 feet back of tho front diagonal plank. Bo euro to ranko nn opening in tho runners on tho left side, Immediately In front of ench diagonal plnnk, tho opening to be nbout C Inches high and 24 Inches long. In order to mnko tho drag solid nnd well braced run a 2 by 12 Inch plnnk ding onnlly ncross tho top, opposlto tha plnnks which servo ns n drag. Have nn Iron shoo nbout onc-qunrter Inch thick nnd 8 Inches wide on tho front of tho two dragging plnnks, tho bottom of tho Iron shoo to bo one-half Inch below tho runner on tho right side nnd exuetly even with tho runner on the loft side. Large holes should bo bored In front ends of tho runners In which to attach tho ropo or chain to pull tho drag. It Is well to hitch tho horsoH ns close as possible. The total weight of tho drag, under theso specifications, Is about 200 pounds nnd nn ordlnnry tenm can pull It on n dirt road, with n heavy man on, with less effort than nny other drag of the snme dimensions on tho mnrket nnd It will bo found thnt this rond lovoler will do far better work than n split-log or metal drag. PLAN COAST-MIDLAND TRAIL Promoters Propose Route From San Francisco to Washington, Via Denver to St. Louis. Tho Midland trail, a highway to ex tend from Snn Francisco to Washing ton, D. 0 is tho lntest piece of mod ern rondway to cross tho continent. Officials of tho executive commltteo named by tho promoters have circu lated n communication, with n map, showing tho states, cities and towns thnt will bo traversed by tho now rond. Leaving San Francisco, it will como to Salt Lako City, St. Louis, Louisville, Lexington, Winchester, Ash- Hand, ITuntlngton, Charleston, Rich mond nnd on to Wn8nlnBton' Peach-Treo Borer. Tho pcach-trco borer is a most de structive Insect when nllowcd to in crease for a fow years without moles tation. Like Buttermilk Bejr, After a calf leunwi to drink butter milk it docs not enro for tho Bweet milk. Plenty of Mite Powder. Don't let your supply of Insect pow der run short. Uso It regularly and liberally. "CAT1 Skinners 'X THE BEST GARGET ? CAKED HDD El ta COWS ran b oTeroorns br feeding cow tool to purlfj toe blood and appllM Dr. David Roberta BADGER BALM It? A toothing and heallDf ointment Kxcellent for fore teaU and la flamed uddera. head the Practical llnniA VAturtnkPlBn. tm free booklet on AiionTtoM lit OOwa, tf. Oarld lokirts'Tit. Co., 100 Grisa Aritut, WwkHka, WIfc Inadvertent Boasting. "Do you bcllcvo In heredity?" "Of course I do," replied tho gentle egotist. "Why, I'vo got ono of the brightest boys you ever saw." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bm Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and 4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at ycry littlo cost. Full directions for mak ing and uso como in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and docs not tub off. Adv. The Era of Censorship. "A llttlo kuowledgo Is n dangerous thing," exclaimed tho man who quotes. "Possibly," replied Senator Sorghum. "A great deal Just now depends on how you got j'our Information and what yon Intend to do with It." "Cold fn the Head" Is an acuto nttacic of Nasal Catarrh. Per sons wlio nro subject to frequent "coWa In tho haaa" will nnd thnt the use of HALL'S CATAnUH MEDICINE will build up tho System, cleanse tha Blood and ronder thorn less llablo to colds. Repeated attacks of Acuto Catarrh may lend to Chronic Catarrh. 1 1 ALL' 8 CATARRH MEDICINE is tok en Internally and nets throueli tho Blood nn the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All DrugglBts 75c. Testimonials free. $109.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. OLD-FASHIONED WIFE BEST Nat Goodwin, Who Has Had Experi ence, Furnishes Specifications for the Ideal Woman. Tho business of being a woman would bo very simple, Nnt Goodwin believes, If wo took a tip from Mrs. Antedilu vian Ancestor. That lady mado tho family cave a magnet. Within lta walls her master never know boredom. Fow neighbors could coax him forth, even for a gnmo of skullhones. nia mnto served him with beauty, wit, wis dom, comfort and what not. Every, replica of his imago was trained to ndd to tho household Interest. In short, Mr. Ancestor had n "home." "That Is nil mnn wants today," Mr. Goodwin says, "That is what ho means when ho clnmors for 'tho old-fashioned womnn.' "It bores mo to tenrs to tnlk of mat rimony," Mr. Goodwin ndded. "My nttltudo Is thnt of u confirmed pptimlst. My own record proves thnt hope conquers experience. "I am very old-fashioned In my ideas, if I havo nny. I think n woman ought to do everything sho can to jiiako herself beautiful and Intelligent, useful nnd Interesting, nnd then mnko Jicrself subservient to her home. That fs what my. mother did. I got both my Ideal and my optimism from her." A Kitchen Paradox. "Your cook Is certainly a raro one." "Yet everything sho does Is well done." . Montnnn will cxpan ia wh heat-grow Ing nren In tho spring, ML Unlike other cereals Grape-Nuts requires only about half the ordinary qua tviiiy of milk or cream Likewise because of its natural sweetness it requires no suar. Grape-Nuts the ready cooked food, is an all-round saven WMACAROHl mm mmJJk mivk "Therdsalieason" J