The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 12, 1918, Image 8

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    IHA L. HAKE, Editor nnd Publisher
Ono Year by Mull in Adrnncc. . . .81.25
One l'cnr by Carrier la Adviuico $M
Entorod nt Nortli I'lntto. Nobrnska,
Postofflco as Second Claoo Mattor.
TUESDAY, PKIIIHMltr 12, 1018.
Wo 3lust Go Down, Deep.
It 1b posslblo that tlio noxt Liberty
loan wll bo for about eight billion dol
lars, and all will bo asked for at one
time Instead of coming In a series of
drives. Should this prove true, Lin
Ono of tlio fentures Impressed upon
the county chairmen of tlio Llbory
loan committee at the meeting hold In
this olty last Thursday was that the
numos of all subscribers to the noxt
loan, together with the amount thoy
subscribed, should be published; that
no exceptions should bo mado to this
rule. This Is only fair. Tho man who
makos some sacrifice to subscrlbo for
tho bonds has a right to know, and
J should know, wether tho man wlio Is
I Hlmllarly, or better situated as he; Is
doing his slinre in tho prosecution of
tho war. In this worthy and necessary
cniiBO no ono should be so modost as
to not want his or hor namo published.
I'nsliikublo Transports.
-ffn.t..e. l.nn r,....l 4 ... 1 . n
ola coj;nty's share will be c
?"0 I" '?J,01;, Cl , , li , to a statement'made Friday
oy wiuiam l. saunuors, vico cnair
nian of the naval consulting board in
an address at a dinner of the Unt-
wc win need go down (loop in our
pockets. It Is iirobablo that tho drive
will start tho lattor part of March.
..... . . . 1 1 .1 !.
xuu Kovu.i.mL .t .,u vorslty of Pennsylvania alumni In Now
banks to subscrlbo for two billion' v. ' a,..i ...,, ....
" Geo. B. Deht,
Fliysician and Surgeon.
"Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: HuUding and Loan Uulldtn?
Phono .
0 111 cc 130
rtfsiditir' us
Mr. Saunders said that ono of
loans aro to meet tho Immediate noeds
of tho government.
i il 1 u il n .... I . Jn
77" 'uu" E"":?' V. ,." tho ships recently commandoered b
doing uuh uio uaio ui uio noun unvu roviTiimont now Hon il im AMnnMp
h?f KiVffiSS ThiSfrtffi rrtB Terms roasonable guarantee
originally intended. Those fdiort timolbo Hllnk ,)V xn1n.,in lnPm)(in... 4.;r; ru
"I can conceive of no reason why t n m l. m ii m n
i.i i.,,..,....i,. t i.i t. ...i.i.i.i.i ., F. Clnhniirfh. Worrh Plot r.
Unnl, Im ..,.( .l t 1. M,l "" nuuuiu uu willlliuill, - O '
SS Pne 201.
ty.flvo thousand dollars for tho thro, toT'tonn o our troons wh ch!
worm nauo naiiKS. xno onn::s are Umt t , k T j , , ,
given 'permission to purchase these , h , , t f t f 't(
cortillcatos in ins ailments extend ng , meter blown ln hoyr flld any(1
over a period of tun weeks, and hotwll, rnrnillr flnnt arll n , ', ..,,
flrBtJiiBtal mont was made Saturday. watorlo ,,)Ut ono.tonth oI the honov.
Tho Bfiort loans will bo repaid by tho
govornmcnt by funds realized from
the next bond sale
ThcBO eight billion dollars will
combed nlrtight colls.'
.VnimJes Trapped nt.'lfrht,
Wit 1 1 til n mniln n A rts I -t Tn maa
meet tho war reauiromonts of Uio Salurdny Pob 9mny American
Kovornmont u,nt Juno ?oth: aft0 Boldlors aro believed to have boon klll-
wiiicu it ih jiiuuaum Hiuro uuiiub imiav , . fmlr nrn tnlnulnir nml
bo sold, although by that tlmo tho:
inonoy loviod undor tho lncomo tax
will have been paid, and tho issuance
of more bonds may bo dolayed.
Tho Hob Situation.,
Farmers who luxvo boon confronted
tlio last few -wcoks with tho spectacle
of corn going up ln prico and hogn
coming dawn, should not bo unduly
phtinicd ucordlng to tho collego of
ncvlculturo. In tho frst placo tho
government hns Buccceded in keeping
tho prico of hogs abovo tho $15. GO
mark. In tho second Iplaco, It Is pro
posed to keep hog prices ipor hundred
weight equal to 13 times tho prico of
corn por bushel noxt summor. That
Blmply means that oither hogs will go
ui or corn como down. Tremendous
quantities of soft corn which aro now
in tho country may bo rendered worth
loss after a llttlo warm weather. Con
sequently tho farmor who has already
transformed his orn Into pork will
lmvo no causo tpr worry. Itight at
prosont It scorns unwlso to soil hogs,
especially bred sows.
ono was
wounded, when nn American patrol
was ambushed In No Man's Land last
night by a superior force of dormans. I
Tho spot whoro tho oncountor oc
curred is nn Isolated ono nnd reports'
concerning tho casualties inflicted by
both sides aro meager. (
Only ono Amorlcan is known to
linvn nann'nnA Mm .. n . f .t,
which was laid In front of our wires.
Tho ono survivor who crawled back
to tho American lines with a bullet In
his choat. Is unnblo to talk.
: 'o: :-
For tho serious diseases that attnr-lf
tho kidneys Prickly Ash Hitters Is a1
remedy of morlt. It rollovos back-J
ache, dizziness, proHlstont headache
loss of Btroncth and norvnun Tvonlr-1
nosB; symptoms which lndlcato kid
ney trouble. Prico $1.25 por bottle
Rlnckor Book & Drug Co., Special
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Postoflicc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement casep.
Completely equipped X-Itay
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Rcdficld, M. D. J.S.Simm$,M.D
An ordinance prohibiting tho con
struction, maintenance or use of
approach to curbinc or sidewalk frnm
To encounieo nrodtietlnn tl.nun In. 1,10 8trect to "y Brigo, livery stable.
chargo of tho pork campaign are dls-J?n ?Qmtl or,"10.r, 'K8 or
trlbutlng placards to farmers wha 1 1? ,n V1,? ty ot latto' Nobr -havo
agrood to ralso more Iiokb. Tha nn'Lpr2.vMl''lF. a. P?", thorofor.
display of one of those signs on nn' i.1'"""1 nhu uy THE MAYOR
automobiloor gatopost is nn indication ' T,r?, C0.U,NCIL f o city of North
that tho holder has ntrreoil tn lirnml 1 I5lt0.v obraskn:
boctlon 1. It 1b hereby declared to
Offlco: First-Nntlonnl Bank, Building,
that tho holder has agreed to breed
s moro sown.
Kyo Flour Not u Substjtiite.
Ostoopnth. Bolton Building:
bo unlawful for tho owner, ncrmit. nr!
person In control or any building or Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
buildings or any storage yard, within 7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black 102u
Byo Hour is not a substitute for tho cltv of North Plnttn. Mnirnnifn
wheat flour, says Administrator, construct or use any bridge or ap-1
Wattles. Tho Impression in somo nrouch
plncos seems to bo that It 1b but It la street to tho curb or sldowalk or to lay;
IIA T)t l4il l. 111 . . ..... ( -
Ilyo flour may bo sold without nlank or nthnr mni
BUbBtltuts, however. for use at any garage, livery stable,'
wholo wheat and graham Hours aro warohouso or other buildings or yards
not substitutes for wheat Hour an.l to bo uncd for travel by automobllos,
thoy, nuiBt bo sold with BUbstltuton. trucks, carrlagos, wagons or other,
;.IIowovcr, ipurchasors In buying sub- vohlclos to pass ovor from street to
curb or sldowalk.
Section 2. That any and all chan-1
CCS Uindo 111 nxlntlni nlilnwnlkti nn.1 nit
im murj- iru iiouhhb oi aviioio wneat,now HldownlkB or crossings erected
atltutos with wholo wheat or graham
flpiir must buy six-tenths as much
Hubstltutos as of wheat Hour. In short,
Office phone 241. ReB. phone 217
L . C . DROS T, .
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska
McDonald Bank Building.
Licensed Embamors
Undertakers' nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 533.
j Furs are Big Price Bring them in.
We buy ull kinds of Junk.
North Platte Junk House
Sheriff's Sale.
By vlrtuo of an alias order of sale
lssuod from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree
of foreclosure in said Court, wherein
Anna V. Motcalf is plaintiff nnd Will
Outrlm ot nl are delcndants, and to me
directed, I will on tho 18th day of
March, 1918, at two o'clock p. m., at
tho east front door of tho court house
ln North Platte, Lincoln County, Nob.,
soli at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
Interest and coat, tho following des
cribed proporty, to-wit:
Tho west One-half of Section Twen
ty-one, in Township Sixteen, North of
Range Thirty-two, Wost of tlio aixtn
P. M.
Tho East One-half of Section Twen
ty-one ln Township Sixteen, North of
Range Thirty-two, West of the Sixth
M.; - the Nortlieast une-iourin oi
Section Twenty-nine, in Township
Sixteen, North of Range Thirty-two,
West ot tho Sixth P. M.; tho Southeast
One-fourth of tho Southeast Quarter
and the West One-half of the South-
cast Quarter, all in Section Twonty
Nlnc, Township Sixteen, Nortli of
Range Thirty-two, West of tho Sixth
P. M., and tho South half of tho South
oast One-fourth of Uio Southeast
Oiinrtor of Section Nineteen, ln Town-
shin Sixteen, Nortli or Range rniriy-
two. West of the Hlxtn l'. fii.; aouin
west One-fourth of Section Twcmy
nlne. ln Township Sixteen, North of
Range Thirty-two, west ot tno bixm
P. M.. all ln Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Dated Nortli Platto, Neb., i"'eu. a,
ri2-mlG A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No, 163G of Francis E.
Snydor, deceased in tho County court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estate take
notlco that a petition has OQen filed
for tho appointment of Charles M.
Sullivan as administrator of said
Estate, which has boon sot for hoaring
on February 22, 1918, at 9 o'clock a.
Dated January 28, 1918.
J29-3wks. County Judge.
Sheriffs Snlo.'
By vlrtuo of an ordor of salo Issued
rrom tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon u decree of
forcclosuro rondorod in snld Court
wherein Nichnlas Adnmy, et ah. is
plaintiff, and Mary Adamy is defend
ant, and to mo directed, I will on tho
2nd day of March, 1918, at 2 o'clock
P. M., at the east front door of tho
Court Houso ln Nortli Platte, Lincoln
County, Nobaska, sell at Public Auc
tion to tho highest blddor for cash, to
satisfy said decroo, Interest) and
costs, tho following described proper
ty, to-wlt:
Nortli East Quarter (N. K. VI) of
section six (G), in Township sixteen
(10), North of Rango twenty-flight
(28), West of the Gth P. M., and all
of lot Flfty-slx (56) of Plutto View
Subdivision of a part of Section Three
(3) Township Thirteen (13) Rango
Thirty (30).
Dated North Platte, Neb., January.
25th, 1918.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estate No. 1525 of Henry F. Doebke.
deceased in tho County court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss; Credit
ors of said estate will take notice that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate i3
Juno 1st, 1918, nnd for settlement, of
said Estato is January 28, 1919- that
I will sit at tho county court room In
said county, on March 1, 19 IS, at 9
o'clock a. m., and on June 1, 1918, at
9 o clock a. m. to receive, oxamine,
hear, allow, or adjust all ilalma and
objections duly filed.
J29-4wks. County Judgo.
Notice of PoWlon.
Estato No. 1540 of Herman Kooster,
deceased In tho county court of Lin
coln County. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested in said Estato take notice
that a petition has been filed for the
appointment of George J. Taylor as
nilmlnlntratnr with will annexed of
said Estate, which has been set for
hoaring herein on March 1, 1918, at 9
o'clock a.m.
Dated February 4 th, 191S.
To -3 wks, County Judge
, or graham Hour purchased, six noumln
,:or eub'tituton must be, bought.
" . Ih tho Middle fVcst Awnke?
Now nnd again, ovor Blnco tlitf war
Btartad, somebody ban nrlson in ono or
another section of tho country and ac
oiucd the middle west of bolug soni
nblont or indifferent an to tho Bitun
tlon of Uio nation. Tho latOBt ot thi'Bo
IB a Chicago mini, who hi quoted in a
Tacoma papor ns saying: "In Kansas
C'lfcy, Omaha, Donvor and other places
away rrom cantonnionts nnd ship
Notlco to Creditors
And for hearing on Petition for
Widows' Allowance.
Estato No ot William M. Huy,
deceased In tho County court of Lin
coln Coumty; Nebraska;
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will take notice that
the tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
Juno 8th. 1918, and for settlement
of said Estate is January 28th, 1919;
that I will Bit at tho county court
room ln said county, on March Sth
1918, at 10 o'clock a. in., and on Juno
8th. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., to
rocnivo. oxamine. hear, allow, or ad
just all claims and objections duly
filed, nnd for hearing upon tno Peti
tion for Widow's Allowance filed
F5 4 wks. County Judgo.
with slope for driveways or other pur-
poses shall bo constructed undor the
supervision ot tho City Englneor. DIENER & KENNEDY
Section 3. Any person violating ,,, rRllln v,rn wnrnnn n.i nnii
any of tho provisions of this ordinance llcr Lsttt,' lr ' A " nnd na"
shall be punished by a fine of not to
oxeocd $25.00 and bo Imprisoned until
Insruaiice. Special Agents
Life Insurance Company.
flllO nild COStS aro Paid aild eilCll (lav rnrnnr Vmni nml rinronv Rio ITnntnlr.
thnt said approach, so constructed or pimlln t.,.i North vmUn ni
maintained Is allowod to remain aftor 11,0 0 ,CcU 7-" !iorUl 1,nt,c' Nc"
notlco from tho Stroot Commissioner! .
to romovo tho snmo shall constltuto a
Phone 308
separate offense undor this ordinance.
Soctlon 4. This ordlmuico shall
bullillni' mliintH Mm nomiin Boom in ,f. I t&lto offoct and bo 111 force from nnd
usloou." aftor Its passage, approval and pub-'
Whon this statement Is brought bo- 1,cnU(m According to law. iRomual and 2 Beltou Building
fore our busy workora thoy will ilndl VU8B0a WProvoti tins otn day or
In it cause for amusement diirine tho February, 1918.
periods of relaxation thoy allow them- HENRY WALTEMATH,
North Platto, Neuruakn.
solves from tho arduous work of nirn
plying mon and moans to carry on tho
war. To bo suro, nono of our folks
havo wasted much time hi organizing
paradoB or carrying on brass band
demonstrations of any sort. Thoy havo
not dovotod tholr onorgy to tolling ono
nimthor of tholr IntoiiBO loyalty, nor
spont much wind In ndvortlslng what
thoy havo done. They havo simply
worked, quietly, offoctlvoly and pors
Istontly, to tho ond that tho United
, States bp mado ready for tho tr.omon-j
doiiH thsk It has taken up. Nolthor
havo thoy sot up any invidious con
tracts ugalnst tholr neighbors, that
thoy might vattiglorlously boast ot
tholr own doings. But thoy nro not
.ualeop, nor unmindful ot tho common
How woll tho nilddlo west Is awaro
of tho danger may bo gathered from
tho figures on conscription given by
General Crowder. At tho tlmo of reg
istration last summor It Is shown
thnt of tho grosa quota ot mon re
quired from each titnto Illinois had
nlrondy furnished 34. C por cent in
voluntoora, Iowa 40 por cont, Nebraska
41 ipor cont and Kansas G3.1 por cont.
Thoso nro but a representative groun
of tho great agricultural emplro, nnd
? chosen for the fact that from them
" comcB tho principal part of tho food
, crops of tho country. Each ot tlieso
' states has "gone ovor tho top'1 on
Liberty bonds, nod Cross and other
subscriptions, nnd la doing zealous
work alone: all lines Buggested by tho
Kovornmont as holpful or necessary
Any man who Buys our "people aro
asleep may ho oxcused for ho docs
not know .what ho Is talking about.
Omaha Boo.
Miss M. SIcman, stoam bath's and
Swedish MaBsaKO. ladies and gontlo
mon, Phono 807. Brodbock bide. 86tf
Attost: O. H. ELDER, City Clork.
Sheep and Cattle
Formers this is the year and the
Sheriff's Sale.
By vlrtuo of an aliaa ordor of salo
lssuod from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nobrnska, upon a decree
of foruclosuro ln said Court whoroln
&SEA0J time of the year to get stock to eat
.ltrnntn.i i win M,uisM, ,iv nt up your rough feed. I have on
March, 191S, at two o'clock p. m., at hand and for snle 3000 feeding lambs
tho oast front door of tho court houso ' and ewos, and 500 cattle. Come
m North Platto, Lincoln County, No- on(l talk to me
bruakn, soil at nubile auction to tho
hlghoat blddor for cash, to satisfy
said decroo, Interest and cost, tho fol
lowing doscrlbod proporty, to-wlt'.
Tho West One-half ot tho Northwost
Quartor and tho Southeast One-fourth
ot tho NorthwcBt Quartor, In Section
Three, ih Township Fifteen, North of
M., tho Southwest Ono-fourth and tho , MV l,est referance, I m alway dated
West Ono-half ot tho North-west
Quartor nnd tho Southeast Ono-fouvth
of tho NorthwcBt Quartor and (ho
Southwest Ono-fourth of tho South
east Quartor, ln Soctlon Nlnotcm,
Township Slxteon. north of Rnniro'
Thirty-two, West of tho cth p. M tno Phone at my expense for
South Ono-half or tho Southwest Quar-1
tor in Soctlon Sovontoon, and tho OGALALLA, NEB.
North One-halt ot tho Northeast Quar.'
tor or section Nineteen, all In Town
ship Slxteon, North of Rango Thirty
two, Wost of tho Cth P. M., and tho
North half of tho Southeast Quartor
and tho SouUi half ot tho Northeast
One-fourth, and tho North half of tho
Southeast Ono-fourth of tho Southeast
Quartor, in soctlon Nineteen, all In
Township Slxteon. North ot Rango 1
Thirty-two, Wost of tho Cth P. M., all Eight years a Qovornmont Votorlnnr
m Lancoin iTounty, Nobrnska. ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
vwu nu,,u rinuo, nuu rou. , nnn.l)nlf 1,lnnW nnufhwoRt if Mm
Hospital Phono Black 633.
Houso Phono Black C33
w. t. rnrrcHARD,
Grnduato Yetorlnarlnn
A. J. Salisbury, Shorlff Court Houso.
Notlco of Petition.
Estato No. 1544 of Robert D
Thomson, deceased in tho county court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nebraska, To all per
sons Interested in said estate tano
notice that a petition has been filed for
the probate of an Instrument purport
Iiik to be last Will and Testamont or
said Robert P. Thomson and for ap
liointment of Amanda M. Thomson as
Executrix of said Will, which has been
sot for hearing herein on March 8th
1918, nt 9 o'clock a. m.-
Dated Fobruray 8,1918.
F9-ml County Judge
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1521 of Caroltno Franzon
decoasod in tho county court of Lin
ooln county, Nebrnska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said ostato will take notlco that tho
tlmo limited for presentation and fllInK
of claims against said Estate Is June
15, 1918, and for settlement of said
Estato is February G, 1919: that I will
sit at tho county court room in said
county, on March 15, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. m., and on Juno 15, 1918, nt 9 o'clock
a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
F 12-4w County Judge.
I. Benton Tavlor. ilofnndnnt. ,,.111 r.rn
notlco that on tho 0th day of Octobor,
1917, plnlntlrt nied his petition ln tha
district court of Lincoln County, N-i-
ui.ibku, ngainHi saiu tierendant, tho
Object and nravcr of which am tn fnm.
close a certain tax sale certificate dated
iNovemuer 4, ijia ror taxes ln the sum
of $19,41 for tho year 1911, on Section
i, xownsnip in, uanso 2$. Lincoln
County, Nebraska, nlso subsequent
taxes leirally levied on said lnml. n.ilil
as follows: May 1. 1913. $22.44. tax?s
for tho year 1912; May 1, 1914, $29.01,
taxes for tho year 1913; May 1. 191C,
$29.12, taxes for the year 1914; May 1,
191G, $28.97, taxes for tho year 1915;
May 1, 1917, $26.32, taxes for tho
191C. That there Is now duo on said
lion the sum of $223.83, for which sum.
with interest from this date plaintiff
prays tor a uecreo mat uerendant bo
required to pay tho same, or that uttld
nremlsos may be sold to R.iHnfv Mm
amount iounu uuo.
You nro reoulred to answnr snlrl notl
tlon on or before Monday the 25th day
ui r curuury, laiB.
uatea tins atn nay or January l!MR
A , M. DUURY, Plaintiff,
Bv A. Muldoon. Tils Attnrnpv.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Louis L. Stoll is plaintiff,
and L. N. Strlttmattor, et. al. aro
defendants, and to mo directed, I will
on tho 2,3rd day of February, 1918 at
2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door
of tho Court House in North Platte,
Lincoln County. Nebraska, sell nt
public auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said decreo, interest
and costs, the followintr desnrlhpd
property, to-wit: v.
All of sectons ono fl) and three Ctt
in township sixteen (1G) north of
range thlrty-ono (31) west of the uth
l'. al .
Dated North Platte. Neb.
A. J.
Department of the Interior.
Serial No. OfiOSn
U. S. Land Offlco at North Platte. Nobr
. . .Jan. y. l'jm
Notice Is hereby irlvnn thnt Phllln
L. Burmood. of Somerset, Nobr. who
nr... . n .... . . -r . .
uii iiiiijr in, inuuo xiomesieau en
try, No. 00085, for, N of SWH, sec
tion 15, township 10, N., ranfee 31, AV.,
Cth Principal Meridian, has nied notice
of intention to make final three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before tho nec-lstor
unu iieceiver. at iorin 1'iatte, Neor., on
uio loin uay oi ieu., mis.
claimant names as witnesses:
Perry O. Mulllkln, of Somerset, Neb
Clinton R. Solby. of Somerset, Nob.
Jay Lawyer, of Somerset, Neb.
John Pulls, of Sornorset. Neb.
J12fl5 E. J. EAMES. BeKlster
SALE Issued from the District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a de
croo of foreclosure rendered ln said
court, wherein George W. Ruff Is
Plaintiff and Alice D. Montiromerv.
William w. Montgomery and Josenh
A. Markee are defendants, nnd to me
(iirecieii, i win on tno lutn clay or Ken.,
1918, (it .2 o'clock P. M at the cast front
uoor oi me uourt nouso in North Platte
Lincoln county. Nebraska sou at nubile
auction to tho highest bidder for cash
to satisfy said decree, rendered In said
action in favor of tho plalntllff and also
tne necree rendered in ravor ot the de
fendant and cross-petitioner Joseph A,
Markee, with interest and costs, tho
following described property: Tho
North West quarter, of section twenty.
nni tno wesi nair or section twenty
nine, In township thirteen, North of
rang thirty. West of the 6th P. M and
also tho following; Commencing at
tho South East corner of section nine
teen (19). Township thirteen (13)
range thirty (30), Wost, thenco West
five chains along South line of said
soctlon; thence Novth Parallel to the
East lino of said section thirty (30)
chains, thenco East two chains: thence
North thirteen chains; thenco West
tw chains; thence North fifteen and
7-10 chains: thenco East parallel to
the South line of tho North East nuart
or (NE'4) of tho North East quarter of
section, but CO ft. South of said line
five chains to u point on the East line
of said section thenco South along East
lino or said sect on to beginning con
talning 20 3-4 acres of land Wost of tho
Cth 1. M. ln Lincoln County, Nebraska,
waied jNorin i-iaiie, isourasKa, dan
9th. 1918.
J16fl5 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff
Notice of Final Report.
Estato No. 14G9 ot Honry J. Cohag
on, deconsed In tho county court of
Lincoln county, Nohraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons lnterosted in Bald Estato tako
notlco that tho administrator has filed
a final account nnd report of his ad
ministration nnd a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such,
which havo boen sot for hearing bo
foro said court on March 8, 1918 at 9
o'clock a. m. -whon you may appear
and contest tho same.
Dated Fobruary Gth, 1918.
F12-3wks. County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
EBtato No. 1529 of Benjamin A
DIHenian. deceased ln tho county court
of Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, bs. Creditors
ot aiilil estate will take notlco that uio
time limited for presentation and fillns
of claims aga'ust said ostato Is Sop.
15, 1918, and for settlement of said
ostato Is Fobruary 8. 1919, that I will
Bit at tho county court room In said
county, on March 15, 1918. at 9 o'clock
a. m.. and on September 15, 1918 at
9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examlno,
hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and
objections duly filed.
F9-m8 County Judgo.
Notice to Contractors.
Call for bids on Stato Aid Bridge at
North Platte, Lincoln County, No
braska . .
Sealed bids will be received until
9 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, Fobr
27th, 1918, at tho offlco of tho County
Clork In Lincoln County, North Platto
Nebraska, for the construction of a
concrete bridge across the South
Platto rlvor located approximately ono
mllo south of tho City ol North Platto
Bids will bo received for tho construe
tlon of:
Ono reinforced concrete arch bridge
composed of 10-50 feet concrrto arches
with concrete piers and nbutmenta
resting on wood piling as per plans
and specifications.
Bids will bo received on tho yardage
basis for making fills in approaches
and surfacing.
All bids must be sealed and accom
panled with n cash deposit or certi
fied check mado payable to tho county
treasurer, Llncoun county, for tho sum
ot J5.000.00. All checks muat bo certi
fied to by a bank In Nebraska.
Bids will bo publicly opened nt tho
offlco of tho county clork, North Platte,
Nebraska, at 9 o'clock A. M. Feb.
27th, 1918. A copy ot the planj and
specifications are on file In tho offlco
of tho county clerk and tho stato en
glneor, and may ho had upon applica
tion nnd payment of $5.00 at the office
of the state engineer.
Tho stato and county reserve tho
right to reject any and all bids.
GEO. E. JOHNSON, Stato Engineer
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Sheriffs Snlcs
Notlco of rinnl lteport.
Estato No of Corn T-T. n
deceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested In said estato lake
notice that the adminstrntor hns filed
a final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
setttemont and discharge an snrh
which have been set for hearing before
said court on February 15, 19J8, at 9
p'clock a. m. whon you mav annnnr
and contsst tho same.
Dated Jan. 18th, 1918.
GEO. E. FRENCH, Co. Judge.
Besslo Kwrmilnr nn.l nr. .mi
defendants, will take notlco that on tho
ft ay. f October, 1917. plaintiff niod
t.s P,etUon In the district court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said
defendants and each of them, tho object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a
r. i'" "?.Hiuo. certincato dated No
vember 4, 1912. for taxes in the sum of
1UI io year lull, ,on the Soutlt
TJil ?iUrteS, (sw'4 of section nine-
teen (19 1 Toivnnliln fnnrln... M
Range twenty-eight (28). Lincoln
county. Nebrnska. also subsequent
taxes legally levied on said land,, paid
as follows: Mav l. mm ihi
for tho year 1912; May 1, 1914. $3.74,
VkYrs .for th5 year 1013 : My i. "is
ioi e ' Jo no8 !or "10 year 1914; May 1.
1916. S3. 02. tnYfH fop thn M '.n.r.
1910. .That there Is now duo on said
lien the sum of $3C.C4, for which sum.
with Interest from this dato plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendants bo
. wHu. uu iu iny uio same, or that said
premises mav bo Knl,i tn LttJr.. ii.i
amount found due.
.. ?i?,u are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday tho 25th
dav of February, 1918.
jjaicu tnis nth day of January, 1918.
n a M,', -DltUTtY, Plaintiff,
UV A. Mlllflnnn TTIo ittn.nA..
Estate No. 1534 of Mlnnlo E. House,
deceased, In tho county court of Lln-
! -uu'ii-y. jeorasKa.
ino noirs, credltois and all persons
The heirs, creditors and nil r.
sons Interested In th
m ,,.wl,U ttt.U? notice that on
the llth dav of Jnnnnrv 1010 T7",u.. nr
Garrison, an heir of said decedent Mln
nlo E. House, nied her petition herein
uiicKiuK wmi me said Minnie E.
House died intestate on or
about January lOfh. imn .. ..ui.i.,.,.
Urule County, South Dakota, nnd that
i 0 illm5 of hor "oath was the owner
yi, ui mm nn jjsiato or Inheritance in
koi!x 4u,c- c- Block thirty-nve (35) In
ijorth Platte, Town lot Company's ad
dition to North Platte. Nebraska, in
said Lincoln County, Nebraska, and that
no application has boon mado In tho
State for tho appointment of nn admin-
fitrtitni. M1 li n nk. .....
V r.. tV"- 'H1 "urviving nor
J. Eugene House, a husband, age 40,
John P.
Clark, a sister, age 41, residing nt Bra-
uy, xvob.: Emily M. Oarrlson, a sister.
a,B0 Ij4;, reqldlng at North Platte. Nob..
May Wilcox, n niece, ago 42, residing at
Snndlmns. cal.
. That, nil tho debts of said decedent
havo been paid, and praying that re
gular administration bo waived and a
donroe be entered bnrrlng creditors and
uxlng tho date of hor death and the de
gree of kinship of her heirs nnd tho
right of decent to said real ostato.
.r's'll;Lnetltlon wlu bo hoard February
15, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. at tho offlco
of tho County Judgo in snld county.
Jan 22?F12: R PRENCI1' Co- Juae-
residing at Chamberlain, So. Dakota
John 1 D. W. Lincoln, n brother, ngo 65,
rosldlng at North Platto, Neb.; Cora m!
KHtlninte of KxpeitNe.
,ot,,oe ,s. hereby given thnt on the
16th dny of January, 1918, tho county
commissioners of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, preceeded to mako and did
make the following ostimato of ex
penses for the year 191S.
Genernl fund $00,000.00
llrldgo fund 40,000.00
Hoad fund 40,000.00
County Agent 1,500.00
Spccliil Untitling,
No. 3 $ 300.00
l'recluct mid Ilrldge IllNtrlctH
Osgood Precinct bridge bond
and Interest $ 750.00
Blrdwood bond and Interest 1,500.00
S. P. B. bond and Interest..., 1,500.00
Platto bond and Interest 1,500.00
Bostwtck bond nnd interest.. 600.00
Hershey bond and Interest.... 600.00
East Plntto Precinct bond nnd
Interest 2,000.00
School IllNtrlctH
No. 1 Bond nnd Interest ,1112,000.00
No. 7 Bond and Interest 1,760.00
No. 23 Bond nnd interest,.... 350.00
No. 37 Bond and Interest,.,. 2,000.00
Agricultural Society 1,000.00
No. 47 Bond and Interest 100.00
No. 65 Bond and Interest 2,600.00
No. 67 Bond and Interest 300.00
No. 98 Bond nnd Interest 200,00
No. 106 Bond nnd Interest..., 200.00
No. Ill Bond nnd Intorest.... 200.00
No. 119 Bond nnd Interest.... 200.00
No. 120 Bond and Interest.... 100.00
No. 122 Bond and Interest.... 200.00
No. 126 Bond and Interest.... 200.00
No. 131 Bond and Interest.... 300.00
No, 26 , 300.00
No. 33 2,000.00
No. 59 300.00
No. 60 , 300.00
No. 130 200.00