The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 12, 1918, Image 6

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Ocportcd Men and Prisoners Are
Driven Into Slavery by Ger
man Authorities.
Hollander Tells How Deported Bel
Clans and French Prisoners of
War Are Compelled to Work
In Munitions Factory
In Essen.
By W. J. L. KIEHL.
(Correspondent of tho Chicago News.)
Tlio Ilngue, Holland. A Netherland
er who until four days ngo was em
ployed at Krupp's munition works in
Essen, Germany, makes the startling
enclosure that some 4,000 Hollanders
ro working ut Essen In the munition
end war material factories. Most of
these men get there through tho machi
nations of what this "escaped" Hol
lander calls "Seelencrkaufer" Cohen
tt Ossendcgncr of Rotterdam, who
eeem to act us agents for supplying
Germany with greutly needed lubor.
Eighty or ninety men n day generally
find their way across tho border by
means of their agents, lured by the
prospect of very high wages and good
food. What they And In reality and
how next to impossible It is made for
them to return to their own country
Is thus told In the Hollander's words:
No Return Pass Given.
"When this firm of agents secured
my services they did not mention war
work," ho said. "I was given to under
stand that Held labor and trade work
was required. Also I was promised
that I could return any Saturday to
Holland to stay through Sunday. The
promised wages were high and food
wns said to be plentiful. I accepted,
my pass wus ready In u few moments,
but I did not know that the signatures
and vises required for my return to
Holland had been omitted, as they al
ways are In thqjpasses given by these
agents, no doubt because they know
perfectly well that after a week In
Germany no slnglo Hollander would
over think of returning thero uftcr his
week-end In Holland.
"Soon after my entrance upon Ger
man soil nt Elten, where I found sev
eral compatriots like myself, wo wero
met by an agent from an 'arbclts bu
reau,' who secured our services for
shcllmnklng nt Krupp's by telling us
that food was good thero and wages
very high. Ho said that In other
branches of labor food wus but indif
ferent and tho wages nothing like
Krupp's, so wo men went to Essen.
How good the food wns there you can
judge of by tho fact that my weight
U-Boat Victims Lick Boats for
Moisture and Seek Death
in Sea.
Herolo Acts of Officers and Men Be
longing to All Branches of Sea
Services, Naval and
London. Much lias been written
about tho hardships endured by tho
crows of vessels sunk by German sub
marines. Hero aro somo particulars
dealing with tho plucky deeds per
formed by olllcers and men belonging
to all branches of tho sea services,
naval and mercantile.
Tho. first case Is Unit of a passenger
steamer which had been torpedoed on
a Mondny, without wurntng, as usual,
In tho Atlantic, !(20 miles from Innd.
Tho chief olllccr took charge of No.
2 lifeboat, which had on board 111 per
sons, Including two women and a baby
four mouths old.
Bad wenther prevailed all that day
nud throughout the night, Increasing
the plight of tho miserable people. Pro
visions, too, were scarco, but what ex
istcd was taken charge of by the chief
People Urged to Retain Them as
Permanent Investment.
Government Discourages Practice of
Merchants In Accepting Them in
Exchange for Merchandise.
United Stutcs treasury officials are
Becking to discourage the practice fol
lowed by many merchants throughout
the country of offering to accept Lib
erty bonds of the first and second is
sues at pur, and In soma cases at a
premium, In exchnngo for merchandise.
They hold that such practlco defeats
the primary object of tho snlo of the
bonds, discouraging the general thrift
movement and Increasing expenditures,
thus depriving tho government of la
bor and mnterlal needed for war pur
poses. "While I have no doubt that nier-
hunts uru actuated by patroltlc rao
l titf.' wild Secretary of the Treusury
was reduced by 24 pounds whllo there.
"For breakfast wo received two
slices of bread without any butter or
fat whatever. .For dinner potato soup
that left us hungry an hour nfter
eating. Then In the evening again
two slices of bread llko at breakfast.
If the Hollander felt too ill or feeble
to work the Germans simply took away
his bed from under him to make him
get up. Oh, yes, there Is u doctor, but
ho always diagnoses the untile. 'You
enn work if you don't work you won't
eat' 'nicht urbcltcu nlcth esseu,' as
wo used to put it
"The laborers arc housed by the 000
together In barracks, which are but
lnsuitlclently wnrined and imperfectly
French soldiers In the trenches made
ones nt home.
cleaned. Typhus claims mnny victims.
In the barracks whero I was housed
I found four men lying dend of typhus
beside my crib one morning. After n
few days of this sort of thing It Is not
to bo woudered nt that many Holland
ers try In every way to get back to
their country, although tho vises on
their passes aro lacking.
"If they are captured they, aro
thrown Into prison for a fortnight on
brend and water. If thoy survlvo thoy
nro then drafted back to Krupp's, and
set to work again. Production Is
pushed to the utmost. Numbers of sol-
olllccr, who doled out half a dipper
(half-pint) of water to each person
night and morning.
They had been bnrely twenty-four
hours In tho boat when the horrors of
tho situation wero added to by mad
ness. On the Tuesday the cook lost
Ills reason, nud on the Wednesday he
died. That night witnessed the Insnn
lty of tho storekeeper, who hnd to be
lashed down. On Thursday he too
died. On Friday an A. H. expired.
Water Begins to Get Low.
Tho water was now beginning to
give out and tho boat's company suf
fered from Intense thirst.
A lire-man was found dead In the
bottom of tho boat on Saturday morn
ing, and tho third-clnss pantry boy
died durlng'the day.
On Sunday the cnttlcmun tried to
Jump overboard three times, and suc
ceeded ut the fourth attempt. Tho sur
vivors wero In too feeble a state to
savo him, although they turned the
bont round and searched for him. Tho
water gave out on Sunday.
There wero occasional showers of
rain, but everything was saturated
with salt, and the little water they got
was uudrlnkablc. They licked the
woodwork, hoping to gather up the
Then thoy broke up tho wuter keg,
and licked tho inside, which they found
saturated with moisture, and delicious.
At 3 p. m. on Monday laud was sighted,
McAdoo, In a statement given out
through tho federal reserve banks, "I
am sure that they have fulled to con
sider tho effect which tho acceptance
nf their offers havu upon tho situation.
Wo aro making tho strongest effort to
have theso government bonds pur
chased for permanent Investment by
the people nt large, to bo paid for out
of the past and future savings of thoso
who buy them. Purchases thus made
not only result In providing funds for
tho uses of tho government, but they
also effect n conservation of labor nnd
"When the bonds aro exchanged for
merchandise, the primary object of
their sulo Is defeated, discouraging
thrift and Increasing expenditure. In
addition to this, such bonds, when tak
en In exchange for merchandise, must
in most cases be Immediately sold In
tho open market. This naturally tends
to depress tho market prlco of tho Is
sue and makes It less easy to sell fu
ture Issues at tho same rate."
Secretary McAdoo believes that the
merchants of the country, upon a more
careful consideration of the subject,
win discontinue meir eiioris to cii
dlers are employed us a change from
the front, niwl them' men are so afrahj
at bolne airaln pent to the front thac
they would rather work themselves Iti
death at Krupp's.
Where Deported Belgians Work.
"Deported Belgians and French prlsj
oners of war also work at KruppV;
Discipline Is strictly enforced, and anV
utterances of anti-German views nri
ut once punished.
"I got the Impression that German.
flung Itself llko mad Into munltloil
work ns Its lost cord. But row mui
terlol Is getting scarce, especially copj
ncr. In Essen nil copper faucets um
the like hud nlrcudy been rcplnced b
Iron and tin. The general Idea In Gerj
many Is that the wnr con bo prolongeij
nt the utmost for another half;
they are employing their last forceH
for n supreme effort.
"Every evening nt Krupp's nlnrms M
made 'Flleger Gemcldct' airplanes1
reported. All lights are then cxtlm
gulshed. This Is dono so that w
happy by letters from the loved
should not know when flyers renllj
came to bomburd the fuctorles. No one
Is allowed to talk of the damage donuj
by allied bombs, and the newspaper!
i i i i , ..n .... . . i
uru I'lijuuiL'u iu hi-i-ii miuucu uu UIUS
matters. Still, I can say that sum
damage has been done, although I can-)
not say how much nor exuetly where'
On the other hand," stories likely tq
stimulate tho energy of the people arej
eagerly promulgated, such as those oil
enormous submarines of drendnaughtj
type, of guns that can shoot 1)0 klloJ
meters mat aro soon to oo useu against;
tne allien armies."
but It was n long way off, and by thd
tlrao thoy drew near durkness and i
henvy northerly swell made a lundlnu
Impossible. They lny to, und durlnd
a squall their mast carried uway at th
heel, but that did not matter much, tot
It acted as a sea anchor.
At daylight on Tuesday they wer
sighted by u couple of fishing boats!
which towed them into port. The babj
lived for somo time after being lundcdj
Tho linen keeper died ns ho was belnjj
lifted from the boat. Two of the crow
refused to leave tho boat, having gon
mad. A trimmer died from gangrene
two weeks later.
The chief oillcer remarked : "I would
like to testify to the excellent bchnvlot
of the boat's crow throughout our pei
rlod of eight days' hardship and e.'t
Ltnglc, Wyo. A husband and
three sons for Uncle Sam's lib
erty forces Is tho contribution
of Mrs. John M. Bennett, of
this town.
With all the male members of
her family preparing In vnrlous
training camps for the fight for
democracy and humanity, Mrs.
Ilennett and her two young
daughters spend a great deal of
their leisure doing Red Cross
nierchnndlso and take Liberty bonds hi
paymont for It.
Setting Hen Finishes the Job
Hatching Out' Seven Little
Mrmlfrln. Ci
all christened "Jonah," because thov
spent pnrt of their prenatal period tiu
tho stomach of a rcptllo without harm
i....n,,i...... .i... i. . . i
III llll-iuavii:n Ul ihu M1UKC, Until t(
latter was unhappily cut open, are thrt
proud possession of L. D. Alford of!
. ... . i
uoiquill county.
Whllo picking cotton early this fall.1
Mr. Alford noticed n snnko lying In it
cotton row In a torpid state with Its
body considerably swollen. Kllllnu
tne hiuiku ami ciuuiik u open, Alford
f mi nd Kcvcn irulncn eccs Insliln ni u
which hnd recently been stolen from
the nest of n setting hen. Placing tho
eggs under n sotting nen it) his nearby
ham, Mr. Alford was overjoyed n few
dnvs later to find seven Httlo culnei
imtchcd out und happy.
i 1 3
i he
True bravery Is shown by perform
ing without witness what one might
be capable of doing before all the
world. La Kochefocauld.
Tho following Is a new recipe which
many mothers will enjoy making for
the kiddles.
Clover Leaves.
Take seven tn
blespoonfuls of
butterlne, or any
fat, a cupful of
sugar, n half teu
spoonful of salt,
two beaten egg
yolks, one beaten
,whlte, u half teaspoon fill of lemon
Juice and the grated peel, two cupfuls
of (lour and two tablespoonfuls of bak
ing powder. Knead lightly, roll out
innd cut with a club cutter. After ihe
jcookles ure placed In the pun, brush
'over the other egg white benten Bllght
!ly sprinkle with chopped almonds nnd
Farina Date Pudding. While eook-
,Ing fnrlnn or any of the fine cerenls,
sweeten and ndd a cupful of chopped
dates. Finish cooking, stir In a tea-
spoonful of lemon Juice nnd pour Into
n fancy mold to harden. Let stand
until firm und serve with cream and
Clam Pie. Mix two tablespoonfuls
of shortening Into a quart of flour un-
till It Is like meat, adding two table
spoonfuls of baking powder, n pinch of
salt and Ice wuter to the consistency
of pie crust. Roll out nnd bake like
in snortcalte. Split butter while not
'n It I til n mrA 1ir uu tirtst n ti il tin 111 Q
ltllS j iuu i ft till v Mimui
:Scald tho clnms in their own liquor,
strain them out and reserve them. To
(the broth add a tnblespoonful of flour
mixed with two of fat, salt and pepper
'to taste. Return the clams to the
sauce, boll up and pour over the short
cake. Oysters may be used In n simi
tar fashion.
Baked Savory Eggs. Cook In the
Shells ns mnny eggs us there ure peo
ple to serve. Prepnre rounds of toast,
gutter slightly and put on the plntter
$o be used for serving. Cut the eggs
n hnlves lengthwise, and take out tho
folks. Put two halves on each piece
)f toast. Have ready some bits of
tongue finely minced nnd cream It
Kvlth the egg yolks, season with snlt,
pepper and butter and refill each egg
white, making It round up In n small
jnnund. Huve a cupful of white snuce.
thickened nnd seasoned with tomato
ptsup. Turn this hot over the toast
around tne eggs, serve not nt once.
Many a man gets a reputation for
dignity when lie really Is suffering
-from a ntln neck.
Two or three bunches of green
onions, cooked stems and all. and
served on toast with a
rich white sauce, makes
a most tnsty dish. Ar
range as asparagus is
Sour Cream Omelet.
Separate the yolks and
whites of six eggs, add
a teaspoonful of salt
laud u llttlo pepper, bent thoroughly,
idd three-fourths of n cupful of sour
(cream and bent again. Whip the
whites stiff, fold Into tho yolk mix-
tture und pour Into the omelet pnn with
h tnblespoonful of hot fat. Cook
(gently until browned on the bottom,
jthen set In the oven to cook on top.
Fold nnd servo on n hot platter.
Chicken en Ramekins. Take a cup
ful of diced chicken, add two chopped
plmcntocs, and n cupful nnd n hnlf
of rich white sauce. Fill buttered
j-ameklns nnd cover with buttered
crumbs, plnco a whole almond In the
.center of each dish and brown In. n hot
Mary Plckfcrd's Fried Chicken
Dress nnd quarter two chickens. Rent
two eggs, adding two tenspoonfuls of
snlt nnd a few dashes of pepper. Dip
.the chlckenfirst In this, then in flour.
Melt a half cupful of sweet fat In a
hot pan nnd when sizzling hot ndd the
chicken, brown well. Slice one onion
innd sprlnklo over the chicken, then
cover tight nnd simmer for one hour.
'Rcmovo the chicken nnd add four tn
iblespoonfuls of flour, a pint each of
heavy cream nnd milk. Let It boll up
!once nnd season well. Pour over the
,'chlcken and servo or servo tho gravy
In n separate dish.
Bean Scallop. Soak a generous cup
ful of dried Lima beans over night.
Drain off this wnter In the morning,
cover with fresh water with a tea
spoonful of salt and simmer well cov
ered four hours, then add three ontnns
icut in slices and cook another hour.
(Drain off most of tho liquor, put Into
;n baking dish, turn In a can of tomn
(toes, cover tho top with buttered
'crumbs nnd bake In a moderate oven
'until the top Is well browned.
Pot Cheese With Chives Wash and
cut the chives as tine ns possible, then
mix with cottage cheese, adding cream
from tlnio to time as needed. Make
.Into bulls and turn over them n little
Bweet, thick crenm.
Krult Salad. Cut u half-pound of
mr.rahmallows Into small pieces. Cut
up a few slices of pineapple, two or
thro bananas and an apple, ull mixed
with sweetened nnd flavored whipped
cream. Garnish with cherries.
Only wlmt we have brought Into our
character during II fd can we take away
with us. Humboldt.
Light la the tank when many share
the toll. Homer.
There are many delectable pancakes
with unexpected bits of finely chopped
apple or a variety ofi
spices und finvorlng to
offer u choice to the most
exnctlng palate.
French or Jelly Pan
cakes. Beat the yolks
and whites of three eggs,
separately. To the yolk.1
add one tenspoonful of
sugar and n half tenspoonful of salt)
and a half cupful of milk. Stir In a
half cupful of sifted flour, nuothec
half cupful of milk, one tnblespoonfuj
of melted fat und lnstly the stimy
benten whites of the eggs. One less,
egg und one-hnlf n tenspoonful of bnk
Ing powder mny be used. Bnkc on a,
hot griddle, making the cukes slightly:
lnrger than usual. Spread each cakq
with Jelly and roll while hot. Place onj
a platter and sprinkle with sugar, with;
a red-hot wire toaster scorch lines onj
the sugared cakes. This gives an atj
tructlve nppearancc and n slight flavor)
of burnt sugar.
Potato Pancakes. Peel, wash and
grate the potatoes, drain and to overy;
two cupfuls nllow one beaten egg. two
tablespoonfuls of Hour and sufllclent
milk to make a stiff batter. Season,
with salt, pepper and onion juice. Cook
In n frying pnn In hot fat until well
browned on both sides. Serve with
meat and gravy.
Corn Pancakes With Tomato Sauce,
To each eupfjil of canned corn, allow
one beaten egg, a teaspoonful of melt
ed butter, salt, pepper and sufilelen
flour nnd milk to make n batter. Th
quantities differ, varying as" to thq
moisture of the corn. Fry on a hot
griddle nnd serve with hnmburg steak
and tomnto sauce. Place u round ofj
the hnmburg on each cake cover with
tomato snuce and serve.
iaycr r'ancaKes. uix two wein
beaten eggs with two cupfuls of milk
nnd add gradually sufllclent flour nnd
milk to mnke a bntter. Add a half tea-
spoonful ench of snlt nnd baking pow
der Just before starting to bake tho
i cukes. Make the cakes the size of a
dessert plate and spread with butter
and maple sugar. Keep hot until five
are rendy. Arrange like a layer cake
and cut In wedge-shaped pieces when
serving. With ten or cocon this mnkes
a nice luncheon dish.
A true diplomat can say something
pleasant to u collector, even though i
he hopes never to see him again.
The following dishes will be found,
mnny of them rnther unusunl, but
y worthy a place
among the good.
Potato Nut Cro.
quettes. Mix to
gether In one dish
two cupfuls ofi
sweet potatoes
cooked nnd mnsh-
ed with hnlf n
cupful of fresh chopped cocouut. In
another dish mix n cupful of mashed
white potatoes with three tablespoon
fuls of finely chopped blanched nl
monds. Sepnrato the yolks and whites
of two eggs, bent the yolks slightly,
Form the white potato mixture Into;
smnll balls using the whites of the,
eggs, dust with white pepper. Roll the1
sweet potato mixture moistened with)
egg yolks around the white bnlls, form
Ing them with tho hands; dust with
pn;irlka and roll In finely minced par
sley. Fry In deep fat. Drain nnd pn
per and serve hot.
East India Meat Balls. Chop n
pound of raw beef, two stalks of eel
ery. one smnll onion, a tnblespoonful
of finely chopped parsley, a teaspoon
ful of curry powder, two eggs, n half,
cupful of boiled lice, salt and cayenne
pepper to tnste. Mnke Into balls and
cook In deep fat. Serve with a border
of cooked rice and pour over all
highly seasoned tomnto sauce.
Piquant Cheese Sandwiches. Beat
three eggs, and n cupful of sweet or
sour erenm. a tnuiespoonnil of sweet
fat, a tablespoonful of sugnr, a llttlt
nayenne and a teaspoonful of mus
tnrd. Cook over boiling wnter until
thick. Heat three tablespoonfuls of
mild vinegar and ndd It to tho cream
mixture, Cook n minute then ndd n
pound nnd u half of rich cheese and
four tnblespoonfuls of finely chopped
green or red peppers with u tenspoon
ful of snlt. Just let the cheese melt.
This mnkes dressing enough to sprnd
several dozen sandwiches.
Pottage. Chop four small onions
nnd cook In two tnblespoonfuls of fat
until soft nnd yellow. Add n enn of
red kidney beans, u enn of tomatoes,
simmer until soft enough to force
through a sieve nnd when ready to
servo add a pinch of soda und thin
with hot milk. Senson well with snlt
and pepper.
Rnunnas browned in n little hot fnt,
or cooked until well hinted, then serveil
as a vegetable with steak, mnkes n
most tjtsty dish,
One of the Best Ever Harvested".
The cereal crop of Western Canada
for 1017 was the most valuable ont
ever hnrvcBtcd; tho returns from flH
classes of live stock have been equally
satisfactory. The wool" clip wns aot
only greater than In any previous year,
but the price obtained was double tbat
of 1010, which In turn was almost
double that of the year before..
As was tho case in 1015 and 1016,
many farmers were able to pay tor
their land outright with the proceeds
of their first year's crop. Further evi
dence of the prosperity of Western
Canada Is shown by tbo fact tbat on
In every twenty of the population t
now the owner of an automobile. If
the farming community alone Is taken,
It will be found that the proportion of
automobile owners Is still greater. The
bank clearings of the leading cities .of
Western Canada were consistently
higher than they were In the corre
sponding periods of 1010, and then they
were higher than tho year preceding.
In Winnipeg $500,000,000 more wa
cl"ued In the 11 months ending No
vember SO than in the same months a
year ago.
The entry of the United States into-
the wnr has strengthened tho bonds
between that ccuntry and Canndn. We
are now working together for the-
same ends. TJ ose wuo are not fighting
are promoting n grcnter production of
foodstuffs. In this connection Western
Cnnada offers n wonderful opportu
nity. Not only can larger quantities
of staple foodstuffs be produced, but
the cost of production is lower and th
remuneration grenter thun where Innd
Is more expensive. Notwithstanding
the fact that the price of fnrm prod
ucts has doubled during the past three
years, there are millions of acres of
arnble land In Western Cnnada which.
can still be bought at a low price.
Western Canada has un enormous-
acreage prepared for seeding to wheat
in 1018. It Is larger than in 1017, and'
will probably surpass the record area
put into crop in the year 1015, when
tile largest crop ever known in the
West was harvested. The year 101&
should also sec a further increase la
live stock activity.
Farmers hnvo been investing consid
erable sums in cnttle; tho high prlcet
secured for wool nnd mutton hnvr
opened the eyes of Western farmers tc
the possibilities of sheep, and such wni
the demund for breeding animals last
fall that It was impossible to meet It
adequately; the campaign for greater
hog production is expected to yield ns
Increase of between 25 and 50 per cent
In 1018.
Those who are contemplating coming
to Western Cnnada cannot do better
than come early lu tho spring when
they can put In n crop and harvest it
In the fall. In this way they will be
uble to achieve something thnt wll)
not only be of great benefit to them
selves, but nlso to the great cause for
which the Allies, Including the United
States, are now fighting. Advertise
ment An Apt Student.
A young woman who went to Colum
bia to take her degree of doctor of
philosophy married her professor Id
tho middle of her second year. When
she announced her engagement one of
her friends said :
"But, Edith, I thought you enme up
here to get your Ph-D."
"So I did," replied Edith ; "but I had
no Idea I would get him so soon."
To keep clean nnd healthy take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Enough to Know.
"Docs he know anything about
"Everything he never plays."
Buffalo Express.
For Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples nnd blockheads
smear them with Cutlcura OintmeuL
Wash off In five minutes with Cutlcura
Soap and hot wnter. For free samples,
address "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston."
At druggists and by mall. Soap 25,
Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
The Narrow Mind.
A narrow mind will not ndmlre,
neither will n conceited one. Madame
Don't be ashamed to wear your old
clothes until you cun afford to pay for
new ones.
ITappy is the home where Red Cros
Hall Blue is used. Sure to pleaie. AD
crocers, Adv.
Proving It.
"Juhho Is a man of great promise."
"Um I So, he's been borrowing from
you, too."
Coated tongue, vertigo and consti
pation nro relieved by Garfield Tea.
Adv. 2
Hot Water.
"Bllggltis Is always getting Into hot
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "He
is so cold-blooui'd 1 suppose It Is a.
kind of relief."
f?J!..i2 Murlns Is for Tired Eyes.
I fclGVieS Red Eye Sora Eye I
g annotated Hyelldt. Utnu S
Uefretbea lienor t. Murine U Fat orlta 3.
Treatment for Hjei that () dry and smart. '
5 (Jteyoor Hyu aa much or your loTlna care s
a MyonrTeetn and with tbeaamo reiuurlty.
3 Sold at Drug and Optical Htorei or by MalL
I ilk Hartal E;i lite Cg, Chlcija, tor Fri Book S